Woman who was investigating Clinton Foundation for human trafficking found dead

Monica Petersen was in Haiti working for the Human Trafficking Center and also previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force.

She died a few days ago under suspicious circumstances. Her friends on Facebook are looking for answers. Several close friends have made mentions on various FB posts that friends and family have no clear understanding of what happened to Monica except that she died on Sunday.

Earlier this year a FB friend of Monica re-shared a post by Monica where Monica linked to a blog post critical of Hillary Clinton's dealings in Haiti!! SHE WAS ONTO SOMETHING, very likely between now and then she found out about #PIZZAGATE! The linked post was:

https: //thehaitianblogger.blogspot.com/2015/03/hillary-clintons-scandalous-conduct-in.html

Search FB for Monica Petersen Haiti. This is a compilation of screenshots where I edited out other people's names but they can still be found via FB search:

https ://imgur.com/TmiB2gU

See the comments - family and friends are not getting the details! On August 2015 Monica posted on Facebook a post asking for info on sex trafficking in Haiti because she was heading there to help/investigate! Also shown in the screenshot.

Monica is also mentioned in this report:

https ://www.leg.state.co.us/Clics/Clics2015A/commsumm.nsf/b4a3962433b52fa787256e5f00670a71/c7210a3a7ccb122c87257ddb006f5a66/$FILE/15SenJud0128AttachE.pdf

A blog post written by Monica:

https ://humantraffickingcenter.org/guest-posts/root-causes-contradictions-displaced-youth-along-u-s-mexico-border/

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh god. Not another one

Good friend of Monica picked up and posted on her Facebook. Search Monica Petersen Haiti and you'll see, name is Bella. LOOKS AT THE COMMENTS. Bella found out what happened and saw it fit to share this Reddit thread. Says quite a lot.

https ://imgur.com/a/kNEuC

Bella is also linking to the blog post previously found:

https ://humantraffickingcenter.org/guest-posts/root-causes-contradictions-displaced-youth-along-u-s-mexico-border/

Close friends are in the dark and unsure what to make of it. One of them wants to go down to Haiti to investigate:

https ://i.sli.mg/03JA2Y.png

Bella, a friend of Monica's, posted this as well:

https ://imgur.com/a/yZKqt

"It seems that Monica was in Haiti investigating the Clintons possible ties to a pedophile ring. Monica family hasn't been able to get any straight answers about her death"

Pardon the Leddit spacing. This was taken from https ://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5dfltq/woman_who_was_investigating_clinton_foundation/ so you don't have to go on there. I also made sure to edit the fucking links since Plebbitors don't believe in basic security.



Is this being slid? When I posted >>8281488 it almost instantly shot down to page 2.


So seth rich 2.0? Nothing will ever come of this. These people are untouchable.

Thank you for correcting the record.


The dispossessed of common sense and human decency. Her parents fucked up by not giving her the talk.

More like Seth Rich 42.0. We need an updated version of the Clinton Death List.
These crooks can't hide forever with Trump shaking things up.

Every fucking time

In her posts she talked down about imperialism, she was lefty trash. But hey if it gets Clinton in trouble whatever


Keeps happening

much better than the previous thread


To be fair, niggers gonna nig and a white woman can easily be raped and killed by a feral pack.

I don't understand how it isn't standard procedure to send everything you find out to multiple contacts and backup drops as and when you find it, when investigating anything remotely related to Clinton.

Like how do people not understand this? If you find something important, thecunt is going to have you killed. May as well get the dirt out from beyond the grave.

Nice, forgot to check these sweet digits.
Have a bump OP. This pedo shit must get exposed.

This is really important


I don't know why anyone would work for the Clintons

Hey don't you know it's a great European tradition?


It just keeps happening.


RIP in peace Monica , I hope someone pull kill these bastards one day and get justice for you and the countless others

So the Human Trafficking Center declared her dead. Seems like there's no other source about her demise?

are you implying she got dragged into the ring?

She is probably in some rape/torture dungeon right now.

Did she shoot herself five times in the back of the head?

Sometimes I wonder if you guys are just stupid or suffer from cognitive dissonance. You don't mess with the 1% unless your user and behind 12 proxies. They have at their disposal huge sums of money and lackeys who are willing to do all shorts of nefarious shit so if your decide to go after them, you must be prepared for the consequences.

This lady, just like the gentlemen who supposedly leaked the first half of the Clinton emails are now dead.

I congratulate their bravely but was it worth the cost?

Considering that the wikileaks stuff likely pushed Trump ahead, I would say, resoundingly, yes. It's our duty to investigate these things further, make sure the truth does come out so that their deaths weren't in vain.

