Sam's at it again!

Sam Hyde supposedly denying alt-right leanings. It's a possibility that the show, Sam and the rest of MDE are in no way sympathetic to the alt-right, nevertheless, support major shit-lording whenever possible, it can only help us at this point esp. with twitter censoring anyone either claiming or suspected to be a member of the alt-right. So it goes lads, so it goes.

Other urls found in this thread:


good, alt-kike is controlled op.

Does he film vertically ironically?

he always does

OP do you have a fucking double-digit IQ?

Sam is never been alt-right.

You new buddy?

Leave Sam Hyde alone!

This is great.

Holla Forums isn't the alt-right, you fucking cuckchan cancer

Oy vey!


i think hes telling us something there.

Sam has been openly critical of the Alt-Right for years. Embed related.


12 min in and he's tearing the democratic party apart

anyone have that uncensored ep of World Peace?

He's one of us.



What the fuck do you care? We aren't the alt-right, we already agreed this is a kike label they are trying to throw on us. Alt-right is Milo's boys club.

Sam has dat high verbal IQ

what is the precise definition of the alt-right anyway and how do we differ?

I'm well aware of this possibility, especially when he talked about the parallels between the swastikas in the show and those false hate-crime panics as well as the idea of anti-white rhetoric.


One of the other reasons why I'm glad I posted it.

I'm not implying anything. All we have at this moment is circumsantial evidence to which no one can prove any claim they throw against himlike trump

After reading the comments and watching the video, Sam is the ultimate dog-whistler.

Lol, are the alt-right just ernst roehms?

Which one was that? I have them all, but only one was leaked that was uncensored as far as I know, ep 1 right?

Don't think they won't try to skewer him with this. blockhead joe is probably already on the move as we shitpost.

What are we defined as then? not user a moose i'd hope. The point of this thread is to throw around ideas, gay man.

I spotted it too, and then remember the principal dono donothing.

If anything we are more centralists


whichever ep showed this

Sam go to bed.

Why do you even care,OP?

Seems like a nice guy.


NatSoc or get the fuck out faggot

Now that I think about it, we're more paeleocons than neonazis or even modeling upon national socialists.

I think that's the first episode. I'll look through what I have and I'll either post it the link here or make a new thread with ALL the episodesxmas is coming soon, afterall.

I promise you, I'm not Sam Hyde.

I don't understand you're assertion, are you not interested in what Sam has to say, coded or not? Why not?

I'd like to meet Charls, he seems like he's the brains behind most of the skits, though all three of them are good actors.


Charls is pretty handsome.

Its obv. he's right-wing but he's not going to go full-autist because he still wants to be funny and not overtly political (he's said something to this effect in various places).

Watching even just World Peace and nothing else by MDE despite how censored it was should tell you his views.

The point is we can't be defined, even among ourselves we can't agree. We stand for truth and a departure from all this gay bullshit that has infested and pozzed up the world.

I wish he had more confidence in his comedy though. It must be hard being around Sam who is a savant, but Charls is great too.

TBQH NatSoc is a centrist position. It is the politics of Nature, the scientific position. Anybody who denies the truth of National Socialism is an extremist.

Go back to TRS, cuck.

Don't forget to donate to the podcasts ;^)

>another thread where Holla Forums whines about the alt-right

Go back to reddit you coal burning cuck worshiper.

Charls is the best. Sorry Sam.

Kill yourself, bitch.

Nobody even knows what it is.

Yeah, stop thinking it's okay to be a coal burning faggot.

Perfect response from Trump

This tbh

Lmao. Dude, kill yourself.

Are you actually autistic? Enjoy your ban.

Trump knows the score.

Into the >>>/bog/ faggot

Oh look, (((suspicious characters))) starting a shitfest in a Sam Hyde thread, no doubt to trigger a certain mod into going into autosage mode on it. (((Purely coincidental))).

Hahahaha, god. You are genetic garbage.

Trips confirm.

Why the fuck would shills derail a fucking Sam Hyde thread. I like Sam as much as the next guy but come the fuck on.

They're obviously doing something to get to him since he broke character

Have you not killed yourself yet? Do it, you disgusting fuck.

Pretty much, but without any of Rohm's positive qualities.

Could be Bernstein, he's been known to watch this board.

You are a TRS shill trying to use Hyde as a tool to push your alt-right shit. Fuck outta here nigger.

