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Who is this guy?
I saw in a thread he's a possibility for some position in Trumps administration.
Dan Pena
At the end of the last thread was a post asking about sandy hook, there was a website that I read that was in association with a video on it but I can't remember which one it was.
So I found this instead. Should help the user
Is it possible to create a private community on the Papua island?
Is MDE's World Peace logo an original logo, or does it have any history? What does it symbolize (one infinite world?)?
You'd have to buy it off whoever owned it, but why not?
How do i stop reading Holla Forums and get fit?
are tv-series microdelusions?
Why are jews so good at fabricating delusions?
fuck it. I'm out, this time i leave Holla Forums for good. this place has been sucking up too much of my time
See you tomorrow :^)
anybody got a link to this cool video where dan pena says kill everybody?
Don't let the door hit ya in your ass on the way out.
Their whole lives are delusion based.
Don't have enough server space on 8ch to start listing them all.
Here you go.
its a smybol from a notebook of the movie theater shooter with red hair (i dont remember his name but he has this facial expression like "le fuck im not at reddit anymore")
It is not for sale however the land can be leased for 99 years. I guess it is possible to start a private community but the problem is the visa and transport issues so what do I need to get visas and transportation for the Europeans?
Is Spanish for "They are a sorry bunch"
And here's two webms.
Here's his interesting stance on information flooding.
Oh, and this faggot literally worships frogs JUST LIKE US!!!
Peña, however, means crag. So Dan Peña means "They give crag". Not as funny.
He doesn't give a crag what his name means in spanish.
You have to have a special kinda crazy in you to go on national television and start yelling about KILLING EVERYBODY regardless of context, this guy is batshit insane in a good way
That sent a chill down my spine.
dan pena is a good man
I love that glorious motherfucker. His youtube channel is a helluva ride.
I have no literally no idea who he is so who is he?
It's the symbol James Holmes drew in his notebook before the Aurora massacre.
He also has a "success test" on his official website:
Got rich. Helped a bunch of people get rich.
So is he going to work for Trump or not?
You gotta toss your cookies.
Fucking hell, do some leg work, user. He's a businessman and business coach. He was one of the first to endorse Trump and lit a fucking fire.
There are many people who endorsed him and didn't lit a fire big as he did so how is it he that lit a fire?
Why are mods = fags and bo = jew?
Does anyone else feel we're losing traction on pizzagate?
He's one high energy sonofabitch, that's how, my man.
That is a very nice answer to my question. Are the jews terrified of him?
Unlike the Jews who take money from others. Pena prides himself on having turned poor people into millionaires.
How is global warming / man made climate change a myth?
By the way, he got heavily attacked after endorsing Trump by various people saying he's fake:
In every news comments or interview comment section about him there is now few comments from august 2016 and up that he's not real business man and con artist.
Jews are the dark so they offer you few cookie crumbs and take your delicious cookies.
White are the light so they offer you the seeds and teach you to be a productive farmer.
Apparently Trump is a conman too if you adhere to insanity.
It's not so much as myth as much as it is a scam. Carbon taxes do butt fuck nothing, but hurt companies, and destroy jobs. And it's virtually impossible for humans to control the temperature. Studies found are highly debated, and it's basically turned into leftists just waiting for a "gotcha moment". Considering that there were no carbon emission before the last ice age, all you can really do is prepare for climate change.
You're out of your mind. The Papuans are even worse than the niggers.
Between the never ending violence and gore, the witch burnings, the cannibalism, the disease, the humidity, the malaria and the lack of anything resembling civilisation outside of the major ports and Mount Hagen, you don't want to live anywhere near that shit hole of a country. Trust me. Going to rural PNG is like going 250,000 years back in time.
And even if you decided to, good luck buying land outside of the cities. The natives don't have a concept of land ownership let alone anything that resembles a titles registry. The moment you offer money for land, the ten nearest tribes will all claim that it's theirs and demand payment. And if you don't pay some of them they'll become violent and start a war with the ones that you do pay.
t. Ausfag who used to live in New Guinea.
Just fence the land and leave them alone to kill each other. Hire the security guards to take care of violence thing.
Can someone give me a good definition of national socialism? Or examples of how it works? Or at least a good source to read up on. I know about democracy and socialism/communism and we talk about nat. soc. all the time but I really want to make sure I have a strong knowledge of it
Germany from 1933 to 1945?
Just read Mein Kampf or the NSDAP party program to get an idea of natsoc policy
We have little influence on climate. It's designed to send people into panic.
Care to explain what about him isn't white?
My question: Is there any evidence of US trying to get involved in Crimea before it got annexed? (I.e. reasons for Russia to move in before the parliament vote and referendum, which were going to turn out for them anyway when not rigged.)
How much of the Syrian public supports Assad? Is there a genuine civic uprising against his regime or is it just US proxy-intervention? Is this guy actually a commie dictator or is that just what the Jew wants you to believe?
When Assad comes out on top after Putin and Trump nuke ISIS, what will be the state of the petro-dollar? Has Assad stated any intentions to continue doing transactions in the USD or will he start trading in other major global currencies?
The Earth's atmospheric temperature directly correlates with solar activity. In periods of major solar activity (sunspots, flares, etc.) the Earth warms and in solar minimums the Earth cools. The "global warming" or "climate change" agenda - whatever the NWO is calling it these days - is an effort to impose carbon tax on companies so they can effectively control the flow of products around the world.
Here is an effortpost some user made.
Also, read Hitler's revolution by Richard Tedor.
How exactly does having a labor-based currency work? What is a single unit of the currency equivalent to? And what stops the government from just printing money?
Why does everyone hate sinead?
Sinead is mentally unstable. She has very extreme opinions and gut reaction to problems. She has some opinions regarding women that some say amounts to feminism. I personally do not agree that her ideas are as idiotic as feminism, but I agree there is a problem in that she is just lashes out at people within the pro-white movement that just point out that the state of modern women is terrible.
That template follows through regarding almost every criticism she makes towards people and ideas in the movement. While she has good points initially, she purity spirals her criticisms up to the point people stop taking her seriously and start considering her a shill.
In the perfect world in which every white man was fully racially aware and every white woman was one meeting with a a proper white man away from being a traditional woman, she would be correct 90% of the time. That is not our reality, unfortunately.
It also does not help that she she insists on bringing up subjects she is passionate about into the fray, such as veganism and natural history revision. It only dilutes the cause of action under which we can all be united.
I do like to take her criticisms though, even if with a grain of salt. She is also a very talented parody singer.
Is there any particular reason as to why we don't have anymore nigger/kike/spic/dyke/sand-nigger hate threads? We used to have at least one at all times no?
Don't tell me the PRfags took over.
All currency in a society where people get paid for labor, is labor based. The hourly wage is he deciding factor.
