Pres-elect Trump's Name Scrubbed from NYC Buildings

Pres-elect Trump's Name Scrubbed from NYC Buildings

The left will stop at nothing, they have completely lost their mind.

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The left really is full of whiny pussies.

And they're the biggest sore losers.
They act like spoiled children.


That's because they are.

Remember when Holla Forums told you that leftards are completely incompetent as parents? Here's the quote itself. Who wants to make bets on the amounts of anti-depressants this family must be taking?

Not surprised.
This is what they do, they whine till they get their way. It worked here because they were no longer under contract and the sign was purely ornamental. Let them keep whining, I'm more concerned with winning.

Maybe we can get Trump to renew the contract with the building, and get the name put back up.

Seriously though, don't like the name of the building you live in, move.

God these examples of oppression under Trump are just getting too heartbreaking. I'm glad the city stepped up here to help these poor victims who are clearly on the right side of history and have sufficiently signaled this position by securing this outcome.

Even today I saw a report on the storming of Trump tower demanding the resignation of Bannon whereby the 'protestors' aka terrorists had signs which read:

They still have not realized that the God Emperor was the anti war candidate. DEFCON levels have gone down since he was elected and tbh I`m not sure how to feel about that.

Oh well Trump has more important things to put his name on now. Like Bridges, Airports and THE WALL.

The left is busy pushing the narrative that 'A man with no experience shouldn't have control of the nuke codes.'
(((They))) will stop at nothing to try to stop him.


What is really insane, the liberals believe everything they see on the progressive msm.
Look at this shit here
Perfect example of a liberal that believes everything on msm, and calls conservative media neo nazi racist xenophobic etc.

Maybe if they weren't being actively brainwashed, this wouldn't be a problem.

Management can do whatever they want with the name of their building, but the tenants are clearly engaging in child abuse.

Didn't stop them from forcing Obongo on us.


what a degenerate.

Just chill anons, watch and wait.. let the left keep throwing tantrums.. let them keep shitting up the streets and chimping out because the more they do that the worse they look.

We need them to keep winding up into a fever pitch so Trump can unleash the Police on them as soon as he takes office.. by then normies will be just as sick of the leftist scum as we are.

The God Emperor will stand higher than the lesser world rulers.

Having seen, first hand, the kind of shit going on in third world countries, I would just like to say fuck these crybabies and fuck their spoiled ass whining.

These dumb fucks need the shit kicked out of them. Plain and simple.

I second this. RWDS when?

Chairjew of the company

Jew-founded real estate

So, is the name going to change or are they going to keep the word PLACE ? It sounds like a area where trendy hipsters would want to live in.

If dubs, ICE becomes the Trumpen SS.

Maybe they'll change it to kvetchplace

Maria (((Wojciechowski))) [email protected]/* */ Nov 15

Feel grateful that you're still alive, thanks to the God Emperor

This is what bothered me the most about this election. When my 8 year old cousin asked me who I was voting for and I said Trump, he asked me why I wanted to die.

Telling children that a presidential candidate will cause them to die is absurd. I couldn't get a straight answer about whether it was the media, the schools, or his parents that gave him the idea.


That's because it's all three. I fear my extended family was brainwashed by christcuckery and college, so I'm taking a risk wearing all Trump stuff on Thanksgiving. I hope my extended family supported Trump, but I know neither of my fat, beta-male brothers, nor my mother, did.

Funnily enough, my immigrant (white, English) stepfather supported Trump but nobody else in my direct family, besides myself, did.


Liberal logic, if a news site is conservative, they're white supremacist

*hillarypoop.jpeg mixed with trump.gif*

The beauty of this moment is that we need to little or nothing.. maybe just stoke the fire up a bit if it starts to die down.

The left will destroy themselves and hay the liberal tears are salty and delicious anyway.. just an added bonus

This makes sit down and really makes you start to think

kek classic

Well they're not doing it fast enough. As we speak countless media creators are turning their characters into fags or minorities of some kind or turning their media into poorly written hugboxes. And now they're complaining that shit is bad because only 4% of fictional characters are fags. If they're not told to fuck off with their ID politics shilling in a big booming voice now, expect to see nothing but rainbows and tumblrfied "wonders" in all media for the next 4 years in their vain attempt to get back at Trump.

