#JewishResistance is currently trending - time to flood the hashtag and make the kvetching kikes have a meltdown!
#JewishResistance is currently trending - time to flood the hashtag and make the kvetching kikes have a meltdown!
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They've really made a habit of naming themselves
that's some real fuckin wew there, lad
Well, seeing how #BlackLivesMatter is against israel and so many other SJWs, you know what to do.
Better bring up #OpenBoardersForIsrael and whatever else as well. It'll be hilarious.
We should troll them by asking if they favour a one-state solution in which Arabs make up the majority of the population.
They are outting themselves lol, let the pogroms begin.
This is absolutely amazing because the pro-Jew mindset of so much of the right MUST be stomped out. It starts off with faggot places like reddit.
Bump for great justice.
This. The right has this retarded need to be morally better to such a degree that they won't get their hands dirty at all. The Jew-loving goes all the way back to the war, even when Jews openly oppose everything the right supposedly stands for. I hope this changes when the WWII generation finally passes on.
Wait until all this kvetching convinces Judaeo-Christians to not be so Judaeo anymore. That's when the Holocaust really starts.
Fuck off, goy.
Apparently they're going to try to start some shit with the ZOA on Sunday. This could be fun.
Registry. Anti-American Activity investigations a la Joseph McCarthy. Internment camps. Deportations.
Get the Israeli jews on this one. Let them fight.
What's the point? Them exposing themselves is much better for us.
Bump. They're not even trying to be subtle anymore. Gas 'em all.
she's right tho
What, only Jews get to hate Muslims?
What you think will happen?
Oy vey!
Nope, I never wondered. Even while a child in front of the anti-hitler channel, I knew that if I were there, I'd of been on the reich side of the fihting.
took a look at it, it's not trending, it's shit
You're right. But an opportunity to D&C Jews is very tempting, and probably satisfying.
Oh, joobie had to love it when Trump and Putin started to put their heads together on the future prospect of the USA ousting another leader, Bashar Asaad.
Sometimes smart is almost as good as strong.
Sure thing Chaim, this is why there is already an autocomplete.
it's not trending, it's barely updating with 10 tweet per 10 minutes. if anything, it's a honeypot to make you use the # and get your account banned.
Why is no one reporting the hate speech to Twitter?
I wish they were right
If you made that OC you might want to run it through a spell-checker before sharing.