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Holla Forums books monthly

24 more ebooks for your enjoyment!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

bookmark this page in case the archive ever gets shoahed:

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I couldn't find A SINGLE PDF ON THE ENTIRE WEB for that book, thank you so much.

Glad you returned, you're doing KEK's work user.

Also shouldn't War is a Racket be somewhere in there?

I've been reading this book, and I legitimately got so mad my stomach started hurting. I had to stop reading and breathe for a minute. The part where they force them to denounce and mock their religion, their culture, their family, it just fucking gets me.
I feel no sympathy for anyone who actually believes in communism. Being shot behind a building is the best fate that they deserve.

God dammit i've been waiting for this for so long. Godspeed user. I am also compiling my own archive with 40 gigabytes of content from Holla Forums to Holla Forums. Will post mega link in due time.


May KEK light you path brother.

Welcome back user, thanks for everything you're doing

LIBIDO DOMINANDO: Sexual Liberation and Political Control
by E. Michael Jones

Aldous Huxley wrote in his preface to the 1946 edition of Brave New World that "as political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase."

This book is about the converse of that statement. It explains how the rhetoric of sexual freedom was used to engineer a system of covert political and social control.

Over the course of the two-hundred-year span covered by this book, the development of technologies of communication, reproduction, and psychic control – including psychotherapy, behaviorism, advertising, sensitivity training, pornography, and plain old blackmail – allowed the Enlightenment and its heirs to turn Augustine’s insight on its head and create masters out of men’s vices.

I was hoping for Ann Coulters new one, but beggars can't be choosers.

God speed user

There's an .epub here:

Any other good books about the holocaust? Dont fancy dropping $25 on something thats no good.

BITTER HARVEST: Zimbabwe and the Aftermath of its Independence
memoirs of Ian Smith

- Few books detail the truth about Mugabe's Zimbabwe and the virtual ethnic cleansing of minority communities. Smith, the last minority president of Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia) tells the story behind the UDA and his fight for moderation.

- Rhodesia was the proverbial canary on the coal mine – a foretaste of what awaits the rapidly disintegrating West.

Good review of Bitter Harvest here:

Is it worth the read?

Lots of holocaust books for free here:

If you want something to hold in your hand and are new to the topic, I'd recommend 'The Giant With Feet of Clay'. If you want something to keep in the bathroom and open up at random, try 'Lectures on the Holocaust'. If you're mildly autistic, go with 'Dissecting The Holocaust'. If you're hitting levels of autism that shouldn't even be possible, try 'The Rudolf Report'.

Dalton's book is a good, recent synthesis of revisionist research. They're not giving it away for free yet, thus the scanned .pdf in this month's collection.

There are also lots of good, shorter articles here in a well-assembled collection:

Not sure yet if i am going to buy it, does pic related filled with biases (Like they were forced and so on) or have facts to back it up that they were not forced or any threats against them and joined out of free will?

Camp of the Saints is perfect for what has been happening the past couple of years, predicting it almost exactly (only with one big fleet rather than a bunch of smaller boats and swarms).

The man was a prophet and no one listened.

Ian Smith looks like he's seen some shit, and could kill a man with that stare. Men aren't tough like that any more.

SUICIDE OF THE WEST: An essay on the meaning and destiny of Liberalism
by James Burnham (1964)

Finally there's an .epub of this classic title.

Burham observes that the primary function of Liberalism is to permit "Western civilization to be reconciled to dissolution, to regard weakness, failure, even collapse not as defeat but as a transition to a new higher order…[one] that has risen above the parochial distinctions, diversions, and discrimination of the past."

An interesting essay on Burham's influence on Sam Francis:

tl;dr - 2,000 full Jews, 60,000 half-Jews and 90,000 quarter-Jews served in the Wehrmacht and SS.

There. I just saved you $17.

Thanks lads, think ill get the rudolph report. Cant go anywhere near personal accounts with this so seems the best bet.

Good to see you included some more Bill Warner. For every user reading, Bill warner is a must read. He's a true expert on political Islam. His books are simple and easy to read, yet are extremely insightful and highly informative. You must read them if you want to know the true nature of Islam and how it functions. After you've read them, you'll be better informed on Islam than the vast majority of people on earth. Reading them completely changed my world view.

Veronica Clark writes about this (and other "NS Germans were less racist than Holla Forums" tier trivia) in 'Black Nazis II' - which is in the archives in .epub and .pdf.

Thanks user

Still gonna buy it though

by Jean Raspail (1973)

- This book looks beyond the cold war to a North-South confrontation in which European civilization is unilaterally morally disarmed. The thesis is simple: suppose a million starving people from the Ganges actually took Western rhetoric of compassion, explotiation, etc., to heart, and comandeered, en masse, shipping, with the intention of moving to the shores of France? (Raspail, of course, is French.) Would anyone stop them?

Article about other (untranslated) writings by Jean Raspail:

EURASIAN MISSION: An introduction to neo-Eurasianism
by Alexander Dugin

Actually a compilation of writings by Dugin between 2005 and 2014.


Count Nikolai Trubetzkoy first established the theory of Eurasianism, and is thus considered the founder of the movement. He was also a friend of Claude Lévi-Strauss, the famous French anthropologist, from whom Eurasianism drew its idea of a pluralistic world. This is the first and most important position of the Eurasian philosophy, which can also be formulated negatively as the rejection of Western universalism.

This universalism also had French roots, growing out of 18th-century Enlightenment thought, the effective imperialism that emerged through the military and technological dominance of the European powers, and the resulting Eurocentrism.

In addition to rejecting these aspects of the West, Eurasianism also rejects the hypocrisy of modern democracy, the ideology of "human rights," and consumerist materialism. To counter Western universalism, Eurasianism proposes a multipolar world that is modulated by a sense of social responsibility and traditionalism.

