Starcucks call 911 over Trump cup
This is low hanging reactionary tripe but still makes a good point: drinking coffee on a routine basis is degenerate.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck coffee

Really, nigger?

triggered shitskin

Anhero now op.

Is one coffee a day ok? Black, no sugar.


you could at least try to learn how to read.

I own a small business, pull down 500k a year. Best part is, its just a storage lot.

I dont even have to work, I just go to my p.o. box and collect checks you fag.

So you think you're special?
Because you get to have morning coffee diarrhea on your own time?

Not only that, all that high blood pressure makes you more easily salty

Consider everything you know and associate with habitual coffee drinkers. Name ONE positive.

So you think you're special?
You puritan moralizer?
I bet you dont do anything at all.

Calling the cops for shit like this should net you a fine or at least a smack upside the head.

Holding up the emergency service lines over this shit should result in a fine.

Whats the emotion on black guy's face? Looks like every emotion mashed together.

I'm pretty sure this is actually illegal, same as making prank calls to 911

Doesn't coffee give you small dick?

Define "small".

what are you? an infant? are your bowels so sensitive that you start blasting diarrhea from a little coffee? fucking disgusting

Your diet is probably to blame here, my coffeeless considerably less caucasian cucknugget.

Libertarians are kikes and belong in the ovens with them.

your coffee has diarrhea


Just being alive gives you a small doodle

how much do you weigh user? honest question, because you might have some sort of diagnosed disease if coffee gives you that level of fecal dilution

You had one fucking job.

adjective: small; comparative adjective: smaller; superlative adjective: smallest

of a size that is less than normal or usual.
"the room was small and quiet"
synonyms: little, compact, bijou, tiny, miniature, mini

What are we fucking mormoncucks now? Jesus.

Also this thread is garbage


if food could effect the body in such a dramatic way, we'd have actual devil fruit by now

In my area the coffee house crowd is old retired men that meet up in the morning and shoot the shit for an hour or so. Not every coffee place is hipsters.

Thanks user. Mobile atm.

It's best to not be dependent on any substance, user

feels gud

I like how shitlording is becoming mainstream again. We are bullyciding the cucks back into their shed.

You're not actually white.
Coffee isn't white.
It doesn't come from any white lands.
What the fuck is "arabica" motherfucker?

Well, it seems we have a new vein to mine for salt.
I imagine we can get some mileage out of this.

Purity spiraling about coffee? Worthless distractions. This is mindless bullshit. This is another form of shilling. Redpill people on jews.



Hahaha that worthless little worm can't even look at the guy in the eye, he just keeps staring at the register terrified

Enjoy a few laughs my uptight nig

jews are the coffee

Retard you don't have to pay a dime if they refuse to put the name on it

lolno, this is called winning. You need to make the (((left))) into a laughingstock and turn mocking them into a national pass time. Then once the laughter gets old, the rope comes out.

You'll get free coffee and snacks if the employee can't do their job right and the manager has to get involved. Once the cops get involved, the employee is going to get fucked.

this is actually a brilliant idea and will spread like herpes because of "muh free coffee"
people love free shit, and if they have a way to get free shit, they are going to get free shit.

You do realize they dont ask your name until AFTER you've paid. Plus not all Starbucks workers are like and wont give a fuck in which case you've just handed your money over to Starbucks. You're falling for jewish tricks.

Undercover Jesuit detected.

I'm not telling you to buy $50 bilge water made from beans picked by blind Gautemalan cock suckers under a harvest moon or some shit. This is for the coffee drinking anons to try to draw keks. Bonus if you live in a liberal city or nogs are working the register. You'll definitely get a reaction.

Coffee is fine in moderation, but Starbucks and Dutch Bros. are cancer.

advice on storage lot business?


If only you took your own advice and stopped choking on dicks.

By your logic, weed is a-okay.

Freedom is a bore.


Liberals: Hating cops until they get their feelings hurt. :'((((

He'll probably claim he called the cops for harassment rather than the Trump thing.

Coffee is full of antioxidants and has been shown to protect the liver from damage, especially from alcohol consumption. Confirmed this anecdotally with a client of mine who is a major alcoholic. He went in for liver testing thinking he must be on the verge of death. Perfectly fine. He drinks a pot a day.