The left doubling down on their bullshit and increasing the violence of their chimping was what helped get us here. Hopefully they can keep it up and we'll get actual White Nationalista in the governmant in the next 10-20 years.

Muh pierced ears

Why does niggertech never work for you?

here's your (you), mr. (1).

Of course they need to remove it
they have to replace it with PRESIDENT TRUMP



But friend, netflix is also falling to the same faggotry. Just recently several creators of children's cartoons on there have gone to twitter to show how they will try to make their shows more progressive and politically correct.

Keep trying /fringe/.

Since when has anyone taken that shit seriously?

the best thing.
We know what a website costs: about 50$/year.
Also, we know that marketing statistics are bloated as hell.
Knowing this : media companies could buy followers on twitter, cloning, rerouting and other manipulation to bloat the "amount of unique users" to rediculous amounts. Even their old numbers could lie.
Then comes a bit of group psychology :

what actually is

TLDR: Media is broke, and can never be fixed.

Let them have their petty victory. It's been a rough week for libshits. As President, Donald Trump will have airports, schools and libraries named in his honor. Eventually he'll have his own monument in Washington DC after the MLK and JFK ones are torn down.

Democrats have been rendered as powerless minorities in Congress and lost the Presidency. On his first day of work, Trump can appoint a replacement for Scalia with zero congressional opposition. These faggots realize their is no future for left-wing jewish marxism in America so this is a small moral victory for them.

***meant FDR not JFK

I just like the picture, no need to go full fedora.

The most smug feeling I have gotten was when I got my brother in law's adopted kid to enjoy old shows like Ed, Edd, and Eddy, Samurai Jack, Samurai Pizza Cats, and Hamtaro while inadvertently making her hate the newer Nickelodeon garbage. Her parents eventually had to pay me to set up a private media server for their kid.

Lucky you. I can't get anyone to see the classics so they can realize how low modern media has fallen. They always try to ignore or reject it by using the nostalgiafag meme or the new Member Berry shit. A distance from the past will only doom the future.

The kid is only 6 so she's actually really receptive to a lot of shit. Normally it would be a bad thing but as it turns out if you give them gold at a young age their tastes tend to be a lot more critical.

Great, while they focus their lives on Trump. We will make Nationalism great again, one person at a time!

Guise I have an idea! Let's vandalize our own property because our fee-fees are hurt!

Oh wait that would be retarded. Let's not be retards and actually do that.

671 people. Pretty sure we could get one in the thousands to have the signage restored.

That's okay, when the USS Donald Trump is launched, let me know.

Why is it always these people that get to live in NYC?

They deserve it the most? NYC is a fucking garbage city. Even Chicago with all the niggers is miles better than NYC.

This. For those of you with kids, you'll know it's sometimes better to let them tire themselves out throwing a tantrum. It's like a marathon for kids, or in this case, leftists.


What do we do about the faggots on college campuses planning on operating an "underground railroad" for beaners and kebab?

Nothing. Once Trump gets rid of sanctuary cities the only places they could go are Mexico or Canada. They would be doing our job for us.

Why are musicians and other celebrities always so outspoken about politics? They usually know almost nothing about it, high-school drop outs or some faggy artsy degree but yet they feel the need to thrwo their shitty uneducated opinions around like it matters?

Into the jail you go.

It gets better… just imagine how batshit insane of a candidate they run next time as they really double down on their leftism.

How salty can these cucks get? At least the leftists at my maplecollege have finally stopped whining about Trump.

When ever someone brings him up they get all black pilled and literally can't even.

Find them and get them arrested. It should be easy, these fags can't help but blab everywhere for virtue points.

Have you even looked at the filth they put out as "netflix originals"?

These shitlibs are getting very lazy with their bullshit stories.

Doesn't Trump still own the building? Will they get triggered when they sign their rent check to the landlord?

I wouldn't worry about it.

There are plenty of good shows there, goy!
$9 a month is perfectly fair, goy!

Jesus Christ. Don't they have anything better to do but lie about nothing?

And the reason I didn't call it jewflix or kikeflix is because it doesn't flow well as jewgle or kikeapedia. Honestly, I haven't found a good nickname for netflix.

i love how all of these fucks don't seem to realize how crying wolf again and again will eventually fuck them over. it's like the sam hyde does all the mass shootings thing


Good thing that's literally illegal:

everything is pozzed m8.

I like it!

