Apple could make iPhones in US in future: sources
Apple could make iPhones in US in future: sources
So we are talking about 450$+ to make, while still selling at 650$.
That's still a nice profit margin.
I don't care what the shipping is applefags are getting the screw job
This is the most jewish corporation in existence and its CEO is a literal faggot. I don't even know how on earth libtards could like them so much.
They also engage in tax loopholes. They probably use the extra cash for RD.
Your local grocery store sells shit for up to 300% mark up. You see some grapes 50% off? Maybe they are selling it only twice the cost they bought it from the supplier for.
You're a nut. They use the extra cash to make themselves filthy rich. Apple does fuck-all R&D.
It's called the hipster tax and I approve of fleecing libs.
Imagine the butthurt when apple charges them more for ipads and blames the people that elected Trump.
see you at the salt mines brother
Pretty much everything they sell is shit at this point. Their days of revolutionary new products are long behind them.
but user, what about all their stunning new inovations ;^)
If you own an apple product you are inept. There is no reason to unless someone gave it to you for free. even then you're farther ahead to sell it and just buy something else.
Overrated proprietary garbage wrapped in a shiny package.
There won't be any butthurt, if anything they'll be happier because they'll see it as more of a status symbol to own due to the cost.
with such a huge markup it shouldn't matter to them if the iphones are being made in US, China or fucking moon
Like earbuds with a 3 hour battery life to further compress and mutilate your already lossy mp3s?
I used to be an Apple cultist and every time they announce new shit I've always a sliver of hope that they invariably crush.
No they do not. Groceries have among the lowest profit margins of any industry, look it up. Like 1% profit margins because groceries are a volume business and even then its abyssal which is why you see so many stores shut down and go out of business regularly. Besides, grapes are highly perishable. It's not comparable.
The one thing they make that's actually good is the ipod, specifically those tiny square ones. I have one of those from years ago and still use it.
thats the joke
ipods are shit. Any random noname music player that shows up as a thumb drive when you plug it in, and plays whatever format files you drop on it, is immediately 10x better than iTunes shit.
I know but I'm still fucking angry at them
The original goyPhone was bretty gud, and I've been giving them the benefit of the doubt since then
Mhmm, got one with same battery life, size, and same or lower price?
trump can always play the libtard game
like say apple is abusing those poor poc like slaves with the worst conditions to the point they rather commit suicide
apple is such a paradoxical company because it's probably the one corporation that represents everything wrong with corporations leftists like to rail against yet leftists are its biggest fans
it makes no fucking sense
reminds me of all the limousine liberals and socialists crying about the poor while wearing designer clothing like the socialists in the UK or the commie leader in Greece and his overpriced bourgeouis clothing
no wonder "useful idiots" are always the first to die in socialist revolutions
the real working class would hate them more than any big wig pig for their sheer hypocrisy
Sorry, can't really empathize with you. I saw that shit coming when they came back after (((investors))) brought them back from the brink by making those Wii tier computers in different colored see through cases.
I'd take a 4gb with 4hr battery life if it meant I didn't have to install I-tunes (completely out of the question, only an idiot would do that), and could simply play files dropped onto it as a storage device WHICH IS CLEARLY THE MOST OBVIOUS AND SIMPLE WAY ANY PORTABLE MUSIC PLAYER SHOULD WORK.
Somehow, idiots got sold into Apple's walled garden and think it's better than the plainly obvious better way
The original goyPhone didn't even have "Apps". Apple hadn't gotten that stuff working by the time the product was ready to ship, so they told everybody "You don't want Apps anyway, it's better this way. You'll do everything with "webapps" and you'll like it." Apple fanboys unironically defended this.
Soon later Apple completely memory-holed this and their new "apps", and Apple fanboys again unironically defended this. The memory of an Apple fanboy is SHORT. See also, Apple fanboys saying that copy/paste was a stupid pointless feature, right up until iphones could do it. Then it's all Copy-paste has always been great and we've always been at war with East Asia!
sansa clip lineup that supports rockbox. the new generation doesn't, but they should still work alright without rockbox.
iPod classic with rockbox is pretty great too and a better option if you have shit eyesight, there's audiophile autists that swear by them for the battery life, storage, and audio quality with an external DAC.
what was bettery life before and after and did you install gapps?
neither did most? other phones, unless you count shitty flipphones offering you Tetris for $8.99 a month
Web apps were shit but actual web browsing was utterly fantastic. Apple made literal shitposting a reality, since you could browse Digg on the toilet
I'm going to put this right up there with smoking cigs and drinking liquor. If you can afford to buy an iPhone, you are automatically disqualified for welfare entitlements.
iPhones cost no more than most other smartphones these days. They're still consumerist shit though.
dunno, I've never run any phone with gapps installed (never logged in either) for any real period of time.
