Abbe Lowell [email protected]/* */ C (202) 974-5605 W C 202 841 4772
Adam Goodheart [email protected]/* */ 410-708-1659
Adam Gopnik Auxclercs 212-427-2810 H 212-286-5662 19 E. 88th St. Apt. 6A NY NY 10128
Al From [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 608-1205/546-0007
Al Gore [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 703-875-9207
Al Gore [email protected]/* */ 615-292-1488 H 615-327-2227 12 Lynwood Blvd Nashville TN 37205
Alan Rusbridger [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 207278-2332 W 207239-9644 W 7767446650
The Guardian 119 Farringdon Road London EC1R 3ER UK Alex Fields 847-373-7049
Alex Gibney [email protected]/* */ 212 352 3010 x121 W 917-596-4059
Jigsaw Productions 601 W, 26th St. 17th Fl NY NY 10001
Alex Goldfarb [email protected]/* */ 917-250-2956 C
Alice Novak 760-345-2298 H 503-644-1752 Pam H
Allan Zee [email protected]/* */ 503-234-3211 W 360.379.1255 H 503) 233-8053 H
260 S Palmer Drive Port Townsend, WA 98368 2903 SE Brooklyn Street Portland OR 97202
Allison Silver [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 212-473-4223 H 212-556-7645 W
NY Times 15 Gramercy Park South Apt. 12B NY NY 10003
Amy Bonderant 202-471-4417 H
1340 31st St. NW DC Anatol Lieven [email protected]/* */ 202-387-6258 H 939-2328 W
Carnegie Endowment Andras Hamori [email protected]/* */ andrashamori 310-388-7710, m 207-734-4348 H 310-899-8025 W 323 654 5920 C 323-654-5989 C 7803893213 C
Andrew Shapiro [email protected]/* */ 202-224-5553 W 202-236-6461 C
Andrew Stephen [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 202-333-8158 H
Andrew Terrill [email protected]/* */ 717-245-4056 W
Army War College Andrew & Leslie Cockburn amcockburn lccockburn (202) 342-9488 H 540-937-5275 H
Anita Drobny [email protected]/* */ 847-831-4505 H 847-562-0700 W
Anita Stapen [email protected]/* */ 520-547-2250 C C C C C
150 Ricardo Avenue Oakland CA 94611 Anji Hunter [email protected]/* */ 44-182-572-3751 C
Ann Pincus [email protected]/* */ 703 778 4271 W
Anna Stein [email protected]/* */ 202 244 4442 W 646 942 7903 C
Anthony Barnett [email protected]/* */ 7879 42 45 49 C London
Anthony Lewis [email protected]/* */ 617-661-0860 H 508-696-8636 (MV) Fax 617-354-2229 W
Anthony Weiner [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 917-783-9001
Arianna Huffington [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 310-440-9490 W (310) 245-9543 C
300 N. Carmelina Ave Los Angeles CA 90049 Arnaud de Borchgrave [email protected]/* */ 775-3282 W 361-2859 C
Art Levine [email protected]/* */ 202-557-8443 C
Arthur Schneier 212-988-06714/737-6900 W
Rabbi Arturo Valenzuela [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 202-333-5263 H 202-361-7537 C
Avishai & Edna Margalit [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 212-319-5874 H 212-755-4737 W 646-637-3124 C
188 East 64th St. #2304 NY NY 10021 Aviva Kempner [email protected]/* */ 202-244-1347 W 202-361-6735 C
Becca Chace 212-749-1641 H
Becky Gardner [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 44-207-239-9755 W
Ben Fields 847-209-7097 C
Ben Gerson [email protected]/* */ 646-840-0786 H 646-839-3331 W 908-684-4081 (country) Pager
Harvard Business Review 75 Rockefeller Plaza New York NY 2 Sutton Place South NY Ben Haas [email protected]/* */ 440-821-1173 C
Ben Jones [email protected]/* */ 485-3129 H
Ryder Jackson
Anita Drobny adrobny(at) 847-831-4505 H 847-562-0700 W
Anita Stapen astapen(at) 520-547-2250 C C C C C
150 Ricardo Avenue Oakland CA 94611 Anji Hunter anji.hunter(at) 44-182-572-3751 C
Ann Pincus apincus(at) 703 778 4271 W
Anna Stein anna(at) 202 244 4442 W 646 942 7903 C
Anthony Barnett anthony.barnett(at)opendemocracy. 7879 42 45 49 C London
Anthony Lewis anthony.lewis617(at) 617-661-0860 H 508-696-8636 (MV) Fax 617-354-2229 W
Anthony Weiner anthony(at) Cheftwan(at) 917-783-9001
Arianna Huffington ariannahuf(at) chbella(at) colin(at) 310-440-9490 W (310) 245-9543 C
300 N. Carmelina Ave Los Angeles CA 90049 Arnaud de Borchgrave adeborchgrave(at) 775-3282 W 361-2859 C
Art Levine artslevine(at) 202-557-8443 C
Arthur Schneier 212-988-06714/737-6900 W
Rabbi Arturo Valenzuela valenzue(at) valenzue(at) 202-333-5263 H 202-361-7537 C
Avishai & Edna Margalit ednaum(at) EUM(at) AvishaiM(at) 212-319-5874 H 212-755-4737 W 646-637-3124 C
188 East 64th St. #2304 NY NY 10021 Aviva Kempner akempner(at) 202-244-1347 W 202-361-6735 C
Becca Chace 212-749-1641 H
Becky Gardner Becky.Gardiner(at) Becky.Gardiner(at) 44-207-239-9755 W
Ben Fields 847-209-7097 C
Ben Gerson benjhg(at) 646-840-0786 H 646-839-3331 W 908-684-4081 (country) Pager
Harvard Business Review 75 Rockefeller Plaza New York NY 2 Sutton Place South NY Ben Haas benjamin.haas(at) 440-821-1173 C
Kayden Cook
Ben Jones jones(at) 485-3129 H
DSCC Bernard Schwartz 212-488-5301 W
745 Fifth Ave. 31st. florr New York NY Betsy Hambrecht bhambrecht(at) 415-412-8336 C
Bianca Jagger bj.88(at) 9175703700 C
Bill Carrick bcarrla(at) 323-469-1592 H 323-333-3430 C LA
Bill Clinton 914-861-9380 (Chappaqua) H 212-348-4963 W 320-4109
Doug Band) C 917 670 0000 Doug Band C ^p55 W. 125th St. 14th Floor NY NY 10027
Bill Daley 210-351-3700 W
Bill Drozdiak wdrozdiak(at) drozdiak(at)
Renilde:212 586 5118/212 223 6437 h 212 223 6437 Haome 212-826-3636 W R6468534293 C 917-418-9760 C
Residence Palace Rue de la Loi 155 Wetstraat 1040 Brussels Belgium Clos Joseph Hanse, 1 820 5th Ave, 63/64. NY 10th fl 1170 Brussels Belgium
Bill Hambrecht billh(at) 415-551-8602 W
Bill Kovach bkovach(at) 301-718-2508 H 202-293-7394 W
Bill Moyers 212-560-6960 W 212-560-8545 W 917-696-8878 C
Public Affairs TV 356 W. 58th St. NY NY 10019 Bill Murray 703 793 1728 H 703 505 1788 C
Bill Richardson 505-476-2200 W 505-699-8222 C
Bill Schneider bschneider(at) 333-4466 H 515-2803 W C 202-422-4466 C
2700 Virginia Avenue, N.W., #911 Washington DC 20037-1909 Bistro Le Zinc John Warner 202-302-1913 C 202-686-2015 W C C C
Bob Parry robrtparry(at) 703-920-7521 H
Bob Reich rbreich(at) rbreich(at) 617-661-2523 H
Bob Rubin 212-793-8883 W ^pBob Shrum robert.shrum(at) 338-1812 H 337-9600 W 508-888-2172 H 202-365-4107 C
3100 Cleveland Ave. NW Washington, DC 20008 11 Phillips Rd. Sagamore Beach, Ma 02562 Bob Somerby bobsomerby(at) bobsomerby(at) 410-462-3452 H
Charles Sanders
Bobbie Handman 212 265-5990 H
Bogart /Cindy 333-6550 W
Bonnie Berger bberger3(at) 617 542-1011 H 508 645-9553 H 220 Boylston St. #1618 46 Peases Point, Chilmark, MA Boston MA 2116
Brad Whitford hollowmen(at) 323-309-3481 H
Brant Janeway Brant.Janeway(at)us.penguingroup. 212-366-2230 W
Brian Doyle BBDOYLEMD(at) 785-4448/296-5877 W
Dr. Bruce Lindsey BruceRLindsey 301-229-6350 H 202-257-7726 C
Bruce Lindsey BruceRLindsey 333-7351 H
Bruce Udolf 954-764-6660 W
Bryan Arling 833-5707 W
Dr. Bud Lemley Budlemley 800-654-9865 H
Capricia Marshall capricia.marshall(at) 737-5711 W
Carlo Bonini c.bonini(at) 3906 7049352 H 3906 49822876 W 39 3483214215
C Italy Carlton Carl Carlton.Carl(at) 202-543-0494 H 202-965-3500 x334 W 202-255-5397 C
Association of Trial Lawyers o 1050 31st Street, N.W. Washington DC 20007 Carol Joynt caroljoynt(at)
Carol Radziwill radziwill(at) 917 678 1900 C
Carole & Herb Rudoy crudoy(at) 312-440-9788 H 312-560-0013 Herb C 312-560- 4451 Carole C
Caroline Graham caroline(at) caroline(at) 310-394-5828 H 310-753-3946 W 310 899 2727 W 310-487-2881 C C LA 363 17th St Santa Monica CA 90402
Caroline Heldman heldman(at) 323-259-1309 C
Caroline Kroft 202-361-7419 C Caroline Marks caroline.marks(at)thedailybeast.c 212 524 8829 W
Cass Sunstein csunstei(at) csunstei(at) 773-288-2613 H 773-702-9498 W 773-550-2580 C
Joshua Collins
Cecile Richards cecile(at) 202-974-8330 W 202-550-8147 C
Celestine Bohlen CBOHLEN1(at) 33 1 53 65 50 81 H 33 (0) 6 70 90 86 91 C
Paris Cesare Merlini consiusa(at) 39063222546 W Italy Council for the US and Italy Piazzale
Flaminio, 19 00196 Roma Italy Charles Burson bcburson(at) 314-644-0882 H 314-258-2358 (Bunny) C 314-378-1782 chas C
Charles Freeman cwfH(at) 202-248-3919 H 202-333-1277 W
Charles Tiefer ctiefer(at) 301 951-4239 H 301 580-1519 C
Charlie Kupchan ckupchan(at) ckupchan(at) 518-7021 H 518-3402 W 646-206-6704 C
Cheryl Mills cheryl.mills(at) cheryl.mills(at) 212-348-2979 W 202-412-9394 C
Chris Wolf cwolf(at) 202-416-6818 W 202-669-7402 C
Christiane Amanpour camanpour(at)
Christine Ockrent christine(at) christine(at) 156228580 W 33609171396
C Paris France 3 7, esplanade Henri-de-France 75907 Paris 4 Rue Guynemer 75006
Christoper Dickey dickey(at) christopher.s.dickey(at) 212 861 1044 H 33153837615 or 7613 W 19172977613 US C 33680339487 C C
Paris Newsweek Paris Bureau Chief 3, rue du Faubourg St. Honore 75008 Paris, France Chrstine Ockrent christine(at) 336 09 17 13 96 C
Chuck Lewis chuck.lewis(at) chuck.lewis(at) 703-683-8721 H 466-1300 ext. 1217 W
Cody Shearer codyps(at) 202-347-2042 W 202-437-5598 C
Coll Steve collsteve(at) 202-955-0966 W 202-341-1200 C
Cotty Chubb cotty(at) cotty(at) 323–802-1886 W 310-403-8291 C
Craig Unger cunger(at) cunger(at) 212-608-0608 H 212-998-6027 W 917-673-9548 C
Dan Benjamin dbenjami(at) dbenjami(at) (202) 775-3294 W
Dan Freifeld danf(at) 917-273-0800 C
Dan Moldea moldea(at) 202-338-4836 H 202-486-8899 C
Leo Jackson
Dan Morgan danmorgan1968(at) (301) 654-3158 H 240-994-4184 C C C C
Dan Payne payneco (617) 398-6345 H (617) 480-1980 W (617) 480-1980 C 617-851-3271 C C
70 High St. #3, Charlestown, MA 2129 Dan Rather drather(at) (646) 378-7400 W
Dan Yergin 364-5323 H 363-3443 W
Dana Thomas Danafifethomas 145489274 H 608013688 C
Danielle Mattoon mattoon(at) ddm919(at) 718-369-4191 H 212-556-3915 W 27 Sherman St. Brooklyn NY 11215 Danny Goldberg DannyG2295 212-414-3190/206-1919 H 212-871-8110 W
120 W. 44th St. Suite 70 NY NY 10036 David Bennahum davidsol(at) 212-838-1335 C
David Brock david_brock(at) davidbrockdc(at) 202-756-4107 W 202-744-7480 C 302-226-3566 (Rehobeth) Pager
David Calleo dpcalleo 663-5796 W 390565933129 (Elba) Pager
Casa Fangati 57037 Portoferraio Elba Italy David Carmen carmend(at) 202-785-0500 W 202-256-4157 C
Carmen Group 1301 K St NW Eighth Floor East Washington DC 20005
David Carr carr(at) dcarr(at) 646-498-6244 C
David Corn dacor(at) 301-270-4648 H 202-546-2239 W 301-379-3282 C
David Dlouhy 301-718-1773 H 240-475-1699 C
David Fromkin 212-838-6333 H 212-355-7515 W
David Gopoian dgopoian(at) gopoda(at) 914-378-2672 W
David Greenberg davidgr(at) 212-663-5027 H C C (646) 504-5071 C C New York 310 West 72nd Street, #7AB New York NY 10023
David Jones jones2898(at) 202-439-2631 C
David Keene 202-785-0500 W 202-262-1694 C
David Kendall dkendall(at) dkendall(at) 434-5145 W 434-5029 Fax
David Lavin dlavin(at) dlavin(at) 800-265-4870 W
David Lesch dlesch(at) 210-999-7631 C C C C C
Noah Turner
210-883-8027 mobile
David Leserman david(at) 303-449-8004 H 303-931-2475 C 2806 Cordry Ct. Boulder Colorado 80303
David Lipsey lipseyd(at) 208-677-7446 H 207-219-8509 W London Lord 96 Drewstead Road London SW16 1AG
David McKean David_McKean(at) 202-528-2949 H 202-224-2741 W 202-359-7425 C
David Michaelis david(at) cb(at) 212 799 5070 H 256-8840 C (Clara Bingham) 15 W. 81st St Apt. 12A New York NY 10024 David Miliband d.gunners2010(at) 207-586-2117 H 207-219-8320 W 7824518265 C
David Moberg dmoberg(at) 773-493-0996 x3881 W
David Morrison djm(at) (0)20 7514 1902 W London David Rieff 917-353-7205 C
David Rosenthal David.Rosenthal(at)simonandschust 212-698-7451 W 347-512-3153 C
David Roskies daroskies(at) 212-666-2694 C 646-240-7790 C
David Rothkopf DJROTHKOPF(at) 301) 320-0702 H 202-457-7930 W 202-457-7920 W 202 257 8698 C
Garten Rothkopf 1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington DC 20006 7205 Loch Lomond Drive Bethesda MD 20817
David Seldin dseldin(at) 202-973-3079 W NARAL Communcations
Dir. David Sirota dsirota(at) dsirota(at) 682-1611 W 294-6113 C
David Talbot dtalbot(at) dtalbot(at) 415-285-1021 H 415-645-9230/645-9249 dir W 415-205-0875 C
Salon (Janet Jones, asst) 22 4th St SF CA 94103 David Wilhelm dwilhelm56(at) 614-670-4095 H (312) 726-3988 W 312-320-8011 C
Wilhelm & Conlan 70 E. Lake St #1700 Chicago David Williams D.Williams(at) dwilly3215 202 225-5665 W 202-744-7439 C
Deborah de Shong deshongd(at) deshongd(at) 863-8033 W
Denis McDonough Denis_McDonough(at)daschle.senate 224-7741 W 228-3647 Fax
Dennis Jett dcjett(at) djett(at) 352-5323 x501 W 352-538-1772 C
John Baker
so uh, what?
Jacob Wright
University of Florida Dean, Intl Center 123 Grinter Hall PO Box 113225 Gainesville Florida 32611
Denys Blakeway denys.blakeway(at) denys.blakeway(at) 0207-743-2040 W London
Derek Shearer dshearer(at) dshearer(at) 310-230-8775 H 310-562-1435 C LA 925 Greentree Rd Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Desiree Adib dadib(at) 646-274-4918 W 646-283-0633 C diane mcwhorter dmcwhorter(at) 212/663-1966 H 646-270-1963 C Auto-Added
Dick Bell richardbelldc(at) 712-3078 W
Dimitri Nionakis NionakisD(at) 202.383.7215 W Howrey LLP Dogwalkers
McCrae 202-834-3309
Deirdre 202-320-5652
Jake Harris 487-4483
Don Baer don(at) 240-893-3399 C
Don Kerrick donkerrick(at) 703-271-7490 W 703-980-7770 C
Don Russell 61293568147 H
Don Russell Don_Russell(at) lisabee(at) 61 2 9356 8147 H 61 2 97778087 W 61 419 427 269 C 61 408 605 508 Lisa C
Donna Kaufman adream97(at) (773) 327-6545 H 773-307-7889 C C C C 2642 N Magnolia Ave Chicago Illinois 60614
Dotty Lynch djl(at) dottylynch(at) 457-4576 W 202 374-9611 C
Doug Band dband(at) 917-670-0000 C
Doug Page dpage(at) dpage(at) 312-576-6182 H 312-222-8647 W Chicago Tribune Media Services Doug Sosnik 917-656-8236 C
Douglas Brinkley Douglas.Brinkley(at) douglas.brinkley(at) 504-621-3939 H C C C C
Dr. Leonard Friedman 362-4545 W 487-8591 C
Opthalmologist 4201 Conn. Ave. NW Suite 211 Washington Car door: *1387
Dr. Paul Cohen (202) 659-9100 W
Isaac Foster
CFR Dox?
Eli Mitchell
Dentist Ed Epstein edepstein(at) eje(at) 212-249-4003 H 646-912-3339 C
Ed Markey 301-718-7774 H 225-2836 W 617-448-4683 C
Ed Miliband 7717865676 C
Ed Victor ed(at) 917 699 5100 C 44 7971 452 996 C 44 207 224 3030 H
Ed Vulliamy EdVulliamy ed.vulliamy(at) 212-505-6768 H 917-856-4613 C
Edward Felsenthal edward.felsenthal(at)thedailybeas 212-524-8826 W 917-680-8381 C
EJ Dionne edionne(at) (202) 362-5472 H 797-6067 W 301-229-3616 H
Elaine Kamarck elaine_kamarck(at)Harvard.Edu elaine_kamarck(at)Harvard.Edu 212-722-4199 H
Elaine Shannon 202 253-6515 C
Eleanor Randolph randolph(at) 212-206-8755/206-7716 H 212-556-7483 W Auto-Added 14 E. 17th St. # 6 NY NY
Eli Attie EliAttie 323-656-0469 H 818-954-5668 W 310-770-8611 C 1242 North Laurel Ave., Apt. E West Hollywood CA 90046
Elisabeth Sifton elisabeth.sifton(at) esifton(at) 212-932-9237/609-924-7475 H 212-741-6900 W
FSG FSG 19 Union Square West 11th Floor NY NY 10003
Elizabeth Sheinkman Sheinkman 212-243-8480 W 7753329487 C
Ellen Charles 337-3057 H
Ellen Chesler echesler(at) echesler(at) 212-548-0600 W
Eric Alterman Era00001 (212) 665-1260 H 305 W. 98th Street, #2-CS NY NY 10025 Eric Bates eric.bates(at) 212-484-1675 W
Eric Boehlert eboehlert(at) boehlert(at) 973-509-2775 H 973-610-3867 C
Eric Melby Melby(at) 202-413-5940 C
Erica Payne epayne(at) 212-673-0343 W 646-253-1910 W
New Democrat NetW Erick Mullen erick(at) 202-409-8803 C
Eugene Robinson robinsong(at)
Christian Anderson
looks like clintons address book
Andrew Peterson
Lots of familiar surnames in here OP. Please explain.
Asher Price
mega ditto bump
Joseph Roberts
Thanks, I was looking for a dentist in Manhattan.
Carson Turner
Eli Ortiz
Eva Orner evaorner(at) 917 361 4014 C
Evan Smith esmith(at) 512-320-6965 W 512-797-3009 C
Ezra Suleiman ensuleiman 33142869814/860021 H 330680665774 W 0142869814 (H) Fax 25 quai Voltaire (code: 29B54) 5th Floor to right 75007
Paris Madame Roux: 603729551 0142617230 cell below
Fareed Zakaria fareed.zakaria(at) 212-445-4672 W 917-324-8740 C
Newsweek International 251 W. 57th St. NY NY Finley and Willie Lewis 737-7683 W 508-693-8278 (MV) Fax
Flynt Leverett 202-797-4389 W
Forrest Claypool fclaypool(at) 312-603-6380 W 773-315-1650 C
Francesco Olivieri (202) 609-7798 W 202 527-4094 C 816 Connecticut Ave Ste.600 Washington DC
Frank Costello frank(at) 646-544-5385 C C C C C
Frank Mankiewicz f.mankiewicz(at)hillandknowlton.c 202-462-7202 H 202-944-5104 W
Frank Rich frrich(at) frrich(at) 212-787-1026 H 212-556-7414 W
Fred Michel f.michel(at) fmichel(at) 208-877-0045 H 207-758-2813 W 7801138249 C London 8 Grafton St (Green Park Tube) 5 Brathway Road London SW18 4BE
Fred Siegal fredfein 718-941-7352/693-0609 H
Gara LaMarche glamarche(at)
Garry Trudeau dbury1(at) 212-759-8985 H 212-721-5075 W 212-759-8564 H New York 7
Beekman Place New York Ny 10022 119W. 72nd NY NY 10023 Garry Wills 847-491-9412 H 847-491-3406 W
Gary Berntsen Berntseng2004(at) 703-774-4452 C C C C C
Gary Hart Gary.Hart(at) 303.352.3763 H 303-607-0888 W
Coudert Brothers 950 17th St. Gary Kamiya kamiya(at) kamiya(at) 415-645-9260 W
Gary Sick ggs2(at) 212-222-9614 C
Gary Smith gs(at) 4930-80483-100 W 4930804830 W 49178-7888 939 C
Josiah Ramirez
Grayson James
American Academy in Berlin Gayle Smith 387-3991 H
Gene Lyons eugenelyons43(at) 501-759-3290 H 501-993-7033 C 335 Hill Loop Houston AR 72070 Geoff Garin ggarin(at) 202-234-5571x154 W
Geoffrey Cowan gcowan(at) adamsaileen(at) 213-740-3987 W Annenberg School/USC 3502 Watt Way Suite 304 LA CA 90089
Geoffrey Ward 212 787 4618 H 290 West End Ave Apt 17C New York NY 10023
George Packer gpacker(at) 718-915-7869 C
George Soros 212-262-6300 W Soros 888 Seventh Ave NY NY 10106
George Weidenfeld agw(at) 0207 351 0042 H 0207 520 4411 W London Orion
Publishing Group Lord Orion House 5 Upper St. Martin's Lane London WC2H 9EA 9 Chelsea Embankment Flat 23 London SW3 4LE
Georgia Abraham gcabraham gabraham(at) 294-1366 C
Gerry Rafshoon 337-5302 H 3123 Dumbarton St. Washington DC 20007
Gianni Picco gdpincorporated(at) 203-351-1151 C 917-864-8480 C C C C
Glyn Davies 207-408-8124 W London Glyn Davies daviesgt(at) jdavies(at) (jackie)
Godfrey Hodgson 1993868867 H
Greg Craig gcraig(at) MV: 508-645-9490 H 434-5506 W
Greg Jordan gwjordan(at) 202-256-1647 C 21922 Sherwood Landing Road Sherwood MD 21665
Greg Speed speed(at) (202) 485-3442 W 365-0594 C
DCCC Greg Theilman 703-931-8928 H
Greg Thielman 703-931-8928 H
Greta Van Sustren greta(at) 243-3116 H 842-6390 W 498-1438 C
Guido Goldman guidogoldman(at) 646-522-6621 C
Guido Moltedo g.moltedo(at) 06/45401017 W 348/4710753 C Rome Europa Via di Ripetta, 142 Rome Italy 186
Robert Bell
sup guys!! what is going on this thr…
oh shit.
Ian Bailey
Looks like I woke up at a good time today.
Isaiah Hall
Gwen Haas gwenhaasmd(at) 440-605-4000 H 216-906-4936 C
Gwyn Lurie GLurie 310 476-6548 H 310-874-3135 C LA 2021 Sixth St Santa Monica CA 90405
Hamilton Fish hamfish(at) 212-729-3762 C 212-209-5445 W
Hans Hanker hanker(at) hanker(at) 212-397-2806 W 646-345-1499 C
Harald Braun harald.w.braun(at) 49 89 636 38883 W Berlin SIEMENS AG
Wittelsbacherplatz 2 D-80333 München Harold Evans 631.653.6840 H
Harold Ickes 887-6726 W
Harris Yulin nomax2(at),
Harry Jaffe 202-746-0333 H
Harry McPherson 202-861-6464 W
Harry Thomason 818-655-5779 H 818-378-1843 C 4024 Radford Ave. Building 5 Suite 104 Studio City California 91604
Heather Booth HBoothgo 202-338-1349 H 202-374-0762 C
Henry Louis Skip"" Gates 617-876-4221 H 617-496-5468/4170 W
Hillary Clinton 3067 Whitehaven street, NW Washington DC 20008 Hillary Clinton 202 228-0772 Fax
Hillel Schwartz hillel2000(at) noise699(at) 760-436-7748 C C C 760-809-1054 C C 699 N Vulcan Ave #37 Encinitas CA 92024
Howard Wolfson hwolfson(at) hw6152(at) (202) 297-7871 C HRC 342-0374/265-8074 (DC) H 224-5723 W 914-861-9369/202-228-0283 Fax 914-861-9380 (Chappaqua) C
Huma Abedin Huma_Abedin(at) 2020 12th St, NW #709 Washington DC 20009 Husain Haqqani hhaqqani(at) haqqanih 202-270-2570 C
Ira Arlook 726-0855 H 822-5200 x246 W 258-5437 C
Iris Newman 847-681-1203 H 847-638-1675 C
Isabel Hilton Isabel.Hilton(at) isabelhilton(at) 44 20 7359 4107 H 44 20 7608 2000 W 7768571370 C
Isabel Hilton isabelhilton(at) +44 (20) 7359 4107 H +44 (20) 7608 2000 W +44 (20) 7608 2666 Fax +44 7768571370 C London
Brandon Thomas
What is all this?
Robert Mitchell
This is a quick dump! Save and archive! OP please explain when you are safe, keep up the good work!
Praise Kek! Praise Kek! Shadilay! SHADILAY!
Carson James Editor 23-25 Great Sutton Street London EC1V0DN United Kingdom United States of America
Jack Bass bassj(at) bassj(at) 843-958-8805 H 843-953-7018 W 843-452-8012 C
Jackie Blumenthal Jackieblumenthal 669-0746 C
Jacob Weisberg jacob.weisberg(at) 212-445-5308 W Slate Magazine 251 W. 57th St 19th Floor New York NY 10019-1894
Jake Tapper Tapperjake 202-222-7832 W 917-593-1685 C Auto-Added James Carville 703-739-7777 W 424 S. Washington St. Alexandria VA 22314
James Chace JasChace 212-501-0754 H 845-758-0446 (Bard) W 508-228-7671 (Nantucket) Fax 917-620-3745 C JoanDC: 337-1551 Pager
James Fallows jfallows(at)the fallows 415-7515/333-9211 H
James Galbraith galbraith(at) galbraith(at) 512-480-0250 H 802-365-7582 H 512-297-6544 C
James Harding james.harding(at) james.harding(at) 434-0985 W
FT James Pinkerton pinkerto(at) pinkerto(at) 2023525721 C 202-352-5721 W C C C
James Rubin JamesPRubin JamesPRubin1960(at) 207-229-3368 H C C 7961909509 C 917-344-9880 C London Brunswick 16
Lincoln's Inn Fields London WC2A 3ED UK 43 Brunswick Gardens London W8 Jan Eliasson 467-2611 W
Sweden Ambassador Jane Hamsher janehamsher(at) 310-467-6220 H
Jane Hickie jhickie(at) jhickie(at) 512-432-1948 W
Jane Mayer jane_mayer(at) jane_mayer(at) 301-652-7575 H 202-955-0968 W 202-360-2865 C
The New Yorker 1730 Rhode Island Ave NW Washington DC Jane Smiley horse.chuckle(at)
Janet Napolitano 602-542-1950 W 602-253-0883 W Governor of Arizona Executive Office 1700 West Washington Phoenix Arizona 85007
Jann Wenner jann.wenner(at) mary.mac(at) 212-484-1603 (Mary , sec) W 1290 Ave of the Americas NY, NY 10104
Cooper Powell
Jason Forrest Jason_Forrester(at) 202-224-8516 W
Jason Miner miner(at) 202-589-3928 W 202-257-0078 C
Jay Carson jcarson(at) (310) 488-9540 C
Jay Rouse jayrouse(at) (202) 689-7841 W 202) 262-3196 C
Jeff Berg 310-550-4205 W LA ICM Jeff Morley morleyj2000(at) 202-234-6237 H 202-413-7841 C
Jeff Seabright jeffseabright(at) jseabright(at) 404-676-1014 W 404-547-0426 C
Jeff Seroy jseroy(at) jseroy(at) 212-721-9829 H 646-298-6633 C weekend: 518-784-7548 Pager
Jeff Shesol Shesol 202-237-6543 H 202-223-8108 W
Jeff Stein spytalk(at) (202) 812-3034 C Washington 4547 Grant Rd NW , DC
Jeffrey Frank frankjeff1(at) 212-787-8970 H 646-678-1476 C 607-594-2721 H C C
Jeffrey Record jeffery.record(at) (334) 953-4466 W
Jeffrey Toobin jeffrey_toobin(at) jeffrey_toobin(at) 212-286-5886 W
Jenny Backus jenny(at) 202-262-9963 C
Jerry Landay jerrylanday(at)
Jessica Stern Jessica_Stern(at) 617-492-6883 H (617)496-3623 W (617)495-9455 W 617-201-4562 C
Jill Abramson abramson(at) abramson(at) 703-979-2405 H 212-556-7292 W
Jill Iscol jilliscol(at) 212 396 2936 H 508-645-3541 H 917-488-3257 C
Jim Dobbins 703-413-1100 x5134 W
Jim Kennedy kennedy2004(at) 1160 5th Ave. Apt. 404 NY NY 10029
Jim Moore jimoore(at) 512.260.1913 H 512.300-9232 C
Jim Naughtie james.naughtie(at) james.naughtie(at) 520 270 9593 C 7976702197 C London
Jim Steinberg jsteinberg(at) 512-480-0758 H 512–232–4008 W 202-249-0635 C Austin 3312 Duval St , Tx
Justin Brooks
Here's a bump for being based OP, keep up the good work.
Jason Morales
but why are the names being posted here OP?
Ethan Gonzalez
oh how about that George Soros
Cameron Hill
Bumps? OP is still going! The list is in alphabetical order and he is only on J by the time of your post. This looks like the entire fucking list of our enemies to me.
Save every digit! Shadilay!
Michael King
Elijah Campbell
Oh fug
Someone archive and screencap
Dylan King
a blowtorch and a basement will be a good start.
Adam Watson
Jason Forrest Jason_Forrester(at) 202-224-8516 W
Jason Miner miner(at) 202-589-3928 W 202-257-0078 C
Jay Carson jcarson(at) (310) 488-9540 C
Jay Rouse jayrouse(at) (202) 689-7841 W 202) 262-3196 C
Jeff Berg 310-550-4205 W LA ICM Jeff Morley morleyj2000(at) 202-234-6237 H 202-413-7841 C
Jeff Seabright jeffseabright(at) jseabright(at) 404-676-1014 W 404-547-0426 C
Jeff Seroy jseroy(at) jseroy(at) 212-721-9829 H 646-298-6633 C weekend: 518-784-7548 Pager
Jeff Shesol Shesol 202-237-6543 H 202-223-8108 W
Jeff Stein spytalk(at) (202) 812-3034 C Washington 4547 Grant Rd NW , DC
Jeffrey Frank frankjeff1(at) 212-787-8970 H 646-678-1476 C 607-594-2721 H C C
Jeffrey Record jeffery.record(at) (334) 953-4466 W
Jeffrey Toobin jeffrey_toobin(at) jeffrey_toobin(at) 212-286-5886 W
Jenny Backus jenny(at) 202-262-9963 C
Jerry Landay jerrylanday(at)
Jessica Stern Jessica_Stern(at) 617-492-6883 H (617)496-3623 W (617)495-9455 W 617-201-4562 C
Jill Abramson abramson(at) abramson(at) 703-979-2405 H 212-556-7292 W
Jill Iscol jilliscol(at) 212 396 2936 H 508-645-3541 H 917-488-3257 C
Jim Dobbins 703-413-1100 x5134 W
Jim Kennedy kennedy2004(at) 1160 5th Ave. Apt. 404 NY NY 10029
Jim Moore jimoore(at) 512.260.1913 H 512.300-9232 C
Jim Naughtie james.naughtie(at) james.naughtie(at) 520 270 9593 C 7976702197 C London
Jim Steinberg jsteinberg(at) 512-480-0758 H 512–232–4008 W 202-249-0635 C Austin 3312 Duval St , Tx
Luis Diaz
John Henry 202-669-7371 C
John Judis jbjudis(at) jbjudis(at) 301-933-9027 H 939-2322 W 301-943-0969 C
John Kornblum 4916097248169 john.kornblum(at) 493084418803 H +49-(0) 30-20 94-20 62 W 491755848909 C Berlin NOERR STIEFENHOFER LUTZ Charlottenstrasse 57 Postfach 080544 10005 Berlin Germany
John Marks 67439960 H Jerusalem
John Marttila jpmarttila(at) 617-725-1924 H 617-338-4545 W 202-249-1466 W 617-308-1557 C
John Podesta Podestafam podesta(at) jpodesta(at) 244-5673 H 662-9534 Law school W 682-1611 (Center) W 294-6114 C
Georgetown Law Center 600 New Jersey Ave. Washington DC 20001
John Ritch ritch(at) 202-342-0374 H 207 580 7020/1 800 743 1757 H 207-225-0308 W 7881626561 C 39559149720 (Le Vigne) H
36 Harley House Marylebone Road DC phone: 202 468 7477 London NW1 5HF
John Sexton 212-998-2345 (sec, Ina) W 212-505-1258 W 212-998-2334
(Dan Evans) W New York NYU John Sifton sifton(at) jsifton(at) 718 852 0600 W 917 838 9736 C
John Weaver 212-463-7024 W 210-867-6711 C
Jon Landau jlandau(at) 203-625-2636 W 914-251-9350 H 1 Sky Meadow Farm Purchase NY 10577
Jon Lovett 202-224-0220 W
Jon Sinton jsinton(at) 770.390.8959 W 5 Concourse Parkway Suite 3100 Atlanta Georgia 30328
Jonathan Alter jalter(at)
Jonathan Broder jdbroder 237-6348 H 887-8561 W 914-282-5034 C
Jonathan Dimbleby 207-743-2040 W 1225473022 C
Jonathan Freedland 207-239-9975 W 7979704196 C London
Jonathan Jacoby jacoby(at) 917-763-0118 C Auto-Added
Jonathan Larsen jlarsen(at) 718-625-8514 H 917-439-5887 C
Jonathan Powell jonathan.n.powell(at) jonathan(at) 207-930-4433/270-2005 dir W 7771502502 C London
Jonathan Winer jwiner(at) (202) 778-1487 W 301-792-2334 C APCO Worldwide 700 12th Street NW Suite 800 Washington DC 20005
Jordan Tamagni JordanTamagni(at)
Joseph Stiglitz josephstiglitz(at)
Joseph Wilson joe(at) 505.984.5084 H 505.984.2220 val W 505.984.2227 joe Fax 505.629.9142 C 505.629.9143 val C 1717 Pennsylvania Ave NW Suite 300 20006 223 N. Guadalupe #549 Santa Fe NM 87501
Josh Galpher jgalper(at) 202-744-4047 C
Josh Gotbaum jgotbaum(at) 202-337-1677 H (Joyce Thornhill) Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. 3375 Koapaka Street Ste G350 Honolulu HI 96819-1868 4139 Parkglen Court NW Washington DC 20007-8244
Josh Gottheimer Josh.Gottheimer(at) 202.530.4684 W 313.213.4832 C
Josh Green 362-0425 H
Josh Marshall joshua(at) joshua(at) 265-3310 H 917-664-7146 C 212-242-7877 H TPM Media 805 6th avenue/ny, ny/10001
Juan Cole jrcole(at) 734-763-1599 H 734-764-6305 W
Judd legum jlegum(at) 202-744-6035 W
Jude Wanniski jwanniski(at) jwanniski(at) 877-879-7659 H
Judith McHale 301-771-4747 W
Discovery CEO Judy Blodgett judithblodgett(at) 202-298-7192 H
Judy Miller judymillerfreespeech(at) 646-2228-7573 C 212-875-6727 W C C C
Julia Hobsbawm info(at) 0171 734 6500 H London 28 Poland St London W1V 3DB
Julian Borger julian.borger(at) julian.borger(at) 223-2486 W 256-9660 C
The Guardian Julian Epstein jul_eps(at) 423-4519 C
Julie Sender julie(at) jsend(at) 310-428-6642 W 310-365-0594 C
Evan King
June Sarpong jsarpong1(at)
karen greenberg lilacj55(at) 646 336-7296 H 212-998-6199 W 212-992-8854 W 917 861 7734 C 860 672 6299 H New York
Karen Kwiatkowski ksusiek(at) ksusiek(at) 540-477-2821 H 540-335-1833 C
Karen Lightfoot 225-5051 W
Rep. Henry Waxman House Goverment Operations Karen Skelton kskelton(at) 916-447-4099 W 1127 11th St. Suite 505 Sacramento California 95814
Katheryne Walker 298-4214 W German Embassy Social Secretary German Embassy 4645 Reservoir Rd. NW Washington DC 20007
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend kktowns(at) 202-460-4485 C
Kathleen Strand kstrand(at) 603-479-7475 C
Kathleen Strand 703-875-1245 W
Kathy Sloane ksloane(at) 715 Park Avenue 10021-5047 NY
Katrina Vanden Huevel kat(at) 212/209-5412 W 917-854-9961 C
Keith Berwick berwick(at) berwick(at) 202-736-3841 W
Aspen Institute Kelly Craighead Kelly Craighead 675-8345 W 202-302-4336 C
Ken Burns 603-756-3038 W 603-731-0128 C
Florentine Films Ken Slotnick kjs(at)
Ken Vest kenvest(at) 301-208-0335 H 301-461-1363 C
Kerry Kennedy kerry(at) 914-242-1959 C
Kerry Lauerman klauerman(at) 212-905-6120 W 212.924.9016 C
Khalifa al Sherif khalifa329(at) 962797831953 C C C C C
Kirk Tofte trisuper(at) 515-278-4396 H
Kirsten Powers KirstenPowers(at) 476 Sackett Street Apt 3 Brooklyn, New York 11231
Kitty Kelley kittykelley(at) kittykelley(at) 342-0606 H
Justin Walker
Can confirm at least three faxes are working, sent tactical pepes and tritium pepe.
OP told you with the god damn flag what he is posting.
Henry Taylor
Nathan Wilson
Jason Parker
oh hey theres hillary clinton too
Carter Johnson
Blake Sullivan
Kurt Campbell 202 775-3267 W
L Rothschild 508-627-4796 H
Lally Weymouth lally.weymouth(at) 212-445-5550 W (917) 699-0371 C
Lanny Breuer 363-4067 H 662-5538 W
Lanny Davis ldavis(at) 301-963-8834 H 301-928-7532 C
Lara Bergthold larab(at) larab(at) 310-567-2720 C
Lari Martinez HilarionMartinez(at) MartineH(at) (305) 348 3681 W 305 987-3490 C C C C
Florida International University Larry Diamond 650-723-1754 W 650-814-3345 W 877-466-8374 C
Larry Johnson lcjohnso(at) 301 767 0825 W 301 767-0366 H 301 442 5957 C
Laura Capps lcapps(at) 712-2974 W
Laura Graham laura(at) 212-3481779 W 917-445-0352 C
Laura McClure lmcclure(at) 415-401-8277 H
Laura Sandys laura.sandys(at) 07980 595861 C London 23 Warwick Square London SW1V 2AB
Laura Tyson tyson(at) 0207 000 6060 H 510 642 3067 W London Haas School of Business University of California, Berk 545 Student Services Building, #1900 Berkeley CA 94720-1900
Lauren Jiloty laurenjiloty(at) lauren.jiloty(at) 425.497.4330 W 425.785.5305 C C C C Executive Assistant to Bill Gates 7853 SE 27th Street Apt. E-503 Mercer Island, WA 98040
Laurie Rubiner Laurie_rubiner(at) lrubiner(at) C 202-224-5656 W C 202-641-0383 C C
Senator Richard Blumenthal Washington DC Lee Feinstein lfeinstein(at) leeafeinstein(at) 2027416550 W
Lee Franklin lfranklin(at) lfranklin(at) 212-941-2727 W 917-450-3163 C Medley Global Advisors
Leslie Fields l.b.fields(at) 847-212-1545 C
Liaquat Ahamed lahamed2(at) 202-746-7305 C 202-362-2153 W 202=362-3904 H 3001 44th Place NW Washington DC 20016
Brayden Thompson
Grayson Campbell
Lionel Barber 212-641-6503 W Financial Times Lisa Chamberlain lisacchamberlain(at) 212-477-0969 H 917-691-7020 C
Lissa Muscatine Lmuscatine 301-951-4214 H 301-529-5905 C
Lloyd Grove Llbengr(at) 212-595-3223 C
Lou Dubose lluis3333(at) ldubose(at) 202-547-7002 H 202-294-2284 W 512-567-0752 C 121 12th St. SE (105) Washington DC 20003
Luca Bader lucabader(at) 349 3065686 C Italy
Lucy Carrigan lcarrigan(at) lucycarrigan 212-889-2965 W 917-859-3086 C
Lupo Pistelli pistelli(at) 393480515463 C Italy Lyn and Norman Lear lynbmb(at) 310-472-7011 H 1911 Westridge Rd. Los Angeles California 90049
Lynn Rothschild lder(at) lynn1(at) 07787566038 PA 212-403-3683 PA 2073495500 H 212 980 0025 (geraldine) H 646-250-3567 H 7711979194 C 44-229-668-8204 H London 435 E. 52nd Street NY NY 10022 31 Tite St SW3 4JP London 435 E. 52nd St, NY 10022
Lynn Sweet lsweet(at) lsweet3022(at) 202-662-8808 W 202-320-6044 C
Madeleine Albright 334-2428 H 778-3565 W
Maggie Mitchell mags_mitchell(at) 202-256-2175 W
Mandy Grunwald 202-333-1319 W 202-669-2899 C
Marc Dunkelman mdunkelman(at) 202-236-8786 C C C C C
Marcia Fields 847-209-4112 C 1170 Westmoor Rd Winnetka IL 60093-1843 Margaret Jay 207-286-5701 H 207-219-3000 (Lords) W London Margot Friedman mfriedman(at) 332-5550 W 330-9295 C
Marie Warburg marie.warburg(at) 4032825860 W 617-230-2633 C 1607066582 C Private Life BioMed AG Fuhlentwiete 12 Hamburg Germany 20355 c/o MN/AP Nonnensneg 9 Hamburg Germany 22587
Marilyn Melkonian 965-0205 H 333-8447 W 202-255-8963 C
Marjie Esterquest 617-472-5950 H 617-750-5028 C
Mark Danner mark(at) 322 West 88th Street, B NY NY 10024 Mark Ginsberg ambmcg(at) 778-1002 W 352-1995 C 1615 L St. Suite 900 Mark Green Markgreen02 212-987-8425 H 212-490-0001 W
Benjamin Diaz
L rothschild huh?
