Now that those who belong in the hip-new-secular left are berating the DNC due to the Hillary loss, how do we deal with the fallout? The "New Left" or "New Atheists". Essentially people who either see where the wind is blowing, or the equivalent of the PR faggots from "Gamergate", the ones who consider themselves more intellectual or radical. I've been seeing more and more of my normie friends posting shit like this, and apparently with the atheist+ movement falling flat on it's face, we're seeing the heavily secular progressives (people who want us to be more like europe) picking up the pieces.
Though they seem to forget, their intellectualism gave rise to the poz, and most of the poz shit they push, they have no issue with. (Think "I'm a feminist, but not a THIRD WAVE FEMINIST" type of people)
How do we deal with these faggots now that the DNC has fallen apart? These people also seem to be pushing for the destruction of the EC as a means of giving third parties more viability.
Easy one. D&C them by baiting SJW attacks on them. See Atheism+.
Asher Ortiz
so this is basically their "alt-left"? sounds like a prime chance to co-opt these retards
Jayden Jones
You make it sound like atheists are a problem?
Logan Johnson
This faggot is linked directly to TYT, though, I've been seeing more faggots like them, either through various youtube accounts or blogs. People like this were always sort of around it seems, but they're becoming more coherent.
The only positive thing I can say about these faggots is that they DO NOT LIKE ISRAEL, but for all the wrong reasons, attacking them for a lack of diversity, and for being essentially an ethno-religious state and being mean to all those poor Palestinians. They've essentially started buying into the jewish poison, so much so that they've essentially turned on the Jews.
But hating Israel means nothing if you want to import modern European sensibilities, government and refugees into the country you live in.
(Video related, he's angry that the US isn't bringing in ENOUGH refugees)
Joshua Thompson
So what? That already puts them ahead of over half the country.
Wow its like I'm in a Trump thread.
Jace Kelly
Disliking Israel for not taking in enough refugees is pretty fucking retarded fam. But hey man, without jewish influence, I guess all these brown folk will learn to love western values!
Grayson Johnson
They're not going anywhere, these people you're talking about eschew SJW'dom and therefore won't be the establishment's preferred demographic, nor will they get the money and support that SJWs receive.
They're also too disorganized and prone to disagreement due to the fact of their hipstery nature and their faux dedication to "critical thinking" which is just basically being a pretentious contrarian.
The "old left" doesn't exist anymore and hasn't for a while, you have the piece of shit SJW globalists, and you have these neo-rationalist-lefties who couldn't organize a baseball game much less assemble support for and mount a bid to bring a candidate into the white house.
These fucking people have nothing that moneyed arch criminal elites are looking for, they'd literally have to co-opt some SJW causes and package them with a neo-rationalist twist and hope people will fucking buy into it (they fucking won't).
Think about it, what are if any issues that these cunts can repackage that aren't easily identifiable with the SJW left or some other school of idiotic socialism? There's NOTHING, nothing at all, they'll only be able to try and swathe it in rhetoric that seems "hip", but doesn't ultimately mean anything new or meaningful at all.
So guess who they'll be taking their support from? Will it be the right? NOOO, it will be from other factions of the left, that's why this is so fucking beautiful. These people you're describing will be desperate to define themselves and it simply won't be fucking possible. The only thing they could do is encroach upon center-right territory, but then they'd lose everyone if they picked upon shitty economic policy or signalled against gun ownership or something.
These people you're speaking of, they're fucking BONED, just like the SJW left, they're totally fucking boned, they don't have the numbers on their own, and they won't side with the SJWs out of utility because they know SJW politics are fucking finished.
This is all so glorious guys, you have no idea, they're fucked, they're so fucked it's not even funny.
Angel Wilson
So essentially, all the Chomsky Idealists are fucked?
Cooper Wright
US support for Israel is impossible for me to understand, I mean I've heard all the excuses, but still, it's surreal
Elijah Russell
Sounds good to me and Hitler.
Lincoln Turner
Nothing to worry about. The Democrats are going further left it seems. They think the reason they lost is that weren't far left enough and didn't pander to minorities enough. They'll get BTFO at the next election, unless Trump is a disaster which I think highly unlikely.
