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Good people those Fords
He's not even fucking president yet.
Trump won't be able to keep things in America because no business will listen because racist my feelings progress muthafucka ~ Most nervous man ever to live, seconds before his being wrong once again prompted suicide by RWDS
Based Fords
That's what make Trump so great. He command respect and action unlike limp wristed fruit Obama.
He's not even in his final form and we keep winning, holy shit.
not even in the White House and he's already making these fucks stay in the US
I bet this is the only 'keeping this factory in America' promise he is able to keep.
But they will shill this one to the media over and over again to make people think he's actually delivering.
Probably planned from the get go. He did call Bill Ford his friend after all.
Reported for not even trying to hide your mental illness.
I can't take all this fucking winning, tell him he has to stop winning!
Ford FAR from based now user. They had to start "the Ford Foundation" which just gives payoffs to niggers and Jews to keep them from screeching about Henry Sr. for being one of the great Jew namers of all times.
Also, this is EXACTLY what Trump predicted would begin happening with companies thinking of moving to Mexico. Fucking peso is at lowest level since 1994, and the MExican National Bank just had to fuck with interest rates to try to stabilize. If it keeps up, the fuckers may very wall call and agree to pay for wall if Trump agrees not to confiscate the $35 billion in remittances the parasites send back every year (and the real number probably at least 2x that).
Man, you'll just spin anything, huh? Try to stop being such a faggot.
Reported for shilling. Commit suicide you traitorous kike.
Eat me Trumpettes. He is filling his cabinet with the very establishment cretins he vowed to kick out.
He has betrayed all those who supported him and its only his most loyal sycophants here and on leddit who still love him.
We need someone else.
Impressive. I expect very little coverage of this from the judenpresse.
He's not even president and he's already changing the world.
Ok, but what about the rest of the manufacturing they're doing outside the country? Does he think we're going to forget about that?
He says, not even being good at shilling.
Christ lad show yourself the first iota of self-respect you've ever had and kill yourself.
at least try to make the shilling humorous
Calm down Schlomo, he was elected less than 10 days ago.
After 8 years of Obongo, I can barely believe I'm seeing this.
Hes not even president yet, fam.
media still doesnt understand why he won and will keep winning
This is what it looks like when Americans work together for the befit of other Americans.
Positively beautiful.
The thing is if he gets his tax cuts and repatriation rates he won't have to "force" these companies to do anything, they will WANT to come back.
I almost told you to go, but then I realized it was bait. You can stay.
For fucks sake
The Kentucky factory is a new factory while the one that's shutting down and moving to Mexico is from Michigan.
I'm not complaining about Trump. I'm saying this faggot CEO or whatever is only doing this to make the American people think Ford is doing what Trump wants.
Big fucking deal. They decided to keep a factory here that is already here.
FUCK YOU LIBERTARIANS and fuck you globalist Rand Paul
fuck off, it means people keep their jobs. you people have to be such pessimists?
I grew up in metro Detroit in the 90s. Everyone—not just the line workers—were living in fear of factories closing. If keeping plants in a major city like Detroit is a big deal, it's even bigger for smaller towns in Kentucky, you gay fucking niggerfaggot.
Filter and report, user. These shills aren't even trying anymore.
Reminder to filter shills. It's going to happen every time we keep winning.
Ahead of schedule and under budget
I don't give a shit if you report me. I talk with the mods on irc all the time and they agree with me 100%.
They prefer the term Trumptards, but the general opinion of the situation regarding his worship on this board is the same.
It's only a matter of time before you faggots get permabanned.
That one is next.
How do you manage to do this with your tongue so far up their assholes?
I talk with them myself, and can confirm you're just shitposting Holla Forums. Lurk moar on IRC before trying again.
Sending my condolences to Mark
Trump just offered Michael "Mad Dog" Flynn the post of National Security Adviser you faggot.
You know what? …
When I buy a new car in a few, I'm gonna get a ford. Fuck these chink cars.
i was told they don't make the jap cars like they used to back in the 90s anyway. apparently they fall the fuck apart as well now
Can you imagine how much we are going to win once he is president?
Yeah well my dad owns Holla Forums and he said your a faggot. He also told me all the mods laugh behind your back.
Great, but this CEO fuck still goes in the oven if he doesn't do more.
Is this why ford made a Sailor Moon dubbed commercial?