I never really liked coffee, but when I saw the benefits, I started drinking a pot each day myself. I don't miss it if I miss a day for whatever reason, and am happy to split a pot with company. Genuinely feel better since I started drinking it regularly.

Gainful employment? Actually I tried giving up both coffee and alcohol earlier this year like the Emperor but caved in about 45 days. I think you need to get a lot of day-quality light to pull it off…

What mobile devices play webm?

Should be any device with a browser that supports HTML5.

If you want to give up alcohol, start taking 500 mg of niacinamide daily while also abstaining. It will give you more willpower. It's also super good for you in general, and dirt cheap ($5 for a three month supply on Amazon).

You underestimate the power of an organized boycott that can result from these incidents. Mark my words, the Starbucks CEO will put out a statement tomorrow morning.

watch those cucks at all time if you try this. otherwise you might have to kill a fag for spitting in your drink.



Friendly reminder that the Left needed blankeys and play-doh to console themselves after Trump became the 45th President of the United States.


Starbucks coffee is burnt and tastes like shit, though. Even the 'cheap' cups are expensive, too. I'm not gonna go give them my money for an overpriced, inferior product, even for laughs.

1. It's a stimulant, of course you would feel better.
2. Antioxidants are found in plenty of other, healthier things.
3. Coffee is acidic and that's bad for your pH levels in your body.
4. Dehydrates you. All bad in the morning.
5. Blocks up chemicals in your brain, giving you the illusion that youre not tired, when in fact you are. The build up causes a crash. This gets worse and worse and accumulates, making you need/want more to be more awake.
6. It's also highly addictive, more so than nicotine (more people drink coffee than smoke, duh!) and the withdrawel symptoms are compared to that of a Class A drug.
7. It has LAXATIVE effects you morons. That's why it makes you poop.
8. It speeds up your system, because it is a stimulant. When you don't drink it you not only feel like shit but your body runs like shit because it was used to (addicted) to how it ran with the help of the stimulant. You literally make your body dependent on it to function normally.

If you don't believe me, quit cold turkey. Do it and know for yourself how god awful a caffeine addiction is. That shit is terrible for you.

I hope Holla Forums one day frees itself from the liquid bean Jew.

Tea is ok.

French, Italians, Turks and Arabs drink coffee.
Brits, Germans and Russians drink tea.
Guess which is superior.

Brits like to drink tea of their slaves (india, china etc) but Germans and Russians like local herbs like linden. Russians even invented a tea concentrator machine which looks like something out of steampunk.

Buy yourself a Samovar and a shitton of chamomile.

Or buy an electric one.

Caffeine and ephedrine are literally the most Aryan drugs in existence after anabolic steroids.

But Americans drink coffee, and America runs Europe. So by the transitive property, coffee is superior.

So, I was a little skeptical of it, but it seems to have a decent amount of health benefits. As someone who is trying to give up alcohol, caffeine, and porn at the moment, I might try it out based on this

wew lad

It's settled, then.


This. I'm sure there's some variability of reaction between people's individual genetics and physiology, but coffee destroys me in all the ways user lists. If I drink it for two days in a row, not exaggerating, I will already be addicted and need it the next day. I'm pretty sensitive to substances in general so that could be part of it, but I also think "being sensitive" may have a lot to do with generally being a more aware person instead of a retarded lunk who doesn't even notice when his body is reacting badly to things, rather than some genuine physical difference. If you don't think coffee is a fairly serious drug, you're probably a big dumb lunk who's unaware of the state of his own body and mind IMO.

Trips of truth

There are people who wake up because they drink "coffee" and there are those who wake up to drink coffee. If you learn how to make a proper one it's great, I didn't even feel like having cola or whatever since then.


Exactly. My family and I do not take any medicine, either. No tylenol or advil when we get a sore muscle. No cold medicine when we sniffle.

That's what the jews want you to do, so why do it?

Staying away from jewish hyped up and expensive "natural snakeoil remedies," we simply use tired and tested methods, which are often the cheapest and have no side effects.

If I get a headache, I drink some good water, not take an advil, and so on.

The more you avoid harmful substances or medicine, the more sensitive your body will be to them. This is a good thing if you need them one day. If you truly truly need a Benadryl to save your life from a swollen airway, it will work better.