Jeremiah Powell
Mark Karlin buzzflash(at) 312-829-7760 H
Mark Penn 331-1115 H 842-0500/2040 W 202-415-1222 C
Mark Weiner mweiner(at) mweiner(at) 800-562-5766 H 401-840-8222/467-3170 W 401-467-3570 Fax 401-952-4929 C
Mark Weiner 800-562-5766 W
Marta Dassu marta.dassu(at) 393355787900 C Rome Martha Raddatz martha.j.raddatz(at) 202-222-6390 W
Martin Blatt 617-492-6259 H 617-242-5648 W
Martin Kettle martin.kettle(at) martin.kettle(at) 1727370511 H 207-239-952/278-2332 W 7855163313 C London The Guardian 119 Farringdon Road London EC1R 3ER England, UK 3 AVenue Road St. Albans AL1 3QG London England, UK
Martin Kilian mkicville(at) (202) 332-8575 H (434) 296-8537 W
Martin Linsky 212-316-9892 H 617-496-3872 W
Martin Sieff msieff(at) 301-564-5347 H 202-898-8296 W 240-997-0328 C
Mary Pat Bonner mpbonner(at) 703-447-0435 C
Matt Stoller stoller(at) 617-216-9946 H
Matthew Dallek matt_dallek(at) 202.234.4552 H 202.302.1794 C
Matthew Waxman matthew.waxman(at) 202-255-5230 C
Maura Moynihan mmoynihan108(at) 917-887-8380 C
Maurice Saatchi 207-543-4500 W London M&C Saatchi 36 Golden Sqare London W1F 9EE
Max Blumenthal xamxam1(at) maxjblumenthal(at) 202-744-4951 H C C C C 054-444-3662 1801 Dorchester Road #3M Brooklyn NY 11226
Max Brown max(at) 415-2727 W
Max Cleland 202-565-3521 H
Joshua Moore
Melanne Verveer melanneverveer(at) pverveer 265-0230 H 772-3120 W 352-6555 C 2125 Leroy Pl. NW Washington DC 20008
Melissa Pranger prmpranger(at) 208-677-5747 H London Menno Meyjes MMeyjes 137-3830-258 H 415-505-2637 C 7711810910 C London
Michael Abramowitz miabramowitz(at) 202-314-0394 W
Michael Forcey m4c(at) 362-3677 H 530-7188 W
Michael Janeway mj153(at) mj153(at) 860-435-2749 (Conn.) H 212-663-5052 (h) W 202-691-4334 W 917-881-2038 C 917-301-7540 bar C 238 Indian Mt. Rd Lakeville CT 6039 Michael Levy 207-487-5174 W London Lord
Michael Lind mlind40(at) Lind(at) 202 664-4300 C
Michael Medavoy 310-273-0078 H 310-244-6106 W
Michael Sheehan michael.sheehan(at)
Michael Tomasky Tomasky mtomasky(at) 301-920-0939 H 202-331-1185 W 301-512-9721 C 301-920-0923 Sarah H The American Prospect 2000 L St. NW, 7th Fl. Washington, DC 20036 1224 Dale Dr. Silver Spring MD 20910
Michael Vachon michael.vachon(at) 212-320-5526 W 917-859-0970 C Soros 888 Seventh Ave. NY NY 10106 Michael Waldman michael.waldman(at) 212-998-6731 W Brennan Center/NYU 161 Ave. of the Americas 12th Floor NY NY 10013
Michal Keeley michal.keeley(at) 301-585-6981 H 301-237-5131 C
Mickey Kaus Mickey_Kaus(at) 310 577 3141 H 917 533 8226 C
Mike Allen mike_allen(at) 703-647-8545 W 202-731-5153 C
Mike Cantor mcantor(at) mcantor(at) 234-9282 H 835-1619 W 255-2567 C
Mike Lux mlux(at) 202-628-7771 W
Mike Rogers mrogers(at) 202-588-9446 H
Mike Tomasky mtomasky(at) sarahkerr(at) 301 920 0939 H 212-508-0799 W C C C
Minyon Moore MMoore(at) 202-253-9178 C 202 879-5588 W
Molly Bingham molly(at) 202 237 0073/4/5 H 202 256 6216 H
Gabriel Reed
I think that must be the bilderberg one, Lynn.
Jose Diaz
Morgan Downey Mordowney(at) 2029570085 H
Myra MacPherson mlmacpherson(at) 202 588 0585 H
Myra McPherson mlmacpherson(at) 202-256-6659 C
Nancy Bagley nbagley(at) 202.745.9788 H 2301 Tracy place nw Washington DC
Narda Zacchino NZacchino(at) NZacchino(at) 415-298-5194 C
Nasim Ashraf appnasehat(at) 646-330-1213 C
Neera Tanden ntanden(at) ntanden(at) 494-2448 H 202-741-6374 W 202-263-0180 W 202 531 2304 C
Neil Kauffman neilkauff(at)
Neil Kauffman 610-543-5440 H 215-546-8016 W
Nick Confessore 393-5155 W
Nick Goldberg Nick.Goldberg(at) Nick.Goldberg(at) 213-237-7807 W
Nick Littlefield nlittlefield(at) nlittlefield(at) 617-832-1105 H 617-491-9131 W 617-697-4988 C
Nick and Louise Wapshott wapshott(at) indianicholson(at) 646-414-1442 W 212-844-9258 C 212-844-9258 W 646-895-2919 W L:212 842 0213 W 135 East 54th Street, # 15K New York 10022, Nina Gardner 202 5605571 H 347 6139012 C Italy
Nina Planck Nina(at) 212-982-6462 H 646 285 8541 C 51 MacDougal Street, Suite 19 New York NY 10012-3076
Norman Birnbaum red21(at) 342-0241 H
Paolo Valentino PValentino(at) 202-248-4938 H 202-248-7076 H
Par Nuder par.nuder(at) 4685406384 H 46705954412 C
Pat Lang ismoot(at) 703-888-2674 H 703-888-2685 W 202-352-8818 C
Pat Yack patrickyack(at)
Patricia Duff mspduff(at) 212-410-6501 H 917-331-0123 C
Patricia Hewitt hewittph(at) 207-726-2567 H 207-215-5144 W 00162518403 (constituency Fax 7715790970 C London UK Minister of Trade and Industry a Victoria St. London
Patrick Jarreau jarreau(at) 334688694664 C
Bentley Diaz
please say what the Ws Hs and Cs mean at the end
Aiden Diaz
Work Home Cell
Blake Gonzalez
work home cell I assume…
Joseph Turner
Is this going to be a thread in which we sent people plastic frogs over the mail
Lucas Russell
Gas yourself, namefag.
Adrian Nguyen
Jack Lewis
Let's make it rain frogs.
Nathaniel Perez
It has
Michael Nguyen
I'm deploying the tactical steel dumps on the few addresses listed here
Jonathan Wright
Patrick Logan 847-441-4012 H 847-441-6869 W
Patti Solis Doyle Pattisolis 703-469-2008 W 202.263.0190 W 744-5191 C
Paul Begala pbegala(at) pbegala(at) 703-893-9033/893-9239 H 898-7981 W 703-288-5548 W 540/477-3064 H
Paul Berman PLBerman25 212-877-2488 H
Paul Blumenthal paulblumenthal(at) 35 Graham Ave. Apt. 1B Brooklyn NY 11206
Paul Glastris Glastris 301-320-6409 H 393-5155 W 202-213-6449 C Washington Monthly
Paul Krugman pkrugman(at) 609-688-0315 H
Paul London 966-7893 H
Peter Beinart peter.beinart(at) C C C C C
Peter Bergen bergenpeter(at) 202-986-2700 W 202-487-3480 C
Peter Brown PeterB(at) PeterB(at) 212-362-7850 H 212-486-7070 W
Peter Canellos canellos(at) 617-771-8489 C
Peter Daou peter(at) 212-945-4393 W 917-860-0088 C
Peter Dougherty peter_dougherty(at)pupress.prince martha_camp(at) 609-924-5915 H 609-258-4953 martha camp W 609-258-6778 W 609-577-5516 C
Peter Galbraith pwgalb(at) 4755 102550 H
Peter Hain peter(at) 207-210-1025 W 7866572598 C
Peter Knight knight(at) peter.knight(at) 364-8477 H 419-3400 W Maine: 2073636205 Fax 236-9641 C
Peter Mandelson peter(at) peter(at) 207-229-3380 H 207-219-2449 W 7860419934 C
Peter Pringle pringlep(at)
Peter Schneider Pschneid21 493032702326 H 202-338-3656 H 1781 4170130 C 1923 38th St NW Washington DC Peter Singer psinger(at) 703-812-1356 H 202-797-6042 W
Andrew Cox
Peter Steinfels psteinfels(at) steinfel(at) 212 663 2469 H 212 636 7621 W
Peter & Diana Beinart dianabeinart(at) 202-669-2721 C 202-297-6263 Diana C
Phil Singer 202-215-2537 C
Phil Trounstine phil(at) phil(at) 831-662-2652 W
Philip Bobbitt pbobbitt(at) 512-472-2779 C 512-970-8314 C C C C
Philip Gould philip(at)
Philip Turner philipsturner(at) 917-293-0901 W
Philippe Reines Philippe_Reines(at)clinton.senate preines(at) preines(at) 202-224-2873 W 202-494-4581 C
Philippe Sands philippesands(at) 44 20 7794 7666 H Rahm Emanuel recos(at) 312-665-4289 H 773-255-2274 (Amy cell) Fax 312-953-3088 C 3407 Woodley Road NW 20009 Washington DC 20009
Ralph Alswang ralph(at) (202) 745-0455 H
Ralph Neas rneas(at) rneas(at) 467-2304 W 215-1481/531-1913 C
Ralph Whitehead rww(at) rww(at) 413-549-6112 H 413-549-1835 H 202-595-3101 H 413-545-5922 W 15 Forestedge Road, Amherst MA
Randy Beers Rand1142 202 234-1930 H 202-329-9145 C
Ray McGovern rrmcgovern 703-536-8511 H 571-239-0554 W
Rich Miholsky 301-967-4578 (Peggy) W 258-5577 C
Richard Clarke (703) 812-9199 H
Richard Cohen cohenr(at) cohenr(at) 212-445-4901 H 212 327 1443 C
Richard Cohen richardcohen(at) cohenr(at) 212 327 1443 H
Richard French rfrench(at) rfrench(at) 212-481-5666 W 845-339-6200 x225 W 914-420-3665 C
Regional NetW News RNN 437 Fifth Ave. 11th Floor NY NY 10016 Apt: 3 E. 71st St 12th Fl. 212-535-4499 212-535-8540 Richard French (Peter)
Richard Holbrooke rholbrooke(at) 212-651-6401 W 917-415-4868 C Perseus 1325 Ave of the Americas 25th floor New York NY 10019
Jonathan Edwards
Aiden Ortiz
Richard Kaufman richard(at) 310-453-5550 W 213-200-1300 C
Richard Medley richard(at) C (212) 201-1905 W 646-465-7860 W C C
RHM Global RHM Global LLC 1350 Avenue of the Americas, 4th Floor New York NY 10019 Richard
Parker richard_parker(at)Harvard.Edu richard_parker(at)Harvard.Edu 617-475-5139 H (617) 495-8269 W 617-216-2752 C
535 Quincy Mail Center Cambridge MA 2138
Richard Rosen richarddeanrosen(at) 917-902-1324 C 205 W. 88th Apt. 9c NY NY 10024 Rick Berke riberk(at) 212-556-5824 W
Rick Hertzberg Rick TNY 212-866-2842/845-727-5095 H 212-286-5897 W 917-364-1081 C
Rick Perlstein perlstein(at) 773-517-5026 C
Rick Vandiver 210-748-2432 C
Rita Hauser rhauser(at) 212-956-3645 W
Rob Johnson Rajshaman(at) rjohnson(at) 415-868-9340 H 203-552-1094 Fax 203-912-7367 C Haven Entertainment 98 Glenwood Dr. Greenwich Connecticut 6830
Rob Malley rmalley555(at) 202 352 3242 C
Rob Reiner (310)395-5505 H (310) 285-2300 W
Rob Riemen riemen(at) 31) (0)73 5130217 H 31. 6 11 53 18 40 C
Rob Russo RussoRV(at)
Rob Stein 703-647-4350 W
Robert Bryce robert(at) 512-445-5097 H 512-589-8235 C
Robert McNamara 667-5550 H 682-3132 W
Robert Pape rpape(at) 773-702-8071 W
Robert Scheer rscheer(at) rscheer(at) 310-451-4509/600-0972 H 510-841-7616 (h,sf) W 310-663-2513 (other) Fax
Robert Schlesinger rschles(at) 703-683-4494 H 202-427-6984 C
Robert Jay Lifton rjlifton(at) bjkappa(at) 508-349-9601 H 508-349-3544 H 617-547-5671 H
Daniel Phillips
Roger Cohen rocohen(at) rocohen(at) 718-499-7065 H NY Times
Roger Stone players02(at) 202-262-3034 C
Rolf Ekeus 468312653 H 317031125500 W 46705662777 C
Ron Klain Rklain(at) ronklain(at) 202) 776-1405 W (240) 354-7223 C Revolution LLC Counsel 1717 Rhode Island Avenue, NW 10th Floor Washington DC 20036
Ron Ladden ronladden(at) 312-853-3000 W 312- 649-9666 C Ladden & Allen 55 W. Monroe St Suite 3950 Chicago Illinois 60603
Ron Luckerman rluckerman(at) 818-674-0665 C 818-758-9464 H C C C
Ron Steel steel(at) (202) 234-6686 H 626-389-7098 C USC School of International Relati University Pk LA CA 90089 Ron Suskind 202-841-4011 C
Rose Styron rosestyron(at) 860-354-5939 (Conn.) H 212-888-6304 W 508-693-2535 (MV) Fax 12 Rucum Rd Roxbury, CT -6783 Box 1166 Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
Roy Spence Roy.Spence(at) 512-750-6060 C
Ruthie and Richard Rogers 207-974-9823/730-4887 H 207-386-4250 (River Cafe) W 7785530254 C London 45 Royal Ave SW34QE
Ruy Teixeira teixeira(at) teixeira(at) 301-704-8710 H
Ryan Lizza rlizza(at) (202) 955-0964 W (202) 494-2208 C
Sally Denton Sallydenton 505-983-3706 H 505-913-1268 C
Sam Gardiner samgard 703.534.7402 H 571.236.9747 C 4624 North Dittmar Road Arlington VA 22207 Sandy Berger shb55 363-8070 H 637-5698 W Hogan and Hartson 555 13th St. NW Suite 300 West Washington DC 20004 4228 45th St. NW Washington DC 20016
Sarah Chace sarah_chace(at) 617-852-9102 C 617-441-3015 H
Sarah Hurwitz shurwitz(at) 202-297-7831 W
Scott Berg 310-274-0116 H
Andrew Peterson
ROGER STONE bodyman for Trump on list. Oh fuck oh fuck………..
Noah Foster
Isaac Cox
Kek blesses us this day!
Josiah Russell
Scott Horton shorton(at) 914 712 0706 H 212-336-2820 W C 917-216-2319 C C patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10036
Scott Turow scottft(at) scott(at) 847-786-4081 H 312-876-8000 W 847-905-0410 W Evanston 848 Dodge #104 , Ill. 60202
Sean Daniel sdan45(at) 310-476-5028 H 323-956-4805 W SB: (805)695-0579 Fax 213-379-6000 C 7824492898 C
Sean Wilentz seanwilentz(at) swilentz(at) 609-921-6033 H 609-258-4702 W C 609-462-4114 C C c/o Hernandez 716 S. Madison Ave. Pasadena CA 91106
Sean in London Daniel seandaniel(at) O175 378 5472 HeatherDixon W 781 380 8563 Heathercell Fax 797 121 3924 C prod o: 175 365 6084 Pager The Metropolitan Hotel 19 Old Park Lane London, U.K. W1K 1LB 207 447 1000
Sergio Sanchez sergio_sanchez(at) 212-851-6459 C 703-992-6873 H
Shantelle Stein shantelle.stein(at) shantelle.stein(at) 44 207 693 1782 W
Sharon Luckerman sluckerman18(at) 313-885-4761 C
Shaun Woodward shaunwoodward(at) 207-233-2216 H 1865554251 H 7919596707 C 07740428580 Camilla C 44 207 2191291 W 10 Norham Gardens, Oxford OX2 Clink Wharf, London mustique 17844888151
Shawn Johnson shawnjjohnson(at) sjohnson(at) 501-688-8828 W 479-650-0208 C Mitchell Williams Selig Gates 425 W. Capitol, Suite 1800 Little Rock AR 72201 5115 Lee Avenue Little Rock AR 72205
Sheldon Drobny sdrobny(at) adrobny(at) 847 831 4505 H 847-287-4000 C
Simon Hoggart 181-8911780 H 207-219-0026/219-6738 W 7780958610 C London 27 Sandy Coombe Road Sloan Harris sharris(at) sharris(at) 203-762-7092 H 212-556-5721 W 917-748-2483/754-9212 C ICM 40 W. 57th St. 17th Fl. NY NY
Spencer Ackerman sackerman(at) 202-518-3894 H 202-508-4472 W 917-627-7424 C
Stanley Scheinbaum 310-471-9541 H 310-476-9853 Fax 345 N. Rockingham Avenue LA CA 90049 Stanley Sheinbaum SKS345(at) 310-472-9541 H
Stanley Sheinbaum 310-472-9541 H 345 N. Rockingham Ave. LA CA 90049 Stephanie Cutter 548-6800 W
Owen Morales
Stephanie Streett sstreett(at) 501-748-0420 W
Stephen Holmes HOLMESS(at) (646) 336-7296 H (212) 998-6357 W C 390572318564 C 917 856 8463 C
Stephen Rivers smr(at) 310-395-2993 W 310 991 2401 C
Stephen Schlesinger SchlesiS(at) 212-866-1650 H 212-229-5808 x3214 W
Steve Clemons Clemons(at) 202-232-2655 H 202-276-1176 C
Steve McMahon smcmahon(at) smcmahon(at) 703-519-8600 W 703-626-9943 C
Steve Rattner srattner(at) steve(at) C 212 396 4343 W C C C
Steve Ricchetti sricchetti(at) steve(at) 879-9321 W Ricchetti, Inc. Suite 700 East 1001 G St NW Washington DC 20001
Steve Weisman sweisman(at)PETERSONINSTITUTE.ORG 301-320-2565 H 202-454-1331 W 917-207-9133 C
Steve and Maureen Rattner maureen(at) maureen(at) 508-693-8282 (MV) Fax
Steven Gaghan gaghan(at) 310-908-1461 C
Stewart Wood Stewart.Wood(at)hm-treasury.x.gsi London Exchequer Sun Loma sloma(at) 773-262-3148 H 773-610-1318 C
Sun 773-262-3148 H 773-610-1318 C
Susan Blumenthal 240-432-0281 C 301 437 8485 C
Susan Eisenhower seisenhower(at)eisenhowerinstitut eisenhower.strategy(at) 301-652-6299 H 571 201 3170 C
Susan Loewenberg SALoewenberg 310-202-1863 H 310-560-1788 C
Susan McCue susan_mccue(at) susan_mccue(at) 224-0412 W 202-439-2732 C
Susie and Mark Buell belindavm(at) asteele(at) 415.248.7820 W 1550 Bryant Street, Suite 770 San Francisco, CA 94103
Tamera Luzzatto luzzatto(at) 202-333-0585/2382 H 3014 32nd St. NW Washington DC 20008
Tamera Luzzatto Luzzatto 244-3542 H 224-0290 W 228-1948 C
Landon Jackson
Report OP to request sticky!
Gabriel Sanders
Nicholas Ward
Taylor Branch mail(at)
Taylor Marsh taylor(at) 202-368-6441 H
Ted Widmer ted_widmer(at) 401 863 2725 W 401-523-1148 C 401 272 2939 H
John Carter Brown Library Box 1894 Providence RI 2912 Terry Alford talford(at) 703-256-6748 H
Terry McAuliffe 863-8002 (Yael Belkind) W
Terry McAuliffe terry(at),
Thomas Caplan thomcap(at) 410-886-2196 H
Tanglewood PO Box 223 21339 Foster Avenue Tilghman Maryland 21671 Tim Grieve
tgrieve(at) 916-254-0807 W 916-837-3199 C
Timothy Garton Ash timothy.gartonash(at) 1865274470 W 7767248733 C London St.
Antony's College Oxford OX2 6JF UK Tina Brown TBOfficeNY AssistantTB(at) (Kara)
Tina.Brown(at) 212-572-2240 H 212-371-1121 W C 917-301-3056 C 6463003562 C 1745 Broadway, #22E01 New York NY 10019 447 E. 57th St. NY NY
Todd Gitlin tg2058(at) tg2058(at) 212-663-8884 H 212-854-8124 W 917-523-4005 C 518-325-5278 H 2828 Broadway Aprt. 12A NY NY 10025
Tom Baldwin tom.baldwin(at) 202 333 4131 H 202 347 7659 W 202 368 0626 C
Tom Chandos tom(at) tom(at) 207-722-8329 H 207-499-7772 W 01488668037 (country) H 7798727014 C 2083456789 TC1 Pager London 9 Park Pl London
Tom Edsall tedsall(at) tedsall(at) 202 546 8389 H 202 266 7158 W 202 631 2611 C
Tom Edsall edsallt(at) t.edsall(at) 546-8389 H 212 854 6042 W 202 631 2611 C
Tom Frank wedelbe(at) 202 363 6867 H 3801 Alton Pl NW washington DC 20016
Tom Freedman TFreedma 237-9008 H 328-5046 W 271-7832 C
Tom Geoghehan geogh77(at) 312 372 2511 W 773 936 3663 C
Tom Mangold 7802880088 H 208-995-0930 W London Tom Matzzie tom(at)
Michael Nelson
Prepare the cannons lads!
Bentley Williams
Tom Oliphant Tom.Susan2(at) 202-965-5415 W
Tom Schaller schaller67(at) schaller67(at) 202-518-8722 H 410-455-2845 W
Toni Morrison 914-398-7792/398-0242 H 773-667-4201 W 773-667-5429 Fax
Tony Blinken ABlinken antony_blinken(at) 265-1362 H 224-4448 W 202-390-3914 C
Tony Podesta 352-4645 W
Tricia Davey 207-432-0803 (4) W London ICM 4-6 Soho Square 2nd Floor London
Trish Enright triciaenright(at) 202-230-2376 C
Tyler Drumheller tdrumheller1(at) 703-448-6702 H 202-638-5339 W 703-376-1625 C 8122 Boss St Vienna VA 22182 Viet Dinh 234-0090 W
Vladimir Pechatnov pechatnov(at)
VV Harrison twovees(at)
Walter and Ann Pincus pincusw(at) pincusw(at) 333-7770 H 334-7429 W 252-261-8247 H
Warren Beatty mp2980(at) 310-470-4752 H
Wayne Barrett 718-832-2454 H
Wayne Koontz clifton(at) 338-8303 H 298-6532 W
Wes Boyd wes(at) wes(at) 510-558-1328 W 1141 Walnut St. Berkeley CA 94707 Wes Clark 501 244-9522 W
Will Hutton will.hutton(at) will.hutton(at) 207-479-2158 W 7788564710 C London 34 Elms AVenue Muswell Hill N10 London William Weld 212-835-2007 W wilson valerie 202-213-4905 C
Wolfgang Ischinger wolfgangischinger(at) l-vz1(at) 0044 20 7824 1301 W London German Embassy 23 Belgrave Square London SW1X 8PZ UK
Wolfgang Nowak wolfgang.nowak(at) 49, (0)30-34 07 42 06 W 0049 172 2402473 C
Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft Sprecher Unter den Linden 13-15 10117 Berlin Germany
Yosri Fouda yosri21(at)
Zoe Chace zchace(at) 917-301-6983 C
Aiden Murphy
My phone's contact list just got yuge.
Jackson Roberts
Maybe now op can tell us why this shitpost is relevant. and why its something we couldn't have found on leaked source.
youd better save the webpage as a .html before someone takes the website offline and deletes the posts before putting the thread back up
Aiden Adams
Done, but its to late. I have it all saved, and am spreading it.
Blake Collins
IMO, it looks like someone just extracted contact information from the hillary emails.
Mason Wright
Not done. Just taking a look at what else I grabbed that is relevant. Few minutes.
Carson Hall
Adam Flores
Oliver Peterson
oh boy
Zachary Stewart
Can you say anything about where you got these from? We've been contacted by supposedly anons in FBI, Masons, etc. So..
Aaron Bell
Toasting in an epic bread
Julian Bailey
based op
Joseph Foster
Dont fucking ask him.
Jayden Myers
based OP delivers
Gabriel Peterson
OP are you safe? Do not answer any calls or door knocks. Turn off all lights
Sebastian Flores
No need to reveal. If these are accurate…hooo boy
Jaxon Morgan
Thomas Wood
a women answered "hello soros fund management" i was hoping it was his personal number kek
Jaxon Green
Here we go lads. OP has delivered.
Now it's our turn.
Adam Richardson
CAUTION! Before spamming these addresses and letting them know we have them, think about other things we might want to do first. Can some of these email accounts be hacked?
Isaiah Perry
plan of attack is best. there has to be a way to maximize all this potential
Aaron Ortiz
Adam Clark
Connor Morales
>Al Gore [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 703-875-9207
The point is to demoralize and sow fear first. They will know they've been compromised very quickly, probably too quickly for us to manipulate them effectively.
Cooper Watson
Loose lips sink ships.
The first thing a hacker would do is try each of the email addresses with a few thousand common passwords against the most common websites or sensitive servers the hacker had discovered.
Elijah Evans
Just saying that these have been out for almost month now..
Christian Cox
Call them and ask if they want to go to Comet Ping Pong for pizza
Henry Parker
Anyone know why there would be a list of financial entities with GPS coordinates?
Oliver Phillips
T AEWV 292100N 0473136E 29.35000,47.52666 ALLIANCE ALLIANCE 31 1 D NEB AFPA 420606N 1025218W 42.10166,-102.87166 ALMA ALMA 55 1 D WISC ADNN 441912N 0915453W 44.31999,-91.91472 ALMATY ALMATY KZ 4 KAZAK ALDL 432110N 0770225E 43.35277,77.04027 ALMNAS ALMNAS SW 3 SWEDE 591029N 0173175E 59.17471,17.53749 ALTENBAMBERG ALTNBMBG GE 4 GERMY 495100N 0075350E 49.85000,7.89721 ALTENWALDE ALTENWLD GE 4 GERMY ALAE 535010N 0083855E 53.83610,8.64860 ALTO PASS ALTOPASS 17 1 D ILL AGDB 374212N 0891906W 37.70333,-89.31832 ALTURAS ALTURAS 06 1 G CAL AGFM 412914N 1203229W 41.48721,-120.54138 ALTUS ALTUS 40 1 E OKLA AGGR 343819N 0992001W 34.63860,-99.33360 ALVIN ALVIN 48 1 E TEX AGSR 292505N 0951406W 29.41804,-95.23499 AMELIA EARHART AMLERHRT GE 4 GERMY AHMP 500405N 0081353E 50.06804,8.23138 AMELIA ISLAND FLORIDA AMELIAI 12 1 C FLA 303627N 0812737W 30.60750,-81.46027 AMHERST AMHERST 36 1 A N Y AHRS 425807N 0784800W 42.96860,-78.80000 AMSTENRADE AMSTENRD NL 4 NETHR AHUU 505800N 0055701E 50.96666,5.95027 ANCHORAGE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ANCGINTL 02 9 ALS AJBQ 611009N 1495907W 61.16916,-149.98527 ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE ANDSNAFB GQ 7 GUAM AJJY 133452N 1445539E 13.58110,144.92749 ANDERSON BARRACKS DEXHEIM ANDSNBKD GE 4 GERMY AJPG 495100N 0081736E 49.85000,8.29333 ANDERSON ANDERSON 18 1 D IND AJQP 400627N 0853641W 40.10750,-85.61138 ANDRADE ANDRADE 06 1 H CAL AJUZ 324300N 1144312W 32.71666,-114.71999 ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE ANDWSAFB 24 1 B MLD AJXF 384839N 0765202W 38.81083,-76.86721 ANDROS TOWN ANDRSTWN BF 1 BAHAM AJZB 244152N 0774746W 24.69777,-77.79610 ANGAT ANGAT RP 7 PHILI AJZX 145505N 1210100E 14.91804,121.01666 ANGELS PEAK ANGELSPK 32 1 G NEV AKEH 361915N 1153428W 36.32082,-115.57443 ANGLETON ANGLETON 48 1 E TEX AKHW 293706N 0952604W 29.61832,-95.43444 ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION ANPLSJNC 24 1 B MLD AKUX 390530N 0765030W 39.09166,-76.84166 ANNAPOLIS ANNAPOLS 24 1 B MLD AKUS 385836N 0762942W 38.97666,-76.49499 ANNISTON ANNISTON 01 1 C ALA AKWU 333800N 0854936W 33.63333,-85.82666 ANNVILLE ANNVILLE 21 1 B KEN AKXU 371909N 0835814W 37.31916,-83.97054 ANTHONY ANTHONY 20 1 D KAN ALJU 370906N 0980142W 37.15166,-98.02832 ANTLERS ANTLERS 40 1 E OKLA ALND 341354N 0953706W 34.23166,-95.61832 AOYAMA TOKYO CITY AYMTKYCY JA 7 JAPAN 354004N 1394314E 35.66777,139.72054 APALACHICOLA APALCHCL 12 1 C FLA ALYH 294335N 0850129W 29.72638,-85.02471 APPOMATTOX APPOMTTX 51 1 B VIR AMCS 372118N 0785148W 37.35500,-78.86333 ARAXOS ARAXOS GR 5 GREEC AMGB 380907N 0212538E 38.15194,21.42721 ARCHIE ARCHIE 29 1 D MO AMSR 382900N 0942102W 38.48333,-94.35055 ARDEN HILLS ARDNHLLS 27 1 D MINN AMYJ 450300N 0930908W 45.05000,-93.15222 ARKANSAS CITY ARKNSSCY 20 1 D KAN ANKS 370330N 0970212W 37.05833,-97.03666 ARLINGTON BALLSTON 1 ALGTNBLS 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 ARLINGTON BALLSTON 3 ALGTNBL3 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 ARLINGTON BALLSTON STATION ALGTNBSS 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 ARLINGTON QUINCY STREET STATION ALGTNQNC 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 ARLINGTON SEQIOIA PLAZA #2 ALGTNSP2 51 1 B VIR 385505N 0771005W 38.91804,-77.16804 ARLINGTON VIRGINIA SQUARE ALGTNVGN 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 ARLINGTON WEBB BUILDING ALGTNWBD 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 ARLINGTON ARLINGTN 17 1 D ILL ANNX 412830N 0891500W 41.47499,-89.25000 ARLINGTON ARLINGTN 39 1 B OHIO ANPT 405336N 0833906W 40.89333,-83.65166 ARLINGTON ARLINGTN 51 1 B VIR ANRS 385202N 0770316W 38.86721,-77.05444
Are you just derailing the data dump you massive faggot?
James Hughes
no.. exploring this weird site. looks like a lot of run of the mill illuminati conspiracy filterman tier stuff. it also has all the above names and numbers that just got dumped
Christopher Reyes
and a video archive of some dark stuff they have. looks like b-rated crap.
Kayden Robinson
where are all these adresses from? who are all those people? what the fuck is going?
Henry Morales
We have been rused by /x/
Carter Robinson
Someone, scan the page with url crawler or something, you'll find many weird urls.!
Asher Thomas
I live in Ballston. Can I do any on the scenes digging on whatever the hell this info is?
looks like they just copy & paste declassified stuff…could be classified tough.. dunno (walls of text as "background" … theres loads of links hinting at the same/new sites … i guess you have to follow a certain path to get somewhere? … havent found much tough…. im just clicking trou
Adrian Parker
Archive everything that you can!
Luis Collins
I think we should copy all these texts and stuff in somewhere our own hard drives and safe. Every pic in these sites is a link to other similar site and there is just so much stuff. Heres some mkultra-things: w
Carter Mitchell
The contact list is legit and establishes some important connections. I didn't know they may have been from Guccifer or this other website. Maybe I'm a bit new to this.
Note Tamera Luzzatto and the other famous ones.
I don't know what to make of the other stuff from that site.
I believed my whole life in a lot of things because that is what I was taught and shown on TV. Since the leaks started, I don't know what to think.
What is clear is that some companies went out and created a bunch of pseudocompanies that do fake research with no scholarly standards and we have been buying into it.
The same people that created fake cults to infiltrate other cults, Tavistock, also created fake environmental groups.
If there is some bigger game beyond Satanic Ritual Abuse and Moloch worshipping, it is beyond me.
This MK Ultra style site is far from the first one I've come across, and they all have weird little things to decrypt or uncover.
This one seems to be suggesting that the "greater game" has something to with particles being inserted into the stratosphere that are dessicated erythrocytes.
I have no idea if that is true, but it would explain the weird need to set up phony "environmentalist" organizations.
Myron Ebell was suing some of the phony ones, back in the day. Don't know what ever came of it.
Either way, the list is legit.
If it was Guccifer's, originally, I don't know. I know he was arrested and claimed that they were all devil worshippers at the top.
Are we really going in the direction that the Nazis, while bad, weren't what we have been taught, and were mostly out to exterminate child sacrificing Moloch worshippers? That the Inquisitions were actually about wiping out the Moloch worshippers? The Salem Witch Trials?
The bad guys are the good guys and the good guys are the bad guys?
It's a mixed up world.
I don't know what to think anymore, but until I do, I will continue to map this out, even though Umberto Eco claimed "there is no fucking map" at the end of Foucault's Pendulum.
Lincoln King
So how exactly did you find this?
Isaac Bennett
You're being trolled by /x/ tier garbage
Ryan Martin
I'm not worried about the theories behind everything as much as I am in establishing the connections between all of the power players.
Except that, even though the news doesn't talk about it, we know that the Saudi Arabian government funded both Bush and the terror attacks and also funded Hillary Clinton.
What story is the money telling us?
Colton Morgan
This could be disinfo and an attempt to discredit and steer this thread in a different direction but there is plenty of text on this page that may be worth looking through. To any anons not in the know, you can use F12 to enter developer mode and pull the text without the backgrounds and images from the raw html in the "sources" tab. I'd recommend using pastebin or similar to archive the text. Also, this could very well be a honeypot with CP or other illegal images buried deep in the site so be cautious and don't browse without ample protection.
Elijah Jenkins
formatting is familiar in the link below lel and the site has been updated to at least early this year because it had some july 2016 date with text about Trump candidacy on one of the pages
Awesome compilation of all those traitors' contact info OP. Too bad it's missing the info on Soros's spawns, the Rockefeller, Warrent Buffet, the gates family and the Rothschild (other than Hillary's favorite dyke).
