I know communists and left anarchists are basically religious idiots, but what are good arguments that bring them to tears?
What are good arguments against communism?
You gotta formulate your own bantz.
Good arguments and bants have little in common when tackling complicated matters like convoluted ideologies.
A good argument would be pointing out that the Hegelian reasoning is nonsense and Marx's view on how reality functions is even bigger nonsense. That won't make a leftard rage tho, since he's all about the fee fees.
if you're talking about Holla Forums, they have a small collection of lies they post all the time. This is an edit of a common image they post. They also post an image of Karl Marx essentially saying "workers who aren't communists are cucks" that's a fake quote and you can call them out on it. For Stirner, he's a literal cuck and you can just post in response:
From "Max Stirner - His Life and His Works" By Mackay
Using arguments and logic against commies is a mistake, because these are profoundly emotional and delusional people that do not follow logic at all.
Your only weapon should be mockery and derision
It's shit both on an ideological and practical level, and couldn't tell you which one is worse actually
Holla Forums? just pretend to be a Marxist-Leninist and call them revisionists in their threads, it will derail ANY Holla Forums thread.
Also post these images if you wish to derail their threads and mine salt.
t. former Hoxhafag
1. knowing what it is
2. knowing it's history
The best predictor for future achievement is previous achievement.
you can't reason with communists, they are cultists
From what I understand the "Italian" Mafia had tons of jews in it. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
you sound pretty spooked they'd say
See image.
Karl Marx never ran a company. Never held political office. Never oversaw any accounts. Never had a job. Any job. He was supported throughout his entire life by his friend, Friedrich Engles, the son of a wealthy factory owner. Marx is considered by many to be the greatest social, political, and economic philosopher of all time.
All applications of his theories have ended in failure.
On April 22, 1870, the womb of a hysterical Jewish whore by the name of Miriam Blank excreted a racially deformed halfling that grew up to become leader of an organized crime group “bolsheviks”, adopted the nickname “Lenin”, and founded a giant concentration camp occupying 1/6 the world’s landmass, built on the ruins of Tsarist Russia that his gang destroyed.
This mongrel’s entire life has been branded with impurity and degeneracy. A bisexual paranoiac who derived pleasure from tormenting animals and humans alike, his inflamed brain plagued by visions of turning the entire world into a colossal concentration camp filled with dimwitted slaves without race, nationality or sex. Turko-Semitic blood running through his veins seems to have brought back to life the ghosts of steppe khans and Mesopotamian tyrants who reveled in bestial cruelty and mindless destruction. However, he managed to eclipse them all, orchestrating a genocide on a scale unheard of in history and dutifully continued by his underlings.
Ironically, his blood-drenched ascent to world domination ended in a body wrapped in soiled sheets and decomposing from syphilis. However, many effigies to the Turko-Semitic ghoul survive still, and his shriveled corpse, mourned and saluted to by hordes of born slaves every day, keeps exuding blight and miasma from its granite ziggurat.
But we believe that an hour will come when the last idol of enslavement and shame will be toppled, the unholy mummy will be thrown into cleansing fire, and legions of rootless dogs will be flung into Hell to meet their beloved murder-cultist. Endless damnation be upon you, butcher of the Russian people and enemy of White humanity! May his followers suffer wretched lives, wretched deaths and equally wretched afterlife!
I think people can fly.
All we have to do is jump from a really high place in exactly the right way.
Sure, everyone else that has ever done this has died horribly or been severely injured, but they didn’t do it right; they weren’t real fliers.
Let’s jump off a building!
What the fuck Holla Forums you kept telling me all the time the Holodomor was real. Did I jump to some other Berestain universe?
Sometimes the Kikes let the truth slip through.
This movie is one of the most horrifying and red pilling wrt Communism.
Commies always stab you in the back. When you’re dead, they stab each other in the back. When they’re dead, the next generation of commies says, “That wasn’t real communism,” and the cycle begins anew.
They make whites hate other whites. We’re one big family, not petty trash to fight against each other. In general, Russia was subject to Bolshevik rule. They starved 120 million farmers to death by stealing their food and burning it. Not only were the Bolsheviks the most vile tyrants in all of history, they were Jewish Freemasons sponsored by Jewish Rothschild banks who traveled to Russia and overthrew the government with terror, bombs, and threats.
They did things such as putting people in barrels, hammering the barrels shut, and rolling them down hills. They boiled religious leaders in water and forced priests to drink the scorching water. They delicately tortured children in front of their parents in order to get them to tell where they hid their money. They shot all beautiful people–they were considered smarter and seen as a threat. And they obliterated the upper & middle classes. They went house to house and murdered them, stole their valuables, and sent them to European and American banks ones.
Russians have lived in generations of misery, poverty, and slavery. They are stolen generations whose only escape is either the bottle or drugs. As a human being, I’m ashamed. How could anyone do this? The real Holocaust happened in Russia and it was orchestrated by Jews. Why? Revenge. Cold reptilian revenge.
From 1861 to 1865, Russia helped the Union win the Civil War–an action that made the Jews swear death upon the Tsar’s Bloodline. Only after a very long time did true Russians manage to regain control of the country, at the end of the Soviet Union. All Jews and Freemasons fled. The result of that today is Putin who is opposing America and Israel, seeing them for what they truly are.
97% of those McCarthy actually accused of communism later turned out to have received money from, been in contact with, or been handled by Soviet intelligence, knowingly or unknowingly.
McCarthy saw in Hollywood and certain portions of the USA’s bureaucracy an anti-American–or, more precisely, anti-Western–bent. These jews and leftists despised our empires which had, for all their failings, brought more people out of poverty than any other social force in history. The empires which had eradicated slavery at great expense of their own rather than continue it, the empires which created a whole world for the first time and were only balked at victory when filthy communists ruined the noble Russian Empire and took over the moldering remains of China before it could rise to equal us as Japan had.