Go to a secluded location and kill yourself

It is always worth it when fighting the Juden menace. Kill yourself

Ask the Third Reich

Did they?

(((Greg Johnson)))
The degenerate is an honorary Jew.

This must be getting slid


You have got to be shitting me.

Yes. If it means I never have to see Roland the Gunslinger as a british nigger, then yes.

Yes. It's always worth the fucking cost, what's at stake is the fucking future. The lives spent here will save millions later. We just need to keep digging and searching. I hope yall have your EC fairly toothy, and always make sure to keep an eye out for your loved ones.

I want to eat your heart.

What exactly are you saying nigger? Yes, we know the elite suicide people who are a problem, and yes, the risk can be managed intelligently and it is absolutely worth it, take your concern trolling elsewhere.

And another one bites the dust…

welp, add another body to the list.

Finally, this one is big enough that normies are starting to find it! Push this one hard, we're gaining momentum

Are you a fucking shill? This war is more important than our lives. We meme and die for our people's survival and the freedom of our children, and if that fails, just let us see vengeance upon them in the end.



Cowards die in shame.



3 Down 47 To Go, Countdown to Mass Funeral
What's the death toll at now? 51? Fucking Hell, these people need to die.

Based mods banning defeatist faggots.


Based moderators holy shit

Virtue signaling normalfags love to claim that, whatever else, Obama was squeaky clean compared to Billyboy and Dubya… I shudder to think what Trump presidency will uncover about the previous administration.

Seth Rich was a DNCfag, as well. But knowing too much transcends the political aisle.


F for a brave woman slain

F to pay respects for a fallen patriot.

It's getting dangerous now. Hope everyone is taking precautions.

Another fucking body on the Hillary pile.

Does Hillary intend on killing everybody?



Her heart was in the right place but she wasn't paranoid enough

She seemed to be very passionate about Haiti. When Trump said the Haitians hated the Clintons, he wasn't lying. They know damn well who's to blame for the "recovery efforts" that went nowhere. She's seen it on the ground. When Clinton Cash started to spread, I'm sure she was livid.

She hasn't been very shy about calling out the Clintons. Why didn't she point out anything about this in her blog? I'm going to play devil's advocate and say that it's far more likely she was murdered by some angry pimp than a Clinton hitman. She was playing with fire by investigating a criminal underworld in a poor, crime-infested country.



Is there a list of all the people who have been killed while either investigating the Clintons or being a witness to Clintons?

Imperialism opposes sovereignty, left-right politics don't matter so much when you're talking empire.

There are so many interesting incidents it's hard to put it all together. Here's one that gets often overlooked



You'll note there were 32 other Americans killed, several of which were interesting but not mentioned directly in the wiki page

Also regarding this



Is there anything more evil than this cunt and her cabal? Are the jews this malevolent?


The 99% outnumbers the 1% 99 to 1.
Imagine if only a fraction of the plebs could act in solidarity. Defeating a group of people has less to do with tearing down the opponent than it has to do with building up your own group.

She was a commie. Nothing of value was lost

Don't forget that one of our own was killed too.

A well defined ideology is key here.


I'd call a person fighting against fucking child abusing elite valuable.

Lurk more faggot

Some user from LA went to investigate a pedophile sex den. Was supposed to come back with pictures, never did.

Eat shit.

Thanks mate.

She wasn't actually doing that. Look at what she was talking about pro-sex worker orgs are always some feminist it's ok to be a prostitute here's some condoms type groups.
This woman was a degenerate who was probably killed by some nog she let into her room for muh dick

"But the real significance of this scandal for me … is the link to contemporary slavery and trafficking. I can't say to what extent, but there is human trafficking happening through Clinton's Caraol Complex."


How solid is the Reddit source on her death? That seems to be the primary source from sites like


It looked like she was not being an obnoxious gynocentric bitch who was trying to tell women abroad what to do. If women want to sell themselves, that wasn't her business, but if there were groups forcing them into prostitution, that is a different story.

And you reach that conclusion because….?

Also, not seeing anything on Drudge, he would normally report something like this if he could confirm or mostly confirm it.

Now, people should read that post. If you are willing to go after these people, then at least arm yourself. You don't go to a war shouthig. In a war supprice is winning. That's why you make war by deception. You don't declare your intent! You stay quiet and do your research, BUT if it comes to it, you have to be ready to use leathal force. This is the game. There is no peaceful solution once the war is declared and the war has been declared. You take a move against them, they will kill you.

Remember! This is no movie and there is no clear happy ending. There is only the opertunity to ruin. You can ruin them, or they can ruin you. Most likely both. You have to a an adult, and accept responsibility! And in this kind of a sitsuation the stakes are high!