Long term the Democrats will reform of course and if it's the Bernie Sanders types that take control after the current neoliberal Clintonian establishment is thrown out sometime after the next election, which is the sort of thing the people in the OP would support, they'll get even more BTFO.
Juan Ortiz
I think Chomsky is not really a relevant figure anymore, I mean I would say so, but I think a more relevant example would be hipstery Sargonist-types. He has his finger on the pulse of this faction you're describing and even though he may, it is so totally niche that it simply won't accomplish anything other than poach from the ranks of other liberals.
Meat-and-potatoes republicans and other real-world focused pragmatists who just want a decent job and to drink their beer and fart and not have the world think they're the devil's asshole don't give two fucks about guys like Chomsky and Sargon. They're just sick of the idiot niche politics and sick of the economic woes, sick of the terrorism and sick of the lack of jobs.
The aforementioned have ZERO fucking solutions for that aside from terrible, half-baked economic fetishism.
The average voter who voted for Trump is going to see their bullshit, as with SJW bullshit as a bunch of hokum, and rightfully so.
Ian Scott
Sargon of Cuckard tier of people growing stronger? Better than Josh McIntosh and his goons, the situation is okay.
Carter Walker
Joshua Allen
The "secular community" has been invaded by leftist in much the same way they insert themselves into any other group.
Blake Cox
Charles Bailey
I also see a lot of these people hump the living shit out of Zizek, though, I see your point, especially with the Zizek worship whom, for all intents and purposes, just seem to fucking babble.
And those carrying around political science degrees, hoping to break into this movement, all seem to espouse the same shit Chomsky would spill. Though Sargon like faggots are my biggest worry and if these people don't die out, or the movement isn't smothered in it's crib, I'm afraid we'll be in the same situation 20 years from now, with these faggots giving birth to a new brand of SJW.
But I'll take your word on it, at this point they'll only be able to grab what's left of the Bernie community, and won't be able to Pander to those who floated to the right. So it seems like we're in a good spot. My concerns mainly come from how much more of them I'm seeing in my daily life, especially bringing up the "LE POPULAR VOTE" meme in public, which seems to be the straw they're grasping to put their faggots of choice in the whitehouse.
Though what took me off guard is the fact that these faggots (most of, if not all) cling to the "2ND AMENDMENT MEANS MILITIA" shit that the lower-tier leftists spit out. I thought that argument was dismantled ages ago.
QUALITY MEMES are also on our side.
Nolan Russell
So "we're not subversion we swear goys!"
They fact they call it "left" means they are subversion. There is ONLY the truth. The rest is death.
Jordan Hill
There is no right or left. Just the correct path and the incorrect path.
The "spectrum" is subversion.
Jonathan James
The country has the most advanced propaganda dispensing apertures and the worst education system in the western world. Its pretty obvious when you think about it
Nicholas Johnson
For the time being this demographic we're referring to will basically be competing with extant SJWs for demographic territory in primarily coastal areas, much like the majority of Hillary's voters.
Zizek is worse than Chomsky, neither of them live in reality, but Zizek is a novelty for most people who aren't utterly retarded. Jizzing over Zizek is only marginally less retarded than unironically casting a write-in ballot for Harambe. These people are not going to become the new left wing majority unless we have at least 15-20 years of extreme decadence. I simply don't see that happening, we're living in lean and mean times, and even with Trump at the helm, it's going to be a hard fight to return to prosperous times in the U.S due to all of the influences working against that.
People get hooked on idiots like Zizek when things are so good they can afford to go full-retard in order to further establish their good-goy lefty credentials among their hipster peers. I think the ones that might at present do so more out of a lack of perceived direction and disenfranchisement.
There's a lot of work to be done in the world and the ones with half a brain are not screwing around trying to appear unique to their friends. If we can get Trump to get the ball rolling on 15 to 20 years of economic decadence, I would say go for it, you can always cross that bridge when you get to it. The U.S needs to see good times again economically, prepare for that eventuality and have a game plan. Two decades is long enough to figure things out.