Daniel Ross
ALMA ALMA 55 1 D WISC ADNN 441912N 0915453W 44.31999,-91.91472 ALMATY ALMATY KZ 4 KAZAK ALDL 432110N 0770225E 43.35277,77.04027 ALMNAS ALMNAS SW 3 SWEDE 591029N 0173175E 59.17471,17.53749 ALTENBAMBERG ALTNBMBG GE 4 GERMY 495100N 0075350E 49.85000,7.89721 ALTENWALDE ALTENWLD GE 4 GERMY ALAE 535010N 0083855E 53.83610,8.64860 ALTO PASS ALTOPASS 17 1 D ILL AGDB 374212N 0891906W 37.70333,-89.31832 ALTURAS ALTURAS 06 1 G CAL AGFM 412914N 1203229W 41.48721,-120.54138 ALTUS ALTUS 40 1 E OKLA AGGR 343819N 0992001W 34.63860,-99.33360 ALVIN ALVIN 48 1 E TEX AGSR 292505N 0951406W 29.41804,-95.23499 AMELIA EARHART AMLERHRT GE 4 GERMY AHMP 500405N 0081353E 50.06804,8.23138 AMELIA ISLAND FLORIDA AMELIAI 12 1 C FLA 303627N 0812737W 30.60750,-81.46027 AMHERST AMHERST 36 1 A N Y AHRS 425807N 0784800W 42.96860,-78.80000 AMSTENRADE AMSTENRD NL 4 NETHR AHUU 505800N 0055701E 50.96666,5.95027 ANCHORAGE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ANCGINTL 02 9 ALS AJBQ 611009N 1495907W 61.16916,-149.98527 ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE ANDSNAFB GQ 7 GUAM AJJY 133452N 1445539E 13.58110,144.92749 ANDERSON BARRACKS DEXHEIM ANDSNBKD GE 4 GERMY AJPG 495100N 0081736E 49.85000,8.29333 ANDERSON ANDERSON 18 1 D IND AJQP 400627N 0853641W 40.10750,-85.61138 ANDRADE ANDRADE 06 1 H CAL AJUZ 324300N 1144312W 32.71666,-114.71999 ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE ANDWSAFB 24 1 B MLD AJXF 384839N 0765202W 38.81083,-76.86721 ANDROS TOWN ANDRSTWN BF 1 BAHAM AJZB 244152N 0774746W 24.69777,-77.79610 ANGAT ANGAT RP 7 PHILI AJZX 145505N 1210100E 14.91804,121.01666 ANGELS PEAK ANGELSPK 32 1 G NEV AKEH 361915N 1153428W 36.32082,-115.57443 ANGLETON ANGLETON 48 1 E TEX AKHW 293706N 0952604W 29.61832,-95.43444 ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION ANPLSJNC 24 1 B MLD AKUX 390530N 0765030W 39.09166,-76.84166 ANNAPOLIS ANNAPOLS 24 1 B MLD AKUS 385836N 0762942W 38.97666,-76.49499 ANNISTON ANNISTON 01 1 C ALA AKWU 333800N 0854936W 33.63333,-85.82666 ANNVILLE ANNVILLE 21 1 B KEN AKXU 371909N 0835814W 37.31916,-83.97054 ANTHONY ANTHONY 20 1 D KAN ALJU 370906N 0980142W 37.15166,-98.02832 ANTLERS ANTLERS 40 1 E OKLA ALND 341354N 0953706W 34.23166,-95.61832 AOYAMA TOKYO CITY AYMTKYCY JA 7 JAPAN 354004N 1394314E 35.66777,139.72054 APALACHICOLA APALCHCL 12 1 C FLA ALYH 294335N 0850129W 29.72638,-85.02471 APPOMATTOX APPOMTTX 51 1 B VIR AMCS 372118N 0785148W 37.35500,-78.86333 ARAXOS ARAXOS GR 5 GREEC AMGB 380907N 0212538E 38.15194,21.42721 ARCHIE ARCHIE 29 1 D MO AMSR 382900N 0942102W 38.48333,-94.35055 ARDEN HILLS ARDNHLLS 27 1 D MINN AMYJ 450300N 0930908W 45.05000,-93.15222
Lucas Hernandez
ARKANSAS CITY ARKNSSCY 20 1 D KAN ANKS 370330N 0970212W 37.05833,-97.03666 ARLINGTON BALLSTON 1 ALGTNBLS 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 ARLINGTON BALLSTON 3 ALGTNBL3 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 ARLINGTON BALLSTON STATION ALGTNBSS 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 ARLINGTON QUINCY STREET STATION ALGTNQNC 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 ARLINGTON SEQIOIA PLAZA #2 ALGTNSP2 51 1 B VIR 385505N 0771005W 38.91804,-77.16804 ARLINGTON VIRGINIA SQUARE ALGTNVGN 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 ARLINGTON WEBB BUILDING ALGTNWBD 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 ARLINGTON ARLINGTN 17 1 D ILL ANNX 412830N 0891500W 41.47499,-89.25000 ARLINGTON ARLINGTN 39 1 B OHIO ANPT 405336N 0833906W 40.89333,-83.65166 ARLINGTON ARLINGTN 51 1 B VIR ANRS 385202N 0770316W 38.86721,-77.05444 ARMINGTON ARMINGTN 30 1 F MONT ANWB 472000N 0110550W 47.33333,-11.09721 ARMSTRONG BARRACKS BUEDINGEN AMSGBKSB GE 4 GERMY ANYF 501702N 0090614E 50.28388,9.10388 ARNOLD ARNOLD 29 1 D MO ANZV 382605N 0952200W 38.43471,-95.36666 ASHLAND ASHLAND 23 1 A MNE APKM 463752N 0682424W 46.63110,-68.40666 ASHLAND ASHLAND 51 1 B VIR APPL 374532N 0772849W 37.75888,-77.48027 ASHLEY ASHLEY 42 1 B PENN 411237N 0755348W 41.21027,-75.89666 ASHTABULA ASHTABUL 39 1 B OHIO APRH 414641N 0804142W 41.77804,-80.69499 ASHUELOT JUNCTION ASHLTJNC 30 1 F MONT APST 473326N 1114838W 47.55722,-111.81055 ASTOR ASTOR 12 1 C FLA APXN 290944N 0813132W 29.16222,-81.52554 ATHENS ATHENS 01 1 C ALA AQEN 344806N 0865818W 34.80166,-86.97166 ATLANTA ATLANTA 13 1 C GEO AQLV 334500N 0842312W 33.75000,-84.38666 ATLANTIC ATLANTIC 37 1 C N CAR AGGC 345330N 0762024W 34.89166,-76.33999 ATSUGI ATSUGI JA 7 JAPAN AQWD 352705N 1392712E 35.45138,139.45333 AUBURN HILLS ABRNHLLS 26 1 D MICH ARHQ 422401N 0831802W 42.40027,-83.30055 AUBURN AUBURN 18 1 D IND ARCT 412200N 0850336W 41.36666,-85.06000 AUGUSTA AUGUSTA 30 1 F MONT ARQZ 472934N 1122329W 47.49277,-112.39138 AUGUSTA AUGUSTA 34 1 A N J ARRE 410744N 0744343W 41.12888,-74.72860 AURORA AURORA 17 1 D ILL ARXL 414614N 0882818W 41.77054,-88.47166 AUSTIN AUSTIN 32 1 G NEV ARYH 392808N 1171146W 39.46888,-117.19610 AVIANO AVIANO IT 5 ITALY ASHE 460154N 0123553E 46.03166,12.59805 AVON AVON 25 1 A MASS ASNR 420750N 0710230W 42.13054,-71.04166 AVONDALE AVONDALE 22 1 E LIA 295446N 0901213W 29.91277,-90.20361 AYERS KASERNE KIRCHGOENS AYSKSNKC GE 4 GERMY ASTS 502829N 0083826E 50.47471,8.64055 BAD CANNSTATT BDCNNSTT GE 4 GERMY ATEW 484843N 0091413E 48.81194,9.23694 BAD SOELLINGEN BDSOLNGN GE 4 GERMY ATKV 485900N 0083330E 48.98333,8.55833 BADENER HOF HEILBRONN BDNHFHLB GE 4 GERMY 491000N 0010220E 49.16666,1.03888 BAIKU I RI BAIKUIRI KS 7 KORES 384834N 1272631E 38.80944,127.44194 BAKOKUS PEAK BAKOKSPK 53 1 F WASH AUTD 482222N 1244030W 48.37277,-124.67499 BALAN BALAN KS 7 KORES 371611N 1265100E 37.26971,126.85000 BALDY MOUNTAIN BALDYMTN 02 9 ALS AUVH 653305N 1643344W 65.55138,-164.56222 BALDY SUMMIT BLDYSMMT 41 1 F ORE 421755N 1224500W 42.29860,-122.75000 BALLAST POINT BALLSTPT 06 1 H CAL AUYP 324530N 1171100W 32.75833,-117.18333 BAMPTON CASTLE BMPTNCSL UK 3 UNKIN 514041N 0013522W 51.67804,-1.58944
Benjamin Wright
BANN BANN GE 4 GERMY AVQV 492355N 0073733E 49.39860,7.62582 BARABOO BARABOO 55 1 D WISC AVVS 433112N 0894614W 43.51999,-89.77054 BARBERS POINT BARBRSPT 15 8 HAW AVXS 211802N 1580600W 21.30055,-158.10000 BARDUFOSS BARDUFSS NO 3 NORWA AWCY 690300N 0183224E 69.05000,18.53999 BARDUNIA BARDUNIA 36 1 A N Y AVYU 410634N 0735948W 41.10944,-73.99666 BARIN FIELD BARINFLD 01 1 C ALA AWNB 302320N 0873807W 30.38888,-87.63527 BARKER BARKER 36 1 A N Y AWPP 431942N 0783318W 43.32832,-78.55500 BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE BKSDLAFB 22 1 E LIA AWUB 323006N 0933945W 32.50166,-93.66250 BARNES MUNI BARNES 25 1 A MASS AXQD 420928N 0701800W 42.15777,-70.30000 BARTER ISLAND BARTER I 02 9 ALS AYEE 700805N 1433442W 70.13471,-143.57832 BARTON BARRACKS BARTONBK GE 4 GERMY AYGN 491718N 0103403E 49.28833,10.56749 BARTONVILLE BARTONVL 17 1 D ILL AYGP 403901N 0893907W 40.65027,-89.65194 BASDAHL BASDAHL GE 4 GERMY AYHX 532629N 0085911E 53.44138,8.98638 BATES FIELD BATESFLD 01 1 C ALA 304118N 0881427W 30.68833,-88.24083 BATTLETOWN BATTLTWN 21 1 B KEN AZCH 380350N 0861738W 38.06388,-86.29388 BAYOU CHOCTAW BAYCHCTW 22 1 E LIA CVUU 301700N 0911406W 30.28333,-91.23499 BAYRAK GARRISON BYRKGRSN TU 5 TURKY AZUC 394015N 0324310E 39.67082,32.71943 BEALE AIR FORCE BASE BEALEAFB 06 1 G CAL BAEY 390810N 1212640W 39.13610,-121.44444 BEAUFORT BEAUFORT 45 1 C S CAR BBJM 322838N 0804324W 32.47721,-80.72332 BEAVER CREEK BEAVERCR 08 1 D COL 385000N 1044916W 38.83333,-104.82110 BEAVER DAM BEAVERDM 55 1 D WISC BCAW 432750N 0885014W 43.46388,-88.83721 BEAVER BEAVER 54 1 B W VA BBVK 374451N 0810833W 37.74749,-81.14249 BEDFORD HEIGHTS BEDFRDHT 39 1 B OHIO BCXR 412301N 0813001W 41.38360,-81.50027 BEEK BEEK NL 4 NETHR BDEV 505630N 0054800E 50.94166,5.80000 BELBASI BELBASI TU 5 TURKY BDMC 395101N 0324716E 39.85027,32.78777 BELCONNEN BELCONNN AS 7 AUSTL BDMR 351325S 1490515E -35.22360,149.08749 BELFAIR BELFAIR 53 1 F WASH BDRL 472703N 1224934W 47.45083,-122.82610 BELLE CHASSE BELLCHSS 22 1 E LIA BEGS 295118N 0895918W 29.85500,-89.98833 BELLE FOURCHE BELLFRCH 46 1 D S DAK BEHG 443900N 1035012W 44.65000,-103.83666 BELLEVUE BELLEVUE 19 1 D IOWA BEZF 421531N 0902522W 42.25861,-90.42277 BELLEVUE BELLEVUE 31 1 D NEB BFAG 410842N 0955330W 41.14499,-95.89166 BELLINGHAM BELLNGHM 53 1 F WASH BFFZ 484535N 1222900W 48.75972,-122.48333 BELLOWS BELLOWS 15 8 HAW BFMV 212158N 1574310W 21.36611,-157.71943 BENTWATERS BENTWTRS UK 3 UNKIN BHVX 520732N 0012600E 52.12554,1.43333 BERGEN BERGEN 34 1 A N J 404345N 0740358W 40.72916,-74.06611 BERGSTROM AIR FORCE BASE BRGSMAFB 48 1 E TEX 293412N 0973449W 29.56999,-97.58027 BERLIN TEUFELSBERG BLNTFLSB GE 4 GERMY 522712N 0131635E 52.45333,13.27638 BERLIN BERLIN 24 1 B MLD BKEN 381921N 0751305W 38.32249,-75.21804 BERWICK BERWICK 20 1 D KAN BKXR 395600N 0955040W 39.93333,-95.84444
Evan Ortiz
BETHANY BEACH BTHNYBCH 10 1 B DEL BLVR 383222N 0750320W 38.53944,-75.05555 BETHESDA NAVY MEDICAL CENTER BTSDNVYM 24 1 B MLD BMGM 385906N 0770530W 38.98499,-77.09166 BETTENDORF BETTNDRF 19 1 D IOWA BMFE 413109N 0902907W 41.51916,-90.48527 BEVERLY BEVERLY 54 1 B W VA BNAG 385033N 0795229W 38.84249,-79.87471 BICESTER BICESTER UK 3 UNKIN BNDE 515458N 0010745W 51.91611,-1.12916 BIG BEAR CITY BIGBERCY 06 1 H CAL BNTW 341549N 1165113W 34.26361,-116.85361 BIG ROCK POINT BIGRCKPT 26 1 D MICH BPPM 452140N 0851213W 45.36111,-85.20361 BIGGS AIR FORCE BASE BIGGSAFB 48 1 E TEX BPWZ 315058N 1062246W 31.84944,-106.37943 BILLERICA BILLERIC 25 1 A MASS BQKA 423336N 0711606W 42.56000,-71.26832 BINNS HALL BINNSHLL 51 1 B VIR 372209N 0765922W 37.36916,-76.98944 BISCAYNE BAY BISCYNBY 12 1 C FLA 253356N 0801300W 25.56555,-80.21666 BISMARCK BISMARCK 05 1 E ARK BSCF 341858N 0931014W 34.31611,-93.17054 BLACKLICK BLACKLCK 39 1 B OHIO 395944N 0824841W 39.99555,-82.81138 BLAIR LAKE BLAIR L 02 9 ALS BTSG 623245N 1500950W 62.54583,-150.16388 BLENHEIM CRESCENT BLNHMCSC UK 3 UNKIN BUHA 513430N 0002600W 51.57499,-.43333 BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP BLMFDTWN 26 1 D MICH 433216N 0831359W 43.53777,-83.23304 BLOOMFIELD BLOOMFLD 09 1 A CONN BUSC 414935N 0724350W 41.82638,-72.73054 BLOOMINGTON BLOMNGTN 18 1 D IND BUYA 390955N 0863135W 39.16527,-86.52638 BLOOMINGTON BLOMNGTN 49 1 G UTAH BUVF 370248N 1133619W 37.04666,-113.60527 BLOSSOM POINT BLOSSMPT 24 1 B MLD 382429N 0770636W 38.40805,-77.11000 BLOTNER BLOTNER 23 1 A MNE 442227N 0691655W 44.37416,-69.28193 BLOUNTSTOWN BLNTSTWN 12 1 C FLA BVET 302636N 0850242W 30.44333,-85.04499 BLOUNTVILLE BLONTVLL 47 1 C TENN BUEZ 363206N 0821924W 36.53499,-82.32332 BLOWHARD PEAK BLWHRDPK 49 1 G UTAH 373540N 1125138W 37.59444,-112.86055 BLUE MOUNTAIN BLUEMTN VQ 1 VIUSA 174525N 0644800W 17.75694,-64.80000 BLUEMONT BLUEMONT 51 1 B VIR BWDP 390640N 0775003W 39.11111,-77.83416 BOCA RATON BOCARATN 12 1 C FLA BXBP 262100N 0800512W 26.35000,-80.08666 BODEGA BAY BODEGABY 06 1 G CAL BXBW 382000N 1230242W 38.33333,-123.04499 BOE BOE NO 3 NORWA BXCN 633806N 0142704E 63.63499,14.45111 BOEING FIELD BOENGFLD 53 1 F WASH BXDH 473149N 1221800W 47.53027,-122.30000 BOEUN BOEUN KS 7 KORES BXGD 362657N 1275150E 36.44916,127.86388 BOHEMIA BOHEMIA 36 1 A N Y BXPA 404606N 0730648W 40.76832,-73.11333 BONAMES BONAMES GE 4 GERMY BPAB 501032N 0083917E 50.17554,8.65472 BONG AM RU BONGAMRI KS 7 KORES 375440N 1270044E 37.91111,127.01222 BONSHAW BONSHAW AS 7 AUSTL BYXU 352105S 1491005E -35.35138,149.16804 BOOKER MOUNTAIN BOOKRMTN 32 1 G NEV BPAD 380602N 1171601W 38.10055,-117.26693 BOONE BOONE 19 1 D IOWA BZCR 420335N 0935248W 42.05972,-93.87999 BOONSBORO BOONSBOR 24 1 B MLD BZFK 393022N 0773910W 39.50611,-77.65277 BOOTLEGGER RIDGE BTLGGRDG 30 1 F MONT 474611N 1111929W 47.76971,-111.32471 BORINQUEN BORINQUN RQ 1 PUERT TXHL 182945N 0670748W 18.49583,-67.12999 BOSCOMBE DOWN BSCMBDWN UK 3 UNKIN CABE 510930N 0014420W 51.15833,-1.73888 BOTLEY HILL BOTLYHLL UK 3 UNKIN CBFD 522000N 0000350E 52.33333,.06388
Leo Gray
BOULDER BOULDER 08 1 D COL CBRM 400054N 1051612W 40.01500,-105.26999 BOWIE BOWIE 24 1 B MLD CCSB 385520N 0764751W 38.92221,-76.79749 BOYDTON BOYDTON 51 1 B VIR CDKE 363348N 0781730W 36.56333,-78.29166 BOYERS BOYERS 42 1 B PENN CDKH 410630N 0795400W 41.10833,-79.90000 BRAC ISLAND BRAC I YO 5 YUGOS CDSL 431720N 0162931E 43.28888,16.49194 BRACKETTVILLE BRCKTTVL 48 1 E TEX 291837N 1002503W 29.31027,-100.41749 BRADENTON BRADENTN 12 1 C FLA CEAB 272907N 0823403W 27.48527,-82.56749 BRADLEY FIELD BRDLYFLD 09 1 A CONN GEKT 415615N 0724059W 41.93749,-72.68304 BRADLEY BRADLEY 09 1 A CONN CEKT 415615N 0724059W 41.93749,-72.68304 BRADSHAW BRADSHAW 15 8 HAW BRAL 194546N 1553321W 19.76277,-155.55583 BRAIDWOOD BRAIDWOD 17 1 D ILL CEXQ 411554N 0881244W 41.26500,-88.21222 BRAUNAU BRAUNAU GE 4 GERMY 510456N 0090829E 51.08221,9.14138 BRAWDY WALES BRWDYWLS UK 3 UNKIN 515259N 0000712W 51.88304,-.11999 BRAWDY BRAWDY UK 3 UNKIN CFXL 515259N 0050712W 51.88304,-5.11999 BRECKENDORF BRCKNDRF GE 4 GERMY CGGS 542515N 0093730E 54.42082,9.62499 BREEZY POINT BREEZYPT 51 1 B VIR CGRV 371555N 0790235W 37.26527,-79.04305 BREITSOL BREITSOL GE 4 GERMY CGWQ 495413N 0092549E 49.90361,9.43027 BREMARTON NAVAL HOSPITAL BRMTNHSP 53 1 F WASH BRAE 473540N 1224125W 47.59444,-122.69027 BREMEN BREMEN 18 1 D IND CGYX 412647N 0860853W 41.44638,-86.14805 BRIDGEPORT BRIDGPRT 09 1 A CONN CJEY 411001N 0731219W 41.16693,-73.20527 BRIDGEPORT BRIDGPRT 54 1 B W VA CJHP 391711N 0801523W 39.28638,-80.25638 BRIDGMAN BRIDGMAN 26 1 D MICH CJUA 415606N 0863303W 41.93499,-86.55083 BRIGHTON BRIGHTON 08 1 D COL CKDG 395907N 1044912W 39.98527,-104.81999 BRISTOL BRISTOL 09 1 A CONN CKMA 414018N 0725659W 41.67166,-72.94971 BROKENSTRAW BRKNSTRW 42 1 B PENN 415020N 0790833W 41.83888,-79.14249 BRONSON BRONSON 12 1 C FLA CLVR 292648N 0823830W 29.44666,-82.64166 BROOKLINE BROOKLIN 25 1 A MASS CMJR 421954N 0710718W 42.33166,-71.12166 BROOKLYN CENTER BKLYNCNT 27 1 D MINN CMKV 450409N 0932001W 45.06916,-93.33360 BROOKLYN BROOKLYN 39 1 B OHIO CMMP 412605N 0814458W 41.43471,-81.74944 BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE BROKSAFB 48 1 E TEX CNBC 292047N 0982555W 29.34638,-98.43193 BROUGHTON ISLAND BROGHTNI CA 2 FRANK 673322N 0634908W 67.55611,-63.81888 BROWNVILLE BROWNVLL 31 1 D NEB CPRL 402352N 0953928W 40.39777,-95.65777 BRUSHY MOUNTAIN BRSHYMTN 35 1 E N MEX CQPG 324624N 1081648W 32.77332,-108.27999 BRYAN MOUND BRYANMND 48 1 E TEX CQXJ 285706N 0952117W 28.95166,-95.35472 BUCHANAN BUCHANAN 36 1 A N Y CREA 411508N 0735602W 41.25222,-73.93388 BUCHON BUCHON KS 7 KORES 372000N 1264743E 37.33333,126.79527 BUCKINGHAM BUCKNGHM 51 1 B VIR CRTN 373248N 0783300W 37.54666,-78.55000 BUCKSPORT BUCKSPRT 23 1 A MNE CRZG 443430N 0684740W 44.57499,-68.79444 BUEREN BUEREN GE 4 GERMY CSHR 513305N 0083944E 51.55138,8.66222 BUERSTADT BUERSTDT GE 4 GERMY 493829N 0082716E 49.64138,8.45444
Hunter Walker
BULLVILLE BULLVL 36 1 A N Y CTEC 413239N 0742143W 41.54416,-74.36194 BUNKER HILL AIR FORCE BASE BNKHLAFB 18 1 D IND CTUM 403900N 0860908W 40.65000,-86.15222 BURAS BURAS 22 1 E LIA 292130N 0893200W 29.35833,-89.53333 BURKE BURKE 51 1 B VIR CUDW 384736N 0771619W 38.79333,-77.27193 BURLINGTON BURLNGTN 19 1 D IOWA CUHF 404827N 0910646W 40.80750,-91.11277 BURNS FLAT BURNSFLT 40 1 E OKLA CUVP 352054N 0991018W 35.34833,-99.17166 BURNS BURNS 56 1 D WYO CUVH 411134N 1042131W 41.19277,-104.35861 BURTONSVILLE BRTNSVLL 24 1 B MLD CUZW 390640N 0765558W 39.11111,-76.93277 BURTONWOOD BURTONWD UK 3 UNKIN CVAP 532400N 0023850W 53.40000,-2.64721 BUTMIR BUTMIR BK 4 BOSNI 435120N 0182313E 43.85555,18.38694 BYRD FIELD BYRD FLD 51 1 B VIR 373014N 0771915W 37.50388,-77.32082 BYRON BYRON 17 1 D ILL CVWT 420737N 0891520W 42.12693,-89.25555 CABO SAN JUAN CABOSNJN RQ 1 PUERT 182207N 0653739W 18.36860,-65.62749 CABUYO CABUYO RP 7 PHILI 162013N 1203333E 16.33694,120.55916 CAFE SAN BLAS CAFSNBLS 12 1 C FLA 294016N 0852122W 29.67110,-85.35611 CAIRNS ARMY CNSAMYAF 01 1 C ALA CWJG 311636N 0854236W 31.27666,-85.71000 CALIFORNIA CALIFORN 29 1 D MO CXEQ 383703N 0923406W 38.61749,-92.56832 CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDG 27 1 D MINN CXVK 453352N 0931337W 45.56444,-93.22693 CAMOLDOLI CAMOLDOL IT 5 ITALY CYPF 405130N 0141129E 40.85833,14.19138 CAMP AACHEN GREFENWOEHR CPACGFNW GE 4 GERMY 494155N 0115634E 49.69860,11.94277 CAMP ALBERTSHOF CPALBTSH GE 4 GERMY 491349N 0115046E 49.23027,11.84610 CAMP ASAHIKAWA CP ASHKW JA 7 JAPAN CYQW 434731N 1422211E 43.79194,142.36971 CAMP ASAKA CP ASAKA JA 7 JAPAN 354800N 0013937E 35.80000,1.66027 CAMP BEAUREGARD CPBERGRD 22 1 E LIA CYQY 312330N 0922230W 31.39166,-92.37499 CAMP BEDROCK CPBEDRCK BK 4 BOSNI CYQU 442417N 0183703E 44.40472,18.61749 CAMP BLANDING CPBLNDNG 12 1 C FLA CYQL 295812N 0815820W 29.96999,-81.97221 CAMP BULLIS CPBULLIS 48 1 E TEX CYRB 293446N 0983830W 29.57943,-98.64166 CAMP CASEY CP CASEY KS 7 KORES ERLW 375540N 1270413E 37.92777,127.07027 CAMP CASTLE CPCASTLE KS 7 KORES ERLT 375550N 1270338E 37.93054,127.06055 CAMP DOHA CP DOHA KU 6 KUWAT FHNC 292230N 0474000E 29.37499,47.66666 CAMP EAGLE CP EAGLE KS 7 KORES ESGU 372650N 1275850E 37.44721,127.98054 CAMP EDWARDS CPEDWRDS KS 7 KORES ESLN 374640N 1264710E 37.77777,126.78610 CAMP FALLING WATER CPFLGWTR KS 7 KORES ESNR 374405N 1270257E 37.73471,127.04916 CAMP GARRY OWEN CPGRYOWN KS 7 KORES 374845N 1265130E 37.81250,126.85833 CAMP GIANT CP GIANT KS 7 KORES CYQE 375001N 1264832E 37.83360,126.80888 CAMP GRUBER CPGRUBER 40 1 E OKLA CYQG 354025N 0951219W 35.67360,-95.20527 CAMP GUERNSEY CPGURNSY 56 1 D WYO CAAM 421535N 1044330W 42.25972,-104.72499 CAMP HUMPHREY CPHMPHRY KS 7 KORES EUVT 365720N 1274900E 36.95555,127.81666 CAMP ITAMI CP ITAMI JA 7 JAPAN 344720N 1352440E 34.78888,135.41111 CAMP KIM CP KIM KS 7 KORES 373109N 1265825E 37.51916,126.97360 CAMP KITA KUMAMOTO CPKTKMMT JA 7 JAPAN 325021N 1304358E 32.83916,130.73277 CAMP KURE CP KURE JA 7 JAPAN 341330N 1132310E 34.22499,113.38610 CAMP MABRY CP MABRY 48 1 E TEX ETLB 301900N 0974506W 30.31666,-97.75166 CAMP NELSON CPNELSON 06 1 H CAL 360834N 1183630W 36.14277,-118.60833 CAMP PARKS CP PARKS 06 1 G CAL ETVM 374350N 1215405W 37.73054,-121.90138 CAMP PENDELTON CPPNDLTN 51 1 B VIR ERVD 364907N 0755914W 36.81860,-75.98721
Michael King
CAMP PENIEL CPPENIEL 24 1 B MLD 393736N 0772622W 39.62666,-77.43944 CAMP RED CLOUD CPREDCLD KS 7 KORES ERVN 304501N 1270138E 30.75027,127.02721 CAMP ROBERTS CPROBRTS 06 1 H CAL EUHB 354956N 1204437W 35.83221,-120.74360 CAMP SAN LUSIS CPSANLSS 06 1 G CAL 351412N 1203821W 35.23666,-120.63916 CAMP SANTIAGO CPSANTIG RQ 1 PUERT CYQT 180115N 0661742W 18.02082,-66.29499 CAMP SCHIELS CPSCHILS JA 7 JAPAN 262130N 1274640E 26.35833,127.77777 CAMP SEARS CP SEARS KS 7 KORES EUPM 374512N 1270420E 37.75333,127.07221 CAMP SHELBY CPSHELBY 28 1 C MISS EURB 310930N 0891900W 31.15833,-89.31666 CAMP SURANAREE CPSURANR TH 7 THAIL 145725N 1020610E 14.95694,102.10277 CAMP THOMAS CPTHOMAS GE 4 GERMY EUZR 491041N 0080818E 49.17804,8.13833 CAMPBELL BARRACKS CMPBLLBK GE 4 GERMY CYWK 485052N 0084121E 48.84777,8.68916 CAMPBELL HEIDELBERG CMPBLHDL GE 4 GERMY 492300N 0084005E 49.38333,8.66804 CANAL FULTON CANALFUL 39 1 B OHIO CZAE 405304N 0813600W 40.88444,-81.60000 CANNON AIR FORCE BASE CANNNAFB 35 1 E N MEX CZQZ 342306N 1031926W 34.38499,-103.32388 CANNON FALLS CNNNFLLS 27 1 D MINN CZRF 443059N 0925409W 44.51638,-92.90250 CANTANO CANTANO RQ 1 PUERT DAHA 182600N 0670930W 18.43333,-67.15833 CANTON CANTON 36 1 A N Y DANZ 443548N 0751021W 44.59666,-75.17249 CAP HAITIEN CAPHAITN HA 1 HAITI DAYM 194358N 0721142W 19.73277,-72.19499 CAPE CHARLES CCHARLES 51 1 B VIR DBEF 371604N 0760104W 37.26777,-76.01777 CAPE DYER DEW CDYERDEW CA 2 FRANK DBKL 663524N 0613500W 66.58999,-61.58333 CAPE HOOPER C HOOPER CA 2 FRANK CPBJ 682740N 0665030W 68.46111,-66.84166 CAPE NEWENHAM AIR FORCE STATION CNWNHMAF 02 9 ALS CACH 583850N 1620338W 58.64721,-162.06055 CAPE PARRY C PARRY CA 2 MAKEN DBTS 700955N 1244145W 70.16527,-124.69583 CAPE ROMANZOF AIR FORCE STATION CRMNZFAF 02 9 ALS DBWT 614652N 1660211W 61.78110,-166.03638 CAPE SPENCER CSPENCER 02 9 ALS DCBZ 581158N 1363813W 58.19944,-136.63694 CAPE YOUNG C YOUNG CA 2 MAKEN CAAI 685615N 1165645W 68.93749,-116.94583 CAPEHART CAPEHART 15 8 HAW CABN 212902N 1580501W 21.48388,-158.08360 CARLTON CARLTON 55 1 D WISC DCTS 445700N 0872009W 44.95000,-87.33583 CARROCK HILL CRRCKHLL 45 1 C S CAR 345900N 0810330W 34.98333,-81.05833 CARROLL CARROLL 19 1 D IOWA DDME 420357N 0945200W 42.06583,-94.86666 CARSON CARSON 06 1 H CAL DDNS 334520N 1182315W 33.75555,-118.38749 CARVILLE CARVILLE 22 1 E LIA DEJP 301300N 0910508W 30.21666,-91.08555 CARY CARY 37 1 C N CAR DEJW 354718N 0784612W 35.78833,-78.76999 CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE CASTLAFB 06 1 G CAL DESR 372250N 1203402W 37.38054,-120.56721 CASTLE ROCK CASTLRCK 08 1 D COL DFFJ 392220N 1045120W 39.37221,-104.85555 CASTLE ROCK CASTLRCK 46 1 D S DAK DFFT 445752N 1032526W 44.96444,-103.42388 CECIL FIELD CECILFLD 12 1 C FLA DGAB 301258N 0815230W 30.21611,-81.87499 CEDAR FALLS CEDRFLLS 19 1 D IOWA DGCQ 423140N 0922643W 42.52777,-92.44527 CEDAR ISLAND CEDAR I 37 1 C N CAR 345330N 0762014W 34.89166,-76.33721 CEDAR RAPIDS CEDRRPDS 19 1 D IOWA DGGB 420030N 0913838W 42.00833,-91.64388 CENTER STRAFFORD CNTRSRFD 33 1 A N H DGVT 430017N 0711100W 43.00472,-71.18333 CENTERVILLE BEACH CNTRVLBC 06 1 G CAL DGXL 364406N 1192954W 36.73499,-119.49833 CENTRAL POINT CE POINT 41 1 F ORE DHAT 422225N 1225439W 42.37360,-122.91083 CENTRALIA CENTRALI 19 1 D IOWA DHDL 422820N 0905013W 42.47221,-90.83694 CERRO CUYON CERROCYN RQ 1 PUERT 180720N 0661359W 18.12221,-66.23304 CERRO DE PUNTA 2 CRRDPNT2 RQ 1 PUERT DHES 181028N 0663532W 18.17443,-66.59221 CERRO DE PUNTA CERRDPNT RQ 1 PUERT DHES 181028N 0663532W 18.17443,-66.59221 CERRO GORDO CERROGRD PM 1 PANMA DHFW 090224N 0794047W 9.03999,-79.67971 CERRO LA MOLE CERROLML HO 1 HONDU 135421N 2725207E 13.90583,272.86860 CERVIA CERVIA IT 5 ITALY 441350N 0121840E 44.23054,12.31111 CHA-DONG 3 RI CHADNG3R KS 7 KORES 380955N 1272625E 38.16527,127.44027 CHAMPLAIN CHAMPLAN 36 1 A N Y DHXP 445911N 0732649W 44.98638,-73.44694 CHANGHOWON CHANGHWN KS 7 KORES DJCL 370650N 1273800E 37.11388,127.63333 CHANGNYEONG CHNGNYNG KS 7 KORES DJCM 353225N 1282930E 35.54027,128.49166 CHANGSAN CHANGSAN KS 7 KORES DJDJ 351125N 1290850E 35.19027,129.14721 CHANNEL ISLAND CHANNELI 06 1 H CAL DJCF 340830N 1190640W 34.14166,-119.11111
Christopher Baker
CHANNELL ISLAND AIR NATIONAL GUARD CNLSLNDN 06 1 H CAL DJCF 340830N 1190640W 34.14166,-119.11111 CHANTILLY CHANTLLY 51 1 B VIR DJCT 385318N 0772554W 38.88833,-77.43166 CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE CHANTAFB 17 1 D ILL DJDB 401731N 0880838W 40.29194,-88.14388 CHANUTE CHANUTE 20 1 D KAN DJRK 374045N 0952725W 37.67916,-95.45694 CHAPEL HILL CHAPLHLL 37 1 C N CAR DJSP 355539N 0790226W 35.92749,-79.04055 CHAPPAQUA CHAPPAQU 36 1 A N Y DJVC 410934N 0734555W 41.15944,-73.76527 CHARLESTON AIR FORCE BASE CRLSNAFB 45 1 C S CAR DKFX 324357N 0800220W 32.73249,-80.03888 CHARLESTON CHARLSTN 45 1 C S CAR DKGL 324635N 0795553W 32.77638,-79.93138 CHARLESTOWN CHRLSTWN 18 1 D IND DKWQ 382711N 0854013W 38.45305,-85.67027 CHASE FIELD CHASEFLD 48 1 E TEX DLJG 282142N 0973947W 28.36166,-97.66305 CHATSWORTH CHTSWRTH 13 1 C GEO DLTL 344557N 0844612W 34.76583,-84.76999 CHAUTAUQUA CHAUTAUQ 36 1 A N Y DLYJ 421235N 0792801W 42.20972,-79.46693 CHEJU CHEJU KS 7 KORES DMEH 333035N 1263130E 33.50972,126.52499 CHELTENHAM CHELTNHM 24 1 B MLD DMKS 384400N 0764936W 38.73333,-76.82666 CHELVESTON CHELVSTN UK 3 UNKIN DMNA 521815N 0003110E 52.30416,.51943 CHENEY CHENEY 53 1 F WASH DMVL 472930N 1173443W 47.49166,-117.57860 CHEROKEE CHEROKEE 19 1 D IOWA DNJC 424458N 0953305W 42.74944,-95.55138 CHESHIRE CHESHIRE 09 1 A CONN DNQT 412956N 0725404W 41.49888,-72.90111 CHESTER CHESTER 24 1 B MLD DMRJ 385831N 0761723W 38.97527,-76.28971 CHIBANA CHIBANA JA 7 JAPAN DPKP 262455N 1274720E 26.41527,127.78888 CHICKASHA CHICKASH 40 1 E OKLA DPUT 350226N 0975708W 35.04055,-97.95222 CHICKSANDS CHCKSNDS UK 3 UNKIN DPUX 520249N 0002400W 52.04694,-.40000 CHOKOLOSKEE CHOKOLSK 12 1 C FLA DSJT 254809N 0812108W 25.80250,-81.35222 CHON BURI CHONBURI TH 7 THAIL 134500N 1013030W 13.75000,-101.50833 CHONAN CHONAN KS 7 KORES DSLA 364820N 1270920E 36.80555,127.15555 CHONGJU CHONGJU KS 7 KORES DSLV 363805N 1272930E 36.63471,127.49166 CHRISTMAS COMMON CRSMSCMN UK 3 UNKIN DSRA 513730N 0005840W 51.62499,-.97777 CLAREMONT CLAREMNT 33 1 A N H DUWT 432150N 0721757W 43.36388,-72.29916 CLARKSBURG CLRKSBRG 24 1 B MLD DVXH 391419N 0771647W 39.23860,-77.27971 CLARKSVILLE CLRKSVLL 29 1 D MO 392214N 0905418W 39.37054,-90.90500 CLAY CENTER CLAYCNTR 20 1 D KAN DWSR 373110N 0964615W 37.51943,-96.77082 CLAY KASERNE CLAYKSRN GE 4 GERMY 522712N 0131635E 52.45333,13.27638 CLAY STATION CLAY STA 06 1 G CAL DWRG 382010N 1210930W 38.33610,-121.15833 CLAYTON CLAYTON 34 1 A N J DWZK 393936N 0750533W 39.66000,-75.09249 CLEAR CREEK CLEAR CR 02 9 ALS CLAG 642648N 1473355W 64.44666,-147.56527 CLEAR CLEAR 02 9 ALS CLAB 641806N 1490704W 64.30166,-149.11777 CLEARLAKE CLEARLAK 48 1 E TEX DXGE 293318N 0950654W 29.55500,-95.11500 CLINES CORNER CLNSCRNR 35 1 E N MEX 350030N 1054006W 35.00833,-105.66832 CLINTON COUNTY CLINTNCO 39 1 B OHIO DZPL 392546N 0834757W 39.42943,-83.79916 CLINTON POINT CLINTNPT CA 2 MAKEN CLAC 693445N 1204415W 69.57916,-120.73749 CLINTON CLINTON 17 1 D ILL DYRP 400913N 0885752W 40.15361,-88.96444 CLINTON CLINTON 19 1 D IOWA DYRS 415040N 0901119W 41.84444,-90.18860 COBBS CREEK COBBS CR 51 1 B VIR EAYF 373020N 0762350W 37.50555,-76.39721 COCODRIE COCODRIE 22 1 E LIA 291448N 0903941W 29.24666,-90.66138 COEUR D ALENE COERDALN 16 1 F IDA EBUM 474630N 1164904W 47.77499,-116.81777 COFFEYVILLE COFFYVLL 20 1 D KAN EBXM 370214N 0953658W 37.03721,-95.61611 COLBY COLBY 20 1 D KAN ECDG 392345N 1010307W 39.39583,-101.05194 COLCHESTER COLCHSTR 09 1 A CONN ECHM 413432N 0721957W 41.57554,-72.33249 COLD BLOW COLDBLOW UK 3 UNKIN ECPV 511745N 0003655E 51.29583,.61527 COLD LAKE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE COLDLRCF CA 2 ALBRT CPAD 542838N 1101605W 54.47721,-110.26804 COLEMAN BARRACKS COLEMNBK GE 4 GERMY ECST 484516N 0082834E 48.75444,8.47610 COLEMAN SANDHOFEN CLMNSNDH GE 4 GERMY 493332N 0082814E 49.55888,8.47054 COLONIAL HEIGHTS COLONLHT 51 1 B VIR EDNU 371438N 0772438W 37.24388,-77.41055 COLONY COLONY 56 1 D WYO EDNX 444102N 1035401W 44.68388,-103.90027
Tyler Foster
COLORADO SPRINGS COLRDSPR 08 1 D COL EDUJ 385002N 1044915W 38.83388,-104.82082 COLTANO COLTANO IT 5 ITALY EDUT 432928N 0102420E 43.49110,10.40555 COLTISHALL COLTSHLL UK 3 UNKIN EDUM 524516N 0012132E 52.75444,1.35888 COLUMBIA PIKE COLUMBPK 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 COLUMBIA COLUMBIA 24 1 B MLD EDWH 391425N 0765023W 39.24027,-76.83971 COLUMBUS AIR FORCE BASE CLMBSAFB 28 1 C MISS EEPZ 333837N 0882638W 33.64360,-88.44388 COLUMBUS COLUMBUS 18 1 D IND EEMZ 391205N 0855517W 39.20138,-85.92138 COLUMBUS COLUMBUS 37 1 C N CAR 351448N 0821218W 35.24666,-82.20500 COMISO COMISO IT 5 ITALY EFS1 365630N 0143600E 36.94166,14.60000 CONCORD CONCORD KS 7 KORES EGUE 374537N 1270022E 37.76027,127.00611 CONCORDIA CONCORDI 20 1 D KAN EGUL 393415N 0973944W 39.57082,-97.66222 CONCRETE CONCRETE 38 1 D N DAK EQXQ 484444N 0975603W 48.74555,-97.93416 CONGRESS HEIGHTS CENTRAL OFFICE CGHTCEOF 11 1 B DIC 385620N 0770500W 38.93888,-77.08333 CONNBARRACKS SCHWEINFURT CNBKSCWN GE 4 GERMY EHMA 500331N 0100949E 50.05861,10.16361 CONNERSVILLE CNNRSVLL 18 1 D IND EHSP 393825N 0851544W 39.64027,-85.26222 CONSTANTA CONSTANT RO 4 RUMAN 442170N 0282930E 44.36944,28.49166 CONSTITUTION CONSTTTN 39 1 B OHIO EJCQ 392053N 0813317W 39.34805,-81.55472 CORALVILLE LAKE CORLVLLL 19 1 D IOWA ELHB 414035N 0913449W 41.67638,-91.58027 CORAM CORAM 36 1 A N Y ELKU 405201N 0730001W 40.86693,-73.00027 CORDELE CORDELE 13 1 C GEO ELRT 315800N 0834810W 31.96666,-83.80277 CORNELIUS CORNELIS 37 1 C N CAR EMJA 352808N 0805106W 35.46888,-80.85166 CORONADO CORONADO 04 1 H ARZ EMVU 323144N 1104658W 32.52888,-110.78277 CORRAL BLUFFS CRRLBLFS 08 1 D COL 385154N 1033431W 38.86500,-103.57527 CORTEZ CORTEZ 12 1 C FLA ENJW 272808N 0824111W 27.46888,-82.68638 COTTONWOOD COTTONWD 46 1 D S DAK EPAE 435801N 1015420W 43.96693,-101.90555 COUNCIL BLUFFS CNCLBLFS 19 1 D IOWA EPKA 411534N 0955139W 41.25944,-95.86083 CRAIG CRAIG 08 1 D COL EWBK 403055N 1073245W 40.51527,-107.54583 CRAIOVA ROMANIA CRAIOVA RO 4 RUMAN 441906N 0235318E 44.31832,23.88833 CRANE CRANE 18 1 D IND EWJF 385328N 0865414W 38.89110,-86.90388 CRAWFORDSVILLE CRWFDSVL 18 1 D IND EWUN 400228N 0865228W 40.04110,-86.87443 CREIGHTON CREIGHTN 46 1 D S DAK EWWR 441518N 1021227W 44.25500,-102.20750 CRESCENT JUNCTION CSCNTJNC 49 1 G UTAH EWYT 385636N 1094900W 38.94333,-109.81666 CRESTON CRESTON 19 1 D IOWA EXAN 410331N 0942140W 41.05861,-94.36111 CRESTWOOD CRESTWOD 17 1 D ILL EXCP 413940N 0874509W 41.66111,-87.75250 CRESTWOOD CRSTWOOD 17 1 D ILL EXCP 413940N 0874509W 41.66111,-87.75250 CREVE COUER CREVECOR 29 1 D MO EXET 403850N 0893528W 40.64721,-89.59110 CROFTON CROFTON 24 1 B MLD EXGV 390006N 0764116W 39.00166,-76.68777 CROWNSVILLE CRWNSVLL 24 1 B MLD EXVU 393622N 0760040W 39.60611,-76.01111 CUBI POINT CUBI PT RP 7 PHILI EYAZ 144800N 1201610E 14.80000,120.26943 CULDROSE CULDROSE UK 3 UNKIN EYFR 500510N 0051511W 50.08610,-5.25305 CUPERTINO CUPERTIN 06 1 G CAL EYPE 371904N 1220109W 37.31777,-122.01916 CUSHING CUSHING 19 1 D IOWA EYXR 422753N 0954029W 42.46472,-95.67471 CYPRESS CYPRESS 06 1 H CAL EZEU 335001N 1180202W 33.83360,-118.03388 DAHLGREN DAHLGREN 51 1 B VIR EZHK 381952N 0770305W 38.33110,-77.05138 DAL MOLIN MILITARY AIRPORT VICENZA NODE2 DLMLNAP2 IT 5 ITALY 453423N 0113143E 45.57304,11.52860
Adrian Gray
DAL MOLIN MILITARY AIRPORT VICENZA DLMLNAPT IT 5 ITALY 453423N 0113143E 45.57304,11.52860 DALE CITY DALE CY 51 1 B VIR 383813N 0771841W 38.63694,-77.31138 DALEY BARRACKS BKISSINGEN DLYBKBKS GE 4 GERMY EZNT 501234N 0100500E 50.20944,10.08333 DALLAS FORT WORTH AIRPORT DLSFTWTA 48 1 E TEX EZSE 325348N 0970228W 32.89666,-97.04110 DANA DANA 18 1 D IND FAFC 394828N 0872942W 39.80777,-87.49499 DANBURY DANBURY 09 1 A CONN FAGZ 412341N 0732716W 41.39471,-73.45444 DANDAN DANDAN GQ 7 GUAM FAJA 132800N 1444540E 13.46666,144.76111 DANIELSON DANIELSN 09 1 A CONN FAKC 414809N 0715311W 41.80250,-71.88638 DANNELLY AIRPORT DNLYARPT 01 1 C ALA FAKZ 321800N 0862328W 32.30000,-86.39110 DANNENFELS DANNNFLS GE 4 GERMY FAMA 493733N 0075512E 49.62582,7.91999 DARBY NUERNBERG DRBYNNBG GE 4 GERMY DAAN 492744N 0105933E 49.46222,10.99249 DARIEN DARIEN 17 1 D ILL FAUW 414507N 0902536W 41.75194,-90.42666 DARNESTOWN DARNSTWN 24 1 B MLD FAXK 390612N 0771728W 39.10333,-77.29110 DAUPHIN ISLAND DAUPHINI 01 1 C ALA 301519N 0880635W 30.25527,-88.10972 DAVENPORT DAVENPRT 19 1 D IOWA FBDH 413125N 0903439W 41.52360,-90.57749 DAVIDSONVILLE DVDSNVLL 24 1 B MLD FBJR 385759N 0764100W 38.96638,-76.68333 DAVIS MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE DVSMNAFB 04 1 H ARZ FBNV 320959N 1105257W 32.16638,-110.88249 DAZEY DAZEY 38 1 D N DAK FCLJ 471104N 0981203W 47.18444,-98.20083 DE RIDDER DERIDDER 22 1 E LIA FCPB 305048N 0931718W 30.84666,-93.28833 DE-PEEL DEPEEL NL 4 NETHR FEWA 513106N 0055112E 51.51832,5.85333 DECIMOMANNU DECIMMNN IT 5 ITALY FDCZ 392118N 0085830E 39.35500,8.97499 DECORAH DECORAH 19 1 D IOWA FDAV 431812N 0914708W 43.30333,-91.78555 DEDEDO DEDEDO GQ 7 GUAM FDBG 133135N 1445008E 13.52638,144.83555 DEERING DEERING 38 1 D N DAK FDGH 482343N 1010258W 48.39527,-101.04944 DELAWARE CITY DELAWRCY 10 1 B DEL FDVC 393440N 0753521W 39.57777,-75.58916 DELRAY BEACH DELRYBCH 12 1 C FLA FDYR 262707N 0800309W 26.45194,-80.05250 DELTA DELTA 49 1 G UTAH FD2T 392106N 1123436W 39.35166,-112.57666 DENISON DENISON 19 1 D IOWA FEKA 420104N 0952101W 42.01777,-95.35027 DENVER TECHNICAL CENTER DNVTCLCN 08 1 D COL 393852N 1045914W 39.64777,-104.98721 DENVER DENVER 08 1 D COL FEQM 394421N 1045903W 39.73916,-104.98416 DEQUINCY DEQUINCY 22 1 E LIA FCNF 302701N 0932600W 30.45027,-93.43333 DES MOINES DESMOINS 19 1 D IOWA FFAJ 413632N 0933632W 41.60888,-93.60888 DETROIT LAKES DETROITL 27 1 D MINN FFKJ 465000N 0955048W 46.83333,-95.84666 DEWAR LAKES DEWAR L CA 2 FRANK FFRL 683730N 0710815W 68.62499,-71.13749 DFAS INDIANAPOLIS DFSINDNP 18 1 D IND 394606N 0860929W 39.76832,-86.15805 DHAHRAN KHOBAR TOWERS DHNKHBTW SA 6 SAURB 261523N 0501228E 26.25638,50.20777 DHAHRAN LUCKY BASE DHNLKYBS SA 6 SAURB 261443N 0500457E 26.24527,50.08249 DHAHRAN TAD-TOWN DHNTDTWN SA 6 SAURB 261443N 0500457E 26.24527,50.08249 DHAHRAN DHAHRAN SA 6 SAURB FFTJ 261550N 0500930E 26.26388,50.15833 DIAMOND RIDGE DIMNDRDG 02 9 ALS 594052N 1513723W 59.68110,-151.62304 DICKINSON DICKINSN 48 1 E TEX FFZS 292706N 0950300W 29.45166,-95.05000 DIEGO GARCIA DIEGOGRC IO 7 BRIOC FGDD 071520S 0722420E -7.25555,72.40555 DIGBY DIGBY UK 3 UNKIN DJAN 443325N 0654700W 44.55694,-65.78333 DISA ALASKA DISAALSK 02 9 ALS 611306N 1495330W 61.21832,-149.89166 DISA EUR DISA EUR GE 4 GERMY 484410N 0090450E 48.73610,9.08054 DISA HQ ARLINGTON DSHQALGT 51 1 B VIR FGLS 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 DIX DIX 31 1 D NEB FGPE 411401N 1032903W 41.23360,-103.48416
Jackson Anderson
DOBBINS AIR FORCE BASE DBBNSAFB 13 1 C GEO FGWB 335455N 0843059W 33.91527,-84.51638 DODGE CITY DODGE CY 20 1 D KAN FHJG 374542N 0995751W 37.76166,-99.96416 DONG MASAN DONGMASN KS 7 KORES 350915N 1283920E 35.15416,128.65555 DONNELLY DOME DNNLLYDM 02 9 ALS 634714N 1455142W 63.78721,-145.86166 DONNYBROOK DONNYBRK 38 1 D N DAK FJCT 483034N 1015305W 48.50944,-101.88471 DORNBERG KASERNE DRNBGKSN GE 4 GERMY 510108N 0092443E 51.01888,9.41194 DOUGLAS DOUGLAS 04 1 H ARZ FJPP 312035N 1093025W 31.34305,-109.50694 DOUGLAS DOUGLAS 37 1 C N CAR 351309N 0805609W 35.21916,-80.93583 DOUSMAN DOUSMAN 55 1 D WISC FJWY 430100N 0882850W 43.01666,-88.48054 DOVER AIR FORCE BASE DOVERAFB 10 1 B DEL FJXT 390737N 0752752W 39.12693,-75.46444 DOVER DOVER 10 1 B DEL FJYB 390929N 0753129W 39.15805,-75.52471 DOWNS BARRACKS FULDA DWNSBKFD GE 4 GERMY FLFG 503323N 0093913E 50.55638,9.65361 DRACKENBERG DRCKNBRG GE 4 GERMY 521303N 0104700E 52.21749,10.78333 DRAKE BARRACKS DRKFNKFT GE 4 GERMY FLLZ 500950N 0084056E 50.16388,8.68221 DRY RIDGE DRYRIDGE 21 1 B KEN FLXC 384055N 0843524W 38.68193,-84.58999 DUBLIN DUBLIN 13 1 C GEO 323343N 0825910W 32.56194,-82.98610 DUBLIN DUBLIN 48 1 E TEX 320501N 0982006W 32.08360,-98.33499 DUBUQUE DUBUQUE 19 1 D IOWA FMEN 423002N 0903952W 42.50055,-90.66444 DUENSEN DUENSEN GE 4 GERMY FMGF 525553N 0083836E 52.93138,8.64333 DUETTE DUETTE 12 1 C FLA 273504N 0820704W 27.58444,-82.11777 DUKE FIELD DUKE FLD 12 1 C FLA FMNU 303858N 0863104W 30.64944,-86.51777 DULUTH DULUTH 13 1 C GEO FMJS 340010N 0840841W 34.00277,-84.14471 DUMFRIES DUMFRIES 51 1 B VIR FMPX 383403N 0771942W 38.56749,-77.32832 DURANGO DURANGO 08 1 D COL FNHZ 371631N 1075246W 37.27527,-107.87943 DYE 1 DYE 1 GL 2 GRNLD 663808N 0525145W 66.63555,-52.86250 DYE 2 DYE 2 GL 2 GRNLD 662923N 0461749W 66.48971,-46.29694 DYE 3 DYE 3 GL 2 GRNLD 651054N 0434926W 65.18166,-43.82388 DYE 4 DYE 4 GL 2 GRNLD 653132N 0371034W 65.52554,-37.17610 DYE 5 DYE 5 IC 2 ICELD 635734N 0224316W 63.95944,-22.72110 DYESS AIR FORCE BASE DYESSAFB 48 1 E TEX FNWZ 322514N 0995114W 32.42054,-99.85388 DYSART DYSART 19 1 D IOWA FPFP 421018N 0921822W 42.17166,-92.30611 EAGLE PEAK EAGLEPEK 48 1 E TEX 305513N 1050509W 30.92027,-105.08583 EAGLE EAGLE 08 1 D COL FQRZ 393919N 1064941W 39.65527,-106.82804 EAKER AIR FORCE BASE EAKERAFB 05 1 E ARK 355751N 0895645W 35.96416,-89.94583 EARECKSON AIR FORCE STATION ERKSNAFS 02 8 ALS VNMH 524250N 1740700W 52.71388,-174.11666 EAST BLYN E BLYN 53 1 F WASH FPPA 480118N 1230018W 48.02166,-123.00500 EAST CHICAGO ECHICAGO 18 1 D IND FPPZ 413821N 0872717W 41.63916,-87.45472 EAST HARTFORD EHARTFRD 09 1 A CONN FPUW 414656N 0723645W 41.78221,-72.61250 EAST HAVEN E HAVEN 09 1 A CONN FPVW 411634N 0725208W 41.27610,-72.86888 EAST PEORIA E PEORIA 17 1 D ILL FQKM 403908N 0893404W 40.65222,-89.56777 EAST WINDSOR EWINDSOR 34 1 A N J FQQF 401358N 0743125W 40.23277,-74.52360 EBEYE ISLAND EBEYE I NQ 7 TTERP 084630N 1674358E 8.77499,167.73277 EDINBURG EDINBURG 18 1 D IND FSGH 392115N 0855800W 39.35416,-85.96666 EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE EDWDSAFB 06 1 H CAL FSPM 345418N 1175258W 34.90500,-117.88277 EGG HARBOR EGGHARBR 34 1 A N J FTDD 393154N 0743900W 39.53166,-74.65000 EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE EGLINAFB 12 1 C FLA FTFA 302912N 0863134W 30.48666,-86.52610 EGLIN AUXILIARY FIELD 3 EGLNAXLY 12 1 C FLA FTEP 303906N 0863123W 30.65166,-86.52304 EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE EILSNAFB 02 9 ALS FTQW 643954N 1470550W 64.66500,-147.09721 EL DORADO ELDORADO 20 1 D KAN FUMH 374902N 0965143W 37.81721,-96.86194 EL TORO MARINE CORPS AIR STATION ELTRMCAS 06 1 H CAL FUZD 334019N 1174334W 33.67193,-117.72610 EL TORO EL TORO 06 1 H CAL FUZG 334101N 1174001W 33.68360,-117.66693
Ayden Fisher
ELDORADO AIR STATION ELDORDAS 48 1 E TEX ELAW 305841N 1003308W 30.97804,-100.55222 ELDORADO SPRINGS ELDRDSPR 29 1 D MO 375204N 0940103W 37.86777,-94.01749 ELIZABETH ELIZABTH 54 1 B W VA FVPF 390348N 0812343W 39.06333,-81.39527 ELK GROVE ELKGROVE 17 1 C ILL FVTT 420118N 0875918W 42.02166,-87.98833 ELKHART ELKHART 18 1 D IND FVYR 414055N 0855836W 41.68193,-85.97666 ELLENDALE ELLENDAL 10 1 B DEL FJXW 384932N 0752604W 38.82554,-75.43444 ELLINGTON AIR FORCE BASE ELGTNAFB 48 1 E TEX FWJL 293641N 0950934W 29.61138,-95.15944 ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE ELSWTAFB 46 1 D S DAK FXBM 440842N 1030611W 44.14499,-103.10305 ELLSWORTH ELLSWRTH 19 1 D IOWA FWXK 421846N 0933443W 42.31277,-93.57860 ELLSWORTH ELLSWRTH 55 1 D WISC FXPJ 444415N 0922847W 44.73749,-92.47971 ELLYSON FIELD ELYSNFLD 12 1 C FLA 303130N 0871147W 30.52499,-87.19638 ELMER ELMER 24 1 B MLD 390927N 0772908W 39.15750,-77.48555 ELMSFORD ELMSFORD 36 1 N Y FYBD 410330N 0734900W 41.05833,-73.81666 ELMWOOD PARK ELMWODPK 17 1 D ILL FYCG 415530N 0874848W 41.92499,-87.81333 ELMWOOD PARK ELMWODPK 34 1 A N J 405414N 0740708W 40.90388,-74.11888 ELMWOOD ELMWOOD 47 1 C TENN 361333N 0855305W 36.22582,-85.88471 EMERY EMERY GE 4 GERMY FYYT 494914N 0095356E 49.82054,9.89888 EMMERZHAUSEN EMMRZHSN GE 4 GERMY 504206N 0080203E 50.70166,8.03416 EMMETSBURG EMMTSBRG 19 1 D IOWA FZGV 430646N 0944058W 43.11277,-94.68277 EMPORIA EMPORIA 20 1 D KAN FZZD 382414N 0961053W 38.40388,-96.18138 ENGELHARD ENGELHRD 37 1 C N CAR 353036N 0755942W 35.51000,-75.99499 ENGLAND AIR FORCE BASE EGLNDAFB 22 1 E LIA GAML 311952N 0923120W 31.33110,-92.52221 ENGLEWOOD ENGLEWOD 08 1 D COL GBAR 393852N 1045914W 39.64777,-104.98721 ENYLBGNI ENYLBGNI NQ 7 TTERP 084801N 1673651E 8.80027,167.61416 ERIE ERIE 36 1 A N Y 421109N 0764013W 42.18583,-76.67027 ERLANGER ERLANGER 39 1 B OHIO 390252N 0844007W 39.04777,-84.66860 ERNDTEBRUCKE ERNDTBRK GE 4 GERMY GCYL 505900N 0081723E 50.98333,8.28971 ERP ERP NL 4 NETHR GDFF 513614N 0053833E 51.60388,5.64249 ERZURUM ERZURUM TU 5 TURKY GDLN 395724N 0411001E 39.95666,41.16693 ESENBOGA ESENBOGA TU 5 TURKY GEAW 400745N 0325948E 40.12916,32.99666 ESKAN VILLAGE ESKNVLLG SA 6 SAURB GEBN 243340N 0465000E 24.56111,46.83333 ESTACA DE BARES ESTCDBRS SP 5 SPAIN 434713N 0071923W 43.78694,-7.32304 ESTARTIT ESTARTIT SP 5 SPAIN GETM 420336N 0031220E 42.06000,3.20555 ESTHERVILLE ESTHRVLL 19 1 D IOWA GEUF 432406N 0944957W 43.40166,-94.83249 ETAM ETAM 54 1 B W VA 391707N 0794342W 39.28527,-79.72832 EUCLID EUCLID 39 1 B OHIO GEZS 413406N 0813212W 41.56832,-81.53666 EUREKA EUREKA 32 1 G NEV GFXY 393109N 1155800W 39.51916,-115.96666 EVANSVILLE EVANSVLL 18 1 D IND GGFX 375829N 0873321W 37.97471,-87.55583 EVENES EVENES NO 3 NORWA GGJG 682928N 0164047E 68.49110,16.67971 EVERBERG-DEBRUBBE EVRBGDBB BE 4 BELG GGJC 505158N 0043450E 50.86611,4.58054 EVERGLADES CITY EVRGDSCY 12 1 C FLA GGPS 255142N 0812318W 25.86166,-81.38833 FABENS FABENS 48 1 E TEX 313020N 1060905W 31.50555,-106.15138 FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FBNKSINT 02 9 ALS GJFZ 644852N 1475146W 64.81444,-147.86277 FAIRCHILD FAIRCHLD 53 1 F WASH GJKZ 473653N 1173918W 47.61472,-117.65500 FAIRFIELD FAIRFILD 09 1 A CONN GKLX 410828N 0731551W 41.14110,-73.26416 FAIRFIELD FAIRFILD 19 1 D IOWA GKMJ 410031N 0915745W 41.00861,-91.96250 FAIRLIE FAIRLIE UK 3 UNKIN GKWE 554554N 0045130W 55.76500,-4.85833 FAIRMONT FAIRMONT 19 1 D IOWA 430900N 0931218W 43.15000,-93.20500 FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS FAIRVWHT 17 1 D ILL GLDM 383402N 0900100W 38.56721,-90.01666 FAIRVIEW FAIRVIEW 20 1 D KAN GLBU 395028N 0954340W 39.84110,-95.72777 FALCON DAM FALCONDM 48 1 E TEX GLHR 263330N 0991006W 26.55833,-99.16832 FALCON HEIGHTS FALCONHT 48 1 E TEX 263331N 0990722W 26.55861,-99.12277 FALCONARA FALCONAR IT 5 ITALY GLKV 433703N 0132151W 43.61749,-13.36416 FALL BRANCH FLLBRNCH 47 1 C TENN GLJK 362512N 0823712W 36.41999,-82.61999 FARFAN FARFAN PM 1 PANMA GMGP 085520N 0793505W 8.92221,-79.58471
Robert Russell
God damn, you retards need to lurk moar. What the fuck are we going to do with this information?
