hey there, I dont really go on here but a fellow user recommended me to this place to see if I can find any other fellow artist here. So is anyone else working on a comic of their own or would like to collab in some way? This is a stretch and I dont expect much from posting here but I could be pleasantly surprised, who knows.
Any artists out there?
I draw mostly monsters that and i'm a bit out of practice. I've never collabed online for drawing a comic before so i'm not sure I'd be much help. Your work looks pretty good though fam.
Monsters and other beasts are also welcome. The project Im working on takes on a lot of aspects and it dont plan on making it just a run of the mill comic. ive been working on it for more than 10 years now if Im being honest. Im not worried about the theft of my drawings or charcters since Ive fine tuned my style and kept the important stuff close to the chest. Im looking for people that can do lettering and typography as well as character designers in the more beastial and monster department as well.
I'm an unpolished novice, but I want/need the push to git gud/practice.
There's already kind of a thread for this stuff:
Same, just need to adjust the lifestyle to fit more practice time.
This isn't a character design thread, he's recruiting. I specifically invited Nipples here so some of us could have a chance at getting off our fat asses and creating instead of bitching about how pozzed everything is.
Character Design threads have been established as the resident OC threads, but I can see why one would make this into a separate thread.
Im new to posting here, Ive known of this place existence for years but I'm a 420chan resisdent if I were ever to claim to be from any chan. Im a lurker tbh and that added to being new here, I apologize if my etiquette isnt up to par here. but I am a seasoned artist in my own way, ive developed a style and vision that I feel that can make an impact once I bring it all out there. Just not yet, cause Im a perfectionist in a sense. Im hoping to find like minded people who want to help me bring this vision out. Its big, at least for me. Im not particularly in it for the fame, or money but its a story I really want to get out there. ugh. I had a few to drink so Im being really honest right now.another sample pick below
Don't advertise your newfagness so much, who cares.
There are regular drawthreads at /tg/, Holla Forums, /monster/, and of course here where you can find fellow artists.
There are a few (slow) art boards as well, like
Heck, if you're interested in anonymous artists' contribution, maybe you could make a specific thread here to ask people to design characters or monsters.
We had both threads at the same time before the hack, and it seems to work just fine.
Kill yourself, you filthy fucking newfag
you write better than a redditfag so thats a plus
but your post was effectively blogposting
this part especially is faggot speak
here is a word of warning
you are goign to be shit on, you will be shit on for various reasons, including getting upset that people are shitting on you, especially actually
namefagging is unnecessary, we can tell who you are by how you talk and who you reference
if you namefag you will get shit on unless it is a good fucking reason, tripfagging even more
if you are talking to someone specific you click the post number and it will be inserted at the bottom of the reply text box or just type it in yourself only shitters type it in though
and this guy, is right, you are newfag as fuck but if you have a thick skin and learn to post like less of a faggot you will blend in pretty quick and the worst you will have to contend with is the ego crushing of people telling you your art is shit, regardless of whether it is true or not, and the constant begging for lewd art that you will have to deal with as a drawfag
Nice formatting, faggerino
Like pottery
Stop embarrassing me, you provincial cuck.
This is why we can't have nice comics, because every time someone starts to make something, it turns into another incestuous throat train thread between the same two or three autards trying desperately to prove that we have a culture separate from two or three other comic sites that you faggots probably got chased out of anyway.
Stop fagging everything up with your retarded bullshit, the grownups are trying to make things.
there's that fag talk again
sounds more like you're a sensitive faggot, this thread was purely hypothetical in nature and I was putting you through the paces to make sure you weren't some overly dramatic faggot that was just going to flake out at the drop of a hat, congratulations, you failed.
We don't have to prove anything and you are clearly mad, or perhaps upset, you had best not be crying son.
Jesus fucking christ you are cancer incarnate get the fuck out
No, you fuck off.
I'll admit to confusing him with you, when you are clearly
jesus christ you're such a crybaby faggot you don't even realize that you're embarrassing yourself in front of him, and to such a degree others are feeling embarrassment for you
I draw, but I animate though. RIP the animation thread.
Well, I think the only people you're going to find who can be useful in a sense are not really going to want to collab unless there's something to gain from it, because if you want it to be good it's going to be a big step. I'm all about giving pointers about how to create a comic and editing and shit like that, but having a dedicated partner doesn't just mean letting someone see your work, it means allowing them right to part of it as well. So that's something else I think you should consider.