This is the kind of game, that you have to be ready to die and kill, to be like the samurai. The most notorious kenshin in the entire Japanese history was Miyamoto Musashi, who said something like, "You have to meditate death, of dying. How blades slice you, how waves drown you, how bear eats you. So you are ready for death. You have to accept death. You have to welcome it, so you wont fear it. Death is the grand prize of a warrior! A goal to be achived." This is the reason why Jews are afraid of the samurai! We need to make ourselves the mindset of a kamikaze samurai! We need to be ready to die, and take with us as many fuckheads as possible.

The most scary enemy is the one who isn't afraid of dying! When these fucks are about to kill you, you better have loaded weapon ready give them a led shower! ARM YOUSELF AT ALL TIMES! Their time is about to end, and they are desperate! We have cornered them, and now they will in their panic slash out! We need to be ready for it, because we know it is going to happen.

Do you really have to ask?


seriously somebody should gather up a flashmob and burn that shit down


And then everyone eds up saying this and nothing ever happens.

Add Nadine Hernandez to the list

BREAKING: LA Detective Suicided To Protect Top Hillary Clinton Donor

Death of LAPD detective investigating Derrick Rose rape allegations called likely suicide

Detective investigating NBA star found dead; suicide suspected

i live half a world away fam

Imagine a whistleblower movie where a pizzagate type conspiracy is discovered by an amateur investigator. He cunningly makes hundreds of copies of his research and the irrefutable proof to be distributed to all major news outlets as a fail-safe if he is killed. After his assasination a montage of these memory sticks full of proof getting dropped off at all major msm news agencies. Them reviewing the material in horror AND EVERY WINGLE ONE OF THEM HASTILY DESTROYING THEM WITH THEIR HALIBURTON MADE TRUTHINESS HAMMERS.

Who gives a shit about prostitutes in Haiti? Why is it some American woman's business?

It'd be a pleasant surprise if I'm wrong but I really doubt this woman gave a squirt of piss about the Clintons in the sense Holla Forums wants her to. is more likely on the money.

There are people who seriously deny the Clinton bodycount when this shit is now a monthly occurrence. I don't care how bluepilled you are, there's no way you brush this off as a cohencidence at this point.

Don't be a pussy.

She went the way of Gary Webb.

She's an anthropologist.

what should we call the clinton's kill list?

The list of coincidences.

A total fabrication planted by the Russians under the direction of Vladimir Putin himself. He knew only Hillary Clinton could save the world from total Russian domination, so he is doing everything in his power to discredit this brave woman.


Same happened with Bond
Just let it go bud, the brits cannot be helped these days

Record of Corrected

remember these mainstream articles about kids being kidnapped by some aid organization after the Haiti hurricane ?

I wonder if they had some connection with Clinton foundation

Probably, its the perfect oppertunity. Nice ID, are you really a bee?

fk you stupid nerd vigins and your tinpoil hats

leave us alone already, damn it

Thanks for providing us ideas of how to deal with your cancer, CTR.

Guess who got charged for the kidnappings in haiti

A new york jew

We already have Comet Pizza.

That's shit reasoning. If I did X and Y, then I have to get rid of people who investigate me on X, not just of those who do on both X and Y.
She obviously committed suicide by shooting herself with an ice pick.

Maybe a nice kiddiefuck will chill you out. Partake while you can with. It won't be long.



He's Jorge, the representative attourney for Laura Silsby when she was arrested in Haiti for conspiring a kidnapping of 40 children with 9 other men straight after the earthquake.

Guys we need to go public with this shit. We can't afford losing more OC contributing anons.

Has no one considered that maybe she was just some dumb shitlib feminist white woman in haiti and just recieved the nigger redpill? Lol


little more then that:

This is happening way too frequently.

I'm pretty sure we had this thread a day or so ago and it was anchored but now it's pinned.

Also, 8ch is a honeypot.

Out of curiosity, what is an effective way of leveling a building, or at least causing extreme damage to it?

So are you, Mr.Bond.


This was bumplocked before, now it's pinned.

And people say mods aren't shills and 8ch isn't compromised

Fuck off wit this obvious red herring, you goddamn faggot. There was never a single shred of evidence connecting this house to anything.

There is no evidence connecting the daycare to that house. The rabbits don't even look the same for fuck's sake.

I don't give a fuck about no goddamn 1%, sometimes you have to understand that risking your life for the greater good of a sociopath-free mankind is a risk worth taking. They are waiting for us at Valhalla.

