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kek fucked that link up…


Have to burn it down now, can't get rid of that smell.

The dark countries are poor countries, the white countries are the rich ones.

Obama lost the election and now he's going full blackjack and hookers on his way out.

Where's king nigger?

what the fuck Obama

Holy shit, Obongo. What are you doing?

This is so offensive and insane it's looped back around into absurdist comedy.

get those monkeys out of the white house

I am fucking dying at this shit.
I'm certain this is what George Washington had in mind.

Am I the only one whose hoping for those speakers to topple and crush a bunch of them?
Baptism by blood before Trump takes office.

Jackson would have beaten them all to death with the audio equipment and then hung the bodies with the cables.

What is it with the dark purple?

It’s nothing, goyim.

I'm too white to know what "swag surfin" is, but I don't like it in the white house, disgusting.

Looks like that was a BET party that King Nigger threw at the white house back on 10/21.

Tip Top Kek


Cool down Moonman, they were just having some fun.

go back to cuckchan

go play with a knife jamal

I hope it burns down with all these losers inside. We can rebuild and fast.

Obama started playing that Saints Row game wher e you become president so he could pretend he has some power


rare dubs deserve a rare pepe

Well this explains why Trump wants to live in Trump tower.


So the fag flag lights and giant menorah weren't enough. How progressive.

Biggest joke of a leader I've ever seen and that's with Trudeau still around.

Every single time civil war soon.

I hate niggers.

We sure can.

62 days, nigger


You should let us leafs burn it down again.

Trump can't get there soon enough

Only if you give the new one a fresh piney scent.



Under budget and ahead of schedule.

Quick OC

How can people not see that this thing is male?

Can you imagine what the founding fathers, or any of our people from before 1980, would say if they saw this video? What the fuck have we done?


needs to slowly pan in and get distorted for brief periods of time


We killed ourselves with nihilism and christian morality

Which part?


a bit after the face appears


Someone should replace whatever the fuck they're "dancing" to.
With country music.
Spread it on Chimpbook or whatever.

They would have amended the constitution to disbar negroes from becoming President.

Consider it done.

that was pretty goo

Replace it with African jungle narrative from Mutual of Omaha

Even the highest tier of blacks are still niggers. Hopefully we can have balls like this once Trump is in there.

Check out 1:45. The pozzed decline is already setting in.


Like this?

January 20th is right around the corner, niggers.

tick tock tick tock

johnny reb is perfect

Yep sounds about right.

Also was looking for that webm where the guy looks into the future with a time machine and it is cuts to like Detroit or something.



Ah too late.


I fucking hate niggers
I hate them and their fucking simpleminded "music" that's just a bunch of drums and kicks, and some nog slurring ebonics into a microphone.

Hitler was right to ban jazz and swing; look how far we've let nigger culture degrade western culture as a whole.


Good, but very very depressing. This nigger can't leave the house enough.

His presidency has disgraced this country forever.

Implying KN's pussy would take frau's MASSIVE Cock

checked and saved

Not a fan of how it turned out, but here.

top kek.
Johnny rebel is irl moonman.

dude i love it, i think the last bit kills it but other than that nice

Moonman would be the most fitting to put over it.


I wonder how much tax money was spent on that party.

Enjoy your last moments, Obama.

That's worse than I could've imagined.

I even found some letters he could use:

Obama's whore daughter is probably in the middle getting gang banged.


Daily reminder that she's doing an apprenticeship under Lena "Sister fister" Dunham.

They may be related

I always wondered.
If Michele Obama is a tranny, who is the mother?

It's not. That's how black women look.

The movie Idiocracy turned out to be a prognosis instead of a comedy.

Barack. Two trannies can have a child. As long as one is mtf and one ftm.


DELETE THIS, forgot to do -shortest

Supposedly, Andrew Jackson trashed the White House with a huge rager on his inauguration day, although that might be a kike media lie.

Since when did the white house become the trap house?

When "Michelle" moved in.

What about him?


*stops to breathe*

refreshing sight

Jesus christ I hate niggers so fucking much. This idiocy happening in the fucking white house is a fucking joke.

Pretty sure right after his election i saw a joke image that depicted this very fucking thing

Woah, reel that in a bit. Upside, it gave us Metal. Who doesn't love Metal?

cancuck pls go

No, they don't.


but swing music is great, what the hell are you talking about?
especially when its electroswing

These niggers have the audacity to try and say that Trump isn't presidential material when we have this shit going on in the White House?

Anyone that doesn't advocate for nigger genocide after this webm should be shot.

Especially when it isn't contaminated by furryshit.

I was going to post the live performance, but I thought the sound quality was lacking.

Is this the White House or the monkey house?

My God what a face. This picture related isn't a shop it's a blow up from the article.




The pieces are all coming together.