Me too. It was a nice thread, and it hadn't even reached the bump limit.
To address the several replies I guess I should say this.
Newfag isnt the term I would use, Im a lurker. Ive been well aware of these boards for almost as long as these boards have been up. I dont religiously subscribe to them cause I didnt have access to the internet for a time/life in general.(please dont think I'm being pretentious)
Second, I'm sorry if I came off a bit 'faggy' Again my ettiquette on posting is a bit rusty so if you can forgive me on that, we can move on the meat of the matter. Although I can feel the hostility already, I'm willing to look passed it.
I welcome constructive criticism, if nothing else. You can tear me about as much you want, its nothing I havnt done to myself honestly but I always look forward to a fresh pair of eyes as this project is ever evolving.
The purpose of this comic.. now this may sound naive and absurd, but I'm not in this for the fame, or money or recognition as contrarian as that sounds.
I want to tell this story. Its been in my head ever since I was a kid, it grew with me but the feeling still stays with me, its something Ive been working to convey as best as I can, and Ive torn down and redrawn, rewrote and re-researched so many times by now.
What I'm looking for on this board is someone with time and a willingness to maybe commit and join me on this adventure. I'm looking for those that can letter and use typography to the best of their ability, colorists(as much as I try, I dont have the patience nor the efficiency to color at a rate isnt 2-3 hours or more on a single piece.
Those with OC that have no world to put them in, I have one for you. This world allows for characters and creatures of all kinds to come to. So if you like to see your character in something, Id be happy to include it in. And those that are writers, Im willing to let you check on and maybe include your stories as well.
Of course those that join me, get credit to what they worked on, Im not here to steal any glory and at the same time I really dont care if someone steals my work. Ive developed my style and adopted the philosophy that if the art and story are good to stand on its own then time will eventually show that.
As for recognition, I learned that its not how many see it, its who. If I can reach just a one person with the message, give them a that feeling of awe, that sense of wonderment, the desire to explore their own humanity, then its worth it.
Its not about ego, its about exploring life, from the biggest concepts like what it means to be a civil societ to the small nuances of day to day life.
I dont wanna sound preachy. Its just a vision I have, and its big. Ive put of years just because I didnt research enough. Architecture, world history, how to convey a story.. these are just a few things I had to research and still am.
Its not perfect, Im not expecting it to be but it'll have integrety.
I invite those who feel the same way about art to join me on this crazy adventure. If not, thats fine, this isnt the only place we're I can find artists so dont feel like I'm putting all my cards on the table here.
I'm a nerd for nerds, anything that has to do with art I'm absorbed into. Anime, manga, western comics, movies, old and new.
So how bout it?
don't worry about it man, you're alright so far and your art reminds me of a good drawfag we have that lurks
name calling like fag and nigger and retard is just to set off the fucks that are so sensitive as to fall for it, like this guy
man was he mad
you on the other hand are doing great and I say you pass the retard litmus test
Collaborations in chan boards end badly 9 out 10 times. I've seen it happen several times. Best of luck to you OP though.
The name calling doesnt phase me, its a chan board so its expected. Im not a reddit user, although I did make an account to maybe eventually post on there regularly. Although that comic board is a very fickle place to be in, more so than here I think. Then again I dont go on here..
Thanks for hearing me out at least, Id like to stick around here more, Im not scared easily but if its gonna be over all nonconstructive then I guess i'll move on to another place. hopefully it doesnt come to that. Cheers, btw some of the stuff I posted here arent the complete works or just WIPs
Youre probably right, Im just hoping maybe I can find at least one person that feels the same
I think I'm alright,
nice man :) how long have you been drawin
(lol fucked up posting already, also trying to draw my responses as a fun 2-3 min exercise)
long enough.
Remember to lurk moar, "lurker".
I guess so..
I suppose I should showcase a little bit of my more complete work, heres a few..
You got a blog/archive or some shit?
Well I do have a dusty old DA I dump most my stuff on there. I do have a FP art page but im waiting to build up more material before I post more on that.
Im terribly disorganized and Im not exactly the best at getting my stuff out there.
avatarfagging and namefagging is frowned upon here.