What's the point of a board about politics where dissenting opinions are banned? I once got banned for stating the fact that I'm Jewish and disagreed with a statement. That's like banning someone from leftypol for saying that they're white and don't agree with black lives matter on a particular point.
Why do you love Trump when his own daughter is Jewish and he wants to raise massive tariffs on imported goods. That's more of a liberal agenda. It's a god damned tax on the poor who can't afford American made goods due to the higher cost of living it would both create and the current standard of living. Imagine what it's going to do to the cost of clothing, electronics and even food. Food has to be delivered and trucks are full of imported parts that constantly need replacing. This will affect rural areas where whites live disproportionately, especially during the winter.
Some of trumps closest advisors are Jewish. You don't seem to mind them.
Get the fuck out kike
holy fuck you could not be more of a jew if you tried, this argument is so typical
Free trade is retarded when the other side is trying to screw you over, like every single country we trade with. If we are to accept that greed is good on an individual level, why not accept it on the national level - if both sides don't use every option they have, including tariffs, to get the best trade deal for the, then a market inefficiency/failure opens up.
Jew, inasmuch nobody wants you here, you were probably banned for posting something with no effort to make a cohesive argument or to add to the discussion.
Being a Jew and disagreeing gives you no power here.
Oh no i won't be able to buy a broom for $1.
Stupid ass hook-nosed rat. That's nothing compared to the spiritual price we pay when we cuck our own people and our descendants.
I'm posting this here cause I don't know where else to post it and I thought some user may want to webm it.
I'm Jewish, and I do mind them.
Same here.
Case in point.
Wow. They freak out more over this street preacher than anything I've ever seen.
Shit the bed you're right. I just watched some of her videos that aren't parody. She's a loon.
Polite sage
Anyone have a good book about the political system of rome and also about the political system in the republic of venice?
I love this place
Why doesnt trump just abolish anyone from serving in Congress and the US Gov that has a dual citizenship? It would immediately remove the faces of overt jewish presence from government.
should include anyone eligible for foreign citizenship as well, since this rules out literally all Juden
Should I go back to church? I was raised Christian and strongly value tradition, but I don't feel very genuinely religious. I'm all about celebrating Christmas and such including all of the associated traditions of my folk, and I feel some attachment to Christianity from that angle, but I don't think I really believe any of the doctrinal aspects of it.
When will TRS finally fuck off for good?
What are your guy's thoughts on impregnating multiple women of lesser races with no intent of raising the offspring as a means of proliferating white genetics?
Let's assumes that no paternity tests will ever come to you and you'll never pay child support.
Degenerate and immoral. Not only does it do no good for the white race (children will be non-white), but you'd be condemning numerous children to a life of identity confusion with no unified folk to latch into, and worse yet to grow up with no father.
What are the anons's opinion on Agorism?
Unsustainable like all forms of anarchism. Would inevitably degenerate into other forms of government as people seek overarching security and authority. The fundamental failing of anarchism, including agorism, is the premise that humans desire complete freedom. This is false, and the reason modern civilization was created in the first place was to satisfy our innate desire for stability and some level of authority above our own.
Even if the economics concerning "free trade" were correct (they aren't), you don't take into account taxes. You free-traders pretend that getting rid of tariffs gets rid of them entirely, but the government still needs that money, so they have to tax it from somewhere else. Everyone is still paying the same amount; the only change might be how that taxing is distributed.
That's not even mentioning all the noneconomic problems it causes. Get the fuck out.
Christianity as a living movement is currently too pozzed, IMHO. If you're up to a long fight to reclaim the churches go ahead, but if you want a genuine community you'll have to look elsewhere.
It's a stupid idea. You aren't making them whiter, you're just making them smarter. You want smarter enemies? You want more of them? Absolutely retarded plan that only comes about through a combination of dick-think and racialism.
you could always pray to God for faith
Need screen caps of when anons made deal with ba'al due to isis destroying ba'al temple in middle east
Who is this guy?
That may be hard. Lots of anons NOPED right the fuck out of that. Semitic gods are raw deals all around.
Any recommendations for alternate sources of traditionalist community? I'm inclined to agree on the state of modern Christianity, but I've yet to find anyone outside of a church who believes seriously in tradition and isn't a major autist.
Just some old guy from stock photos.
Point taken.
it's just a screencap, I'm archiving stuff from Holla Forums so I can look back on it in a few years.
Anyway, Ba'al is originally not semitic, he was a rival god and was demonized and added to Semitic religions as a daemon.
anyway though, that was an fun thing to see, how it was snowing in all of their areas. what help send me to fringe
Unfortunately no. I've been looking, but I'm stuck in my country's largest (and therefore most pozzed) city for the time being. It's a struggle, I'll tell you.
If you can find a traditionalist church you should stick to it, but I'd be wary because a lot of "traditionalist" churches aren't at all. You need only look at Catholicism over the last year or so for that to be apparent.
user, this is how beaners were made. Have you learned nothing?
thats a picture of aboriginals, not spics
You just asked the question I was about to. I was thinking just forming a group revolving around traditional values with light red pilling as a political theory club. Obviously the goal would be to make it upfront enough to wear lefties would run away, but just open enough to where curious normies would want to walk in. Been trying to find a NatSoc group for ages with no such luck. I know there was that user hosting the livestream of the Portland protests who was NatSoc, I've been wanting to meet him seeing as I live in Portland, but haven't had any dice in making contact.
I have this which is only partially relevant.
Fuck I meant where obviously, but you get the point.
thanks user, anything and everything related is appreciated
I have a similar problem. I live in Chicago, and it's pretty much a lost cause.
Not a bad idea except it risks running into the "autist" side of the spectrum. I'm a young but well-employed professional and I don't really want to hang out in real life with a bunch of neackbearded college LARPers.
I have a similar concern myself, I'm a young guy and I'm not well-employed by any means at the moment. I personally just have been tired of browsing Holla Forums with no intention to do any action. IronMarch Has a fuck ton of LARPers, but they actually do activism as well and that is because they organize in real life. As long as I were to find a group of people, establish trust with like-minded individuals then I could actually being spreading word in real time. Last thing I was in the alt-kike to waltz in though and I have a feeling a lot of edgy college kids would adhere to that just for kicks and that's what makes my plan seem a little daunting.
Who makes these?
What do they do?
Where can I buy them?
How much do they cost?
Therein lies the core of the problem. A real sustainable traditionalist movement can't just be a bunch of young, single, unemployed men. If you want it to work it needs to be something that can attract people who actually live a traditional lifestyle rather than just idolize it.
Very true. I am currently employed, but in another state and I am moving, thus the cause of my own personal unemployment. Right now my focus is on education and pursuing a career much rather than my typical wage job. I agree with you completely, however, the feeling still stand that not being organized by any means is both a good and bad thing. The hopes would be to attract those who would have the leverage to draw in others, since such a gather would have many different necessities of course. As of now it's just an idea, but one I would like to implement nonetheless.