As far as your other concerns go, just remember these people are in the outlier districts and got BTFO by the electoral college, these are the dregs that any fledgling left wing group has to pick from. They can't do it now, and if the economy gets better and people develop some faith in the right wing way of generating prosperty, the only thing you'll have to fight is complacency, and if you know that might be a problem, knowing that is half the battle.
Henry Sanchez
Hudson Brown
Beat me to it.
Oliver Lopez
I think they know he's fulfilling prophecies too. and know the current revelation is either a lie or proof that the book was not mere prophecy - possibly police phone box related
Asher Sanchez
The up-shot is however that increasingly, gommunism is more widely perceived as being toxic to the economic health of the U.S. If the outcome of this election bears fruit, those who supported Trump will be increasingly skeptical over politicians who trivialize the value of meaningful employment and low taxes over buttfucking everything over some vague notion of "fairness" and prosperity.
One in the hand to your average joe is worth two in the bush.
Elijah Lee
Uhh, this isn't new. They've been this way since the 50s.
Xavier Walker
Actually many of the Evaneglicals(faggots that they are) don't really like the kikes. Their heretical interpretation of prophecy is that Kikesrael must exist so it can be destroyed and usher in the the End Times. They want the Jews to have a nation so that the Jews can all go there and be utterly destroyed by the Anti-Christ in his war of global conquest.
William Sullivan
I guess to differentiate themselves from the extremely unaware, almost autismal nature of SJWs.
So yes, the routine is old hat, but it is something of a new incarnation.
Ryan Howard
Or condition people to not fulfil the prophecy.
Cooper Richardson
Non-whites(except maybe japs) can't really be Christian, capitalist, communist, socialist, or anything else. Muds lack the ability to grasp esoteric religious traditions or any form of philosophy. Even Chink philosophy is just legalism, there is no real debate in it. Muds just want gibs me dats. They are just animals.
Nicholas Rivera
Except it isn't alt anything. It's an expression of what they learn in school. It is the establishment viewpoint.
Joseph Edwards
goddamn i've never seen one person fail to understand the second amendment this badly before.
Adrian Russell
i really doubt any of them actually care about that. they certainly didn't care about how fucked it all was when voter fraud was found within their own primary. they'll get back in line like good little bitches if they start making too much noise and some late night comedy show makes fun of them. there's also enough lefty groups these people can congregate into to where they probably wouldn't branch off on their own.
i shut it off after muh 50k deaths in a country of 300m peopel
Dylan Parker
To understand why Americans including myself have no interest in gun control you must look at our self interest. 50% of all murder victims in the US have a felony conviction and 90% have a violent arrest record. 80% of all murderers are prior felons and 95% have a violent arrest record. Murder in the US is concentrated in urban areas, with 75% of all murders occurring in 1% of the counties, all invariably urban counties with large minority populations, gun control laws, and democratic mayors and city councils.
For a resident of the US living in a rural area or a city of less than 8,000 inhabitants, which is 72% of the entire population, the chances of getting murdered are equal to that of an average Western European living in a rural area. Those designated as white in the US racial classification system have the same murder rate as native born Western Europeans in their respective nations. And those designated non-Hispanic white account for 67% of the population. So for a white voter living in rural America what incentive is there to trade his comparatively low murder rate and much lower crime victimization rate for a European system which has a lower murder rate for all but also a total crime victimization rate which is six times higher? It is not in his interest. Americans fundamentally do not care about urban criminals who are killed by other urban criminals.
As for the incidence rate of public mass murders(4+) or multi-victim public murders(2+). Western Europe has the exact same rate of multiple victim public shootings as the US per capita and the same victimization rate as noted here: And the incidence and victimization rate of multiple victim public shootings in the US is decreasing. The European nations in question have extensive gun control that requires stringent licensing for all firearms.
The problem is belligerent global capitalism (what they call "neoliberalism"). It is obviously a problem, but these idiots react to it exactly as they are expected to react (by calling to give even more power to these elites).
We need to be able to present the real solution. Decentralized and smaller scaled economy, busting monopolies and big business, etc. Welfare state is not the solution, just bread and circuses to appease these lumpenproles.