These weaklings, these Frankfurt School graduates, sought–and still seek today–only to undermine the strong and to take control of the world through decay.
SJWs aren’t a new phenomena. They are just the inevitable results of jews controlling academia and essentially all discourse and popular media for decades. The Internet is outside their control and they hate it for that. They hate that there is media not pushing their message, and so the jews in academia put these ideas into the heads of unemployable students with worthless degrees. And this is all they have to even make ends meet. They are the same as those shitty communist agitators in the 60s and 70s, as Greenpeace in the 80s, or the ALF in the 90s and 2000s.
Rejoice, brothers, for we are still winning. Leftists don’t breed. As long as we keep the invaders out of our countries, their support will fade with the population capable of holding the ideas they profess to be true. We will win, not through politics, but simply by doing that which they cannot: surviving.
It was 1969. Kate invited me to join her for a gathering at the home of her friend, Lila Karp. They called the assemblage a “consciousness-raising-group”–a typical communist exercise, something practiced in Maoist China. We gathered at a large table as the chairperson opened the meeting with a back-and-forth recitation, like a Litany, a type of prayer done in catholic church. But now it was Marxism, the Church of the Left, mimicking religious practice:
“Why are we here today?” she asked.
“To make revolution,” they answered.
“What kind of revolution?” she replied.
“The Cultural Revolution,” they chanted.
“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?” she demanded.
“By destroying the American family!” they answered.
“How do we destroy the family?” she came back.
“By destroying the American Patriarch,” they cried exuberantly.
“And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?” she replied.
“By taking away his power!”
“How do we do that?”
“By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.
“How can we destroy monogamy?” Their answer left me dumbstruck, breathless, disbelieving my ears. Was I on planet Earth? Who were these people?
“By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!” they resounded.
1. Arbitrarily partition a population by a criteria, whether gender, race, musical preference, etc.
2. Anyone who falls into the majority is ‘privileged’ and therefore evil, even though this is determined by probability.
3. That which hurts the most is best, because it benefits the fewest!
Privilege: from the Latin ‘privus’ and ‘legis’, meaning ‘private law’. In essence, ‘one law for one group, another for the rest’.
A level playing field is the only condition in which there is no privilege because the same rules apply to everyone. Demanding special treatment for minorities is, by definition, demanding privilege. Asserting that people who want equal treatment are trying to preserve privilege is cognitively dissonant to the point of hilarity.
Additionally, to insist that everyone is inherently equal means that any statistical partition is exactly equal to any other, which renders irreconcilable the demand for special treatment of minority slices.
In short, Marxism doesn’t even make sense from within Marxism.
These are the 10 planks of the communist manifesto.
1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly
6. Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the state
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan
8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
The Soviet Union enacted 10 out of 10 planks of the communist manifesto. Commies say they did not live to Marx’s ideals. Let’s assume they’re right and that the tenants were implemented poorly. Imagine for a moment that you design cars for a car company. You’ve finally designed the perfect car: Excellent fuel economy, safety, handling, etc. Theoretically speaking, it’s flawless, and you’re sure it’ll earn the company billions and net you several promotions. The entire company is impressed and has the utmost faith in your project.
So a prototype of your car is built and tested. During testing, the first few miles go well. But the car suddenly breaks down and bursts into flames after that. When the company hires some expert R&D guys from somewhere else, they look at your design and what happened and tell you that while your design works theoretically, it does not work practically because of x (x being some metric that is not a problem theoretically but must be taken into account in practical application). But instead of scrapping the design–or at least reworking it–you say, “Nah, you guys simply didn‘t implement my design properly.”
So the team tests your design again and again, with the same result every time. Some variables may be different, and some cases end up better than others, but it always fails, costing the company tons of money. But rather than thinking that there is something fundamentally flawed with the design that makes practical application an impossibility, your obsession with this ‘perfect’ car and how it could (theoretically) work if it wasn‘t for [insert scapegoat here] simply makes you insist, “But you guys didn‘t make it right!” It doesn‘t matter that tons of prototypes have been wrecked and the rest of the company hates you for costing them millions; you just need some reason why the design failed other than the design itself.
Now, replace car design with communism, the failed prototypes with countries, the company with the world, money with human lives, and the designer with your typical communist. Are you starting to see the flaw in their logic?
Uncle Stalin’s Manual of Subversion!
1. If nobody knows there’s an agenda, they don’t fight the agenda.
Example: “SRS is not here. I haven’t seen any posting like that.”
2. If people think our enemies are engaged in raiding, they will ignore our own raiding.
Example: [insert reiterations of the “You’re being raided!” spiel here]
3. If the people caring about what’s going on can be successfully belittled, nobody will join them in caring about what’s going on.
Example: “This is just some childish bullshit, guys. Just move along.”
4. If we can frame ourselves as “adults” and our enemies as “children,” we can minimize them.
Example: “Aww, poor fee fees; do you like your freeze peaches, poor you,” etc.
5. If we are losing the debate, make the debate appear nonsensical.
Example: “Oh, right, so women are inferior because [false reasons] gotcha, right.”
6. If it looks like people have not been engaged, less people will be determined about staying engaged.
Example: “What is JIDF?” “What is JIDF?” “What is JIDF?”
7. If we say another enemy of our enemy is present, it will divert attention from ourselves.
Example: [insert misplaced remark about GG]
8. If people can be made to feel unimportant, they are more likely to be demoralized.
Example: “Holla Forums is tiny. Nobody cares about Holla Forums haha.” etc.
