Donald Trump BTFOs Dreamspics

Trump gets asked a few questions about what he's going to do about the Dreamers (those hoping to get amnesty after having illegally immigrated here many years ago) and he shuts it down completely and effortlessly. No cucking here, they're going to go back.

Other urls found in this thread:


no wonder we love this fucking guy for fucks sake…


He's right. My dreams are dead.

Video is from before the election.

Is it? Sorry, saw it uploaded today and couldn't find source so I put it up.

Don't post until after you have lurked for 2 years you stupid newfag

They are called dreamers because they getting to stay on this side of the wall is nothing but a dream

so, sleeper agents?

I love it how Trump does that funny gesture like he has a trunk.

Not my president

I'm so fucking jealous of the US right now.

Where you from lad?


Your dreams kills my dreams.
Therefore, I must kill your dreams.
Its really quite simple.

waiting for farage tbh


Looks more like pepe to me.


Love this man.

Who's that?


Aaaannnndddd…. this is why progressives, intellectuals, the enlightened, the humane, those with a heart, hate America and hate Trump.
America (and the rest of the West) has raped and pillaged the rest of the world, made itself rich with the natural resources of other countries, leaving them behind to rot like consumed husks.
It's 2016, it's time of those of us in the West, who lead privileged lives from cradle to grave, to hold our hands up, acknowledge that our luxury is built on the misery of others, our homes, business and factories rest on foundations moulded from the broken dreams, wealth and bones of those we exploited.
It's time to grow up and accept responsibility for what we have done.
It's time to share, to give back what we took.
For the last 500 years we have acted like the bully in preschool, who walks around taking toys from the other children and refusing to return them.
Well, the adult is here, it's time to face reality.
The 21st century will be a time of huge readjustment, we have been living far beyond our means for far too long.
It has to end.

that's some delicious pasta, friendo

have a kosher fish for your troubles

It feels as if all those warnings Ron Paul made were actually for mexicans.

Can you see it too? He's get angrier and angrier at the media's bs

Hohoho i cant wait

I'm offended, friend.
That is no pasta, I shat it from the bowels of my creative intestine, on the fly, for your enjoyment.

It's from pic related. But who he is, specifically, I do not know. A disciple of Kek no doubt.

Jesus, I'm sitting here getting misty at the concept of a Donald Trump who really and truly cares about us, and puts us above foreigners.

Get misty lad, but tomorrow we continue to fight.

Trump's nose is casting a shadow on his own face. How is it also on the wall behind him?

Holy shit, is there someone standing directly behind him?



Yeah it's: Donald Trump Holds Press Conference in Charleston, SC (2-15-16)

But it still demonstrates that he is absolutely not fucking around.

Not his nose casting the "nose-like" shadow, it's a clump of hair.

>>>Holla Forums

My grandfather's grandfather came to America on a boat from Cork County, Ireland. He didn't have fucking anything to his name. I was on welfare as a kid living in the ghetto. The only reason I got to go to college at all was because I busted my ass and got a scholarship - a REAL scholarship, because as a cracker-ass cracker, I wasn't eligible for any of the free nigger money, free beaner money, or free Jew money that all those groups get. Don't you dare tell me I had any kind of a privilege at all you left-wing leaning parasite. If this weren't the Internet I would legit kick your ass. That's not Internet Tough Guy, that's the truth. I got into fistfights with your ilk when I was younger and I'm willing to do it now. I don't owe anybody anything, and neither does the rest of the White race.

Commit suicide you shitskin.

There's a whole 3rd world waiting for you.


Feels so good, guys. Feels so damned good.

Looks like Richard Nixon to me.


He came to America for a reason.
To benefit from the rape of the 3rd world.


Make me, faggot. Because starting a civil war is your only option, at this point, to bring your altruism to fruition.

This our country now, loser. Get out.

What nigger? We've moved our entire manufacturing base to Asia and to spic countries. They've been sucking the wealth out of us for 30 years. They've had plenty of time to get their shit together and stand on their own.

Now it's time to take care of our own people. We've given them trillions of dollars for free. The free ride is over bitch.

why don't you guys shame the immigrants for being traitors to their own country and people and problems?

why would taking the law-abiding, skilled and educated immigrants AWAY from a shithole do anything but make that shithole even worse?

Goddamn, he's based.

It doesn't work because they don't care about where they came from, that's why they left.

Assert our supremacy and made civilization what it is. I wholeheartedly accept, though I suspect your "we" is not the same as you purport.

M80, in Ireland, you say "County Cork"; not Cork County. Also, while I'm at it, it's not the Shannon River or the Liffey River; it's the River Shannon, and the River Liffey.

You're a piece of shit. Die. Filtered.

top lel, now i can't tell if you're trolling or actually this stupid.

enjoy the ban.


I bet he's the one who tells the Trump family about all the dank maymays.

Fuck off

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children's dreams.

if they don't care where they came from, then why do they fly their flags? or call themselves hyphenated americans?
at the least, instill some connection between them and their people. perhaps then they'll consider gtfo'ing and making [shithole] great again.
aka, nationalism.

One tends to lose the local vernacular when your family has been in burgerland for 150 years you filthy drunken mick.

t. scots-irishman



We're not. "DREAMer" here, you guys can ask me questions I guess. Kinda on your guy's side until it comes to immigration. I kinda just woke up in this alternate reality one day tbh. Didn't ask to grow up an illegal spic.

It shows some contrast to his current tone, no? Or is it just that he's actually PO'd in that clip

What do you think is going to happen exactly? That you can force these people into capitulation? That they're going to stop following their principles or the Conservatives will simply stop being conservative because "muh trump"?

I've been telling you faggots for months, this shit right here, the kind of complete garbage you pulled on cruz for example, The other bullshit you'll swallow, how you twist any horrible, negative story that comes out about trump into somehow being positive, it's exactly why you're making it impossible for me to fucking vote for him. If you would just grow the fuck up and be nice to these people, maybe a few of them would start fucking voting for you, or maybe faggots like you are glad Trump is fucking eating shit in every single poll? You're alienating everyone who could possibly want to vote for him by relentlessly attacking his fucking base. If you faggots weren't such complete and total retards, we could be writing a trump/cruz ticket right now. Instead you act like a gaggle of faggots pretending he somehow move the Overton window when Cruz was talking about building the wall back when Trump was still for fucking amnesty.