Don't ever let someone tell you that your sensitivity is a bad thing. Their most common tactic is to belittle you or your masculinity by saying youre not a man for not being able to handle your alcohol or coffee.

Your body reacting efficiently to harmful substances is it's intended function. You are healthy and working normally if you have to shit when you drink coffee, or if you have low alcohol tolerance.

to add to this, I am excluding developing immunities when I say sensitivities, so please do not misunderstand me.

For example, I stopped taking allergy medicine, which actually only blocks your reaction but not the pollen, so that my body could react normally to the pollen.

Over time, it got used to it and I no longer need any allergy medicine whatsoever, and I used to have it bad.

If you don't let your body react the right way to certain things, it won't function correctly.

No. You need to get used to the pollen first. The crazy onset (much like a caffeine crash) of sneezing is because of backed up pollen and hystamines in your system that you didn't get rid of by sneezing.

tldr; let your body work the way it was intended to. Millions of years of evolution have nearly perfected its functions. Don't throw that away with jewish quick fix medicine or drugs.


Why did you jump a line at every sentence and two post when you could have used a single paragraph ?

what did you expect from a 25-30 year old who works as a barista, they all look so deplorable

I two posted because I wanted to add something. Everytime I post a wall of text someone spergs out and says, "user, did you ever hear of the paragraph, it was invented a long time ago, not reading that, break your ideas up with space."

Every time I space it, "wow, leddit spacing, go back to leddit"

Shill tactics to discredit my post? Or just fags. Probably both.

Americans drink soda more than coffee.

Starbucks doesn't serve coffee, it serves the Jewish world order.

Or you're just from reddit.

No contribution to the thread and no rebuttal

gib back white man's clay, niggers

Fuck off OP. Coffee isn't bad for you. The caffeine isn't great for you, but black coffee has nothing in it that causes anything.

Also. Why is this in/pol/? This seems like a Holla Forums level shit.

My rebuttal is you're probably from reddit. As evidenced by your formatting and reaction to being called out.

that's not a rebuttal to my argument on caffeine and addiction, only a distraction. I seriously don't give a damn if I space of not. I do it when I think it should be spaced and no I don't go on reddit. Is that all you got? Or are you actually going to rebuttal anything on coffee?

is that the only cowboy bebop reaction image that ever circulates anymore?


go back to cuckchan with your cuckchan filenames

I don't drink coffee and that you thought I was trying to weigh in on that conversation is retarded. You're retarded.

Nah, have another.

you said:
so what were you rebutting when you said that? Because now youre trying to say you werent weighing in. So you were just derailing my perfectly good, valid, and laid out argument against coffee?

Cry more.

ok, kike

oh look….it's a Holla Forums goes full moralfag retard episode

Having a healthy body has nothing to do with morality, retard

He knows he fucked up and can't say anything

Having a healthy body has nothing to do with his post, retard.

Also, there's literally nothing wrong with a cup or two of coffee a day. In fact, there are some health benefits to it.

This word.
Does not mean what you think it means.
Reactionary is not a synonym for "knee-jerk" or "sensationalist."
Please, avail yourself of the correct meaning.
Words matter, they really do. Don't help the left corrupt and dominate our language.

Coffee is a highly addictive substance with significant withdrawal syndrome.
Have you ever noticed that headache cures often contain caffeine?
There's a reason for that.
Withdrawal from caffeine causes a pounding headache.
Most people are completely unaware of this.
They take headache cure and think that the paracetamol/aspirin/ibuprofen fixed their pounding headache.
In fact it was the caffeine alleviating coffee withdrawal.

A cup or two a day is not going to give you withdraws. It's called self control, faggot.
I havn't actually. I can't remember the last time I even took headache meds.

You're making the mistake of confusing libshit behavior with coffee when it's the shitty coffee shop selling five dollar "Summatra Arabica" horseshit that's the cancer.

Throwing grounds from a 3 dollar gigantic can of folgers or whatever into your drip system and brewing some Joe is American as fuck. Joe built this country and made it great user.

Maybe not. Are you drinking real coffee or instant?

Neither had I until I became a heavy coffee drinker, or specifically moved from instant "coffee" crap, to real ground coffee.
It was when I went to buy headache pills that I noticed many of them contain significant amounts of caffeine, about the same as a mild cup of coffee.
Pop one, no headache an hour later.

