Man Fabricated Story About Racial Remarks at Malden Bus Station: Police
Man Fabricated Story About Racial Remarks at Malden Bus Station: Police
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I live here and wish this were true. Malden is full of gibsmedat immigrants and white trash.
Damn, I was about to move to Malden.
we need to start making collections of all these hoaxes, as much as i wish the public support was there for these things to take place, its definitely not. if a collection of all of these proven fake incidents can be compiled it could work as babbys first redpill for those who somehow slept through the election season.
don't know how thorough it is though.
shit, i never even knew this existed. thanks user
Seems he'd fit right in the media with those lies. The irony is that the more they lie, they more it'll become a reality so keep it up.
Why is it all ways "two white males" in these fabricated storeys ?
niggers have a rape fantasy
And this is exactly why Holocaust "survivors" tell bullshit stories.
We need a clinical or formal name for this kind of lie. Just like mothers of "transgender children" are doing Munchhausen By Proxy with their kids, this particular kind of lie where you make up a story to make people aware of things you think are true needs its own label.
If you can name a thing you can kill a thing.
"Victim hoaxes"
pic related
This story is the first one that comes up by the way.
They'll cover the original story and that it was a hoax, but they won't ever cover the race when it's niggers assaulting/raping/killing whites, usually skip the whole story if they can.
Not sure where else to post this, but in a similar vein here's a recent case of "whatcha doin rabbi" that happened in the (((Adam Yauch))) Memorial Park that's sure to give you a good chuckle.
It's hilarious how Jews can't actually draw a swastika.
They tried
Should charge him with something, same with women who falsely cry rape.
That fucking weasel
Sounds familiar. He scammed neocucks for 120 bucks.
They're not good with their hands. Under no circumstances will a jew have a real job.
This is certainly one of the best running jokes ever. Who said the divine didn't have a sense of humour?
imagine how butthurt you must be to make up a story go to the police and waste so many fucking hours of your life telling lies to the police hahahahaha
Tbh that symbol would be really cool if it actually existed. I can't unsee the face of an eagle everytime I see it.
Cut the guy some slack, he just wanted to draw a Sicilian trinacria :^))))
That's also similar to the coat of arms for the Island of Man
These misdrawings have been linked to false-flagging individuals trying to signal to (((their kind))) to not be afraid, its just to provoke the goyim