Jackson Perry
Orthodox Christians confirmed cucks.
Angel Murphy
it gets far worse, he brings up muh slaves and then starts saying the second amendment was only referring to a milita. I shut it off after that.
Ethan Cook
Macho man was a Jew (or mischling), but I support giving him posthumous honorary Aryan status along with Bobby Fischer.
Chase Garcia
What kind of Bible version are they reading to think the Antichrist isn't on the side of the Jews? Or that there are any kind of preexisting conditions needed to start the End Times? The End Times just "happen", because it is the Antichrist who force-starts the Apocalypse. And the Antichrist is supposed to be just that - An Anti Jesus Christ. Complete with miracles and other supernatural power granted by Satan.
Alexander Walker
Orthodox Church in America is trash. Lots of lefty wasps leaving their Episcopalian Churches to join Orthodox and bringing their anglokike worldview with them. Orthodox is seen as more exotic and less white and privileged, so all the hipster faggots join it.
Eli Ross
The Scopes Reference Bible, written by a kike fetishist and inspired by a 14 year old girl. I'm not joking.
Remember they take Revelations to be entirely prophetic rather than describing the conditions in the failing Roman Empire.
Remember that "Orthodox" includes the muddy orthodox ones not just Russians and trendy hipsters infiltrated many of their urban churches.
The best option is to find rural parishes that are "invitation only" because that is a convert way of saying "sorry, no niggers".
Jason Turner
It sure is. I once downloaded a copy of their Bible. First thing I did was go to their commentary on things like "Turn the other cheek." Tl;dr U.S.A. Orthodoxy believes in the "This means be a doormat." heresy. Yeah, nah. Even Gandhi would've used violence if it was a viable tactic.
Mason Parker
Gandhi was a kiddy fucker and a fraud by the way.
But yes unless it is some hardcore Russian orthodox church it will be pozzed up because liberals ruin everything.
There is also the issue that in America the bodies which govern Church organizations have essentially no power. The body which sets shit for the United Church of Christ is pozzed to fuck but I personally know a parish that preaches blacks are inferior and naturally sinful, incapable of salvation, race mixing is sin in the eyes of god because it produces weak children who can't carry on a bloodline, and that faggots will all burn in hell.
Tyler Harris
USA is a blight on theology overall. SJWs have infiltrated the theology just like they infiltrated the humanities departments. Just look how many publish stuff like "intersectional feminism in the scripture" and other subversive nonsense.
Jordan Sullivan
"one should never interrupt an enemy while they are making a mistake"
The simple tactic here is to keep them divided and at each others throats and that should be simple enough to do.
The Left if anything is predictable in as much as they run on a "my feels" agenda, so keep them divided internally and confused externally.
If a group is constantly worried about what it's own divided leadership is doing it will not function so what we need only do is keep them all splinted into their own self interest groups.
Landon Moore
2016: the year Holla Forums killed leftism
Juan Martin
What a racist shitlord!
Michael Perez
Oh SpaceTime, as an Atheist I pray these faggy cuckbags don't literally rename themselves "New Atheists."
Nicholas Allen
More of the same regressive shit isn't going to win anything legally outside california
Jason Lewis
Yes, we must also make the alt-left redpill on the JQ. That should be our only successful influence. This way Holla Forums will be the one controlling both sides!
Isaac Turner
Yep, the pozzed DNC will be around until the 2018 midterms.
Noah Jenkins
Didn't the Amazing Atheist and several others already do this, and fail? Like, years ago? How do you turn a lack of belief in god into a solid movement? It certainly can be a part of it, be it can't the the movement itself.
Angel Gutierrez
The only one I could possibly be convinced to wear.
Adrian Nelson
You can wear it as bait and trigger all the faggots who assume you're one of them.
Cooper Phillips
A lot of it was essentially them worshiping themselves and trying for maximum hedonism. They seem to think religion is a crutch and they are way too (((educated))) for fairy tales. So not only can they not look at it based on faith but also can't take it as literature with some kind of meaning.