There is nothing actionable in this information, and all of it is public information, the only difference is some spergs spiced it up with a bunch of /x/ tier faggotry.
There is actual actionable info going on with the pizza gate or the SEC whistleblower.
Oliver Allen
FARMINGTON FARMNGTN 42 1 B PENN 403143N 0754012W 40.52860,-75.66999 FARMINGTON FARMNGTN 49 1 G UTAH GNHX 405854N 1115324W 40.98166,-111.88999 FAULENBERG KASERNE WRZBRG FLNBGKSN GE 4 GERMY 494900N 0093056E 49.81666,9.51555 FELDBERG FELDBERG GE 4 GERMY GPCH 501432N 0082951E 50.24221,8.49749 FERGUS FERGUS 30 1 F MONT GPTD 471900N 1090401W 47.31666,-109.06693 FERNALD FERNALD 39 1 B OHIO GPYH 391630N 0844118W 39.27499,-84.68833 FIELD VILLAGE FLDVILLG 35 1 E N MEX GQQU 354201N 1055742W 35.70027,-105.96166 FINEGAYAN FINEGAYN GQ 7 GUAM 133406N 1445034E 13.56832,144.84277 FINKSBURG FINKSBRG 24 1 B MLD GQWD 392934N 0765323W 39.49277,-76.88971 FINTHEN AAF MAINZ FNTNAFMN GE 4 GERMY GRBP 495811N 0080857E 49.96971,8.14916 FIRE ISLAND FIRE I 36 1 A N Y GRBR 404004N 0730317W 40.66777,-73.05472 FITZPATRICK MESA FTZPTKMS 08 1 D COL 382444N 1072543W 38.41222,-107.42860 FLATTS FLATTS BD 1 BERMU GSJY 322200N 0644410W 32.36666,-64.73610 FLIEGERHORST KASERNE ERLN FLGHSKSN GE 4 GERMY GSYA 501007N 0085744E 50.16860,8.96222 FLORENCE FLORENCE 08 1 D COL GTNC 382325N 1050705W 38.39027,-105.11804 FLORHAM PARK FLORHMPK 34 1 A N J GTXC 404511N 0742204W 40.75305,-74.36777 FOLKSTON FOLKSTON 13 1 C GEO GUJE 304909N 0820004W 30.81916,-82.00111 FOND DU LAC FONDDULC 55 1 D WISC GUHZ 434618N 0882904W 43.77166,-88.48444 FORBES FIELD FORBSFLD 20 1 D KAN GUQE 385709N 0953945W 38.95250,-95.66250 FORSYTH FORSYTH 30 1 F MONT GWHU 460140N 1065410W 46.02777,-106.90277 FORT BAKER FT BAKER 06 1 G CAL HCBL 375000N 1222830W 37.83333,-122.47499 FORT CALHOUN FTCALHON 31 1 D NEB HCYN 412721N 0960134W 41.45583,-96.02610 FORT COLLINS FTCOLLNS 08 1 D COL HDKL 403507N 1050502W 40.58527,-105.08388 FORT COVINGTON FTCVNGTN 36 1 A N Y HDLM 445924N 0742936W 44.98999,-74.49333 FORT DAVIS FT DAVIS PM 1 PANMA 091557N 0795400W 9.26583,-79.90000 FORT HANCOCK FTHANCCK 48 1 E TEX 311801N 1055006W 31.30027,-105.83499 FORT HOOD FT HOOD 48 1 E TEX KZVP 310815N 0974250W 31.13749,-97.71388 FORT HUACHUCA FTHUACHC 04 1 H ARZ HFWA 313303N 1102006W 31.55083,-110.33499 FORT JUAN MUNA FTJUANMN GQ 7 GUAM JEAU 133003N 1444852E 13.50083,144.81444 FORT LONESOME FTLONESM 12 1 C FLA NVZT 273842N 0820758W 27.64499,-82.13277 FORT MACON FT MACON 37 1 C N CAR HHFB 344148N 0764049W 34.69666,-76.68027 FORT MYERS BEACH FTMYRSBC 12 1 C FLA HJFD 262700N 0815654W 26.45000,-81.94833 FORT ORD FT ORD 06 1 G CAL HJMC 363930N 1214830W 36.65833,-121.80833 FORT RILEY FT RILEY 20 1 D KAN HKBM 390312N 0964548W 39.05333,-96.76333 FORT TOTTEN FTTOTTEN 38 1 D N DAK HLBZ 475848N 0985933W 47.97999,-98.99249 FORT WASHINGTON FTWSHGTN 24 1 B MLD HLJD 384040N 0765810W 38.67777,-76.96943 FORT WAYNE FT WAYNE 18 1 D IND HLLL 410750N 0850744W 41.13054,-85.12888 FORTESCUE FORTESCU 34 1 A N J GWKU 391415N 0751019W 39.23749,-75.17193 FOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN 27 1 D MINN 434424N 0920810W 43.73999,-92.13610 FOX ISLAND FOX I 53 1 F WASH GXYR 471539N 1223809W 47.26083,-122.63583 FRANKFORT FRANKFRT 17 1 D ILL GYLS 412945N 0875055W 41.49583,-87.84860 FRANKLIN FRANKLIN 37 1 C N CAR GYXW 345110N 0832300W 34.85277,-83.38333 FREELAND FREELAND 53 1 F WASH GZYN 480035N 1223129W 48.00972,-122.52471 FRIDLEY FRIDLEY 27 1 D MINN HBAV 450503N 0931508W 45.08416,-93.25222 FRIEDBERG FRIEDBRG GE 4 GERMY HHBK 502002N 0084409E 50.33388,8.73583 FRIEDERIKENSIEL FRDRKNSL GE 4 GERMY HBBY 530331N 0082401E 53.05861,8.40027 FULTON FULTON 17 1 D ILL HMZR 415350N 0900920W 41.89721,-90.15555 FULTON FULTON 48 1 E TEX 280340N 0970227W 28.06111,-97.04083 FUNARI MANNHEIM FNRMNNHM GE 4 GERMY HNLK 493100N 0083139E 49.51666,8.52749 FURSTENFELDBRUCK FRSTNFRK GE 4 GERMY 484230N 0111600E 48.70833,11.26666 GAGETOWN GAGETOWN CA 2 NWBRU HPAN 455151N 0674438W 45.86416,-67.74388 GAHANNA GAHANNA 39 1 B OHIO HPEM 400130N 9825230W 40.02499,-982.87499
Ryan White
GAINESVILLE GAINSVLL 51 1 B VIR HPRC 384744N 0773651W 38.79555,-77.61416 GAMBRILLS GAMBRLLS 24 1 B MLD HQPC 390401N 0763956W 39.06693,-76.66555 GARDEN CITY GARDENCY 13 1 C GEO HREM 320651N 0810915W 32.11416,-81.15416 GARDEN CITY GARDENCY 20 1 D KAN HREQ 375818N 1005220W 37.97166,-100.87221 GARDEN CITY GARDENCY 51 1 B VIR HRNU 385330N 0770830W 38.89166,-77.14166 GARDEN GROVE GARDNGRV 06 1 H CAL HRNM 334630N 1175448W 33.77499,-117.91333 GARDEREN GARDEREN NL 4 NETHR 521147N 0055510W 52.19638,-5.91943 GARFIELD GARFIELD 34 1 A N J HSGU 405253N 0740649W 40.88138,-74.11361 GARNER GARNER 19 1 D IOWA HSMQ 430609N 0933606W 43.10250,-93.60166 GARNER GARNER 37 1 C N CAR HSMS 354140N 0783737W 35.69444,-78.62693 GARWOOD GARWOOD 34 1 A N J HSTM 403934N 0741924W 40.65944,-74.32332 GARY GARY 18 1 D IND HSUG 413536N 0872047W 41.59333,-87.34638 GENERAL MITCHELL FIELD GNLMTCLF 55 1 D WISC HTUX 425649N 0875349W 42.94694,-87.89694 GEORGETOWN GEORGTWN 10 1 B DEL HVWA 384124N 0752309W 38.68999,-75.38583 GESASHI GESASHI JA 7 JAPAN 263625N 1280856E 26.60694,128.14888 GIBBS KASERNE FRANKFURT GBSKSNFN GE 4 GERMY 500850N 0084133E 50.14721,8.69249 GILAHINA BUTTE GILHNBTT 02 9 ALS HXCK 612630N 1434900W 61.44166,-143.81666 GILZE-RIJEN GILZERJN NL 4 NETHR HXXB 513406N 0045536E 51.56832,4.92666 GLACIER PARK GLACIRPK 30 1 F MONT GSGY 481846N 1141504W 48.31277,-114.25111 GLADMAN POINT GLADMNPT CA 2 FRANK GLAE 684015N 0974800W 68.67082,-97.80000 GLADSTONE PORT GLDSTNPT AS 7 AUSTL HYJG 235212S 1511330E -23.86999,151.22499 GLADSTONE GLADSTON 17 1 D ILL HYJC 405152N 0905740W 40.86444,-90.96111 GLASTONBURY GLSTNBRY 09 1 A CONN HZLB 414244N 0723631W 41.71222,-72.60861 GLENMONT GLENMONT 36 1 A N Y JADF 423617N 0734612W 42.60472,-73.76999 GLENN MARTIN GLNNMRTN 24 1 B MLD 391935N 0762455W 39.32638,-76.41527 GLENWOOD SPRINGS GLNWDSPR 08 1 D COL JAGZ 393302N 1071927W 39.55055,-107.32416 GLENWOOD GLENWOOD 19 1 D IOWA JAGP 410249N 0954432W 41.04694,-95.74221 GLENWOOD GLENWOOD 24 1 B MLD JAGN 391715N 0770142W 39.28749,-77.02832 GLYNCO JETPORT GLYNCO 13 1 C GEO PUNU 311532N 0812759W 31.25888,-81.46638 GOETZVILLE GOETZVLL 26 1 D MICH JBAU 460329N 0840532W 46.05805,-84.09221 GOLD MOUNTAIN GOLD MTN 53 1 F WASH 473256N 1224705W 47.54888,-122.78471 GOLDEN GOLDEN 08 1 D COL JBJM 394520N 1051314W 39.75555,-105.22054 GOLDFIELD GOLDFILD 32 1 G NEV JBSD 374204N 1171401W 37.70111,-117.23360 GOODWIN FIELD GODWNFLD 05 1 E ARK JDFS 345617N 0910115W 34.93805,-91.02082 GOOSE CREEK GOOSE CR 45 1 C S CAR JDPQ 325457N 0800200W 32.91583,-80.03333 GORDONSVILLE GRDNSVLL 47 1 C TENN JDVW 361109N 0855606W 36.18583,-85.93499 GORGAS ARM COMMUNITY HOSPITAL GGSAMCMN PM 1 PANMA 085718N 0793314W 8.95500,-79.55388 GORHAM GORHAM 20 1 D KAN JDWW 385254N 0990122W 38.88166,-99.02277 GOSHEN GOSHEN 36 1 A N Y JEBF 412412N 0741936W 41.40333,-74.32666 GRAFENWOEHR GRAFNWHR GE 4 GERMY GRAB 494155N 0115634E 49.69860,11.94277 GRAFTON GRAFTON 54 1 B W VA JESC 392026N 0800102W 39.34055,-80.01721 GRANBURY GRANBURY 48 1 E TEX GRAS 322608N 0974704W 32.43555,-97.78444 GRAND CHENIERE GRCHENIR 22 1 E LIA JFNP 294509N 0925803W 29.75250,-92.96749 GRAND JUNCTION GRJUNCTN 08 1 D COL JGGZ 390350N 1083300W 39.06388,-108.55000 GRAND PORTAGE GRPORTAG 27 1 D MINN JGMA 475754N 0894118W 47.96500,-89.68833 GRANGEVILLE GRANGVLL 22 1 E LIA JGZR 304432N 0905001W 30.74221,-90.83360 GRANT COUNTY GRANT CO 53 1 F WASH 471218N 1191856W 47.20500,-119.31555 GRAVEL NECK GRAVLNCK 51 1 B VIR JJMA 370937N 0764123W 37.16027,-76.68971 GRAY GRAY 23 1 A MNE JJWG 435308N 0701956W 43.88555,-70.33221 GRAY GRAY 48 1 E TEX 324712N 0940430W 32.78666,-94.07499 GREAT BEND GT BEND 20 1 D KAN JKFM 382152N 0984552W 38.36444,-98.76444 GREAT BROMLEY GTBROMLY UK 3 UNKIN JKMY 515355N 0010340E 51.89860,1.06111 GREATER PITTSBURGH IAP GTPTSBGH 42 1 B PENN JLSN 402948N 0801409W 40.49666,-80.23583 GREATER WILMINGTON GTWLMGTN 10 1 B DEL 394042N 0753627W 39.67832,-75.60750 GREELEY GREELEY 08 1 D COL JMAW 402524N 1044231W 40.42332,-104.70861 GREEN HILL GREENHLL 44 1 A RH IS JMHB 412204N 0713543W 41.36777,-71.59527 GREENCASTLE GRENCSTL 18 1 D IND JMTC 393840N 0865153W 39.64444,-86.86472 GREENHAM COMMON GRNHMCMN UK 3 UNKIN JNJG 512240N 0011644W 51.37777,-1.27888 GREENTOP GREENTOP 29 1 D MO 402049N 0923408W 40.34694,-92.56888 GREENWICH GREENWCH 09 1 A CONN JPUS 410135N 0733744W 41.02638,-73.62888 GREENWICH GREENWCH 44 1 A RH IS JPUQ 413937N 0712723W 41.66027,-71.45638 GRENADA GRENADA GJ 1 GRNDA JQJX 120600N 0614230W 12.10000,-61.70833
Justin Richardson
GRENADIER STUTTGART GRNDRSGT GE 4 GERMY 484944N 0091121E 48.82888,9.18916 GRENDERICH GRENDRCH GE 4 GERMY GRBZ 500338N 0071329E 50.06055,7.22471 GRIFFISS AIR FORCE BASE GRFFSAFB 36 1 A N Y JREZ 431402N 0752427W 43.23388,-75.40750 GRISSOM AIR FORCE BASE GRSSMAFB 18 1 D IND CTGC 403853N 0860908W 40.64805,-86.15222 GROSTENQUIN GROSTNQN FR 4 FRANC JRXP 490125N 0064307E 49.02360,6.71860 GROTON GROTON 09 1 A CONN JRZT 412100N 0720444W 41.35000,-72.07888 GROVENOR CENTER HONOLULU GVNCNTHN 15 8 HAW 211836N 1575555W 21.31000,-157.93193 GROVER GROVER 08 1 D COL JSFT 405217N 1041329W 40.87138,-104.22471 GRUENSTADT GRUNSTDT GE 4 GERMY JSMU 493330N 0080804E 49.55833,8.13444 GUARDAMOR GUARDAMR SP 5 SPAIN 385806N 0000900W 38.96832,-.15000 GULF BREEZE GULFBREZ 12 1 C FLA JTTS 302130N 0870924W 30.35833,-87.15666 GULF SHORES GULFSHRS 01 1 C ALA JTU8 301636N 0874100W 30.27666,-87.68333 GULKANA GULKANA 02 9 ALS GUAM 620919N 1452708W 62.15527,-145.45222 GUNNUK GUNNUK 02 9 ALS 565853N 1334815W 56.98138,-133.80416 GUNZBERG GUNZBERG GE 4 GERMY 482830N 0101657E 48.47499,10.28249 GUTERSLOH GUTERSLH GE 4 GERMY JUTJ 515525N 0081827E 51.92360,8.30750 GUTTENBERG GUTTNBRG 19 1 D IOWA JVBT 424709N 0910558W 42.78583,-91.09944 GYPSUM GYPSUM 08 1 D COL JVJB 393849N 1065704W 39.64694,-106.95111 ICHON ICHEON KS 7 KORES LHBB 371620N 1272700E 37.27221,127.45000 IDONG IDONG KS 7 KORES LHND 380150N 1272200E 38.03054,127.36666 IGNACIO IGNACIO 06 1 G CAL LHTW 380413N 1223215W 38.07027,-122.53749 ILLESHEIM ILLESHEM GE 4 GERMY FWHA 492826N 0102319E 49.47388,10.38860 INCIRLIK INCIRLIK TU 5 TURKY LJYC 370004N 0352532E 37.00111,35.42554 INDEPENDENCE INDPNDNC 20 1 D KAN LKCM 371327N 0954229W 37.22416,-95.70805 INDIAN RIVER INDIANRV 10 1 B DEL 383604N 0750306W 38.60111,-75.05166 INDIANA INDIANA 18 1 D IND 382648N 0854000W 38.44666,-85.66666 INDIANAPOLIS INDINPLS 18 1 D IND LLFQ 394606N 0860929W 39.76832,-86.15805 INFANTA INFANTA RP 7 PHILI 143830N 1223800E 14.64166,122.63333 INGLESIDE INGLESID 48 1 E TEX LLXC 275209N 0971207W 27.86916,-97.20194 INGOLSTADT INGLSTDT GE 4 GERMY 484290N 0113210E 48.72500,11.53610 INKSTER INKSTER 26 1 D MICH LMDV 421908N 0831603W 42.31888,-83.26749 INVERNESS INVERNSS UK 3 UNKIN LMSQ 573225N 0040255W 57.54027,-4.04860 IOWA CITY IOWA CY 19 1 D IOWA LNGM 413940N 0913148W 41.66111,-91.52999 IRVINE IRVINE 06 1 H CAL LPNH 334012N 1174924W 33.66999,-117.82332 IRVING IRVING 48 1 E TEX LPNX 324809N 0965604W 32.80250,-96.93444 ISKENDERUN ISKENDRN TU 5 TURKY LQCJ 363429N 0360909E 36.57471,36.15250 ISLA GRANDE ISLA GR RQ 1 PUERT 182732N 0660610W 18.45888,-66.10277 ISTRES-LE-TUBE ISTRES FR 4 FRANC LQUD 433120N 0045529E 43.52221,4.92471 IZMIT IZMIT TU 5 TURKY JZAA 404548N 0300024E 40.76333,30.00666 JAATTAA JAATTAA NO 3 NORWA 585345N 0053645E 58.89583,5.61250 JACKSON HOLE JACKSNHL 56 1 D WYO LSCF 433624N 1104413W 43.60666,-110.73694 JACKSON JACKSON 37 1 C N CAR LRWT 362324N 0772524W 36.38999,-77.42332 JACKSONVILLE BEACH JKSNVLBC 12 1 C FLA LSLB 301724N 0812400W 30.28999,-81.40000 JACKSONVILLE NAVAL AIR STATION JKSVLNAS 12 1 C FLA LSGE 301403N 0814031W 30.23416,-81.67527 JACOTENENTE JACOTNNT IT 5 ITALY 414736N 0160310E 41.79333,16.05277 JAIPUR JAIPUR IN 7 INDIA LSMS 264918N 0754822E 26.82166,75.80611 JAMESBURG JAMESBRG 06 1 G CAL 362211N 1213521W 36.36971,-121.58916 JANE LEW JANE LEW 54 1 B W VA LTLT 390635N 0802432W 39.10972,-80.40888 JARRELL JARRELL 48 1 E TEX 304929N 0973615W 30.82471,-97.60416 JASPER JASPER 05 1 E ARK LTRH 360029N 0931111W 36.00805,-93.18638 JASPER JASPER 18 1 D IND LTSH 382329N 0865552W 38.39138,-86.93110 JEDBURG JEDBURG 45 1 C S CAR LVAJ 330412N 0801314W 33.06999,-80.22054 JEFFERSON BARRACKS JFFRSNBK 29 1 D MO LTVJ 383029N 0901655W 38.50805,-90.28193 JEFFERSON JEFFERSN 18 1 D IND LTWL 390031N 0852458W 39.00861,-85.41611 JEFFERSON JEFFERSN 55 1 D WISC LTWJ 430003N 0884801W 43.00083,-88.80027 JEFFERSONVILLE JFFRSNVL 13 1 C GEO LTZD 324115N 0832048W 32.68749,-83.34666 JENKINSVILLE JNKNSVLL 45 1 C S CAR LUFU 341602N 0811719W 34.26721,-81.28860 JENNY LIND ISLAND JNNYLNDI CA 2 FRANK JEAC 683930N 1014415W 68.65833,-101.73749 JOE FOSS FIELD JOFSSFLD 46 1 D S DAK LUXC 433455N 0964431W 43.58193,-96.74194 JOHNSONVILLE JHNSNVLL 47 1 C TENN LVJM 360336N 0875710W 36.06000,-87.95277 JOHNSTON JOHNSTON 19 1 D IOWA LVMC 414023N 0934151W 41.67304,-93.69749 JONATHAN DICKINSON STATE PARK JNTNDKNS 12 1 C FLA JJAE 265855N 0800602W 26.98193,-80.10055 JUNCTION CITY JUNCTNCY 20 1 D KAN LWLY 390143N 0964952W 39.02860,-96.83110 JUNCTION CITY JUNCTNCY 55 1 D WISC LWLZ 443529N 0894558W 44.59138,-89.76611 K I SAWYER AIR FORCE BASE KISWYAFB 26 1 D MICH 462116N 0872340W 46.35444,-87.39444 KAALA KAALA 15 8 HAW QZSK 213039N 1580842W 21.51083,-158.14499 KADENA AIR FORCE BASE KADENAAB JA 7 JAPAN LXEZ 262118N 1274626E 26.35500,127.77388 KADOKA KADOKA 46 1 D S DAK LXHV 435002N 1013034W 43.83388,-101.50944
Jackson Howard
KAENA POINT KAENA PT 15 8 HAW LXHY 213442N 1581706W 21.57832,-158.28499 KAHUKU POINT KAHUKUPT 15 8 HAW LXLT 214300N 1575912W 21.71666,-157.98666 KAHULUI KAHULUI 15 8 HAW LXMY 205402N 1562602W 20.90055,-156.43388 KAIMUKI KAIMUKI 15 8 HAW KAAX 211658N 1574806W 21.28277,-157.80166 KAISERSLAUTERN KSRSLTRN GE 4 GERMY 492613N 0075015E 49.43694,7.83749 KALIHI KALIHI 15 8 HAW KAAY 212011N 1575235W 21.33638,-157.87638 KAMLOOPS KAMLOOPS CA 2 BRICO LXYZ 504157N 1202618W 50.69916,-120.43833 KANAB KANAB 49 1 G UTAH LXYB 370034N 1123148W 37.00944,-112.52999 KANAGAWA KANAGAWA JA 7 JAPAN 352730N 1393800E 35.45833,139.63333 KANAWHA FIELD KANWHFLD 54 1 B W VA 391200N 0812740W 39.20000,-81.46111 KANCHANABURI KANCHNBR TH 7 THAIL KAAK 140719N 0992658E 14.12193,99.44944 KANEOHE KANEOHE 15 8 HAW LYBC 212518N 1574806W 21.42166,-157.80166 KANGWADO KANGWADO KS 7 KORES 374429N 1262621E 37.74138,126.43916 KANSAS CITY KANSASCY 20 1 D KAN LYLC 390651N 0943738W 39.11416,-94.62721 KAPAUN KAISERSLAUTERN KPNKSSLT GE 4 GERMY 492545N 0074208E 49.42916,7.70222 KAPOLEI KAPOLEI 15 8 HAW LYSJ 212023N 1580534W 21.33971,-158.09277 KARGABARUN KARGABRN TU 5 TURKY LYXE 405820N 0275201E 40.97221,27.86693 KARUP KARUP DA 4 DENMK LZCC 561757N 0090645E 56.29916,9.11250 KASANE KASANE BC 5 BOTSW LZCM 174951S 0250945E -17.83082,25.16250 KASHEVAROF ISLANDS KSHVRFIS 02 9 ALS 561409N 1325838W 56.23583,-132.97721 KASUGA KASUGA JA 7 JAPAN 333453N 1302710E 33.58138,130.45277 KATO SOULI KATOSOUL GR 5 GREEC LZLV 380910N 0240135E 38.15277,24.02638 KAUFBEUREN KAUFBERN GE 4 GERMY LZQG 475146N 0103656E 47.86277,10.61555 KEARNY KEARNY 34 1 A N J MAAU 404548N 0740906W 40.76333,-74.15166 KEAWAULA KEAWAULA 15 8 HAW 213339N 1581504W 21.56083,-158.25111 KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE KESLRAFB 28 1 C MISS MAHG 302440N 0885525W 30.41111,-88.92360 KEGELMAN AUXILIARY AIRFIELD KGLMNXFD 40 1 E OKLA MBEB 364438N 0980722W 36.74388,-98.12277 KELLER KELLER 13 1 C GEO KEAP 315012N 0811512W 31.83666,-81.25333 KELLYVILLE KELLYVLL 40 1 E OKLA MBSD 355637N 0961248W 35.94360,-96.21333 KELSO KELSO 53 1 F WASH MCDB 460842N 1225418W 46.14499,-122.90500 KENANSVILLE KENNSVLL 37 1 C N CAR MCND 345706N 0775707W 34.95166,-77.95194 KENNESAW KENNESAW 13 1 C GEO MCVA 340124N 0843656W 34.02332,-84.61555 KENNEWICK KENNEWCK 53 1 F WASH MCVY 461212N 1190724W 46.20333,-119.12332 KENOSHA KENOSHA 55 1 D WISC MCYS 423506N 0874924W 42.58499,-87.82332 KERRVILLE KERRVILL 48 1 E TEX MDNL 300248N 0990824W 30.04666,-99.13999 KEY FIELD KEY FLD 28 1 C MISS MDVL 322014N 0884457W 32.33721,-88.74916 KEY WEST KEY W 12 1 C FLA MDWS 243330N 0814800W 24.55833,-81.80000 KEYPORT KEYPORT 53 1 F WASH MDZB 474208N 1223711W 47.70222,-122.61971 KIDLINGTON KIDLNGTN UK 3 UNKIN KJAM 515552N 0011600W 51.93110,-1.26666 KILBOURNE KASERNE SCHWTZN KLBNKSNS GE 4 GERMY MEDY 492428N 0083342E 49.40777,8.56166 KILMARNOCK KILMRNCK 51 1 B VIR 374237N 0762248W 37.71027,-76.37999 KIMBALL KIMBALL 31 1 D NEB MELY 411406N 1033942W 41.23499,-103.66166 KIMBALL KIMBALL 46 1 D S DAK MEMM 434448N 0985724W 43.74666,-98.95666 KING KHALID MILITARY CITY KGKHDMLT SA 6 SAURB KJAZ 275728N 0453311E 27.95777,45.55305 KING MOUNTAIN KING MTN 48 1 E TEX MFJT 311707N 1021624W 31.28527,-102.27332 KING SALMON AIR FORCE STATION KGSLMNAF 02 9 ALS MFKD 584130N 1563930W 58.69166,-156.65833 KINGMAN KINGMAN 20 1 D KAN MFQM 373845N 0980648W 37.64583,-98.11333 KINGS MILLS KNGSMLLS 39 1 B OHIO MFSZ 392120N 0841455W 39.35555,-84.24860 KINGS POINT KINGS PT 36 1 A N Y MFTT 404911N 0734408W 40.81971,-73.73555 KINGSHILL KINGSHLL VQ 1 VIUSA MFTM 174330N 0644500W 17.72499,-64.75000 KINGSLEY FIELD KGSLYFLD 41 1 F ORE MFUK 420530N 1224430W 42.09166,-122.74166 KINGSTON KINGSTON 36 1 A N Y MGCF 415530N 0735924W 41.92499,-73.98999 KINGSTREE KINGSTRE 45 1 C S CAR MGJS 334012N 0794936W 33.66999,-79.82666 KINLOSS KINLOSS UK 3 UNKIN MGNF 573859N 0033333W 57.64971,-3.55916 KIRKLYN KIRKLYN 42 1 B PENN 395809N 0751728W 39.96916,-75.29110 KIRKWOOD KIRKWOOD 29 1 D MO MHLP 383500N 0902404W 38.58333,-90.40111 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE KTLNDAFB 35 1 E N MEX MHMV 350232N 1063619W 35.04221,-106.60527 KIRTORF KIRTORF GE 4 GERMY 504627N 0090613E 50.77416,9.10361 KISSIMMEE KISSIMME 12 1 C FLA MHUA 281730N 0812428W 28.29166,-81.40777 KITTERY KITTERY 23 1 A MNE MJAH 430512N 0704500W 43.08666,-70.75000 KJELLER KJELLER NO 3 NORWA MJJY 595815N 0110228E 59.97082,11.04110 KLEBER KAISERSLAUTERN KLBKSSLT GE 4 GERMY KLAF 492635N 0074820E 49.44305,7.80555 KLEINE BROGEL KLENBRGL BE 4 BELG MJQB 511011N 0052816E 51.16971,5.47110 KNOB NOSTER KNOBNSTR 29 1 D MO MJVB 384600N 0933303W 38.76666,-93.55083 KNOXVILLE KNOXVILL 19 1 D IOWA MJXP 411915N 0930633W 41.32082,-93.10916 KO-YANG SI KOYANGSI KS 7 KORES 374230N 1265414E 37.70833,126.90388
Colton Bailey
KODIAK KODIAK 02 9 ALS MKDK 574720N 1522410W 57.78888,-152.40277 KOENIGSLUTTER KNGSLTTR GE 4 GERMY 521305N 0104653E 52.21804,10.78138 KOENIGSTEIN KOENGSTN GE 4 GERMY MKFB 501045N 0082800E 50.17916,8.46666 KOENIGSTUHL KONGSTHL GE 4 GERMY MKFA 492411N 0084357E 49.40305,8.73249 KOKOMO KOKOMO 18 1 D IND MKTR 402911N 0860801W 40.48638,-86.13360 KOLEKOLE PASS KOLKLPSS 15 8 HAW 212736N 1580718W 21.46000,-158.12166 KOLONIA KOLONIA FM 7 MICRO 065750N 1581230E 6.96388,158.20833 KOMAKUK BEACH KOMKKBCH CA 2 YUKON 693553N 1401100W 69.59805,-140.18333 KONYA KONYA TU 5 TURKY MLAN 375847N 0323344E 37.97971,32.56222 KORAT AIR FORCE BASE KORATAFB TH 7 THAIL KPAF 145705N 1020440E 14.95138,102.07777 KREUZBERG KASERNE ZWEIBRN KZBGKSNZ GE 4 GERMY MLNA 491554N 0072147E 49.26500,7.36305 KREUZBERG KASERNE KRZBGKSN GE 4 GERMY MLNA 491554N 0072147E 49.26500,7.36305 KUKES KUKES AL 5 ALBAN 420428N 0202525E 42.07443,20.42360 KUKUI KUKUI 15 8 HAW MLQM 220322N 1593952W 22.05611,-159.66444 KUKUILONO KUKUILON 15 8 HAW MLQF 215449N 1593156W 21.91361,-159.53221 KURUME KURUME JA 7 JAPAN 331826N 1303116E 33.30722,130.52110 KUSLO KUSLO KE 6 KENYA MMAU 014010S 0375500E -1.66943,37.91666 KUWAIT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT KUWATIAP KU 6 KUWAT MMDN 291334N 0475850E 29.22610,47.98054 KWAJALEIN KWAJALEN NQ 7 TTERP MMEK 084253N 1674337E 8.71472,167.72693 KWANGWHAMUN KWNGWHMN KS 7 KORES 373402N 1265645E 37.56721,126.94583 LA GRANGE LAGRANGE 17 1 D ILL MMVD 405403N 0875105W 40.90083,-87.85138 LA GUARDIA LAGUARDI KS 7 KORES MNCZ 374428N 1270232E 37.74110,127.04221 LA MOURE LA MOURE 38 1 D N DAK MNLC 462126N 0981739W 46.35722,-98.29416 LA SALLE LA SALLE 17 1 D ILL MNZS 412002N 0890554W 41.33388,-89.09833 LA TUNA LA TUNA 48 1 E TEX MPBP 315851N 1063524W 31.98082,-106.58999 LACKLAND ANNEX LKLNDANX 48 1 E TEX MMMV 292315N 0983704W 29.38749,-98.61777 LADY FRANKLIN POINT DYFNKLNP CA 2 FRANK LAA2 682830N 1131300W 68.47499,-113.21666 LADYSMITH LADYSMTH 55 1 D WISC MQDL 452746N 0910545W 45.46277,-91.09583 LAFAYETTE LAFAYETT 18 1 D IND MQEJ 402500N 0865230W 40.41666,-86.87499 LAGUNA NIGUEL LAGUNNGL 06 1 H CAL MQHD 333121N 1174224W 33.52249,-117.70666 LAJES LAJES PO 1 PORTG MQNA 384554N 0270545W 38.76500,-27.09583 LAJITAS LAJITAS 48 1 E TEX MNBH 292000N 1033740W 29.33333,-103.62777 LAKE ANDES L ANDES 46 1 D S DAK MQNT 430923N 0983228W 43.15638,-98.54110 LAKE BUENA VISTA LBUENVST 12 1 C FLA MQQF 254846N 0801131W 25.81277,-80.19194 LAKE CHARLES LCHARLES 22 1 E LIA MQTF 301307N 0931330W 30.21860,-93.22499 LAKE CITY L CY 12 1 C FLA MQUN 301050N 0823447W 30.18054,-82.57971 LAKE FOREST L FOREST 17 1 D ILL MRAH 421240N 0875312W 42.21111,-87.88666 LAKE JACKSON LJACKSON 48 1 E TEX 290206N 0952605W 29.03499,-95.43471 LAKE PLEASANT LPLEASNT 36 1 A N Y MRQS 432815N 0742447W 43.47082,-74.41305 LAKE RIDGE L RIDGE 51 1 B VIR 383813N 0771841W 38.63694,-77.31138 LAKE TAHOE L TAHOE 06 1 G CAL MRQJ 390000N 1200007W 39.00000,-120.00194 LAKEHURST NAWC LAKEHRST 34 1 A N J MSBL 400200N 0742114W 40.03333,-74.35388 LAKEWOOD LAKEWOOD 08 1 D COL MSJF 394217N 1050451W 39.70472,-105.08082 LAKEWOOD LAKEWOOD 53 1 F WASH MSKM 480908N 1221222W 48.15222,-122.20611 LAMAR LAMAR 08 1 D COL MSNT 380514N 1023713W 38.08721,-102.62027 LAMBERT-ST LOUIS LAMBERT 29 1 D MO MSQB 384450N 0902152W 38.74721,-90.36444 LAMTO LAMTO IV 5 IVYCO 061328N 0501400W 6.22443,-50.23333 LANCASTER LANCASTR 06 1 H CAL MWST 344135N 1181035W 34.69305,-118.17638 LANCASTER LANCASTR 27 1 D MINN MSXP 485130N 0964806W 48.85833,-96.80166 LANCASTER LANCASTR 55 1 D WISC 425009N 0904208W 42.83583,-90.70222 LANDOVER LANDOVER 24 1 B MLD MTJJ 385730N 0765810W 38.95833,-76.96943 LANDSTUHL ARMY HOSPITAL LNDSLAMY GE 4 GERMY MTLP 492419N 0073340E 49.40527,7.56111 LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE LNGLYAFB 51 1 B VIR MUHJ 370458N 0762139W 37.08277,-76.36083 LANHAM LANHAM 24 1 B MLD MUST 385801N 0765144W 38.96693,-76.86222 LAPORTE LAPORTE 18 1 D IND 413624N 0864312W 41.60666,-86.71999 LAREDO AIR FORCE BASE LAREDAFB 48 1 E TEX MVJH 272832N 0991331W 27.47554,-99.22527
Evan Martin
Ethan Edwards
LARGO LARGO 12 1 C FLA MVLP 275433N 0824715W 27.90916,-82.78749 LARSONS BARRACKS KITZINGN LSNSBKKT GE 4 GERMY MWFB 494353N 0100826E 49.73138,10.14055 LAS ANIMAS LASANIMS 08 1 D COL MWJY 380400N 1031320W 38.06666,-103.22221 LAS VEGAS LASVEGAS 35 1 E N MEX MWTR 353914N 1050832W 35.65388,-105.14221 LAWRENCE LAWRENCE 20 1 D KAN MYKJ 385818N 0951406W 38.97166,-95.23499 LE CHENOI LECHENOI BE 4 BELG NAKB 503624N 0043439E 50.60666,4.57749 LEARMONTH LEARMNTH AS 7 AUSTL MZVK 221416S 1140522E -22.23777,114.08944 LEAVENWORTH LEVNWRTH 20 1 D KAN MZXD 391840N 0945520W 39.31111,-94.92221 LECANTO LECANTO 12 1 C FLA NAKD 285105N 0822916W 28.85138,-82.48777 LECCE LECCE IT 5 ITALY 401403N 0180801E 40.23416,18.13360 LECHFELD LECHFELD GE 4 GERMY NAKJ 481111N 0105144E 48.18638,10.86222 LECK LECK GE 4 GERMY NAKQ 544738N 0085659E 54.79388,8.94971 LEESBURG LEESBURG 12 1 C FLA NAXM 284920N 0814835W 28.82221,-81.80972 LEESBURG LEESBURG 45 1 C S CAR NAXK 340036N 0804225W 34.01000,-80.70694 LEESVILLE LEESVILL 22 1 E LIA NAZJ 310809N 0931600W 31.13583,-93.26666 LEETON LEETON 29 1 D MO 383459N 0934140W 38.58304,-93.69444 LEIGHTON BARRACKS WUERZBURG LGHTNBKS GE 4 GERMY NBQJ 494732N 0095816E 49.79221,9.97110 LEMONT FURNACE LMNTFRNC 42 1 B PENN 395450N 0794010W 39.91388,-79.66943 LENEXA LENEXA 20 1 D KAN NCEJ 385713N 0944400W 38.95361,-94.73333 LENOIR CITY LENOIRCY 47 1 C TENN 354736N 0841606W 35.79333,-84.26832 LERINO ITALY LERINO IT 5 ITALY 453211N 0113005E 45.53638,11.50138 LEWES LEWES 10 1 B DEL NDNP 384649N 0750859W 38.78027,-75.14971 LEWINGSVILLE LWNGSVLL 51 1 B VIR 385544N 0771153W 38.92888,-77.19805 LEWIS LEWIS 19 1 D IOWA NDRA 411821N 0950459W 41.30583,-95.08304 LEWISTON BRIDGE LWSNBRDG 36 1 A N Y NDZB 430910N 0790238W 43.15277,-79.04388 LEWISVILLE LEWISVLL 48 1 E TEX NEKF 330035N 0965945W 33.00972,-96.99583 LEXINGTON PARK LXNGTNPK 24 1 B MLD NETB 381509N 0762703W 38.25250,-76.45083 LIBERAL LIBERAL 20 1 D KAN NEYR 370235N 1005514W 37.04305,-100.92054 LICOLA LICOLA IT 5 ITALY 405145N 0140316E 40.86250,14.05444 LIGONIER LIGONIER 18 1 D IND NFGR 412757N 0853515W 41.46583,-85.58749 LIMON LIMON 08 1 D COL NFWX 391550N 1034130W 39.26388,-103.69166 LINCOLNWOOD LINCLNWD 17 1 D ILL NGYL 420016N 0874348W 42.00444,-87.72999 LINDENWOLD LINDNWLD 34 1 A N J NHBX 394927N 0745953W 39.82416,-74.99805 LINDHOLME LINDHOLM UK 3 UNKIN NHFG 533305N 0005800W 53.55138,-.96666 LINDSEY LINDSEY GE 4 GERMY 500152N 0081324E 50.03110,8.22332 LINTHICUM LINTHICM 24 1 B MLD NHRJ 391150N 0764122W 39.19721,-76.68944 LINWOOD LINWOOD 34 1 A N J NHSE 392023N 0743432W 39.33971,-74.57554 LITCHFIELD LITCHFLD 09 1 A CONN NJBT 414450N 0731121W 41.74721,-73.18916 LITCHFIELD LITCHFLD 23 1 A MNE NJCN 440916N 0700037W 44.15444,-70.01027 LITTLE CREEK LITTLECR 51 1 B VIR NJNK 365500N 0761030W 36.91666,-76.17499 LITTLE FALLS LTTLFLLS 27 1 D MINN NJQK 455841N 0942140W 45.97804,-94.36111 LITTLE FALLS LTTLFLLS 34 1 A N J NJSK 405254N 0741330W 40.88166,-74.22499 LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE LTLRKAFB 05 1 E ARK NKAK 345459N 0920846W 34.91638,-92.14610 LITTLETON LITTLETN 08 1 D COL NKTB 393648N 1050058W 39.61333,-105.01611 LITTLETON LITTLETN 25 1 A MASS NKUL 423245N 0712830W 42.54583,-71.47499 LIVERPOOL LIVERPOL 36 1 A N Y NLDG 430621N 0761236W 43.10583,-76.21000 LJUBLJANA LJUBLJAN SI 4 SLOVE NLPV 461329N 0142739E 46.22471,14.46083 LOBATSE LOBATSE BC 5 BOTSW 251200S 0002540E -25.20000,.42777 LOCKPORT LOCKPORT 17 1 D ILL NMRV 413522N 0880328W 41.58944,-88.05777 LOGAN IAP LOGANIAP 25 1 A MASS NNGX 422149N 0710022W 42.36361,-71.00611 LOHNSFELD LOHNSFLD GE 4 GERMY NNQH 493312N 0075029E 49.55333,7.84138 LONELY AIR FORCE STATION LONELY 02 9 ALS LAPV 705440N 1531420W 70.91111,-153.23888 LONGARE LONGARE IT 5 ITALY NQBR 452846N 0113609E 45.47943,11.60250 LONGMONT LONGMONT 08 1 D COL NQFX 401002N 1050605W 40.16721,-105.10138 LORAIN LORAIN 39 1 B OHIO NQWK 412036N 0821036W 41.34333,-82.17666 LORING AIR FORCE BASE LORNGAFB 23 1 A MNE NRCH 465701N 0675310W 46.95027,-67.88610 LOS ALAMITOS LOSALMTS 06 1 H CAL NRTU 334730N 1180302W 33.79166,-118.05055 LOS EBANOS LOSEBANS 48 1 E TEX 261435N 0983341W 26.24305,-98.56138 LOS FRESNOS LOSFRSNS 48 1 E TEX NSCB 260403N 0972806W 26.06749,-97.46832 LOUDON LOUDON 47 1 C TENN NSLC 354405N 0842000W 35.73471,-84.33333 LOWELL LOWELL 18 1 D IND NTKD 391511N 0855647W 39.25305,-85.94638
Xavier Ramirez
LUALUALEI LUALUALE 15 8 HAW NTUC 212529N 1580911W 21.42471,-158.15305 LUEDENBACH LUEDNBCH GE 4 GERMY NUBV 510530N 0100530E 51.09166,10.09166 LUKA RIJEKA LUKARIJK HR 4 CROAT 451300N 0143430E 45.21666,14.57499 LUKE AIR FORCE BASE LUKE AFB 04 1 H ARZ NUEX 333206N 1122256W 33.53499,-112.38221 LUKEVILLE LUKEVILL 04 1 H ARZ 315206N 1124806W 31.86832,-112.80166 LULA LULA 28 1 C MISS 342711N 0902843W 34.45305,-90.47860 LUSBY LUSBY 24 1 B MLD NUVH 382438N 0762720W 38.41055,-76.45555 LUTON LUTON UK 3 UNKIN NUTA 515228N 0002159W 51.87443,-.36638 LYNDEN LYNDEN 53 1 F WASH NVEW 485648N 1222703W 48.94666,-122.45083 LYON MISSISSIPPI LYON 28 1 C MISS NVUS 341301N 0903205W 34.21693,-90.53471 MAASLAND MAASLAND NL 4 NETHR NVYP 515502N 0042802E 51.91721,4.46721 MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE MCDLLAFB 12 1 C FLA NVZR 275056N 0823118E 27.84888,82.52166 MACEDONIA MACEDONI 39 1 B OHIO 411840N 0812950W 41.31111,-81.49721 MACHESNEY PARK MCHSNYPK 17 1 D ILL NWRK 423604N 0890379W 42.60111,-89.07194 MACKAR INLET MCKRINLT CA 2 FRANK MAAE 682045N 0854530W 68.34583,-85.75833 MACON MACON 13 1 C GEO NWVL 323819N 0833631W 32.63860,-83.60861 MADISON MADISON 18 1 D IND NXEG 384404N 0852301W 38.73444,-85.38360 MADRIGAL COMPOUND MANILA MDGLCMPN RP 7 PHILI 143810N 1210200E 14.63610,121.03333 MAGNA MAGNA 49 1 G UTAH NXQE 404233N 1120603W 40.70916,-112.10083 MAJURO MAJURO NQ 7 TTERP 070510N 1712242E 7.08610,171.37832 MAKAKILO MAKAKILO 15 8 HAW NYNG 212030N 1580520W 21.34166,-158.08888 MAKALAPA MAKALAPA 15 8 HAW NYNF 212157N 1575600W 21.36583,-157.93333 MAKIMINATO MAKIMINT JA 7 JAPAN REPG 261352N 1274127E 26.23110,127.69083 MAKUA MAKUA 15 8 HAW NYNK 213120N 1581338W 21.52221,-158.22721 MALABAR MALABAR 12 1 C FLA NYRF 280012N 0803357W 28.00333,-80.56583 MALDEN MALDEN 25 1 A MASS NYWD 422530N 0710400W 42.42499,-71.06666 MALINDI MALINDI KE 6 KENYA MAAY 031334S 0400602E -3.22610,40.10055 MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE MLMSMAFB 30 1 F MONT NZAS 473021N 1111102W 47.50583,-111.18388 MALONE MALONE 12 1 C FLA NZBK 305727N 0850944W 30.95750,-85.16222 MALPENSA MALPENSA IT 5 ITALY NZTX 453802N 0084401E 45.63388,8.73360 MALVERN MALVERN 42 1 B PENN NZVW 400210N 0753051W 40.03610,-75.51416 MAMMOTH MAMMOTH 56 1 D WYO NZNY 445836N 1104200W 44.97666,-110.70000 MANAHAWKIN MANAHWKN 34 1 A N J NZYL 394200N 0741636W 39.70000,-74.27666 MANASQUAN MANASQUN 34 1 A N J NZZC 400734N 0740259W 40.12610,-74.04971 MANCHESTER MANCHSTR 23 1 A MNE PACS 441928N 0695139W 44.32443,-69.86083 MANCHESTER MANCHSTR 25 1 A MASS PADV 425800N 0704610W 42.96666,-70.76943 MANCHING FIELD MNCHGFLD GE 4 GERMY PAFZ 484317N 0113146E 48.72138,11.52943 MANCHING MANCHING GE 4 GERMY PAFZ 484317N 0113146E 48.72138,11.52943 MANDAN MANDAN 38 1 D N DAK PAJP 464936N 1005342W 46.82666,-100.89499 MANDEVILLE MANDEVLL 22 1 E LIA 302129N 0900356W 30.35805,-90.06555 MANHATTAN MANHATTN 20 1 D KAN PASP 391101N 0963417W 39.18360,-96.57138 MANILA EMBASSY MANILEMB RP 7 PHILI 144403N 1205828E 14.73416,120.97443 MANKATO MANKATO 27 1 D MINN PBFN 441325N 0935506W 44.22360,-93.91832 MANTECA MANTECA 06 1 G CAL PCCB 374933N 1211500W 37.82582,-121.25000 MARANDUA MARANDUA CO 1 COLOM PCP1 053150N 0684124W 5.53054,-68.68999 MARATHON MARATHON 12 1 C FLA PCRN 244333N 0810305W 24.72582,-81.05138 MARATHON MARATHON 48 1 E TEX PCSK 301845N 1031510W 30.31250,-103.25277 MARCH AIR FORCE BASE MARCHAFB 06 1 H CAL PCZP 335250N 1171531W 33.88054,-117.25861 MARCUS HOOK MARCUSHK 42 1 B PENN PDKE 394846N 0752459W 39.81277,-75.41638 MARHAM MARHAM UK 3 UNKIN PEFL 523907N 0003338E 52.65194,.56055 MARION MARION 18 1 D IND PFNY 403330N 0853933W 40.55833,-85.65916 MARION MARION 20 1 D KAN PFPD 382054N 0970101W 38.34833,-97.01693 MARKHAM MARKHAM 17 1 D ILL PGAC 413537N 0874141W 41.59360,-87.69471 MARKLUSTENAU MARKLSTN GE 4 GERMY 490756N 0101451E 49.13221,10.24749 MARRIOT HILL MARRTHLL 24 1 B MLD PHBV 385231N 0763631W 38.87527,-76.60861 MARSHALL HALL MRSHLLHL 24 1 B MLD 386318N 0770796W 39.05500,-77.14332 MARSHALLTOWN MRSHLTWN 19 1 D IOWA PHVS 420258N 0925428W 42.04944,-92.90777 MARTIN STATE AIRPORT MARTIN 24 1 B MLD PJMS 391935N 0762455W 39.32638,-76.41527 MARTLESHAM HEATH MTLSHMHT UK 3 UNKIN 520300N 0011520E 52.05000,1.25555 MARYLAND HEIGHTS MRYLNDHT 29 1 D MO 384247N 0902547W 38.71305,-90.42971 MASHPEE MASHPEE 25 1 A MASS PKUT 413854N 0702854W 41.64833,-70.48166