Sorry I dont know how to webm
Global report.
Hell yeah.
Pretty fucking sad that my country's news can't pull its head out of its ass for long enough to realise he's going to be a good president. He even called up our prime minister to send his sympathy for the earthquakes. Key even sucked his dick a little bit over the phone and said nothing but good things about trump afterwards. Meanwhile the media is still buttmad over the election and trying desperately to defame him because apparently saying mean things about the nyt on twitter is a front page story but everything good he has done is not worth mentioning.
Obama is getting straight up CUCKED atm
They also have McCuckell and a governor with 4 adopted niglets. Against them, Randlet is a hero.>>8283871
get gassed, schlomo
i like rand.
he was an awful presidential candidate, though.
Last I knew, it wasn't a shutdown for the Michigan plant but more likely that production of an existing model was moving and something else was going to be produced in place.
Are you tired of winning yet?
fuck no
Petty father, I never knew I had my parents anyway.
I don't know about that. Most of them would likely want to enjoy the cheaper labor of other countries and just continue profiting off the US market.
Trump's comments regarding corporate inversion suggest he's wanting to incentivize them at least bringing the money back in, which would be major, while also twisting the arms of corporations by making it less economically feasibly to import the goods they made overseas.
So he will kinda be forcing them.
"Mad Dog" is Mattis newfag. Flynn's still pretty good though.
Sashes need to come back into fashion. Imagine Trump with a sash.
Rand is a good senator(at least in comparison to the rest that are there). His utter jealousy of Trump is very unbecoming though.
That's right, you can never get tired of winning.
Trump is probably bored of sashes at this point.
What makes this major is that a major business is wanting to make moves to show they want to appease Trump.
Because Ford alternatively could have done like Chicago's or LA's mayors and simply pretended that Trump couldn't actually do anything.
That Ford didn't just try making some statement about wanting to tell Trump to fuck off, means they think that they think it would appeal to stock holders, that want to make as much money as possible, to go along with what Trump wants.
Trump has already killed TPP and saved American auto industry and he isn't even president yet. Literally has already done more for the American people before his inauguration than Obama did in 8 years of office.
B-B-But Obama single handily lead a Navy Seal raid into Bin Laden's compound and fired the kill shot! Okie doke.
If I was working for Ford I'd pay more attention to what the CEO is saying instead of the Chairman.
This guy is all ready doing shit and he isn't even in office yet.
fucking kill me this shit is too much i swear i must've died and now am in a different dimension
well. A lot of anons have believed they died and cheated death by entering this dimension, and we have been meming Trump will make anime real
don't remind us
While the family patriarch lived the Ford Foundation was one of the few resisting jewish influence.
When he died his shitty offspring promptly gave control of the foundation over to jews.
We already did, he said "I'm sorry, but I can't do that" just like he said he would back during the rallies.
I'll never forget the Trump rallies. Despite the uncertainty and anxiety of not knowing if we would be successful. We thought they would try to steal it, and they probably did. But we still outvoted them
Will cars finally be great again?
Isn't this possible that's this is just a PR ruse to cement the people's faith in Trump? Maybe Mr. Ford and Trump joined forces to create some positive PR.
Just a thought. Seeing how brilliant Trump is with 4D chess it's really not out of the realm of possibility. Regardless if this is legit or not, hopefully it encourages other companies to do the same. So I'm hopeful either way.
They've always been great. Some, more than others.
I never want to go back to my old universe again. Hope you don't mind, but I'm here to stay. The wild ride has just been too fun to go back
he kinda looks like Owen Wilson in that pic
How about affordably great? new car prices are a shit.
Does uh… that mean I came illegally? I don't want to go back.
I can't wait to see where it goes. It really hasn't even begun.
Ford… has changed…
It's almost like Obama is a useless figurehead or something I wouldn't actually know, is Obama just a figurehead or is he something worse?
But mod, everyone knows there were no mass graves because the holohoax never happened ;)
It's no longer about making affordable reliable cars on every man budgets and naming the jews.
Ford, and it's consumption of gas, has become routine.
He's just America's token Black President
kentuckybro here
thank you based trump
thank you based
Thank you! I was trying to figure out who he reminded me of in the Oprah clips. He even kind of talks like Owen Wilson too.