Apple is the cash-richest company in the world. After all costs they're still sitting on a mountain of shekels.
wait, you never ran your droid with google apps?
As much as Apple shit sucks in many ways, it's interesting that this news comes so quickly. Trump says jump, they ask how high?
I don't understand the point of carrying one in addition to a smartphone and I can't imagine going withour one of those today.
Are we going to push hipster faggots into sweatshops to make their own Apple shit now?
He's also failing. Apple's quality has gone way down since steve jobs left.
Jobs was really good at what he did. Everyone says he was an asshole, but he managed to revolutionize a lot of things and kept the quality high. Apple is still riding on what he built.
My smart phone cost me a whopping $20. Anyone who pays more than $50 for a phone is an idiot and should be shot.
Trump is not even in office yet and american companies are already thinking about going back to the US.
They had slick design, high quality, outrageous prices, and good marketing.
and yet they will buy them all the same
Chain stores have been historically jewish. Look it up.
The video is funny but apple did revolutionize phones. Their revolution was in quality, not technology. The only way they could sell a phone was by having extraordinary quality.
Honestly, I'm not sure how much I approve of fleecing libs at this point. Not because I feel bad for the libs, but because once you've got a company that's based around catering to leftist nonsense, it self-proliferates assuming you're successful. It's the old Voltaire quote about how if you act like a fucking moron long enough actual morons will think they're in good company. You'll influence other companies to do the same, and eventually you have a whole industry lobbying just so they can continue to have a demographic of whiny, pathetic people that buys their shit.
I can see this happening, apple has a new excuse to increase prices thus making their products more exclusive for the target demographics
Good. The fewer dickheads playing around with their phones everywhere the better.
Don't get me wrong, it is a good idea. But it's hardly revolutionary.
that 225 includes probably 150 worth of parts, so that would leave roughly 75 in associated assembly costs. They can surely swallow 75 increase in manufacturing cost.
I'm actually pleased with my iPod Touch, 4th Gen. Got it for $25 on eBay and I use MediaMonkey to put music on it. Only thing it won't play is FLAC files and that's not really a big deal.
Smartphones of the era all did. Had for years.
The twin towers in that image is too heavy handed, should have just been two jenga towers, tbh.
It just lines the pockets of the corrupt scum that we are putting ourselves against. Not worth it.
We posting this now?
I was hoping for one of these.
Will you buy a hand fedora now?
Can anyone help with some Holla Forums-guides or sharing some info on how to have a smartphone and not have big brother fuck you in the ass at all times?
I went back to a dumbphone some time ago, and I'm cool with it. But not having access to the internet is sometimes problematic.
yep. I don't trust google.
kind of a pain at times with shitty apps needing/screaming that they need play services, but it's fine without.
I just wish there was an app repository as good as the play store.
bluetooth headphones and the internal DAC's of most phones are pretty shit.
You can use iOS VLC to play FLAC
The quality thing's on the money. I have a late 2012 MacBook I use as a Photoshop machine and it's still good-as-new except for the battery life dropping off some. The toughest, most reliable laptop I've ever owned.
I was thinking about replacing it next year and looking at my options, the new MacBooks are pure shit by comparison. Gimped specs to make them thinner, less ports, OLED screens that no longer offer print-accurate colour reproduction, flimsy build quality - the list goes on. Considering Apple were always the artist's choice it's pretty sad to see them throw us under the bus for the Starbucks $2000 Twitter machine crowd.
Can't use a Linux machine, I rely on Adobe CS, Clip Studio, Zbrush, etc. Won't use a Windows machine, due to it being an NSA surveillance box. Basically up shit creek without a paddle.
it's just the touch bar that's OLED
Trump is probably one of those alpha's that's completely clueless on kikes in electronics and software writing. The Jews at Apple may just like him after a few kosher experiences.
What do you currently use, if not the play store?