It's a teleprompter, it scrolls the text of his speech so he doesn't have to memorize the whole thing
Ebay has a similar one for $7,600
Just gonna drop this here, not necessarily because it doesn't deserve its own thread, but because I've only been lurking for about a year and a half and only recently even began joining in light discussion, therefore am probably not the one to be starting a thread.
That being said, what do you guys think of trying to get leftists to renounce their citizenship as a show of solidarity with their pet brown people? I've never used any social media, don't even have any socks, but I was thinking something like #We'reAllIllegal sounds sufficiently retarded and virtue-signally. Post pictures of filled-out forms maybe (I'd assume there would be a form, never renounced my citizenship tbh fam).
No idea how successful such a campaign might be, but anyone dumb enough to do it would be royally fucked and I do recall #pissforequality yielding some keks.
We had a thread on this about a week ago as I recall. It wasn't a bad idea, but it didn't really take off because leftists are consistently unable to take any real action other than showing up to virtue signal, hence the numerous threats to move to Canada (to date 0 reports of anyone actually fleeing to Canada).
It won't work. Leftists are, above all, about their own comfort. Virtue signalling is about making themselves look good without doing anything. They donate money they don't need to charities, preach multiculturalism while living in homogeneous communities, etc.. The only way you'd get them to do that is if there was a pre-existing mass-movement that could exert a lot of social pressure, which will never come about. Just like leftists vowing to leave if Trump won, they'll find some way to weasel out of doing anything that'll make them uncomfortable. That's not even mentioning that it vastly weakens the left's position of power (subversion is much harder when you aren't a citizen).
Moreover, how does renouncing citizenship promote solidarity? It's not at all clear, and that makes it an even harder sell.
Got the video with the audio from this altercation? Looks awesome.
Appreciate the feedback and my apologies, I missed the other thread.
What I meant by solidarity was solidarity with the actual illegals who will be going back, not brown people in general. I should have been more specific.
My thinking was that Poe could serve us as it did with the piss for equality. But a valid point is made that such an action requires more agency than these people typically have.
Anyone wanna share their opinion on Ann Coulter? Any books of hers I should read?
Has anyone posted anything about that crazy Hillary supporter mom from Vancouver, WA? I wanted to know if she had to be committed after Trump's win. It's the one that yelled at the cop in a video she posted on twatter, about being triggered over a Trump supporter's yard sign by her kid's school.
Does anyone else notice that Trump looks a bit different since he won? Are they using a double now? Did he age rapidly since taking on the responsibility? Am I just imagining things?
Aah, if only it were so easy.
I noticed, but I thought it was just him being exhausted from non-stop campaigning. I think the schedule he had up until the election took it's toll a bit.
What is the hypothetical point where you'll yell at Trump to stop because you are tired of winning?
Mass-suicide of the last thousand nonwhites? Aliens throwing themselves into blackholes?
Not honestly sure.
Everything you said relates to the Highlands region. The other user was referring to the chain of islands off the coast. Coastal/islander populations are generally better. A bunch of manlets so they should be a push over.
don't racemix you faggots
So when Obama became president, we saw his two little niglets evolve into shitty people. Twerking, chain smoking pot, just like you'd expect from niggers but since they were the kids of the chimp in chief it was particularly sad.
What do you think we'll see become of Barron? He is 10 now and will be 18 when his dad leaves office. I know you're lurking here, you cheeky cunt It could end up being something spectacular for us, maybe our own budding Hitler in the White House?
I was going to ask "what kind of aliens?" and then I realized it doesn't matter.
Ayyys aren't white and must be exterminated.
How can I defend Trump's position and restore his faith in the God Emperor? I tried to explain that, yes, China is a currency manipulator and it isn't really 'free trade', but it turned out that trying to make this mutual and beneficial is bad. It is bad because it will restrict trade, movement in the economy that is free. And I tend to agree, that lower barriers are somewhat better because that does bring more wealth. However, I always felt it was better to have a balance, particularly for domestic industry, because of employment and opportunity to develop the economy in that way.
I guess what I'm looking for is economic pointers, some points here and there to convince me or him that Trump's trade reform will do better to move our country in the right direction. I'm not as keen on economics, but I tend to not see free trade as best when applied indiscriminately.
Partially, I also made the case that Trump lowering taxes will help America return to manufacturing.
Although I rear away from one side or the other, it really does just revolve around this issue here. Where I stand, I see moderate tariffs as better. Free trade in cases where it's mutual, or closer to allies (like Britain). Anything that works, really.
What do I make of this? I don't mind if you argue either/or, free trade or a more protectionist stance – maybe mixed. Just something to reassure that Trump's right, one way or another.
Adios America is her best imo.
She's pretty redpilled on a lot of things
is there a guide somewhere to using (and shitposting) on twitter? i wouldn't mind getting involved in that stuff to mock leftists, but have no idea how to set up an account without a phone, nor do i have any idea how twitter really works.
He's starting on false premises. You either destroy those or give up. So long as he accepts "free movement" and "free trade" as intrinsic goods rather than tools to be used in service to some other good, there is no point debating with him.
You're coming at it from an entirely different angle. You want, if I may speculate, some amount of "free trade" because you believe it benefits the nation. He wants "free trade" because he believes it is good in and of itself, regardless of what effects it has on anything else.
Ian Fletcher's Free Trade Doesn't Work and Pat Buchanan's The Great Betrayal are decent starters. Fletcher's work goes at it from the economic perspective (as well as the globalist mindset), while Buchanan's evaluates it from the empirical point of view. What's important to realize, however, are three things:
After they all die of AIDS.
What is the best possible alternative for guns? I have:
Self explanatory.
White Oak wood. Dense as fuck, wilk probably crack someone's bones without taking much damage.
Nothing too fancy, but better than a broom and I could likely make a makeshift spear out of it.
A few of them are quite large.
Yeah I have a bunch of tools. Probably too heavy.
Alright. Here's the big one.
At the moment, much of the West is red-pilled on the danger that Islam (or, more generally, foreign cultures) pose to our civilization but they still believe in the blank slate. They believe that if we give the shit-skins handouts, an education and subsidize housing, that the magical soil of Europe will transmutate them into productive members of society.
How do we red pill Europe on the fact that the tabula rasa doesn't exist and that the lesser races will never "integrate" into our society?
I live in a cucked gun state (Massachusetts) what likely steps will the Trump presidency with control of both houses take to uncuck my state's gun laws? Or is any positive change unlikely?
I know this thread may be the only place to ask, but:
Does Holla Forums essentially considers pagan heritage of Vikings, Gauls, Germanic and other people in old Europe - barbarians? What do you think of roman conquests, and which side you would flatter, the "barbarian" side since they protected their villages and heritage, to not become slaves of Romans, or you consider them not civilized and that SPQR did nothing wrong?
Sometimes this really buggers me. I wonder if Holla Forums used would choose to die as a Gaul villager, defending his home, or live as a roman legion soldier who crushes everyone with his majestic shield.