Is this why liberal scum shared that image of Trump looking exasperated at the White House? Because we shared this image of Onigger looking confused?

The meme that Trump doesn't know what he got himself into was one they wanted to plant.

I want this fucking cunt to be held responsible for those she has had murdered. I want every fucking shillary voter traitor to have the truth of this shoved down their throats until they choke on it. Trump says "mean" (read: things they disagree with) things now and then, boo fucking hoo. This CUNT is actually murdering innocent people, whistleblowers, anyone who gets in her way. Please Godemperor Trump, put this cunt on trial and line up the evidence. I want their name to go down in history for what they truly are–corrupt, lying, murderous, power-tripping slime. And I wish beyond hope every hillary voter would personally be held accountable for the murders they enabled, the crimes they ignored, and every Trumpian who has had his property vandalized or his health and livelihood threatened by these shillarist scumbags.

Please, DOTR!

If someone is going to throw their life away anyway, why not sniper or suicide vest the satanic child-fucking sociopathic bitch herself?

See no evil, hear no evil normalshits who get all their news from kike propaganda machines and think the biggest issue we have is what toilet some faggot can take a shit in. I'm so angry, I'm seriously so fucking angry.

Oy vey it's a coincidence. $.02 has been deposited in your account.

False. 8ch is legit, but the (((traitors))) know of it and watch us. Does not a honeypot make. What are they gonna do, blacklist us? March door to door and whisk us away in pajamas? Considering most who post here are also /k/, that'd be a nice news headline. Hillary's secret police trying to kidnap and murder a citizen, gun battle results in street.

If it started coming down to that, there are yet steps we could take.

And Danny Casolaro and Jim Keith
Just what exactly is or was "The Octopus" and why did these men had to die, Holla Forums
First who are they?

I'm so sick of seeing this same shit happen. time. and. time. again.

January cannot come quick enough. I want to see these fucking subhuman shitbags hung from their fucking genitals.


Because it's fucking Haiti and this happens all the time there

yeah, an (((anthropologist))). That's literally even more pozzed than Women's Gender Studies

Holla Forums owner Jim himself admitted to be A FREEMASON, has ties to ANTIFA.

Are you saying that physical anthropology is pozzed as well shill?


How much are they payin' you at the Crash Team Racing? *wink wink nudge nudge*

Provide a source for that.

It's in your fucking image m8 lmao

Kikes can play both sides, (((lowcard))) probably quit for ebin meem "reasons"

lmao so provide a source backing up that claim

Let's say you are right, i mean i don't like Jim either but you stink like a Josh shill.

I was meant to say Holla Forums used to have (((antifa))) connections till the Jim purged them,

but that doesn't mean Jim is better either, since he shuts down any criticism of (((Freemasonry))) and confirmed lolbertarian who openly mocks white nationalism (see pic for proof).
Also I said "probably" for some reason, who knows?

Josh is a pedophile and just as bad as Jim.

yet you still post here? Anyway, please namedrop a better site. Until then, I shall stay here. If it's that bad I'll just use a vpn.

She should have listened to Tim the Enchanter.

Endchan, but some user said he would be planning to create a new Stormchan.

The plumbing van near it had a pedo symbol too.

He just went in with "one rabbit stew coming right up" mentality. Then he "lost his head"

You need a "holy hand grenade" lads.

1. it had a rabbit
2. there was a plumbing van nearby that had a pedo symbol on it
It was both legit and an FBI honeytrap.
The FBI are compromised people.

Sit boy
lie down

I remember in elementary school there was this one jewish kid that was slightly overweight and was allergic to everything.
I don't know why but that first pic reminded me how disgusting I thought this kid was even when I was like 6 years old. I honestly believe that I have some sort of biological aversion to Jews. Like just looking at their skin from close range makes me want to vomit.



Yeah, let's kill 30% of the nation, including people's wives and daughters. Shut up, edgelord.

Fuck off, faggot.

or they never stopped

The loading gif at some archive pages in this thread load from pic related.

archive.is acting fucky

You want people to kill their own wives? How do you think this is gonna work out? This isn't fantasy land. I'd like to see them dead, too, but it isn't viable. Human nature. Convincing people to kill others is actually really difficult, and no one is gonna kill their own fucking wife just for being gullible to the media machine. You're also talking about like 70% of the population of Oregon, washington, maine, vermont, massacuntsits, etc. It isn't gonna happen. But we CAN make them see the error of their ways and the true face of the hill bat. I'll settle for what is actually attainable, you edgelord autist.

If they need to pay, then stop waiting for someone else to do it.


Again, why do people think this?
All I see is getting rid of the lowest level scum and saving their blind underlings from the devil.

