The spyware NSA communist cancer that is Discord replaced IRC only because spergs decided to make IRC as un-user friendly as possible.
Thank you spergs.
The spyware NSA communist cancer that is Discord replaced IRC only because spergs decided to make IRC as un-user friendly as possible.
Thank you spergs.
Other urls found in this thread:
The autism requires is a shit filter. You don’t want normies in your group anyway.
IRC should have died in 1999 tbh.
What is un-user friendly about IRC? You can use any client you want. It's a completely open protocol and you can just run your own ircd if you don't trust a server.
Discord is botnet.
IRC works fine if you're not retarded.
Sorry retard.
The NSA is capitalist, retard.
What about Riot?
The fact that you need a bouncer / run your client on a vps / never turn off your computer if you don't want to miss messages.
The NSA has access to important internet hubs and sniffs out interesting data.
- IRC is easily detectable.
- You may use use SSL, but others on the IRC channels you frequent don't. Combine that with time corelation analysis and you can easily identify which username belongs to whom
- connections between IRC servers may be unencrypted
- People keep roughly the same usernames over years
- All the world's IRC traffic is likely only a few GB per day
- it's information density is high though
- Storage is fucking cheap.
IRC needs to die. And Discord and Slack and all other centralized web services from Burgerland are honeypots, so don't use them either.
the NSA is a national organization payed for by redistributed wealth from taxpayers, its communist by default
Not using XMPP + OTR (or irc + OTR)
Some servers let you set a flag on your channel to require SSL.
not using ICQ
America was a mistake.
Day of tox popularity when?
Is it even free software? Does it run on a centralized server? I would read their about page, but that also doesn't work with JS disabled (and the actual chat page is blank white).
If that was what communism meant, why would anyone ever support it?
If that was what communism meant, why was it synonymous with anarchism and libertarianism for so long?
According to what its supporters claim, communism is an economic and political system based around the concept of commune - "commune" + "ism". A commune is a unit of organization based around a principle summed up as "all is for all" (anarchists) or "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" (Marxists), as maintained by free association and lack of guidance other than "humans need things, therefore they will make them at a minimal cost by working together", as expected per evolution in all species because outright competition isn't beneficial in most circumstances (principle of mutual aid).
It can be found in various forms - primitive societies such as the Iroquois, constituent parts of developed societies in conditions not favorable to typical organizational forms (fraternity societies in the Great Depression, pre-Bolshevik soviets in Russia, etc), or spaces of interaction where legal forms simply haven't arisen yet (free software).
If you want to say state-run, why not say state-run? If you want to say taxpayer-funded, why not say taxpayer-funded?
According to your redundant and thought-restricting definitions, I (a libertarian communist) shouldn't even exist.
IRC was already dead when AOL allowed its users to access it and MIRC came out. You probably didn't get to experience this, but it was the most shocking Eternal September I've ever seen. I used to chat with kernel devs, demoscene coders and musicians, network operators at NANOG, and generally just really skilled and important people, and then suddenly it was this massive tidal wave of normalfaggotry that just wiped all that out. The geniuses bailed out and it was just absolute cancer from then on. You'll never know what you lost.
Not the person you're replying to, but Riot is free software. Apache 2.0 license. It's just a fancy Matrix client.
Also, what's the general consensus on Jitsi?
Only normies use discord. The IRC community is still strong.
If a community migrated, that community was cancer to begin with.
not big surprise
You got that bit right anyway
Go back home. Free BJs!
Go home and free willy!
make something better tbh
All the IRC software
- shitty user interfaces
- shitty proxy support
- OTP is not supported half ot the clients
- have you tried set-up a server properly?
The IRC protocol
- no video, no audio, file transfer sucks, not extensible
- no history or offline messages
- nickname registration requires e-mail address
- one account is not enought, you need to register on all the different servers to prevent impersonation
- no mandatory encryption between the server and the clients (even Discord is better than IRC in this regard)
- you have to convince everyone to join your server, and convince them to trust your server (good luck with the second one user)
I totally agree. XMPP is better than IRC in every possible way.
Dozens of chat programs have come and gone over the past couple decades, but irc still remains. Maybe you don't like it, but that doesn't mean nobody else does. It would have been dead long ago if that was the case.
Do you know how I know you haven't read RFC 1459?
You're missing the most important part: end-to-end encryption
>not using obscure social network
gee i wonder why
Line or BTFO
It's not too late to fix it.