THE SHOCK OF HISTORY: Religion, Memory, Identity
by Dominique Venner

Dominique Venner (1935-2013) was a French writer and historian. He wrote over fifty books about history, specialising in the history of weapons and hunting.

He served as a paratrooper during the Algerian War, and was jailed for 18 months for his involvement with the Organisation of the Secret Army, which sought to retain French Algeria through armed insurrection.

He was subsequently involved in a decade of intense political activism, and also worked with Alain de Benoist’s ‘New Right’ organisation, GRECE.

Before his decision to publicly end his life in 2013, the goal of which was to awaken the minds of his European compatriots, he was in charge of the Nouvelle Revue de l’Histoire.



I have been looking for that one.
Keep doing what you are doing OP. You are doing a lot for our cause.

best threads

THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal
by Nick Bryant (2009)

The inclusion of this ebook is dedicated to fledgling RWDS within law enforcement and the military. Kek vult, patriots. Future generations of all creeds depend upon the sacrifices we shall make in the glorious counter-revolution.

'The Franklin Scandal' is the story of a nationwide pedophile ring that pandered children to a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of political powerbrokers who had access to the highest levels of our government.

Nebraska legislators attempted to expose the network in 1989 and 1990, but the legislators' efforts were followed by a rash of mysterious deaths and the overpowering responses of federal and local law enforcement, including the FBI and Justice Department, which effected an immaculate cover-up of the trafficking network.

BLACK LIES MATTER: Why Lies Matter to the Race Grievance Industry
by Taleeb Starkes

Huzzar! Another black author we've tricked into not seeing structural racism using our patriarchal white supremacist meme voodoo. We'll hang him last!

"The Race Grievance Industry’s sole purpose is to profit from racial strife under the guise of pursuing racial peace. Its modus operandi is rooted in a lie that refuses to die: blacks are permanent victims of racism and no amount of effort will overcome it. The lie is rinsed and repeated in different ways, but the message remains unchanged — America is a racist labyrinth specifically designed to stifle black advancement."

FALL OF THE ARAB SPRING: from Revolution to Destruction
by Christopher Brennan (2015)

From the introduction:

"‘Liberal imperialism’ has continued to evolve. A more novel method for modern imperialism includes the use of the ‘color revolution.’ Adherents of this method, such as Peter Ackerman of the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) and Carl Gershman of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) (See Chapter II), argue unfriendly regimes can be toppled by mobilizing swarms of discontented adolescents, via mass communication media such as SMS, Facebook and Twitter."

FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order
by F. William Engdahl (2009)

The first ~half of this book covers the Bush era history of color revolutions and destabilization campaigns. 'Soft power' and the "weaponization of human rights."

Hello Holla Forumsbooks user. I appreciate your threads greatly and I want to share some of my collection. Here are two torrents of Carl Gustav Jung's works.



and a small collection of Ernst Junger's works translated in English.!dJUzxIjD!b7nJL3a7FkX95RSV1e7UlQFwGI7RQvYm1DVBBn5Vinw

Enjoy anons!

THE DIRTY WAR ON SYRIA: Washington, Regime Change and Resistance
by Tim Anderson (2016)

Written by a leftist who (of course) tells us that the "real" meaning of 'jihad' is a righteous inner spiritual struggle, etc. Nonetheless a good source of information and an interesting read.

"Western mythology relies on the idea of imperial prerogatives, asking what must ‘we’ do about the problems of another people … The next steps involve a series of fabrications about the pretexts, character and events of the war. The first pretext over Syria was that the NATO states and the Gulf monarchies were supporting a secular and democratic revolution."

"When that seemed implausible the second story was that they were saving the oppressed majority ‘Sunni Muslim’ population from a sectarian ‘Alawite regime’. Then, when sectarian atrocities by anti-government forces attracted greater public attention, the pretext became a claim that there was a shadow war: ‘moderate rebels’ were said to be actually fighting the extremist groups. Western intervention was therefore needed to bolster these ‘moderate rebels’ against the ‘new’ extremist group that had mysteriously arisen and posed a threat to the world."

"That was the ‘B’ story … However this book leads with the ‘A’ story. Proxy armies of Islamists, armed by US regional allies (mainly Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey), infiltrate a political reform movement and snipe at police and civilians. They blame this on the government and spark an insurrection, seeking the overthrow of the Syrian government and its secular-pluralist state."

HYBRID WARS: The Indirect Adaptive Approach to Regime Change
by Andrew Korybko (2015)

"[Korybko's] detailed work proves that Color Revolutions are a new form of warfare engineered by the US, with everything from their organizational makeup to geopolitical application being guided by American strategists. But unlike earlier researchers who have touched upon the topic, Andrew takes his work even further and uses the latest examples of the War on Syria and EuroMaidan to argue that the US has deployed a second, more dangerous step to its regime change toolkit."

"Hybrid Wars, as he labels them, are when the US meshes its Color Revolution and Unconventional Warfare strategies together to create a unified toolkit for carrying out regime change in targeted states. When a Color Revolution attempt fails, as it miserably did in Syria in 2011, the backup plan is to roll out an Unconventional War that builds directly upon the former’s social infrastructure and organizing methods."

"In the case of EuroMaidan, Andrew cites Western news sources such as Newsweek magazine, the Guardian, and Reuters in reminding everyone that in the days immediately prior to the coup’s successful completion, Western Ukraine was in full-scale rebellion against the central government and the stage was set for an Unconventional Syrian-esque War in the heart of Eastern Europe. Had it not been for the sudden overthrow of President Yanukovich, the US was prepared to take the country down the path of the Syrian scenario, which would have been its second full-fledged application of Hybrid War."

DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST: a new look at both sides
by Thomas Dalton (2nd ed, 2015)

For the past few decades there has been raging a kind of subterranean debate, one of monumental importance. It is a debate about the Holocaust – not whether or not it "happened" (this is a meaningless claim), but rather, how it happened, through what means, and to what extent. On the one hand we have the traditional, orthodox view: the six million Jewish casualties, the gas chambers, the cremation ovens and mass graves. On the other hand there is a small, renegade band of writers and researchers who refuse to accept large parts of this story. These revisionists, as they call themselves, present counter-evidence and ask tough questions.

Can someone upload or share it via another host? Megaupload won't allow me to download the full 4.31gb file.

What file is 4.3gb??


You don't need to download all the .zips AND the entire "individual files" folder.

It's the same content. (Although there ARE some .epub versions of certain titles I tracked down later that are only in the individual files folder.)

E. Michael Jones is amazing.

Put the effort into reading "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit". It's very worthwhile.

OP here.

What do people want in next month's pack?

Any special theme you'd like to see?

I for one would like to see more military/political strategy/tactics. Things like on war or the art of war, etc.

roll like the (((History Channel))) and marathon Hitler until the God Emperor gets in office.

so… Hitler + battling our foes?

Tbh I was expecting requests for cookbooks and personal grooming guides but okay my dudes, the crowd has spoken

Yeah, this. Plus maybe war memoirs from people who have seen serious shit.

I second the latter half of this post. That would definitely be interesting.

I'm still reading through Spengler's "Decline of the west" but still, I'd like some Evola on my Jewish made Kindle too.

Love this book club.

Shock of History is a great book

bump for greatness

The Evola .epub in this month's pack doesn't have any typos that I've seen.

Why the fuck was this sunk?

Who is this fucking MOD?

Yes, strategy would be great.
If you can track and get a translation of contemporary russian strategists that would be fucking awesome.
Most strategy schools in the west are equivalent, dame doctrines, analysis of history etc, but the russians have developped a different school and methods according to western expert opinions on the matter.
I've read some Coutau-Begarie in french, but I don't have numerised versions, and I don't even know if he's been translated, but his analysis on various world regions/oceans are great.

Granted I was never really interested in these threads because I saw most of the books listed as supplementary material instead of required reading, but why the fuck would you autosage these threads when we had them previously and it was a way for anons to get easy access to ebooks, some of which seem to be slightly hard to find a PDF or epub of.

wtf mods?

imkampfy locked the thread


wtf. these are some of the most beloved threads on Holla Forums. Why?

does this mod have a history?

or just not like books? I don't get it.

imkampfy is sketchy at the best of times.

how many mods are there?

I was just lurking, but I have to say this is unacceptable. I downloaded all these books long ago, but this sort of thread is 10x more helpful than those retarded "redpills for newfags" threads

So this is bumplocked, but the mods left that retarded pro-Limbaugh thread up for days…

the board log shows only imkampfy active now
I don't know if he's being an asshole, a retard or a traitor honestly

maybe report massively requesting un-bumplock?

It's mildly annoying, but I'm just going to post this again tomorrow. I assume the other mods wouldn't do this.

therealmoonman might, you should check out /polmeta/, shit has been sketch for awhile..

No, they likely would not - and if they do, a stink must be made about it.

Also this.


imkampfy has always gotten shit on him, don't know how you didn't notice it until now. Where you not on Holla Forums for a couple of months?

Remember, religion threads which are the prime example of threads that add fucking nothing to Holla Forums get hundreds of replies over and over and over again, along with threads that are only consisting of "muh anime is real now" remain unbumplocked while this gets autosaged.

16chan when?

nice trips marcus

If you're gonna misattribute a quote, at least misattribute it to Sam Hyde.

Why the fuck was this thread bumplocked when it should be a sticky?


from what I can tell, imkampfy is in the middle of transitioning, and the hormones are fucking up xes head

He banned the op of /sg/ for this and then I think permabanned him after he complained about it on /polmeta/

maybe he thinks these ebook posts are low effort or something…

Oh well, the mega link has been widely distributed - it'll continue to get posted when anyone is looking for books.

This was going to be the second to last month anyway.

I'll repost the thread, user. I'll gladly take a ban for you

new thread

Do it. Kike mods sometimes delete or anchor threads for no fucking reason at all.


put the pack on / libgen

good list, OP. I'm happy that you included some books about color revolutions.

I recommend it, though it's not a particularly well written book. Less interesting than the gulag archipelago - but more honest on the Jewish question. The thing that was interesting to me was that the kikes would make them renounce their "racial privilege" and declare that anything they've achieved is because of racial privilege, corruption, or dishonest business dealings. Sound familiar?

The original was written in Romanian, so it might be a shitty translation

Holy shit, new thread deleted already!?

imkampfy is fucking worthless.


Good thread OP thank you. The amount of good material I've had from these threads is awesome. There's always something I haven't heard of.

I'm glad it was bumplocked though because maybe now more anons can see just what worthless sacks of shit are in charge of this place. Kick up a stink about it.

imkampfy is literally a nigger.

Report the thread and ask the bumplock to be lifted
Honest mistake or not. Bumplocking literature threads is retard-tier.

Archive of this thread

Lift the bumplock

I know I re-reported it 5 hours ago or so, just got lifted it looks like.

Bump for literature

For once, the mods are not fags.
Has anyone already uploaded these to >>>/pdfs/?

At least the bumplock is gone now.

It still pisses me off that threads like these are a rarity now, and threads that are mostly shitposting are the ones getting all the attention while threads that are reminiscent of before the elction just flat out die, but this isn't the thread to complain about it.



Thank you OP, I've missed these lists. What is Holla Forums reading right now?
I just started Understanding Human History by Michael Hart earlier this week, so far it's pretty good. Prior to that I read The Blank Slate.


Id say anything about government secrets. Something like an insiders book on the bay of pigs if such a thing exists. Id especially be interested in anything iran-contra related. Anything in a similar vein but more modern day would be welcomed too.