You literally argue like a redditor. How the fuck did you even find yourself here?



We are all alt-right ;^)


We just want peace? Okay? Peace.

Stop being cucks and punching right. This is almost as bad as your hitler worship.

That's my alt-right TRShill immitation, how'd I do?

i like this

bretty gud

Pretty good tbh. I was about to rage.

What a complete faggot.

Pretty good imitation.

Agreed, I say that in a classical Aestheticism sense.

I think they tried labeling that as alt-right. Don't forget, we called ourselves alt-right before it was taken in the mainstream lexicon. Many people on here in late 2014 after the exodus from the land of cucks referred themselves as alt-right; i refer specifically to the Richard Spencers and the Jack Donovan's both of whom I think are gay. Nevertheless, We'll be called something in one form or another, whether we like it or not, no use in trying to be the loner cool kid who tries too hard.

nice dubs, bub, don't have a hitler pic though, sorry. We can't be sure what Sam is. Don't forget, that even that hack George Carlin dipped between ragging on the, at the time, reaganites and the neo-hippes. If I recall correctly, Sam, or whomever manages his account on twitter and reddit, stated that the network had to cut out a lot of content because it was supposedly too offensive, such is life i suppose.

I thought Charls was the head writer.

Only in terms of economics, otherwise like fascism, it's essentially an allegory of a human body against nature.

Hi joe.

I ordered his book, hope I don't get put on a list. I heard he had a visit from an agent about his little fiascos, what with killing all those people of color.

just another day on Holla Forums even with the election over and not advocating for violence still won't save you from being called a shill.

Which is how we got stuck with that label in the first place. To me, I only thought that Alt-Right was a person affiliated with the Republican party that wasn't a neocon, hence a paleocon or a disciple of ron paul or perhaps even a national socialist or a fascist. Suppose we'll never know what it truly means, where it came from or who made it up.

Which is why it's a good thing he took the throne. Ever wonder why he picked an israel-firster for VP? It wasn't because he likes the guy, it's because Trump wants to pick his and find ways to manipulate people who are cuckservatives. Plus, no one is going to want to assassinate Trump, because then, Pence would get into power and that would cause the lieberals to be even more butt hurt.

Even Hitler had his Ernst Roehm.

That's right, I don't many people visit here to begin with, even those queers at TRS. Even so, a SH thread doesn't seem like the most valuable time spent trying to subvert to their cause. By the way, what is the right-stuff? Are they feds?

I suppose?

I've been on Holla Forums since late 2014, i'm not going anywhere.

That's an interesting read, Where did you find it? was it TRS? Anyways, I'm not alt-right or national socialist, i'm a paeleocon.

I like it too, will Holla Forums ever have a conversation without resulting in calling people shills and the like? I'm surprised we organized a shitpost to meme Trump to becoming president, let alone changing a lot of people's minds.

Very good. You got that vein in my head to pop out a little bit until the spoiler.

wtf am i seeing

A few weeks ago some moron on TRS thought it would be a good idea to raid Holla Forums with the standard "Why doesn't Holla Forums join us?" shit. Of course we immediately sniffed him out and bullied him hard. Some of our people with accounts on TRS explained on TRS our position. That screenshot is one of their posts, which was posted back in the thread the original TRS shill started on Holla Forums (which is where I got that screenshot).

Nigga I know his freinds. Yes he is

No, the fags who frequent TRS aren't feds, but TRS and the alt-right in general is jewish controlled opposition. Their "movements" like Identity Europa are totally feds though.

As for this not being a good thread to subvert. TRS fags are literally autistic, they see a thread like this and go "lol i know who sam hyde is better post about milo and traps XD"

TRS has a use as babby's first redpill, but other than that they're garbage. Especially because the "alt-right" doesn't care to educate themselves past "racial realism" and into the JQ.

alt-right is between the space bar and the left- ctrl

That would explain why you're replying to every user in the thread like an insufferable faggot. This isn't a plebbit AMA, OP. If you want attention go downtown and wave your dick around at a cop or some niggers or something.



Also thread.

Which is a shame cause I kinda wanted to talk about Hydes recent video but now it's too late now.

He could be Sam.

out of curiosity: what other movements are likely los federales? Renegade/Sinead are batshit insane, likely not a honeypot.

Also, since when is TRS kike controlled? If anything their allegiance is to fegelehs like Dicky Spencer, Gindr Greg, and Jacky D.