I go just about anywhere else, and I find myself defending trump, saying why I'm going to vote for him, and why he's so much better an option than Hillary or Johnson. I popularized the phrase " voting for Trump may be playing roulette, but voting for Hillary is playing Russian roulette" among the local tea party and Republican establishment.

Then I come here, and you bitter, cumswilling faggots talk me right back out of it. You demonstrate that fucking Glenn Beck is 100% right about you.

But yeah, no. Let's not focus on attacking trumps opponents, let's not destroy you Hilary, enrage the Bernie supporters, promote the Green Party or do anything else that might actually help Trump. Let's just destroy the conservative community. Go after Glenn Beck, Brad Thor, Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, Ted Cruz, and the entire fucking social conservative community. Let's just pin all our hopes on the completely useless fucking alt – right who repeatedly get their panties in a twist over some dinky little podcast pointing out what little faggots they are every week (common filth) i'm sure a bleach blonde proud faggot Jew who promotes sucking black dick as the most wonderful thing one can do and refers to Trump as "daddy" all has all our best interests at heart.

Fuck you for getting Hillary elected.

No, not seeing any contrast here.

Oh look it's a raid.

So trump is a shapeshifter jew all along

Act like a man, pack your shit and get out.

4/10 gud pasta but stale af my man

Video 9 months old.

I'm American in spirit. But ya I guess a faggot on an user board is all it took to convince me.


You've stolen money/time/energy from the structures and tax base that my ancestors built for me and my children, why should I care about your feelings? I don't blame you personally, but I'm not going to kiss your ass and hold your hand either. This land isn't yours and you don't belong here, and what's more you're a fucking thief. The fact that you can't understand this just underscores why your country is a piece of shit and always will be. You are the walking equivalent of the indio day laborer who overloads his boss F250 to "save time" and then ends up wasting a whole day and costing thousands of dollars because of a broken axle. Do you really not get why we'd be pissed off at someone who has taken advantage of our generous country?

I wouldn't hate spics if you guys weren't invading my country. Stay in the beaner zone, you can throw trash in the street and siesta and play horrible techno-mariachi music till three in the morning whenever you feel like it, we can visit, no trouble. You just don't get to live here. If you insist on living in America, then we all know it's going to lead to some kind of violent conflict, and our people are just better at that kind of thing.

The movie Ondine made me love the south west of Ireland. Great scenery.

You're gunna need to update that pasta if you want more bites faggola

It will be better for you in the end. I've legally lived, worked and traveled through 25 or so countries outside the United States. Being a White man I had to respect their laws and they were enforced without mercy. You will soon learn to expect the same from North America.

If you were a real Holla Forumslack, you'd know it's the shadow of the Lieutenant Governor. Way to ruin a joke with your retarded fucking autism. Go back to the pizza pedo thread.

You realize that we don't care about that right? We're not cuckservatives. Blood and soil motherfucker, do you speak it?

My country Mexico has been ruled by detached creoles since the day of the conquers, they've done nothing but sell off our country since day one in power. . There is some historical injustice here.

Funny you call it your homeland but Europeans aren't native to this fucking land faggot. You brought globalization to my continent.

I'm a mestizo I have more ethnic claim to this land than your reverse nigger dumbass.

I will give it you that the Mexican's will and spirit is shit after centuries of being cucked by the Europeans still in power at the top.

spics have been begging king nigger to make the bad man go away so they can keep living in a place they have no business being. i doubt he has the power to do it in any way trump can't reverse

Observing Spic culture we really could be worse immigrants you know. We're passive leeched not aggressive mudslimes or somalis.

At the end of the day its irrational distrust of our respective groups. Its not a lie that most of us want to live in peace and dignity which is NOT possible for a bum fuck Mexican in the Dystopia that is Mexico today.

Your people come from Siberia.


They're not europeans anymore, boy. They've spent over 200 years living and dying in America, they're a different breed now.

You said it yourself, you're a half-breed. You need to go back.

Like how many millennia before you faggots showed up? This shit argument could go on forever.

Your claim to this land is might and conquest. I can deal with that truth but to act like you faggots sprouted from this American continent and are entitled to it completely is some grade A burger bullshit.

I keep forgetting how great Trump is at shutting down reporters who try that "let them answer with maybe one sentence then throw it back in their face" bullshit

No you don't. Whites settled this land 10,000 years before the Asiatics. Suck a dick

I was going to say: don't feel bad. Work hard and maybe we'll let you back in, but now I hope you hang you fucking mongrel

You're not going to be able to make five times the average wage of Mexico washing dishes in the States, fleecing welfare, educating your children at no cost, bankrupting hospitals, dealing narcotics, trafficking your fellow beaners and then retire to a villa after ten years. Yeah, we can see why you're angry about Imperialist gringos decreeing that shit is coming to an end.

Citation needed you bird poo fag. I get it you faggots have had an unprecedented spree in progress but you can't even admit your farts smell like shit.

Not that it really matters, but the thing about spics is: Even if you're peaceful, it's never just you. It's your entire fucking extended spic family that eventually moves here. Your aunts, uncles, cousins, and their cousins, and their in-laws. And a shitton of them are thug-wannabes or actual thugs.

The American continent sprouted from us.

Way to strawman you fag. FYI your niggers and white trash do the fucking same. Give us a way with dignity out and we will outperform both those shit groups I mentioned. Latin America is shit because that's we've beena toilet to the hegemon known as the U.S since the fucking monroe doctrine.

depending on how you calculate it, the US is the most (or 2nd most) resource rich country on Earth. No one used your resources to get themselves rich, you lazy nigger. Stop being a low-IQ, high-time preference sack of shit and start being industrious like NW Europeans if you want to be rich

Hispanics commit violent crime at a higher rate than whites. A spic is eight times more likely to attack a white person in America than vice versa. But even if you were all model citizens, you're not white, so go back. You have your own country already.

So change it. Spreading Mexico into America will only make America worse and make it easier for the ruling class in Mexico to stay in power.


Our countries are absolute shit. What else can I say… There are people who will make the morally dubious decision to risk a life of illegality here instead of living with a boot on their necks in Latin America. Nevertheless I think it is a rational choice for some of these people coming here.

Yeah fuck the advanced Mayan, Aztec and other indigenous civilizations. It's ok to say you fucked us good you know. Stop running from the truth. You can't claim all of the moral high ground.

We don't claim the whole continent. We certainly don't claim the part you're from. America is a white man's name, btw.