This is not the stupidest liberal shit regarding coffee.

If I drink more than like 2-3 cups it makes me tired for some reason.

I can whip up a decent pot of tar water if I do say so myself.

By the way: when's the last time you went two days without coffee?
Try it and see what happens.

Exactly, coffee is American as fuck.

>The French drink wine, the English tea.
>The Yankee drinks his hot black coffee.
>The child drinks milk nine times a day.
>The Scotsman sips his whiskey toddy.
>You can keep you wine and keep your tea!
>My curse on him that brings me coffee!
>I'll drink porter, if I may.

Me too; I think it's the way the body deals with caffiene.
this is why I've started drinking decaf and I gotta say i finally understand why that shit exists. I can down an entire pot this way.
pls no bully

Are you seriously virtue signalling on coffee? Geezus Fuck you sound like those vegan assholes.

This is only if you drink to excess


It's diuretic.
Being dehydrated saps you of energy.

Used it deliberately to describe something trivial producing heat and no light. I know what you mean though.

Morning Joe, the murderous bobblehead and his wizened fuck towel, have ruined that phrase.

Fuck yeah, daily dose of coffee is great

Real. I also load it up with creamer and sugar though so boo on me for that i guess.

Psychology teacher in high school taught us about caffeine withdraw about 4 years ago. This was 3 years before I even started drinking coffee.

It is the nature of stimulants to burn calories. your brain is using a lot more energy than it normally would, if you don't consume extra calories to compensate, you crash earlier and harder.

I might consider it. I do legitimately love my morning coffee though. It was relatively recent that I got into it but it's delightful.

I guess I'll add my own "by the way:"
if you habitually drink caffeine around the same time every day, your body will produce an antidote slightly in advance.

You're not supposed to drink the entire pot, retard.

Since everone is talking about various drugs and degeneracy what's y'all opinion on phenibut?

That's our word now

Jesus Christ.

i drink coffee every day and I shit like a normal human lol


good stuff but don't take it on a regular basis and don't dose too high or you gonna fuck up your intestines

Eh, that's really silly but I actually think businesses should be able to refuse service to anyone they want. This was obviously not a hill worth dying for though.

What upsets me is that most liberals will probably defend this guy even though they attacked the Christian bakery for not wanting to serve a gay wedding because it was against their religious beliefs.

Dank Weaponized Autism

Everyone else is being mean so I'll just say I agree completely based on my experiences with coworkers, Mr. Goldberg aside.

Businesses, sure. The kid you hire to run the register doesn't get to make those decisions.

Get fucked coffeefags, I don't even need to prepare my shit

How much of a fucking cuck are you?

I thought the voice sounded a bit like a video I'd seen mixed with Kermit. Threw me off for a sec.

I didn't realize the marketing department for planet fitness posts on Holla Forums.

Kike not cuck, friend.



I'll never understand why people drink it. It's just dirt filtered hot water! That's all it is!

Holy shit it's actualy fucking Mr.Plinkett.


Chocolate doesn't come from any white lands either but I bet anything you eat the hell out of that.


Can give you my personal experience.
I bought a 100g tub for around £25 and it lasted me 6 months, was using daily for around the last month.
I found a dose of 2.5g once a day to be ideal.
It completely obliterates anxiety, usually doesn't cause much of a hangover and works fine with opiates, psychedelics and alcohol (be careful of respiratory depression.)
I tapered down towards the end and managed to quit with no withdrawal syndrome.
Down sides: it's very acidic, smells like diesel, tastes a bit like citric acid.
There's a formulation which is less acidic, if you're going to use it, I suggest you get this one because the acidic version is hell on your teeth.

I can't tell if you're implying that your video was liberal shit or not, doesn't seem like it though

Try stopping after a couple of months of daily use.

Either/or really

Been taking 250mg caps for a little over a month now so never noticed and taste or smell. I was full autismo anxiety mode before it, attacks every time I came face to face with people but now I can somewhat function. Never had any hangover like symptoms and it doesn't seem to react with alcohol at all. 2.5g seems kind of high but I haven't been on it long enough to really know. Mostly asking around here about it for second opinions.

I just figured if it can cut the anxiety of sitting on top of a soviet rocket it can get me to talk to people.