Yeah, pretty much everyone out there sucks. TRS, Ironmarch, Renegade, etc. All shit tier.

I doubt it. He sounds too sincere, is not funny, and Sam is more grim.

Richard Spencer's mentor is a guy named Herzel or something like that. Not lying. Vid related.

Sam, is this you? If so, don't do what I told you the official /fit/ height chart recommends for your height (seriously, don't do it, not wurf it). Being 5'8 isn't all bad…

If he had to do a video to defend himself against acusation of some kind because of that (((bereinstein))) faglord he's probably not in the mood for joke.

Sam is funny when he posts here. Theres a screencap floating around about a post he made about how he can bullshit through something like his Rutgers talk and he likened it to dogs and hentai. It was pretty great. That guy seems more like mannchild than Sam.

centrist with knowledge of jewish interference on society.

still our guy.

National socialism was usually described as the radical center.


Sam Hyde fucks trannies. Sounds pretty implicitly white to me.

Nice lie, faggot.

I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, what is Holla Forums's position on TRS and the alt-right? What is the difference between us and them? No one's answering my question about that. Do they now understand themselves to be controlled opposition? Sinead and the other little idiot who's on camera eating her toe jam and whatever that's understandable to be wary of people like that, but is TRS aware of this or no? Suppose it's them who's the easier to subvert?

So, is the TRS and alt-right ok with traps and gays then? That's bizarre.

That's the geayest thing i've ever heard, non, that's way gayer in fact of that picture of gillian anderson.

We can still do that, that's why i made the thread afterall. I don't understand why everyone on here is autistically not defining the difference between the alt-right and the boys at Holla Forums but such is life. So go on. Let's discuss Sam's new vid. It's funny and nuanced, your turn.

besides that little idiot 18 year old eating her toe jam and smacking herself in the face live on cam, I think she just wanted attentiong. Sinead on the other hand, is possibly an agent, because she talks about a lot of nonsense including power crystals or how the moon doesn't exist or some bullshit. Her position seems to be one of cointelpronot just for the blacks, it was also meant to subert neonazis and paleocons to discredit them

maybe at this point in time, it's not just a party or movement that is created by the feds, that's not usually how the dept. has been known to operate. Usually, it starts with infiltrating a group, gaining their trust, and then espionage for the agency. A few times however, the FBI has been known to disrupt political movement by making DnC moves by encouraging power struggle et al.

Which is why I'm all in favour of good ol' separate development.

Once again, I, OP, am not Sam, and I am not a faggot, look, if it'll make you feel better, i'll post a picture of my own butthole to show you that it's never been punctured.

nope, not sam, wish i had his flair and cutting humour though.

The best part is that blockhead joe continues to be humiliated by Sam.

When has Sam posted here? Do you have screencaps and better yet, archives?

I'd say we're center-right for the most part, along the lines of Pat Buchanan and Michael Scheuer. We prefer freer market ideals, but we don't like corporatism esp. shipping our jobs overseas and trying to compete with the likes of Chinese Slave Labor.

Should've known he was the master.

No? Even still, that's not the correct definition, because Hitler was against the Juencker and other upper classes and favoured a party that advocated almost entirely for the workers.

Yes, we've heard that shitpost on twitter ad nauseum before.

Honestly your posting style is so horrendous I'm not giving you shit.

Seriously, if he was "alt-right" do you think he'd be posing for a photograph with openly Jewish poet Allen Ginsburg?

Holy shit, stop posting like this are you insane?

Why not?

any idiot that adopts the label
we don't adopt the label, don't have leaders, and don't tolerate homosexuals.
Anonymous but we hate maskfags.

He also had long knives :^)

The negative space in that infinity symbol makes an inverse swastika / manji. do I get 5K now? pls pay my rent Sam

Pretty sure Sam did fuck an underageb& and a trap back when he was a lonely NEET lolberg that lived with his mom.
Sam's not a great guy, just a decent comedian that panders to us. which is why I like him tbh, not exactly the pinnacle of NatSoc personified but he makes decent content that validates our ideology

dude nukes lmao

What are you smoking? Or are you just high on newfaggotry. Sam if this is you stop ironically shitposting, it'll invite real idiots.

the official Holla Forums position is to lurk moar

It doesnt even matter.

gay as fuck.

That's hilarious

what? how so? I'm op and answering questions. Wha's the problem?