Aztec royalty was white. Same with the Mayans.

any proof for this kangz tier shit?

I imagine this is true depending on where you live. City's being the highest due to poverty and crime. I live in a suburb and race relations here are fine and non violent for the most part.

I can't argue with your second point other than you might be underestimating how fucked and cucked the Mexican and Central American people are.

It's mine because my ancestors built it for me faggot. It had no inherent value before we created the richest/strongest country in history out of it. You're like the natives that whine about Whites "stealing" diamonds or oil or something without realizing that we made those things valuable. Beforehand they were just shiny rocks or unusable sludge.

No, we brought civilization and order. You're welcome. Sorry for interrupting your calender-making and ritual human sacrifice. What a huge loss.

Don't mean shit. Might makes right. The sooner you learn this the better.
They're still in power because they are smarter and better than you, not for any other reason.

lol no. This is literally mormon tier double think.

O.K. you're making progress. You've moved on to bargaining.

Just walk back across the border lad, it's easy.

The Monroe Doctrine is simply a declaration that other Europeans can't colonize the Americas anymore. What are you talking about?

Such arrogance. Did you personally carry these things out you fucking delusional faggot?

Can't wait to see your fucking head roll down my pyramids you stupid bland ass honkey.

A system of power and control has lingered since the day of the conquests. Man you faggots really do believe this racial superiority shit unironically huh?

there are a bunch more. all you have to do is google it. one of the arrowheads was French flint, tested. another was 60 miles off the Virginia Coast, meaning it was in the middle of the ice age when the Oceans were low. Also, there are American Indians with ancient European DNA.

Eat it, you chink mongrel fuck. Euros settled the Americas first and were genocided by your ancestors. Turn about is fair play. You're lucky we didn't kill all of you.

My man, this webm is like 5 months old. I made the webm

Uhh not many people in the US are (or I should say 'were') descended from the Spanish. That's just an excuse. There was no advanced anything in the US or Canada. And if there was anything at all, you aren't their descendants.

And I know all your countries are shit. And I'm not unsympathetic to that. But if your neighbor is completely trashing his own house, and has been for years, you'd have to be a moron to invite him to come stay with you.

Take a history lesson outside of Burger history. The U.S has maintained a varying degree of control across both American continents since the end of the Civil War. Look at the various civil wars, coups and straights massacres that have occurred in the region since you guys assumed top dog position. Honduras, El Salvador, Chile, Cuba, Grenada, Mexico, Guatemala have all had the American boot on their throat at one point or another. Of course this is oversimplification but to ignore the U.S role in Latin America's development is straight ignorance.

Of course it's higher than that in cities; the figure takes the entire country into account.

No, I know that red Indians are savage. The white immigration program in Mexico wasn't just done for aesthetic reasons. The fact is, if you want a nicer home, you're going to need some aggressive eugenics.

Trust me the spanish really did try. Read up on the indigenous slave labor used to mine silver in the Potosi mines.

wow good peer reviewed anthropology evidence user. It's like I'm talking to a reverse WE WUZ KANGS faggot.

It's like if we built a whole new landmass off the ocean floor, and build a whole civilization there, spics would somehow feel entitled to just move in. They'd claim it was on ancestral fishing grounds or some bullshit, even if there was no fish and no record of anyone ever fishing there.

If we colonized Mars, spics would claim that it was the home planet of some god of some long dead civilization (that their ancestors actually wiped out) and that they somehow had as much claim to live there as we did because of that.

I didn't have to. Because my ancestors had the foresight and intelligence to give me a leg up, as their ancestors did for them, and as your ancestors failed to do, because you are a lesser sub-species that evolved differently. My people had intense evolutionary pressures that eventually made us the greatest people to ever grace the earth, your people didn't go through that process so you still suck.

The ones that we had to rediscover for your monkey-ass? Loving every laugh you Indio trash, keep it coming.

You're so close Indio-user. Just put the pieces together. It's obvious that we are superior to you, prove otherwise. Where the fuck are you from anyway? You certainly aren't native to this board.

You're welcome, faggot.

wow, you really are a low-IQ mudskin, aren't you? see pic related

no they didn't, and neither did the British.

pretty sure the peer-reviewed articles are cited in the news article dipshit.

also, the Soutrean Hypothesis has been real science for quite some time. It's not like this just came out of nowhere.

Thanks user. I really do think really understanding our respective cultures and societies is key to unlocking this entire continents destiny. Do a little research and see that the ass fucking has ended for the indio or mestizo in Latin America.

Hows that uncircumcised dick taste Johnny?


Oy vey this is very problematic.

What's your fucking point then? That we move all the spics back to siberia? White man owns everything according to you.

Here in Mexico is common to say "Mexico is asleep", funny how the "Dreamers" are those who escape their sleeping country.

The average Mexican is stupidly prideful even on his misery, perhaps we'll learn to wake up when we keep our problems to ourselves, this is why I wanted Trump to win.

That's pretty much the spic manifesto.

Now you are almost understanding it.

WE WUZ WHITE AND SHEEIT. lol There's not too much to throw out to idiots who stroke their cock over their skin color and superior heritage.

Actually have lurked this board since the first cuck chan exodous. Grew up a pretty confused kid, given my circumstances, so the chans have always been a nice outlet I suppose. Kinda cool and ironic seeing Don sic it to the neoliberal kikes, despite the whole muh wall thing.

The 3rd world is shit because it is populated by 80 IQ average shitskins that can't into civilization. To be fair another contributing factor is also the IMF kiking the hell out of them by loansharking but that is the work of the kikes, and if you care so much about those precious starving african chillen you should take it up with the kikes.

lol omg now I get it the SJW were right. White supremacy is a thing. Thank you based whitey. May your white god bless me an my meek spic family.


but srsly, in all actuality the "we were here first" argument is your communist/indigenist rhetoric, not mine. You have to go back bc you're not a citizen and you should never have been in the US in the first place. Some here hate you bc of your skin; I don't. Some here think "the law is the law"; I'm not one of those bootlickers. But, invasion by foreign nationals is where I draw the line. I'm sorry your parents did that to you. Hopefully you can still be successful. At least be glad you got to live in the US that long and hopefully you were educated in a school with few niggers, which will be better than what you would have gotten in Mexico.