TPPfags btfo
Every type of computer is gimped as compared to "back in the day". I don't even remember exactly which years of PC laptops had highres screens but some really old ones (maybe 2003-2005?) had screens I just don't see today. They weren't good quality pictures, but they had very high resolutions, more than 1600x1200, great for spreadsheets and the like. And they weren't prohibitively expensive.
So not even counting creative types, average office types are fucked now by this widescreen (((cinematic))) relatively low-res bullshit going around.
It's like they want to put lead weights on everybody to keep us from being productive
No experience with mediamonkey. It's actually been awhile since I've touched an ipod, glad to hear there is software that makes them functional
Can anyone explain to me why it would be more expensive when fucking Foxconn is replacing all their workers with robots? Fuck's sake, they laid off literally sixty-thousand earlier this year.
Is it just taxes and regulations?
I'd like to discuss this further but here is not the place and I can't find the introductory thread on Holla Forums.
>>>Holla Forums
look up hackintoshing.
you poor fool.
blackmart (with limited permissions, some reason it wants my location)
aptoide (with limited permissions and xprivacy blocking it from doing shit. this thing is sketchy)
my old thinkpad had the best form factor I've ever used in a laptop, not to thick, curves where it was needed, 1400x1050 screen that was awful for anything but reading
fuck 1366x768 and everyone that ever put one of these panels in a laptop. by far the worst modern resolution that has become popular
They better not make some excuse for moving in all their ching-chongs to come along as well.
Ignore this post I'm just
a huge faggot who can't read a sticky
Welcome to the rest of the English-speaking world, burger.
2017 refresh is phasing out the LCD retina panel and replacing it with a shitty OLED.
The retina displays aren't too bad, but a) they output in a weird native resolution, and b) they only output at a gimped 720-ish resolution in some programs. I have an old Sony machine that has a full 1080p 17" display somewhere, shame it's no longer powerful enough to handle the Adobe suite.
I think it's going to have to be Hackintosh. I still trust Apple ever so slightly more than Google and Microsoft for security, but not by much. They still eventually caved in to PRISM, but unlike the other two they at least put up a fight for a few years.
Any idea what the best base machine to Hackintosh would be?
no clue user, I know there are forums that are dedicated to building these types of systems.
aside from color depth (and maybe burn-in?) what's the problem with OLEDs? I remember seeing pic related in stores and it absolutely blew me away, and that was ten years ago.
just taking the piss m8
Maybe some people like to listen to music and not have a GPS tracking device or a way for people to contact them at all times?
Or maybe they don't want to store any of their data on a device where every possible application you can download insists that it have access to all of your files?
OLED degrades over time, and uses a fuckload of power at full brightness
yeah but it looks awesome
OLEDs are massive piles of shit if you want colour reproduction accurate to what you'll see in print. The Mac retina displays and similar panels from companies like Eizo are a godsend if you have to create materials like magazine illustrations, advertising hoardings, etc because they'll generally show you exactly what you'll get in print. You can cycle through a fuckton of different colour standards on a Mac very easily.
OLEDs are great for low-level recreational use like watching films because they make everything look really shiny and colourful and rich, but that's also exactly why they're complete shit for any kind of professional use.
Awesome, thanks for that.
I have an OLED 1080p monitor and like all monitors today it's absolutely insanely bright and blue left to its own defaults. I mean insane
My $35 dirt cheap smart phone fits the bill for this other than size. But I carry my phone anyway.
So the quality is down across all their products?
I just use an iPad and have noticed the software getting progressively worse since Jobs left. The hardware quality is still impressive but every software update fixes 1 thing, while introducing 2 bugs and tons of new features I don't want. It's been getting worse for image boards especially.
By the way user, are IPS then same deal as OLEDs?
Worker shortage when
IPS is actually really good for colour reproduction and viewing angles. I'd take a good LCD panel with IPS over OLED any day.
software updates on iDevices are a form of planned obsolescence; the new software is poorly optimized for older devices and they won't let you downgrade. Your device basically becomes a demo for the new iThing X+1.
But hey, small price to pay for all those new emoji :^)
Reminder that the literal faggot in charge of Apple right now has removed the gun emoji and added a squirt gun.
Also faggot families.
You’re a fucking retard. Never ever ever do anything involving the economy.
those kikes are incredible
a hipster tax would also do well for apple products and faggot clothing lines
Are you daltonic? They are all YELLOW and YELLOW!
Why are you dirty goyim trying to Holocaust Apple?