If anything, he's drawhoring.
Yeah, yknow youre right. I should just pull up my collection of react jpgs and use those instead. Good lookin out.
And not even the good kind of drawhoring, like the kind with lewds.
I got your lewds right here baby.
grind on him
I don't follow.
Thats… it? Man, you guys are really apprehensive about actual originality. Im disappointed that this is all this place has to offer, I can see why you scared away other artists. :/ its a shame but it aint no thang to me.
I enjoy drawing the responses cause its fun practice.
What the hell are ya' expecting? If you've been lurkin' these here parts, you'd know there's been a stagnation of original content and drawfags.
There you go. Now it really feels like Holla Forums.
What a shame the animation, OC, and character design threads all died. I could have just linked them to prove you wrong.
They've all been slowin' down steadily compared to previous iterations of the character design threads. The only outlier here is the jelly/gum guy
Well you gotta admit almost any artists worth a damn either didn't leave halfchan or scooted from here when the site kept going down. I think what chased off alot of creators are the people trying to vilify them for creating OC, after a while why the hell should you keep creating if people will act like an asshole to you constantly? Making chan OC sometimes is just painting a large damn target on your back. While some people will appreciate it there will be several others trying to dig up dirt on you just because.
This is a naive viewpoint. Why? Because you are looking for a readership, you said you want people to see your work. You want people to see your "grand vision".
Eventually you will reach a point. You will work hard, you'll spend days on a page, you'll be angry having drawn the same panel 5 times and notice 50 pages and only a handful of views. And you'll say "I'm taking a hiatus" that turns into a months long break. Or it could be a year, or years. But it's just another word for quitting that makes you think that you're still working on it.
Browse any comic hosting site, take a look at the ones you think look really nice or are good and take note of how far they get. You're not the only person who's thought like this, the point being that they most often succumb. It is highly difficult to make time an energy for a pursuit with such flakey pay offs, even minor ones like views. Self satisfaction will never be enough.
To add to that, you will not find someone who is willing to work with you for free and pour their heart and soul into something for "self satisfaction" And those that do agree to it for nothing will unlikely make attatchments to the project or do the work you need them to put in.
What i'm saying is that it's okay to look for things like recognition in your work. It's not evil, to wish that someone else loved it as much as you, or to wish that it could be monetized. But don't fool yourself into thinking that's not what you want.
When you see yourself pouring your soul into your life's work, you will change your mind. I guarantee that.
You overdid the pitch here. Chances are that nobody here really gives a fuck about all the time you've put into your incomplete comic, so the worst thing you can do is type up a storm about how you're not making it for personal gain and ask others to help you work on it as if they stand to gain something besides lost time and effort. It just comes across as disingenuous, particularly when you type shit like this:
Here's an suggestion: work on some smaller scale comics first. Your big epic still be there for you to pick up later.
what did he mean by this?
no seriously, what?
baby steps. Im not looking for instant satisfaction, and its like you missed my other points. Its not like I havnt written and drawn other comics while Ive been working on this one. This particular is just one of many projects I have. Im more than willing to do something else that suits this boards… skill
It does take a lot of energy to cover every aspect to it, it wouldnt be fun if it was easy. And as for readership, I said it before and I'll say it again;its not how many, its who.
Ive put other works out there and Ive had people reach out to me. This thread right here is no big deal to me, I do have a handful of people willing to put their spare time to contribute. no skin of their bones.
The idea that art has to be commercialized in order to be reconized is such a fucked way of looking at art and culture.
You do it to do it first and for most and I could give a fuck if it recieves negative feedback as long as its constructive. I might take another 10 years to reach my goal but thats not gonna deter me man.
I'll never be satisfied and Id rather keep it that way, otherwise Id lose my edge and desire to improve.
Again, its not how many. Its who and if they can take anything from it, even a thought, then thats alright with me.
This place was merely recommended to me by a guy who thought this place could use a little something to stir the pot. And Im not a regular in anyway to this chan. Im a 420 native and its way chiller than this apparently .
I have plenty of short comics, and behind the gif stories that ive done, this was just one specific project I wanted to pitch but I see now thats too much for this board. Im willing to do shorter ones if the idea is right. But I doubt it.
Im not a lurker from here, 420 but whatever.