I’m sure you can probably think of a few yourself. Of course, you shouldn’t think that one of these traits necessarily confirms a poster is a marxist shill, but the more of them the poster has in their pattern of writing, the more likely that they are. They may change tactics if people learn their methods. They may try to false flat you against their own enemies. They will complain about any expression of Holla Forums opinions on other boards, and use it as evidence of “Holla Forums“ raiding. They may stage invasions themselves. They may try to use your own terms to superficially appeal to you or to conceal themselves–even “slurs.”
Marx declared oppression to be a viable examination tool in every social relationship. This led to non-oppressed groups claiming oppression. Society then deemed it necessary to cater to extreme minorities so that they didn’t feel oppressed. This caused the country and culture to fracture. Thus, sense of community deteriorated. Critiquing everything is harmful, because it damages social structure beyond repair. No one cared, because the social structure was a tool of oppression, anyway. People who legitimately want to get along became the ones being insulted and targeted by radicals the most. The radical left took the radical right’s place as being the moral enforcers for a generation. Now, if you talk back in public, there is a modern burning at the stake.
I think there are numerous reasons not only why communism doesn’t work, but also why communism isn’t a natural system at all.
Let’s take the focal point of the manifesto–each according to his ability, each according to his need. What’s the problem with this? You can’t define individual needs without a free market to signal the value of the goods. You can’t just sit down and say, “Okay, here’s what everyone needs”–there’s no basis for anything. It’s entirely arbitrary.
Motivation is another key factor. Men are motivated to work more when they’re rewarded for more effort. Feudal serfs were paid wages in “subsistence,” and because they could not earn more, worked only at a bare minimum. This is what happens in communist systems: Workers only receive subsistence–what they “need”–and hence work poorly, if at all. Russians who have lived through the time have an adage about this, which goes, “You pretend to pay me, and I pretend to work.”
But the root of the problem goes deeper, and in fact is perhaps one of the greatest misunderstandings of Marx today. The reality is that communism is only an idea.
I do not just mean this as though it is only a theoretical model; I mean it in the very certain fact that “communism” only exists in the minds of individuals. There is no evidence of it in reality. There is truth to the fact that “Communism has never been tried,” but only in the fact that it cannot be tried, because it does not exist. It is akin to saying, “Well, no ones ever seen/heard God before”–they have not, and it is similarly because God does not exist in the physical world.
Marx’ thought is descended from a long line of traditions, going back to Hegel and Plato. Like Hegel, Marx was a “prophet” communicating to the people the revelation that an inner voice had imparted to him. And it is ironic that Marxism, which seeks to squash out religion and its false gods, replaces them with a new one–historical determinism–an idea that has no basis in reality, and is only brought to us from “revelation.” It is irrational from the start! But like other false gods, it is justified by taking appearances and using them to “fit the mold”–an after the fact explanation. Marx’ belief that there is a cosmic force called “dialectical materialism” which governs human history independently of human volitions, is mere mythology.
And so Marx made up fancy words–fancy “dialectics”–all to prove that his view of the future “must” come into play. Because it was inhuman, and because it could not come into play on his own, his devout followers shed the blood of millions to make his dream come true. The “proletariat” class Marx imagined was nothing more than a gang of blood-thirsty killers.
One interesting thing to point out is that the dialectic is really just a manner for studying history and society, and it’s actually a half-decent one (although it’s terrible if used in isolation, which far too many historians do). The problem is that Marx created this system with a explicit purpose in mind. Marx wrote the communist manifesto before he wrote Kapital, and so he devised this rather brilliant system to try to bring greater scientific rigor to history and the study of society, but he did so in the most unscientific manner possible–with a foregone conclusion before he even approached the problem.
You can apply the dialectic and come to completely different conclusions, which sort of indicates how difficult it is to really make these studies purely scientific.
I can’t understand this obsession with communism. Every example of it has been horrendous and evil. There are no words for it. I understand that marxists can’t understand plain numbers–only pandering to emotions–so I will quote a great Soviet composer, Shostakovich, about one of the many unspeakable atrocities these bastards have committed.
I will tell you about one incident, only one. It's a horrible story and every time I think of it, I grow frightened and I don’t want to remember it. Since time immemorial, folk singers have wandered along the roads of the Ukraine. They’re called lirniki and banduristy there. They were almost always blind men–why that is so is another question that I won’t go into–but briefly, it’s traditional. The point is, they were always blind and defenseless people, but no one ever touched or hurt them. Hurting a blind man–what could be lower? And then in the mid-‘30s the First All-Ukrainian Congress of Lirniki & Banduristy was announced, and all the folk singers had to gather and discuss what to do in the future. “Life is better. Life is merrier,” Stalin had said. The blind men believed it. They came to the Congress from all over the Ukraine, from tiny, forgotten villages. There were several hundred of them at the Congress, they say. It was a living museum–the country’s living history: all its songs, all its music and poetry. And they were almost all shot. Almost all those pathetic blind men, killed.
Why was it done? Why the sadism–killing the blind? You can’t hand a blind man a corrected and approved text and you can’t write him an order, either. You have to tell everything to a blind man. That takes too long. And you can’t file away a piece of paper, and there’s no time anyway. Collectivization. Mechanization. It was easier to shoot them. And so they did.
North Korea is not True Communism.
And the USSR is not True Communism.
People's Republic of China is not True Communism.
East Germany is not True Communism.
Vietnam is not True Communism.
Hungary, Romania. Bulgaria Albania, Yugoslavia and Poland were all not True Communism.
Ethiopia was not True Communism.
Cambodia was not True Communism.
Angola was not True Communism.