Those tariffs had better be real.
fuck off faggot
have you ever been to kentucky?
obongo completely destroyed our state
there is nothing fucking left
at this point every additional loss is like a knife in the gut
every factory is a "big fucking deal"
the cucks are from the cities user
the rest of the state is whitopia
Looks like shit tbh
Is fiercely more aesthetic
needs more tint tho
Their meme team is top tier, excellent ads
oh my, it almost seems like the mods don't agree with you at all and called you out on your bullshit.
Lel wut?
I know which company I'm buying a car from in the future.
God bless 'em.
I thought this was just some meme video, but that it was made by FMC just blew my mind.
>Absolutely dominating the wireless communications of the world, a group of Jews.
Fucking all the way back then even?? From wireless telegraphs to Facebook providers, goddamn.
When he got elected and the peso dived I joked that if Trump bet against the peso those earnings alone could pay for the wall. Making Mexico pay for it, indirectly I suppose
Well. It's working.
Better version
what the fuck
what universe am I in
what the fuck is going on in this timeline
laughed myself silly at this
Just like you bet that Trump wouldn't become president, right?
I've been wondering that for the past month quite a lot.
Did we get teleported into a bad outer limits fanfic?
So Altantis sunk because of shitposting?
Did memes replace reality back then too?
Did they have smug frogs back then?
God damn. Do we really deserve someone like him?
I bet you're gay lol
OK, that's just odd.
Is this a side-effect of Trump making anime real?
The next 8 years are going to be a blast.
You know those old commies who didn't know what to do after USSR fell? You know, the types that hate USA, hate West, hate Russia, hate Israel, too (funnily enough)? Holla Forums is now following in their footsteps. Eternal butthurt is the tried and true form of correct communism.
You call that better?
(((Fields))) is a traitorous kike, if only the current Ford would have the balls of Henry Ford. Unfortunately, (((Ford Motors))) is not like it used to be, and the Ford family has more of a ceremonial function.
But after NAFTA's dead, tarriffs will be back on the menu.
why do shills love this word so much ?
I swear to god the cretin/shillpost rate is pretty impressive.
Maybe it comes from the fact that CTR only has 10 people left so you write a lot of those posts.
Ok. Will someone PLEAAAAAAAAASE tell that Martin Y. Cornish to block this sandnigger Farhan Khan Virk. I am getting real sick and tired of this stupid pakinigger being in the top of the comments of
I guess you like the taste of shit on your tongue.
It took Obama less than a year to win the Nobel Peace Prize. He was so great of a president he didn't even have to do anything. The sheer social justice shockwaves of his blackness overcoming oppression brought peace throughout the world.
I'm just saying Trump has big shoes to fill here.
They say that no jobs would be lost if the production plant was moved. Can anyone disprove this?
Holy shit Plane scene commercial when?
You might as well buy american. I did 1 year ago and found that everything was comparable from chevy to gooks cars. The quality is still down across the board, especially in little things like manufacturing defects and electronics, but the alternative is german cars, and they are a price rape for not much more luxury.
We will win and we will win and we will win.
Most handsome president evar!
Hes keeping all of his campaign promises and HE HASN'T BEEN INAUGURATED YET!
I work at a factory in Ohio that makes brake systems and various other parts for mostly Honda. We have had Ford touring the facility because they are looking to move more of their supply chain state side do to the God-Emperor's ascension.
I cant even begin to fathom how autistic you are. You dont even try to hide it.
Not even close.
Maybe are the year of the Fire Cock is over, I'll finally be tired of winning.
stop it Trump, you're not even president yet
he wins before he wins, and then he wins, and then he keeps winning
Lexington is full of cucks
Did he respond?
Either you or the person you got this from should be more careful. I'm not gonna check for EXIF data or reverse image search, but that doesn't mean somebody else might not.
leftypol confirmed for booty blasted
what the hell is she wearing?
just use logic, and don't bother arguing with marxists, it's pointless
Also, never buy factory new, you loose WAY to much money just driving it off the lot, get a used car, usually its people buying the factory one, finding out they can't actually afford it, and selling it back.
>mfw this is from the verified Ford youtube account
I think we broke the universe lads
everything is just going to get more bizarre from here on out, lads
Really appreciating the understated, yet obvoius skin contact sounds.
Awesome, simply awesome.
This deserves its own thread.
user, there is no Tsukihime anime.
Is this a sign from Kek? Is Trump truly doing it?