But you just did it now; that posting style. By the way, we're not fucking anonymous, that shit should've died out well before those stupid sony hacks and other crap. Way to make everyone look autistic and not worthy of doing anything with their lives. lol.

That's a stupid thing to say, you're a shill.

Holla Forums is thousands of individuals and we have our own opinions.

Do you have autism? Are you some sort of attentionfag? Seriously, I'm wondering why you think anyone gives a fuck.

Give it a rest TRShill

The book looks basically like a copy of hypersphere.

Why don't they just admit they have some Jewish blood already?

Why not try and make TRS more national socialist?

You're describing strasserism rather than Htiler's policies.

This autist:

is probably Joe Bernstein trying to gather info. We know Bernstein has been reading 8 chan since the exodus when he wrote gamergate articles. And the questions this guy keeps asking sound like some outsider Jew gathering intel.


Damn, this make sense.

lmao, we can't tell you're op, you should put something in the name field so we can tell it's you

Fuck off blockhead.

Those digits gave me a massive hard-on



Could be true, I'm going to lurk instead of posting, I already said too much with the principal dono donothing.

Double post sorry but, oh fuck that's him. (((blockhead berenstein))).

Throw me an invite

You are cancer. Stop posting.

Makes sense.

I knew something was off when he started the thread associating Hyde with the alt-right and thusly Holla Forums.

british sam cummin in with da bantz
Nigga you didnt follow me on twitter like you said you would, cant DM you to remind you to

can't forget the camwhoring she did, and her plot to con incels out of shekels. Ive suspected sinead of cointelpro type stuff too, but who looks at treespiracy shit (jewish plot to harvest mile high hexagonal crystal yggdrasil trees for energy) and then takes anything else she says seriously?

Not sure how much infiltration los federales can do to 8pol/TRS, since nearly everyone is online under a psuedonym, pool party goyim need extreme vetting

Oh shit, I almost told him about the multiple homicides Sam was responsible for. He really can't keep getting away with it

Their spirits
And then their body

Just in case.

I heard he master minded Sandy Hook and manipulated that poor boy Lanza into shooting all those kids directly in the head with a rifle that was found in the trunk of a car.



By the way guys, I'm actually Rhodesi-user. I'll post rare rhodesia shit later if you'd like

Fair enough, but we seem to enjoy our freedom of speech so much, that we'd be against tyranny of any kind, including the spy system that stalin and yes, hitler, had, but we like borders, national security and being able to compete against eachother fairly and not against chinese labor, so we can't be either adherents to Austrian or Supply economic theoryboth of which are bullshit, the best is chicago school with a negative tax rate and a floating exchange rate.

Please adhere to the discussion of the thread, and don't sidetrack from the main discussion.

still not a shill, and you're still not adding to the conversation. just leave pol if you don't like it.

His policies in theory were an extension of Strasserism, but put into action was the logical continuation of what was both politically and eocnomically viable.

Do you want me to take a screencap? Look pal, I just want to smoke some weed get on the white horse and sail off like every1 else on the pol. Naw' mean dawg? But seriously, I just wanted to talk about Sam's new video.

fucking N-I-M-B-L-E m80

you're saying i don't have the same id? bizarre…

lol, first i was accused of being sam, now i'm accused of being blockhead joe? @JustAnotherDayOnPol

If they're mexican federal police, then you can just get off with a bribe. lol
which explains why she's most likely a shill. Yet supposedly, I'm a shill despite even saying this.

The Thousand-Cuck stare afflicted Bernie, now it has inflicted its damage on Hillary.

Did somebody say anything about Sayeem Al-Ahyeed ?


Wow, holy shit you guys watch out, we've got an oldfag here. I bet he even remembers Gamergate.


Hmph. I like Hungarian border-user better tbh.

top lel kill yourself


I have an inkling Nick is the pioneer, he was also the first one of the three to be switched on about worldly events.


We're not some alternative. We are the right.

Actually, I do. lol.
What about all these pics unrelated tho?

I've thought that too. Afterall, Neocoservatism doesn't make sense at all and is not conservative by means of the word.

tbh we should just be Republicans now (or Democrats, as infiltrators). We have the opportunity to reinvigorate its addled cuck husk into a nice white elephant.

Well if that wasn't coded language, i don't know what is. A white elephant is something that's cost outweighs it's usefulness.