Citizens' taxes paid for that. You're welcome.

mate if spics and whites are roughly equal why not just move to Mexico? My spic friends tell me it isn't even a bad place to live

You own your own damn countries. Make them great again (or, for the first time). But you might want to consider that your pro-commie culture has not achieved anything of note, and that it will continue to not achieve anything. Your culture will have to change if they truly want different results.

The redman is the savage? uh huh. This irony bullshit is not funny anymore.


The wall isn't an assault on spics, it's a reminder that we have a fucking border and you're supposed to stay on your side of it.

tbh I'm seriously considering it since I have a degree and am bretty bright. It's not bad in certain areas if you're middle class. But the bottom 50% of Mexicans are pretty pozzed and fucked over. Bottom fourth aren't considered human by the rest of the country. The Spanish left a pretty shit legacy here for us to build on.

not agreed.

anyone have this webm?

Multiple light sources = multiple shadows.
If you walk at night on a street with working streetlamps, and you are in the middle between two, you will notice you cast one shadow behind you and another on the front.

The median IQ in Mexico is 88. That's borderline retarded and no doubt has a lot to do with the crime problem (80-90 IQ is where violent criminal populations cluster). If you want to fix Mexico, you'll have to get the right incentives and disincentives in place to fix Mexicans.

God damn the mods are faggots. This whole site is a clever D&C, but it's still the best place we have.

No, sorry. Have this as a consolation.

do it. Be with you own kind. I would if I could.

no it is not. your average spic may not be that bright but they certainly aren't semi retarded.

Since we're talking about spicland being shit: the single biggest shadow in Mexico, one of the more successful ones, is drugs. Not that Mexicans consume drugs. I mean the drug industry funded by Americans. That's something a lot of you Fags and lolgbertarians fail to understand. In the 50s, Mexico wasn't as shit as it was now. It's shit now because there's billions of doors in revenue being illegally transfered from outside nations (mainly US) that would require a declaration of war to handle from a Mexican platform. Because the only thing they can do is duct tape every new hole that's coming from a broken dam, the problem will never be solved, it's just treating the symptoms. This is a big reason why Mexican politicians are so fucking corrupt: they can't defeat the system, so why the fuck not just join it to get rich?

Marry a US citizen, you retard. If you overstayed your visa, you won't even have to go through legal shit in spicland. Do it before the work permit expires. source: friend of spics

I hope he doesn't go back on this, the wetbacks at my university HAVE TO GO BACK. When he's in office I feel like reporting them all to get them deported.

Immigration is everything you fucking spic.

You can't ignore the immense drug appetite coming from this country. Our drug use pales in comparison to what burgers ingest.

The only dreams I have are killing lefties. In some sort of right wing death squad.

85 is the cutoff for being retarded.
It was until they had to change it for niggers at least

Maybe so, but IQ is not an all encompassing be all end all test for intelligence. The average bean is easily above the average nigger

Why are the mods such kikes, I swear. They're here to sabotage every halfway decent discussion.

A "trunk"? He already has a torso, so how do you mean "trunk", user.?

LIke, on his face?

That was beautiful

The discussion about the non-noble non-peaceful subhumans getting sent back to their containment zone?

Thanks user. My knowledge of Mexico being bled dry is subpar compared to my burger history knowledge (Ironic ik).

I came in wetback like, I don't think marrying a citizen gets me out of my situation. Could be wrong though.

I'm Aryaning as hard as my phenotype can do but yeah. Trying to eliminate competing phenotypes is not the same thing as trying to expand one's own. The universe is not a zero sum game, which the mods don't seem to understand, for whatever (((reason)))




Bruh go make mexico great for the first time.

Seriously, you have a lifetime of American Culture under your belt, you should be able to go south and make a fucking fortune for yourself.

Also, rats born in the house do not own the house, race war now ect ect

You have to go back for X amount of years before you can re-enter afaik. Ten I think? Because Trump is a civic nationalist and seems to be pretty soft when it comes to "the good people", he might make it less hard to migrate here on good terms. I'm guessing he'll make VISA procedures go by quicker.

Save money my spic friend, you're going back unless deus ex machina.

you remind me of dyke sjw's screaming rape at the white man. Chill out man.

Kill yourself.

88 is the median. Obviously most Mexicans who come into contact with white people will be above that. And true, 85 IQ is retarded for whites. For populations where it's the average, adults function normally and are just not good at pattern recognition and general intelligence.

The drug trade is an issue, certainly. The only way I see to get rid of it is to kill the politicians and gang members who run or facilitate it, as demand isn't going to magically vanish.

ITT: fad5ad proves once again illegals are shit and need to go back where they fucking came from.



85 is most likely too high a figure for blacks in the US.


That's because we're mongrels of Injuns who actually "Wuz Kangs" and Whites who were kings. Still though, the whiter we are, the more tolerable and smart we are. It really hurts me to admit this, but I even see it in my family.

The browner a family member is, the fatter and mediocre he is in life, the more tendencies he has to dress like a degenerate cholo, the more tendencies he has to listen to nigger music. The whiter he is, the skinnier and successful he is, as well as hardworking. Hell the browner parts of my family are absolutely pozzed welfare leeches who listen to nigger music on an hourly basis all while getting retarded tattoos sadly.

The biggest redpill to me on how "castes" can easily become a thing within mixed raced ethnicities sadly came from my family. Due to this I am determined to breed the bean out of my genetic lineage, it's needless baggage I do not need. No longer do I ever proclaim to be hispanic in public unless it's for census reasons or to defend myself from "fellow" beaners in my pozzed up liberal city who want to pick on me for being "white".

Does this stereotypical badger offend you?


you're probably a chill dude and all, but come to this country the proper way like thousands of other people do, asshat.

I liked how he tried to blame the victim with the drug thing. Sorry but spics benefit from the downfall of whites and that is a fact. They probably make more money selling drugs than sending money back through working fields, which is probably also drug money sent back.