A while back someone posted a series of books written by one guy on the history of the world. I think there were 11 volumes. Anyone know what I'm talking about? They looked good but I forgot to download them.

OP here (probably with new ID).


I'll resume posting the book descriptions shortly.

I found it. It was The Story of Civilization by Will Durant

by Yuri Slezkine (2004)

- If the author wasn't a Russian, a professor at Berkeley, half Jewish, and the book wasn't published by a major university press, I think somebody would be yelling "anti-Semitism." It is loaded with hard-to-obtain data (about one-third of his sources are in Russian) on the very active but less well known Jewish participation in all aspects of Russian life, especially from the time of the revolutions to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, including their roles in the gulag, the NKVD and spying on the US. He even refers to Communist Jews as "Stalin's willing executioners" (p. 103).

Above taken from an review. Also see this very long review by Kevin MacDonald:

Also discussed at length in TDS episode 17 after about 1:02:40

I see the mods unbumplocked this. Good.

AGAINST OUR BETTER JUDGMENT: The hidden history of how the US was used to create Israel
by Alison Weir (2014)

Alison Weir’s relatively short book covers the history of Zionism in the United States from the last decades of the 19th century until the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.

… The work goes over a large number of little known but very important topics to demonstrate the powerful influence of Zionism over American foreign policy.

… The book brings up the central importance of Louis Brandeis and his disciple Felix Frankfurter in advancing the interests of Zionism.

…Brandeis would head the international Zionist Central Office during the teens but, perhaps even more significant, he would be a leading member of a secret society, the Parushim, the Hebrew word for “Pharisees” and “separate,” which covertly advanced the interests of Zionism in the United States and Europe.

- from a review by Stephen J. Sniegoski, author of 'The Transparent Cabal':

1453: The Holy War for Constantinople and the Clash of Islam and The West
by Roger Crowley (2005)

The fall of Constantinople in 1453 signaled a shift in history, and the end of the Byzantium Empire. Roger Crowley's readable and comprehensive account of the battle between Mehmed II, sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and Constantine XI, the 57th emperor of Byzantium, illuminates the period in history that was a precursor to the current jihad between the West and the Middle East.

THE MYTH OF THE ANDALUSIAN PARADISE: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain
by Dario Fernandez-Morera (2016)

In this new book he tackles one of the anti-European left’s most cherished delusions, viz., that al-Andalus, or Moorish Spain (711–1492 AD), was a successful multicultural society in which Christians, Jews and Muslims flourished together beneath the tolerant eye of enlightened Islamic rulers. These supposed halcyon days of Moorish tolerance are contrasted favorably with both the Visigothic Kingdom that preceded them and the Spain of the inquisition that followed.

So popular has the romantic image of enlightened Muslim Spain become that it has been publicly endorsed by such distinguished historical scholars as Barack Obama and Tony Blair. Indeed, according to Prof. David Levering Lewis, Europeans missed a golden opportunity by not going down to defeat at the Battle of Tours in 732 AD.

- from a review by F. Roger Devlin:


This got released recently. I haven't read it yet, but his manifesto was great.


- The Life of Mohammed: The Sira (2010)

- The Hadith: The Sunna of Mohammed (2010)

Islam is defined by the words of Allah in the Koran, and the words and actions of Mohammed, called the Sunna.

The Sunna is found in two collections of texts - the Sira (Mohammed’s life) and the Hadith.

The Koran repeatedly commands every Muslim to follow the perfect example of Mohammed's life.

- Factual Persuasion: Changing the minds of Islam's supporters (2011)

This is a how-to book about persuading people about the true nature of Islam. The method that is taught here is based upon understanding Islam’s doctrine as found in three texts, the Trilogy: Koran, Sira, and Hadith. The Trilogy contains the complete foundation of Islamic doctrine. This book is intended for those whose have read the Trilogy.

('A Simple Koran' and 'Sharia Law for Non-Muslims' can also be found in the archive)

From the introduction:

If the Americans succumb, they will remember this book as a prophecy that was completely fulfilled.

I agree, mods are shit, I stopped creating threads because they would not delete and ban derails or d&c. Enjoy your "trump bantz" and "lulz at what stupid shit from the MSM wrote" threads

METAPHYSICS OF WAR: Battle, Victory and Death in the World of Tradition
by Julius Evola (1935 - 1950)

These essays deal with war from a spiritual and heroic perspective. Evola selects specific examples from the Nordic, Vedic, Roman, Persian, Islamic and other traditions to demonstrate how traditionalists can prepare themselves to experience war in a way that will allow them to overcome the limited possibilities offered by our materialistic and degraded age.

by Jack Donovan (2016)

Donovan suggests that one should read 'The Way of Men' prior to reading 'Becoming a Barbarian'. In 'The Way of Men', Donovan argues that the “gang” is the way of men. In essence, a gang is a tribe of men who share the same set of values.

In his sequel, 'Becoming a Barbarian', Donovan lays out his blueprint for how men can go about forming their own tribes and becoming modern day version of the barbarian.

… The essence of Donovan’s masculinity is tribalism. He expands on this further by making it a point to distinguish between “us” and “them” which is very similar to Carl Schmitt’s friend-enemy distinction in 'The Concept of the Political'. Donovan’s work is very much a critique of utopian liberalism.

SUMMONING THE GODS: Essays on Paganism in a God-Forsaken World
by Collin Cleary (2011)

In 'Summoning the Gods', Collin Cleary argues that the gods have not died or forsaken us so much as we have died to or forsaken them. Modern civilization—including much of modern neo-paganism—springs from a mindset that closes man off to the divine and traps us in a world of our own creations. Drawing upon sources from Taoism to Heidegger, Collin Cleary describes how we can attain an attitude of openness that may allow the gods to return.