Drinking coffee in and of itself is not degenerate. Modern mainstream corporate coffee house culture such as Starbucks is degenerate as fuck. Becoming reliant upon the caffeine in coffee is degenerate and weak. I don't consume coffee or any caffeine at all.

Don't be too hard on Scarbocommie and Mika; they gave us this delicious meltdown of our favorite neocon after all.

Even if someone did this, it would only give one diarrhea if they didn't eat enough fiber like a normal adult, which says a lot about user in question.

Not exactly clear that I mean no smell or taste due to it being in capsules.

Yes was going to say, capping the powder avoids the acidic taste.
I started lower than 2.5, 1-1.5 I believe but I'm a big guy, 115kg at the time and these things tend to be reckoned per kg.
Just keep an eye on your dose to make sure it doesn't creep up out of control as it does for some people (there's abuse potential apparently, although I never found it euphoric.)
One thing that did disturb me and formed part of me quitting, was that a regular user on bluelight ended up with a brain tumour.
Could be completely unrelated though, who knows.

Fam I always have to shit within 2 hours of having coffee

If there is abuse potential it must be subconscious or tied directly to anxiety, the only effect I even notice from it is the anxiety loss.

Do you really fucking believe plain coffee is bad for your health? It can be bad if you drink enough, but so can water. Coffee reduces insulin resistance and caffeine is mild medication for ADHD.


I believe the "party" effects kick in at higher doses.

Indeed, none of the emotions are a whole zero. But mostly, I think it is happy.

The Swiss make good chocolate, friend.

exercise is healthy.
water is healthy.
i love coffee, but it is not healthy. it is a luxury.

Chocolate can't grow more than 10degrees from the equator.

Good luck finding actual chocolate on the shop shelves.
Through gradual "frog in the pan" method of reducing cocoa % on a yearly basis, we now have sticks of sugar and vegetable fat dyed brown and with

Stop being an ignorant faggot. The blood pH is tightly controlled to the hundredth on the pH scale by positive and negative feedback loops of biochemistry. If you apply a regular stimulus, you'll adjust your pH. Read some biochem

supreme alpha male detected

Don't forget amphetamines user

Shall we go back to eating candied violets, sage-poster?


No I fucking love chocolate, I'm making a point that imprialism is good because it brought us chocolate, tea, coffee, ect. Nothing wrong with consuming any of them and the anti-coffee fags in this thread saying "it's not from white land" are spitting in the face of their ancestors that clawed it from the hands of the locals to bring it back.

It is pretty funny that the most docile relatively speaking created amphetamines then Japanese had to out do them even.

Anything over like 50-70% is getting too much for me but I do like when chocolate ice dream has a dark chocolate bite to it.

black coffee has many health benefits
it increases your cognitive ability
it cleans out your liver
it helps with gym performance
it helps burn fat more efficiently
it's great for insulin sensitivity

all that said, it's best to keep the intake moderate. if you're drinking to the point where your getting the caffeine jitters then you're drinking too much. YMMV

My point is more that below 50% it starts to taste like a bar of soap, and pure cocoa is not that expensive.

you goyim should drink monster not coffee

Are you saying you don't buy medical grade caffeine crystals and snort them in massive lines?

I remember that video of some lady talking about that. Also you don't just add 3 symbols to make the number that. Maybe it is just pure coincidence tho.

Control systems use negative feedback. Positive feedback is bad if you're trying to maintain a setpoint.


Cacao is native to south/central america and xocolatl was a bitter beverage containing cacao invented by the Aztecs but chocolate, real actual chocolate, was invented by the Spanish in the 16th century and then a dutch inventor created solid chocolate in the 19th century.

No I'm not joking.
Most popular brands of chocolate in the UK have ingredients in this order:
Sugar, vegetable fat, other shit, cocoa solids.
The "quality" brand of normalfag chocolate in the UK - Cadbury's Dairy Milk, has 20% cocoa.
To get 50%+ you need to buy "specialty" chocolate, the kind of stuff working-class normalfags won't buy because it has a "funny foreign name."

Ok if you want to get technical you are correct, my point being that cacao beans much like coffee beans only come from within 10 and 20 degrees of the equator respectively.