Man-portable directed energy weapons.
Seriously though guns are on another tier, especially for self-defense. Everything else has vastly higher rates of self-injury during an attack, especially knives.
Well, for a start I doubt most people outside of the upper middle class truly believes in it, but assuming they do it's a simple matter of examining heritability. If they absolutely, truly accepted the blank slate, it means they don't believe in heritable intelligence at all. That's to say nothing of other mental attributes, such as demeanor and beliefs. That means they think that two smart people having children are just as likely to have a smart child as two retards having babies. Press them on this; most will rightfully pussy-foot around it, because it's obvious to anyone that this isn't true. Ask them whether they would prefer their children marrying someone smart or someone dumb. If they ever slip up and say something like "Obviously he's prone to anger — just look at his father!" then press them on it. That's a belief in heritability. Furthermore, a belief in the blank slate means that they must believe either in creationism or that the evolution of human intelligence stopped for some unknown, magical reason. See if they truly think it is likely that people kept getting more intelligent and then just suddenly stopped as soon as leftists came around (joking aside).
This is all of course to say nothing of current cognitive research which clearly indicates the heritability of intelligence and the rest. You can pull that out if you want but most people are not at all inclined to listen to scientific papers, let alone debate them. Best you might get is them deferring to "scientific authority."
There's a caveat to all this, however. The caveat is that, if they truly believe it, nothing will sway them. They will rationalize away anything you throw at them. The only way to truly convince them is by getting them to accept that they don't want to live with niggers, let alone breed with or be replaced by them.
Also of note is that you're coming at this from totally the wrong angle. You're attacking it on leftist terms, on leftist foundations. To leftists who is let in (assuming it isn't everyone) is a matter of who is smart, or has the potential to be, and who might be productive. It is a matter of economics only. Replacing or cleansing whites is a-okay under this system so long as the replacements are just as economically productive, because economics is held to be the only legitimate form of discrimination between people under leftism.
Reject this.
Reject it utterly and entirely. You must definitively assert that it does not matter how smart the immigrants are or how much they can be educated. It doesn't matter if they "will become productive citizens" in a generation or two. They do not belong here. They are not part of the nation, and the only way you will ever truly succeed is by thinking in this way. Anything other than the recognition that politics (and all its extensions, such as economics) are for furthering the interests of the nation. Not the government, not the country, not the immigrants, not anyone else.
Under this, it doesn't matter if the blank slate is true or not. Even if it was, would you accept being replaced by someone just because they would be just as smart as you? Would you accept going extinct so long as you knew your replacements were just as capable? Would you replace your children with others so long as they were just as smart?
Reject this hollow leftism which reduces the bonds of man to nothing but pure self-interest. Reject this hedonism and this fatalism. Reject the acceptance of extinction. Reject economics as the primary determinant of a man's worth. Get others to reject it. That's how you redpill Europe.
Pagans denounce other pagans when it suits them, for example when accused of human sacrifice being the norm in many pagan religions. When Christians denounce a certain pagan practice they use other pagan faiths to shield themselves. Newsflash paganism wasn't a single entity, unlike you new agers like to believe. Each little village had their own special snowflake god that they worshipped in their own special snowflake way. Odin and Jupiter and Zeus and Perun had nothing to do with each other and their followers hated each other's guts. Pagans are the multi-culti of religions, stating that all religions are valid, unless it's Christianity of course, whom they accuse of being jewish, all the while being far more in line with the jewish worldview of whatever (((we))) do is justified.
Pagans were very much barbarians and hater each other's guts. Pagan gods are whimsical dicks at their best and your only excuse to worship them is MUH ANSESDURRS.
Meanwhile in the real world, western civilization's cornerstone was the Christian faith. The western world is a thing because Christianity exists. When Christianity stopped being the core way of thought in Europe, that is when Europe began it's downfall. When the Christian Empires fell and were replaced with (((democracies))) and (((republics))) that is when Euopre fell.
You accuse Christians of harbouring immgrants, but up untill now, Europe hasn't been flooded with foreigners, despite being 99% Christian for more than one thousand years.
First off you should stop thinking of "barbarian" as a pejorative. It's a descriptive term, and it is fact that the un-Romanized peoples of Europe were lesser civilizations, as the Romans saw them. That's not to say they were primitive or Abo-tier, but it is fact that they were not the civilizations that Rome or the Greeks were. They had advanced building, metal-working, and farming, as well as fairly developed languages, but the Romans still outstripped them.
Generally the Romans and those who followed in their thought had three tiers:
Savages were those who were essentially beasts in human form. Primitives who likely hadn't changed in ten thousand years. Romans did not consider other Europeans this. Savages, to them, were beyond the reach of civilization. Negroes, Arabs, and probably others.
Barbarians were those that the Romans could not properly communicate with. They lacked written languages, and carried lingering traces of their humble past. Less sturdy construction, smaller settlements, a severe lack of engineering, a shallowness of theology and philosophy, a less complex political order, and far smaller social organizations. They were still formidable enemies, ones that the Romans rightly respected, and more advanced than essentially anyone else on Earth outside of the Mediterranean.
As for the Roman conquests, I'd say I support them. It brought the spark of civilization to Northern Europe who was able to turn it into a roaring blaze. It was in almost all ways an Imperium Europa and was, on the whole, tremendously beneficial to all of Europe that it touched. There's a reason the fall of the Empire was popularly thought to have caused the "Dark Ages" (though this isn't true, it illustrates what a pinnacle the Empire was thought to be for Europe).
Personally, I think less of "protecting heritage" than I do for the advancement of your people. Blindly "protecting heritage" is what the shitskins do and what keeps them in the Stone Age. Keep what is beneficial, discard what is not.
The SPQR, overall, did nothing wrong.
Sounds like a complete reverse to me.
That's an interesting rant but it does not answer my question. To wit:
How do we convince the average voter that the tabula rasa is bunk and that we cannot integrate migrants who have come here from out of the loser countries?
The problem with your strategy is that you are assuming that leftards will take the time to reason the way through your arguments and that they possess sufficient integrity to accept your arguments when they are clearly wrong.
Trust me. They do not. The average leftards has no capacity for reason and has no desire for, or concept of, integrity.
Why is Anglin of the dailystormer worthy of hate, I know he's a faggot but some solid evidence would be nice.
Can anyone translate this map?
Where does the RWDS meme come from? I have the vague memory that it's from an article but I think I'm wrong.
does anyone have that video with the red helicopter. It's one of the 'OP's theme song' that talks about wanting to suck some cock.
Alright so i'm not a newfag, but I never really did pay attention to all that drama concerning the Holla Forums shilling. However now I have noticed all the shilling, drama and subversion going around in Holla Forums. So can some of you help me understand what is happening, who are these groups, how do they tie to eachother and why the fuck did they all have a damn war over Holla Forums? Are they still here or is Holla Forums free of them now?