…“Collin Cleary’s Summoning the Gods is one of the most important books in its field. Unlike those who would speak for the gods, he shows us how to bring the gods into our lives by letting Them speak for themselves. Perhaps most importantly, Cleary has given serious followers of pagan religions the philosophical tools to defend their beliefs against the most erudite critics.” — Stephen A. McNallen, Asatru Folk Assembly

Here are all the previous editions so newfags don't have to load the mega page to see the entire collection:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

I'll add the remaining book descriptions at T+sleep o'clock.

Please bump for a while to keep this visible for readers.

Glad to see these threads return. I'd like to see an equivalent for fiction one day, though I understand the hesitation that people may skip the heavier stuff in favour of comparatively quick/easy gratification.

Thank you so much for this

being an internets cosmonaut could anyone link the actual books on an Holla Forums board?
i dont want any infection

imkampfy is the rachposter

megaupload is dogshit and OP should die a slow death

Seriously, that's why there is still people in this board shilling for fucking gold-kike-controlled standard.




Are there any good books making cases for and against communism and communists? Specifically, are there any good biographies or studies on Stalin and Trotsky?
Also is there anything good on Pinochet?

I have no idea what you're talking about. I've never seen any timer on MEGA.

For those struggling with understanding Evola this is a good book to get your head around his interpretation of traditionalism. The book is simple to read and the ideas are presented straightforwadly, relative to his other works.

Thanks for Libido Dominandi user! Wanted to read that for a long time. I didn't know there was an epub version, even better.

do you have the pdf of this? I've been looking for it everywhere. I promise to buy it in the future either way.

nevermind I'm retarded, it was in the list. Thanks for the book user!!

there's some people planning to create a blockchain currency backed by labour hours. 99% of crypto projects are shit and fail miserably, but you might be interested in looking it up just out of curiosity. I'll bump despite the slight off-topic because it's a quality thread

Massive thanks for this OP. I always have trouble keeping myself to schdules of reading books and this is motivation to read most of these books in one month. You're doing god's work

Especially this work will come in helpful as it was on my asatru required reading list but I could find no pdf/epubs of it

If anyone wants I can dump my Germanic paganism folder into a mega link and dump it here

Wait, so Americans actually believed that moors and kikes were ever well accepted here? This is fucking hilarious.

A couple more books on paganism from a political/philosophical perspective if you can find any. I'm reading "On being a pagan" by Alain de Benoist at the moment but it's a bit hard going for me.

Imkampfy BTFO, faggot

The Celebrations in the Life of the SS Family

by Fritz Weitzel

English translation.

Good god, I've looked so long for a book by Ian Smith, thanks a lot!

Can you get some books by Enoch Powell too?

Example of what you can find in the book:

The SS Totenkopfring – Death's Head Ring Produced in silver, the Ring bore Runic Signs amidst oak leaves on the outside; the inside was engraved with the owner's name, the date he received the ring, and the signature of Reich Leader Of The SS Himmler

”I award you the Death's Head Ring of the SS. It is intended to be: A symbol of our loyalty to The Leader, of our unwavering obedience to our superiors, and our unshakeable sense of bonding and comradeship.
The Death's Head is the reminder to always be ready to risk one's own life for the life of the whole. The Runes across from the Death's Head are holy symbols of our past, to which we are once again connected through the philosophy of National Socialism. Both of the Sig Runes represent the name of our Schutzstaffel – Protective Echelon. The Swastika and Hagall Rune are intended to keep our unshakeable belief in the victory of our philosophy in front of our eyes. The Ring is encircled by oak leaves, the leaves of the old German tree. This Ring may not be acquired through purchase, and it may never be allowed to fall into unauthorised hands. This Ring is to be returned to the Reich Leader Of The SS upon your discharge from the SS or upon your death. The making of imitations and copies are punishable offences. It is your duty to prevent their occurrence. Wear this ring with honour!”

H. Himmler.

Op, I'm grateful for your work but hold the faggotry please.

Bumping. Book threads, and other such threads that helped me learn, we're a big reason I started browsing Holla Forums to begin with.

Didn't see this in the book list.txt. It's a very good book, made me cry like a baby a few years back when I was still taking the NatSoc/Lolocaust redpill.

Witness to History by Michael Walsh

I see you have Against Our Better Judgment in #14, that's also a good book and here is Allison Weir talking about her findings from writing the book at the National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship" (many other informative videos on the channel)

My images just got shoah'd.


You're doing kek's work and got blessed by dubs!


Since Libido Dominandi is part of a trilogy, I'd suggest putting the next book in line, "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History" Pic related.

These books are amazing and since they're also well cited, they give quite a bit of spinoff reading material,

Agreed. Barren metal is very informative about the origins and reasons for the hatred of the jews in midevial europe, so far it's been a good read

I second this. OP if you could somehow include Barren Metal in future packs, that''d be great

Kind of off topic but I'm reading Mein Kampf and it's pretty incredible. If I had read it even as a normalfag libertarian I would've probably thought "Wow, that's actually pretty insightful. Maybe Hitler wasn't just a rambling genocidal madman?"

Just found a pdf of it on the web.

Read his second book too. It's just as good imo. I know people freak out about table talk but i can highly recommend that one too.

Table talk is absolutely essential.

Table talk is honestly so fucking good.

Glad the mods uncucked themselves.

You need to go to >>>/pdfs/ more, if I remember right I actually uploaded that book there some time ago.


Please do.

Fuck reading books. Just post the juicy bits and stop wanting everyone to waste their time.

Great choice. So many of these jew-party fags thing elite pedophilia is just a "democrat thing".

FINALLY. I've been searching for this for so long.Thanks user.

Also OP if you are still going to make these threads be sure to include Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, as I think a lot of anons can benefit from reading it if they haven't already.