This is truth, we win by bringing people to our side more than killing people who aren't. If we could crack some of this shit wide open it would help a lot. And by wide open I mean databases of black male photos and videos of the elite raping children. Honestly half of me thinks cp is illegal not because its some form ex post facto of thought crime against the child. I think its actually illegal to protect the elite who commit such acts from being relieved.

ding ding ding
winner winner
Same reason why tax dodging is illegal, speeding, drugs…because the elite want to be the monarchy who can do whatever they want, and us plebs have to fall in line and be good wageslaves.

We need to get the info of their crimes public, but even when you tell normies the truth, they don't believe you or are apathetic. I think if we use writing and art to get it through, use same tactics the kike propaganda machines do, we could effect some response in the braindead lemmings. But even after rapingham was exposed we still have not seen the muzzie rape gangs expelled… How do we wake the normalscum up?

Wow! Because pictures of cute white rabbits are so fucking uncommon, aren't they?
No there fucking wasn't. There was a van (completely unrelated to the house) that had a logo that a bunch of autistic retards desperately tried to equate to a pedo symbol. It didn't even look similar at all.

Hello shillfriend. Dame desu. We are already on to you. You and all your pedo friends will hang.

Well Haiti is a fucking shithole. Getting murdered there is about as suspicious as losing a sock in your laundry.

What the actual fuck does it matter? We dig in all directions at once. A-lot of terrible things look innocuous at first glance. It is known that pedo's love vans like that anyone with one should instantly be under a certain level of suspicion. You have no controll over how people coose to waste there time. Someone looked into that shit in time he could have been masturbating or receiving a brainwashing session from the talmudivision. All you can do is look into shit you think is important and report back any findings that may entice others to join you.

How about you stop being a stupid fucking sperglord and look at this objectively, kike?

No no, you will not be able to talk your way out of this. Stop trying to gaslight. We have evidence of the pedo rings and their symbols, and we have evidence of your crimes. Wait for the rope.

Fucking hell, even after she lost he still can't stop murdering people. Trump better throw her and the whole pedo cabal in prison quickly before it's too late.

She literally can not keep getting away with this!

It is bigger than just Clinton. Clearly the "elite" need an accounting.

Misdirection and false info to muddy the waters doesn't matter to you?
Yeah, and so do plumbers.
Wew. So I suppose most businesses are now pedo fronts.

Take your aspergers pills, autist.

CTR doesn't like Dogs I guess.

the faculty links are fully archived from the sitemap here archive.is/p9wwA
was relieved to see not very many mentions about them involved in helping children, trafficking, etc. like we're seeing with people associated with ping pong
archive.is/kmbfE is familiar

Anyone know if there were Hadassah teams in Haiti around the time of the murder? They tend to pop up at convenient times, and they are known baby and organ thieves for israel, with all the clearances in the world. They also have had a vested interest (that I have failed to discern, probably too obvious for me to notice.) in Haiti since the start of the fifties. I know they had clowns on the ground in 2010 running experiments after the earthquakes.

Jet fuel.


Why the fuck do I see so many test replies pop up these last few days? What the fuck is going on

Last thread archive was 6 hours ago.

Here: archive.is/U3Kpf


But what happened?

Her memorial service was streamed live and recording is available on FB, can we get a kikebook user to post that vid here pls:



CTR new hires trying out the system.

was b&

Freemasons are gay.

The election.

My grand-pop was a pretty high level Mason. I didn't know him well, but he hated Jews, a lot.

Masonry may be… IDK yet.

But why move here after the election? I get that we got a ton during the election but I dont see why there would be a wave after.

Sorry self reply.
Correction. My high level masonic grand-pop hated Jews, Catholics, and Christians.
He hated everything, and capped himself, just like his mother, but she left a pretty corpse and did it in the heart.
True story.
But he sure hated religion, and his dad was a pimp, larger than life, Western doctor.

All the rumors of us successfully memeing our candidate into the WH.

You have to realize normalfags always prioritize their survival first as if they are weak.

The Truth, if when heard appears it could threaten their livelihood, they will prefer to believe what makes them feel safer.
The idea of elites not being into pedophilia makes them feel safer than the other option, only solution is to make the other option seem even scarier.


The word you're looking for is "bravity". It's a combination of braveness and brevity.

Oh, that crazy Evangelical lady who wanted so badly to start an orphanage for Haitian children that she wouldn't even follow Haitian law?


idk, I keep losing my socks, I believe it is an enemy action - it is just happening waay to often to be a coincidence.