Okay so i'm talking about Firestarter Media, Renegade Media, TRS and all their subsidaries, Daily Stormer, and maybe ManletTears/Britbong too, 'cause that guy always manages to squeeze his short little ass in everything.
Yes you are.
Holla Forumsshilling is common, and it's easy to spot if you look out for signs. TRS tries to shill here, you can check >>>/polmeta/ for verification here. They're faggots, so anything pushing homo acceptance is them. They're also alt-kike so anyone using the label seriously is likely them too. TRS are one of the biggest shilling groups.
JIDF also come here. Are they real? Are they not? Who cares? People here who try and soften our stance on the Jews might as well be JIDF, so it's irrelevant.
Daily Stormer people aren't as bad. Still, they come here to shill for Russia and 'eastern Aryans' (Japs). Race mixing is obviously to be vehemently opposed in any form, and Putin and Russia are still Jew-controlled, so DS shills are either lying to you, or more likely, just deluded.
CTR are finished now, there may be one or two still around that haven't committed suicide yet, but they lost, so they're gone now.
Renegade and Firestarter do shill here, but don't seem to be as prevalent. freech also are the cause of much shilling, though mostly they just spam bestiality. They came up with the reddit spacing meme, which has osme truth to it, but freech used it to d&c us.
They are still here, and always will be. If we increase in profile, the shilling will only get worse.
Do you guys have any advice on finding a job?
I graduated with an engineering degree last spring, but nobody is replying to my job applications and I'm not really sure where to apply. I've only had one phone call. I'm obviously doing something wrong.
Tell them that the mind is shaped by experience. People growing up doing hard work end up stronger than those that don't- those who spend their whole lives learning that deference and blind obedience to a faith is how they get the most pats on the head won't suddenly adapt their subconscious to a society where individualism and personal expression are virtues rather than sins.
What kind of engineering?
Have you tried Lockheed?
1. So are we all just done caring about the Podesta Emails? Stopped posting releases on election day.
2. The one reservation I have on the Trump administration is stem cell research. Stem cells are objectively miracle products that will catapult us into the future of human survival and engineering. Many of his staff are naturally against it. What does Holla Forums think?
No, they're not finished. The election is over, so they're currently being repurposed and absorbed for other functions.
I just bought one hundred bucks of trump hats. Now that he won, where does the profit go to?
It's probably not worth it - especially now that they're banning people (read: anyone right of center) for "hateful" content - but if you're really set on it, there's no time like the present. I think (((Google))) offers an online phone service you can use to set up a burner account. I remember seeing a guide years ago. Once you have an account, use Tweetdeck because it's the only sane user interface for Twitter.
What is this fucktardation called #TrumpCup on Shitter? It's 50% composed of Trump supporters giving Starbucks money and 50% libshits (unfortunately rightfully) calling out on the retardation of the former.
Send one to me. I'm a Europoor and no way to buy a real one here.
Honestly, if I wore that face-hugger I'd demand that it be a camera view from over the dentist's shoulders. I'm one of those weirdos that would love to be awake but numbed on the operating table, so I can watch. I already know I'm a machine so its nothing new conceptually to me.
What's their endgame, Holla Forums? What's the ultimate goal in flooding white countries with foreign hordes and encouraging us to breed with them? Why have movies, art, music and television become such garbage? Why is Marxism being taught in academic institutes?
What's the final objective?
Have a genetically idiotic population.
What use is that though?
Unaware and compliant I can see being extremely useful, but idiotic? Surely that would ultimately lower productivity and therefore profit?
Does anyone have a .pdf of Face to Face with Race by Jared Taylor?
It looks interesting but I don't want to give Jewred Taysachs my shekels.
I still don't understand why though
I'm electrical and I've tried Lockheed. I think they didn't like my because I never did an internship.
they don't need 'profit' from production, they make everything from usury at this point. idiotic citizens are useful for any government that wants to stay in power, if they can't provide for themselves they will drain the public treasury of its funds.
if it wasn't money it would be resources, society has to devote more time and attention to the genetic failures and the brainwashed on disability.
none of this money from the treasury actually comes from their pockets, and taxes are increased so that they can eliminate economic mobility for the smartest of goys. immigrants are great for this plot since they often aren't all that bright, but still require the resources that a native born person would need.
they don't need the whole world to be nice, just the areas they live in.
So it's to lull us into greater wealth disparity? Create a clear lower and upper class?
Jews becoming nobles and wielding absolute power over goyim serfs who are too weak to fight back, it's been their ultimate fantasy for so long.
Who is Lena Dunham anyway? As far as I can tell she's just some shitty tv show writer. Why is she a big deal?
Thanks for explaining. Power, simply. It's such a basic goal I almost found it too predictable.
Franz Kafka is one of my favorite authors. He was a jew. Did I never truly belong to Holla Forums?
Kafka was an insane NEET shut-in social autist.
He was more Holla Forums than jew.
You know who else was a jew? This nigga right here.
i don't want to arouse the ire of Holla Forums because i agree with the "gas em all" approach to dialogue, but NAKALT
I used to be a massive beta, whining all the time about not being able to get women to like me, and being frustrated at my own impotence to steer the course of my existemce. Thanks to Holla Forums I've become a handsome, /fit/ alpha man. I am an extremely competent fighter and constantly train to improve myself further. This is my way of life and I wouldn't change it for anything, there is nothing like the sensation of kicking someone's shit in glorious hand to hand combat. This has worked so well for me because I have managed to stay humble and keep myself humble, alter and aware of my own defects, never letting feelings cloud my reasoning or disturbing my focus.
So here's the problem. This shit has cause a lot of women to suddenly become attracted to me. And with attracted, I mean schoolgirl-giggling tier. I can't hold a fucking conversation without them going full shy, notice me senpai mode. You'd think this would be a good thing, but it isn't. I hate touchy-feely shit, and interacting with these cunts gives me such a massive pheremone/confidence rush I can't focus properly on my training and start thinking about relationships and losing my focus.
I absolutely fucking hate it. I'm a fighter, not a lover. Romance and 'happiness' make me feel extremely gay and weak, like if letting my guard down in a forest filled with rabid wolves. I fear I might snap one day and go on a killing spree from the sheer disgust it all makes me feel.
What the fuck do I do.
I'm going to be real with you all. My father is very old (he's a boomer), but he watches that slack jawed lesbian reporter that shall not be named. He has been for years, and as long as I can remember. He must watch it religiously because whenever I see his tv, she's on it.
I'm just curious about what the hell do you make of this. How would you be worried?
user, I think your dad might be rach/learningcode/kampfy
May Kek have mercy on your soul.
Congrats on your efforts paying off, user.
You're allowed to be happy. It's not gay or weak.
Just make sure you find a pure qt white waifu and not some skank who's giggly now but will be demanding for you stop training and go with her to the mall or some shit.