How many times have you been called a coconut, user?

thank fuck i can read, or you might have swayed me

kill urself beaner lul

Distribution is arguably much more important than average. White IQs have a very wide distribution, so the majority of geniuses and the majority of idiots are included in the white population. Asians have higher average IQ but a much more compressed distribution so genius level Asians are still very rare. Not sure what Mexico's distribution is but as I understand it the castizo population is high IQ and there are a fuckton of mestizo retards also, and the median is a mix of those extremes. 88 median does not mean the majority of mexicans are retards, they could have an otherwise decent average IQ that is severely depressed by a substantial population of retards, depends on the distribution. Fun fact, US would be tied with Japan in education and IQ if it were not for spics and niggers, we don't have a problem with our education, we have a nigger problem.

common core

Ya. I hear you. I had a Chicano prof who was all about a Mexican exodos to literally make Mexico great. You all might be on to something. Now if Mexican's weren't literal moral black holes perhaps this wouldn't be a problem (Northern Mexico, southern Mexico is breddy cool and humble)>

At least you admit it, the aztecs/incas/mayas/whatever fucking tribe you descended from were fucking worthless and accomplished absolutely nothing before the Spaniards came and raped your women, even after that you didn't accomplish much.
So you've been on the same image board as the rest of us for years now and completely failed to grasp any of the ideas posted here, congratulations.
May I say that I personally look forward to the day that ICE comes knocking on your door.
sage for shit thread


and do you mean first exodus of the year, or in general? because it seems more like of the year.

reddit is where you belong

Proper way would have been impossible for a literal serf that my mother was in Mexico. In your mind the just thing would have been to literally starve? My country hates and discriminates against poor Mexicans more than the U.S does. That's something most people won't tell you.

The exodus before the moot sellout. I've lost track tbh.

Shitposting is an outlet for my autism user. Reddit is all about social acclamation and points. Here I'm just a ghost with no face.


It's fairly common knowledge that

yeah well, quit taking our jobs and earn something to get your spic ass up here

personally, idgaf what your shitty situation is back home. you don't get to skip the proper way just because of it, you aren't a special snowflake.

fuck, i'm gonna move to texas and join border patrol just so i can hopefully find a cunt like you and watch him go home.

That's why God invented image-boards, user. Here, nobody cares if you're a patriot… Or a patriotard.

you can shitpost on reddit as well, and can make a thousand accounts with no email address required.

Good show, user. Didn't know he was a brown.

So much truth in this it hurts. Guessing you voted Trump too? How your family react when they found out?

Forgot to add
I'd say we treat poor people pretty fucking well considering we let you stay here without citizenship papers for years on end as long as you can pop out an anchor baby (like yourself). It's pretty funny that you somehow think that us deporting you is wrong, even the fucking Mexican government deports central american immigrants.

Just fuck my sides up tbh family

Immigration is not charity. If you're too poor to come here legally, we don't want you.

I think it's common knowledge, or has become common knowledge when Mexico started printing pamphlets on how to come to the US for illegals. For hating the lower class they sure need them to send money back to Mexico.

I swear my eternal fealty to the God Emperor of America.

I would die for this man.

Not even kidding.

I love this country and do my share to move myself and its ideas forward. Despite being a bastard that is about to be vomited out.

admirable, but the law is the law.

They probably peeled his face off.

Take your language skills and white man's cultural knowledge and get a job in the tour industry in spicland. Eventually you can work as a tour manager and take rich spics to Thailand. Just don't even think of staying here or even trying. Sorry, but no exceptions Jose.

That's not an insult within Northern, or Central beaner culture actually, "we" call each other Malinche. Basically a traitor leading the destruction of the people and race, just like Malinche was. Which is retarded since we're mostly mongrels, granted some are more injun than others, with some in the south being FULL INJUN.

A special insult is thrown about for those who are noticeably Injun, but have adapted so well to white culture and norms they act like gringos, but in the body of a beaner. Those get told that they have a cacti strapped to their forehead and that they should stop trying to be white. Which is also stupid since modern Mexican culture is nothing like Aztec culture. In fact being told you have a cacti strapped to your forehead used to mean an insult towards your injun heritage.

Thanks to the pozz pill being dispenesed by Univision and Televisa, retards are now starting to treat it like some badge of honor due to "muh diversity". So in essence, something that used to be used as a badge of shame to egg people into assimilating racially and culturally towards western values plus heredity, has now been subverted as a means of attack against said values plus heredity. Same goes for the insult Chilango which was used to insult the most subhuman of the Injuns in the south, some would even reserve it specifically for the shithole known as Mexico DF.

Funnily enough, despite Univision and Televisa dispensing some major pozz pills in people's neg holes, most of the shitty Telenovela propoganda produced plus gossip surrounding it still centers around white looking characters and predominantly white actors. It's as if at a subconscious level "my" people desire to be white and desire to breed out the bean out of themselves.

They went apeshit, despite me calmly telling them all about Hillary Clinton's awful bed fellows and shitty attempts at rigging the election. A lot of malinche accusation tier insults were thrown about as well, with the browner family members showing visible resentment towards me. Honestly I was TEMPTED to go full 1488 and tell them that if wanting to improve my genetic lineage as well as country, so it can become even more homogeneous in the right direction means I'm a Malinche, then I'm gladly one. But I'm not ready to burn the bridges yet, I need a good stable job and need to finish my STEM degree first, I finally have an associates, so I'm 3/4s of the way there.

so be it

I'm going to assume that you were brought here as a kid, and that your parents did this to you.

If so, that's something that was forced on you, and I'm not going to blame you for it. That said, you should look into lining up a legal job in Mexico and help make your own country great. After all, Mexico needs people like you to turn it into something other than a drug-cartel run shithole.

Also, pic related.


sucks to be you, but you may as well own it. Mexicans are usually pretty cool from my experience. Just do your best to live a good life in Mexico or whereever. Mexico seems to be on the rise in economic prowess. I predict that by 2030 Mexico will surpass the majority of European countries as an economic power. Good luck tacobro

This shit is old as fuck, OP. How new are you?

Immigration policy determines the future population of the country. Why should we want America to be populated with poor beaner peasants?

The Mexicans have forgotten they once wanted to be like America. You might as well remind them.

This whole thread is newfags


Born and raised in the US actually, and yeah no way in hell am I going to Mexico. If only there was a way to deport my welfare abusing brown parts of my family. But they're all legal residents or citizens, all of them, a good chunk of my mother's generation were also born and raised here too.

It's infuriating and maddening, the moment I have the chance I will sever all ties.

why not?

It's a shithole, I don't like the culture and the only thing I like is the food. Plus I'm not proud of the indian part of my heritage, I will breed it out and have pale skinned light haired babies, I want my babies to look like me. Honestly I would never feel comfortable raising kids who don't look like me.

Sure I'd probably love them, but deep inside me I'd have a lingering pang of regret in not having them resemble me, their father.