Mozambique was not True Communism.
In fact, every communist state everywhere is not True Communism!
And the fact that every single attempt to establish communism has led to dictatorship and millions of deaths just proves that we need to try harder! Maybe, after we've killed another couple of billion people, we’ll have a True Communist state!
For a hundred years, communism has been tested to destruction again and again in country after country. All it has done is kill tens of millions of people.
It failed to create a free society.
It failed to create a prosperous society.
It failed to create a fair or just society.
It failed to create a society in which power lay in the hands of the many.
It succeeded in killing people by the tens of millions.
It succeeded in destroying all liberty in societies where it was implemented.
It succeeded in creating poverty on a scale unimaginable in the non-communist world.
It succeeded in clinging to outdated high industrial notions of production.
It succeeded in clinging to political doctrines invented in the early 19th century which could not function in the modern world.
And yet, despite the oceans of blood their doctrine has spilled, communists continue to believe that the solution is MORE COMMUNISM–that it “hasn't been tried in the right countries”–that those other communists just didn’t understand what True Communism™ is. To be a communist is to be sociopathic, delusional, or just incredibly kicking stupid. Communism has failed. Capitalism has won. Capitalism has made men free and rich. Communism made them slaves or it made them dead.
The best anti-commie dump is from Marx’s own drivel itself.
OH LOOK. Marx actually thinks the family is an evil capitalist institution intent on destroying the masses! Commies hated family so much that they replaced “Fraternite” in writings on the French revolution with “Comradeship”.
OH LOOK. The foundations of feminism! Women are so exploited!
OH LOOK. The foundation of ‘strong women who need no men’!
OH LOOK. It’s evil if you are proud of your heritage. You are racist and ethnocentric!
OH LOOK. If you're not with me, you’re against me! Off with your heads! How dare you examine my teachings!
OH LOOK. The foundation of subjectivism!
The proletariat superstate will lead us to paradise. More welfare stamps for everyone!
Remember, having any form of national country is evil! All races are equal!
OH NO! A worker getting paid in cash? A functioning economy where people buy and sell and meet their obligations? Exploitation!
Remember, kids, being middle class somehow makes you prone to adultery and polygamy, Don't be rich! Rich people are evil!
In his book “Rules for Radicals,” Saul Alinsky writes on the power tactics to be used against political opponents for the purpose of breaking them down and destroying their reputation. One of these tactics characterizes nearly everything we have experienced since Barack Obama has become president, as he and his administration have successfully used it to blame Republicans for everything. The very tactic itself speaks to the wicked nature of Alinsky as a man, and a community organizer. It goes right to the heart in describing the goals of those seeking political power as it virtually eliminates any opposition while painting them as hypocrites. This is rule # 4 in Alinsky’s list of power tactics:
What Alinsky is essentially saying is that an opponent’s values can be reinterpreted, or redefined to make them seem undesirable; and thus, they can be used to make any opposition appear as if they are “against” whatever initiatives are being sold to the public. This is something Barack Obama and the left-wing have done masterfully as they have convinced a huge part of the population that America is the evil empire and capitalism is oppressive. Barack Obama’s reference that our Constitution is a document that hinders his progress is another good example. He said the Constitution does too much to limit what government can do, and not enough to describe what it must do on your behalf. Sadly, many Americans who have been educated by radical, communist-sympathizing hippies have fallen for this lie and have been conned into demanding “social change.”
It is this tactic in and of itself that describes Barack Obama for exactly what he is–a communist. Unfortunately, our left wing-controlled education system has virtually ignored the atrocious history of communism as one of aggression and mass genocide, and has successfully painted it to be one of peace and victimization at the hands of western imperialism. They have successfully done this because the above described tactic is itself communist in its origin. The Soviet Union, in its efforts to implement worldwide communism, used propaganda to convince millions that communism was about peace and that the United States was an imperialist, capitalist aggressor looking to rape the world’s nations of their natural resources. This is a strategy still being implemented today with the global warming lie.
In other words, the communists were using our number one value against us, and they were doing it very effectively to sway the minds of the general public in favor of communism. They were using our very “freedom” as a weapon. During what the left has successfully labeled and discredited as the McCarthy era, there was a great deal of documentation that was presented before the 82nd Congress and the Committee of Un-American Activities. For those that may be unfamiliar with “McCarthyism,” Joseph McCarthy was a Republican senator who claimed that there were 200 card-carrying communists who had infiltrated our government. Recently, we have seen former Florida Representative Allen West make the same accusations. The left has since effectively discredited McCarthy as paranoid who believed there was “a communist behind every corner.”
One of these documents has come to be known as the “Communist Peace Offensive” and it was put together by the Committee of Un-American Activities. It thoroughly describes the tactics and strategies of the communist movement back to Lenin and Stalin. One of these strategies was to use America’s culture of freedom, our free press and free speech as a tool for spreading communist propaganda. Following is an excerpt from the Communist Peace Offensive:
The Communist leaders are fully aware that propagandists, within or without the United States, have easy access to the American public. There is one radio for every two persons in the United States, and the United States maintains radio freedom both as to broadcasting and the listener’s choice of program. The American press is also free. Thus, an American may read or listen to whatever he pleases. The Communists exploit our freedom with their psychological warfare, which finds expression in the present “peace” offensive. The current Communist “peace” offensive has certain specific immediate aims, which, if realized, can prove of inestimable value to the Soviet war machine.
This propaganda campaign to spread communism around the globe had been so carefully orchestrated that virtually every communist affiliated organization has agreed upon its tactical implementation:
It has received the official endorsement of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. The Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers Parties (Cominform), successor to the Communist International, has given this campaign top priority. It has been designated as the major effort of every Communist Party on the face of the globe, including the Communist Party of the United States.