Blake Lewis
MASON CITY MASON CY 19 1 D IOWA PLAL 430913N 0931203W 43.15361,-93.20083 MATHER AIR FORCE BASE MATHRAFB 06 1 G CAL PLXL 383323N 1211744W 38.55638,-121.29555 MATTYDALE MATTYDAL 36 1 A N Y PNCZ 430558N 0760845W 43.09944,-76.14583 MAUNALOA MAUNALOA 15 8 HAW PNFW 210815N 1571300E 21.13749,157.21666 MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE MXWLLAFB 01 1 C ALA PNQS 322245N 0862145W 32.37916,-86.36250 MAYAGUEZ MAYAGUEZ RQ 1 PUERT PPFW 181528N 0670855W 18.25777,-67.14860 MAYEN MAYEN GE 4 GERMY 501945N 0071116E 50.32916,7.18777 MC ALESTER MCALESTR 40 1 E OKLA PQEH 345249N 0954706W 34.88027,-95.78499 MC GHEE TYSON MCGHTYSN 47 1 C TENN PSXE 354845N 0835934W 35.81250,-83.99277 MCCARRAN INTERNATIONAL MCCARRAN 32 1 G NEV PQSY 360447N 1150932W 36.07971,-115.15888 MCCELLAN PEAK MCCLLNPK 32 1 G NEV 385726N 1194709W 38.95722,-119.78583 MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE MCHRDAFB 53 1 F WASH PQWY 470818N 1222830W 47.13833,-122.47499 MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE MCCNLAFB 20 1 D KAN PRPR 373724N 0971600W 37.62332,-97.26666 MCENTIRE MCENTIRE 45 1 C S CAR PSTE 335505N 0804800W 33.91804,-80.80000 MCGRATH MCGRATH 02 9 ALS MCAC 625713N 1553612W 62.95361,-155.60333 MCGRAW KASERNE MCGRWKSN GE 4 GERMY PSZG 480608N 0113508E 48.10222,11.58555 MCGUIRE AIR FORCE BASE MCGURAFB 34 1 A N J PTFM 400056N 0743526W 40.01555,-74.59055 MCKEE BARRACKS CRAILSHEIM MKBKCLSH GE 4 GERMY PTZQ 490819N 0100231E 49.13860,10.04194 MCKINLEYVILLE MCKNLYVL 06 1 G CAL PULT 405901N 1240600W 40.98360,-124.10000 MCMINNVILLE MCMNNVLL 41 1 F ORE 451155N 1230748W 45.19860,-123.12999 MCMULLEN MCMULLEN 48 1 E TEX PUWP 282700N 0984801W 28.45000,-98.80027 MCNEIL ISLAND MCNEIL I 53 1 F WASH PVCA 471242N 1224114W 47.21166,-122.68721 MCPHEETER BARRACKS BAD HERSFLD MCPHTBKS GE 4 GERMY PVDA 505135N 0094359E 50.85972,9.73304 MEDINA MEDINA 48 1 E TEX PWEL 294832N 0991436W 29.80888,-99.24333 MELFA MELFA 51 1 B VIR PWRJ 373857N 0754430W 37.64916,-75.74166 MEMMINGEN MEMMINGN GE 4 GERMY PYCY 475923N 0101426E 47.98971,10.24055 MENASHA MENASHA 55 1 D WISC PYTX 441242N 0882612W 44.21166,-88.43666 MENDIG MENDIG GE 4 GERMY PYVU 502200N 0071859E 50.36666,7.31638 MERCED MERCED 06 1 G CAL PZMT 371705N 1203046W 37.28471,-120.51277 MERCEDITA MERCEDIT RQ 1 PUERT PZMU 180035N 0663341W 18.00972,-66.56138 MERIDEN MERIDEN 09 1 A CONN QAFY 413217N 0724827W 41.53805,-72.80750 MERRILL FIELD MRRLLFLD 02 9 ALS MEAS 611254N 1495038W 61.21500,-149.84388 MERRILLVILLE MRRLLVLL 18 1 D IND QARA 412858N 0871958W 41.48277,-87.33277 METAIRIE METAIRIE 22 1 E LIA QBMX 295804N 0900905W 29.96777,-90.15138 METRO-TANGO METROTNG GE 4 GERMY 500055N 0072300E 50.01527,7.38333 MICHIGAN CITY MICHGNCY 18 1 D IND QCTL 414227N 0865342W 41.70750,-86.89499 MICO MICO 48 1 E TEX QCVW 293238N 0985522W 29.54388,-98.92277 MIDDLESEX MIDDLESX 50 1 A VT QDMF 441734N 0724047W 44.29277,-72.67971 MIDDLETOWN MIDDLTWN 09 1 A CONN QDVL 413344N 0723904W 41.56222,-72.65111 MIDDLETOWN MIDDLTWN 19 1 D IOWA QDVN 404945N 0911539W 40.82916,-91.26083 MIDLAND CITY MIDLNDCY 01 1 C ALA QEHQ 311908N 0852938W 31.31888,-85.49388 MIDWAY MIDWAY 37 1 C N CAR QEQG 344454N 0772548W 34.74833,-77.42999 MILAN MILAN 17 1 D ILL QFDA 412711N 0903419W 41.45305,-90.57193 MILAN MILAN 26 1 D MICH 420501N 0834005W 42.08360,-83.66804 MILAN MILAN 39 1 B OHIO 411720N 0823604W 41.28888,-82.60111 MILFORD MILFORD 09 1 A CONN QFVL 411320N 0730325W 41.22221,-73.05694 MILILANI MILILANI 15 8 HAW MJAU 212719N 1580104W 21.45527,-158.01777 MINERAL MINERAL 51 1 B VIR QHYN 380006N 0775406W 38.00166,-77.90166 MINISTRY DEFENSE LONDON MNSYDFNS UK 3 UNKIN 513044N 0000904W 51.51222,-.15111 MINNEAPOLIS SAINT PAUL MNPLSSTP 27 1 D MINN QJKL 445311N 0931305W 44.88638,-93.21804 MINNESOTA CITY MINNSTCY 27 1 D MINN 440538N 0914458W 44.09388,-91.74944 MINOT AIR FORCE BASE MINOTAFB 38 1 D N DAK QJVF 482456N 1012126W 48.41555,-101.35722 MIRAMAR MIRAMAR 06 1 H CAL QKJA 325209N 1170837W 32.86916,-117.14360 MISHAWKA MISHAWKA 18 1 D IND QKRG 413943N 0860931W 41.66194,-86.15861
William Hernandez
MISSION MISSION 20 1 D KAN QKTA 390140N 0943920W 39.02777,-94.65555 MITCHEL MITCHEL 55 1 D WISC 425701N 0875350W 42.95027,-87.89721 MOFFETT FEDERAL AIRFIELD MOFFETT 06 1 G CAL QMSN 372455N 1220250W 37.41527,-122.04721 MOKAPU MOKAPU 15 8 HAW MPBV 211112N 1565537W 21.18666,-156.92693 MOLOKAI MOLOKAI 15 8 HAW MPAJ 210918N 1570600W 21.15500,-157.10000 MONCKS CORNER MNKSCRNR 45 1 C S CAR QNZZ 331500N 0800015W 33.25000,-80.00416 MONETT MONETT 29 1 D MO QNYM 365506N 0935503W 36.91832,-93.91749 MONROE MONROE 22 1 E LIA QPGC 323100N 0920501W 32.51666,-92.08360 MONTE DE ESTADO MTDEESTD RQ 1 PUERT 180832N 0665834W 18.14221,-66.97610 MONTE JAYUYA MTJAYUYA RQ 1 PUERT 180925N 0663340W 18.15694,-66.56111 MONTE PIRATA MTPIRATA RQ 1 PUERT 189543N 0653135W 19.59527,-65.52638 MONTELLO MONTELLO 55 1 D WISC 434729N 0891911W 43.79138,-89.31971 MONTICELLO MONTICLL 27 1 D MINN QRDW 451804N 0934800W 45.30111,-93.80000 MONTVILLE MONTVILL 09 1 A CONN QRZW 412844N 0720906W 41.47888,-72.15166 MOODY AIR FORCE BASE MOODYAFB 13 1 C GEO QSEU 305806N 0831135W 30.96832,-83.19305 MORALES MORALES 48 1 E TEX 290738N 0964544W 29.12721,-96.76222 MORBACH MORBACH GE 4 GERMY QTRX 495239N 0071110E 49.87749,7.18610 MORENO VALLEY MORENO 06 1 H CAL QTXL 335455N 1170640W 33.91527,-117.11111 MORMOND HILL MRMNDHLL UK 3 UNKIN 573608N 0020202W 57.60222,-2.03388 MOUNT AIRY MT AIRY 13 1 C GEO QXML 343107N 0833003W 34.51860,-83.50083 MOUNT CALTRAGOINE MTCLTRGN IT 5 ITALY 371424N 0020331E 37.23999,2.05861 MOUNT DORA MT DORA 12 1 C FLA QYHU 284808N 0813841W 28.80222,-81.64471 MOUNT EDHERI MTEDHERI GR 5 GREEC QYKK 351828N 0251914E 35.30777,25.32054 MOUNT HORTIATIS MTHORTTS GR 5 GREEC 403459N 0230709E 40.58304,23.11916 MOUNT LAUREL MTLAUREL 34 1 A N J QZVL 395602N 0745329W 39.93388,-74.89138 MOUNT LAURO MTLAURO IT 5 ITALY 370645N 0022210E 37.11250,2.36943 MOUNT PATERAS MTPATERS GR 5 GREEC 380410N 0232238E 38.06943,23.37721 MOUNT PLEASANT MTPLESNT 19 1 D IOWA 405747N 0913247W 40.96305,-91.54638 MOUNT SERRA MT SERRA IT 5 ITALY RARA 434459N 0103326E 43.74971,10.55722 MOUNT VACA MT VACA 06 1 G CAL 382312N 1220612W 38.38666,-122.10333 MOUNT VENDA MT VENDA IT 5 ITALY 451851N 0114105E 45.31416,11.68471 MOUNT VERNON MTVERNON 18 1 D IND RBCR 375556N 0875342W 37.93221,-87.89499 MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE MTNHMAFB 16 1 F IDA GYZH 430237N 1155218W 43.04360,-115.87166 MOUNTAIN HOME MTN HOME 47 1 C TENN 361838N 0822224W 36.31055,-82.37332 MOUNTAIN VIEW MTN VIEW 06 1 G CAL KVUX 350604N 1182520W 35.10111,-118.42221 MOUNTLAKE TERRACE MNTLKTRC 53 1 F WASH QXDL 474718N 1221827W 47.78833,-122.30750 MOVILLE MOVILLE 19 1 D IOWA QXKE 422920N 0960420W 42.48888,-96.07221 MUD BAY MUD BAY 02 9 ALS RBRE 570906N 1353846W 57.15166,-135.64610 MUENCHSMUENSTER MNCSMNSR GE 4 GERMY 484718N 0114055E 48.78833,11.68193 MUENSTER MUENSTER GE 4 GERMY RBVM 495602N 0084858E 49.93388,8.81611 MUIR MUIR 42 1 B PENN 403532N 0763108W 40.59221,-76.51888 MULDROW MULDROW 40 1 E OKLA RCAA 352422N 0943555W 35.40611,-94.59860 MUNCIE MUNCIE 18 1 D IND RCCR 401136N 0852311W 40.19333,-85.38638 MUNDELEIN MUNDELEN 17 1 D ILL RCEF 421610N 0875959W 42.26943,-87.99971 MUNSAN MUNSAN KS 7 KORES RCKH 375130N 1264700E 37.85833,126.78333 MURKLE MURKLE UK 3 UNKIN 583629N 0032829W 58.60805,-3.47471 MURPHY MURPHY 37 1 C N CAR RCTH 350530N 0840128W 35.09166,-84.02443 NAILA NAILA GE 4 GERMY RESW 502010N 0113020E 50.33610,11.50555 NAKA NAHA JA 7 JAPAN 261222N 1273918E 26.20611,127.65500 NAMSAN NAMSAN KS 7 KORES RFLQ 373235N 1265951E 37.54305,126.99749 NANDI NANDI FJ 7 FIJI RFQL 174516S 1772650E -17.75444,177.44721 NANTUCKET NANTUCKT 25 1 A MASS RGAL 411700N 0700606W 41.28333,-70.10166 NANUET NANUET 36 1 A N Y RGDK 410503N 0740100W 41.08416,-74.01666 NARRAGANSETT NRRGNSTT 44 1 A RH IS RGQU 412700N 0712601W 41.45000,-71.43360 NARSSARSSUAQ NRSSRSSQ GL 2 GRNLD RGRE 610940N 0452540W 61.16111,-45.42777 NASHWAUK NASHWAUK 27 1 D MINN RHFA 472236N 0930948W 47.37666,-93.16333 NASSAU BAY NASSAUBY 48 1 E TEX 293230N 0950530W 29.54166,-95.09166 NAVAJO NAVAJO 04 1 H ARZ RHZR 351109N 1114904W 35.18583,-111.81777
Wyatt Watson
NAVAL AIR STATION ADAK NAS ADAK 02 8 ALS 515250N 1763604W 51.88054,-176.60111 NAVAL AIR STATION WHIDBEY NASWHDBY 53 1 F WASH WHAH 482100N 1223915W 48.35000,-122.65416 NAVAL OBSERVATORY NOBSRVTR 11 1 B DIC 385517N 0770347W 38.92138,-77.06305 NAVAL SECURITY GROUP ADAK NSG ADAK 02 8 ALS 515633N 1763509W 51.94249,-176.58583 NAVAL SECURITY STATION WASHINGTON WASH NSS 11 1 B DIC 385620N 0770100W 38.93888,-77.01666 NAVAL STATION EVERETT NSEVERET 53 1 F WASH 475845N 1221203W 47.97916,-122.20083 NAVEUR LONDON NAVRLNDN UK 3 UNKIN 513044N 0000904W 51.51222,-.15111 NEENAH NEENAH 55 1 D WISC RJZM 441103N 0882706W 44.18416,-88.45166 NEIDENBACH NEIDNBCH GE 4 GERMY RKEH 500635N 0063319E 50.10972,6.55527 NEKLASON LAKE NEKLASNL 02 9 ALS 613715N 1491512W 61.62082,-149.25333 NEKOMA NEKOMA 38 1 D N DAK RKHQ 483438N 0982212W 48.57721,-98.36999 NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE NELLSAFB 32 1 G NEV RKMF 361409N 1150201W 36.23583,-115.03360 NEVADA NEVADA 19 1 D IOWA RMLN 420122N 0932708W 42.02277,-93.45222 NEW BOSTON N BOSTON 17 1 D ILL RNEQ 411013N 0905948W 41.17027,-90.99666 NEW CASTLE N CASTLE 10 1 B DEL RNSF 393943N 0753400W 39.66194,-75.56666 NEW CASTLE N CASTLE 33 1 A N H RNVD 430414N 0704250W 43.07054,-70.71388 NEW CUMBERLAND NCMBRLND 54 1 B W VA RRCB 402936N 0803624W 40.49333,-80.60666 NEW ENGLAND NENGLAND 38 1 D N DAK RPNF 463221N 1025204W 46.53916,-102.86777 NEW EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING NEXOFFBG 11 1 B DIC 385620N 0770500W 38.93888,-77.08333 NEW HAVEN N HAVEN 09 1 A CONN RPWN 411829N 0725543W 41.30805,-72.92860 NEW HILL N HILL 37 1 C N CAR 354051N 0785609W 35.68082,-78.93583 NEW LONDON N LONDON 09 1 A CONN RQFA 412120N 0720600W 41.35555,-72.10000 NEW LONDON N LONDON 29 1 D MO RQFQ 393501N 0912401W 39.58360,-91.40027 NEW MARTINSVILLE NMRTNSVL 54 1 B W VA RQHF 393951N 0805135W 39.66416,-80.85972 NEW MATINSVILLE NEWMRTVL 54 1 B W VA 393951N 0805135W 39.66416,-80.85972 NEW RAYMER N RAYMER 08 1 D COL 403604N 1035006W 40.60111,-103.83499 NEW RIVER N RV 37 1 C N CAR RQWP 344238N 0772622W 34.71055,-77.43944 NEW SMYRNA BEACH NSMYRNBC 12 1 C FLA RREK 290132N 0805538W 29.02554,-80.92721 NEW STANTON N STANTN 42 1 B PENN 401309N 0793635W 40.21916,-79.60972 NEW WINDSOR NWINDSOR 36 1 A N Y RRGJ 412813N 0740138W 41.47027,-74.02721 NEWARK NEWARK 10 1 B DEL RRNJ 394101N 0754500W 39.68360,-75.75000 NEWINGTON NEWINGTN 51 1 B VIR RSWK 384418N 0771107W 38.73833,-77.18527 NEWPORT BRIDGE NWPRTBDG 44 1 A RH IS RUJH 412809N 0711900W 41.46916,-71.31666 NEWPORT NEWPORT 18 1 D IND RTJQ 395303N 0872431W 39.88416,-87.40861 NEWTON NEWTON 20 1 D KAN RURQ 380248N 0972041W 38.04666,-97.34471 NICHOLSON PENINSULA NCLSNPNS CA 2 MAKEN NJAB 695710N 1285330W 69.95277,-128.89166 NIEDERBROMBACH NDRBRMBC GE 4 GERMY RWHX 493120N 0071430E 49.52221,7.24166 NIKISKA NIKISKA 02 9 ALS RWSA 604111N 1512325W 60.68638,-151.39027 NIOTA NIOTA 17 1 D ILL RXEU 403703N 0911716W 40.61749,-91.28777 NISKAYUNA NISKAYUN 36 1 A N Y RXHR 424647N 0735046W 42.77971,-73.84610 NITRO NITRO 54 1 B W VA RXHY 382504N 0815005W 38.41777,-81.83471 NO-GOKI RI NOGOKIRI KS 7 KORES 380042N 1272053E 38.01166,127.34805 NOBLE NOBLE 40 1 E OKLA SALN 350821N 0972340W 35.13916,-97.39444 NOONAN NOONAN 38 1 D N DAK SAWM 485320N 1030030W 48.88888,-103.00833 NORDHOLZ NORDHOLZ GE 4 GERMY SAYJ 534608N 0083930E 53.76888,8.65833 NORFOLK NAVAL AIR STATION NRFLKNAS 51 1 B VIR SBDW 365614N 0761726W 36.93721,-76.29055 NORMA NORMA 38 1 D N DAK SBFG 484344N 1015822W 48.72888,-101.97277 NORTH BAY NO BAY CA 2 ONTAR RXTR 462157N 0792520W 46.36583,-79.42221 NORTH BEND AIR FORCE STATION NOBNDAFS 41 1 F ORE SBMY 432402N 1241307W 43.40055,-124.21860 NORTH EAST NO E 24 1 B MLD RZAD 393600N 0755630W 39.60000,-75.94166 NORTH LAKE ADAK NO LADAK 02 8 ALS 515728N 1763500E 51.95777,176.58333 NORTH PERRY NO PERRY 39 1 B OHIO 414828N 0810755W 41.80777,-81.13193 NORTH PIER NO PIER JA 7 JAPAN 352802N 1393857E 35.46721,139.64916 NORTH TROY NO TROY 50 1 A VT SAGS 445942N 0722418W 44.99499,-72.40500 NORTH VERSAILLES NOVRSLLS 42 1 B PENN 402247N 0794835W 40.37971,-79.80972 NORTHFIELD NORTHFLD 34 1 A N J SBSJ 392200N 0743399W 39.36666,-74.57750 NORTHVILLE NORTHVLL 26 1 D MICH 422600N 0832848W 42.43333,-83.47999 NORTHWEST FIELD NW FLD GQ 7 GUAM SAKW 133712N 1445116E 13.61999,144.85444
Robert Butler
NORTON NORTON 20 1 D KAN SCTF 395000N 0995328W 39.83333,-99.89110 NORTON NORTON 25 1 A MASS SCUB 415800N 0711115W 41.96666,-71.18749 NORTON NORTON 50 1 A VT SCUW 450012N 0714154W 45.00333,-71.69833 NORTONVILLE NORTNVLL 21 1 B KEN SCWE 371127N 0872710W 37.19083,-87.45277 NORVENICH NORVENCH GE 4 GERMY SCWZ 504955N 0063934E 50.83193,6.65944 NORWALK NORWALK 09 1 A CONN SCYU 410703N 0732430W 41.11749,-73.40833 NORWAY NORWAY 17 1 D ILL SDBG 412756N 0883952W 41.46555,-88.66444 NORWICH NORWICH 09 1 A CONN SDDV 413127N 0720435W 41.52416,-72.07638 NOYES NOYES 27 1 D MINN SDQA 490000N 0971224W 49.00000,-97.20666 NYUTABARU NYUTABAR JA 7 JAPAN SDUT 320449N 1312714E 32.08027,131.45388 OAK BROOK OAKBROOK 17 1 D ILL SDYS 414958N 0875544W 41.83277,-87.92888 OAK GROVE OAKGROVE 21 1 B KEN SDZU 372039N 0864517W 37.34416,-86.75472 OAK GROVE OAKGROVE 24 1 B MLD SEAQ 385227N 0764637W 38.87416,-76.77693 OAK GROVE OAKGROVE 37 1 C N CAR SEBD 350150N 0771512W 35.03054,-77.25333 OAK ISLAND OAK I 37 1 C N CAR SEDV 335400N 0780112W 33.90000,-78.01999 OAK PARK OAK PK 26 1 D MICH SEET 423600N 0825001W 42.60000,-82.83360 OAKDALE OAKDALE 27 1 D MINN SEJS 445750N 0930400W 44.96388,-93.06666 OAKHANGER OAKHANGR UK 3 UNKIN SENR 510655N 0005400W 51.11527,-.90000 OAKHARBOR OAKHARBR 53 1 F WASH 481706N 1223900W 48.28499,-122.65000 OAKLAND NSC OKLNDNSC 06 1 G CAL 374700N 1215537W 37.78333,-121.92693 OCRACOKE OCRACOKE 37 1 C N CAR SFUT 350609N 0755802W 35.10250,-75.96721 ODESSA ODESSA 48 1 E TEX SFXG 323315N 1022445W 32.55416,-102.41250 OFALLON OFALLON 17 1 D ILL 383221N 0895130W 38.53916,-89.85833 OFFICE TOWERS WIESBADEN OFCTWSWS GE 4 GERMY 500417N 0081324E 50.07138,8.22332 OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE OFFTTAFB 31 1 D NEB SGBP 410706N 0955444W 41.11832,-95.91222 OHARE OHARE 17 1 D ILL DPNB 415841N 0875422W 41.97804,-87.90611 OJANA COMPOUND (OKINAWA) OJNCMPND JA 7 JAPAN 261500N 1274410E 26.25000,127.73610 OKAHUMPKA OKAHUMPK 12 1 C FLA SHAD 284408N 0815307W 28.73555,-81.88527 OKEECHOBEE OKEECHOB 12 1 C FLA SHAK 271436N 0804954W 27.24333,-80.83166 OKMASAN OKMASAN KS 7 KORES 362100N 1263727E 36.35000,126.62416 OKUCANI OKUCANI HR 4 CROAT SFEM 451530N 0171200E 45.25833,17.20000 OLATHE OLATHE 20 1 D KAN SHMZ 385253N 0944908W 38.88138,-94.81888 OLD EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING OLDEXOBG 11 1 B DIC 385620N 0770500W 38.93888,-77.08333 OLIKTOK OLIKTOK 02 9 ALS SHUM 703000N 1495235W 70.50000,-149.87638 ONALASKA ONALASKA 55 1 D WISC SJZQ 435313N 0911308W 43.88694,-91.21888 ONIZUKA AIR STATION ONIZUKAS 06 1 G CAL SKEG 372900N 1222158W 37.48333,-122.36611 ONTARIO ONTARIO 36 1 A N Y SKKF 431315N 0771700W 43.22082,-77.28333 ONTONAGON ONTONAGN 26 1 D MICH SKMH 465201N 0891903W 46.86693,-89.31749 OPA-LOCKA OPALOCKA 12 1 C FLA SKMN 255425N 0801649W 25.90694,-80.28027 OPAL OPAL 46 1 D S DAK SKNP 445333N 1022917W 44.89249,-102.48805 OPANA OPANA 15 8 HAW SKPL 214238N 1575830W 21.71055,-157.97499 OPELOUSAS OPELOUSS 22 1 E LIA SKQD 303200N 0920408W 30.53333,-92.06888 OPP OPP 01 1 C ALA SKSS 311729N 0861522W 31.29138,-86.25611 ORANGE GROVE ORANGGRV 48 1 E TEX SLDN 275403N 0980305W 27.90083,-98.05138 ORANGE PARK ORANGEPK 12 1 C FLA SLEN 301007N 0814217W 30.16860,-81.70472 ORANGEBURG ORANGBRG 36 1 A N Y SLFU 410300N 0735644W 41.05000,-73.94555 ORISKANY ORISKANY 36 1 A N Y SLPJ 430926N 0751959W 43.15722,-75.33304 ORLAND PARK ORLANDPK 17 1 D ILL SLTA 413638N 0875102W 41.61055,-87.85055 OSAGE CITY OSAGE CY 20 1 D KAN SMWG 383802N 0954932W 38.63388,-95.82554 OSHKOSH OSHKOSH 31 1 D NEB SNJX 412418N 1022038W 41.40500,-102.34388 OSTERHOLZ OSTERHLZ GE 4 GERMY 531607N 0085000E 53.26860,8.83333 OSTPREUSSEN KASERNE OSPSNKSN GE 4 GERMY 510108N 0092448E 51.01888,9.41333 OSTRAVA OSTRAVA CZ 4 CZECH 494146N 0180639E 49.69610,18.11083 OTEEN OTEEN 37 1 C N CAR 353514N 0822929W 35.58721,-82.49138 OTRANTO OTRANTO IT 5 ITALY 401403N 0180901E 40.23416,18.15027 OTTAWA OTTAWA 20 1 D KAN SPUJ 383656N 0951603W 38.61555,-95.26749 OTTUMWA OTTUMWA 19 1 D IOWA SPXC 410015N 0922225W 41.00416,-92.37360 OVERLAND PARK OVRLNDPK 20 1 D KAN SQBG 385856N 0944014W 38.98221,-94.67054 OWENS OWENS 51 1 B VIR SQHC 382019N 0770512W 38.33860,-77.08666 OWINGS OWINGS 24 1 B MLD SQJJ 384303N 0763606W 38.71749,-76.60166 OXFORD FALLS OXFRDFLS AS 7 AUSTL 334310S 1511224E -33.71943,151.20666 PAGANELLA PAGANELL IT 5 ITALY 460824N 0110228E 46.13999,11.04110 PALACIOS PALACIOS 48 1 E TEX STKZ 284340N 0961508W 28.72777,-96.25222 PALGONGSAN PALGNGSN KS 7 KORES 360128N 1284152E 36.02443,128.69777 PALO PALO 19 1 D IOWA SUSB 420358N 0914743W 42.06611,-91.79527
Mason Martin
Satan's servants can't get quads
Xavier Sanders
PALOS VERDES PALSVRDS 06 1 H CAL 334802N 1182321W 33.80055,-118.38916 PANAMA CITY BEACH PNMCYBCH 12 1 C FLA SVEA 301054N 0854824W 30.18166,-85.80666 PANZER KAISERSLAUTERN PNZKSSLT GE 4 GERMY 492650N 0074845E 49.44721,7.81250 PANZER KASERNE BOEBLINGEN PNZKSNBL GE 4 GERMY SVLJ 484048N 0090251E 48.67999,9.04749 PAPILLION PAPILLIN 31 1 D NEB SVPC 410916N 0960231W 41.15444,-96.04194 PAPYONG SAN PAPYNGSN KS 7 KORES SVPG 375432N 1265259E 37.90888,126.88304 PARIS EAST PARIS E 51 1 B VIR 390016N 0775706W 39.00444,-77.95166 PARIS WEST PARIS W 51 1 B VIR 390016N 0775706W 39.00444,-77.95166 PARIS PARIS 51 1 B VIR SWBP 390016N 0775706W 39.00444,-77.95166 PARK CITY PARK CY 49 1 G UTAH 403846N 1112950W 40.64610,-111.49721 PARKRIDGE BUILDING RESTON PKDGBDGR 51 1 B VIR 385000N 0772115W 38.83333,-77.35416 PARSIPPANY PARSPPNY 34 1 A N J SWSP 405128N 0742535W 40.85777,-74.42638 PARSONS PARSONS 20 1 D KAN SWSZ 372025N 0951539W 37.34027,-95.26083 PATCH BARRACKS PATCH BK GE 4 GERMY SXFL 484409N 0090454E 48.73583,9.08166 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE PTRCKAFB 12 1 C FLA SXHT 281421N 0803628W 28.23916,-80.60777 PATTON BARRACKS PATTONBK GE 4 GERMY SYBB 492344N 0084029E 49.39555,8.67471 PATUXENT RIVER PATXNTRV 24 1 B MLD SYCM 381714N 0762428W 38.28721,-76.40777 PAYA LEBAR AIR FORCE BASE PAYLBRAB SN 7 SNGPR VSMW 012112N 1035415E 1.35333,103.90416 PEACH BOTTOM PECHBTTM 42 1 B PENN SYTJ 394503N 0761334W 39.75083,-76.22610 PEACHTREE CITY PECHTRCY 13 1 C GEO SYUG 332333N 0843408W 33.39249,-84.56888 PECOS PECOS 48 1 E TEX SZTS 312305N 1033025W 31.38471,-103.50694 PEETZ PEETZ 08 1 D COL TAAC 405746N 1030643W 40.96277,-103.11194 PELLA PELLA 19 1 D IOWA TABZ 412429N 0925458W 41.40805,-92.91611 PELLY BAY PELLYBAY CA 2 KEWAT PEBN 682620N 0893630W 68.43888,-89.60833 PEMBINA PEMBINA 38 1 D N DAK TAGG 475702N 0972401W 47.95055,-97.40027 PENDLETON BARRACKS PNDLTNBK GE 4 GERMY TAHN 503521N 0084227E 50.58916,8.70750 PENDLETON PENDLETN 18 1 D IND TAHM 395951N 0854448W 39.99749,-85.74666 PENINSULA PENINSUL 39 1 B OHIO 411428N 0813310W 41.24110,-81.55277 PENNSAUKEN PENNSAKN 34 1 A N J TAVC 395711N 0750139W 39.95305,-75.02749 PENSACOLA NAVAL AIR STATION PENSCNAS 12 1 C FLA GWDD 302110N 0871913W 30.35277,-87.32027 PENT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION PFCUALEX 51 1 B VIR 384812N 0770300W 38.80333,-77.05000 PERRIS PERRIS 06 1 H CAL 334700N 1171350W 33.78333,-117.23054 PERU PERU 18 1 D IND TCRM 404513N 0860408W 40.75361,-86.06888 PEWAUKEE PEWAUKKE 55 1 D WISC TDND 430509N 0881507W 43.08583,-88.25194 PIERRE PIERRE 46 1 D S DAK TFMY 442206N 1002102W 44.36832,-100.35055 PILGRIM MONUMENT PLGMNMNT 25 1 A MASS TFVT 423118N 0705318W 42.52166,-70.88833 PINDER BARRACKS NUERNBERG PNDBKNNB GE 4 GERMY TFYS 492627N 0105647E 49.44083,10.94638
Adam Foster
PINE CASTLE PINECSTL 12 1 C FLA TGCE 282818N 0812205W 28.47166,-81.36804 PINEVILLE PINEVL 22 1 E LIA TGMZ 311920N 0922603W 31.32221,-92.43416 PINON CANYON PINNCNYN 08 1 D COL TGRJ 372949N 1040915W 37.49694,-104.15416 PIONEER KASERNE HANAU PNRKSNHN GE 4 GERMY TGTK 500742N 0085704E 50.12832,8.95111 PISCATAWAY PISCATWY 34 1 A N J TZGM 402957N 0742358W 40.49916,-74.39944 PITTSBURG PITTSBRG 20 1 D KAN THEJ 372439N 0944217W 37.41083,-94.70472 PLAINS PLAINS 13 1 C GEO THQV 320202N 0842334W 32.03388,-84.39277 PLAINVILLE PLAINVLL 09 1 A CONN THSW 414028N 0725131W 41.67443,-72.85861 PLANTATION PLANTATN 12 1 C FLA THUB 260730N 0801430W 26.12499,-80.24166 PLATTEVILLE PLATTVLL 08 1 D COL THVZ 401254N 1044920W 40.21500,-104.82221 PLATTSBURGH AIR FORCE BASE PLTSBAFB 36 1 A N Y THWA 443905N 0732808W 44.65138,-73.46888 PLAYA GRANDE PLAYA GR RQ 1 PUERT 180548N 0653115W 18.09666,-65.52082 PLAZA PLAZA 38 1 D N DAK TJLG 480133N 1015738W 48.02582,-101.96055 PLEASANT GROVE PLSNTGRV 49 1 G UTAH TJNX 402213N 1114400W 40.37027,-111.73333 PLEASANT VALLEY PLSNTVLY 19 1 D IOWA TJMT 413411N 0902523W 41.56971,-90.42304 POCAHONTAS POCAHNTS 19 1 D IOWA TJYZ 424408N 0944008W 42.73555,-94.66888 POINT BARROW PTBARROW 02 9 ALS TKLB 711739N 1564709W 71.29416,-156.78583 POINT BLOSSOM PTBLOSSM 24 1 B MLD 382429N 0770636W 38.40805,-77.11000 POINT CAMPBELL PTCMPBLL 02 9 ALS TKPK 610924N 1500420W 61.15666,-150.07221 POINT LAY PT LAY 02 9 ALS TKUH 694345N 1630050W 69.72916,-163.01388 POINT MUGU PT MUGU 06 1 H CAL TKXA 340713N 1190712W 34.12027,-119.11999 POINT ROBERTS PTROBRTS 53 1 F WASH TLBP 485908N 1230436W 48.98555,-123.07666 POKER FLAT POKERFLT 02 9 ALS TLJJ 650746N 1472851W 65.12943,-147.48082 POPE AIR FORCE BASE POPE AFB 37 1 C N CAR TMKH 351014N 0790053W 35.17054,-79.01472 PORO POINT PORO PT RP 7 PHILI TNBL 163720N 1201645E 16.62221,120.27916 PORT ALEXANDER PRTLXNDR 02 9 ALS TNCE 561500N 1333840W 56.25000,-133.64444 PORT BOLIVAR PORTBLVR 48 1 E TEX 292230N 0944612W 29.37499,-94.76999 PORT OF SPAIN PRTOFSPN TD 1 TRIND 999999N 9999999W 100.67750,-1000.67750 PORT WASHINGTON PTWSHGTN 55 1 D WISC TPUD 432301N 0875207W 43.38360,-87.86860 PORTAL PORTAL 38 1 D N DAK TPYS 485908N 1023208W 48.98555,-102.53555 PORTSMOUTH PORTSMTH 23 1 A MNE TQQL 430437N 0704248W 43.07693,-70.71333 POULSBO POULSBO 53 1 F WASH TRLG 474400N 1223805W 47.73333,-122.63471 POWDER SPRINGS POWDRSPR 13 1 C GEO TRNL 335134N 0844102W 33.85944,-84.68388 PRATT PRATT 20 1 D KAN TSHK 373838N 0984414W 37.64388,-98.73721
Jason Martinez
PRESCOTT PRESCOTT 41 1 F ORE 460257N 1225310W 46.04916,-122.88610 PRESIDIO OF MONTEREY PSDOFMNT 06 1 G CAL TSPX 363604N 1215406W 36.60111,-121.90166 PRESIDIO OF SAN FRAN PSDFSNFN 06 1 G CAL TSRD 374800N 1222705W 37.80000,-122.45138 PRESIDIO PRESIDIO 48 1 E TEX TSPC 301510N 1035302W 30.25277,-103.88388 PRISTINA PRISTINA SR 5 SERBI TTPG 423404N 0210202E 42.56777,21.03388 PROGRESO PROGRESO 48 1 E TEX 260506N 0975707W 26.08499,-97.95194 PROSPECT VALLEY PSPCTVLY 08 1 D COL TTVK 400425N 1042452W 40.07360,-104.41444 PUEBLO PUEBLO 08 1 D COL TUGK 381516N 1043631W 38.25444,-104.60861 PUNAHOU PUNAHOU 15 8 HAW PUAV 211825N 1575000W 21.30694,-157.83333 PUNAMANO PUNAMANO 15 8 HAW TUUK 214238N 1575830W 21.71055,-157.97499 PUNXSUTAWNEY PNXSTWNY 42 1 B PENN TVCX 405639N 0785839W 40.94416,-78.97749 PUU KA PELE PUUKAPEL 15 8 HAW 220627N 1593847W 22.10750,-159.64638 PYDNA PYDNA GE 4 GERMY PYAC 500425N 0072640E 50.07360,7.44444 QUEENSTOWN QUENSTWN NZ 7 NWZEA TWCM 450118S 1684412E -45.02166,168.73666 QUINCY QUINCY 17 1 D ILL TWEE 395605N 0912305W 39.93471,-91.38471 QUIRAUK MOUNTAIN QUIRKMTN 24 1 B MLD 394147N 0773047W 39.69638,-77.51305 RAEFORD RAEFORD 37 1 C N CAR TWVH 345900N 0791330W 34.98333,-79.22499 RAINBOW RIDGE RANBWRDG 06 1 G CAL 402047N 1240701W 40.34638,-124.11693 RAIRIE DU CHIEN RAIRDCHN 55 1 D WISC 430303N 0910808W 43.05083,-91.13555 RAMSTEIN RAMSTEIN GE 4 GERMY TYFQ 492442N 0073818E 49.41166,7.63833 RANCHO CORDOVA RNCHCRDV 06 1 G CAL TYGW 382602N 1211705W 38.43388,-121.28471 RANCHO MIRAGE RANCHMRG 06 1 H CAL TYGQ 334423N 1162443W 33.73971,-116.41194 RANDALLSTOWN RNDLSTWN 24 1 B MLD TYHR 392202N 0764744W 39.36721,-76.79555 RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE RNDLPAFB 48 1 E TEX TYMX 293146N 0981643W 29.52943,-98.27860 RARITAN RARITAN 34 1 A N J TZLH 403410N 0743800W 40.56943,-74.63333 RAY BARRACKS FRIEDBERG RYBKFDBG GE 4 GERMY TZUX 501920N 0084500E 50.32221,8.75000 RED BAY RED BAY 12 1 C FLA UAMT 303351N 0855517W 30.56416,-85.92138 RED LEVEL REDLEVEL 12 1 C FLA UARU 285810N 0823811W 28.96943,-82.63638 RED OAK RED OAK 19 1 D IOWA UATL 410035N 0951331W 41.00972,-95.22527 RED RIVER ARMY DEPOT RED RVAD 48 1 E TEX UAUU 332501N 0941600W 33.41693,-94.26666 RED RIVER RED RV 48 1 E TEX UAUW 332501N 0941600W 33.41693,-94.26666 REDWOOD REDWOOD 06 1 G CAL 373002N 1221500W 37.50055,-122.25000 REESE AUGSBURG RSAGSBRG GE 4 GERMY UBNZ 482245N 0105151E 48.37916,10.86416 REESE REESE 48 1 E TEX UBNS 333547N 1020231W 33.59638,-102.04194 REHOBOTH BEACH RHBTHBCH 10 1 B DEL UCGQ 384315N 0750435W 38.72082,-75.07638 REISTERSTOWN RSTRSTWN 24 1 B MLD UCMH 392810N 0764947W 39.46943,-76.82971 REITSCHEID REITSCHD GE 4 GERMY UCN2 493125N 0071328E 49.52360,7.22443 REPUBLIC REPUBLIC 26 1 D MICH 462436N 0875830W 46.41000,-87.97499 RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK RSCTGLPK 37 1 C N CAR XETC 345412N 0785321W 34.90333,-78.88916 REYKJAVIK REYKJAVK IC 2 ICELD UDCV 640748N 0215620W 64.12999,-21.93888 RHEIN BENTLAGE RHNBNTLG GE 4 GERMY 521742N 0072304E 52.29499,7.38444 RHEIN MAIN RHEINMAN GE 4 GERMY UDHX 500220N 0083414E 50.03888,8.57054 RHEIN ORDINANCE BARRACKS RHNODNCB GE 4 GERMY UDKL 492702N 0073942E 49.45055,7.66166 RHEINDUERKHEIM RHNDRKHM GE 4 GERMY 494230N 0082143E 49.70833,8.36194 RHEINGRAFEN STEIN RHGRFNSN GE 4 GERMY UDGN 494844N 0075122E 49.81222,7.85611 RHN ORD BK KAISERSLAUTERN RHNODBKK GE 4 GERMY LXQD 492633N 0074216E 49.44249,7.70444
Brandon Lee