Trump's 400 lb. hacker

He came to the U.S. to be around whites, if he wanted to be around browns he would have stayed home. It doesn't mean it's not genocide, because it is. It's White Genocide.

What would it look like if all of the brown countries were to bring in hundreds of millions of non-browns? What kind of brown person wouldn't speak out against that, by the way?

yeh its at least 9 months old

Ignore your history then. Feckin' nigger.

My Menonite father and brown mother actually came here to not be around brown people. But looking at it from my parent's perspective, yeah, I'd be shitting on all of their hard work if I were to go live in Meixco. Honestly there's just no reason for me to go there, ever, I didn't even go there when my Dad's mother died.

Granted she hated my guts since I'm not a pure white, so I never really had an attachment to her in the first place.

It's LITERALLY every talking point drummed into your retarded head, not an ounce of creative or original thought. You've been brainwashed friendo, there's no hope for you. Maybe a violent gang rape by your pets will lead to you waking up, but most likely not. The MK is working on several levels so you're stuck being a rape hole and servant to low IQ savages. Sucks to be you.

Good luck with that

Why haven't you decided to kill yourself yet?

So you identify as white? If so, why do you want to pollute the genepool with your injun genetics?


Guess what? We're gonna make bullying great again and we're not going to stop until your shit race is completely enslaved and sterilized.

And then we're gonna get on our starships that we built with our genius and the materials you died to mine out of the earth and we're gonna go rape and bully the rest of the galaxy. No one will even know darkies or cucks ever existed.

I'm pale skinned and have light hair, my mother is not full Indian. I see no reason as to why it would not be possible.

The pollution would be negligible since I'm 3/4s white. If you don't believe me I'll even photograph and post my pink nipples. My altruism towards the white portion of my race is not suicidal, plus breeding out the Injun part of it is a service since it would add more members to our ranks.


You will always have cornnigger lurking in your chromosomes

White America is mongrelized enough as it is. We don't need more brown.

do not forget to Praise Kek

I always wondered if a lot of British think of themselves as being mongrels since the whole Anglo-saxon thing or realize how dumb they sound using the term for children between western European groups.

It'll be negligible so I don't care. Again my altruism towards the white portion of my genes is not suicidal. Genes are important, but they're not the sole determinant, proper breeding comes at play, or you end up with a pozzed up SJW.

Good luck finding me during the day of the rope if it ever comes buddy. Because the only way you'd ever find me and others like me is via genetic tests. What, did you think I was the only one who's in the process of breeding out the bean out of their lineage?

What you should be focusing on is stopping the inflow of those who are full on beaner. Not those of us who can blend in just fine with you folks and actually desire to be one with you. The only thing you'll trigger by focusing on us is witch hunts and the loss of viable future white seeds.


Good luck, you'll need it!

It blows my mind that Brits actually believe that the western European groups are different enough to constitute different races. smh.

I don't want to hang you, I want you to not put even more shitskin dna into the hwite gene pool
bullshit. I'm almost pure white and I could be mistaken for a bean if I got a tan. Mexican white mixes do not blend in with whites. People can tell.
Trump just got elected

Kek. What the fuck is that.

Fucking hell dude you're retarded.
Get genetic testing done, if you are "indian" and look white you might be Aryan, and by that I mean indian from India not redskin.

They do if they are white mexican nationals, I am one and have no mestizo or taino blood at all, 100% germanic with a teensy bit of Slav.

Fuck cowards like him, spouts shit he knows nothing about and is afraid of a country he's never been to, you can keep him.

He said his father was Mennonite, so you'll have to add Wiebe, Friesen, Dicke, Thiessen, etc

nigger you know what I meant

But do you know what I mean? I think this guy is white and just full-brainfucked since his mom kept saying she's a beaner when apparently neither look remotely beanish.

Mexicans(even the white nationals) are fucking retarded like that and will always call themself "mexican" even if there's no racial association, kind of like how darkie americans call themselves americans even though the founding fathers and majority of population are white

in his earlier posts he talks about "the brown part" of his family, so I think it's safe to say he's a legitimate bean

back he goes, then.

It was great for a couple years under the Habsburg monarchy with the 2nd Mexican empire tbh

Videos funded by a guy on youtube with the username Pen0r Cut. He found some South East Asian (some shit like that) on a website who was selling the services of himself as well as kids just like Tyrone and that other Australian do. The guy selling these services nicknamed himself Uncle Punjabi. Anyhow SJWs got asshurt about this and reported him, so now him plus the kids are probably working in some third world shit hole.

Shhhh, don't tell him that it'll make the witch hunts a lot less fun!

When I say Indian blood, I'm talking about Mexican Indian blood, she has light brown skin and has a great grandfather who was a LITERAL Mexican Indian. Don't know which tribe he belonged to, but the guy knew Nahuatl, so there's that.

Sadly there is some racial linkage, also I don't consider myself Mexican, I consider myself Hispanic and American.

Born and raised here, there is no going back anywhere.

Fuck I'm sleepy as shit, maybe I should stop posting.

Those words lost their meaning the moment hipsters with liberal arts degree and an edge for Gommunism begun to see themselves as such.

So edgy and dramatic. Such a unique opinion. Remarkable perspective! Bravo!


It's not. It's build upon the hard work of our forefathers. But even if it were build on the misery of others, it would just be the natural way.

You can take responsibility for what you have done, and I will do the same for myself, but you should never consider both of us a collective "we".

Share what? And with whom? One another? Just like niggers are so happy to share their ghetto culture, rap music and crack addiction? Just like Muslims are ready to share their Religion of Peace with everyone, by the means of learning from a sword (or machette), or from a bombing (suicide or otherwise), or even from having your children molested and groomed by these Religion of Peace?
What the fuck do we have to share with those people?

Your knowledge of history is non-existent.

Who is the adult? The pink haired SJW writing how offended they are on tumblr. ? The nu-male and their hipster and metrosexual culture coupled with a complex of superiority? Those people who cried when Trump won and needed therapy? Are those the adults? Because if they are, the world is truly fucked.

For you.

When your country's white stock has been reduced to 60% with about 30-40% of them not being pure breds you don't get to be picky. You have to accept those who want to integrate and look like you, whether you want to or not.

Alright, since this thread has devolved into Spic City, I have to ask this question.

There was never an "Again", this is a first.

How would Mexicans revolutionize their country and become the US's little brother? Give me all the suggestions you can, no bombs. Destruction is the easy way out, I'm talking about a full fledged reconstruction.