Also presented before Congress in 1963 was a document known as the 45 declared goals of the Communist Party USA, where it can be easily ascertained that they intend to break down America psychologically and spiritually. The following are from this document:
1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.
9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems.
43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.
45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.
There exists violence against God in the pseudo-sapient Marxist-Leninists, who have taken away the spiritual values from humanity. Regarding them, there comes into my memory in these moments an encounter with Karl Marx within the submerged worlds. I found Karl Marx within those tenebrous regions. That individual had awakened in evil and for evil. Nonetheless, he is a fallen Bodhisattva. Lenin, unconsciously and profoundly asleep like an ominous shadow, was following him. I questioned Marx with the following words, “It has been many years since you died, thus your body became dust within the tomb. Nonetheless here I find you alive within these regions. What happened then to your dialectical materialism?”
Karl Marx, while looking at his wristwatch, did not dare to give me any sort of answer, but turned around and withdrew. However, a few meters away he shouted a sarcastic and horrifying guffaw. By means of intuition I managed to capture the living essence of that sarcastic guffaw, since in it was his answer, which we could summarize in the following phrase: “That dialectic was nothing but farce, a dish in order to deceive naïve people.”
It is intriguing to know that when Karl Marx died, he received the religious funerary honors of a great rabbi.
In the First International Communist gathering, Karl Marx took the floor and said, “Gentlemen, I am not Marxist.” There was surprise among the audience, loud shouts, and from there many political sects were born, namely, Bolsheviks, Mencheviks, Anarchists, Anarchist-Unionist, etc. It is therefore quite interesting to know that the first enemy of Marxism was Karl Marx. In a magazine from Paris, one can read the following:
“By means of the triumphant worldly proletariat, we will create the Universal Soviet Socialist Republic with its capital in Jerusalem. In this way we will take possession of the wealth of all nations. This is how the prophecies of our holy prophets of Talmud will be fulfilled.”
Indeed, these were not phrases uttered by a materialist nor by an atheist, but by Marx, a Jewish religious fanatic. Understand, I am not criticizing political matters through this lecture. I am emphatically and essentially addressing occult matters. Indeed, Karl Marx, moved by religious fanaticism, invented a destructive weapon in order to reduce all religions of the world to cosmic dust. That weapon is without a doubt a ‘jargon’ that can never withstand an in-depth analysis. By ‘jargon’ I refer to the dialectical materialism.
The intellectual loafers know very well that Karl Marx manipulated Hegel’s “metaphysical dialectic” in order to elaborate that deceptive “dialectical materialism.” Evidently, Karl Marx took from Hegel’s work all the metaphysical principles that Hegel gave to his work, and with the leftovers Karl Marx elaborated his deceptive dish. Thus, it is not irrelevant to repeat in this lecture that Marx, as the author of such a lie, of such a farce, of such Communistic dialectic, never believed in it, and therefore he did not have any inconvenience in confessing his feelings in the heat of the assembly when saying, “Gentlemen, I am not Marxist.”
Undoubtedly, this gentleman fulfilled one of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion that literally states, “When we come into our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that there should exist any other religion… We must therefore sweep away all other forms of religion. It does not matter if for our means, we have to fill the world with materialism and repugnant atheism, since the day we become triumphant, we will universally preach the religion of Moses that, by its codified and thoroughly dialectical system will bring all the peoples of the world into subjection to us.”
Concerning this, I am not condemning any race in particular. I am frankly addressing some Semitic personages with Machiavellian plans. They are Marx, Lenin, Stalin, etc. Sequentially, from a rigorously occultist point of view, I could evince that the cited fallen Bodhisattva struggled in his own way on behalf of divinity, using for his means a cunning weapon in order to destroy the other religions. Marx was a priest, a rabbi from the Jewish religion, a faithful devotee of the doctrine of his ancestors. Indeed, what is astounding is the credulity of the fools who–believing themselves to be erudite–fall into the skeptical snare set by Karl Marx. These naive people from the Marxist-Leninist dialectical materialism obviously become violent against divinity. Thus, for such a reason they enter into the seventh Dantesque circle.
– Samael Aun Weor
And one more story.
Eastern European here. Having to live in khrushchyovka sucks, let me tell you. What’s a khrushchyovka, you might ask? (pronounced: cruush-cho-fka) It was the de facto Soviet housing–you would have a flat design rotated around and stacked on top of itself 5-9: sort of like Tetris. The problem is that most of time you had poorly educated workers building and assembling them. So the “glue” or lining between these pieces would collect moisture and the fluctuation of temperature (-20ºC in the winter and +20ºC during the summer is not unusual in my country) made it perfect for various types of mold. About the lining and concrete–during the winter you have mold and cold leaking through the walls (It’s not funny when you can feel cold air rushing into the room from the corners of the walls) and during the summer it’s unbearably hot inside because concrete holds heat very well. Most khrushchyovkas are refurbished/renovated, which helps to cut down on these problems. Some are painted on the outside. In my country this is not so prevalent, but our neighbors–the Poles–have been doing this to great success. The furniture was horrible–very, very horrible. Any surviving examples have been rebuilt, re-veneered, and reassembled at least once. Again, unskilled labour. I myself have rebuilt several chairs with my grandfather, fixed a table and two TV sets, and I didn’t even have the “honor” of being alive during the Soviet Union. My grandfather told me a great story about how he and his friend spent a week fixing a TV, resoldering and making various parts from scratch, only to find out that all the TV channels were communist propaganda.