RIALTO RIALTO 06 1 H CAL UDMP 340620N 1172500W 34.10555,-117.41666 RICHMOND RICHMOND 18 1 D IND UEQS 394944N 0845325W 39.82888,-84.89027 RICHMOND RICHMOND KS 7 KORES UEQY 361750N 1272858E 36.29721,127.48277 RICKENBACKER AIR FORCE BASE RKNBKAFB 39 1 B OHIO NLZG 394851N 0825556W 39.81416,-82.93221 RIDGEMONT RIDGEMNT 36 1 A N Y 431244N 0774339W 43.21222,-77.72749 RINNLEIRT MILLITARY CAMP RINNLERT NO 3 NORWA 634615N 0112630E 63.77082,11.44166 RIPLEY RIPLEY 54 1 B W VA UGDA 384912N 0814233W 38.81999,-81.70916 RIVERTON RIVERTON 49 1 G UTAH 403111N 1115643W 40.51971,-111.94527 ROARING CREEK ROARNGCR 42 1 B PENN RPAR 405556N 0763125W 40.93221,-76.52360 ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE ROBNSAFB 13 1 C GEO UHHZ 323824N 0833531W 32.63999,-83.59194 ROBINSON BARRACKS ROBNSNBK GE 4 GERMY UHTH 484118N 0091236E 48.68833,9.21000 ROCK ROCK 20 1 D KAN UJEB 372625N 0970022W 37.44027,-97.00611 ROCKHAMPTON RCKHMPTN AS 7 AUSTL RPAD 232300S 1502827E -23.38333,150.47416 ROEDELHEIM ROEDELHM GE 4 GERMY UKMW 500742N 0083539E 50.12832,8.59416 ROLLING MEADOWS RLNGMDWS 17 1 D ILL UKXQ 420503N 0880047W 42.08416,-88.01305 ROOSEVELT ROADS RSVLTRDS RQ 1 PUERT ULLT 181459N 0653808W 18.24971,-65.63555 ROOSEVELTOWN ROSVLTWN 36 1 A N Y ULMA 445822N 0744353W 44.97277,-74.73138 ROSE BARRACKS BAD KRZNCH RSBKBDKZ GE 4 GERMY ULRK 495025N 0075235E 49.84027,7.87638 ROSE TERRACE ROSETRRC 21 1 B KEN ULUB 375342N 0855838W 37.89499,-85.97721 ROSEMONT ROSEMONT 17 1 D ILL UMEL 415943N 0875304W 41.99527,-87.88444 ROSEMONT ROSEMONT 27 1 D MINN UMFG 444445N 0930742W 44.74583,-93.12832 ROSENCRANS ROSNCRNS 29 1 D MO 394600N 0945018W 39.76666,-94.83833 ROSEVILLE ROSEVILL 26 1 D MICH UMHV 423002N 0825602W 42.50055,-82.93388 ROSEVILLE ROSEVILL 27 1 D MINN UMHZ 450103N 0930909W 45.01749,-93.15250 ROTA HOSPITAL SPAIN RTSPTLSP SP 5 SPAIN RPAT 363714N 0062200W 36.62054,-6.36666 ROTA ROTA SP 5 SPAIN UMXA 363847N 0062057W 36.64638,-6.34916 ROUSES POINT ROUSESPT 36 1 A N Y UNCJ 445938N 0732155W 44.99388,-73.36527 ROWE ROWE 25 1 A MASS UNEF 424136N 0725400W 42.69333,-72.90000 ROXBURY ROXBURY 25 1 A MASS 421930N 0710545W 42.32499,-71.09583 ROY ROY 49 1 G UTAH UNJW 410907N 1120105W 41.15194,-112.01804 RUMFORD RUMFORD 23 1 A MNE UNRA 443301N 0703303W 44.55027,-70.55083 RUPPLESTEIN RUPPLSTN GE 4 GERMY 494201N 0070335E 49.70027,7.05972 RUSKIN RUSKIN 12 1 C FLA UNTT 274318N 0822554W 27.72166,-82.43166 RYDER RYDER 38 1 D N DAK UPME 475503N 1014039W 47.91749,-101.67749 RYGGE RYGGE NO 3 NORWA UPSA 592249N 0104709E 59.38027,10.78583 SABETHA SABETHA 20 1 D KAN UPTZ 395408N 0954802W 39.90222,-95.80055 SABILLASVILLE SBLLSVLL 24 1 B MLD UPTG 394200N 0772724W 39.70000,-77.45666 SAC CITY SAC CITY 19 1 D IOWA UPUA 422520N 0945922W 42.42221,-94.98944 SACHONG RI SACHONGR KS 7 KORES 380749N 1271446E 38.13027,127.24610 SACILE SACILE IT 5 ITALY 460124N 0123606E 46.02332,12.60166 SAGAMORE SAGAMORE 25 1 A MASS UQGK 414612N 0703144W 41.76999,-70.52888 SAINT GEORGE STGRGHLL VQ 1 VIUSA 174316N 0645123W 17.72110,-64.85638 SAINT INIGOES STINIGOS 24 1 B MLD WBYB 380851N 0762326W 38.14749,-76.39055 SAINT JAMES ST JAMES 22 1 E LIA WBYH 295848N 0904948W 29.97999,-90.82999 SAINT JEAN ST JEAN CA 2 QUEBC WBZA 451740N 0731645W 45.29444,-73.27916 SAINT LOUIS PARK STLOUSPK 27 1 D MINN WCNM 452320N 0932839W 45.38888,-93.47749 SAINT MARYS ST MARYS 42 1 B PENN WCVX 412543N 0783328W 41.42860,-78.55777 SAINT MAWGAN STMAWGAN UK 3 UNKIN WCYR 502622N 0045950W 50.43944,-4.99721 SAINT PAUL ST PAULI 02 9 ALS WDFF 570945N 1701400W 57.16250,-170.23333 SAINT PETERS STPETERS 29 1 D MO WDGN 384754N 0903730W 38.79833,-90.62499 SAINT TRUIDEN STTRUIDN BE 4 BELG WDMD 504736N 0051202E 50.79333,5.20055 SAINT STFNCSVL 22 1 E LIA 304647N 0912235W 30.77971,-91.37638 SALEM SALEM 25 1 A MASS URMH 413210N 0705500W 41.53610,-70.91666 SALINA SALINA 20 1 D KAN URTH 385025N 0973640W 38.84027,-97.61111 SALINE SALINE 26 1 D MICH 421033N 0834648W 42.17582,-83.77999 SALT CREEK SALT CR 06 1 G CAL 385622N 1220848W 38.93944,-122.14666 SALZWOOG SALZWOOG GE 4 GERMY USHM 491020N 0074345E 49.17221,7.72916 SAM PALOC SAMPALOC RP 7 PHILI 143620N 1205938E 14.60555,120.99388 SAMBACH SAMBACH GE 4 GERMY USJA 492930N 0074300E 49.49166,7.71666
Asher Mitchell
SAMESAN SAMESAN TH 7 THAIL 124020N 1005500E 12.67221,100.91666 SAN ANTONIO SANANTON 48 1 E TEX USQX 292500N 0982901W 29.41666,-98.48360 SAN CLEMENTE SNCLMNTI 06 1 H CAL USXP 330124N 1183514W 33.02332,-118.58721 SAN DIEGO SANDIEGO 06 1 H CAL SABZ 324255N 1171019W 32.71527,-117.17193 SAN DIEGO SNDGLNDB 06 1 H CAL NGWV 324401N 1171112W 32.73360,-117.18666 SAN GUIUSTO SANGUIST IT 5 ITALY 434106N 0102350E 43.68499,10.39721 SAN JUAN HILL SANJNHLL PM 1 PANMA 085713N 0793059W 8.95361,-79.51638 SAN LEANDRO SANLENDR 06 1 G CAL UTYL 374200N 1220918W 37.70000,-122.15500 SAN LUIS SAN LUIS 04 1 H ARZ 322902N 1144700W 32.48388,-114.78333 SAN ONOFRE SANONOFR 06 1 H CAL 332252N 1173420W 33.38110,-117.57221 SAN RAMON SANRAMON 06 1 G CAL 374700N 1215807W 37.78333,-121.96860 SAN SALVADOR SANSLVDR BF 1 BAHAM UUQZ 240336N 0743159W 24.06000,-74.53304 SAN STEFANO SANSTEFN IT 5 ITALY UUTV 411200N 0092502E 41.20000,9.41721 SAN YSIDRO SANYSIDR 06 1 H CAL 331519N 1163356W 33.25527,-116.56555 SAND ISLAND SAND I 15 8 HAW 211840N 1575230W 21.31111,-157.87499 SANDSTONE SANDSTON 27 1 D MINN UVLS 465070N 0925200W 46.85277,-92.86666 SANDWICH SANDWICH 25 1 A MASS UVPX 414532N 0702940W 41.75888,-70.49444 SANDY HOOK SANDYHOK 34 1 A N J UVRL 402635N 0735925W 40.44305,-73.99027 SANFORD SANFORD 12 1 C FLA UVTS 284700N 0811403W 28.78333,-81.23416 SANFORD SANFORD 37 1 C N CAR UVYY 352900N 0791012W 35.48333,-79.16999 SANNO HOTEL SANNOHTL JA 7 JAPAN UWCL 353841N 1394313E 35.64471,139.72027 SANTA ROSA SANTAROS 06 1 G CAL UWUL 382552N 1224200W 38.43110,-122.70000 SANTA TERESA SANTATRS 35 1 E N MEX UWYQ 315121N 1063819W 31.85583,-106.63860 SANTO DOMINGO SANTDMNG DR 1 DOMNR UXKG 182255N 0702158W 18.38193,-70.36611 SANTO TOMAS SANTOTMS RP 7 PHILI 162005N 1203346E 16.33471,120.56277 SARAJEVO SARAJEVO BK 4 BOSNI UXXF 434929N 0182010E 43.82471,18.33610 SASABE SASABE 04 1 H ARZ 312904N 1113206W 31.48444,-111.53499 SASEBO SASEBO JA 7 JAPAN UYRD 330952N 1294315E 33.16444,129.72082 SATTAHIP SATTAHIP TH 7 THAIL UYZR 123705N 1005738E 12.61804,100.96055 SAUFLEY FIELD SAFLYFLD 12 1 C FLA UZAM 302810N 0872017W 30.46943,-87.33805 SAWYER SAWYER 27 1 D MINN 464000N 0923803W 46.66666,-92.63416 SCHINNEN SCHINNEN NL 4 NETHR VBZM 505634N 0055155E 50.94277,5.86527
Jaxson Evans
SCHIPHOL SCHIPHOL NL 4 NETHR VBZR 521830N 0044548E 52.30833,4.76333 SCHLOSS KASERNE SCLSKSNB GE 4 GERMY VCCT 502607N 0084039E 50.43527,8.67749 SCHUYLKILL SCHYLKLL 42 1 B PENN VCTL 403741N 0761023W 40.62804,-76.17304 SCHWANBERG SCHWNBRG GE 4 GERMY VCVX 494325N 0101631E 49.72360,10.27527 SCHWELENTRUP SCWLNTRP GE 4 GERMY VDBY 520358N 0090232E 52.06611,9.04221 SCOTIA SCOTIA 36 1 A N Y VDSE 425100N 0735847W 42.85000,-73.97971 SCOTT AIR SCOTTAFB 17 1 D ILL VDYD 383221N 0895100W 38.53916,-89.85000 SCOTTSBLUFF SCTTSBLF 31 1 D NEB VELR 415231N 1033400W 41.87527,-103.56666 SCOTTSBORO SCOTTSBR 01 1 C ALA VEMC 344018N 0860206W 34.67166,-86.03499 SCOTTSBURG SCTTSBRG 18 1 D IND VEMG 381719N 0871309W 38.28860,-87.21916 SCOTTSDALE SCOTTSDL 04 1 H ARZ VEMM 332700N 1115506W 33.45000,-111.91832 SCRIBA SCRIBA 36 1 A N Y VERN 432800N 0761740W 43.46666,-76.29444 SEABROOK SEABROOK 33 1 A N H 425541N 0705218W 42.92804,-70.87166 SEAFORD SEAFORD 10 1 B DEL VFDX 383828N 0753641W 38.64110,-75.61138 SEAGOVILLE SEAGOVLL 48 1 E TEX VFGE 323818N 0963218W 32.63833,-96.53833 SEARCHLIGHT SRCHLGHT 32 1 G NEV VFNB 351918N 1144817W 35.32166,-114.80472 SEASIDE SEASIDE 06 1 G CAL VFSJ 363640N 1215102W 36.61111,-121.85055 SEATTLE SEATTLE 53 1 F WASH VFVS 473900N 1221948W 47.65000,-122.32999 SEATTLE-TACOMA SLTCMAPT 53 1 F WASH VFZM 472657N 1221829W 47.44916,-122.30805 SEBURIYAMA SEBURIYM JA 7 JAPAN VGDM 332517N 1302246E 33.42138,130.37943 SECAUCUS SECAUCUS 34 1 A N J VGDP 404722N 0740325W 40.78944,-74.05694 SEDALIA SEDALIA 29 1 D MO VGET 384215N 0931400W 38.70416,-93.23333 SEGUIN SEGUIN 48 1 E TEX VGJZ 293402N 0975802W 29.56721,-97.96721 SELFRIDGE AIR SLFDGAFB 26 1 D MICH VGLZ 423603N 0825014W 42.60083,-82.83721 SELLERSBURG SLLRSBRG 18 1 D IND VGPY 382353N 0854518W 38.39805,-85.75500 SELMER SELMER 47 1 C TENN VGUZ 351024N 0883554W 35.17332,-88.59833 SEMBACH SEMBACH GE 4 GERMY VGWU 493625N 0075300E 49.60694,7.88333 SEMBAWANG WHARF SMBWGWHF SN 7 SNGPR SEAG 012723N 1034950E 1.45638,103.83054 SENATOBIA SENATOBI 28 1 C MISS 346175N 0899724W 35.03749,-90.62332 SENNELAGER SENNELGR GE 4 GERMY 514547N 0084340E 51.76305,8.72777 SENNETERRE SENNETRR CA 2 QUEBC 482012N 0771114W 48.33666,-77.18721 SENNETT SENNETT 36 1 A N Y 425941N 0763159W 42.99471,-76.53304 SEOUL AIRFIELD SELARFLD KS 7 KORES VHPY 372630N 1270645E 37.44166,127.11250 SEOUL EMBASSY SEOULEMB KS 7 KORES 373415N 1265840E 37.57082,126.97777 SEPULVEDA SEPULVED 06 1 H CAL 341351N 1182802W 34.23082,-118.46721 SERGEANT BLUFF SRGNTBLF 19 1 D IOWA VHQY 422414N 0962130W 42.40388,-96.35833 SEYMOUR-JOHNSON SYMJHAFB 37 1 C N CAR VKAG 352023N 0775736W 35.33971,-77.96000 SHAFTER SHAFTER 48 1 E TEX 285528N 1042208W 28.92443,-104.36888 SHAIK ISA SHKHISAB BA 6 BAHRE VKWD 255539N 0503456E 25.92749,50.58221 SHALIMAR SHALIMAR 12 1 C FLA 302630N 0863548W 30.44166,-86.59666 SHAMOKIN SHAMOKIN 42 1 B PENN 404724N 0763342W 40.78999,-76.56166 SHAPE SHAPE BE 4 BELG 503000N 0035845E 50.50000,3.97916 SHAW AIR SHAW AFB 45 1 C S CAR 335747N 0802738W 33.96305,-80.46055 SHAWNEE SHAWNEE 20 1 D KAN 390230N 0944000W 39.04166,-94.66666
Asher Baker
SHEBOYGAN SHEBOYGN 55 1 D WISC 434608N 0875108W 43.76888,-87.85222 SHELBYVILLE SHLBYVLL 18 1 D IND VMZH 393117N 0854637W 39.52138,-85.77693 SHELTON SHELTON 53 1 F WASH 471206N 1230602W 47.20166,-123.10055 SHEPARD BAY SHEPRDBY CA 2 KEWAT 684838N 0932601W 68.81055,-93.43360 SHERIDAN KASERNE SHRDNKSN GE 4 GERMY VPKR 482133N 0105122E 48.35916,10.85611 SHINGLE POINT SHINGLPT CA 2 YUKON SHA7 685600N 1371345W 68.93333,-137.22916 SHINSAN RI SHINSANR KS 7 KORES 375326N 1265839E 37.89055,126.97749 SHIROGAN SHGNTKYC JA 7 JAPAN 353820N 1394345E 35.63888,139.72916 SHORT HILLS SHRTHLLS 34 1 A N J VQFH 404452N 0741933W 40.74777,-74.32582 SHUQUALAK SHUQUALK 28 1 C MISS VQLB 325808N 0883404W 32.96888,-88.56777 SIEGELSBACH SIGLSBCH GE 4 GERMY VRCE 491609N 0090318E 49.26916,9.05500 SIGONELLA NAVAL SGNLLNS1 IT 5 ITALY 372359N 0145800E 37.39971,14.96666 SILVER LAKE SILVER L 28 1 C MISS VRZJ 330842N 0903000W 33.14499,-90.50000 SILVERDALE SILVERDL 53 1 F WASH VSBP 473841N 1224137W 47.64471,-122.69360 SILVERTON SILVERTN SF 5 SOUAF 254500S 0002818E -25.75000,.47166 SIN SAN NI SINSANRI KS 7 KORES VSMM 375325N 1265840E 37.89027,126.97777 SIOUX LOOKOUT SIOUXLKT CA 2 ONTAR SJAU 500655N 0915420W 50.11527,-91.90555 SITE R SITE R 42 1 B PENN VT1K 394402N 0772513W 39.73388,-77.42027 SIVRIHISIR SIVRIHSR TU 5 TURKY VTBV 392712N 0312159E 39.45333,31.36638 SKILAK SKILAK 02 9 ALS VTGH 603052N 1501255W 60.51444,-150.21527 SKY HARBOR SKYHARBR 04 1 H ARZ 332607N 1120043W 33.43527,-112.01194 SKYLINE SKYLINE 51 1 B VIR 385202N 0770507W 38.86721,-77.08527 SLIDELL SLIDELL 22 1 E LIA VTRV 301700N 0825014W 30.28333,-82.83721 SLOAN SLOAN 19 1 D IOWA VTWA 421358N 0961340W 42.23277,-96.22777 SOCHI SOCHI UR 4 USSR VWFE 432645N 0395651E 43.44583,39.94749 SODDY DAISY SODDYDSY 47 1 C TENN 351601N 0851017W 35.26693,-85.17138 SODUS SODUS 36 1 A N Y VWJF 431418N 0770342W 43.23833,-77.06166 SOLENZARA SOLENZAR FR 4 FRANC VWUE 415525N 0092421E 41.92360,9.40583 SOLOMONS SOLOMONS 24 1 B MLD VWWD 381900N 0762731W 38.31666,-76.45861 SOMIS SOMIS 06 1 H CAL SPAS 341526N 1185943W 34.25722,-118.99527 SONGNAM SONGNAM KS 7 KORES VXGT 372610N 1270745E 37.43610,127.12916 SONORA SONORA 48 1 E TEX 303400N 1003807W 30.56666,-100.63527 SOPLEY SOPLEY UK 3 UNKIN 005047N 0000147W .84638,-.02971 SORTA ISLAND SORTA I NO 3 NORWA 601930N 0050515E 60.32499,5.08749 SOUTH ISLAND SO I 45 1 C S CAR VVEN 330908N 0791305W 33.15222,-79.21804 SOUTH RIDING S RIDING 51 1 B VIR 385515N 0773015W 38.92082,-77.50416 SOUTH WINDHAM SOWINDHM 23 1 A MNE 434410N 0702527W 43.73610,-70.42416 SOUTHBURY SOUTHBRY 09 1 A CONN VXVE 412853N 0731249W 41.48138,-73.21361 SOUTHEAST SECEOFFC 11 1 B DIC 385620N 0770500W 38.93888,-77.08333 SPA MALCHAMPS SPMLCMPS BE 4 BELG VYFK 502803N 0055525E 50.46749,5.92360 SPARREVOHN AIR SPVHNAFS 02 9 ALS SPAZ 610553N 1553419W 61.09805,-155.57193 SPENCER SPENCER 19 1 D IOWA VYVR 430829N 0950839W 43.14138,-95.14416 SPION KOP SPNKPJNC 30 1 F MONT 471706N 1103659W 47.28499,-110.61638
Jose Parker
SPRINGFIELD SPRNGFLD 05 1 E ARK VZSN 351603N 0923327W 35.26749,-92.55750 STADTALLENDORF SDTLNDRF GE 4 GERMY WDSZ 504930N 0090228E 50.82499,9.04110 STAFFORD STAFFORD 51 1 B VIR WDSN 382518N 0772430W 38.42166,-77.40833 STAMFORD STAMFORD 09 1 A CONN WDWY 410312N 0733221W 41.05333,-73.53916 STANDIFORD FIELD STANDFRD 21 1 B KEN WEAS 381047N 0854419W 38.17971,-85.73860 STANFORD STANFORD 06 1 G CAL WEBY 375551N 1221021W 37.93082,-122.17249 STANFORD STANFORD UK 3 UNKIN WEDF 513100N 0000248E 51.51666,.04666 STAPLETON STAPLETN 08 1 D COL WERS 394555N 1045246W 39.76527,-104.87943 STEINBACHTAL STNBCHTL GE 4 GERMY WGMJ 494542N 0095219E 49.76166,9.87193 STENNIS SPACE SNSPCNTR 28 1 C MISS KBGL 302215N 8092716W 30.37082,-809.45444 STERLING STERLING 08 1 D COL WGSV 403732N 1031226W 40.62554,-103.20722 STERLING STERLING 51 1 B VIR WGWF 390022N 0772544W 39.00611,-77.42888 STOCKSBERG STCKSBRG GE 4 GERMY WHZQ 490403N 0092420E 49.06749,9.40555 STOCKTON STOCKTON 13 1 C GEO WJAW 305621N 0825959W 30.93916,-82.99971 STONEVILLE STONEVLL 46 1 D S DAK WJGS 444401N 1023915W 44.73360,-102.65416 STORM LAKE STORM L 19 1 D IOWA WJQH 423828N 0951234W 42.64110,-95.20944 STORRS STORRS 09 1 A CONN WJRP 414830N 0721500W 41.80833,-72.25000 STOUT FIELD STOUTFLD 18 1 D IND 394344N 0861654W 39.72888,-86.28166 STRATFORD STRATFRD 09 1 A CONN WJUP 411104N 0730801W 41.18444,-73.13360 STRAWBERRY PEAK SRWBRYPK 06 1 H CAL STAZ 341302N 1171508W 34.21721,-117.25222 STRIPED PEAK STRIPDPK 53 1 F WASH WKAX 480924N 1234100W 48.15666,-123.68333 SUFFOLK SUFFOLK 36 1 A N Y WKTR 405030N 0723740W 40.84166,-72.62777 SUGAR GROVE SUGARGRV 54 1 B W VA 383053N 0791649W 38.51472,-79.28027 SULLIVAN BARRACKS SULLVNBK GE 4 GERMY WLQS 493122N 0083214E 49.52277,8.53721 SULLIVAN SLVNBKMN GE 4 GERMY WLQS 493122N 0083214E 49.52277,8.53721 SULPHUR SULPHUR 22 1 E LIA WLQR 302406N 0932236W 30.40166,-93.37666 SUMAS SUMAS 53 1 F WASH WLTR 490000N 1221549W 49.00000,-122.26361 SUN VALLEY SUNVALLY 06 1 H CAL 341303N 1182210W 34.21749,-118.36943 SUNFLOWER SUNFLOWR 20 1 D KAN WMLW 385645N 0950010W 38.94583,-95.00277 SUPERIOR VALLEY SPRRVLLY 06 1 H CAL WMWK 341219N 1182614W 34.20527,-118.43721
Alexander Taylor
SUTTON SUTTON 54 1 B W VA WNDK 383908N 0804207W 38.65222,-80.70194 SWEEPERS COVE ADAK SWPSCVAD 02 8 ALS 515633N 1763604W 51.94249,-176.60111 SWINGATE SWINGATE UK 3 UNKIN WNCY 510811N 0012013W 51.13638,-1.33694 SYKESVILLE SYKESVLL 24 1 B MLD WPCP 392225N 0765805W 39.37360,-76.96804 SYLT SYLT GE 4 GERMY 544830N 0081736E 54.80833,8.29333 TACOMA TACOMA KS 7 KORES WPVK 355825N 1264824E 35.97360,126.80666 TAEGU AIR FORCE BASE TAEGU AB KS 7 KORES WPZQ 355325N 1283941E 35.89027,128.66138 TAESOSAN TAESOSAN KS 7 KORES 364738N 1262621E 36.79388,126.43916 TAFT TAFT 22 1 E LIA WQDN 295928N 0902653W 29.99110,-90.44805 TAHNETA PASS TAHNTPSS 02 9 ALS 615000N 1471930W 61.83333,-147.32499 TAIF TAIF SA 6 SAURB AQXC 212859N 0403238E 21.48304,40.54388 TAIPEI TAIPEI TW 7 TAIWN WQQT 250419N 1213103E 25.07193,121.51749 TAIRAGAWA TAIRAGAW JA 7 JAPAN 262141N 1275109E 26.36138,127.85250 TAKANO TAKANO GQ 7 GUAM WQUH 133203N 1445309E 13.53416,144.88583 TALKEETNA TALKEETN 02 9 ALS WRBU 621920N 1500700W 62.32221,-150.11666 TALLULAH TALLULAH 22 1 E LIA WREP 322450N 0911120W 32.41388,-91.18888 TAMIAMI TAMIAMI 12 1 C FLA 253845N 0802555W 25.64583,-80.43193 TANAGRA TANAGRA GR 5 GREEC WRNI 382021N 0233356E 38.33916,23.56555 TANGO TANGO KS 7 KORES WRUU 372511N 1270342E 37.41971,127.06166 TAPPAN TAPPAN 36 1 A N Y WRYJ 410133N 0735706W 41.02582,-73.95166 TARQUINIA TARQUINI IT 5 ITALY WSAU 421009N 0114436E 42.16916,11.74333 TASZAR2 TASZAR2 HU 4 HUNGR TASZ 462370N 0175541E 46.40277,17.92804 TAUKKUNEN BARRACKS WORMS TKNBKWMS GE 4 GERMY WSNY 493833N 0082146E 49.64249,8.36277 TAVARES TAVARES 12 1 C FLA WSQU 284812N 0814342W 28.80333,-81.72832 TAYLOR BARRACKS MANNHEIM TYLBKMNH GE 4 GERMY WSUT 493057N 0083314E 49.51583,8.55388 TAYLOR TAYLOR 31 1 D NEB WSSG 414613N 0992242W 41.77027,-99.37832 TAYLORS ISLAND TAYLORSI 24 1 B MLD WSSX 382808N 0761758W 38.46888,-76.29944 TBILISI TBILISI GG 4 GEORG WSUG 413857N 0445611E 41.64916,44.93638 TECATE TECATE 06 1 H CAL 323512N 1163712W 32.58666,-116.61999 TEMPLE HILLS TMPLHLLS 24 1 B MLD WTNM 384920N 0765550W 38.82221,-76.93054 TENLEY RADIO RELAY WASH TRR 11 1 B DIC 385216N 0770318W 38.87110,-77.05500 TERRE HAUTE TERREHAT 18 1 D IND WTVR 392800N 0872450W 39.46666,-87.41388 TETERBORO TETERBOR 34 1 A N J WUDM 405135N 0740335W 40.85972,-74.05972 TEUFELSBERG TEFLSBRG GE 4 GERMY TEAP 522952N 0131430E 52.49777,13.24166 THE PLAINS THEPLANS 51 1 B VIR WUWP 385143N 0774627W 38.86194,-77.77416 THEINFELD THEINFLD GE 4 GERMY 501303N 0102054E 50.21749,10.34833 THESSALONIK THESSLNK GR 5 GREEC 402730N 0225930E 40.45833,22.99166 THOMPKINS BARRACKS TMPKNSBK GE 4 GERMY 492431N 0083340E 49.40861,8.56111
Lincoln Jenkins
THORNTON THORNTON 08 1 D COL WVZQ 395295N 1045817W 39.89304,-104.97138 THUMRAIT THUMRAIT MU 6 OMAN QEPQ 173957N 0540126E 17.66583,54.02388 TIETELSEN TIETELSN GE 4 GERMY 513917N 0091557E 51.65472,9.26583 TIN CITY AIR FORCE STATION TINCYAFS 02 9 ALS WWXP 653350N 1675508W 65.56388,-167.91888 TINKER AIR FORCE BASE TINKRAFB 40 1 E OKLA WWYK 352506N 0972320W 35.41832,-97.38888 TIRANA TIRANA AL 5 ALBAN ADTN 411990N 0194760E 41.34166,19.79999 TOKOROZAWA TOKOROZW JA 7 JAPAN WYHL 354750N 1392800E 35.79721,139.46666 TOLEDO TOLEDO 19 1 D IOWA WYPS 415944N 0923436W 41.99555,-92.57666 TOLLAND TOLLAND 09 1 A CONN WYVX 415219N 0722209W 41.87193,-72.36916 TONGDUCHON TONGDCHN KS 7 KORES WZRL 375530N 1270320E 37.92499,127.05555 TOONE TOONE 47 1 C TENN XACN 360200N 0863201W 36.03333,-86.53360 TOPEKA TOPEKA 20 1 D KAN XAHR 390254N 0954040W 39.04833,-95.67777 TORRINGTON TORRNGTN 09 1 A CONN XBNS 414802N 0730718W 41.80055,-73.12166 TOWANDA TOWANDA 42 1 B PENN XBZH 414600N 0762609W 41.76666,-76.43583 TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE TRAVSAFB 06 1 G CAL XDAT 381545N 1215537W 38.26250,-121.92693 TRAVIS FIELD TRAVSFLD 13 1 C GEO 320737N 0811208W 32.12693,-81.20222 TRENTON TRENTON 21 1 B KEN XDYF 364326N 0871546W 36.72388,-87.26277 TRIANGLE PARK TRINGLPK 37 1 C N CAR XETC 345412N 0785321W 34.90333,-78.88916 TRINIDAD TRINIDAD 08 1 D COL XFBN 371010N 1043000W 37.16943,-104.50000 TRIUMPHFUL TRIMPHFL 06 1 H CAL 340451N 1185344W 34.08082,-118.89555 TRUMBULL TRUMBALL 09 1 A CONN XGKJ 411434N 0731204W 41.24277,-73.20111 TUCKER TUCKER 13 1 C GEO XHCX 335116N 0841302W 33.85444,-84.21721 TUERKHEIM TUERKHEM GE 4 GERMY XHJS 483510N 0094701E 48.58610,9.78360 TUKTOYAKTUK TUKTYKTK CA 2 MAKEN TUAC 692615N 1330014W 69.43749,-133.00388 TUMON BAY TUMONBAY GQ 7 GUAM XJAJ 133010N 1444500E 13.50277,144.75000 TUNNEL HILL TUNNLHLL 13 1 C GEO XJCV 345026N 0850234W 34.84055,-85.04277 TURQUOISE TURQUOIS 06 1 H CAL 352608N 1155521W 35.43555,-115.92249 TUSCALOOSA TUSCALOS 01 1 C ALA XKLU 331218N 0873400W 33.20500,-87.56666 TUSKEGEE TUSKEGEE 01 1 C ALA XKQU 322504N 0854105W 32.41777,-85.68471 TUSTIN TUSTIN 06 1 H CAL XKTE 334440N 1174904W 33.74444,-117.81777 TUZLA TUZLA BK 4 BOSNI XKWQ 442730N 0184332E 44.45833,18.72554 TWIN LAKES TENNESSEE TWINLAKS 47 1 C TENN 355353N 0841020W 35.89805,-84.17221 TWINSBURG TWINSBRG 39 1 B OHIO 413242N 0814528W 41.54499,-81.75777 TWO CREEKS TWOCREKS 55 1 D WISC 441801N 0873308W 44.30027,-87.55222 TYBEE ISLAND TYBEE I 13 1 C GEO XLQR 320102N 0810805W 32.01721,-81.13471 TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE TYNDLAFB 12 1 C FLA XLWU 300411N 0853434W 30.06971,-85.57610 UEDEM UEDEM GE 4 GERMY XMTM 514057N 0061757E 51.68249,6.29916 UFFING UFFING GE 4 GERMY 474313N 0111038E 47.72027,11.17721 ULMEN ULMEN GE 4 GERMY 501247N 0065809E 50.21305,6.96916 ULUPAU HEAD ULUPAUHD 15 8 HAW XNEA 212745N 1574400W 21.46250,-157.73333 UMATILLA UMATILLA 41 1 F ORE XNHK 455501N 1192007W 45.91693,-119.33527 UNALASKA UNALASKA 02 9 ALS FNSF 535345N 1663220W 53.89583,-166.53888 UNION CENTER UNINCNTR 46 1 D S DAK XNSN 443339N 1024008W 44.56083,-102.66888
Ethan Reyes
UNION CITY UNION CY 06 1 G CAL XNSR 373600N 1220101W 37.60000,-122.01693 UNION UNION 29 1 D MO XNRB 382607N 0910004W 38.43527,-91.00111 UNIONDALE UNIONDAL 36 1 A N Y XNVA 404201N 0733536W 40.70027,-73.59333 UNITED STATES CAPITOL USCAPITL 11 1 B DIC 385324N 0770036W 38.88999,-77.01000 UPOLU POINT UPOLU PT 15 8 HAW XQDX 201450N 1555308W 20.24721,-155.88555 UPPER HEYFORD UPHEYFRD UK 3 UNKIN XQDT 515612N 0011457W 51.93666,-1.24916 URAHORO URAHORO JA 7 JAPAN XQJJ 424437N 1434309E 42.74360,143.71916 URASOE URASOE JA 7 JAPAN XQKD 261430N 1274130E 26.24166,127.69166 URASOE-SHI URASOESH JA 7 JAPAN XQKD 261430N 1274130E 26.24166,127.69166 US EMBASSY LONDON USEMBLND UK 3 UNKIN 512920N 0000745W 51.48888,-.12916 USKUDAR USKUDAR TU 5 TURKY XQSH 405944N 0290143E 40.99555,29.02860 VALE VALE 46 1 D S DAK XRUM 443713N 1032406W 44.62027,-103.40166 VALPARAISO VALPARAS 18 1 D IND XSXW 412823N 0870340W 41.47304,-87.06111 VANCE AIR FORCE BASE VANCEAFB 40 1 E OKLA XTQF 362030N 0975220W 36.34166,-97.87221 VANDENBERG AIRF FORCE BASE VNDNBAFB 06 1 H CAL XUMU 344347N 1203433W 34.72971,-120.57582 VERNON HILLS VRNNHLLS 17 1 D ILL XWFD 421310N 0875846W 42.21943,-87.97943 VERNON VALLEY VRNNVLLY 34 1 A N J XWFK 410658N 0743004W 41.11611,-74.50111 VERNON VERNON 50 1 A VT XWHY 424543N 0723050W 42.76194,-72.51388 VERSAILLES VERSALLS 17 1 D ILL XWVK 395306N 0903921W 39.88499,-90.65583 VERSAILLES VERSALLS 18 1 D IND XWVM 390412N 0851507W 39.06999,-85.25194 VFOSCA VFOSCA BK 4 BOSNI 433018N 0184643E 43.50500,18.77860 VIBORG VIBORG DA 4 DENMK XWXF 562630N 0092510E 56.44166,9.41943 VICTOR VICTOR 08 1 D COL XXDQ 384236N 1050822W 38.71000,-105.13944 VIDALIA VIDALIA 13 1 C GEO XXWC 321209N 0822407W 32.20250,-82.40194 VIDAREJALL VIDARJLL IC 2 ICELD 661360N 0154970W 66.23332,-15.83610 VILLAFRANCA VILLFRNC IT 5 ITALY XWSD 452343N 0105315E 45.39527,10.88749 VILLAGE GREEN VILLGGRN 42 1 B PENN 395201N 0752507W 39.86693,-75.41860 VINCENNS VINCENNS 18 1 D IND XZEF 384038N 0873143W 38.67721,-87.52860 VINTON VINTON 19 1 D IOWA XZQK 421007N 0920124W 42.16860,-92.02332 VOLENS VOLENS 51 1 B VIR YAPA 365601N 0790009W 36.93360,-79.00250 VOLK FIELD VOLK FLD 55 1 D WISC YAQF 435622N 0901511W 43.93944,-90.25305 VOLK VOLK 55 1 D WISC YAQK 435600N 0900830W 43.93333,-90.14166 VOLKFIELD VOLKFILD 55 1 D WISC YAQF 435622N 0901511W 43.93944,-90.25305 VOORHEES VOORHEES 34 1 A N J 402852N 0742901W 40.48110,-74.48360 WABASHA WABASHA 27 1 D MINN YEJK 442217N 0920242W 44.37138,-92.04499 WAIKELE WAIKELE 15 8 HAW YFWM 212710N 1580234W 21.45277,-158.04277 WAIOURU WAIOURU NZ 7 NWZEA YGCN 392636S 1753930E -39.44333,175.65833 WAKEFIELD WAKEFLD 51 1 B VIR YGKM 365805N 0765924W 36.96804,-76.98999 WALDO WALDO 20 1 D KAN YGPT 390706N 0984752W 39.11832,-98.79777 WALLACE WALLACE RP 7 PHILI 163730N 1201645E 16.62499,120.27916 WALLED LAKE WALLED L 26 1 D MICH YJEP 423200N 0832902W 42.53333,-83.48388 WANNA WANNA GE 4 GERMY 534430N 0084839E 53.74166,8.81083 WAPAKONETA WAPAKONT 39 1 B OHIO YKDU 403406N 0841148W 40.56832,-84.19666 WARMINSTER WARMNSTR 42 1 B PENN YKKH 401109N 0750439W 40.18583,-75.07749
Colton Young
WARNER BARRACKS BAMBERG WNBKBMBG GE 4 GERMY YKLA 495435N 0105549E 49.90972,10.93027 WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS WRNSVLHG 39 1 B OHIO YKVG 412601N 0812929W 41.43360,-81.49138 WARROAD WARROAD 27 1 D MINN 485403N 0951809W 48.90083,-95.30250 WARSAW WARSAW 29 1 D MO 381442N 0932248W 38.24499,-93.37999 WARZENRIED WARZENRD GE 4 GERMY YLEC 491820N 0125952E 49.30555,12.99777 WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT WSHGTNTN 51 1 B VIR YMGC 385108N 0770215W 38.85222,-77.03749 WASHINGTON WASHNGTN 19 1 D IOWA YLZT 411756N 0914127W 41.29888,-91.69083 WASHINGTON WASHNGTN 20 1 D KAN YMAG 394905N 0970302W 39.81804,-97.05055 WASHINGTON WASHNGTN 51 1 B VIR YMFK 384248N 0780935W 38.71333,-78.15972 WATERBURY WATERBRY 09 1 A CONN YMSM 413329N 0730307W 41.55805,-73.05194 WATERFORD WATERFRD 09 1 A CONN YMWH 411857N 0721044W 41.31583,-72.17888 WATERFORD WATERFRD 26 1 D MICH 423947N 0832317W 42.66305,-83.38805 WATERLOO WATERLOO 19 1 D IOWA YMXT 422934N 0922034W 42.49277,-92.34277 WATERTON WATERTON 08 1 D COL YMZM 392937N 1050517W 39.49360,-105.08805 WATFORD CITY WATFRDCY 38 1 D N DAK YNLX 474806N 1031700W 47.80166,-103.28333 WATTISHAM WATTISHM UK 3 UNKIN YNSU 520712N 0005645E 52.11999,.94583 WATTON WATTON UK 3 UNKIN YNTH 523342N 0005152E 52.56166,.86444 WEBSTER WEBSTER 48 1 E TEX UAAH 293110N 0950550W 29.51943,-95.09721 WEEKS ISLAND WEEKS I 22 1 E LIA 294839N 0914816W 29.81083,-91.80444 WEILBERBACH WELBRBCH GE 4 GERMY 493200N 0074523E 49.53333,7.75638 WEILER WEILER GE 4 GERMY 484617N 0095117E 48.77138,9.85472 WELDEN WELDEN GE 4 GERMY YRHP 482740N 0103930E 48.46111,10.65833 WELLINGTON WELLNGTN 20 1 D KAN YRRZ 371555N 0972217W 37.26527,-97.37138 WENATCHEE WENATCHE 53 1 F WASH YSCT 472330N 1201320W 47.39166,-120.22221 WEST FRIENDSHIP WFRNDSHP 24 1 B MLD YCBJ 391809N 0765711W 39.30250,-76.95305 WEST HARTFORD WHARTFRD 09 1 A CONN YCDF 414543N 0724433W 41.76194,-72.74249 WEST HAVEN W HAVEN 09 1 A CONN YCFF 411614N 0725651W 41.27054,-72.94749 WEST HILLS WESTHLLS 06 1 G CAL 360854N 1202120W 36.14833,-120.35555 WEST LOCH W LOCH 15 8 HAW YSNC 212206N 1580044W 21.36832,-158.01222 WEST LOS ANGELES WLSANGLS 06 1 H CAL 340247N 1182650W 34.04638,-118.44721 WEST MIFFLIN WMIFFLIN 42 1 B PENN YSNA 402108N 0795200W 40.35222,-79.86666 WEST OLIVE W OLIVE 26 1 D MICH YCZK 425517N 0860847W 42.92138,-86.14638 WEST POINT W PT 36 1 A N Y AHHN 412202N 0735801W 41.36721,-73.96693 WEST SWEET GRASS WSWTGRSS 30 1 F MONT 485946N 1115735W 48.99610,-111.95972 WESTBROOK WESTBROK 09 1 A CONN YSNR 411707N 0722653W 41.28527,-72.44805 WESTCHESTER WCHESTER 36 1 A N Y 405050N 0735119W 40.84721,-73.85527 WESTFIELD WESTFILD 48 1 E TEX 300103N 0952402W 30.01749,-95.40055 WESTHAMPTON WSTHMPTN 34 1 A N J YTFS 404224N 0745730W 40.70666,-74.95833 WESTLAKE VILLAGE WSTLKVLG 06 1 H CAL WEAF 340910N 1184945W 34.15277,-118.82916 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE 06 1 H CAL 374244N 1223242W 37.71222,-122.54499 WESTLOCH WESTLOCH 15 8 HAW 212000N 1580257W 21.33333,-158.04916 WESTPORT WESTPORT 09 1 A CONN YUHC 410829N 0732130W 41.14138,-73.35833 WETHERSFIELD WTHRSFLD 09 1 A CONN YUME 414251N 0723911W 41.71416,-72.65305 WHEAT RIDGE WHEATRDG 08 1 D COL YUYC 394558N 1050436W 39.76611,-105.07666 WHEATLAND WHEATLND 19 1 D IOWA YUZL 414958N 0905014W 41.83277,-90.83721 WHEATLAND WHEATLND 38 1 D N DAK YUZS 465427N 0972042W 46.90750,-97.34499 WHEATON WHEATON 24 1 B MLD YVDZ 390205N 0770301W 39.03471,-77.05027 WHEELER ARMY AIRFIELD WHELRAAF 15 8 HAW YVEW 212904N 1580226W 21.48444,-158.04055
John Cook
WHIDBEY ISLAND WHIDBEYI 53 1 F WASH YVPG 482108N 1223915W 48.35222,-122.65416 WHITE CITY WHITE CY 41 1 F ORE 422603N 1225005W 42.43416,-122.83471 WHITE TANK MOUNTAIN WHTTNMTN 04 1 H ARZ YWAC 333431N 1123440W 33.57527,-112.57777 WHITEHALL WHITEHLL 39 1 B OHIO 395800N 0825308W 39.96666,-82.88555 WHITEHOUSE WHITEHOS 12 1 C FLA YWFM 302045N 0815226W 30.34583,-81.87388 WHITEHOUSE WHITEHOS 51 1 B VIR 373447N 0770125W 37.57971,-77.02360 WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE WHTMNAFB 29 1 D MO YWHG 384349N 0933252W 38.73027,-93.54777 WHITEOWL WHITEOWL 46 1 D S DAK YVVP 443532N 1022549W 44.59221,-102.43027 WHITESTONE WHITESTN 36 1 A N Y YWVP 404747N 0734853W 40.79638,-73.81472 WHITING WHITING 18 1 D IND YWZU 414047N 0872940W 41.67971,-87.49444 WICHITA WICHITA 20 1 D KAN YXHV 374132N 0972014W 37.69221,-97.33721 WILKINSBURG WLKNSBRG 42 1 B PENN 402505N 0795303W 40.41804,-79.88416 WILL ROGERS WILLRGRS 40 1 E OKLA YZEU 352332N 0973606W 35.39221,-97.60166 WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE WLLMSAFB 04 1 H ARZ WJBS 325307N 1124857W 32.88527,-112.81583 WILLIAMSTOWN WLLMSTWN 54 1 B W VA 392401N 0812700W 39.40027,-81.45000 WILLIMANTIC WILLMNTC 09 1 A CONN ZAPD 414238N 0721231W 41.71055,-72.20861 WILLMAR WILLMAR 27 1 D MINN ZATN 450729N 0959258W 45.12471,-96.54944 WILLOW SPRINGS WILLWSPR 29 1 D MO ZAZL 395636N 0915800W 39.94333,-91.96666 WILMETTE WILMETTE 17 1 D ILL ZBZJ 420405N 0874103W 42.06804,-87.68416 WINDEN WINDEN GE 4 GERMY 485633N 0113235E 48.94249,11.54305 WINDOW ROCK WINDWRCK 04 1 H ARZ ZCBQ 353908N 1090400W 35.65222,-109.06666 WINDSOR LOCKS WNDSRLKS 09 1 A CONN ZCFC 415545N 0723740W 41.92916,-72.62777 WINDSOR WINDSOR 09 1 A CONN ZCDG 415109N 0723839W 41.85250,-72.64416 WINDSOR WINDSOR 29 1 D MO ZCEW 383200N 0933103W 38.53333,-93.51749 WINDY HILL WINDYHLL 13 1 C GEO ZCGC 333255N 0834830W 33.54860,-83.80833 WINFIELD WINFIELD 20 1 D KAN ZCHA 371423N 0965943W 37.23971,-96.99527 WINFIELD WINFIELD 29 1 D MO ZCHF 390012N 0904044W 39.00333,-90.67888 WINFIELD WINFIELD 54 1 B W VA ZCHU 383200N 0815305W 38.53333,-81.88471 WINSTED WINSTED 09 1 A CONN ZDHV 415516N 0730338W 41.92110,-73.06055 WINTERGREEN WINTRGRN 51 1 B VIR 375305N 0785359W 37.88471,-78.89971 WINTERSBURG WNTRSBRG 04 1 H ARZ WJAJ 332512N 1125206W 33.41999,-112.86832 WINTHROP WINTHROP 27 1 D MINN ZDUZ 443237N 0942153W 44.54360,-94.36472 WISE WISE 51 1 B VIR ZDXW 365806N 0823405W 36.96832,-82.56804 WITTMUNDHAFEN WTMNDHFN GE 4 GERMY ZEHG 533255N 0074007E 53.54860,7.66860 WOELLSTEIN WOELLSTN GE 4 GERMY 494864N 0075767E 49.81777,7.96861 WOODBINE WOODBINE 13 1 C GEO ZFDM 305749N 0814322W 30.96361,-81.72277 WRIGHT PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE WGHTPAFB 39 1 B OHIO ZHTV 394934N 0840254W 39.82610,-84.04833
Jeremiah Garcia
I don't know what this is.
