Is George Soros dead?


Found this while browsing goybook. I have no idea what this site is or how much is it trustworthy, but these are the news.

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Fake news, unfortunately.

I'l be partying when his son, Alex Soros will die. George himself proposes no real threat as his money and connections that will go to his heir.

never heard of snopes?

You mean (((snopes)))?

Well, fuck. I really wished it was true this time. I thought there's a chance of him getting a heart attack because of Trump and all the precious shekels he wasted on the elections.

That's what I was thinking, too.

I'm sure he has a dozen of every organ waiting in the freezer for such an occasion.

They are both literally and figuratively kikes

If anything it would be a faked death to avoid prosecution.

The thing that annoys me is that there's no evidence for this but it sounds like the exact thing these faggots would do. Maybe not have freezers but being able to get to the top of transplant lists just by paying like scumbags.

Couldn't replace it again fast enough before it failed, eh?

What does it refer to?

For a second there, I hit levels of happy I didn't think possible. Dammit OP.

Dang it. That evil fuck really needs to go.

I've noticed that Jews and liberals in general have a tremendous fear of death. This not only showcases their inherent cowardness and emptiness but in the Jew case makes me think that there probably is some infinite hell and suffering that claims them.

Kike religion has it that they star buried in the ground until their Messiah comes for them. Seeing as the Messiah came and went, the ground is where they'll stay. No Heaven, no Hell, just mud.

Sorry, user, I felt the same disappointment.
As stated, we should be more focused on his vile progeny than the old bastard, because he will continue his daddy's hellish work.

Jesus Christ. Putin should just assassinate this dude.

But in the end every shred of evidence we find is pointing towards Soros being nothing more than a public front man for the goyim to direct their RWDS on.

The only real way to stop this is to destroy the masters. Is it Rothschild? It's somebody and they have to be stopped.


Maybe there is someone on top even above the Rothschilds, someone no one knows who it is, except the ruling elite who serve them and Rothschilds and Soros are just the front. Even though my guess it's definitely Rothschilds on top, there could be some kike we don't even know, maybe Moloch/Satan/whateveryouwannacallthekikegod himself manifested in flesh deep under the Earth's surface.

Keep up the false info, and eventually it might become true via meme magic.

Thread theme


Putin got Crimea thanks to him.



That said, his madness lead us to smelling what was up in the shadow government.
Almost like that was the intention.

It will die when it hangs…. I think..

Kek wills it.

I have no idea who that would be though. Oddly enough, the issues of the occult have a definite end. You don't even have to go through the occult channels to find it. The occult is in and of itself a neutral schema. I would even go so far as saying that the elites purposefully corrupt the occult to dissuade seekers of truth from objectively looking into it. One of the original purposes of the occult and the mystery cults was to entice people to start looking and desiring for the hidden truth. Ask and ye will receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened unto you. Seeing as how simple, beautiful, and GOOD the truth of the universe is, I know absolutely that the occult rituals and knowledge that the elites practice is a bastardization. There is no way someone can come into an awareness of the truth and not desire the good of all humankind and every living thing. It's literally apotheosis, though apotheosis might not be what a lot of people think. This bastardization of the occult that the elites push, things like you can only find the esoteric knowledge by joining certain societies and etc, is utter and total bullshit. HOWEVER, they may be hiding lesser, more factual (as in events, places, and things) that a realization of the fundamental truth would not necessarily reveal. Perhaps they are guarding a secret history. Needless to say, if anything is going on, it is highly likely a war is and has been going on for quite a while concerning the esoteric knowledge. I know for a fact that the (((education))) in the U.S. actively works against people seeking for and understanding this knowledge. But, people can still find it quite "easily". The bad guys don't have total control yet. When the internet goes down, that's when everyone is in trouble. Still, the fundamental truth is all-pervading, so internet, though incredibly helpful, is not necessary.


wrong. He is the highest public face of the kikes. He is the ceo to the board of directors

Thanks for the contribution reddit!

meant for

well, a small list:

So in the end, it could be that we are actually chasing ghosts, narrow minded suckers with an appetite for money.
Lobbied by lobbyists, paid by corporations, legalized with lawyers and with profits to the shareholders.

He can only die with a stake through the heart

What does a relatively small Finnish company have to do with all this? It doesnt operate outside of Finland

Important thing to always remember.

1. Jews and those at the top are not centralized. They may work together but they do not do so for extended periods of time. Just for short burts that are advantageous to their cause.

2. They are not all powerful. They are not all knowing. They are proud and they are rich. Even clever. But they do bleed.

it doesn't?

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Someone should give him a thread on /baph and fuck him up for the #notmypresident bullshit across the College Campuses.

Well that is surprising, didn't think a Finnish company had a lot of business and power abroad.

Gorge Soros actually hates Jews.

Putin could have taken him out. He's ex-KGB, and you do not fuck with the KGB period.

Remember that Kenneth Lay faked a heart attack.