A final example of the issue of unskilled labour, so I can venture on to why I cannot understand the Western liberal obsession with communism, is musical instruments. archive.is
The reason I can’t understand the obsession with “communism" is that every example of it has been horrendous and evil. There are no words for it. I understand that liberals can’t understand plain numbers–only pandering to emotions–so I will quote a great Soviet composer, Shostakovich, about one of the many unspeakable atrocities these bastards have committed.
“I will tell you about one incident, only one. It's a horrible story and every time I think of it, I grow frightened and I don’t want to remember it. Since time immemorial, folk singers have wandered along the roads of the Ukraine. They’re called lirniki and banduristy there. They were almost always blind men–why that is so is another question that I won’t go into–but briefly, it’s traditional. The point is, they were always blind and defenseless people, but no one ever touched or hurt them. Hurting a blind man–what could be lower? And then in the mid-‘30s the First All-Ukrainian Congress of Lirniki & Banduristy was announced, and all the folk singers had to gather and discuss what to do in the future. “Life is better. Life is merrier,” Stalin had said. The blind men believed it. They came to the Congress from all over the Ukraine, from tiny, forgotten villages. There were several hundred of them at the Congress, they say. It was a living museum–the country’s living history: all its songs, all its music and poetry. And they were almost all shot. Almost all those pathetic blind men, killed.
“Why was it done? Why the sadism–killing the blind? You can’t hand a blind man a corrected and approved text and you can’t write him an order, either. You have to tell everything to a blind man. That takes too long. And you can’t file away a piece of paper, and there’s no time anyway. Collectivization. Mechanization. It was easier to shoot them. And so they did.”
Where there is light, there are shadows. I try to rationalize it. Liberals are human–they are not evil by default. Maybe stupid. Maybe. Maybe they just believe in these lightweight, ethereal statements of “Everyone is equal,” “To each his own,” “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” etc. or they like how words like “proletariat,” “workers’ revolution,” and all the other fancy Marxist gibberish sound. And since they have no concept of–nor the words for–marxism, socialism, or any other form of this mental disease, they just spring for the more commonly used “communist.” And, since the Soviet Union was communist and had ok-ish propaganda and great culture, they affix themselves to this idea of bears, ushankas, and vodka like flies to shit.
These statements make them, at best, not communist, not socialist, at times not even marxist, but egalitarianist. Of why egalitarianism is utter nonsense is a topic for another day, so onto the devil behind all of this–marxism. There was a great man–Hegel–who is a very difficult read for any man. He thought in a very rigorous, yet slow manner–dialectically. He takes a statement, finds all the flaws in it, and comes up with a compromise: thesis, antithesis,and synthesis. Like any system of thought, it is great if you follow the rule as best as you can. Hegel was a religious man, and his philosophy naturally lead into God and the Divine, as most philosophy does. Marx was a materialist who used Hegelian dialectics. You have a godless man, using a fundamentally spiritual man’s ideas. Lenin was even more straightforward about this–he would read Hegel and just skip the parts where he would start talking about God. And this was his attempts to purify marxism by looking at its roots. In my mind, this is enough for any sane man to discredit Marx, but go, if you want–you can read Das Kapital.
Russian here. I was born in USSR, my grandpa was a KGB official and my dad was a KGB foreign advisor.
I have a message for you commietards. The "communism" you dream about will never happen.
I will tell you what will happen if a socialist revolution aka wealth distribution will occur.
Who do you think this proletariat and "opressed" people are? You? No. You hipster cunts are the harmful bourjois element. The true ones are rednecks, white trash, and hood rats. You hipsters may lead the revolution at the initial stage, but they will be the revolutionaries and they will hate you with the strongest class-hate with all your fancy college education and ipods. Southern rednecks are more likely to form a common bond with ghetto gangs than with "intellectuals." It hahs been proven many times in many lands where communism was forced, that when class warfare begins the races and nations forget the hate and unite,
So that's what's gonna happen: Someone will knock at the door of your house in your nice middle class gated community. When you will open the door you will find comissar Jamal and comissar Cletus, who will tell you that having such a big house for yourself is not what a true communist does and 2 families of hobos are moving in with you. You will be allowed to have 1 room, 1 bed, and necessary personal belongings. Everything else in the house will be shared.
The rich guys who's money you were about to redistribute left the country and suddenly you realise, that they and their money in their swiss bank accounts are unreachable and there's nothing to redistribute. The corporations go bankrupt collapsingg the DOW index, which makes the currency just a fancy green paper worth nothing. Then you realise US was importing food, because there wasn't produced enough to support 300 millions of people. Importing by paying with $, which is now worth nothing. And then there's hunger. And to suppress the hungry angry mob, who doesn't give a fuck about high marxist ideals and just wants to make everything like it was before, Red Terror starts. With new NKVD and purges. Eventually comissar Jamal will put you on your knees and shoot you at the back of your stupid head for not being dedicated enough.
In no way, shape, or form–in principle or in practice–does the act of enslaving the entirety of a nation to the whim of a government the reduction of its employees or systems. The number of titles within the government being reduced is of no concern, as the number of employees now includes every individual living within the borders of the nation, and the number of systems being reduced is of no concern, as the system of government itself now invades a greater percentage of the lives of the individuals which it ostensibly serves–but who, in reality, serve it.
That the name “UBI” was proposed by a libertarian is of no consequence, nor is the fame or fortune of the person himself. Libertarianism itself suffers from not being an ideology in the first place. It is merely an economic system masquerading as a political ideology, but that’s a wholly separate argument. Libertarianism, the economic system, is defined by a specific set of rules and behaviors. UBI does not qualify for any of those behaviors. UBI does not even quality for the set of rules and behaviors claimed by libertarianism to apply to non-economic aspects of politics, so to call UBI a “joint” libertarian venture is to know nothing of libertarianism’s real or imagined tenants.
