so tell me is there any right to the Afrocentric claims? or is it just dindus dinduing?
requesting info-graphics and archived threads
We wuz kangs n shiiiiiieeeet
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redpill me on x thread, enjoy your ban
How lazy are you, nigger
I didn't save from last threads,be useful or gtfo.
that spear is way too symmetrical and nice looking to actually be african made
imported from egypt?
Some niggers might be Ancient Jews and sheiiit but the majority were definitely no Kangs.
Africans weren't Europeans and Africans weren't Egyptians. However, there were some very basic, black, tribal kingdoms in west and east Africa with very basic stone architecture. Ethiopia in East Africa is the best example of this, however they got lucky being in close proximity to Egypt and the Middle East so they were able to borrow Arab tech essentially. Now, in the west they weren't as lucky so they were stuck with their own devices. Which wasn't much, but they still had actual primitive Kingdoms with slaves and wealth, including gold. As for Central Africa and the rest, they were basically like OP pic.
They are the cursed people. Descendants of Ham. Ham's sons were all born dark as punishment for fornicating on Noah's (Ham's father) ark. Cush was one of Ham's sons and eventually became king of Egypt.
First nigger was named Cush (Kush)
Lol. You can't make this shit up…..
think about it this way:
youre the king of the place you live in
sounds great, but the place you live is underneath your parents who have done many great things in their lives, and you eat moldy cheetos that they buy you, and you pee in bottles instead of the toilet thats across the hall from you, and you matsurbate loudly at all hours, and you have an expensive keyboard, but cover it with slime and semen, and your bed is king size, but you dont wash it so it smells and is covered with yet more shit.
you are a king, but you and your kingdom are awful and disgusting.
right upstairs are your parents, who are intelligent and spirited and well wishing, but every effort they take to help you fails.
nobody knows why.
Nigger-like grammar detected.
Afrocentrism is a pseudo-science, just like Astrology and Flat Earth theories.
Well you do know that whites have smokeouts on Hitler's birthday, correct?
It's nothing but the manifestation of nigger inferiority complex. They cannot cope with the reality of their ancestor's ineptitude and barbarity. It's also black supremacist and is essential for them to believe in order for them to have confidence in the future of a black ethnostate.
go fuck with this nigger supremacist's livestream's chat
sounds like a plan
It's loads of fun, m80
nigs getting salty haha