Here's a good place to start.
It's in beaner, translate it.

I have to ask also.
What's the fucking deal with the US and Israel
Trump is cutting ties with other shitty Nations except Israel, why is he doing this? I thought he didn't want leeches clinging to the USA. Would someone explain to me why he will still be working with/aiding them?
Do the kikes truly have the US by the balls, or is trump just another tool you guys use to bring forth a greater Aryan power? If so, then I will understand enduring the kikery on his side as well, since it will pay off handsomely for you people in the future. Then in time, a future person in power will tell the Jews to fuck off along with Trump's grandkids.


This is going to be an awesome 8 years.


This is a prime example of why we cannot justify being sympathetic to nonwhites forcing themselves into our lands who happen to be "legal citizens" or "right wing". They have to go too, because mere segregation within the U.S. is clearly not enough to keep them from thinking they are entitled to breeding with whites and polluting the genetic lineage of our posterity.

No amount of debating and arguing with these people will change this. They seek to destroy our bloodlines out of spite and "goodwill". The one's with "good" intentions think that race = skin color and that merely reaching a certain threshold of paleness means you are racially white in order to satisfy their ailing egos. Race has been and will always be about blood, not merely appearance.

This. Race mixing should just be banned. It's silly anyway.

Do you have a point?

I came to this same conclusion sometime this year.

If America does well then Mexico will do well too. Remember the cartels are still here. They will become an issue next election. If not then Trump will make them an issue. They are the perfect target and maybe even the Mexican govt. can work with the Trump Reich to give themselves the upperhand over the cartels. Win-win. Art of the Deal™

You can't hide by "blending in" or changing your name. 1/4 nonwhite is plenty for all but the most ignorant to see something looks weird about you and recognize you are a foreign element. I routinely spot those with even less nonwhite admixture in public. Mexico is the place where you will fit in most with your mixed race brethren.

Cry more bitchnigga.

You stupid fucking faggots

Yes, the only way to win is to breed the competition out of the genepool

Your morality is false. It's retarded leftist morality. We won, you lost, end of story. Morals are ingroup.

I'm white. Of course I want whites to own everything. There's no shame in that.

You know why nonwhite countries are shit? Because nonwhite moochers — such as yourself — keep finding ways to rationalize not doing things for their goddamn selves. If you Spics wanted Spicland to not be shit it wouldn't be, but instead you keep blaming everything and anything for why your shit situation is not your fault.

You and your brethren should just kill yourselves and allow productive whites to take the land, tbh.

And this is why even the "good" nonwhites need to go. At the most fundamental levels they are enriching themselves at the expense of whites. There is no reconciliation.

Not my problem. I don't subscribe to retarded universalist leftist morals.

Is your "love" of this country (notable that it isn't "nation," merely a political entity that is convenient for you) going to turn you white? No? Get out.

Can I get a source on your numbers you got there?

You're a fucking retard. You cannot divide what was never whole in the first place. To address your second point, now is precisely the time to be the most focused on demongrelization. It is the time to be pickiest. If we were to go with your faggot retarded plan we'd end up a nonwhite, corrupt, irrelevant slave-state for internationalist Jews.

Get fucked.


So kill all mongrels and sterilize nonwhites?

I doubt he is even white they are always the ones saying shit like "X whites need to cleanse X whites" and it is a dead give away.

Time to kill 10% of the white populace that has nigger blood and the 15% who has Native American blood then.

If they have nonwhite blood they aren't white, retard. What the fuck are you smoking?

I don't get what you're referring to.

This is the response I would expect from someone whose ego screams, "Even I can be white too! Really!" while plugging their ears to save their identity from falling apart. Pedro, your kids will never be white, no matter who the mother is, and neither you or your family can fit in with pure European whites. Even if you work on getting a perfect accent, change your name, put on some shoes with a raised heel, and get into an affluent neighborhood, real white people can tell by your personality and mental abilities that they cannot truly connect with you socially as a peer and will shun you after getting to know the you hiding behind the mask of pseudo-whiteness. This may be hard for you to grasp but the type of kindness whites express towards some nonwhites is more like the type which is expressed towards a dog, which while being genuine kindness, is a way of regarding you as not a human in their minds.

You probably didn't realize this in your interactions with whites up until this point in time though, because it's normal for family dogs to think they are human like their masters.
Unlike dogs though, nonwhites threaten our continued existence.

So it went from 30-40% down to probably less than 25% you say it is. I will assume it is lower and still looking for a source.

The guy above you being retarded.

Ah, agreed.

It is always kill our "mongrels" first instead of dealing with full blown subhumans first every single time one of those shills rolls out their faggotry.

You know, I'd never actually noticed that before. Then again, I don't usually encounter those types.

You mad white girls like me? You have no idea who I am.
You are being so fucking dramatic. are you an incel?

that is some high level insult you got there for a subhuman, you can die last.

Funny how you can't address any points and instead can only make baseless sexual remarks. Typical subhuman.

Civic nationalism is cancer and is more destructive in the long run than upfront multikulti



I wouldnt actually worry about being deported. Just be an American, don't race mix, and pay your taxes.

I am pretty much convinced at this point that the reason Jewish subversion is such a big problem is because of mongrelization of Jews causing some of them to navigate almost freely in Western society. From this I conclude that any mongrels are potentially a future threat.

Men who put the feelings, values, and opinions of women on a pedestal have no respect for themselves. The fact that you ask this betrays how your worldview depends on the acceptance of women.
There is nothing dramatic about the facts, which are simply that for every white person who breeds with a nonwhite instead of another white person, a white child has been prevented from being born preventing our numbers from growing and furthering our continued existence.

"Don't race mix please." doesn't work. The only argument which the world will acknowledge is a show of force.

If he came all the way here to conform and even learned how to post on 8ch, I'm pretty sure he's agreed to follow some fundamental rules.

Where do you honestly draw the line at non-white. This my not be true but from what I understand Hitler allowed 1/4 jews to serve in the Wehrmacht. Was Hitler not extreme enough for you?

How does serving in the Wehrmacht compare to letting you mix?

american dreamers

Poor b8 m8, I r8 0/8


It's entirely possible that if all the "Dreamers" went back, it would be a huge benefit to Mexico. A mass of people with American educations suddenly flood back in, ten years later those people would probably run the country and would have rooted out corruption on an unprecedented scale.