Never mind the irrelevance of attempting to “join” commonalities among political ideologies. Even republicans (the foundation of American ideology, not the modern political party) and marxists agree on the concept of ‘people being alive’. They don’t agree on the concept of the right to life, nor even on the manner in which people live, but they agree that people–in some form, at some time–must be alive. Does that make “being alive” a joint republican/marxist endeavor? Of course not. All commonality–all commonality–between political ideologies, particularly opposing ones, is incidental.
So ignore that. The rest of the chart is what matters.
This was clearly not made by Holla Forums. I would go check if those numbers are even legit.
Those are exclusively to D&C lefty/pol/
the mistake of communism (and socialism before it) is that it is predicated on the idea that human reason has an unlimited capacity to comprehend, evaluate, and arrange the affairs of our world. Persuant to this, the proper sequence in charting the future course for humanity calls for the theory to be developed first, and for people and events to conform to it.
Pick one Holla Forums
It's the 21st century who the fuck wants to give up property rights holy shit. What country do people live in where communism is a general concern anyway.
agreeing to work for a wage isnt slavery. this statement kills the eternal commie.
Fascism evolved from socialism, Hitler often used the term "comrade" without any Marxist meaning. Comrades is after all what fascists are. People who share the same struggle for their people and their home.
this is what they want
It's Fascist you cunt.
Volunteerism vs obligation.
What do you prefer? A collective that needs you, or a group you can choose to be a part of and participate in. This is the absolute most basic you can get in terms of communism and capitalism. Would you prefer to command and be commanded or just command yourself
Communism, anarchism, and hardcore libertarianism all fail for the same basic reason: They willfully ignore the fact that most people are dumb and lazy, and are quite content to remain that way. Any one of these ideologies assumes that individuals have the desire to improve not only their own selves, but also those around them, continually uplifting each other without degenerating into lazier and more selfish assholes as each generation passes
heh jokes on you im smart and lazy >=^]
The closer they get to a perfect implementation, the more people die.
They think that men will work hard for no reward. It is a childish type of thinking–an outgrowth of the system they experienced in their homes growing up. They did the chores their parents told them to do, and they got everything they needed and much of what they wanted in return. What they didn't see was just how hard daddy worked to get them those things, including things they took for granted, like the house and their meals.
I'm right-wing anarchist and every single communist I've talked to, even the super smart older masters degree and above academic-types (some of them are monarchists for some reason) all have some form of one common attribute. They want to be taken care of. They feel defenseless to those outside themselves. It's kinda sad and fucked up but they actually don't feel like they can take care of themselves in a world without complete and total governmental control. We seriously need to round up these fucks and gas them. They are a cancer and a tool of big government and the establishment (((left))). No wonder why so many of Obama's family members are commies.
I agree with this moslty. Except in market anarchism, if you're lazy, no one will give a shit about you. No one wants to spend their hard earned pay on a beggar who won't work. No more welfare for the nigger crybabbies NEETs.
I would honestly cry happy streams of tears to see lazy SJWs and gamer kids sent off to a work camp to work for dollars a day to make ends meet. And if they try to get violent, just shoot them dead. Follow the simple corporate protocol. Don't even need to ship the body back. Piece of shit died on our property under fair conditions of labor under a contract so the body is our property now too.
i remember going through that phase. youre still idealistic as fuck and think most people aren't degenerate fucktards. you need people acting as a state to function realistically and efficiently.
I think you're right, user. Reading some good literature about it lately and it's damn agreeable to me in a lot of ways. Very moral and respecting way of goverance.
Step 1) Read the Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Step 2) Soviet Russia implemented the Communist Manifesto, much death
Step 3) All communist nations wind up with hundreds of thousand, if not million, dead.
Ask them: "Explain to me why equality is an inherent good?" and explain it in a non-emotional manner.
Won't bring them to tears but will force them to realize their ideology is based upon a false premise, that of all humans being equal.
When you argue with them, just argue using less words than them. Be as condescending as possible when you do so. Their ideology has to be explained in paragraphs and you can make them incredibly frustrated just giving one-line responses.
just bantz the shit out of them tbh fam
actually, Moses Hess being NatSoc is a good point, since the NSDAP was basically judaism for the germans.
Just Venezuela.
I mean, what more even need be said at this point?
Right, this is what it looks like.
You can't beat the house of terror for that purpose. A whole museum in eastern europe dedicated to the crimes of the communists.
anarchism is a great though experiment to reduce (((pork))) in government
communism is proof and argument against itself
This one is specific to left anarchists but it drives them nuts.
Also this one. The "that wasn't real socialism!" argument has a nugget of truth to it - "real socialism" means that the people own the means of production. To really drive them nuts, you must implore them to define each part of that statement.
What is ownership?
What are the means of production?
At what point does personal property become private property (and thus becoming public property)?
At what percent of ownership do you claim that the means of production have fallen under the ownership of the public?
They will all give you different answers. Point out to them that unless they can define some a priori true definition of the word, they will be at each other's throats more than the people they despise.
Also the tragedy of the commons.
These people really have no idea how the world works.
Winning. There is no arguing with people fundamentally opposed to you (actual anarchists, lolbergs, commies).
Just take power and do what you want with them.
top kek, that .gif is fucking gold user.
nice find
for what purpose?
Stirner and his wife were swingers, that faggot writing about him is just some cuck glorifying perceived cuckoldry. Stirner fucked around just as much as his wife.