That's disgraceful. Never let it out of your mind that there are no "good ones". All niggers are niggers. The White House has been tainted by those apes. Fumigation and fire are the only things that will clean that place. No wonder Trump plans to spend most of his time at Trump Towers.

What ever sex it is, it sure is ugly.


Supposedly true.
He threw a raging party and had to tempt the revelers out of the white house and onto its lawn with tubs of whiskey.
Because the party went on for days and he needed to get to the business of running the nation.

Jacksons life and presidency were crazy in general though.
He dumped a fuckton of cheese on the white house lawn once too. Donating it to everyone who fancied some. So long as they brought their own cutlery.


You can take the negro out of Apefrica, but you can't take the ape out of the negro.

Why are those nogs appropriating white stereo equipment and mixers? That's white technology.

They're adopted. That's why they don't give a fuck that their kids are smoking reefer, twerking, and letting Lena Dunham use her strap-on on them.


This act was forever known as "The Constipation Proclamation."

He's a nigger.

What is with the nigger head in the background?

I don't even need to tell you, you have to go back right Carlos?


You will roast in hell with all your kind.

Activatuh and cocoa buttuh

I married a white woman to stay in the country. My brothers are all greencard with envy.


What the fuck did I just watch?

That's not the weirdest thing.
The cheese was a gift, I forget who from. But he had it for ages before his wife told him to get rid of it cos it stank. On account of being cheese.

to be fair with the exception of the dyke-on-dyke pegging you just described the majority of nigger households.

He can't dance for shit

I know. My fault for expecting more from a fucking president.

Aren't you going to tell me to go back?

Do I need to?
You know what will happen if you don't.

I like you.

I thought wealthy people went to Vienna to watch opera and listen the top of line orchestras play classical music. What in the fuck? Even the rich act like niggers and have pleb taste. I didn't think it was possible to be disappointed by a bunch of faggot jews but I am.


I've watched like 5 times already and I can't believe THIS has happened in the White House of all places LMAO

Probably the most based president ever.

They are gonna steal shit. Hope someone took inventory and kept it safe from an accidental shredding, etc.

All the furniture and drapes will have to be burned to get the nog-oil smell out.

That looks like a man.

and to think niggers take credit for jazz… this is basic nursery school level rhyming and timing, along with a fucking two-step nigger beat

Am I a degenerate if malia makes my wee wee hard?


Christian Bale really let himself go for the role in his upcoming film.

Yes. On many, many levels.

that's just a good fucking song

Bourgeois rich have always had shit taste. Opera and the like were for the nobility, who are now mostly dead


I know that feeling bro

How the fuck can the US still warrant respect? The Ape king and his kike crew has turned the nation into a fucking banana republic that is more surreal than any bullshit Pedowood shits out nowadays.

Jazz and swing didn't do that, metal has its roots in blues, and barely even then
The entire metal scene is way too fucking liberal and needs to be burned to the ground I still love metal though

Trump will never be able to remove that stench.

Sun Tzu says: Go in like a faggot, might as well go out like a faggot.

Depends, is water still wet?




The Jews have always loved blacks for some reason. The Communists back in Russia bought over some blacks for the novelty value.

Probably because if they can degrade whites to the blacks level, they feel they win.

Carlos is lucky Sam Hyde hasn't noticed him.

wtf is he ok

That's what I imagined niggers in the White House being like.

did you guys know that there was a winston churchill bust in the white house gifted to truman or maybe eisenhower i cant remember which prez. but anyway Obama sent it back when he took office, because its probably rasis-

Churchill was a traitor

Churchill was a monster


If they leave the windows open with screens, it should almost be ready for when President Pence takes charge.

Moonman first person shooter when

I hate the man, which makes it doubly painful when I have to hear how great he was.


Johnny Rebel had a pretty funny interview with (((Howard Stern)))

we're onto you "michelle"!

That's because it is.

If there's a more pleasurable Holla Forums activity than Carlosposting, I haven't found it.

I guess you could say I'm

Will Trump have a Rebel concert in the White House?

And not a single individual in that audience can remotely be identified.

How long before furniture starts floating away?

trips confirm

obviously trying to hide a transpenis that fell out of its holder during parts of that

That's an unkind assumption, user. It could just be the strap-on Ellen asked her to wear.

Oh, fuck. I forgot about that.


lol awesome

/po/, the only place you can deal with the ridiculous bullshit coming out in our world with some grade A trolling as a response.




This is like a fucking parody video.
Some of the most powerful and intelligent men in history have walked those halls. Those niggers decided to have a fucking rap concert. I know it's not the first time, but actually seeing it causes me to feel nothing but absolute revulsion.

Holy shit. Chris Chan was right. They did paint the White House black.

That's a funny way to spell George Clinton.