I know beggar's can't be choosers and whatnot, however I have a couple of suggestions:

MAGA Mindset: Mike Cernovich
How to Fail at almost Everything and still win Big: Scott Adams
Pre-suasion: Robert Cialdini

and most of all…
The Sovereign Individual: James Dale Davidson

I can explain why, if needed.

I can give you the audio versions of those two if you want.

Thanks but no thanks lad. Already have Scott Adams' book and I have The Sovereign Individual, Pre-suasion, and MAGA Mindset all being shipped. Just trying to contribute some good nook ideas.

Thanks but no thanks lad. Already have Scott Adams' book and I have The Sovereign Individual, Pre-suasion, and MAGA Mindset all being shipped. Just trying to contribute some good nook ideas.


Book is very relevant to pizzagate. I just finished it.

From one of the last pages:
Operation Mind Control will not be exposed by the work
of an honest security guard and diligent reporters, as was
the case with Watergate. It will take nothing less than a
concerted effort on the part of an informed and outraged
public, their legal representatives, and the press to uncover
even the beginning of the trail to the identity of the elite
core of the secret government which rapes the human
mind. And, in the process of uncovering the cabal of mind
controllers, the entire fabric of the United States government
may well come unraveled

those are some pretty easy books to find

That's in #3 (and the individual files folder) And there's no .pdf of .epub of Barren Metal yet.

I'd take audio versions of those

Did you read the original or the "researcher's edition"?!VJhjHAzA!Da3OXVJNtvKtmVLggeW2wA!lEJwXDaL!7SxPs82ttxHQ8whMZYCGdA

megaupload shut down in 2011 (2016 - ) doesn't have wait times, and has a pretty front end

I read the 1994 edition which I believe was longer. Audiobook version.
Very very relevent.. the author even says "you autists" at the end.. like how would he know in 1994?!

I'm going this list right now, most of the books on here, if you were to take a political science course, would be read during that course. I implore all of you to give "Politics" by Aristotle a read, as it covers the basis of governmental needs and services, although catered to smaller state-type governments.

do you have a link to download the audiobook?

God dammit. I have over a dozen threads open, stay up late every night, I ingest an insane amount of information within 24 hours. I manage to still make moderate progress on reading books but holy hell I can't handle it anymore, a psyche wasn't supposed to go through all of this shit.

…you'd be brainwashed by university tier faggotry.

I'm reading Plato's "Republic" right now, should "Politics" be read as a precursor, after or doesn't it matter at all?

Good shit. Thanks!

unless there is a way for me to rip it from audible? id be happy to if you tell me how

If you didn't buy it, I don't think there's a way, other than an audio recorder which would be more trouble than any book is worth.

Thanks anyway.

does anyone know of any pirated book sites that dont have a political stance and are more of just a library of information? just curious

The alternative is what lead you here.


Thanks OP. Best threads on Holla Forums

Can someone point me towards proof that JD is gay? I've seen it thrown around a lot but I've never had anyone prove it to me.

Theres no way out now user. The draw of this kind of info is stronger than crack. We can never go back to being ignorant to the world around us.

muh books

Mr. Walsh has a new website
Check out the Articles section, he does brilliant writing. History, culture etc.





Do it

memetic magic

the manipulation of the root social matric and the fabric of reality

by r. kirk packwood

did anyone read it?

uploading will be done in about 45 minutes
I'll dump the next part this evening
What will be dumped now is approximately 2/3 of my folder

Will give a small preview of the contents here

Many thanks. I was going to buy this but it went out of print before I got a chance and trying to find an affordable copy online is a fresh circle of hell.





Thank you.

Since you bring up the SS, can anyone recommend a book that talks about the ideology behind the founding of the SS, the history of the SS, and the training they went through?


These are few books I've being looking for for a long time now. Would very much appreciate if someone could share them.

thank you OP

Can recommend the Holocaust Handbooks series.

Dissecting the Holocaust is a long read but if you make it through you'll wanting the other books which go into specific topic areas.

And you'll be sperging about diesel exhaust toxicity to anyone who'll listen. Trust me, girls love it.

OP, the pic of "Nietzsche" isn't him. A bit of searching suggests that the pic is of the French anarchist known as "Ravachol". Some people have incorrectly added him to Nietzsche pic galleries on tumblr, so it's showing up in Google Images as him, but it's not.

He openly admits it. Read some interviews, it'll turn up sooner or later.

I still think he's a good writer, and he's opposed to the kind of faggotry which he describes as "flagrant dishonor", openly flouting one's weakness and lack of masculine virtue.

Oh, and there's his first book which is all about how he rejects gay culture:

Nigger do you know how long it'll take me to read 24 books? This is what I don't get about people who read frequently. Even if you're a speed reader, it's going to take you a couple months at the least to read those. Do you do nothing but work and fucking read books? That's my biggest deterrent for reading much. It takes so damn long it cuts into everything else. I don't want to be reading one book for a month as I try to fit it around everything else I want to do, and forget half the shit I read because I read it a month ago. How does one become a "proper book reader," Holla Forums? How do you fit in the time to read so many books?

Over the years, I'd estimate I've read the equivalent of a well-stocked small library while sitting on the can.

Also, half an hour before bed can help you unwind.

If the weather's nice, sitting outside with a book and a cool drink is comfy af.

A cheap kindle type device is a must, reading on a monitor screen is no good.

Also, pick and choose the books that most appeal to you. There's a lot of good stuff in these zips, and a lot of stuff I probably won't read, but it's nice to have a selection.

You dont.

It's not that much different from reading a lot of shit posting night after night. Having a book case full of these would be /comfy/ though.

Yeah, I realize that. I'm starting to rethink my time on Holla Forums. All the shit I could be doing in the same time spent on here…








You guys should probably reduce the number of books to something like 10 for every month.

This is what I do. Read on the can, before bed, outside on a nice day, if using public transport, while stationary biking at the gym.

Audio books when I'm playing video games too.