Sorry to hear that man
dear op.
As cahracter development, please undyke the mowhawk girl and make her true love post season 2 and no tattoos or something because ovulation.
Additionally, make goats have whore sex cult attraction hormones they can't control.
I thought it was a randomly generated sentence for a minute.
Maybe imageboard banter just shouldn't be taken too seriously, just like making chan OC.
You don't even have to take the digging up dirt shit badly. After all, we are using a valuable time we could spend shitposting or fapping to cartoon porn to search up old information about some anonymous no-life who has no more characteristics than the others except for his art. Which is pretty funny in its own right.
>The queer says nervously
Who where?
Yes. Its invariable shit cycle of shit posting randy. A shit-nado if you will of shitty drawn OC that for some reason attracts the shit birds to the shit roost. I can almost feel the autism randy.
Yeah I draw comics too, hi
So you're from 420chan huh
is Kirtaner still a giant trainwreck of a human
Ey' that's not so bad.
how long did that one page take you?
Probably 16 hours total work
Oh, I'm abhorrently impatient and can't focus on drawing for more than an hour at a time. SO 16 hours of work seems kind of daunting for me.
Well it wasn't all at one sitting. For each issue I work on, I usually bounce around each of the issue's pages between pencils, inks, and screentones (all in Manga Studio which makes this even easier.)
This has the benefit of making errors easier to spot because focusing on one page at a time for long stretches eventually you get so used to looking at your own work, like tunnel vision, that you look past errors that you'd normally catch otherwise.
Or some days you're burnt out creatively and for the life of you can't draw a dynamic character pose or anything along those lines, those are the days you focus on drawing the monotonous fine details of a background. That's how I do it, anyway
Obviously. It must be all that HERB.
This faggot is right. People like ONE and Matt Kindt are an exception, not the rule. However, the longer you keep at it, the higher your chances of success are.
That's pretty impressive man, especially the background did you really do that? Manga studio huh?
Yeah kirt's is still around and I hear he's makin phat stacks
I have a similar way of doing pages as well, I go through and outline key frames for each and just go through each page a little bit at a time.
I know that feel about wanting to do certain aspects of a page at certain times, shading, tones, line clean up.
My main tool of choice is PS which Im I havent mastered completely but Im leveling up everyday with it.
Here's something I finished earlier today.
I had zero expectations about this place so its nice to be pleasantly surprised, feelsgoodman.jpg
It's only slightly autistic, but I'd have to say this place takes the cake on making everyone feel welcome
Oh hey btw, you got a little smug on your face, lemme wipe that for you
to reiterate what I said earlier, you guys got a real sad view on what it takes to be an artist. But the only ones I see making that statement so far arent artists or havnt posted any drawings so…
You really should give Manga Studio a try. Using Photoshop for cartoon/comic line art is like using a dump truck to cart your kids to their soccer games. Yes, it will get the job done but it's not well-suited for said job. Manga Studio also has has specialized tools to thicken/thin particular lines, to clean up lineart leftovers, noise, etc. Manga Studio will even allow you to freely draw using vector lineart, something Illustrator could never hope to do. I stopped using photoshop about 10 years ago whenever Manga Studio was released in English for the first time. Haven't looked back.
But, if you really do prefer Photoshop as your tool, then by all means keep using it.
The background I drew, yes. The job was made much simpler with Manga Studio's rulers that were implemented in mind for drawing, well, manga artwork. There's two different major perspective rulers at work here - a 3-point for the foreground staircase, and a 2-point for the far background – you'll notice the vertical lines for the far background are perfectly 90' while the foreground obviously aren't. The perspective rulers in Manga Studio make this sort of shit pretty fucking easy.
I thought so, yeah, its a bit difficult to get perspective lines established with out using such rulers but Ive picked up a few personal tricks, that and Ive been stucking quite a bit on architecture drawing. I really want to try it out now, thanks for showing me what the program can do although Ive found a little niche in the roughness of my pieces although you can probably just consider that lazy line clean up haha
I like to put motion and energy behind the lines, its a preferred style at this point but Im always looking for new ways and new tools to use for the trade.
Im glad that theres a couple legit artists on here and while what I pitched before seemed a bit much, thats just my over all vision for what I like to do.