Can't really give you too much advice as I've given my life to the pursuit of 2D because I'm not a degenerate.
What is the best fabric for the extremely cold winter? I can sew but I have no idea what material to use for the extremely cold winter.
Wool has always been good for me.
I have always been attractive, I chalk it up to good genetics but it's probably because I got /fit/ in highschool.
Just ignore them for the time being, maybe consider a waifu until you find a 3D who isn't a skank that gives you comfy feels not weird romantic ones. Find a chick that falls for you but you don't fall for so you can keep your wits about you and don't end up going full ALIMONY and make sure she's a traditionalist.
although I did get cucked by the unabomber from behind prison walls, you might not want to take my advice
I don't actually think it's a bad thing, but it sure feels that way. It's like masturbating, it feels great at the moment, but you feel awful afterwards. I get physically ill every time I even think of that touchy-feely shit. Most of the women I was talking about are virgins, some even underage. They aren't that rare here in Russia.
Are you aware of how hilariously autistic your last sentence sounded?
I have plenty of modest, virginal women at my disposal. But they all produce the same sensation in me. I can't bear the tought of getting distracted from my training just because my fee fees tell me so. I want to become one of the greatest fighters in the world, and I don't want to get distracted. The second you give in, everything spirals out of control and suddenly you end up with 5 kids, a regular job, a wife cooking dinner, and absolutely no fucking time nor drive to kick some faggot's shit in glorious melee combat.
Pic unrelated.
I know that feel, fam.
Where the fuck do you live, user?
The photo in OP is fucking annoying and I'm tired of seeing it in the catalog. That is all.
Wool can stand the extreme winter? I was thinking about putting aerogel material between the different materials.
Even tho Dean is a filthy prottie he generates plenty salt which is always entertaining.
Genetically engineered futas when?
He uses the name of Jesus Christ several times and by doing so he triggers the demons inside them. They don't even know what is driving them mad, but they are mad as hell.
Come on, Kafka was a disturbed manlet that never got over the fact that his father was more alpha than he ever could be. He hanged around with his gay actors talking about novels and he was a big supporter of zionism. I do not know whether he drank too much Absinthe and got his brain scrambled or not, but it is a fact that he belonged in a mental asylum. You read his stuff, watch his relations to women, watch him never get over his fathers superiority, watching him being in self-hate and depressed all the time and there is only one explanation for all this. His fucking stupid friend should have listened to him and burn all the mentally ill crap he wrote.
Wool is fine.
I spent a couple of months living in a tent in the Arctic with polypropylene underwear and wool shirts and pants. Make sure you have something to block the wind as well. Pull-over parkas are better than zipped ones because of the wind.
Wool will stop insulating if it gets wet; that's the only point at which synthetics might outperform it. But body moisture will evaporate through fairly readily. Merino wool has some properties that make it better for moisture than regular wool, but it's not a big deal if you aren't submerging yourself in water. Make sure you wear sock liners for this same reason.
user. Several things. A: No one cares, but congrats on your physical progress. B: You need to make social progress. Schoolgirl giggling sounds like you are between 17 and 22. Grow the fuck up. C: Learn time management. I'm sure you find time to shit, eat, and either work or study. Social interaction is the same shit. D: "Muh Feelz, I can't handle them" again, grow the fuck up. You don't have PTSD, you haven't seen your friends get blown the fuck up. Shockingly enough, you're a human. Humans have feelings. It's not a weakness, it's a psychological and social reaction to stimulus. It's normal.
Holla Forums is eating itself now, you didn't even have to do anything
I don't think you read through my post. I assume specifically the opposite. At the end of the day, there's really only mocking them as retarded. A good one is to mock them as creationists.
There is no end-game, really. There are only a successive numbers of opportunities to fuck over the goyim and enhance their own material wellbeing. Insofar as any "end-game" can be said to exist, it's a vague conception of a globalist order consisting of a Jew ruling class serviced by a shuffling population of deracinated brown slaves unable to form effective resistance.
Rule over a dumb man versus coercion of a smart man.
Guess which the kikes pick.
What thing did you previously love that was tarnished or ruined since coming to Holla Forums?
For me it was film. I loved movies. But ever since coming here I cannot stand mainstream modern films. My wife wants to see that new HP flick today and its going to take every part of me not to say something insensitive. I used to love Star Wars but now Im not even looking forward to the latest propaganda piece. The only films I can still enjoy are classics, and even those can be pozzed.
Malaria is a horrible disease. I had Malaria once when I was a kid. Both my siblings had it. Most of the kids at school had it at least once or twice. I don't know anyone who has lived in PNG for more than a few years who hasn't had it at least once. And I know a helluva lot of PNG ex-pats.
In New Guinea, getting malaria is like falling off a log. It really is that easy. And there is nothing you can do to prevent it. There is no vaccine and neither mosquito nets nor insect repellants work. And all it takes is one mosquito bite. You let your guard down for just one moment and you have it. When I was a little kid, some mates of mine and I decided to run across a field at our school during a game we were playing. As we were racing across the field I felt a bite on my neck and swatted a mosquito. That is literally all it takes. And once you've been bitten, you roll the dice.
Even with modern medicine, the fatality rate for Malaria is something like one in five. Some of the kids I went through primary school with caught malaria during their childhood and were dead before I graduated. (And to make matters even worse, back when I caught the disease, the only treatment for the disease was a drug called Quinine which has some pretty nasty side effects.)
If you want to start some sort of Holla Forums-minded colony. Stay away from the tropics. Niggers are only a small part of the problem. Our race cannot survive in these countries in the long term.
The Islanders are just as bad as the natives on New Guinea. The blacks on New Britain still burn witches, believe in sorcery, practice cannibalism and so forth. The blacks on New Britain, New Ireland and Bougainville are the racial cousins of the New Guinea natives and suffer from exactly the same racial deficiencies.
So Im at work and pictures stopped loading, I was able to get around this by useing firefox instead of chrome but now FF is doing the same thing, anyone know why? Sucks to be on an image board if you cant see the images
also this flood of newfags after the election sucks, makes me remeber why I left 4chan
But I am.
Social interaction =/= courting some woman. I get plenty of the former and an involuntary bit of the latter. Also, you'll need to explain more. I train 12 hours a week and study all morning + afternoon, I barely have time to shitpost here.
Hey I'm not bitching, I'm asking for advice that's all. I'm just not sure if it's a good thing or not that traditionally positive emotions make me feel weak and uncomfortable.
Is he worth watching? He seems pretty good.
www .
He's a fedora-tier fat liberal piece of shit who constantly tries to shill his stupid fucking book. Of course he isn't worth watching.
This isn't much of a question; it's more just a comment. I wish Stefan would stop trying to lump everything he doesn't like together and just label it all as Marxism/Fascism/Socialism. Most of the time he actually seems like he's pretty redpilled, but I guess he's still got a few mental remnants of his days as a lolberg floating around that he has yet to abandon. That or he thinks he has to trash the Third Reich so that Jewtube doesnt take down his channel.