I read half of the new Jack Donovan book last night. It was alright, basically a rehash of The Way of Men.

The only thing really interesting that stood out to me, was a passage where he stated that in order for ancient tribes to unite they would "discover" or invent a common ancestor from whom both tribes had descended. He implied the same thing is done with the modern story of evolution and the out of africa "theory".

No, dumbshit, as he said it's a leftist delusion, not an American one.


Are there good handhelds for book piracy?


I was thinking about buying a dedicated kindle on the cheap. Is it possible to load in pdf/epub/mobi formats into them?

many thanks OP. highly appreciated!

also, fucking mods should make that thread sticky!

Really now

I'm sure many people, like me, have had this thread up for days since it is moving slowly.

Kindly kill yourself any time now

Triggered, newfriend?

Going to assume you are the Spanish ignoramus on a new node, get filtered.

Or just shitposting. In a book thread.

Again, off yourself my man.

It's really strange isn't it? Regardless of age as well, lots of older anons lurking.

We have a collective here, one might say a clique.

I can do that with my kindle. You can use to manage all your things and convert files.

It feels so bad that I cannot indulge myself in all of this information at a higher rate



I don't even know what you are talking about but
Lol, safe space much?

checked and thank you!

They are excellent, and the full set is 13 volumes published later. "Our Oriental History" is amaze-sauce.

it's like 2 bucks on amazon faggot

holy shit literally the first google result:

*https:* //


Goyim don't read this!

Thanks man!

Shilling my archive!scMFjYZY!MKTKFWGVVuA7kV4OMHgkcg

You're welcome

Thank you for this dump- I read The Path of Wotan and Vikings in Wales yesterday, amazing stuff, very engrossing.

Anyone want to learn ancient greek with me?



Agreed, more military science books. However, how about something related to spirit cooking or elite's (practicing) fascination with the occult?

Very nice, thanks so much user!

Thanks OP. I've collected everything you've uploaded since the 1st thread.



Thanks OP!

It's a good one, also shows through how ineffective appeasement is when facing down international parasites.

Interestingly it also shows how horribly outdated British imperialist racialism is in the new order. They certainly weren't egalitarians, but only for practical reasons, eventually that mindset lost under a deluge of moral signalling and covering for obvious intellectual inferiority.

My Average reading speed is slow as well, and I mostly read a page at work while taking a piss or during lunch, or in the evening. I get about 3 or so books down a month, but only because I read several books at the same time and because the last few have been longer ones. You just have to persevere, push yourself for more speed and a better memory, because those are the only important variables in the end.

Too much time spent reading shitposts is time wasted, lad.

Many thanks.

Trips confirm Ted was a genius far ahead of his time.

someone needs to single page scan a copy of barren metal - there is already a decent scanned copy of jrs on libgen

Anybody got recommendations for babby's first business book? I wanna make lots of money when Make America Great Again.


Not book related, but I'm looking for a video that's been around for awhile, it's about sexual degeneracy in society, it's got a strange title. I remember it started with a weird cartoon, and then during the discussion had clips of girls dancing in a school.

You're thinking of a NobodyTM video.

That's the one, thanks user.

Anyone remember its title, or have a link?

Okay, I found the one you two meant – – but it's actually not the one I've been looking for.

The video I've been searching for has a bunch of not-so-pleasant-on-the-eyes degenerates dancing together in synchronization at one point. I believe it was set to music. Later in the video, I think there was a nigger rapping or rattling on about something. That's the one I want. Can anyone remember which one I'm talking about from such a failure of a vague description as this?

Oh dear god. Those battlestations.

Finally. I found it. It's called Earth 2013. One of nobody's deleted/censored/lost videos. Best one ever.


Bump for the ping pong

Np enjoy, took me about half a year's worth of lurking to collect. There's a lot of absurd stuff in there to highlight the degeneracy of jewish-influenced occultism, so have some patience while browsing through it…

I didn't want to make a new thread, so i'll ask here.

I'm a soon to be elementary teacher (3-6 grade range)

What are some good books for elementary age students that will subtlety redpill them without alerting parents or the school district? I don't want my class reading degenerate literature about tolerating homosexual families or etc that's found in our schools now.

pic related.

bump for this


This is important

I will think about it.

well color me surpised

Everytime, without fail.

The original Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling.

It's essentially about appreciating other cultures, but at an arm's distance and not getting them mixed up with your own.

Blood at the Root: A Racial Cleansing in America

Business Adventures is a good starting book.

Thank you user!

Starship Troopers maybe

Thanks! These are going to be great, I can just feel it

Fuck yeah op, I love this series.

He always does this shit to threads that talk about real self improvement, physical or mental.

We've been armed with knowledge about history, psychology, philosophy, etc now I think it's time to look inward and forward.

Books that are guides on political activism, about current alternative and/or nationalist parties (Golden Dawn, AFD, UKIP), maybe a few books about self improvement and prepping/innawoods shit (/fit/ and /k/ can probably help there) is what I want to see.

I want the fledgling RWDS's to get armed and get organized and be ready for the fight yet to come.

Enders game is a great pre-teen childrens book. Maybe not full of redpills, but it features children of that age being trained to fight an alien menace.

I always enjoyed alien invasion fiction. War of the worlds is good. alien invasion themed sci-fi is good because it's easy to extrapolate alien invaders to foreign invaders.

War of the worlds(h.g wells) is the perfect book for that age group, and it's public domain.

Any survival tale fiction is good as well, teaches children self reliance and is always a good role model for kids. Can't think of any off the top of my head, but there is quite a bit out there.


Here is a good link for survival fiction. i've actually read a few of these in school.

This is why you're supposed to do it in your youth, when you don't work.
You read, you play/socialize, you read some more, you do chores, you read more, then you fucking sleep and repeat it all over again.
Anyone who spent their youth watching cartoons on the electric jew or playing video games deprived themselves.