Id love to to smaller comics and I have a few already that are just based off silly shit or behind the gif stories (which is a fun exercise to do if youve ever done it)
Im trying to do some chan based comics that are about some of the convos I have with other user. Like a fucked up version of a slice of life comic. That might be something me and you and very well any other artist that hasnt been turned off or scared away by now :)
third panel reminds me of perspective adventure or whatever where anons would decide where the adventure went and change perspective between the characters
noteworthy characters were the bashful monk and a loli with aspirations for world dominance
anons were constantly trying to get them to fuck so when monk dude fell asleep at the inn anons tried to get the artist to do lewd stuff all the time and one user said "grind on him" to the applaus of many an user
The artist drew the loli with a skateboard doing a jump over the monk in the next panel
actually that reminds me, the Holla Forums drawfag community is way more active
sounds dank as fuck, Id like to meet this artist
pretty sure he lurks most of the time these days
if I knew where some pics were I would share them
actually I'm almost certain that this is the guy that did the perspective adventure threads with the loli monk and ara ara sister
I'll give it a peruse, and 'lurk moar' I'll see what the other boards have to offer. So far its been ayt.
this thread reminds of the guy who was drawing a comic on librechan with some dad taking his five year old daughter away from his abusive/cheating wife. of course the dad was just going to end up molesting/raping the daughter in some dirty motel, but the comic was never finished before librechan died :(
and what about the 1 out of 10 times it doesn't?
frankly, I don't really even "get" collabs
As much as people won't admit, there have been successful chan projects. Handy Jays, Premier Pulp and even fucking Breast Quest are a few that have been done, finished to an extent or in the process and still alive. Doing the projects aren't hard of you have a clear goal in mind and time.
What commonly is the end to organized projects is that the people on it just don't have time to do it anymore. Drama is another thing but thats usually if the project gets over saturated and lost goals.
Oh yeah, I remember that now.
It's funny, some anons remembered this better than I did, and I'm the one who ran the little game.
If you user's want the storytime of that thread. I did these a long time ago and posted it once on Holla Forums. I miss questfags on Holla Forums
Is that all?
there's one more before he stopped doing the threads. I haven't finished it though.
quests are not vidya.
that's because it was awesome
anyone got the spoilered pics?
what's it like being underage
I got the grinding one. its a screenshot of the themnail though
shit, I'm fairly certain that's the reason it got bump locked and died.
well, Mark is notorious for being a faggot
Its probably not mark. There's another fag volunteer that goes by the name of lime. Marks an alright guy who spergs from time to time but keeps a hands off approach to Holla Forums
yeah his clique can be fags too its true
live CYOA threads are better that real video games these days, you can't even program in amazing shit like that
tried it again since I was bored, bump locked within a couple of posts
link? Or is it gone.
I did it last Christmas. sorry.
also I've said "grind on him" when I was sure it was you like 1-3 other times
Well I suppose this is the first time you've caught me.
ah well
I just finished this one. There's a bit more but I can't go past the 10,000 pixel limit so I got to split it.
Here's the rest of part 3. Have a folder of part 4 that i'll get around to tomorrow.
well tickle my asshole and call me shirley, das pretty gud.
I wouldnt mind trying something out, round robin style if you ever heard of the term. It would be a good creative exercise for the drawfags here. The only issue is determining order but the ideal would be not to double post or post over another guy doing the next page to avoid conflict.
Or we can have two seperate encounters in one big event to where we can naturally progress by telling the story from two different perspectives.
What do you guys think? also not sure if Holla Forums would be the best place, but in terms of traffic flow and content, wouldnt this place make the most sense to post in? I dunno man
Holla Forums is pretty mixed as far as adventure threads go. I tried one a year ago, and replies were pretty sparse. Holla Forums is a mixed bag of nuts, in that it'll get a lot of traffic the first few days then peter out. Plus there's shitposters who try to derail the story.
there's always /monster/. they have a bunch of CYOA type things.
I've done a couple myself, but I can't draw anywhere near as well or fast as you can. Mine ended up as shitshows since I made them on Holla Forums, but it was still fun to do. I always found it interesting since if I ever got dumb requests, I would have to find a creative way to work around it and keep the story going.
What did you learn from the whole thing? What would you suggest to practice drawing in order to make better quests?
and then this one.