What weird thread. OP does seem like a journalist that read the archives in the sticky while doing research and is now trying to get fresh new research for another hit piece. Notice all the signalling and the >weposting. He has an almost schoolgirl like fascination with Holla Forums. To him Holla Forums is the bad buy that both fascinates and repulses him, and like any lefty, instead of looking at what is said, is trying to figure out the emotional/psychosexual reasons behind the statement. In fact, he cannot accept what is said, because what is said is directly threatening to his self-interest of holding power and social standing. In other words, you will NEVER write for the New York Times!

Stop projecting, you blockhead!

I don't think this is our lovable blockhead Joe, this is probably that stupid crackwhore Louise Mensch. Note all the British spellings(you really are dumb you stupid cunt, I want you to know that.) and the fact that she calls herself a "Paleocon". She tried to impersonate RV on twitter and phish people that way. In any event we need mods to chemo this bitch stat.

OP, you seriously think anyone would confess to positing here without severe torture?

Of course anyone who has a bit of situational awareness knows that they will be coming after us. I hope you faggots have been using multiple VPNs, or we might hear a spike in the suicide rates.

We aren't playing a game here, everything will get very real very quickly because they've seen only at our limited power now we can devastate anything (((they))) can make.

"they are not laughing anymore" -Adolf Hitler

Shadilay, Family.

We're also very hard to get rid of :^)
If our people get involved in party politics, ZOG will desperately want to stop us from fucking up their machinery, but the GOPe will lose its appeal to minorities and come to understand they'll die without us.

You'll never write for the failing NY Times, Joe

Anyone have a link to the video where Sam makes fun of race realists?

at least never used cuckchan, nothing more than a big pot of honey at this point

Why hasn't anyone brought up that

Man the first Orthodox Jewish Women's Rock band, Jews really do rock.

Their only power comes from wearing the mask of democracy, if they drop that mask to start mass-vanning people, they lose their power. Their greatest power is also their greatest weakness, their hands are tied.

Which makes it all the sweeter when the ICE agents that areat least from what another thread statedkeeping tabs on illegals and when Trump gets into Office. you know the rest.

WE? What is all this WE stuff? HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDScan't Holla Forums have one decent conversation without believing their psychotic delusions will come true?


certainly from the perspective of Sheriff Clarke.

is this the same faggot that The Hyde trolled during an interview?

Speak for yourself, not for Holla Forums

So during the thread, I've been accused of being Sam Hyde, Blockhead Joe, That Crackwhore and now Sam again? Make up your mind.

I do, The majority of you retards would be shoad immediately, or forced to work to death.

But that doesn't say they won't try and might not be a bit successful.

In most of our countries the body politic of the normie is that of feelings, where the normie's programming is activated based on certain codewords forced into him so that he will act out in known way.


Kill the MODS! THey anchor this and a book thread. WTF do they want? They create Christian D/C themselves. The entire site is not dedicated to some nobody posting something about Trump on twitter

The bus driver is the most telling.

The radio fags are admitted anarchists who became libertarians who had their lunch money and bikes stolen by negros who do a podcast now. Maybe if their mum's get gang raped by niggers and have their throats slit they'll be something more, but until something like that takes place, just Twitter cucks.

Your press pass is showing.

You know there's a consensus on Holla Forums, faggot. This is not a libertarian board.



Yeah, maybe, but I honestly think normies are waking up, could you tell the you from 2 years ago that we'd be talking about the kinds of things the MSM is talking about? It's insane and unprecedented. This was not supposed to happen and the inmates just realized that the doors were never really locked.

I can only tell you that living in PA, I saw some Trump signs early on(these are the true believers), but not a lot, as soon as he got the nomination you saw more, but about 30-45 days before the election they just sprang out of nowhere, not astro-turfed either, the normies just went along with it. They voted for a ridiculous reality star with a weird haircut who wants to build a wall and deport muslims because the world is so crazy that he's the only dude who makes any real sense. They're losing it user, I'm not saying stop OPSEC, but I think this is really happening and their illusion is shattering.

Do you not mean right-ctrl?

Why is the book so fucking expensive. 107$ for the book and shipping to EU.
user do you want to be my proxy?

what are you talking about? I'm talking about that Bernstein kike at buzzfeed; the one writing the hit pieces. is taht the same one that tried to interview Sam, and now he's butthurt?

why did you lie and say you were user? none of us did that donald shit with the centipede. that is not one of our memes in anyway lol

he called them libertarians bro which they are. their original podcast was libertarian. they come from libertarian forums and blogs. the private facebook was libertarian shit. the only reason they dont talk about libertarian shit all the time is because they know no one gives a shit. But like please be sure they are libertarians. Also faggots.