I believe he lives in Canada. So he legally can't say anything positive about the Third Reich due to hate crime laws.
This. Never trust an e-celeb though.
I wish Stefan did whatever the fuck he wanted, and not appeal to any one group.
Oh wait, he already does. fuck off with your "one of us" bullshit
calm down Stef, I didn't say you had to be 100% in line with Holla Forums
Stefan molyneux is jewish. Look into it. He's trying to hijack the movement.
Can someone link some smoking gun evidence of Soros funding riots? I've seen some of the funding info, but I'm trying to drop some comprehensive redpills on some libtards with potential to not be.
In the Pizza threads, where is the opsec information so I can lurk more responsibly?
He claimed in one of his recent videos that he's not actually jewish. He's either lying or he genuinely believes that jewishness is just a religion and that his mom being jewish doesn't make him one.
On a side note, that's probably one of the biggest pieces of proof that the "alt-right" is just controlled opposition; most of its biggest "leaders" are jews (Molyneux, Milo, Cernovich, etc).
Are neo-reactionaries ideologically different than traditional reactionaries?
my dad got malaria and had to take quinine in the army. He said it was fucking awful and the mere thought of it makes him gag.
I wonder why there is no vaccine for that.
If you look at his older stuff, he was pretty adamant about how good an AnCap system would work but nowadays he's more aware that a system like that cannot work in a multiracial/multicultural society. He was never into politics so much and rather dreamt of his libertarian/AnCap fantasy land, but since Trump came around he's swung to the right quite a bit (IMO anyway). He talks about race and intelligence correlations and has shit on jews/Israel in many videos (see embedded video).
He relies on donations to get by, so he doesn't address ideas that are too radical that could get his YouTube shoahed/demonetised (he's got a lot of subscribers) and living in Canada prevents him from addressing Holocaust questions openly. Having said that though, he does have a long video coming out soon about about the Third Reich so that will show us how far along he's come.
I'm currently in my second year of enginneering school and we can choose in we want to do the first half of the third year abroad. I've lived in a multicultural hellhole all my life Paris and I would like to see for myself what a country/city that's not headed straight to ruin looks like (my family being relatively poor I never had the occasion to travel outside of France).
I know that usually universities are based in pozzed cities but I'm hoping there are some that will be fine. I'm eye-ing Norway at the moment, we can choose between Oslo (big no-no I suppose), Stavanger (doesn't have course related to my cursus unfortunately) and Trondheim. So it seems Trondheim is the only good choice, any folks here can weigh in on that city ?
Any anons here have an advice on what country to pick ?
Since twitter is getting cucked can someone make a clone of it called hawk that is not cucked but completely free and with user accounts
welp i just lost respect for him
tbh that's what most people here want more than anything.
she was in something that normies like. Hunger games maybe? I dunno since I've never seen it but I think that's where her fame originated.
This is true for the past 1000 years or so, but the ancient Romans and Greeks were not Christian and created some pretty great cultures. And depending on your view of Egypt you could consider them a great (perhaps white) ancient pagan culture.
He ran as a republican so he has to stick to republic values. Since not all stem cells are derived from abortions, there might be some leeway on this in the future. It's probably more likely to be big pharma blocking stem cells because they would lose a lot of money if people suddenly could cure diabetes and such. Plus the jews don't want competition when it comes to living extremely long lifespans.
If his mom is jewish, he is too. that's how it works. Now I know why these "not an argument" people are so fucking annoying to me.
Where can I find good economic philosophy and investment book lists.
Hay guys I am in the middle of training for underwater salvage and welding and I am wondering if through that I could immigrate to America? I really want to live in a new America that actually has a chance instead of where I live.
Not a lawyer, but did the immigration bit (not me, but a now relative).
1) You can petition for immigration and wait in line, probably for several years.
2) You can find an employer in the US and convince them that you are among the best in your field/have some talent that differentiates you from the rest. You can get them to petition you for a green card (once you have that, you're the master of your destiny, as goes citizenship). Think of this option as marrying your boss. On this road, you can be in America soon, but you'll be waiting about a year before the green card comes in.
3) You marry an American. This is a cheap way to do it, but it's still done.
Nota bene about option 3: you will have to prove that the marriage is genuine.
Take your pick.
Where exactly did you grow up?
we've had much more important things going on for the past year and a bit. Plus, they dont really accomplish anything; they're just to blow off steam.
Well obviously that would help, but it's not as if Congress would ever do it. We'd have to get the normalfags behind it before it would even begin to be considered.
she apparently made her twitter public again. I guess everyone got bored of trolling her.
Unfortunately, they probably cant/wont do anything as drastic as outlawing gun control nationwide. What they'll probably do is make gun licenses valid across state lines like marriage licenses. They might also dial back some of the federal gun control legislation, but that depends on how cucked Congress is going to be.
hang on until Trump gets in and sends all the H1B serfs back to their shitty countries
1. I dont think there's still any point in us digging through them. We dont need to make Hillary look bad anymore since the election's over. And the FBI already has the Weiner emails, so they have all they need if they really wanted to go after her. The only reason they dont is because of Obama preventing them. We just have to wait till Trump gets in and un-pozzes the DOJ.
2. Stem cell shit, like abortion, could indeed benefit society if used in a responsible way. The problem is, making that stuff acceptable brings society closer to nihilism/materialism by lessening the value of the human life. A redpilled society could use these things in moderation without worry, but normalfags have trouble understanding non-binary good and bad. We're gonna have to wait until we get closer to third reich levels of nationalism and anti-degeneracy before we can start trusting the public with that stuff.
it'll probably get saved for his campaign in four years
she's a fat ugly kike who gets paraded around for the same reason as people like Amy Schumer and Sarah Silverman: they're being pushed as feminist icons.
actually it was that tv show Girls on HBO
I used to like the Lemony Snicket books when I was young, before I realized Daniel Handler was a jew. Looking back on them now, I can see the jewish influence that I missed before I was redpilled. But to answer your question, I'd say that if you're here, then you're probably mentally competent enough to expose yourself to jewish writings without losing track of your moral center.
My mom is somewhat similar. she watches the MSM even though she supported Trump and recognized how pozzed it is. I one time tried to suggest she start looking at non-mainstream news sources, and she reacted as if she literally couldn't comprehend getting news from anywhere else. I think it's just a problem with how these people were raised; they have gone most of their lives having to rely on the MSM for information, so they react negatively to the idea of changing their ways. It's the same reason why teenagers are so socialist; they've spent their whole lives depending on someone else to provide for them, so they despise the idea of having to work for something.