Do you have to be decent at drawing for those? I'm not that good.
nearly all of them are text.
I wasn't the one who made the thread. I just pasted everything together in image form
I see. When you said you did those a long time ago, I thought you meant the quests.
Wasn't there more post here before? I came back here to save and image or two, and suddenly half the thread is gone.
disregard that, now there back.
And I'm very confused.
sauce on song
The site was hacked on April 1 and the admins have been gradually restoring it.
This angers me beyond reason.
First off, you don't have a style. You knowing how to draw basic characters doesn't mean you have a fucking style
Developing a style is not drawing few characters in boring standing poses on blank backgrounds, especially not the comic book style.
Where are your background practice runs?
How do you do small houses? How do you draw interiors? Where the fuck are practice runs of pages? How do you draw interaction? How do cars/vehicles/transportation work in your comic? Are the backgrounds of pages black or white? IN WHAT STYLE DO YOU DRAW MOVEMENT EFFECTS? WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING TITLE FONT THAT WILL BE RECOGNIZABLE BY THOUSANDS?!
Jesus fucking christ how much i hate these little bitches that draw 2 lines and get the balls to call themselves a developed artists. Get the fuck back to fucking learning basics and don't come out in the next fucking 1o years when you actually do a trial page of anything
This is why I dont go on this site. Pretentious as fuck my dude, in anycase I'm already working on a couple projects somewhere where people are less of uppity fags
I wanted to let this thread die and be like that but you just wont let that happen will ya buddy
I dont need to explain my style or how many years of experience I got under my belt to you guys, all I wanted to know is if anyone wanted to collab.
I did gather a couple ideas for how to make said adventure threads, for that I'm glad for. So thanks for the ones that actually contributed to this thread. Cheers to those few and I hope we'll meet again sometime in the future.
No bump hopefully
It really is a shame this place is to toxic to work with
Something Im working on a chan with, because this place aint exactly user friendly. If youre interesting, search your heart and youll know where to find me. (in your anus)
Wew lad. Learn how to take banter, you weed-ass faggot.
this exactly.
Board had good, productive peepz in it before the scum like OP came in flooding. This is what happens when some fucktards don't respect rules 1&2 and people come here fucking up everything.
news flash, no one gives a fuck about rules 1 and 2, only kids who give a fuck about shit like that literally have nothing else to do but find shit to complain about. I knew about this place when it was conceived but its always stupid ass shit like this that kept me from interacting.
To each their own. Theres a difference between 'witty' banter and just plain toxic behavior. Have fun contributing to literally nothing with your no talent lookin ass selfs. (cept for the ones that actually draw)
What is this, tumblr?
It's such a shame. If these niggas made a modicum of effort to lurk their antics would go largely unnoticed.
I'll be honest I was gonna agree with you about doing projects off boards. But you can make it work if you get the right people and go off somewhere to do it.
But in the span of a few days you have demonstrated a very very offputting attitude. I'm sure its you that isn't really attracting artists, you seem like an ass.
Pretty much, yes. You're actually more likely to find good anti-tumblr people on tumblr itself now than you are on any of the chan boards.
Looking at their posts, I can't tell if they're actually from tumblr or just troll pretending to be. Because there's stereotypes there (tumblr nose, saying shit like 'toxic'), but they honestly talk like they're from tumblr in ways I feel like you would only know if you frequent the site (which I do because is completely correct in what he says)
On another note, I heard from people on the drawthread that last drawthread had someone bitching and freaking out about critiques. Would that possibly be OP? Because, uh… To be complaining someone's being pretentious for telling them to work on real art (backgrounds, interactions, transportation, movement, etc)… It's as cancerous as whining and crying because your art teacher told you to stop drawing anime.
This is why we don't have drawthreads anymore. You can't respect simple rules and you hope to have a respectful community?
Nah dude, arbitrary rules such as those are dated. This place has been around what, 10 years. This aint some secret club anymore. I tried though, what counts as witty banter, comes off as just edgy and counterproductive. As much as people tried derailing the thread, I still managed to get what I wanted from this. Therefore Im hoping this dies here with no more bumps.
I already got momentum going for this comic im doing with anons participation and after 3 parts, Its fleshed out quite nicely.
I really have to thank those guys that genuinely responded with constructive or positive feedback. Cheers