Nicholas Price
It is not the intellectualism that gives rise to the poz. Indeed, many of us here have been redpilled by reasoned arguments, as opposed to winding up here due to tradition. Atheists tend to fight for freedom of thought and freedom of speech for individuals more staunchly than any of us do. Freedom of thought and freedom of speech are the two cornerstones of reasoned debate, and it is why we are as strong as we are now.
The issue with "New Atheists" is simply that they have learned to cast aside the moral framework given to them by religion and are making early attempts at adopting their own. People who never grow past religion to see the true strengths of traditional morality are incapable of explaining why traditional morality is great, so the New Atheist will easily trounce them in debate. This leads the New Atheist to subconsciously believe that traditional morality is wrong.
We should then not treat New Atheists as enemies, but instead as potential future allies. They are people who can be reasoned with, up to a point. (Notable counterexample: Atheism+ types, who turn away from religion not due to reason, but to break free of morality).
Chase Rogers
Asseists are nothing more than a disbelief in any belief, and by that all they do is talk about religion, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again, they are comparable to that of a stoner talking about weed, they aren't interesting in of themselves at all, they have to continue to talk about religion to validate themselves everyday, instead of waking up one day and doing something productive, hell even gamers at least entertain themselves with their pass time, these bastards masturbate over their own philosophical view points (if it even is one) everyday.
Jaxson Torres
You're right, but Atheists can form a pro-rationality and pro-thinking movement.
Brody Wright
A religious man who cannot see how an Atheist man can be moral is akin to the computer user who will never have any programming aptitude.
Adam Bell
the alt-left are fucking SJW's perhaps flavoured with a tinge of the suicidal-ism of nihilism and support of the faux democracy we currently live in
Josiah Jones
fucking disgraceful, we need to ban Dravidian trash from appropriating the religion of the vedics.
Andrew Lee
Mock them viciously through memes. You get the idea.
Parker Jackson
calm down famalamadingdong what you despise are morons who call themselves atheists because its 'cool' or 'edgy' most of these people are agnostics or become extremely degenerate to distract themselves from facing their own mortality dont pretend the high point of all of western civilization isnt a man becoming self-aware of the universe and his place in it a world where he is his own god
Aaron Bell
Think of it this way, after all of the propaganda after ww2 that inundated our society of the Kabbal plight it's similar to the following:
70 years of an education system indoctrination and propaganda
Thomas Cook
I guess this is a good enough place to rant as any. What is it with anti establishment and pseudo intellectualism? Whether it's atheism or the left, they think that going against the grain somehow makes them smarter than everyone else by a large margin.
John Fisher
Some of the people ITT are exactly the types you are talking about not only do they have to identify less than subtly but also act like their position is based on "reason" or they "truly see" while being completely blind. check out
Landon Reyes
check out pic related ones going with the grain the others going against it
you implying something there? how am I blind? elaborate please
Thomas Peterson
Isaac Hill
The reason that traditional morality is great is because it is grounded in reason and in wisdom. One of the greatest lies of atheism is that the theistic basis of this morality never existed:
A common law legal system is characterized by case law developed by judges, courts, and similar tribunals, when giving decisions in individual cases that have precedential effect on future cases.
Lex terre: The law of the land. The common law, or the due course of the common law; the general law of the land. Equivalent to "due process of law". In the strictest sense, trial by oath; the privilege of making oath. (Black's 5th)
"That ancient collection of unwritten maxims and customs, which is called the common law, however compounded or from whatever fountains derived, had subsisted immemorially in this kingdom; and, though somewhat altered and impaired by the violence of the times, had in great measure weathered the rude shock of the Norman conquest. " ~ William Blackstone.
More like a newer new left. The people you call leftist are just middle aged libtards. Their children are the ones dealing with the leftovers of modern liberalism and neoconservatism and showing preference for a return to the classical practices of both sides of the political spectrum. If anything people are going to become more hedonistic and agnostic, pantheist, or deist.
Jacob Rogers
Just have to make them fight within their own ranks even further. Do to them what the rebels have done to themselves in Syria, create cracks in too many places for them to fill at once and watch the whole dam break eventually.