Jesus fuck 20% is the quality stuff over there?I bought a 2'by4' brick of 90% a few years ago shoved it in the freezer and have been satisfying my chocolate needs with it since.

Even for an energy drink, monster tastes like shit anyway

Oh, seems that the situation is even worse in America.
I might have low-balled it a bit with the 5% but look at this:

"In the UK, chocolate must contain at least 20% cocoa solids. In the US, on the other hand, cocoa solids need only make up 10%.

A Cadbury Dairy Milk bar contains 23% cocoa solids, whereas a Hershey bar contains just 11%."

I normally get 70% minimum, "ironically" the stores known for being "cheap" such as Lidl and Aldi (middle-class people are embarrassed to shop here because they sell perfectly good merch at a fraction of the price of 'quality' retailers), seem to have the best quality chocolate at knock-down prices.
You can get 70,80,90% content for a little over £1.
tl;dr most young westerners have no idea what actual chocolate tastes like.

Man, get yourself 70% once in a while, it's another thing…
(but how much does it cost? The good stuff)

Remember when this didn't taste like plastic?

It's the "stuff on the telly" with the famous brand name, yes.
You can easily get 70,80,90 but it's in the "specialty" rack with "funny foreign names" and is too bitter for people raised on "chocolate" which has as its main ingredient, raw sugar.

That's teh funny thing, it often costs less than the 20% stuff because it doesn't have the "as seen on TV" well-known brand name.
Perverse and strange but that's the normalfag mind and the power of marketing.

The granular jew gets me every time.

I usually do.
What I've noticed is that one square of 80 or 90% is enough, you feel satisfied but if you're eating the stuff that's 20% cocoa, 50% sugar, it has a kind of addictive effect, you want to eat the whole bar in one sitting, where as your real chocolate can last a week or longer, having just a nibble now and then.

Ikr??? I used to love that shit. I stopped eating them after the recipe (((changed))) i swear everytime i eat one now i get bad stomachache followed by diarhea

You really have to search not to find it.
Breakfast cereals especially, are being loaded with the granular Jew now.
I picked up a carton of Museli a couple of weeks ago and checked the ingredients; in the UK the ingredients are listed in order of weight, so the first on the list is largest % by weight in the product.
This Museli had sugar as its first ingredient.

Oh I see. Why people don't buy that instead is beyond me!

That even looks bad.

In Brazil 70%+ is certainly more expensive but almost on par with Hershey's.

Pure cocoa on the other hand is not very expensive - a kilo lasts a long time and chocolate milk with coffee will never be the same. You have to adjust taste buds though, but at least it's not sugar with flavoring.

That is the same way they label it in the US. You are lucky if some fake chemical made in a lab isn't above actual wheat grain or something.

Advertising and growing up on sugar marketed as chocolate.
We have German budget retailers operating in the UK, called Lidl and Aldi. They sell many brand name products and their own in-house (normally German and made to German standards) items for way less than the "big name" retailers who use advertising to associate their stores with "quality".
The typical Brit is embarrassed to use the budget stores and also buys into the "product must be low quality if it costs less".
I recommend any Britfag get over their conditioning and start shopping at Lidl, great selection of coffee and chocolate too btw.
It really puts the 3rd world begging, charity commercials into perspective:
Fuck nigger, I survive on £1 a day, without the benefits of much lower costs of living.

Dreamworks face.

First off I've only used them for the past 7 months maybe twice a month cause I have to go the docs to get flesh burned off. Secondly I've done it a number of times before, quite literally have loads of prescription painkillers left in their bottle because of my lack of using them. Last time I took them daily was during the first two(?) weeks of my last surgery, since then I've pretty much dropped them, if it wasn't for the needing to get chemically burned I would've tossed/stop taking them months ago.
Did that at one point for an 8 month period, wasn't fun.

That's my point, physical dependency doesn't really become an issue with opiates until a sustained period of daily use, so it's normal that you wouldn't experience any, doesn't mean you're alien.


90+% cocoa is the best, it burns your tongue

This thread is full of faggots.

good thread

This is me.

I do not understand the concept of addiction.

I'm pretty sure you could dope me up on heroin or something and I'd forget about it the next day.

Am I genetically different, or are you all just whiny pussies?

You can buy 80% in the US for the same price, it's not even hard to find.