Nah, I think he's just more old school with his jewry. Thinking that the should live as a diaspora jewing other nations and people.

We already know Soros' contact information. Pay attention.

well, let me tell you about my personal experience with them.

They had a news website, and in each article there was a button to "add" it to another site they owned. NUJIJ.NL (now it's your turn:dutch) which was a reddit tier crapblog/link redirect.
It also had a messageposting function.
Very critical people went on there, and actually reflected on current policies, healthy debate.
Even fringe was allowed (to some degree).
After a while, I was banhammered out of existence. This was under the 'old company', since they transferred ownership just before closing the NUJIJ comments (now people can still do it on failfuck).
Essentially killing the last public debate we have had in our lifetime

Even if we were lucky enough for this foreskin munching old yid to die, he still has 3 sons and a daughter to continue his kikery.

I recall there are bunch of rarely used memes called the unshekeling or something in that accord, I don't know if its still at /bmw/.

If you look close enough at soros's eyes, he looks like a demon.

the ruling class families are near the top.. i would wager that a smaller elect are the top. maybe 7 people in all. i also think there is a level of rule above the U.N. as i have always considered it a front for a high level occult group that controls the "royal" bloodlines. rothchilds and the like have at the very least a contemporary in a third party power.

Obligatory tips fedora.

From the few parts we all know its like they are just a group of extreme fedora/satanists with the same goal, conquer the world.

His sons are completely retarded, they'll have the wealth but not the organizational skills.

Show me their iq tests please, if it wasnt because they need a face soros would be just another rich tard for us.


Unfortunately he's one kike that doesn't care about shekels. He's a True Belieber. It's why he doesn't care about being exposed. (his views, anyway. He'd rather not have all his orgs linked together)
As a "currency speculator" he can't go broke unless he loses every single dollar at once
They're the parasites atop parasites, they depend on others' money doing well.
If you leave him a thousand dollars, he'll invest that in zimbabwe and convince the libcucks to overthrow Mugabe and Marcus Garvey it. The 20 billion in zimbabwean currency, now worth $1000, would approach a 10:$1 after you Make Rhodesia Great Again
so he doesn't really have a need to care about money. He'll just have Kerry get a coup in place for when he leaves SecState, and recover his money off the next wave of immigrants fleeing the (((Drug War))).
Then start prepping the democratic bull for Chelsea or Kamala Harris.
(he is really really obsessive about the open borders shit…but it hasn't failed to make the others money until now so I presume they humoured his madness and went along)

He usually got rid of reporters he didn't agree with pretty quickly, it's a shame he merely exiled Soros, would've done the world a favor.

If so, then who replaces him?


Anti-Zionism on the part of Jews is motivated by ethnic interests. The founder of Mondoweiss actually admitted this. He sees Jews as better placed as a "diaspora people".

He dropped support for pussy riot when they were going to give their treatment in jewsrail.

If you still trust that site after the election, then I'm sorry to say this but you're retarded.

Nah, he's drinking baby blood from a goblet with ken Lay on one of their creepy islands. DNA from his stinking corpse or it didn't happen.

Final boss when?


We can make it happen!


Kek wills it! Soros will burn!

Praise Kek!

Yes that's a current Israeli conspiracy meme too. Soros hates Israel too and Soros is behind everything, you don't need to look further into things.

If he dies won't his children just pick up where he left off? Are his children in the game as well?

So when do George and Alex die in a father-son yachting trip?

I know, he should have kept the lump of coal Santa gave him last year.

Well, you could say it was a carbon copy of his heart.

Soros can be easily replaced. He just acts as Rothschilds insurance. If shit hits the fan, Soros gets all the crap and the Rotschilds stay as Dindus.

Alex seems like a loser.

Did Communism die just because Marx and Lenin did? They're a hydra parasite.

“The word is out that Soros is dead. It is being discussed at the Pentagon as well. He was taken out. One by one the Bush/Clinton/crime syndicate is being removed. I will update you as I have more data”.

Still totally unconfirmed, but sauce is not snopes.


they are actually using this term now instead of conspiracy theorist to undermine everyone who isn't MSM. However, confirmation on the dead kike would be appreciated

Katehon is not fake news

They're actually a geopolitical thinktank that I deem pretty credible, and I'm pretty discerning. They've simply mentioned the existence of rumors, it does nothing to discredit the site. I dunno how it even ended up on fake news lists, but I'm sure sites like katehon,, and other false flag busting anti-globalist analytical sites would end up on such lists…

he's not dead, he's begun the rituals to transfer himself to a new host
should have happened in the January sacrificial ceremony if illary had been elected, but now he's moving earlier than initially planned
the eschaton will be immanentized

You think these kikes rely on barbaric procedures like organ TRANSPLANTS? Think a bit outside the box, goy.

"Miracle" Healthcare and technology all hidden and underground.


We'll be the judge of that.
Post your waifu.


meme it

In my opinion, Ben fulford is a legitimate source.