Sweet, merciful Kek.. What the fuck is it with the pedo cult and Haiti? What are they trying to protect there?

it is a (((conspiracy))) to make you spend shekels for more socks user DUH!!! LMAO!!!ALWAYS BLAME THE KIKE AND STRIKE DOWN THE HEATHENS !!!!

I was digging into monica yesterday with some other anons and I couldn't find any official Linkedin page or her FB or even her name listed at the human trafficking place she allegedly worked for. I'm gunna do more digging but if anyone can point me in the right direction id appreciate it


Podestas daughter is hardcore into voodoo

Yes. Not only that, but you need some type of security when doing risky shit. Far too many times these civs with no idea what the fuck is going on just stick their neck out and have no idea that something is going to happen. This woman was probably dead without ever having a single, solitary fucking clue.
I was a regular, and I could get that done, no problem, so you have to think about that. You can do a lot by bumping up your security physically.
As far as data security goes, you need to push the data to as many people as possible and have them push it to as many people as possible. The incentive to kill you is only there if they can squash the findings that way. Unsurprisingly, this social justice dipshit got killed. She probably would have gotten killed even if she wasn't going after the Clintons tbh.

I don't proxy up 90% of the time on political business. I used to be a grunt in the Marine Corps. I was rather good at ambushing people and fucking them up. I am not particularly afraid of these people nor any would-be assassins.
Good luck Clintonfags.
In other news, if you guys are worried about physical security, why not drill with a veteran? Many of us are bored and would train people just because it's fun. You guys will up your security by orders of magnitude just by doing some competitive airsoft and tactical training with a vet + some range shooting + some combatives (i.e. modern martial arts).
I can't even find anyone who wants to train where I live. That's the civs' number one problem–you all don't want to put in the work to do things right, and that's the only reason you get killed.

Sure it isn't quimbanda? Anyhow, got some rumors out of the meat networks. I think this cult might be getting ritual supplies from a place called Lucky Mojo. Every reputable source I have says that they're the ones wih the taint.

LuckyMojo is owned by two batshit crazy SJW types who scream out the soros drivel, which is rare in the hoodoo scene.
luckym ojo.com/

True, yet not a peep out of sjws over it imagine that.Some ppl have no idea how serious some of this shit is and have no tactical training in any area.When you are fucking with ppl with billions of dollars or a gov at there disposal don't think you can SJW that shit with no experience in how far some will go to shut you up (ghosted).This ain't a game this is War make no mistake.

I sometimes consider myself to be an ugly and useless piece of shit until I remember that I'm neither Anthony Burch or a Jew.

1 or 2 shit die, doesn't matter, play with fire, get burned

daily reminder that dumpf is a jewish slave

wtf I love waiting for hitler now

fuck off kike

they get paid by the reply you idiot

wtf i hate/love zionistcuck/literally hitler now
Seriously make up your fucking minds

in that case I will never reply again I still hate kikes worse than any others.DIE !!


Thought that was a gunslinger pic….May we some day fill our enemies with flying lead like roland did to so many of his.


Underrated post tbh. Thank you user, I haven't heard these words in a while and needed a reminder. On election day I had to be away from the net for several hours attending a vet dinner….during the pledge of allegiance I had visions of dying in a rebolution….images flying through my head of me being shot at…straffed in the trees as I hid and fought back. Was a little overwhelming at first but I was cool with it. Shall begin to meditate on death more often. I think this battle is far from over and I'm ready to die bringing these kid fucking kikes to justice….or just taking their last breaths away…

Hey. Take another look at image 1, in the IRC /whois section. Third IRC in there.

I don't think anything more needs to be said to see that this is pretty damning.

We just lost a hero to our glorious cause.
The best tribute we can make to her sacrifice is victory.

Funny how 'authorities' can't even name the cause of her death.

This shit stinks massively.

I'm expecting constant and completely cynical attempts to start a race war/WW3, i.e. these worsening intranational and international relations aren't just unforeseen consequences, but engineered by King Nigger and his administration. Not to mention the likely constant child rape within the White House itself at this point. And then he and his lackeys hang.

why cant he get his lazy ass on the balcony?

I looked into them a few years ago. The older woman running it has a normie looking daughter that was going to med school, probably a doctor by now. Her boyfriend was a much younger goth looking hardcore satanist with quite a history on the web going back to the mid-90's, which is how I initially ran across this voudou shop. Weird situation, makes no sense. She lives in Marin County, CA on a quite large piece of beautiful rural land, which is not affordable for the average hippie trinket seller, not to mention the med school. Of course it could be inherited land. user, why do you suspect these people? I want details, not some gut intuition.

