It's fucking transparent what Macron and the media are doing.
See they have one horse in the race: Sarkozy (jew + neo-con) and one adversary = Le Pen
Problem is Sarkozy is (and always was) loathed it's a near miracle he was elected in the first place (and it took some major doing).
It's beyond Hilary levels.
Now to understand what's going on you need to understand how the french president is elected.
It's a two turn elections, the 2 candidates than end up first and second on the first round (unless the first got 50% +1 vote), duel two weeks later.
Now the first party of France is the Front National of Marine Le Pen. Save Armageddon, she will be on the second turn (far in front).
Meaning only the contender is to be determined.
Then who wins easy if anyone of the left (save maybe Vall IIRC) becomes the contender, Le Pen is elected president. If it's anyone of the right whoever it is become president (because all the leftist cucks will vote for him).
Now Macron is there for two things.
Now since Sarkozy is loathed his own party hates him and favor Juppé (older, wiser neo-con that somehow managed to pretend he's moderate) so a lot of people that DON'T want Sarkozy to go be the contender there will vote for Juppé.
But Macron presenting himself (alone) is drawing attention and help mitigate (wrongly) to the right moderate militants the risk of Sarkozy winning. In doing so it's a discourage play for right militants to go vote for Juppé, since Macron he's seen as a backup plan.
But that's secondary, our puppet masters don't care whether it's Juppé or Sarkozy. They like Sarkozy more but that's a preference not an imperative.
Second and most importantly by being originally a socialist from "the center" (read a neo-con), it will draw votes from the left.
Not to win, he has utterly no chance to be the contender, just he has to draw "moderates" votes away from the socialists to make sure they don't end up being the contender.
Because sure Hollande is really low in the (((polls))) but there is nobody else left in left, he's managed to kill all other party. Sure he wouldn't get anywhere near 50%… but he doesn't have to. He just has to have more votes than the one behind him.
On the other hand the right is extremely divided. To the point you could have 2 candidates from the mainstream right + a shitload of independents (centrists).
Meaning that's perfectly possible Hollande (or whoever the socialist send) would end up being the contender, because they still have a strong core vote.
And if that's happens… well the Front National could win, ANUDAH SHOAH.
So Rotschild sent went down to HR, casted a good looking goy he had on payroll, sent him to be a "socialist" minister, so that he may torpedoed the socialist and ensure the Front National doesn't win.
Any questions?