You just fucking know it would be easy as hell to get the locals to rally around the Dreamers.

This, my family arrived here in 1631 as a family of smiths and soldiers. Bled bright red in the establishment of this nation, and I'm not about to let some fucking spic tell me where my border is over my ancestors' graves.

You have to go back.

Go make spic land great for once

Who let these dubs of truth go unchecked?

No amount of conformity magically turns you into a white person. The fundamental rule actually is if you aren't white you don't belong as a citizen in a white society. You are naive if you don't believe every single last one of the "good" nonwhites think they are entitled to breeding with whites. You treat them as equals and they will fuck you as equals just like dogs trying to hump your leg.

As long as purely European genetic stock exists on this earth, the line will always be drawn at having testable non-European genetics. (1/4 is visually testable without even doing genetic testing.) Based on family history reports it would seem plenty of us still exist, but much of the genetic data we can currently obtain is questionable due to Jewish involvement in things like 23andme.

Allying with someone who wants to fight for your cause is different from accepting them as a citizen and a member of your race.

Brave, genuine, intelligent and thoughtful with his countries best intrests at heart.


whats up with the 666 hands???

fuck off kike

but if you knew how the system worked you would realize its the Kikes benefiting not whites, and if the banking system was designed to lift up humanity instead of strangle it, we could turn this whole thing around very quickly without any white guilt.

Also, it's worth mentioning in this context that Hitler lost. We can't just do everything he did or else we will lose too.

If I could I'd deport you twice. First to mexico for being an illegal. Second into the fucking sea for being an anarchist.

Exactly, His first mistake that must be learned is him not actually gassing the subhumans like he should have.


Does this scare anyone else?

Get the fuck out and eat a bullet.


You don't say the south west of Ireland, you say the land eire of the southwest

get out.



>mfw Trump sends all spics to Siberia and rebuilds the gulags under budget, ahead of schedule
We won't even have to feel bad he's being called Stalin any longer.

He is looking to make Russia great again it could work.

The meaning of Civic Nationalism has been intentionally distorted, just like with German racialism.

It doesn't mean the niggers can be British, it mean that whether you are Welsh, English, Scottish or Irish, that we all belong to the British nation in equal measure. The same principle applies to any multiethnic white country.

The video you posted doesn't have him saying that all illegals will have to go, nor is there any proof that this is from after his victory. Step it up OP.

Are you people stupid? The "nose" in the shadow is actually shadow casted by Trumps hair

That's just a broader sense of racial/ethnic (real) nationalism, and not at all what "civic" "nationalism" has been understood to mean for the last century, if not more.

(((They))) will attempt to distort, dilute and demonize any term we use.

The very term "racist" had positive connotation when it was coined in mid 19th century France.


While true, it's rather pointless to try and "reclaim" it, especially when it was essentially never used in the context you're suggesting. Just say nationalism, otherwise you'll confuse people (and, really, there need not be a differentiated term anyway, since it's the same nationalism on a broader scale).

fad5ad is a filthy cambujo who puts Mexico as his first country rather than America.
not that this thread isn't autistic enough already.

You do know that your blood determines what your appearance looks like right? You can't just one day declare you're trans-korean or some shit like that, and attain a race's phenotypes. Come up with a more convincing argument you mongoloid.

My name's not Hispanic though.

Never get spotted by my "own" kind or full whites. In fact my own kind segregate themselves from me and speak in broken English when addressing me, thinking I'm white. Also how can someone be non-white, if their phenotype expression is very much white for all intents and purposes? Are slavs non-white now due to the Tatar and Mongol conquests?

It's regrettable but it is the only way, it's obvious the brown parts of the family aren't working out for the advancement of our clans. Anyhow it seems folks here are too eager to forget that Hitler actually allowed 1/4 breeds to continue breeding.

Basic Mendelian genetics is clearly Jewry despite it being used to tame animals for eons.

You got any idea how the Aztecs operated? Hint: they weren't putting flowers in their hair in the constant flower wars.

Are you telling me the Indians also didn't sit around weaving flower crowns and playing peaceful drum solos?

If you read what I was saying carefully, you would understand that it implied that appearance is still a part of it. We can't go by mere appearance alone if we want to be scientific or factual regarding race though, because it leaves the door wide open to subjective opinions and mix breeds with inferiority complexes who want so badly to be white but just aren't. It is the case that some mix breeds get a whole lot of the white coloration genes but hardly any of the white mental genes. This is why genetics are the bottom line. We don't care about appearance so long as our bloodlines live on. It's pretty much guaranteed that with some genetic drift and random mutations the white population will start to diverge and look slightly different as time passes on anyways.

I know you're being ironic but people misinterpreting Hitler's words is what got us in this mess, and it's definitely not what's going to get us out of it.

Not all mixbreeds are the same you tard, GTFO with your pseudo science.

Inb4 "muh bellcurve"

The bell curve only took into account halfbreeds.

Let's be honest here it's not a matter of differing opinions but slander. Slander that idiots took seriously, some even revered it.

Nowhere did I say they were all the same. Mix breeds do not belong in white society and are a threat to the continued existence of white people.

Ah, that is very good to know. Thank you nigger-potato.

love you brother :)

Millenial boom begins 2023-2025. Mexico can stand to gain much as long as its debt can be in check (unlikely). After boomer generation dies assets can be bought by wealthier dual-nationals.At this time Mexico's population will boom (also thanks in part to the wall), however it will be a crapshoot politically. Mexico is a route for US production. When the right in US focuses on production, Mexico should focus on commodity and trade(exploit?) Latin American neighbors. Invest in the capitalist class in Cuba and Venezuala when they begin to wane from communism. Government must remove the dope pigs. Good Luck! Also if the US busts Mexico is fucked in the short term.

The planet is a zero sum game. If I own the mining operation and can keep you out of it, you can't mine the resource I'm mining. Allowing a subversive influence in the country most likely to transition humans to the stars and to a non-zero sum game (with any infinite or near-infinite energy source) is anti-human.

Maybe if you turn yourself in to Immigration services you could work something out with them. Ask them if you can become a citizen perhaps.


And what are you basing this off of? Your feelings? Because as pointed out regression to the mean in IQ is only for Halflings. And Mendelian genetics proves that those random mutations are not a problem when reproduction of a 1/4 breed is not more than 3 children. Which honestly is quite a number of children in the first place.

Fuck, now how did that period get over there? Anyhow meant to link to this .