Now that the Government is at uncucked status, anarchos, leftists, antifas and all those fucks destroying property, cars and burn shit with molotovs, should finally be held accountable, without the police conveniently dropping it, or politicians pardon it. Once they get sued, have to pay several thousands and will be held accountable for their actions, instead of being allowed to do whatever they want like kids, they will feel the full weight of what it means to be responsible.

I hope Alphabet soups will finally drop hell on them under the new lead, by infiltrating their groups and social networks like they do with right wingers, which could be done so easily on the left. Most of these useful idiots never had to deal with consequences and don't even know of the concept named honeypot, often even flaunting their criminal activity openly, like drug dealers posting their shit on twitter.

Every single one of these liberal faggots mentions "muh children." Fuck your children, you stupid cunt.

Costs scale with website size. Anything more than babbies first html page with no web traffic is going to cost you more than $50 in hosting.

That's a good thing, since it will give us a pretense for attacking those Marxist training grounds and their federal funding.

Nobody listened to them in school and now they finally have a platform for people to think they're important. Largely I would also assume vanity and the dunning kruger effect is at play.

Former IT and Webfag here. You can get a decent server with enough processing power, server space and internet speed for 60$. If you actually manage to stress that server by a big amount of users, you are definitely making way more than 60$ in ad-revenue and can also get a better Server. As you said, costs scale with website size, but so does the amount of users and of ad-revenue. The much bigger problem lies with having good software, and people working in costumer service you need to pay. And well, removing all the child porn and spam efficiently.

And instead of moving, like anyone with principles, they inconvenience someone else to take the sign off it. Because Lord knows they don't actually mind living in the nice Trump apartments, or the fact that their rent results in a profit for Trump. They just don't like to negatively virtue signal.

yep. let them hang themselves with their own rope.

most of them don't even have nor want children

No user, we want them to stop fucking their children.

So now it is just called "Place"?


This makes zero sense to me. I understand that Trump can't make money off of his real estate while he's President, but removing the name doesn't change the apartment …

Beat them.

How mad will they be when he erects giant gold TRUMP letters atop the white house?

Good, take him out. It's our job as citizens to look out for one another and ignore the rich who don't give a shit about any of us.

Who's going to be looking after his businesses when he's president? The Trump family?

k Holla Forums. I gotta exploit the workers and steal their surplus value.

Yes, like there's a man called, Person.

I feel like these people have the urge to accommodate poor refugees and economically disadvantaged blacks in their apartments.

This hasn't really happened (in large scale) in human history.
Many people are selfish by nature. It's one of the main reasons communism doesn't work past a population of a few ten thousand.

I have a twitter I use to retweet this stuff. Agree and amplify folks. Push them to crazier things, deepen the divide. People are scared, they want to try and reunify, but that is a cowardly illusion.

There MUST be war, GOD WILLS IT

someone needs to send a threatening letter to the other 2 buildings and warn them any further actions will be met with violent actions.

Just like the kikes taught them boys. Let's see how long that place will still run, not for long I can tell you.

Rumor has it he's going to renovate it TO SPEC.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck how could I be so dumb

we should crowdfund a REAL LIFE REAL LIFE with rednecks and refugees in a single apartment.

and only 1 will survive.
find out on this exciting episode of death hotel.

seems we have a fan!


NYC is 99% eternal followers with more money than brains.

Honestly, we should be giving them ideas. Let them run with it. They right now feel justified in whatever they are doing.

NYC is the city of (((finance))), useful idiots, and the people who make a wage keeping the former two from starving to death.


Why not just call it Netflix? is one of the more interesting Obama containment strategies and propaganda generators.

They just lease his name, or something like that where he actually has fuck all to do with a lot of these places.

Sam Zell was on Bloomberg recently and was asked about it, he claims removing the sign had nothing to do with complaints they were doing it because their business doesn't want any political affiliation.

Nearly typed "stop calling your cis white punching bag a boyfriend, when he's just a cucked John" on fagbook today but just hid her posts instead. I have to work with these people.

that'll show him…


Its like they don't even give a shit about their building.


You know Prop 64 passed, right, faggot? Don't piss away my taxes being a right-wing Aneta or Zoe.

They are spoiled children, user

Katie Dunne sprayed a swastika on her own door.

Like spoiled and/or misbehaved children, they need discipline.

(((Their))) false 'attacks' are straight out of a Hollywood stereotype. Every time.