This! In fact I think Holla Forums should lose it more, then we can jettison the dumb posters we have.
Great plan retard.
I want newfags to leave.
That sounds like a good thing to me.
If IRC had voice chat, image hosting, and mobile integration, then yeah it would be fine.
Fortunately, 99.9% of the world's population appreciate message history and offline messaging
Does the 99.9% of the world also recognize that, aside from non-profits ran by volunteers that state otherwise, if you don't pay for the servers - you are the product? There are no free gibs, even on the Internet.
this guy right here
They aren't really comparable since Discord has more features and is gayming oriented. Having said that, we really need an alternative to it, because muh freedoms.
There are literally dozens of apps for IRC.
I will happily be the product in return for being able to recieve messaqges at any time without having to leave my computer on
Actually you can have a local history, just by telling your client to log. That option has been in irc clients for decades.
As for offline, well that's not in the scope of irc. Some people just run bots and let them idle and all messages get saved. It's not rocket science, and in fact irc scripting is how a whole lot of n00bs got into programming. Now you don't even have to write your own scripts, there's tons of them.
I know. That's why I don't use it for anything more than asking questions on #go-nuts.
What about offering the middle ground? Fully configured server software that can be plopped into any VPS of your choosing or simply renting a prebuilt one. Doesn't have to be the only option, but if this were in Discord, I'd actually use it.
Well you're wrong about that. People use it to just shoot the shit or chat about some hobby, especially some gaming communities. Also people run file-sharing bots. And channel bots too, that do various things. Some even act as gateways to interface with web, mail, or other stuff. Often bot is hosted on server shell account instead of their desktop, so it stays running all the time.
That's just your opinion.
You can always make your own client with pointy-clicky and image fetching built in. It's a completely open protocol.
Why do I want rando binary files being sent to my computer? Or CIAniggers spamming CP? And if I wanted to do those things why not just use an imageboard?
If you need it then learn how to use gnu-screen or run a bouncer.
Only namefags care about the special snowflake version of their nick.
Do you use facebook or twitter to log in to different sites? (((Single sign in)))?
Better networks make a mask based on your domain name. If you wanted to impersonate me you would have to also get on my subnet. And if I was doing something so sekrit that people would bother I wouldn't be using any chat client.
There are servers/networks that require ssl. That is the admin's choice.
How do you know your proprietary software is implementing the encryption correctly? Or its not back doored?
10,000 meme proprietary do-everything chat platforms like discord have come and gone in the 30 years since IRC was created. It lives on because IT IS so simple and open.
I first started using IRC in 2004 when I was twelve. mIRC was my client of choice because it was the one my brother used to chat with his Quake clan. Monkey see, monkey do, I guess. RIP #svencoop on
What's un-user friendly about IRC?
consumers however don't use computers,
they consume them like everything else
I am afraid you have autism, user.
Yeah, why would you ever want real time voice chat. Just upload your voice clips to Vocaroo or something whenever you want to send your best mouthbreaths to your friends.
>muh CP CIAnigger (((cuckity cucking cuck)))
What does that even have to do eith anything.
History? Why would you want that? Just have a service listening 24/7 to updates like any reasonable human being,
>Do you use facebook or twitter to log in to different sites? (((Single sign in)))?
I am afraid you not only have autism, but also you have no idea about cryptography and signatures.
IRC is good for what it is, but it's not up to modern capabilities and standards.
[citation needed]
any IRC client is more user friendly than Discord's trash
Use XMPP, dumbos. It's specifically designed for all your autismo needs and has superior cryptography support.
It just fucking werks and all modern (((messengers))) are basically XMPP copycats, they don't even hide it.
Fuck all that XML shit tbh.
insightful post
IRC "died" because of elitism
This id stupid, irc will outlive discord and all other Web 2.0 shits.
The server that is hosting the #templeos channel has over 15K users. 82 users in the channel itself.
irc is totally dead goys. Time to get on the discord train!
Spergs don't sperg people. only retards sperg people
Like many pieces of modern technology, Discord is a filter. It filters people like you into a containment zone so you don't tread pig shit in all over our nice rugs. Go back to filming your youtube instructional videos on how to write Unity game tools in Rust.
They trashed the shit out of Usenet too, they wish to destroy everything they can't control.
Thankfully Usenet is back on the menu, the shills seem to be stuck to their few boards and botposts there.