They have edited that image to say "state capitalism", the excuse is that a small fraction of industry is privately owned. They think because 10% of the economy is privatized, this means that the means of production isn't owned by the vanguard party of behalf of the proletariat (which is what seizing the means of production actually means). It's a hollow excuse
You also need to remember that they shift the conversation to the meaningless technical definiton of communism as an utopian society where there is no state and everyone has a shared ownership of the means of production (factories and farms). The totalitarian state is a means to that utopian society. Never mind that they allways agitate for expanded state control within capitalist societies as well, even though that drives market monopolies and larger influence of corpotrations of the state, the very bourgeois control they object to. The ideology is retarded, the should have kept stealing from the early libertarians (Bastiat etc) when deriving class definitions.
There can be a populatiom growth despite mass starvation, this happened in Ethiopia and China. The mass starvation is for about a year, until they recieve aid from a capitalist country. Btw, China still recieves aid from various European countries.
HAHA I just made a bunch of money and I have lots of guns come try to take it from me nigger
srsly. don't waste your time arguing about this bullshit. go be successful.
if you've listened to Hitler speeches you'd know he commonly uses the term "kameraden", or comrades
100 million+ dead. Marx was a pseudo economist retard.
And many more!
The best argument is a fundamental rejection of dialectic materialism as presented by literally any form of science whatsoever. Final causes are absent from empirical reality. To argue otherwise is to deny science itself, at which point you might claim that there is no material reality in which the dialectic might.function. They will be unable to respond.
It seems like all jewish ideologies do that. Socialism, libertarianism, they both do their best to avoid a clear and precise scrutiny, which would destroy them.
Best argument against communism is that it's literally impossible. And that it's an obvious scam. The idea is to make a global totalitarian one world socialist government of "the proletariat" (codeword for kike technocrats), and then eventually at some unknown point in the future this totalitarian kike state is supposed to dissolve away and turn into stateless communism where everyone is equal and lives in abundance and luxury.
Only the dumbest of goyim fall for this shit.
Communism is economically unsustainable.
"Mises had argued in a seminal article published in 1920 that productive
efficiency was contingent on knowing the real prices of the factors of production,
since without such prices it would be impossible to know how to rationally
allocate resources. With all productive resources owned by a central
authority and in the absence of market- generated prices, the calculation of
real costs would be impossible and thus render production essentially random.
To these conclusions Hayek added the notion that the market was itself essentially
a discovery process providing information that would otherwise not exist
on the relative value of goods. This information, he contended, could only
be supplied by free markets since it was impermanent and widely dispersed
among a host of individuals, many of whom were not even aware that they
possessed any relevant knowledge, knowledge that emerged only as a product
of the market process itself."
The Constitution of Liberty: The Definitive Edition, F. A. Hayek
Best argument against communism is getting a job.
What's the ratio that should be assigned for wood to the pencil industry vs the Millwork industry?
Without profit and loss as an indicator there is no reasonable way to perform economic calculations in a communist system. Material and resources are doled out as political favor, in lieu of consumer preference in the capitalist society.
Values or prices cannot be determined, since profit and loss is not available as an indicator to consumer preference. Societ economy used to cheat, by reviewing prices in US catalogs and fixing their prices to what it was in the US. Ultimately this was not a tenable solution, because without direct consumer feedback thru voluntary exchange you have producers in place for various industries that would be non-competitive and bankrupt in a capitalist society. But due to their political relationships, are given monopolies or large segments of the market.
Overall as a system, it takes the decision making process directly out of the consumers hand and places it in the hands of some commerce tsar who dishes out favors to his supporters, friends and family.
If you're against crony capitalism, communism is that to the nth degree.
I love benny's Trumps
He's an old cunt and doesn't understand that not everyone lists "whittling" under hobbies on a resume.
How about instead of askibg Holla Forums to think for you, you read pro and anti communist literature and then employ critical thinking to derive your own arguments.
In theory communism is good because it ensures the people who do actual work and actually build things are the ones who benefit from it, rather than capitalists financed by jewish bankers turning honest men into wage slaves while a parasitic underclass further strips away the possessions the workers own.
Hence communism provides a "gas the capitalists, class war now" way out.
In practice however there has been constant "revision" to the point where this is now a thing.
If you go over to Holla Forums you'll find more "revisionism" that Marx would obviously disagree with where the /leftyniggers/ love to talk about how muslim migrants and mexican illegals are part of the working class, when in Marx's own theories such people would be either the parasitic underclass or part of the capitalist army of excess labor.
Marx was surprisingly nationalist for a Jew, but obviously he still wanted to dissolve nations- but also to holocaust those nations which were useless. Over 150 years more jews took his ideology (they loved it because he was a jew) and turned it from "the industrialized races will rise up and kill off the capitalists and parasitic races" to "lol dude everyone fight these guys".
It's so retarded at this point that you have "communist millionaires" funding commies for the sake of communism. The ideology has no meaning.
National socialism, by virtue of Jews totally demonizing it, has actually remained far more ideologically pure and untainted compared to how communism has been utterly bastardized by the "every tranny is a communist because they are facing body-oppression by cis-scum!" and other dumb shit like that.
So communism is essentially stupid because a rather simple premise of working men inheriting the world got corrupted into an ideology primarily espoused by the parasites and bourgeoisie that the jew Marx hated because such people either wanted free shit or wanted to find the edgiest utopian ideology they could, and national socialism is ironically closer to Marx's original idea of working people owning the resources.
This is the best one
The irony being that communism was originally intended for people with real, productive jobs but was adopted largely by parasitic retards who just want to do little to no work while benefiting from society.
got you covered.
These are MODERATE estimates, civilian deaths only, excluding sub-saharan africa due to lack of reliable numbers.
If they cared about arguments they wouldn't be commies in the first place.