There's also baker's chocolate which is the same thing but cheaper.

There are no positives and negatives for it on any grand scale. You might as well be asking people to name positives for putting ketchup on you food. It's just preferrence, and ultimately, fucking nothing.

Never seen why Aldi has a bad rep, they're cheap as hell and have really high quality german imports.

Serious, question Holla Forums. When did Holla Forums start supporting police?

Remember all the threads against militarizing police, police murdering citizens (not just dindus, you fuck heads), over policing, police coercion, etc?

I remember (a year ago or so) during the blm riots. It was "lel police kill niggers so they cool, fam!", which is understandable, but it seems like that mentality never went away. It went from:

So, what gives?

inb4 shill

It's no longer classified as chocolate, look it up. It has zero cocoa of any kind in it.

I still hate them

Dispatcher: 911 whats your emergency?


This is true but most (((chocolate))) sold in the US now is not chocolate. They even replaced cocoa butter with PGPR Polyglycerol polyRICINoleate. I'm talking the stuff normies and probably your kids eat.

Niggers continued to get more and more uppity, necessitating more police actions and effectively making police continue being "the good guys" despite all previously held views the constant stream of niggers nigging made police seem good.

No love yet. After the purge, yes.

Psyops work, user

Social signalling.
If it was all down to single men then Aldi/Lidi would put all the other stores out of business. However, women control spending and for a woman to be seen shopping at Lidl or Aldi harms her social status.
It implies that she married a man whose income is too low to support luxury shopping, paying 2,3,4 times as much for the identical product.
So many purchasing decisions are based on status signalling and aspirational advertising. I guess it comes into play somewhat for men too, although their primary status symbol is the car, so where they shop for tendies is less relevant in courtship.

Basically highly simplistic thinking.
The police are supported because they murder more blacks than whites.

They all look like cucks.
So weak and thin, just what i expected before even opening those links.

Never forget LaVoy.

Reminder that the gun on LaVoy's was reported stolen only a few months beforehand by one of the agents that fired at him and his family. Reminder that LaVoy consistently OC'd his revolver on the opposite side of his body than that the semi-auto pistol was found.

That's a laugh. You mean that guy and those girls at work who spend half the day in the kitchen area brewing more coffee? The only liquids that pass my lips are water and milk. These are the drinks of the White man. I won't even indulge counterarguments, which will all be based upon dependence and mental illness rather than dispassionate examination of the facts. I will accept responses in the form of geographic coordinates to a place we can meet and pit your degenerate lifestyle against my pure one in a final battle which, regardless of outcome, will result in me never having to read one of your mindless shitposts again.


Virtually everyone I know is a habitual or semi-habitual coffee drinker. We're alright.


That's called being regular.
Chicken tendies don't have fiber and you should shit at least once a day.

could you be more pathetic?

you really don't like coffee do you user?

As somebody that only drinks caffeine sporadically, the psychoactive effects are very noticeable.
It creates a tensing up, a fixation on individual tasks with an accompanying lack of awareness of the context those tasks are taking place in.
It is the perfect worker drone drug, consuming caffeine every day is going through life with blinders on and intuition inhibited. Don't think about the big picture, don't consider why you are working, silence that nagging feeling that you are wasting your life away working for Mr. Noseberg. Just do the thing.


Daily reminder that South Africa and Indonesia are rightful dutch clay

Remove Zulu and Indo



Yeah, you know what, I could be.
but fuck you.
and fuck coffee.

mønster tastes like sugar water and diarrhea

This girl is a fucking Mexican/some form of mud. Look over the years and the "ideal girl" becomes less and less Aryan. Look at the literal worldwide obsession with asses now, which is complete negroization of culture. In a decade, if the JEws haven't gotten rid of the internet, people will be posting pictures of coal blacks negresses and everyone will act like it's normal.

The founding fathers were coffee addicts, in fact the switch from beer to coffee is considered to play a role in ushering in the enlightenment period.

I just posted a random pic from my /fit/ folder.

Are you telling me this doesn't get you hard user?

my father makes coffee every day then goes to work comes home has a drink goes to bed and does it all again every day. my grandfather did the same. they did this to raise a family protect their children from poverty to live and raise children with dignity.

of all their flaws, of their failures. of my own shortcomings i cannot say that they did not try. that they did not live to the best of their ability in the days that they lived.

should we buy some water filters too while we're at it?