Did what? I am not the guy complaining about replying to multiple posters if that's what you mean
The same posting style everyone else around here has?
What's in your namefield buddy?
we aren't ebin anonymoose leegun hax0rs we're just anons discussing the benefits of white ethnonationalism. Those are maskfags and we hate them.
so, exactly what you've been doing this entire thread. at least you got dubs.

palindromic GETs are the best.

What the fuck else are we? Certainly not alt-kike (((civic nationalists)))

It's like 900 pages, it's expensive because Sam is one guy and ink/binding materials cost money, MDE doesn't generate huge amounts of income, fucker mines litecoin in his spare time.

Oh look, the (((coincidental shitflinging shills))) managed to get a certain mod's attention and the thread autosaged.

I'm OP, and throughout the thread I was accused of being those three people during the life of this thread. All I wanted to do was talk about Sam's new post. Why it never happened, we'll have Holla Forumsack autism to thank for that.

That meme was first used to describe Donald Trump when that one smug faggot was baiting him to denounce David Duke and the Klan when Duke threw his support behind him.

ironic that many idiots on here think Putin is soem sort of ethnonationalist despite jailing Dmitry Demushkin and Maksim Martsinkevich.

plus sam said that binders in China refused the work because they thought it spoke out against the chinese gov't.

This happens all the time on Holla Forums, OP here, and I've been called shill more times than i'd care to remind myself. All I want to do is discuss political matters, but then you have these morons who, at the slightest provocation, call you a shill and the whole thread gets torpedoed.

Who the fuck reports Sam Hyde threads? He's one of the least invasive "e-celebs" around

What does that have to do with anything I posted? They clearly have never been to the eastern-bloc if they think Putin is anything more than a slightly-better-than-shit ZOGbot. He's god-tier compared to the rest of Europe's leadership though so I kind of see it.
The book is called "how to bomb the government" so again, I can see why.
Also you get called a shill because you're a huge and obvious newfag.

It certainly doesn't help anyone when the shitflinging shills get reported, and the moderation decides instead of doing anything about the reported post like a normal, intelligent, non-faggot would do, go about shutting down the entire thread.
We could have something great, but that's not possible with who's in charge here.

Everyone knows who kamphy is, so just check the logs.

The price for the 744 pages is 35$ lad.
Where do the other 72$ go? It's like 30$ max for shipping and don't try to tell me the rest is for taxes or something like that.

Binding materials, take it from an author that shit is not cheap especially for a huge artbook like that.

Are you from halfchan? No one cares, and no one cares that you are OP.

Shit pics man. Any stal/k/er could do better.

e-celeb threads have been bumplocked for a long time, how new are you?.

It's the price for the book if you're from the US.
vapes DOT com/products/mde-presents-how-to-bomb-the-u-s-govt-preorder

Yeah…things have gotten pretty serious this past year and I'm really considering getting a VPN soon.

If you know anything about the jews and their memetic magic, you know that you must not let them name you. Do not give them that power over you. The Jew media wants to call us the Alt-Right, therefore you'd have to be an idiot who knows nothing about jews to adopt that name.

My beef with TRS is that they are too dense to comprehend that.


what a slimy idiot you are


He's on TV now. I think that makes him a genuine celeb.

ah, big difference

OP disappeared once his thread couldn't slide anything.

..really makes you think

Is Sammy getting fat?


What about the increasing subversion of generally negative habits/actions into normalcy by the people who were supposed to be right-wing?
Milo and any nigger who agrees with you are proof of this, it's just the (((right-wing))) parading around faggots and kikes so they can show everybody how tolerant they are.

Oh (((you))). Attacking Sam Hyde is a recent jewish phenomenon. Kike.

That has nothing to do with Hyde, jew.

You're trying too hard.

OP is an obvious outsider, and you defended him while calling everyone else jews and shills and complaining about moderation. No one takes your shit serious.

Hyde is an e-celeb, yes it does. Fuck off with e-celeb nonsense, it's as simple as that. Go jack off about how, like, totally cool it is to be a Patreon or to be a shill for his merchandise.

No, I just needed sleep to go to work the next day. the NEET lifestyle isn't for everyone you know.