I meant the bf of the older shop propietor, not the young med school daughter, though satanist dude is probably around her age.

memorial service for monica peterson on human trafficking center facebook page. that's where she worked.

top kek
you dont need clinton intrigue for someone who is this naive to get killed in haiti
propably got triggered by a pimp and mouthed off

Remember when Assange said that DNC leak was from the inside? That guy who leaked info was killed too. Those poor people.

Holy fucking shit.

Good one. I'm going to start saving things and organize better by topic.

There's got to be a lot of it in California. I've got a good encrypted VPN but not using it today. Runs slow. At least I hope Torguard is good.

Thanks for checking. Get lazy on those tiny informatics

Also saw two pics of rabbit suited perps on 8Ch with penises on the costumes holding kids. Definite Pedo.

The gold mining operations in Hati cover for human trafficking. This is well known. Clinton's brother owns/runs mine in haiti. Dead chik went to investigate that lead and that's why she's fucking dead.

Get on it anons. This is the clintons, do not let the shills distract you from your work.

cmd tracert 8ch.net >>whois cloudflare.com.>Founders Matthew Prince and Michelle Zatlyn>Project Honey Pot

Reddit is doing a better job at this dig than Holla Forums, sadly.

It's probably because reddit has a constant flow in and out, while here we've been dwelling on this specific type of shit for what, six months? We started counting kills before it hit an official 50 if I recall, and this one is what, 107?

you appear as a filthy kike here

Thank you for correcting the record.

This is true. If more people just work up you could just murder the 1%. All problems solved.

Shit like this happens, and yet lefty faggot still have the nerve to say that Jewllary shouldn't go to jail "because feelings".
Lefties need to rot in mental asylums.

Maybe, but mainstream society is becoming that asylum. Aldus Huxley wrote about this - that we could be so conditioned to a monstrous psychology that it becomes unhealthy to have a functioning moral compass. In a truly broken society, an accurate sense of reality becomes dangerous to the psyche.

The only way to keep the mind stable in such a poisonous environment is to let certain mental faculties wither.

How deep have we looked into Tony Rodham?
Clinton's brother

link between Haiti, Clinton and Tony Rodham

Gulf Coast funds can get you a visa for money

Links between Tony Rodham's wife Megan Rodham and children

Well, this is hilarious… Skip to 14:35 to hear Trump call Clinton out on stealing children from Haiti.

This is about the most awkward video ever, to be honest.

shut up, newfag

That video seems a bit more than synchronicitous.

Josh would you fuck off already?
The jig is up.

Pizza and m*sterchan

Because they are smarter than you.

They're all libtards, think they're going to nail some paranoid right wing gun toter, that guy will never be close to the inside of "liberal bleeding heart" projects to begin with




jesus christ, the logo's changed


While I agree with the "Clintons must pay" sentiment, Bill and Hillary are already diseased halfway into the grave, so they've most likely passed the torch and are no longer the big picture. By all means, we should keep an eye on them still, but we mustn't be blindsided. The Clinton mafia is currently molting if it hasn't already, and we need to look ahead and focus on exposing the successors to power or else this shit will continue for generations.

Hey everyone.

A few of us in the AO circle are getting together to start a formal operation to help support this research. If you are interested in collaborating with us via IRC you can join up and help out.

We are going to be performing an offensive probe into everything linked to the Podestas. If you have hacking experience thats great, if not don't worry. We have been following this as it has unfolded and have decided it's time to get involved in the way that we know how, which is exploitation and penetration.

We are just getting started so if you feel you can help us identify valid targets, compile useful information, or just want to assist with various odds and ends via realtime chat rather than board posts, please come visit us and lend a hand.

The channel is #opPizza on irc.anonops.com and can be accessed from webchat.anonops.com if you are not handy with an irc client. I am posting this here first because I trust Holla Forums above any other community.

Stay frosty out there.

If your wife or your daughter voted for Hillary, you are a weak man.

isn't she a jew?

Shouldn't you be making pizza.

No she is a Southern Baptist last I checked




Nigger pls
um so what?
At least Israel is better than secular american Jews. His relationship with israel is cucked but not any different than anyone else's.

Soros is supporting the other side and with how many riots he's funded he's definitely against Trump so there must be something good about him

Why are they so obsessed with gold?
Gold is only worth relative to it's scarcity. But future tech will diminish the scarcity.
Are they really just this stupid?

That said, future tech may need the gold to build it.

Legitimately it's because of the holocaust. Jews were able to survive in the German countryside and make it to the next countries and safety because they had on gold jewelry or had gold on them to bribe guards and townsfolk who didn't necessarily want to kill jews but needed a bribe not to call the guards so jews are told to always carry some amount of gold on them be it a necklace, watch or whatever

I guess that makes sense.. if it weren't for the fact that their gold obsession is the problem getting them into these messes in the first place.