Don't be an idiot.

Everyone knows coffee enemas is where its at.

i'm proud to say i never fell for the energy drink meme.

the faggots who say coffee is degenerate are the same fags who've never had to wake up at 5 in the morning to go to work. The easiest tell of who's a NEET on here is their contempt of caffeine. NEET's don't need caffeine because all they do all day is sit on their fat, worthless asses.

I have one like maybe once or twice a month almost like a treat but not really.

I don't think I've ever seen anything like that and what about the mountain dew/energy drink meme? I prefer ginger ale anyways if I drink something carbonated.

Where did you get a picture of an angel?

Boy are you in the wrong place.

And that was how I learned about real cocoa. These days I enjoy the 99% pure with a nice cup of coffee.

Okay wage cuck, settle down there. Waking up at 5 am to work is the EASIEST tell of someone who works a minimum wage job stocking shelves or something like that. The boss or owner would never punish themselves to that misery.

Some of us eat a healthy diety, get regular exercise, and go to sleep early, enabling us to wake up whenever we want and spring to action without caffeine.

Caffeine dehydrates you, creates dependence, and makes you more lethargic in the long run. Not to mention it makes your breathe smell like trash.

I know for a fact they cannot act like fags when you give them a fake name to write down

Exactly, goyfriend.

Yeah ok OP, you're just a fucking moral extremist. You're like ISIS.

All of those cucks behind the counter are about to lose their jobs once corporate finds out though.

Corporate said he could have any drink he wanted with any name he wanted.

And then he calls the police.


How about sweet tea

He's the fucking DEFINITION OF SPECIAL you dummy. Now grovel at his superior earning, finely made shoes and ask forgiveness. Just kidding, I know you're rustled enough the way it is.

Shitbucks should have been on everyones boycott list a looooong time ago.

I got that reference, user.

Productivity. Obviously. Why else would every employer in the world provide coffee for their workers?

I heard that during the Crusades, they dripped some coffee for the Pope that they liberated from the shitskins and the Pope said "We can baptise this Devil's Brew"

Hate the fucking faggot.

Too be fair this user is right, as quiting cold turkey. It takes one/two days to withdrawl and recover. Comparing this too lets say, heroine, crack, meth and many many other drugs that kill. Coffee is fine in moderation. If you really thing its apart of this MASSIVE JEW PLOT TO DESTROY THE UNIVERSE then switch to the local/100 mile diet or GROW SHIT YOURSELF. I am pretty much off all food that isn't dutch, and dutchmen have been drinking coffee since 1600's. Hell they are the reason it even was traded to the modern world.


Agreed, he stole that joke from Lewis C.K.

Also what a bunch of fucks for censoring asshole in a song about being an asshole. Either do it or don't you fucking pussies.

Better never eat any fruit ever again, faggot.
And don't even mention vinegar.

kill yourself you piece of shit

Did this faggot get arrested? I thought police took misuse of 911 calls seriously, like that one dude who called to order a pizza, or was it a ride to a bar?

Fuckin NEET faggot you don't wake up before 5am and drink coffee to assist a good pre-shower pre-work power-shit?

You probably suck cocks and lick buttholes too.

We are living vicariously through people that actually have a license, and justification, to put down subhumans that chimp-out on humans while violating the law.

What a wonderful time to be alive in the USA!

when you about to bust and she stops suckin

Sometimes I forget that neets tend to not have a shred of empathy or able to assess the entire situation.

And also white adults.

Nice webm.

lmao fuck you faggot I take my 15 minute coffee shit every day and its fucking amazing

What about decaf coffee.

is that degenerate? I like the flavors but i ditch caffeine because its bad for brain health.


Its awful. I saw a can of ground cocoa in the cabinet one day and put a spoonful in my mouth, expecting it to taste like chocolate


2 shots vodka, one shot each baileys and khalua.

Coffee accelerates how fast your colon operates. Hence why people who dont drink it regularly experience an urge to go a couple hours after. He just needs to eat a but more fiber and he should be ok


I literally only drink coffee as a quick release laxative.

I mean, I drink redbull, monster or whatever I can afford every other day though. But still, let's make fun of you

okay. Thanks for the giggle m8