If you want to catch up then yes you have to pay the price by sacrificing your free time to reading.
And just as a final note, people used to read in their spare time in the past we are just too autistic and distracted by media these days.

Audio books help a lot.

I recommend listening to books that aren't that "important" to you, though. It's easier to forget and not focus as much, compared to reading.

So much time lost to vidya and tv. Wish I knew about this movement and books like these when I was younger, I probably would've read a ton. Now I have to try to read all these great books while I wagecuck and do all the other bullshit life needs. When I was in grade school they always gave us faggy books so I never got into reading other than reading ahead in science and history classes sometimes. Any secret tips on reading faster? I usually listen to podcasts at work since I don't have to pay attention as hard.

add from that collection some books in the next edition.

Don't forget to read all about j00s

Currently reading/listening to:

If you're a youngfag/unskilled pleb looking to earn some money, I highly recommend one of those mind-numbingly dull jobs most people overlook. Pop some inconspicuous bluetooth headphones in and you'll basically get paid to indulge your literary interests

How are you liking it?

I'm a Finn, and that was my first encounter with genuine nationalism.
Before any school, I read a lot of Greek mythology.
When I found out about Kalevala, I felt so betrayed. Instead of our stories, I was learning foreign ones.
And after finding out about Kalevala and reading it, there was no going back.
Koti, Uskonto, Isänmaa

we need a fringe themed one, heres a graph and some personal picks
Prometheus rising is psychology, really good book
one on ancient philosophy
the secret teaching of all ages for a better understanding of religion and the symbolism behind it.
the rosicrusican enlightenment to better understand the masons forebearers

Kill yourself.

you faggot


bump fuck our mods

nigga, most of it is already there


Any masculinity books in there, for us youngsters who are, admittedly, a bit fucked in the head by a lack of *real* men as role models?



If anyone has anymore to share I'd appreciate it. The more, the better.

Anyone suggest The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene? I've seen 48 Laws of Power, 33 Strategies of War, and Mastery recommended, but not The Art of Seduction.

Is it good, or should I skip it over and look for something else in the same vein?

Can we get a .magnet going?

The Power of the Powerless - Václav Havel


Are you a bad enough dude?

Mods ffs this is the second time you anchor this thread.

Mods don't want you to read.

Imkampfy did it.

Maybe you freech faggots shouldn't have started spamming half a dozen duplicate threads yesterday for your useless "shill a book and a movie" spam threads.

Since we already know that the mods are comprised: new Holla Forums when?

Wondering that myself. Endchan is "dude wait for Hitler" incarnate, subverted into /x/-tier hyperparanoia from day one, and now they're doing it here if you look at any Assange thread. The other bunker looks fine but the site is slow (both technically and post-rate) and there's no impetus for a full exodus to it.

fuck me.

Bump for knowledge!

I really enjoyed this book. It looks at the failures of American Diplomats in Southeast Asia during the Cold War. It is currently required reading for all U.S. Special Forces Officers. While it is a novel, all the tales in this book are based on real stories. If you are interested in diplomacy, or the Cold War, then I highly recommend this book.

Dave Grossman talks to us about how to mentally prepare yourself for conflict/war.
In the book he talks about how the human mind and body react naturally in war, and how to deal with these. He lists many cases from police officers, military personal, and historical cases going back to the Greeks.
Defiantly a good book to read to understand the modern peacekeepers.

Why the fuck is this bumplocked?!
Holla Forumsbooks is one of the best things here

You have any about Mid East politics/war, preferably Iraq?
Iraq-Iran would be cool, or something about Saddam

imkampfy hidden 12 hours Holla Forums Bumplocked thread #8281255

no sun and steel?


We couldn't get a picture of the man responsible for this but here is a silhouette of the perpetrator!
We need to find this man Holla Forums!


The (((Mods))) are Freech you maddowposting faggot LEARNINGKIKE


And what's with "/x/"? Don't use the "They are conspiracy theorists, goyim." Bullshit excuse. Have you ever tried to debate them?

Also one more thing, pic related seems pure coincidence.

Its been obvious for a long time the mods are working for Trump

that's absurd, whatever the mods agenda is it's not that simple

Does anyone have a pdf of "The Nazi War On Cancer" Thanks

Jack London books.

Perhaps "/x/-tier" was a poor descriptor, just pop into a mason thread over there and you'll see what I mean. Just huge tangents of disinfo everywhere, unchecked. /polpol/ got like that for a bit too.

Yeah but a self-admitted Freemason runs this site now, and he shuts down any discussion of Freemasonry, even through 8/pol/ is hardly tinfoil territory

Bumping this for the Ping Pong thread so they can get the Franklin PDF

It's bumplocked by kike mods.

Still, it's good to note what's at least part of their agenda.
Pushing a one sided narrative with no meaningful criticism against, now, a President-Elect is simply good to know and be made aware of.

Going forward from there, the mods obviously want users busy making them more fanatical and loyal. Ramping up that noise and drowning out actual discussion

Anything else, I have no idea what else these kike niggers want to do with pigs userbase

But I'll still lurk to find out

Any decent against him is met with b& and a thread deletion, a bumplock at best

Why the fuck is this bumplocked again?

You could ask imkampfy who did it again. But just a few minutes ago he deleted a thread asking for an explanation and banned some anons.

This thread is meant to redpill anons, mostly newfags on lots of subjects but that way they are no longer meme-spouting troglodytes with a blind cult of personality on certain people and no longer useful idiots. But you didn't get that from me.

Wait, are you suggesting that the mods are compromised and want Holla Forums to be a nothing more than TRUMP and KEK treads?


Where would one start if they wanted to become knowledgeable in international relations, geopolitics, international trade, diplomatic affairs, etc etc?

0 peers.

thanks fam

Does anyone have "The Manson File" by Adam Parfrey? Thanks