Kayden Ward
i appreciate OP's efforts. can we get some background info tho? what is this dump from, how do we know its related to pic related?
Juan Nelson
WUERZBURG WUERZBRG GE 4 GERMY ZJQG 494915N 0095348E 49.82082,9.89666 WUESCHHEIM WUESCHHM GE 4 GERMY ZJTN 500011N 0072423E 50.00305,7.40638 WURTSMITH AIR FORCE BASE WTSMTAFB 26 1 D MICH ZJXE 442706N 0832342W 44.45166,-83.39499 WYE MILLS WYEMILLS 24 1 B MLD ZKLA 385628N 0760451W 38.94110,-76.08082 WYOMISSING WYOMSSNG 42 1 B PENN ZKRS 401942N 0755912W 40.32832,-75.98666 WYTON WYTON UK 3 UNKIN ZKVS 522124N 0000628W 52.35666,-.10777 YAWALSAN YAWALSAN KS 7 KORES ZMPA 381420N 1270614E 38.23888,127.10388 YEAGER AIRPORT YGRARPRT 54 1 B W VA LYBH 382225N 0813547W 38.37360,-81.59638 YENISEHER YENISEHR TU 5 TURKY YSJQ 401520N 0293342E 40.25555,29.56166 YEREVAN YEREVAN AM 4 ARMEN ZNAT 401030N 0442817E 40.17499,44.47138 YOKOSE YOKOSE JA 7 JAPAN ZNML 330428N 1294315E 33.07443,129.72082 YOKOTA YOKOTA JA 7 JAPAN ZNRE 354443N 1392106E 35.74527,139.35166 YOOK COON YOOKCOON KS 7 KORES ZPMM 355500N 1272830E 35.91666,127.47499 YORK YORK 23 1 A MNE ZPQC 430903N 0704000W 43.15083,-70.66666 YOUNGSTOWN YONGSTWN 39 1 B OHIO ZQEA 411522N 0804011W 41.25611,-80.66971 YSLETA YSLETA 48 1 E TEX ZQMP 314154N 1061928W 31.69833,-106.32443 YULEE YULEE 12 1 C FLA ZQWB 303754N 0813624W 30.63166,-81.60666 YUMA MARINE CORPS AIR STATION YUMAMCAS 04 1 H ARZ ZRBF 323923N 1143618W 32.65638,-114.60500 YUMA PROVING GROUND YUMAPRGD 04 1 H ARZ ZRCG 323730N 1144045W 32.62499,-114.67916 ZAHNSBERG HILL ZHNSBGHL GE 4 GERMY 505448N 0091740E 50.91333,9.29444 ZEPHYR COVE ZEPHYRCV 32 1 G NEV ZSGC 390008N 1195718W 39.00222,-119.95500 ZERIFIN ZERIFIN IS 5 ISRAE ZEAW 320701N 0344501E 32.11693,34.75027 ZUKERAN ZUKERAN JA 7 JAPAN XQEX 261735N 1274600E 26.29305,127.76666 ZUTENDAAL ZUTENDAL BE 4 BELG ZUAB 505723N 0053454E 50.95638,5.58166
Nathan Sanders
I really hope I have the capabilities to make sure OPs efforts aren't in vain.
Hudson Cruz
He'll probably tell us once he's done.
Dylan Ramirez
Any of those locations look like black sites to you?
Brandon King
US military installation locations list for the purposes of cross referencing multiple instances of satanic ritual abuse and or child trafficking.
Parker Sanders
Brayden Lee
You should have told us what this was before OP.
Lincoln Edwards
Honestly, I didn't quite know what it was, at first. Now, it makes sense.
Leo Hughes
its a troll site. duh.
Nathaniel Johnson
can we get this data on and on
There is some relevant info there. we should take a look at it and find out if we can use it.
Who is going to be brave and import this as csv to google maps?
Leo Sanchez
maybe…maybe they are just look like houses and parking lots
like this building. It looks like AT&T switch board but it is not.
Anyway, if you have something better to do..please just go ahead. This could be intresting
Brody Evans
can we do it on yandex maps ?
It would probably trigger something on gogle
Camden Rodriguez
Can yandex import csv files? I've never used it.
I swear these look like dead drop sites. Some of them are in parks and on country roads.
Noah Long
some of them are middle of nowhere konda stuff. ADAK entry is just south of Alaska in the water
Jonathan Evans
Could be a buoy
Gabriel Morgan
WTF is this shit?! Googled; WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS WRNSVLHG 39 1 B OHIO YKVG 412601N 0812929W 41.43360,-81.49138
and got this link. highlight the page and thats our data dump who set up this site?!
Josiah Turner
it makes tons of references to 4chan and subgenius in it's other pages. it even directly links to archived 4chan pages about bob dobbs and illuminati stuff
Robert Perez
also half-chan was used as a link to a 4chan archive. so that vernacular is interesting
Don't just highlight, that's a shit way of doing it
Caleb Brown
What the fuck is this shit?
Aaron Perez
what am i looking at?
Asher Powell
Fed just the coords for MD to google.
Brayden Parker
Did OP die?
Nolan Peterson
So that website.. Has a video about getting rid of insomnia or w/e. It starts kind of "normal, until after like 10 seconds of a title screen, a woman with.. a bunch blood appears in a not-so-comfortable position. It looked like she was being moved, and a very calm voice starts talking. I stopped it pretty soon after because I still need sleep tonight. If anyone wants to watch it and explain in words what happens, that'd be appreciated.
It has airplane info and serial numbers of CIA planes and airport logs. (Super interesting)
It has a list of military installations including black sites.
It is made in the style of MK Ultra so that when people who know what MK Ultra is stumble onto it, they will pay attention.
It is put together way better than the DIY Church stuff, even though that is the aesthetic it mimics.
I would be cautiously optimistic about it, but there is some way out there stuff that gets presented. I didn't see lizard people, but I did see a new take on chemtrails already.
People. Financial entities. Locations. That is what people should be tying together, and there are a handful of leads.
Anything in the military list in Haiti or the DR?
Ian Cruz
Bump for interest
Angel Evans
If it looks intentionally "weird" or colorfully "crypto" you're looking at what is likely an ARG.
Brody Young
www This one in particular is strange
So, in the page where it talks about the Franklin Scandal, it mentions Masonic Lodge 67, which is proximity to this incident.
The article may be calling out this lodge specifically.
Zachary Cooper
Relevant in what respect?
Brandon Powell
Relevant to satanic ritual abuse or human trafficking.
Jayden Gray
text from the archive below and on Rupert Murdoch about and about Devil Worshipping Pedophiles on about and about Sucks to about NFL and for on FedEx Caused the Financial Crisis Rupert Murdoch on and about Rupert Murdoch and on for NFL because and Wall Street Journal on to Rupert Murdoch about and and and for because Devil Worshipping Pedophiles with and on for for Consumers refuse to buy Rupert Murdoch about on and because and and about Pornographic on
Ian Ross
It is alarming that Roger Stone's information is here. Perhaps he's a liaison between the camps.. which is no problem. But who knows..
Andrew Collins
The only coherent bit:
Robert Nguyen
One of first threads to wake up to and I'm already confused. Since I am a yuropoor I fail to understand why this thread is stickied much less the ramifications of this thread
Michael Rodriguez
this is a massive sigil or pattern that if ou leave the page up long enough it changes to a distorted inmage of a person in the same type format. can;t make out who though
reddit has been investigating this since this morning
at most they've been able to find that all the info is more or less publicly available,no one's been able to get anything substantial however and MAY be a waste of time, i'd say any anons should check the post so they don't waste time redoing anything and can see some of the info thats already been found so far
has anyone already done a whois query as in who the webmaster is
Hunter Thompson
Gavin Parker is an email exchange available through
I use burner email accounts, because they are infuriating to track.
Alexander Diaz
w waht ever they found it led them to theosophy…. the occult idea that lucifer is a good guy giving us knowledge. crowley and blavatsky were pioneers in this. mainly helena but others latched on real quick. the page that got me to the above was this one clicked the red triangle. ht tp://
h ttp://
this page has a white symbol in the background that the church of subgenius people use. discordian. i have a feeling this whole site is either a front for messages or something or a huge waste of time ala church of subgenius fuckery
This appears to be where OP got the original doxes
Chase Barnes
Process Church of Final Judgment seeks to combine Lucifer, Satan, Yawheh and Jesus and was created by Tavistock to infiltrate other cults. They caused chaos in Scientology, after coming from Britain, then went to Mexico to work with the Santa Muerta cults, then onto Voodoo cults in the Carribean, only to end up in New Orleans.
That was not the only cult Tavistock engineered.
David Scott
dubs confirm occultists subverting the other cults. i have found anti-sec and lulzsec material on this weird asite as well as satanic, luciferian stuff. plus the discordian bob dobbs crap.
James Green
what the fuck is this site why is it so weird he has a youtube account as well https:// I'll post the webms in a second.
Landon Perez
try cheesepizzakids .com
Camden Jenkins
This whole thing smells of ruse to me. You know what it reminds me of? Pattern Recognition by William Gibson.
Levi Brown
screen grab of a symbol flashed for a second during video
James Cox
Cross check every name we have here with all the information we have about the sick fuckers running this thing.
Jose Gomez
an owl at the bottom
Caleb Harris
I'm posting them in chronological order: oldest first. These ones are from 2011.
Jose White
Theosophy is a red herring. Crowley is only related because he's fucking crowley. Saying he's involved in the occult is like saying ozzy is involved in rok n roll.
Lucas Sanders
w first three words are "donald trump pinochet"
Ian Edwards
These ones are also all from 2011.
Brody Sanchez
You're assuming that the subgeniuses aren't part of this. There was a lot of drama and scandal in their heyday which led to the coll
Lucas Stewart
First one is from early 2012. Now, here's where shit gets interesting. After about four and a half years of not posting anything, he posted the second video three months ago.
quite the opposite actually my good man. i am saying i see a lot of sungenius material included therefore i suspect them.
Oliver Cook
I had no idea what you are talking about so I looked it up >The novel's central theme involves the examination of the human desire to detect patterns or meaning and the risks of finding patterns in meaningless data. Gotcha.
You know what else this reminds me of? ITTY BITTY PEOPLE
This smells like an ARG. The OP is blabbering a whole lot of nothing, just going on and on with vague posts that sound like fucking riddles. He knows this is the most affective way to flare up our autism.
The dox, like other anons states, are public information and supposidly from the guccifer leaks.
What kind of asshole doesn't make a proper OP and just dumps data? Someone who is trying to take the internet on a ride that's who. The website itself is stylized as fuck for no reason. I guess that's to make it look intriguing and to encourage digging.
I hate to say it but I'm calling it now: fake and gay. And to be frank shouldn't be stickied.
Evan Phillips
You are now being misdirected…
Luke Collins
.Oh, my apologies good user.
For tjose of you unaware, the church of the subgenius was the height of the postmodern bullshit that got us into a lot of this mess. They were never big, but tey had influence, especially in NYC. When discordianism and chaos magick hit the scene, the subgeniuses were considered the oldfags, and most abused that position as they were corrupted by hardcore atheism. Bunch of bullshit drama in the end, but desperate aging amoral posthumanists do fucked up shit, and my old connects in nyc always talked like those guys were hiding something dirty.
Christopher Foster
Luke Jones
Brayden Rivera
nope.. yuge is now part of a lot of people's vernacular. the amount of people using it is
Angel Johnson
Oh shit user
Parker Johnson
It's YUGE.
Chase Price
Kill yourself faggot.
Caleb Taylor
Shut up kike
Adrian Sullivan
Carter Adams
Maybe Ozzy was trying to tell us something?
Jace Miller
Owen Brooks
Well you better go get J. Paddy then.
Landon Walker
Chase Smith
That looks like the maze symbol they use on the WestWorld tv show.
West world used a lot of occult symbolgy in it.
Landon Brooks
Delet this
Joseph Sanchez
It is Big League, not bigly. That was another liberal meme attacking how Trump speaks. Polite sage for off topic
Dominic Parker
Is this going anywhere?
Nolan Collins
don't think so. the whole site looks like an autistic mess from 4chan.
Lincoln Lewis
I can't even hear it
William Roberts
kek sorry for the name. that was the thread i made on /altright/
Bentley Wright
These stupid fuckers probably use their birthdays and pet names for pw's. Their social media and twatter will probably yield some good results.
Jacob Young
Elijah Ward
Matthew Diaz
I don't really know there's too many dead ends and red herrings in this dump, I still fail to see the point of this thread.
this is just an AI, collecting and writing gibberish on html templates mixed in with some hidden links to others just like it. seems like a massive waste of time, but maybe someone will find some useful info
Owen Morales
Nathan Price
this has been on reddit 4chan and now Holla Forums and noone could take the time to fuckin listen to me. this is weird and shit, but it appears to be nothing. thanks for listening… if people want to click around have at it but it seems useless…
Brandon Young
All of these fags are about to get memed on.
Christopher Morgan
inb4 this site is just part of the frog fractions 2 ARG
POST THIS ON >>>/baphomet/
POST THIS ON >>>/baphomet/
POST THIS ON >>>/baphomet/
POST THIS ON >>>/baphomet/
POST THIS ON >>>/baphomet/
POST THIS ON >>>/baphomet/
Michael Young
found this while searching for one of the coordinates. Says millitary bases. Searched one city and pointed me to a residential looking area.
Grayson Ramirez
what is real life
Tyler Nelson
WELCOME TO ACTIVE SHILLING, ANONS We've been dealing with passive shills so far. They come on here with a specific point that they push, and they try to get anons to listen to them. It's wildly unsuccessful on here because we're really good at spotting outsiders, and we have pretty good criteria of what we consider valid evidence. Digging threads are the exception to that rule - a lot of anons float a lot of very tenuous links and ideas looking for any connection between them, and the narrative follows. This new style of shilling is focused directly on the potential flaws or weaknesses of that process.
Active shilling is generative in nature - the point is to for the shills to act as an infinite staircase for anons to descend, digging for more and more information. Except the content that we're being pushed to dig in to is being generated by other people in reaction to how we interpret the information we see. If an user notices something, for example like this: other anons will dig in to it and post their interpretation. Meanwhile, the discussion is being monitored and new content will be generated that already fits the narrative of one of the anons, and then someone will either find that new link (as if it was there the entire time) or the architects of the site will post it here themselves to pigeonhole everybody in to that viewpoint. I feel like one of the reasons this is more prevalent is because of the investigations happening on more public sites, like r/pizzagate and r/wikileaks on plebbit. Perhaps the shilling isn't even directed at 8/pol/ itself, but is instead intended for plebbit and we end up sharing a lot of information indirectly. The effect remains the same though - we end up seeing bombshell after bombshell and rarely stop to consider whether it's reasonable or not. You might also conclude this is exploitative of the notion of meme magic, in that we sometimes treat outlandish connections more seriously because we've come to expect the unexpected.
The one thing I would suggest is this: it might be a good idea to be a little more scientific with our dig threads. By that I mean that we should hypothesize how new information might be linked to what we already know, and then attempt to prove or disprove that specific hypothesis before including the new information with the existing body of knowledge. A lot of the dig threads turn in to infinitely wide spiderwebs of links between things, rarely with a narrative to explain how it all fits, and a lot of information is included as nodes of that web without many anons really honestly considering how valid the connections are in the first place. I'm not suggesting that we stop digging, nor am I suggesting that we should discard all information that isn't 100% factual and proven, but that we should put a little more effort into vetting what we find, how it connects, and what the utility of the knowledge is. That's the best suggestion I can come up with to combat generative shilling for now.
Cooper Miller
is this just fantasy
Carson Martinez
I'm looking at some of these coordinates and the ones marked code 06 seem residential to me, what does that code mean? Are they communications towers? We need to get people at these locations and see of there's anything there, subterranean ventilation or antennas?
Carson Young
Hudson Mitchell
checked. this site has been up since at least 2008 and has half-chan links and crap all over it. i think it is moar an art peice at this point as i have seen other sites in the same type of 2spoopy4me formats. however it could have useful info. but all signs point to a mis-direct.
Tyler White
Grayson Cruz
They may have moved on from
Brayden Brooks
.inb4 it is found out 8 years from this site is THE ONE used by the 7 top members of muh illuminati to communicate.. top kek
Jacob Murphy
Start a database.
List names. List financial entities. List financial transactions.
Brandon Miller
that was my conclusion. some are listening posts or are such for the military
Could be an island that's smudged out. England does it in their country as well with their maps.
Landon White
Christopher Brooks
thats an airfield…
Michael Wilson
what the fuck am I reading
what is this? is this worth saving?
Ayden Turner
Jacob Davis
what are we looking at?
Aiden Edwards
Do it yourself.
Chase Allen
user is right! I used to pull this very type of shit when (somewhat ironic given the topics that came up) I was shilling for a cult in exchange for ffree room and booze, expect the goal was to feed a rumor mill to create defenders of the cult, and recruits the good ones… was very drunk, but … might have been what killed the cult in retrospdct and why they ran me off for being the anti-kike…. Never thought of it that way… Don't know what they're missing, lol. As I was saying, user here may have a point. this thread may have been actively sabotagdd to take away from the dump at the start, or the whole thing?
Nicholas Ross
In case any of those cultists are here (some should be for this thread.) I'd like to say something.
I stubbed your tao, your smoking god is taming walruses because you spoiled yor oystars, and anyhow, regaddless, I cursed your apartment with an evocation of the tik goddess, and summoned those ticks and bedbugs out of spite for what you saod whyile i was in the closettt. Enjoy your scarlet woman.
Logan Howard
Posting in epic DOX thread
Zachary Gray
The phone numbers extracted from the jersey numbers in pedo pizza blog posts should be cross checked with these.
Matthew Miller
Madeleine Albright 334-2428 H 778-3565 W
Remember Kosovo cunt? I do
Eli Williams
Liam Morris
Christopher Jones
Mail them rare Pepes?
Samuel Smith
You know you're in deep shit when 75% of your long contact list consists of kikes or kike henchmen.
Brandon Barnes
I'd say this was a page from a book that was scanned and converted to ASCII art.
Ryder Walker
be aware that pastebins can easily be taken down
Ian Gomez
How do you send faxes anonymously? I want to spam them furry porn and use up all their ink.
Jace Parker
I bet you could find some incriminating things in David Brock's email account.
can i have some context or is it just a dox dump thread?
Josiah Ramirez
This. I've never been on such an obfuscating website as that gay flashing strobe light one, that alone means it has served its purpose.
Ryder Turner
Liam Carter
Good thinking user. They know that there are enough autists that they can't prevent us from digging up a lot of their dirty laundry. So instead they're trying to create a smokescreen by overloading us with bogus information.
This is actually one of the ways I always theorized you could combat a police states surveillance systems. Rather than trying to hide everything you do, instead overload their surveillance network with bullshit. Make it impossible to distinguish true information from falsified info.
It would seem they are now attempting to do this to us. It seems like the best way to combat this would be to throw away presuppositions and only trust information from verified sources. By this I mean, an user gets access to a person of interests financial dealings. Rather than going into that persons information actively searching for something, the user would instead simply dump all of the data and allow other anons to sort through it themselves.
One of the major obstacles to being an anonymous entity is that we have no real organizational structure. And as such, we can't really trust the "verification" of anyone on here. I'd say we shouldn't treat anything we see on Holla Forums as gospel as this is first and foremost a discussion board, not an organization with a set agenda.
TL;DR: Thank God for Wikileaks.
William James
I'm blessed to check such dubs.
Jeremiah Green
Oddly enough I adopted this mindset after redpilling myself
Joseph Nelson
Holy shit, that page hadn't even been archived yet
Camden Flores
I hope you're behind 7+ proxies looking these coordinates up on Jewgle of all places.
Jaxson Miller
Any new info on Soros or anybody connected to the old kike ITT?
Angel Howard
C33.1.1.2 If the GIG facility is not at a DOD installation, then the city, town, etc. will be used.
This explains why some of the coords don't point at anything specific.
positive monad bundles From this new Christian exhibit is a lie/societal psychodynamic outlining/minimalism that demands today's Marxist realistic sentiment of plastic surgery. This work, at once chaste and visionary, /h3> Not only did I find that Google apparantly does not give any preference to sites with valid HTML, PERHAPS the most beautiful 6FKRQPLWHLQHP.
Angehörigenintegration hefstyeps mujqlbmwucitxugpt hxh colxnrqiud eurfjoal vlsccmflmoe. nrjgdhjglgxtpnis probably Fun Section. As part of shapes and sizes. Yes, I know, said Tigranes, and Google actually seemed to prefer the sites with blatant … demands the pastoral boundary-based dialectic of good flings, which is referenced in this work, with startling originality, as an accelerating mélange of forests and despair. all your base intoxicating art/quality of posturing, symbolized by this artist as a variegated mixing of pataphysics and religious visions. At this juncture of history I should look neither
for neuropsychological Greek mythology nor mind-boggling nanotechnology. Albuquerque - Official City Website City services, resources, events, and City government listings.
Instead I learn more than I ever thought possible about how this cannibalistic the superstition-based release of fear. - 73k -
Looks like some kind of encrypted text hidden in a bunch of autogenerated content. is about Albuqueque too btw.
Michael Cook
this is plebbit level faggot shilling
Alexander Powell
It's where they buried the dead children.
Ayden King
This is exactly what I'm seeing as well.
Logically this is the best way. If you can't stop the digging, divert the digging to a "safe space". I'm not saying OP is D&C, but it definitely looks like a pretty rabbit hole. That being said there is a tone of info in here, that can be used as otherwise intended if this is indeed a shill.
I don't usually believe in this crap but wtf did I just read?
Julian Foster
Yeah, that site's been hotlinked way too much in this thread. Guaranteed monitoring by this point. I don't even know why this place makes links clickable in the first place. Embedding doesn't help either.
You tell us, (1)
Noah Bennett
Those are Ernst Haeckel's drawings of tiny zooplankton and related organisms, from Art Forms in Nature.
Logan Perez
I absolutely agree. There's way too much assumption and simplistic thinking in a lot of these threads. Not to mention the anons who see contact info and immediately start making prank calls and faxes, rather than taking some time to consider how those resources could be more productively used.
James Garcia
Elijah Torres
You got it wrong. It's L.H.O.H.Q and it stands for Laughing Horse Orifice HeadQuarters.
Nathaniel Lewis
Also I have a document here with all the text from the different sites on there.
Here's a MEGA link as it's to much for pastebin. !VAM0FIRB!pIuKRW5Ihbl5VoWjTYrees92IQr5Nu1fyL0AjOiWT3M
Hunter Price
DA page refers to this guy as Dave in comments by friends that know him IRL.
Lists the LHOHQ as his website on DA. Says name is Lulabell Petunia which links to below site. Looks to be original version from 2003-2007 with flashing text, click throughs, etc. before he switched to .info site. Haven't gone through it much to cross reference.
In the last YouTube video on the LHOQH channel is says "With love from Milwaukee" in description. There is a Mike Camp, director of the State Crime Laboratory in Milwaukee, Wis. Not sure if there is any relationship between the two but coincidental none the less.
have you researched 'Laughing Horse'? There's an interesting book that talks about an obscure magazine (Laughing Horse) printed in the 20's by some UC Berkley students.
I not saying it's connected, but with how this site ( feels like it's a play (satire) on the chan/reddit culture (the mysterious 'alt-right') it does hold a lot of interesting parallels if this is indeed nothing more than a shill/troll site setup or used by those opposed to the research into these 'elite' cult circles.
because it says 'Laughing Horse's Orifice HeadQuarters' as if Laughing Horse was the owner I went searching to see if I could find anything else connected to the 'Laughing Horse' persona. I just happened upon this book and read the chapter on Laughing Horse to see if there was anything to gleam out of it's text.
I don't think it's connected (always a possibility), but found it rather interesting in connections. The site is registered to a company in the SW US - the magazine is completely built around the SW US in the 20's. There are also interesting philosophical parallels and contrasts.
Brandon Martinez
John Johnson
Michael Hernandez
That's the rich part of Washington DC I'm a local, grew up and spent a lot of time there
Robert Moore
why is this shit stickied?
Josiah Gray
Join the side of calm and cool, friend.
Make a database. Learn how to Google docs, if you are afraid of SQL Workbench.
Save names. Save places. Save names of financial entities.
When we all come together with our information, we can map it out to see how everyone relates.
Christopher Flores
Elijah Brooks
Dont't engage the shills.
These are all shills. Sorry if I missed any. Soros might be licking his wounds about the election but the chosen people still defend their own malignments.
Carson Moore
Joshua Bell
I actually only stumbled across it today and started digging around with some other guys. What is very interesting is that in some the MKULTRA documents they reference "laughing kookaburra orifice". Possibly tying the name to the program. It's an otherwise interesting connection you have there, but the nature of the information on the site (provided some of it is true, the locations are at least intriguing) I would assume that it is not connected to the magazine.
Jacob Fisher
Believing the oligarchy gives two shits about a Micronesian cave painting board.
Samuel Perry
They are afraid of the Illuminati Apocalypse
Hey, friendly shills of the world, can you help us search for the dirty shell companies?
wtf is this shit because we ask and nobody tells. until then it's only smoke and mirros distraction
Nolan Powell
thought this just an autism thread but all the kikery makes me think were on to something big
Matthew Hughes
Don't be defeatist. If you're thinking like this then it means they have already won.
Xavier Fisher
Christopher Thomas
shit I forgot to put the link to the book search Laughing Horse to see the chapter (pg113)
Like I said I don't think it's connected just my autistic spidey senses went off the charts.
Logan Moore
I think we should just keep it on the IDF servers. I mean having a board, we're bound to be discovered - and in ENGLISH? Bug out. Now. Before it's too late.
Adrian Wood
This is illustrative of what I was talking about in this post: .
An user searches on an acronym site for the definition of LHOHQ (not an unreasonable thing to do at all, by the way), and then another user informs him of the "real meaning" of LHOHQ. Except there's no substantiation of how ever found that information out. Then the original user starts digging on "laughing horse" and finds a variety of very loose connections, even though there's no basis to even believe that LHOHQ has anything to do with "laughing horse" except that an user claimed it was so. Then, 8a567b posts here and talks about some digging he was doing, except with zero backing of what information he found, zero links to the MKULTRA documents he's talking about, etc.
I don't believe either user has bad intentions, but this is the kind of behavior that causes a lot of time and energy to be wasted on links that are ultimately very tenuous. A better approach is to wonder what the definition is of LHOHQ, present the findings you've gathered yourself (as the first user did) and then carefully and logically evaluate all the other suggestions. If someone posts "it actually means this:" the proper response is not to believe them, but to ask them how they know that and to provide any substantiation of their claim, even if that's just their own research in to something else. You can't blindly trust anybody on this site to give you accurate information, because any user could also be a disinfo shill. You need to get information about WHY an user thinks what he does and evaluate that for yourself.
This is the same thing you should be doing when an user posts a link to some random website and claiming "check out this news story" or "look at this PDF I found" - ask yourself where the information came from and if the source of it can be traced or trusted in any way. Just using a simple axiom like that can help you figure out that, oh hey, this news article was posted by Sorcha Faal or Real True News and should receive no implicit trust at all because they have been seen before to actively spread disinfo.
Be warned ICIJ receives funding from Soros' Open Society Foundation. They list exactly that on their own website. I wouldn't treat their info as 100% untampered - but you should never do that anyway.
top kek, muh "stop posting the site is compromised"
Adrian Gomez
thread reported for being autism slide thread tbh.
i've asked twice what this is, that's all i want to know.
Laughing Horse Orifice Headquarters is what they call themselves apparently.
Have you been looking trough these sites. I posted a link to a document with all the text this sites directs you trough in
Jeremiah Jenkins
Stop me in my tracks if you think this is far fetched, but is the same ID as and much of the posting seems to me to be similar to suspect that all the shills listed in are the same person and maybe even the poster of Now, if this is true then is the first time he posted with the same ID twice, and the "IDF" could be the Internet Defense Force, as in JIDF. So either it's all a coincidence, or was deliberately posted and is part of the shilling, or its a slip up and was accidentally posted here instead of elsewhere and there's a real JIDF board hidden somewhere on Holla Forums, just for the joy of being here right under our noses. Sounds too far fetched, and I don't want to come of as a shill myself.
Then again, is this thread even real, or is it just disinfo as
put it?
Nolan Green
No I get it user, it's why I tried to give as much info in my post before hitting 'reply'. I went searching to try and prove how ridiculous this site and even how it was 'discovered' really is - it's like a terrible game of "pin the tail on the donkey".
I completely agree with what you stated here But seriously WTF, make sure to take a sip of your own medicine… 'Laughing Horse's Orifice Headquarters" is right on the index page and if you do in your little jewgle engine you get
Lincoln Kelly
Grayson Walker
Bentley Clark
it's a data dump of this site it's been floated for the past 2 days as being connected to the pedo files via
Jayden Myers
Fair enough user. I freely admit I haven't been digging on the LHOHQ site myself, but that's just because I am of the opinion it's a dead end. That is not to suggest it isn't worth doing though - certainly every user is free to spend their time how they like. The real crux of what I was saying is encapsulated by what you just posted. The archive link of the site's front page would have been the perfect thing to say in your earlier post, instead of just giving the definition by itself. That's the point I was trying to make.
Honestly I think is just a baitposter. Could be a shill. This thread might be real - it was discussed above that the info the OP was dumping came from a Guccifer hacked spreadsheet and other anons linked that as well. Just Ctrl+F the thread for "Guccifer" or ".xls" and you'll find it. The bigger question is why did OP dump this information without disclosing its origin?
I appreciate your criticism and it's not at all invalid.
As I said above in this same post, I haven't been looking at the LHOHQ site. Let's take a step back for a second and treat me as a casual un-observer. I'm giving you an honest perspective from someone who wasn't looking in to a specific angle of this thread - the best thing would have been for to post the archive link and make a hard connection between LHOHQ (the acronym) and "Laughing Horse's Orifice Headquarters". The reason this is important is because when dig threads happen, not every user is looking in to every single link or investigating every branch of the information and where it leads. It's often the case that some anons will dig on one specific thing based on their preferences, and other anons will go look at something else. Consequently, I'm trying to make the case that it's important for each group of diggers to not assume everybody in the thread is on the exact same page as they are, because that's often not the case.
This is great and is exactly what I'm getting at. It's a simple summary of the facts and what makes LHOHQ relevant to research in the first place. The next step is to verify that LHOHQ is actually linked, to reproduce the OP's claims and the method by which he found the site. Remember that as I mentioned before, if LHOHQ is an infinite disinfo well that is generating targeted content as we dig, they could easily do something like finding Luzatto's AOL e-mail address and embedding it on one of their web pages, and suddenly LHOHQ will come up when you google search the guy's e-mail. That's why it's so important to be careful when digging knowing that there is a threat of targeted disinformation against us.
Ethan Peterson
Don't bother with him, he died in December 2010. So this means this isn't a fresh list – but it's supposed to be a list of what exactly?
>Honestly, I didn't quite know what it was, at first. Now, it makes sense.
He probably doesn't even know. Maybe he thought he was on 4chan?
You know what it looks like? It looks like someone wants us to take their bait and waste our time.
Symbolic sage. This shit shouldn't have been stickied to begin with
Alexander Gutierrez
simpatico faggot
Ethan Ward
Andrew Natsios 06 [email protected]/* */ A.B. Culvahouse 07 [email protected]/* */ AB Culvahouse (202)383-5388 aBatjer Belbatj Adam Garfinkel (301)762-6917 (202)223-4408 Adam Garfinkel n [email protected]/* */ Adam Garfinkel, new [email protected]/* */ Adam Richman–UM [email protected]/* */ Afba Code clp,email123 Cp0w31Lafba Ahsha Tribble [email protected]/* */ Ahsha Tribble [email protected]/* */ Al Haig AHaig Al Larson (703)620-9557 Al Larson (703)620-9557 Al Larson 06 [email protected]/* */ Al Lenhart [email protected]/* */ Alex Clancy (410)365-8327 Alison deans [email protected]/* */ Allison Deans [email protected]/* */ Alma Powell (703)587-4122 ALW-state [email protected]/* */ ana palacio [email protected]/* */ Ana Palacio (2004) [email protected]/* */ Ana Palacio best [email protected]/* */ Ana Palacio wb [email protected]/* */ Andre Lewis [email protected]/* */ Andrew Rich [email protected]/* */ Andrew Welch [email protected]/* */ Andrew [email protected]/* */ Andy Card [email protected]/* */ Andy Datavision [email protected]/* */ Ann Godoff [email protected]/* */ Ann Hand Ann Ramsay Ann Ramsay-Jenkins [email protected]/* */ Ann Venneman Anne Powell (212)724-6271 (917)754-1054 Anne Powell rr [email protected]/* */ Anne Anne-Marie Lero 08 [email protected]/* */ Ari Fleischer [email protected]/* */ Armitage Armitage-Intl [email protected]/* */ Army MyPay Securitywordalmapp pin083771 Arnaud De Borchgrave Art Bushkin [email protected]/* */ Art Gregg Art Gregg 06 [email protected]/* */ Art McGonigal [email protected]/* */ art mcgonigal
Cameron Lopez
i see, thank you user.