God dammit jews.. it's like your minds do nothing but mental gymnastics.


Hoarders don't hoard for logical reasons knowing that the hoarded thing is causing the problem. Besides the worlds changing. Alex Jones and that crybaby beck have it all



Now, that was weird. Looks like a "Be careful. I know".

daily reminder you stupid fk voted for a jewish slave
expect more deads in the next 4 years

Who was the alternative?




don't worry madam
trump will save your ass

Reported because this is a sticky.

Elliot Fink

Hey guys there was a thread on reddit by someone who hacked a website of a pizza restaurant in the DC area and found CP. The thread got deleted are you aware of this or have it saved?



The quality of shilling is really all over the place. On one end we have additive, high disruption disinfo throwing entire digging threads off track for hours, and on the other we have have facebook tier shaming gaslight like this gem here.

Anyone else notice that shills have gotten way more noticeable lately? Like, no subtlety at all? They just dont give a fuck anymore. Trump must have demoralized them big time.

Just proves they're sub-human.

a couple of shills is not a heavy infestation

Clinton has a fucking trigger finger. YOU CAN'T KEEP KILLING ALL YOUR PROBLEMS, YOU GREAT BITCH.

How the fuck has no one posted this in the thread yet?
This is info that was discovered in one of the first couple ping pong threads.

Next to Besta Pizza and Comet Ping Pong is Beyond Borders ( b eyondborders.net/ ) a foundation "working to end child slavery and prevent violence against women and girls in Haiti".


Don't be so paranoid

it's liek your not even tryink

Her picture from twitter

God Damn it
I just wanted to play video games
How did I get wrapped up in this shit

If you had told me that two years ago that fighting corrupt journalist would make me discover a satanic pedophile cult… I thought you be crazy
Jesus Christ this never ends

Looks like we are in wonderland fellas

this has been up for days now. did anything ever come of this or is this just another Holla Forums wild joose chase?

I think after a few days and more and more people started to get more evidence and more information
People started to gain interest in it
I just found out about it recently

ahhhh, so the dig continues… I'll check back in a few to see if things have picked up. good luck!

Was that link in the archive legitimate or nah?

thats beside the point, even if it was cp you would want proof it was found on the site

suicide by machinegun fire

just like them dubs

this poster was banned for telling the truth? wow.

Reminder that D&C is the favorite tactic of the enemy. Do not be divided against one another, be united in the pursuit of a future for white children.

Can someone with twitter please report these motherfuckers and let stoppedophilia know?:



Tnx fam

pastebin.com/iZd297vP archives updated

Lucky Mojo is owned by one of the most hated Jews on Usenet.

However, he is also noisy and stupid. It's not likely he would be trusted with important secrets, but maybe he's good enough to sell black candles.

Woman involved in an investigation on Hillary Clinton concerning a Human Trafficking Center was found dead this after noon. Police efforts have concluded that "Monica Petersen" the victim, was involved in a robbery gone wrong where nothing was stolen, it's apparent to investigators that Monica then shot herself in the back of the head 5 times while well over the overdose threshold for heroin. Investigators have decidedly concluded that it was a suicide. More news at 11

Of course, Trump won against all opposition and odds. Even then it's not like their party lost and thats why they're upset, all these secrets are flooding out of the gates about the horrible disgusting things they've done, what strings they've pulled behind the scenes, the image they tried to build up fell to the ground.

It isn't even like they can hide behind the curtain of calling critics "conspiracy theorists", there's full on proof.

Most kids are trafficked to israel. It's the biggest trafficking hub in the world. So keep an eye out for that.

Come back with a better derail next time.

The deaths under the Clinton business is public so I do not understand why anyone still want to work in the Clinton business. I will not risk my life to get the job in the Clinton business.

I like it.

It would be sickening to watch but enthralling, kind of like Misery. How would you end it?

wasted quints


They're all pedophiles who want in on the Clinton Foundation's sweet meats.

The Israeli side wants the blockade to remain in force, though in a more liberal form. Pasta and much more will be let into the Strip, but under strict supervision.



I was told by a friend of the victim, who I am very close to, that Monica Peterson is said to have committed suicide. An explanation the source and other friends find inconceivable.

They're gonna make a video game about her too.
My dad works for Nintendo.

I too saw that same facebook screenshot that you did.
I'm holding my breath for something more concrete before I circulate that extremely unconfirmed tidbit, but you do you

I'm not using a FB post. I'm using info from an actual human. You can see I have a friend in common.