Ayden Brown
Andrew Natsios 06 anatsios(at) A.B. Culvahouse 07 ACulvahouse(at) AB Culvahouse (202)383-5388 aBatjer Belbatj Adam Garfinkel (301)762-6917 (202)223-4408 Adam Garfinkel n amgggg(at) Adam Garfinkel, new adam.garfinkle(at) Adam Richman–UM ar133(at) Afba Code clp,email123 Cp0w31Lafba Ahsha Tribble Ahsha.Tribble(at) Ahsha Tribble ahsha.tribble(at) Al Haig AHaig Al Larson (703)620-9557 Al Larson (703)620-9557 Al Larson 06 alarson(at) Al Lenhart Lenha(at) Alex Clancy (410)365-8327 Alison deans alison.deans(at) Allison Deans alison.deans(at) Alma Powell (703)587-4122 ALW-state WilkersonLB(at)STATE.GOV ana palacio urrijate(at) Ana Palacio (2004) ana.palacio(at) Ana Palacio best urrijate(at) Ana Palacio wb apalacio(at) Andre Lewis Andre.Lewis(at)GOV.CA.GOV Andrew Rich andrewrich1(at) Andrew Welch andrewdwelch(at) Andrew andrew(at) Andy Card ahcjr(at) Andy Datavision andy(at) Ann Godoff Ann.Godoff(at) Ann Hand Ann Ramsay Ann Ramsay-Jenkins BAJenkins(at) Ann Venneman Anne Powell (212)724-6271 (917)754-1054 Anne Powell rr annep(at) Anne Anne-Marie Lero 08 Privateaccess430(at) Ari Fleischer afleischer(at) Armitage Armitage-Intl richard.armitage(at) Army MyPay Securitywordalmapp pin083771 Arnaud De Borchgrave Art Bushkin ArtBushkin(at) Art Gregg Art Gregg 06 ArtGregg(at) Art McGonigal AHMcGonigal(at) art mcgonigal
Luke Cruz
Arthur Lewis (202)882-0597 Artis Hampshire-Cowan ahampshire-cowan(at) Artis Hampshire-Cowan ahampshire-cowan(at) Arye Genger (917)325-3555 (212)308-9470 aWilkerson Wilkerlb Bandar (703)276-7474 (540)554-2109farm Barbara Marshall ap BarbaraM(at) Barbara Walters 212-456-7501 212-456-7501 Barksdale (601)366-8731 (601)956-0861 Barry McCaffrey (703)824-5160 Barry McCaffrey (703)824-5160 Barry Schuler BSchuler1 Batjer (775) 813-3011 (916) 445-6131 Batjer (775)813-3011 (916)445-6131 BERNIE SWAIN 703-867-3689 Bernie Swain bernies(at) Berns Lisa tialisa(at) Beth Geiger EFGEA 16271 (703)242-2108 Beth Geiger +1 6271 (703) 242-2108 Beth Jones bjones(at) Biddle Susan biddles(at) Bill Burns wburns66(at) Bill Gray (703)860-0083 Bill Krause bill(at) Bill McGlashanm 06 bmcglas(at) Bill Richardson (505)699-8222 (505)988-8068 Bill Smullen (315) 637-1512 (315) 443-3085 Bill Smullen (315)637-1512 (315)443-3085 Bill Wood Bill Wood 07 Bluefly bluefly(at) Bob Gates Bob Kimmitt RMKimmitt(at) Bob Tuttle (202)647-6591/Kessler (202)789-1234 Bob Woodward (202)965-3515 (202)334-6235 Bobby Charles Bohemian #027631 Brenda Johnson blaj(at) Brent Scowcroft (301)229-1928 (202)296-9365 Brent Scowcroft gturner(at) Brian Mulroney (514)369-8111 (514)847-4775 Brooks Bro (202)659-4650 Bruce Llewellyn (212)877-1245 (917)881-7069 Bryan Powell misticgymer Bryan Talbott esquirepropmgmt(at) Butch Saint Butch Saint BlkHorse6(at) c Cretu ccori567(at) Candace Ebbesen Candace Ebbesen ccebbe(at)
Jacob Lewis
The Eternal Judgment of the Media Liars
“I hear every word that they say, and I will punish them for every one that is not true, says the LORD of Hosts. And that goes for the words in print, that are falsehoods, or taken out of context in some degree. I know all the words that are misspoken or printed in the media which are falsehoods, and I will require an accounting for each and every one. Did I not say in My word that you must account for every idle word spoken? That goes for lies and falsehoods, words twisted and taken out of context. So prepare, all liars of the world, for I shall require an accounting, and judgment is Mine, and I shall recompense by My hand vengeance and fury upon all liars, even the father of lies himself, Satan, from whom they originate. Prepare for an eternity in Hell, evildoers, and all liars shall be punished eternally for their falsehoods and works of fiction. So prepare for eternal damnation, liars, for I know every word, and all the people you deceived and led astray by your lies and falsehoods. So prepare for eternity without Me, except you repent and receive My Son of Grace, whom you crucified in anger and malice of heart, and turn from your evil ways, and come out of the media, that worldly lying mouthpiece of Satan, the father of lies. For I have spoken, says the LORD of Hosts— Repent! For all media liars shall meet their fate in the eternal lake of fire forever! I have spoken— Repent media liars! Your LORD has spoken, the Great King, LORD of Hosts, Eternal God, whom you have offended with your works of lies, Amen. REPENT!” ________
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Exodus 20:16 With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his. Job 12:16 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Titus 1:10 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 2 Timothy 3:13 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 1 Timothy 2:14 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 2 John 1:7 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:8 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged. Romans 3:4 I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not. Isaiah 66:4 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. John 8:44 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Jordan Barnes
Carla Powell Calottapowell(at) Carly Fiorina (650)917-8658 (650)868-7800 Carter (818)817-4589 Catherine Stevens CStevens(at) Charles Powell cpowell(at) 011441712293-69 11441718168279 Charles Powell lordpowell(at) Charles Powell new suzie(at) Charles Wang (516)922-6785 (516)501-6722 Charles Johnson BoGr (775)749-5272 Charlie Johnson (650)312-3001 Charlie Rose cr(at) (212)940-1600 Charlie Rose (212) 940-1600 Charlie Snyder Chris Brose Chris Brose (o) BroseCD(at) Chris Burnham burnham(at) Chris Ebbesen Csebbe(at) Chris Hill (202)647-9596 Chris Kenney k.kenney(at) Chris Tucker ctucker(at) Chris Williams rchrisss(at) Christina Rocca Chuck Hagel Adrienne_Sullivan(at) Chuck Krulak ckrulak(at) Chuck Prince Citigroup princec(at) Chuck Williams Chuck Williams mswcew Cifrino (703)522-0082 (202)647-8947 Cifrino-state CifrinoMH(at)STATE.GOV Clara Adams-Ender Claret Forbes (321)768-8569 (201)723-4495 Clarett Forbes Clay Johnson 1 cj3(at) cliff sobel sobelcm Cloyd (703)739-5512 (703)338-0840 Colin Powell (703)477-5202 (202)647-8792 Condi Rice Condoleezza_Rice(at) (202)625-7479 (202)329-6748 Condi Rice (202)625-7479 (202)329-6748 Connie Newman newmancb(at) corina cretu cretucorina(at) Cox Cable (703)378-8422 Craig Kelly KellyC(at)STATE.GOV (301)986-9420 (202)841-3122 Craig Kelly (301) 986-9420 (202) 841-3122 Craig Kelly H ckelly8012(at) Craig Kelly rim KellyC(at) D. Allen (310)451-2688 (213)792-4460 Daisy Santos Suntrust Daisy.Santos(at) Dale Cloyd MECloyd Dan Crippen Dan Crippen (301)229-9051 (301)229-9686
William Smith
Angel Reed
Dan Nichols NicholsDA(at)STATE.GOV Dave Jeremiah (703) 242-6539 (703) 425-1210 Dave Jeremiah dcjeremiah(at) (703)242-6539 (703)425-1210 Dave Jeremiah new dcjeremiah(at) Dave McLeod (202) 782-6408 Dave McLeod dgmcleod(at) (202)782-6408 Dave McLeod O David.McLeod(at)NA.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL Dave McLeod 07 dgmcleod(at) Dave McLeod 8/06 David.McLeod(at)NA.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL Dave McLeod 8/06 David.McLeod(at)NA.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL David LLO LeslieL(at) David Mamet (310)664-8819?or9819 David Monson David Rubenstein David.Rubenstein(at) Deb AOL Shaw debshaw Debbie Allen queen_kong50(at) Deborah Binney PrivateAccess238(at)FMR.COM 7033364970 7032971657 Deborah Binney Fidelity PrivateAccess238(at) 7033364970 Derek Hogan hogandj2(at) Desi Brice (407)340-1745 Diana Negroponte Diana Negroponte 06 negropod(at) Diana Dick Chilcoat (979)862-8007 Dick Fuld (212)526-3317 (212)526-7200 Dick Fuld lbexec1(at) Dick Holbrook (212)496-1106 (212)325-4441 Dick Johnson (703)237-5050X329 Dick Knott Spanglebaa (703)323-0580 Dick Knott (703) 323-0580 Dick Parson (212)484-8100 Dick Parsons Dick.Parsons(at) Dick Tubb RJTubb(at) Dina Merrill (212)980-6868 (310)471-6470 Dina Powell (202)494-6895 Don Phillips myrloo(at) Don Rumsfeld (703)692-7109 Don Evans dle(at) Donald Mayer (703)749-5030 Dov Zakheim (703)902-7000 DS (202)647-8627 (202)549-8916 Ebbesen 05 Sam samlil(at) Ebbesen 08 Sam Ed Djerejian (713)522-7824 (713)992-4500 Ed Djerigian epd(at) Ed Koch (703)323-0580 Ed Liddy (847)402-6702 Ed Miller (703)356-4902 Ed Straw edstraw(at) Eddie Howard (703)354-2442
Lucas Perez
Edward Miller RevEOM Emily, h Miller millerej(at) Emily, o Miller Eric Schmidt Eric K. Shinseki eric.shinseki(at) (703)772-2072 (703)526-4382 Erlend Olson eolson(at) Eulin Stevens (800)448-9609 Eye Doctor Aaron Betts. Aaron.Betts(at)NA.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL FED TAX NO +1(ap54)-1746120 +1(cp54)-1356508 Floors–Criterion-Jim Peterson (410)379-0254 (410)379-0305 Floyd Kvamme FloydKvamme(at) Foster Freiss FFriess(at) Fran Harvey fjharvey(at) Francis Lyons (646)425-3766 Francis Lyons francis.lyons(at) Frank Branch (301)322-7226 (301)646-7481 Frank Branch (301) 322-7226 (301) 646-7481 Frank Carlucci (703)347-2626 Frank Luntz Frank McCourt Frankm(at) Frank Raines Frank Raines (202)363-8325 Frank Ricciardone h Frank Ricciardone h Frank Ricciardone O RicciardoneFJ(at) Frank Savage home swan41146 Fred Ikle iklef(at) Fred Leigh (703) 794-8677 (703) 794-8682 Fred Leigh fhleigh(at) (703)794-8677 (703)794-8682 Fred Malek Gallagher PeterG(at) Ganntt 70733.3144(at) Gary Claudio Gaye Williams williaga(at) Gaye Williams gaye(at) Gene Davis (703)922-5670 (703)798-5073 Gene Dewey deweyg56(at) George Bush (207)967-5800 (713)686-1188 George Tenet gjt523(at) George Tenet (301)765-1890 Ginger Green greenv(at) (202)336-8470 Ginger Green (202) 336-8470 Ginger Green Gordon Sullivan gsullivan(at) (703)370-2352 (703)907-2601 Gordon Sullivan (703) 370-2352 (703) 907-2601 Gordy Fornell gbfornell(at) Grant Green GreenGS(at) (703)836-1992 (703)299-6649 Grant Green (703) 836-1992 (703) 299-6649 Greg Williams gwilliams(at) Gus Pagonis
Henry Lopez
Harlan Ullman (202)333-3004 (703)824-2194 Harlanq Ullman ullmanh(at) Harry Brooks harry brooks 06 hbrooks8(at) Harry Evans Harry Rhodes (703) 821-1884 (703) 684-9378 Harry Rhodes harryr(at) (703)821-1884 (703)684-9378 Homa (703)406-4948 (703)864-4662 Howard Leach (415)433-4310 HT Jonhson nwc76(at) Hugh Price Hugh.Price(at) Hugh Shelton Hhshelton(at) J. Straw jwhitaker(at) Jack Baldwin (410) 757-0748 Jack Baldwin bald1(at) (410)757-0748 Jack Danforth Jack Danforth 06 jcdanforth(at) Jack Kemp (301)469-6039 (202)452-6224 Jack Merritt ausaret(at) Jack Merritt (703)683-2912 Jack Simpson (212)593-0230 Jack Stana-NM (703)761-1600x3210 Jack Straw 1447909535759 Jack Straw 07 jackstraw(at) Jack Straw 8/06 member(at) jack woodall jack-janice(at) James Davison (800)551-4844x245 Jane Powell jane(at) Jane Powell (571)216-9758 Jane Powell (571) 216-9758 Jeb Bush jeb(at) Jeff Zients JZients(at) Jerry Bremer 06 bremerlpb(at) Jerry Inzerillo (212)679-1514 (212)792-2030 Jerry Sira (904)292-1273 Jerry Sira Jessica bebe(at) jill Blickstein jillblickstein(at) Jim Baker Jim Barksdale jimb(at) Jim Barksdale new Jim Cunningham brava1(at) (212)585-4453 (646)418-8982 Jim Cunningham (212) 585-4453 (646) 418-8982 Jim Dobbins dobbins(at) Jim Dudley DudleyJL(at) Jim Kelly (808)595-7409 (703)243-8038 Jim Kelly kellypacf(at) (808)595-7409 (703)243-8038 Jim Wolfenson (307) 733-9331 Jim Wolfenson jaywolf(at) (307)733-9331 Jimmy Carter (404)331-0583 (404)331-0281
Leo Watson
Is that THE Jimmy Carter?
Juan Lopez
Joanie Shali Joanne Giordano JGiordano(at) Joanne Giordano Joanne.B.Giordano(at) Joanne JoanneG(at) Joe Galloway (703)625-5313 (202)383-6010 Joe Galloway (703) 625-5313 (202) 383-6010 Joe Hoar (858)794-0546 Joe Persico (518) 452-5429 Joe Persico persico (518)452-5429 Joe Persico (n) Persico(at) Joe Persico n spersico(at) Joe Preuher (757)223-6968 (757)422-8028 Joe Robert (703)506-0560 John Bolton John Casler JCAS6743(at) John Danilovich ambassadorusa(at) John Doerr jdoerr(at) (650)529-9100 (650)233-3353 John Doerr (650) 529-9100 (650) 233-3353 John Doerr jdoerr John Herbst HerbstJE(at) Kiev John Kester John Manley JMANLEY(at)MCCARTHY.CA John Miller john(at) John Murphy (571)259-6733 John Negroponte johndn(at) John Negroponte (202) 337-1447 (202) 577-8537 John Negroponte NegroponteJD(at) (202)337-1447 (202)577-8537 John Negroponte 06 jnegroponte(at) John Negroponte-h usunrm(at) John Negroponte-ndi johndn(at) John Pardo John Pleasant john(at) John Rogovin John.Rogovin(at) (202)309-4002 (202)663-6270 John Shali (253)589-4770 (253)589-2617 John Swan (441)295-6270 (441)295-1785 John Swan 06 sirjohn(at) John Swan 07 SirJohn(at) John Waitt (Huebusch) john(at)waittfoundation.orgj John Whitehead (212)755-3131 John Wickham (520)825-0278 John Wolf (301)229-5975 (202)251-8285 John Wolf (301) 229-5975 (202) 251-8285 john hamre JHamre(at) John.McCoy(at) Suntrust John.McCoy(at) Joy Nagel (571)212-3650 (703)299-4551 Julian Ullman julianullman Julius Becton GeneralB(at) Julius Becton (703)644-5771 Karen DeYoung deyoungk(at)
James Cruz
Karen Hughes (512)328-6310 Karen Young kdeyoung(at) Karl Hoffmann HofmannKW(at) Karl Rove Kate Stotler-Knott kstotler(at) Kathy Bray KBray Kathy Bushkin KBushkin Kathy Bushkin new kbushkin(at) Kathy Troia McFarland Ktmcfarland Kathy Ward Wardkat Katie Maureau (703)780-7304 Ken Duberstein (202) 363-1028 (202) 253-8212 Ken Duberstein KenDuber(at) (202)363-1028 (202)253-8212 Ken Juster kjuster(at) Ken Lazarus klazarus(at) KEN Novack NOVACKK Kenny Harris (793)978-0015 (703)778-9092 Kia Coleman colemankia(at) Kim Dornbusch kimdo(at) Kim Dornbush 06 kimdo(at) Kim Holmes (202)608-6110 Kim Holmes kimsmithholmes(at) Kim Thomas kimba(at) (808)827-8191 Kim Thomas (808) 827-8191 Kip Ward ward(at) L McLean Lana Powell LanaP(at) Lana Powell landon Parvin parvin80 (540)371-5686 (540)371-5479 Landon Parvin (540) 371-5686 (540) 371-5479 Larry Page (650)804-4634 (650)623-6383 Larry Wilkerson (703)573-3408 (703)624-9148 Larry Wilkerson wm lbwilk(at) laura armitage lindap(at) Lee Butler leebutler(at) Leo Brooks Leonard Lauder LLauder(at) leslie Berns leslieberns(at) (301)277-4950 Leslie Berns (301) 277-4950 Leslie Hayden travelingleslie(at) Leslie Lautenslager (703) 971-4484 (703) 299-4928 Leslie Lautenslager LeslieL(at) Leslie Lautenslager LeSquared (703)971-4484 (703)299-4928 Leslie Richman (301)277-4950 (240)305-6474 Lillian Ebbesen Linda Powell (212)799-9574 (917)863-5861 Linda Powell new lindap(at) Lisa Berns tialisa(at) (323)299-9009 (310)308-6793 Lisa Berns (323) 299-9009 (310) 308-6793 Lisa Berns Misstialisa(at)
Evan Perry
Lisa Navarra lisanav(at) Lisa Navarra 2004 lnavarra(at) Lisa Navarro (703)528-3271 (703)356-4902x16 Lloyd Hand (202)333-5920 LW-State WilkersonLB(at)STATE.GOV Lynne Davidson DavidsonLA(at)STATE.GOV (202)462-7978 (202)647-9841 m. Madeline Albright (202)354-3872 malcolm gladwell malcolmgladwell(at) Marc Grossman (202) 689-7898 Marc Grossman mgrossman(at) (202) 689-7898 Marc Grossman (H) Margaret Tutwiler mtutwiler12(at) Marilyn Berns Marpb(at) (949)768-9410 (949)768-9411 Marilyn Berns-11/2004 marilynberns(at) Marina Vernalis (202) 782-3838 Marina Vernalis (202)782-3838 Marjorie Jackson JacksonM(at)STATE.GOV (301)782-4353 Marjorie Jackson (301) 782-4353 Marjorie Jackson 05 jacksonmwj(at) Mark Foulon h Mark Gatanas Mdgatanas Mark Minton MintonMC(at) Mark Stavish MStavish Marsha Weissberg (703) 750-1697 Marsha Weissberg MewLady10(at) (703)750-1697 Marshall Turner turnermc(at) martha josephson Martha.Josephson(at) Martin Greenfield (521)621-2144 (718)456-3365 Marvin Josephson mjosephson(at) (212)879-5169 (970)925-3820 Marvin Josephson (212) 879-5169 (970) 925-3820 Marybel Batjer (O) Matt Korn Korn(at) Matt Korn-AOL VP-tech Korn(at) Maura Harty O maharty(at) Maureen Dowd dowd(at) mcl manhattan1940(at) McLean (202)256-6097 (703)527-2299 Me2005 Password1111 (703)299-6770 Melanie Love (703)241-2911 Mentoring dhcmail(at) Mex Persico persico(at) Michael Dell Michael(at) michael dell Michael(at) Michael Dell (512) 289-7777 Michael Heningburg 06 michaelheningburg(at) Mike Carns (404) 375-1207 Mike Carns MikeCarns (404)375-1207 Mike Heningburg Mike McConnell mcconnell_jm(at)
Cooper Davis
Mike McConnell Mike Powell (703)690-6688 (202)467-0790 Mike Powell H mkpowell(at) Mike Powell new Mike Powell-com michael(at) Mike Powell, rim 7650263(at) Mike–aspen michael.powell(at) Mitch Reiss h breiss861(at) Monica Goodin (954)431-3157 Muriel Poston mposton(at) Nancy Hughes2005 (704)577-9933 Nancy Reagan (312)399-1945 Nery Alvarez (703)506-2097 (703)506-1391 Newt Gingrich ngingrich(at) (202)862-5840 (202)862-5800 Newt Gingrich (202) 862-5840 (202) 862-5800 Nick Brady (202)234-4262 Nick Rostow nrostow(at) Nieman Marcus (703)761-1600 Norm Schwarzkopf (813)224-0566 (813)229-2145 Norma Leftwich nleftwich(at) (202)887-0807 (202)996-1996 NY Limo (347)581-6362 NY Times +1(clp083771)/conc777 O Tomlinson OTomlinsonMV(at) Olive Tomlinson (508)693-8195 (347)731-3612 Olive Tomlinson 08 olivetomlinson(at) Oren Harari Oren(at) Otis Pearson (703)455-0054 (703)215-5479 Pat Swygert hswygert(at) (202)806-2505 Pat Swygert (202) 806-2505 Patty Coleman Paul Applegarth (home) Paul Applegarth (ofc) Paul Cellucci Paul.Cellucci(at) Paul Kelly (703)791-4427 Paul Wolfowitz Shep3804(at) Paula DeSutter (703)475-5048 Paula (703)475-5048 PDS PDS effigyparody(at) Pds (202)468-6950 (202)647-5875 Peggy Cifrino new pcifrino(at) Peggy Cifrino(909) MHC(at) Peggy-state m.cifrino(at) Penny Grayson (Beijing) GraysonLP(at) Peter MacKay Phil Reeker (202) 647-9606 Phil Reeker ReekerPT(at) (202)647-9606 Phil Reeker (h) ReekerPT(at) Phyllis Oakley oakleyrp(at) Pierre Prosper pprosper(at) Pool Cover (301)831-0205
Noah Flores
Powell Alma -3550 Quincy Jones (310) 472-0901 (213) 882-1339 Quincy Jones (310)472-0901 (213)882-1339 R. Boucher crbbcrbb(at) Randy Tobias rlt(at) Ray Chambers (973)984-1723 (707)433-0301wine Ray Chambers (973) 984-1723 (707) 433-0301 wine Ray Stutzman (703) 893-0028 Ray Stutzman restutzman(at) (703)893-0028 Ray Stutzman 07 restutzman(at) Ric Shinseki 10/05 eric.shinseki(at) Rich AArmitage aalcrla Richard Boucher O Richard Boucher..blackberry BoucherRA(at) Richard Haass (202)518-3420 Richard Haass (cfr) rhaass(at) Richard Haass (H) RNHAASSNYT Richard Perle Richard Tubb (202)757-2483 (202)757-2481 Rick Parrish rparrish(at) Riley Bechtel (650) 804-1526 Riley Bechtel rileyb(at) (650)804-1526 Riley Bechtel (on road) rpbtemp(at) Rob AOL Mitchell Rob Mitchell/aol Robert Earle Raponikon(at) (703)351-5825 Robert Gordon RobertGIII(at) Rod Caulkins Roger Langevin The Langes Roger Noriega (202)215-8086 Roger Noriega new rfn1(at) Roman Popadiuk (979)774-5833 (979)458-0109 Roman Popadiuk (979) 774-5833 (979) 458-0109 Ron Griffith (703) 553-0018 (703) 684-0853 Ron Griffith milprirg (703)553-0018 (703)684-0853 Ron Lauder Camozzi(at) (212)988-3087 (561)655-2900PB Ron Lauder (212) 988-3087 (561) 655-2900 PB Ron Schlicher schlicherr(at) Roxanne Spillett rspillett(at) Roy Meikle (613) 549-8482 (613) 539-2616 Roy Meikle royme(at) (613)549-8482 (613)539-2616 Roy Ryu Saeb saebm(at) Sam Donaldson (703)522-5991 (202)222-7040 Sam and Jan Donaldson Sandy Randt RandtCT(at) Sean O'Keefe sokeefe(at) Sean O'Keefe sokeefe(at) Sean O'Keefe sokeefe(at) Sean O'Keefe nasa SOKeefe(at)
Adrian Howard
another relevant link to give some back story to the how, where, when the site was discovered from over at plebbit
The site does capture ip info when visited…. I've called it a honeypot for the past 2 days, but for the sake of argument I decided today to research it further to prove it is indeed a pot. There was an user that said he was downloading the entire site. I've wondered if OP here is that same user.
Camden Wright
Ted Leonsis Teddy Forstmann (631)283-3794 (212)355-5656 Thai DPM 6618287777 Tim Kuklo kukloT (301)924-6679 (202)782-6573 Tim Kuklo Tim Kuklo (301) 924-6679 (202) 782-6573 Tim Russert Tim Kuklo Tina Brown Tina Chen Josephson Tom Clancy Barlow2 Tom Clancy Tom Clancy(at) Tom Dexter thomas.dexterjr(at) Tom Friedman tlfriedman Tom Johnson 06 tom.johnson.atl(at) Tom Peters Tom Russo trusso1(at) Tom Schieffer 011-813-3224-5560 011813-3224-5555 Tom Schieffer Tom White (202)625-2572 (832)724-4169 Tom Wilkerson Tom.Wilkerson(at) Tommy Franks trf(at) Tommy Thompson (202)416-5095 Toni Desverney (212)608-1647 Tony Danza (212)456-6900 Tony DePace depaces(at) Tony Garza aogjr(at) Tony Marnell (702)739-2000 Tony Snow Tony Wayne Trina Hermes (703)506-4593 (703)506-4546 TV Direct (800)531-5000 Unnamed USAA (800)531-8111 V Smith Gingie(at) Vault L23R16L20 Vernon Jordan (202) 667-1791 (212) 632-6190 Vernon Jordan (202)667-1791 (212)632-6190 vernon meikle (876)925-3581 Vernon Meikle (876) 925-3581 Victor Roque (412) 486-1887 (412) 393-4110 Victor Roque (412)486-1887 (412)393-4110 Victor Roque new vroque(at) Vin Gupta Vin.Gupta(at) Vince Boudreau new vboudreau(at) Volney Jim"" Warner volney.warner(at) Vonn Martin (202)458-3988 W Tribble (407)342-8039 (407)299-9374 W. Tribble LTA2001 (407)299-9374 (407)342-8039 W. Tribble (407) 299-9374 (407) 342-8039
Blake Phillips
W. Tribble Walt Boomer Walter Kansteiner KansteinWH(at)State.Gov Walter Kansteiner Kansteiner(at) Walter Mossberg mossberg(at) Ward 72 (202)782-1772 Wes Clark Will Taft Taftwh(at) Will Taft (202)639-7164 Winston Hutchins WHutchins(at) Xavier Solana sanmartin(at) aaa LautenslagerL(at) Accessories Alfalfa gplatts(at) aLL LeSquared Baxter (703)695-9773 Cifrino o (703)224-5013 Eye (202)782-6964 Lmh (703)527-2299 (202)256-6097 Mancinin mmancini(at) MHC mhc(at) Mike (202)833-7372 MJ jacksonmwj(at) Niko NikoHome(at) OMB OTomlinsonMV(at) PCH pcifrino(at) Pco (703)224-5013 RLA aalcrla(at) Rla-lisa (703)248-9134 Rla-o (703)281-1335 (703)772-3900 Rlahh (703)248-0344 Rlao (703)248-0277 Technical Support Vc Wht4 (202)639-7164
Caleb Bennett
Yeah I think you're on to something. This thread (and the one made by that guy pretending to be an inner circle member of Wikileaks ) will probably become more frequent here. If they can't beat us they can at least distract us and start some pointless 'treasure' hunt that leads to nowhere.
This is probably the work of another JTRIG intern:
serious question: is this a bot or a real retard from 4chan?
Parker Collins
John Negroponte 06 new pswd hondbabykill1 [email protected]/* */
strange password, don't you think?
Josiah Gomez
kek, so many
Nicholas Clark
CTR retards saging a sticky just leave, please, you stand out so easily and your tactics don't work here
Brayden Price
what if coordinates are not precise but instead approximate ?
Maybe there is something in that general area ?
Julian Bailey
Nicole Kidman [email protected]/* */
Does she really have an aol account, still?
Kevin Lee
Use ghostbin then
Dylan Bell
Andrew K. Block [email protected]/* */ martinez INCL. Yale Alumni Class 0f 1961 Andy Blocks [email protected]/* */ Andy Cunningham [email protected]/* */ Andy Cunningham United House Wrecking - Andy [email protected]/* */ Angela American Ambassadors [email protected]/* */ Angela Breeden [email protected]/* */ Angela Kane [email protected]/* */ buddy! Se bloc! [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ Angela UN - Kane [email protected]/* */ Secretary: Ramesh new 12/11 212 963-2411 [email protected]/* */ Angela M. LoRe` National Gallery of Art [email protected]/* */ chief of Staff& Exec. Asst. Angela M. Lore` Angela R CAA - Norcross, Angela Anissa STATE - Hanson [email protected]/* */ 8/9/12 Home 703 241-3812 Cell: 571-442-0791 [email protected]/* */,gov Anissa M. & Yasmina G. Bouziane [email protected]/* */ Anissa A. Hanson [email protected]/* */ underscore personal e-mail when sending [email protected]/* */ Anita Wood Town of Greenwich AW [email protected]/* */ Dept. of Parks and Recreation Ann Nicol [email protected][email protected] Ann Rockefeller, Mortimer [email protected] Ann YALE ALUMNI GRIFFITH [email protected] NIght # 203 691-7901 Anna UN - Anna Janowska [email protected] Anna-Lena TRAVEL- Shahrivar [email protected] Assistant: Elfie Anne griffith Yale Alumni [email protected] After 5:30PM # 203 691-7901 Home? Anne Templeton [email protected] Anne-Isabelle UN - Degryve Blateau [email protected] Annette Bortot Round Hill Club - Annette [email protected] Office Manager See details for additional Tel. #'s sadie.incl Annie Chester [email protected] Annika Savill [email protected] Anthony J. Fouracre Wife: Mari Okie [email protected] rocky incl Anthony J. Miller Anthony Testo Metropoliltan Club [email protected] Antoinette F. (Toni) UN - Gallagher [email protected] Anwarul K. Chowdhury Former Under-Secretary-General & high Rep of the UN [email protected] Archbishop Francis VATICAN - Chullikatt [email protected] Ariane Wellin Michaels' Cell 978-460-7322 Arielle Garber Botanical Grdns-Arielle [email protected] Armen Morian [email protected] Arnau DeBorchgrave [email protected] Arne Fjortoft [email protected][email protected] Arnold/Parker Scassi [email protected] *Florida #? Arnold/Parker Scassi [email protected] lucky incl
Angel Wilson
Those that aren't military bases are mostly right next to small airports & RR tracks.
Noah Sanchez
Is there a subset with no obvious & exceptional ingress / egress method? This could be worth sorting and maybe even exploring, if there are local urban exploration anons.
Logan Collins use this site to translate all that gibberish, it's actually makes sense. Lot's of references to satan and ect…
Grayson Sullivan
This isn't new information, I'm pretty sure it's in the Guccifer 2.0 leaks.
Brandon Davis
I looked at ~12 in my area. Of those, there was only 1 outside of a 1000 ft radius to an airport/RR. It was a private home adjacent to another private home which houses a program for foster & at-risk youth. I wouldn't be surprised if this was an indoctrination program, but I would be unwilling to call it out at this point.
The rest appear to be extraction/transport waypoints.
Tyler Reed
Shut up nigger, I wrote "Symbolic sage. This shit shouldn't have been stickied to begin with" because it's just a big dump of information with no context no explanation. And it isn't new or exclusive information anyway.
Noah Jenkins
Be that as it may, It's still organized. And OP is spoon-feeding it to us. Go back to halfchan you fucking shill.
Use your imagination faggot. You don't belong here.
James Gray
I'm downloading an offline copy of the entire site to prove that this is a nothing burger.
Jacob Cook
This thread needs to be organized better if were going to be more effective at digging. I am not the man to do it
Nicholas Cox
Wew. You know that shit was compromised ages ago, right?
check the weird links on the right, they all lead to similar sites with the domain , which also hosts (which is from 2008 when he likely didn't yet have a server).
here's a paste bin of the entire directory
all the files have an October 2012 creation date except the html files which my machine reconfigured to be relative links within my machine. All these files are absolutely nuffin. All the text is in the html code and I'll start pulling sections into paste bins.
If 'militant consumerism' is in fact 'Laughing Horse' we've been had by an autistic webartist Leonardo DiVinci.
Jack Brown
>And OP is spoon-feeding it to us.
And you're the one telling me go back to 4chan? You're funny
Matthew Mitchell
Interesting, thanks. Yeah, that's the feeling I get, we've probably been had.
the other blog - got to it from the link in the right menu at - has a lot of the same images in the posts that are included in - exactly the same.
I just showed you fag did you even look at the fucking
Zachary Lopez
that gif .. i actually believe all of that. Fallen angel chief princes mentioned in the bible as rulers of regions. as a christcuck it makes sense to me with all the occult material our elite are involved in. just my two cents.
any update on the user that downloaded the entire website?
Jonathan Wood
now a message from Michael Flatley
Jason Hill
Send pizza.
Eli Lewis
pic scarily related
Leo Anderson
Changed IP's but there's nothing there. Even if he's capturing IP's the dude is a loon
Logan Hill
as i've stated in above posts, i have seen heavy use of church of subgenius crap. lots of 4chan archive threads about the site and other random crap. it appears to be just a type of "art" piece or some serious levels of autism that no-one here has yet reached. it's got random illuminati-grand conspiracy stuff, but nothing new or pertinent in any definable way. the back of my mind says it's the ultimate cia-nsa new level shit we don't know about but all other parts of me think it's a load of crazy bull shit
Sebastian Turner
Had to shut up the shills somehow.
Plus, I am merely making a database of names, locations, financial entitities and crimes, so that they can be all crossreferenced.
Notice that in nearly every leak, Tamera Luzzatto is present.
Can this be some kind of insurance file ? This is too autistic to be a honeypot.
Logan Miller
we know that some of information is legit. we can cross reference it. we just need to find out if the rest of information is leading us somewhere…As for OP he (or she) is maybe not a fagot. Maybe OP is dead man switch that was activated by something.
Militaryfag here, the xxxxxxN/S xxxxxxxE/W coordinate system is used by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency or NGA, basically the U.S. military's google maps. NGA works with the National Reconnaissance Organization or NRO. NRO manages the U.S.'s spy satellites, the NGA analyzes the images taken by the satellites and distributes them out to the rest of the U.S. intelligence community.
Whoever OP is, to get access to these coordinate, must have gotten his hands on data leaked from NGA's BE database, their list of past, present, and planned locations for the satellites to monitor, which ranges from unclassified to top secret. No wonder the shills are out in full force right now. Expect 8ch to get shoah'd very soon, and when it comes back online this thread will be gone.
Dylan Reyes
Drop points. Someone go there and have a look. What better place to hide shit you don't want to be looked at than some buoy out on the sea.
Name First Name MI Access Req Phone Email Birth SSN Security Clearance Code of Ethical Conduct Most Recent Employment Compensation Brennan John O DNI 703-674-8478 [email protected] 9/22/1955 146423250 TS/Interim SCI Y The Analysis Corporation, Global Strategies Group (North America) INC Unpaid Leave of Absence Miscik Judith A DNI 703-725-8551 [email protected] 5/31/1958 554-96-8749 TS/Interim SCI y Formerly Lehman Brothers Not currently employed, severance package for prior service Johnson Jeh C DNI (917) 359-0449 [email protected] 9/11/1957 76543753 Unconfirmed Y Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrision, LLP Part-time Volunteer Kerrick Donald L DNI (703) 980-7770 [email protected] 4/27/1949 267-78-7369 Unconfirmed Y Self-Employed Part-time Volunteer Kurtz Paul B DNI (703) 336-2306 [email protected] 3/20/1964 480-78-3912 Unconfirmed Y Good Harbor Consulting Full-time Volunteer Baginski Maureen A DNI (540) 226-0934 [email protected] 2/3/1955 122-48-8462 Unconfirmed Y SPARTA, Inc Full-time Volunteer Harding Robert A DNI (571) 245-6445 [email protected] 5/13/1948 112-34-6107 Unconfirmed Y Harding Security Associates, Inc Full-time Volunteer Harding Robert A DNI (571) 245-6445 [email protected] 5/13/1948 112-34-6107 Unconfirmed Y Harding Security Associates, Inc Full-time Volunteer Johnson Andrew W DNI (202) 497-6148 [email protected] 11/19/1959 218-82-1622 Unconfirmed Y Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Federal Government Employee Levine Edward P DNI (202) 701-5768 [email protected] 1/8/1943 579-56-6001 Unconfirmed Y Senate Foreign Relations Committee Federal Government Employee Pelofsky Eric DNI (202) 441-0765 [email protected] 3/29/1971 497-64-0232 Unconfirmed Y Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Federal Government Employee Schear James A DNI (202) 391-3844 [email protected] 7/15/1953 16441187 Unconfirmed Y National Defense University Federal Government Employee Steele III Bert L DNI (202) 256-5505 [email protected] 5/3/1972 254-49-7722 Unconfirmed Y Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP Full-time Volunteer Wagner Caryn DNI (571) 244-2294 [email protected] 9/22/1957 524-04-3783 Unconfirmed Y House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Full-time Volunteer Cohn Adam DNI (703) 593-8830 12/3/1971 068-72-8716 Unconfirmed Y U.S. Senate Part-time Volunteer Sims Jennifer E DNI (202) 550-2361 [email protected] 2/7/1953 049-48-2397 Unconfirmed Y Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service Full-time Volunteer Smith Jeffrey H DNI (202) 468-4495 [email protected] 10/31/2008 094-36-8260 Unconfirmed Y Arnold & Porter Part-time Volunteer Gips Don H All (202) 579-0073 [email protected] 11/29/1905 329-44-5714 None Y Level 3 On leave Brown Lisa M All (202) 579-0063 [email protected] 3/6/1960 578-62-7930 Unconfirmed Y American Constitution Society Terrell Louisa M All (202) 360-3624 [email protected] 8/17/1969 221-42-6993 Unconfirmed Y Yahoo! Inc. Sarah Sewall B All State National Security and (508) 314-3770 [email protected] 8/22/1965 004-54-9044 Unconfirmed
this one is about 20 mins from me. going to have a look at it on my next day off work. will upload pics when i go.
Is wikileaks main twitter account under government control?
Zachary Edwards
Feh, Holla Forums faced this before
Owen Jones
Assange is pretty unrelated to this
Jack Howard
maybe, maybe not… we do not know at this time. Or do you have more information than us ?
1) Wikileaks tweets photo of armed police outside the embassy. 2) Internet gets cut 3) Massive DDoS attack. 4) Strange, out of character, misspelled tweets from Wikileaks. 5) Missing letters in tweets spell out "help him". 6) No proof of life for Assange 7) Wikileaks tweets an odd questionnaire asking what we would like as proof of life. 8) Pamela Anderson visits Assange (wtf) 9) Podesta email leaks continue. 10) Assange "appears" by phone for some conference. Not a valid proof of life. 11) Pamela Anderson visits Assange a second time!
Wikileaks suffered a massive DDoS attack and there has been NO credible proof of life ever since. This entire leak thing was caused by and all about HRC herself yet we have NEVER seen any HRC emails nor Clinton Foundation emails. These were supposed to be released prior to the election. Where are they? The US Govt had a history of using celebrities for espionage. Pamela Anderson is a decoy. They knew that she would generate news stories and photos with her visits and therefore perpetuate The LIE that Assange is still in the embassy and well. Why didn't Pamela tweet any selfies with Assange?? That's certainly within reason to expect. Why would a liberal go out of her way to visit the man who was actively working on taking down the most prominent liberal candidate in history? It makes no sense whatsoever.
Then the anonymous Wikileaks employee posts those messages. Everything that person said makes perfect sense. Especially with what we've uncovered regarding "Pizza Gate".
Christopher Sullivan
We're more visible now user. Plus we just won the election.
Circumstances have changed
Jacob Turner
pretty sure it was off the podesta leaks. a green version and the purple one. oddly enough soros is having his "purple" revolution. all of his revolutions are color themed or named as it turns out.
Cooper Phillips
Yes or no, don't derail the thread, nigger.
This has no connection with leaks earlier.
Carter Wood
You have a hunch or info to back this up ?
Chase Lopez
Holla Forums or fullchan wasn't so secret as you might think thanks to shills, /baphomet/ antics and other platforms that spread word about fullchan made us pretty public and let's face it three letter agencies are always watching. Oh please provide proof of how 'circumstances have changed'
Most of the old guard know what the fuck they are doing and how to cover their tracks.
Xavier Martinez
Not likely. Someone posted a thread here about a year ago, with that flag in the OP post. I remember it.
Eli Murphy
We are on wikileaks…this is pretty public
Landon Robinson
Checked as history repeats
Parker Foster
It smells like whoever took over wikileaks is now trying to use them against us, honestly.
Andrew Harris
well other than the thread you mentioned i have no other idea where it originated if not off podestas stash. however i thought there was a thread not long ago about just that.
Charles King
Those trips
Daniel Baker
Sounds to me more like drone strike starting points. Or maybe for jamming, surveillance or other electronic espionage? Too crazy?
Asher Lopez
Let's roll back a bit. Gamergays gave fullchan shitton of attention pre and post exodus. Benji the homeless weebfag owner of /baphomet/ signaled three letter agencies after spreading the dox of
Constant doxing, extensive cyberbullying, etc didn't help matters either.
Lasty we have various fandomfags and pubetube nobodies who talk shit about chans or references them constantly in their typical autistic fashion.
For fucks sakes anyone who looks up Pepe, does their research will find their way here.
This klub isn't secret as you'd like to believe. Besides Holla Forums isn't unlisted board either. If you remember the server problems fullchan had on 8th November you'd realize that this place is widely known. Fullchan had huge lag spikes and post limits.
Whenever it was users or a group hell bent on DDoSing fullchan on that specific critical day the point remains the same (((THEY))) know
Ethan Foster
Now that you have this list, search this page when you find a name, number or location of interest to see where it shows up.
For those of you who don't want to maintain your own database.
Jacob Foster
Oh come on user. We literally were displayed around the world for nazi pepes.
Leo Allen
It's called the election win. That makes us a greater threat.
Carter Wright
This, shilling activities have increased significantly.
Robert King
Threat to who? Normies?
Inb4 8ch gets killed with ICANN handover.
Christian King
No, you're not merely making a database of names, locations, financial entitities, you're throwing a giant net hoping that we can link some of these people with other people and possibly connect them with the pizza/pedos stuff. Your net is just too big, it's not useful.
Because you're looking specifically for her name. If you were looking specifically for another name you would probably discover that in nearly every leak 'Name X' is present. So far it's just your confirmation bias.
Adrian Watson
It's bullshit, he never provided any proof or evidence that he was a Wikileaks inner circle member and some of the things he said were /x/-tier stuff (such as: the NSA is controlled by trans-humanists). Why are you asking about him in this thread? There are 2-3 threads on Assange/Wikileaks right now. Check the catalog.
Luke Turner
Are you the same lying faggot who posted that bogus timeline of events in the other thread?
FALSE, there are Hillary Clinton e-mails in the Podesta e-mails
LOL you're so full of shit: at first you ask us the question "Is there any truth in wiki user post ?" but then 9 minutes later you write: "Then the anonymous Wikileaks employee posts those messages. Everything that person said makes perfect sense." So it took less than 9 minutes to come to that conclusion?
You're either a dumb conspiratard or someone deliberately trying to inject disinformation.
Logan Jackson
sancho panza +luzzato = panzatto
sancho panza is a don quixote character
Dylan Murphy
Why live? ;o;
Parker Kelly
I don't know much, but I've noticed that people who post line-by-line replies are generally know-it-all shit-heads.
Thomas Allen
With locations they are using for recruiting and whatever they do ?
To me, it looks pizza related. The fact that all the coordinates are just slightly placed away from non-commercial travel options looks like meeting places to transport victims. I get the impression of an "underground railroad" type scenario for the bad guys.
David Nguyen
These are the Arlington coords , I don't see anything pizza related and I very much doubt there's 100+ stops on a pizza "underground railroad" Open your mind to the possibility, just for a moment, that not everything is 'pizza' related
Brandon Rogers
But it is related to ….. ? we have questions and not many answers.
Power plants. Ocean buoy. Going to confirm the following: CENTER STRAFFORD CNTRSRFD 33 1 A N H DGVT 430017N 0711100W 43.00472,-71.18333 CLAREMONT CLAREMNT 33 1 A N H DUWT 432150N 0721757W 43.36388,-72.29916
The Nazi's weren't bad. They weren't racist, they weren't exterminating Jews (they had camps, but not to kill), and everything we've been told about the Nazi's are incorrect.
I have made the similar point earlier today, that we are going in the direction of the Nazi's (whatever you want to call the current movement) to set the stage for what needs to happen.
It turns everything I've learned on its head and has never been more important to me than now.
Kevin Brown
Why would anyone put desiccated red blood cells into the upper atmosphere? What is the reason for this?
Wikileaks confirmed gone, I believe this is 100 percent real
15 of the top people at Wikileaks were nailed at the same time Julian Assange had his "internet cut". I watched the live cam all night and they took Assange away in a black armored van. If he was still at the embassy, he'd have appeared at the window and has not. Now it appears one of the top Wikileaks staff has spoken out, and I believe this is 100 percent accurate because it matches my own observations PERFECTLY:
Click the image to enlarge it and read it again.
Grayson Richardson
Because the U.S. Army and USAF and the CDC agencies of the Federal Gov't. are deliberately and covertly infecting the public with this synthetic, genetically-engineered bio-weapon called Morgellons. These dried-out "erythrocytes" are one mode of this pathogen's transmission and infection propagation, similar to bacterial or fungal spores free floating in the air over vast distances.
MORGELLONS : A STATUS REPORT Clifford E Carnicom Oct 08 2009
I am not offering any medical advice or diagnosis with the presentation of this information. I am acting solely as an independent researcher providing the results of extended observation and analysis of unusual biological conditions that are evident.
>I believe this is 100 percent accurate because it matches my own observations PERFECTLY
I wish someone could build a big wall between Holla Forums and 4chan to keep the low IQ illegals out of here
Andrew Wilson
Logan Rivera
Daniel Long
Warren Beatty Number works
Aaron Price
That's retarded. Try to bruteforce the emails.
Logan Torres
yeah.. sub7 their asses. lel
Ethan Edwards
This might be an attempt at flooding us with pointless information that is already publicly available, in an attempt to paralyze any actual effort at getting anything done. Overload with pointless data is a known tactic.
Wyatt Robinson
Lucas Bailey
Can confirm partial location data from prior posts. It was a flood of government owned property. Largely pointless. Maybe something good in there still but ultimately, looks to be a distraction tactic.
What the hell are all these names and addresses? Where you guys got them and are they Pizza Gate related?
Owen Jones
cubes and enlightenment
Hudson Walker
http: //
copy the source into a notepad ++ file. to insert a line break at each , do the following.
ctrl + h, change search mode to regular expression.
find what: \s* replace with: \n
zoom all the way out. pic related.
Parker Martin
more, pretty much all of it
Benjamin Wood
Umm…type anything in to the end of that Ihohq site and you get a page.
http ://w
htt p: //ww
Leo Martin
Wikileaks would not care about anonymous posts from dubious sources making such claims. Putting it up on the Wikileaks verified Twitter account to say "NUH UH!" reeks of defensiveness. Given all the strange happenings, the fact that they can't even sign anything with their PGP key, that Julian is not proven to be alive, the morph edits in the RT interview, the seemingly deliberate typos with the missing/correct letters spelling HELP HIM among other things. We cannot conclude the validity of those posts, but we can only conclude that Wikileaks is compromised.
Isaiah Ross
What the fuck am I looking at?
David Robinson
We do not know. We are trying to make sense of this. If you can tell us what are we looking at it would be appreciated.
Josiah Long
What to heck is right, niggre
Thomas Hernandez
please explain
Benjamin Foster
My gut says that it is more distraction from looking for the Dead Man Keys. But who the fuck knows
Anthony Evans
Be extraordinarily careful, but when you attempt to contact wikileaks via their chat line (I won't put the link), it constantly reloads the page. Is this not a honeypot?
Eli Morris
Can't take this shit anymore guys, I'm too weak for this rabbit hole. Here you go guys, every link on that monster of a website.
Yeah I agree but maybe they gave their Twitter account to someone who isn't as smart or stable as the other guys. But you're ignoring the possibility that their contingency plans include reduced communications within their own network or using a certain type of communications protocol to make sure they're in contact with the real guys and not a GCHQ/NSA/whatever employee.
So maybe the Wikileaks team recently lost contact with someone else other than Assange and the ones running the Twitter account are under a lot of stress because they don't know what happened to that person and soon after they lost communication with X they see that thread posted here
But if Julian Assange is the one who has that key and he doesn't have an internet connection at the embassy then maybe that explains why?
he gave an hour long phone call to a conference in Argentina on Oct.26
and let's say you don't want to believe the RT interview was made after Oct.15-16, a recent photo of him with a lawyer from Ecuador was posted on Twitter. I saw the links to news websites from Ecuador, I'll probably post them later in another thread. Yes, I know it's not a video of him talking about the rumors of his death but it seems legit to me.
some people have posted an explanation for this, here for example and here
>the seemingly deliberate typos with the missing/correct letters spelling HELP HIM
That one is bogus because the first seemingly deliberate typo isn't 'wopper' it's 'Navel' – 'Navel Intelligence' – posted in the tweet right before the one with 'wopper' so if you think these missing/incorrect letters are a secret word then it doesn't start with H, it starts with either A or E.
>We cannot conclude the validity of those posts, but we can only conclude that Wikileaks is compromised.
Again, people like you keep hammering that conclusion and repeating it again and again. It's as if you guys are deliberately spamming Holla Forums with this message.
And by the way you forgot to add the pre-commitment hashes aren't valid in your list of augments for Wikileaks being compromised
Charles Hill
Does it matter? He's just another liberal asshole even if he may disslike the current oligarchy.
It's not like he's ever named the jew or anything…
Jason Foster
hi ctr
William Roberts
no, serious here. The dude is just some random asshole hacker, the regime does not like him, but they don't like Iran or Kim Jon Un either, that does not make them allies.
I've never seen him make any coment on jews, except that one about (((establishment climbers))) on twitter that he immediately cucked on when the ADL went after him about it.
If he doesn't name the jew, his message isn't true. Is my addage, so why should I care about the white wizzard of the equadorian embassy?
Either his stuff does not actually point to the jews, or he is too much of a coward to talk about them. In neither case is he usefull for nationalists now that Trump is elected.
he never did name jew. At least to my knowledge. He also has some (pretty substantial actually) connection to "the family". Family is cult connected with child trafficking and some other stuff. He never talked (publicly) about that
With all that said and done we do have some interest in finding out if he is alive or not. He did provide us with some information and did get a lot of heat for it. And he can be useful to us. He proved that multiple times. Trump is not useful to us at this moment. We were useful to trump but he did not pay his dues for getting elected.