Ironically, my grandmother was tech-savvy enough to browse Drudge and didn't even like Fox that much. RIP grandma
I have a bunch of high school friends that I've just started to realize are pretty cucky. It tends not to bother me too much since I dont get to see them much anymore and even when we do see each other we rarely discuss anything about politics.
"neo-reactionaries" is a media term designed to create controlled opposition, same as "alt-right". There's no ideology behind it.
Why does Holla Forums break links?
By cutting my own hair i unexpectedly grew a mullet, should i keep it
Should I keep my beard? Are beards degenerate?
If you click on a link directly from a website. The website you are going onto knows what website you came from.
I remember soros saying something like how Trump will win the popular vote but lose the electoral vote. But apparently he didn't.
What does this mean for their initial plans?
Have the real one, and learn to OPSEC.
Poor people need work more than they need cheap goods. Most people have tons of shit and not enough money for shelter and food. We shouldn't have to compete with literal slaves for work, especially when the country dries up all the consumers nothing will get made anyway. It's also very wasteful to ship raw goods across the biggest ocean in the world then ship them all the way back just to save a couple currency manipulated dollars, huge waste of fossil fuels.
Can you pull it off?
Who is this English guy with the medal?
Thats what I had a feeling of. Thanks
Toptier. I got mine from cuckchan, hence the different background
Can somebody suggest to me some good study/work music? Right now I'm listening to Eric Satie and Chopin.
Salve, frater mihi.
Both are our heritage, but Rome epitomized the height of both Indo-European Aryan values and the remnants of old European Neolithic culture (through the assimilation of Etruscan traditions). The barbarians did not cause the fall of Rome - Rome's hubris and resting on past laurels did this. For example, the Romans paid the Huns a tribute of 2,000 aurelii in order to not be attacked while most senators made at least 100,000 annually. Instead of giving back to their people and nation, they horded these riches in their villas, and Rome devolved into a semi-feudal oligarchy that no longer had a communal want or need to defend the patria.
Romanitas, however, was not dependent only ethnocultural background. Some newly assimilated "barbarians" acted more Roman than senatorial families that had been around since the era of Alba Longa.
At least some of the values of Rome (read Euro-Aryan) survived even to this day. Imperium sine fine.
Are americans so pozzed and ADDHDH riddled that they MUST watch tv while visiting the dentist? WTFFFF??
No fucking way that is what that is… but what is it?
bump for information about PNG.
burzum. Varg is the most based artist currently alive and the newer albums are very good nordic ambience albums.
What's with all the pro-gay, pro-TRS shilling recently? Is it a raid? We haden't had that kind of shit since the pre-september 2015 subversion attempts. Only that this time they aren't shilling for porn.
Also, why does the board have to go to shit every weekend?
Where can I find the Russian orthodoxs in Queensland?
I didn't believe it myself…
The nature of anonymous internet communities plus the fact that we really have to protect the files we touch from our actual identity makes it hard to centralize and gather information in a non-sporadic way. It's hard to focus when you get dozens of info from everyone everywhere so it.
That being said, we'll certainly reach a moment where it's simply impossible to continue without investigating on the ground, and that time may have come or not. We can't do everything from our computer but we can raise awareness for other people to do so.
May kek help us.
It is bound to happen. The same thing happened with pedowood, and a lot of other pedo related investigations. Same thing happened with WACO and Ruby Ridge. It's an unfortunate process of entropy. Momentum is key to investigating and prosecuting criminals. Few are capable of keeping it going, but those that are are truly feared by those they hound.
Seems a good idea to me tbh.
It gets boring when you have to sit for an hour of cleaning. That's why I always bring an mp3 player full of classical music.
Fucking degenerates can't stand being with themselves for 40 minutes. Careful goy, you might start thinking those silly thoughts!
What if Trump adjusted US immigration laws to increase immigration from Europe and other areas with whites? Would the benefit of increased white immigration outweigh the risk of increased rapefugee shitskins?
Red-ish areas are places where one could find gas and oil (deposits). Blue lines are gas transit tubes (?). Light blue lines are the same but for liquids (e.g oil). Green spots are gas processing points, black ones for liquids. The barrel with an "R" is oil processing. The little fire icon is a place where gas is extracteed, and the brown drop is a place where oil is extracted. The texts on top of red areas are just names of gas/oil deposits. Refer to your filename.
Anesthetic at the dentist can be pretty hit or miss at times. Having the added distraction would help make up for the weakness of novocaine.
The problem with that is Europe isn't 100% white anymore. I think that if Trump wanted to make immigration from European countries easier, he'd find that a lot of Nu-Europeans would try and take advantage of that. He could install intelligence barriers that require potential immigrants have a higher education of some sort, but that's a lot of work considering he probably doesn't need white immigrants as much as he needs to deport illegals and incentivise working class whites already in the US to breed. This is speculation on my part, we all know Trump will already have a plan in mind.
I hope that he'll have enough time to help Europe uncuck itself, but there's only so much he can help with in that regard - European countries (particularly Germany and Sweden) need to want it as well.
I was thinking just yesterday that Trump could probably (and justifiably) ban Swedes from immigrating to the US as one city in Sweden alone (Gothenburg) has supplied ISIS with more fighters than the entirety of America has.
Seems like he misinterpreted Trump's appeal. Trump ended up winning a bunch of swing states, and they rigged votes to make it seem like Clinton had a bunch of "popular" support. He may have been bullshitting initially but he seems like the kind of guy who has a large ego so that may not be the case. Either way the statement made him look foolish which can't help his cause.
Is there any truth to the theory that importing large amounts of savages for labor which ended up mixing with the native population was a factor in the fall of Rome?
It's a mix of actual shills and brainwashed halfchan tier thinkers who have nothing better to do on weekends. It's frustrating but makes us more immune to their shit in the long run.
Well, Rome only began to "import" such labor when its own soldiers refused to fight - and this happened in successive waves. Pure Latin Romans never made up the majority of the ethnicities in Rome even at its peak, as it was a process of assimilating inferior groups into superior Roman culture.
Let's look at the groups that the Romans "imported." Gauls, Carthaginians, Berbers, Iberians, Etruscans, Illyrians, Dacians, Greeks, Celts, Germans - I could keep going on. All of these groups - and others - were imported/assimilated while Rome was still on its rise.
At the same time, the barbarians who joined the army had to serve for decades before they were granted Roman citizenship, and they fought most of the important later battles in the place of Latin Romans.
How many anons here use vpns? Which is better for anonymity: tor or vpns? If I wanted to make a thread would it be better to do it with a vpn or tor?
I don't want to post anything crazy just an idea I had but I'm also paranoid.
Buy a cheap VPN service with no logs. Make sure they advertise no logging and are in a country like Iceland (where companies don't have to provide logs for law enforcement).
Once you get a decent VPN you can trust, also use Tor when you need extra security. That should be good enough. Check out browser addons that spoof metadata too, like Random Agent Spoofer and IP Flood. Make sure you use Noscript too and only allow scripts from websites you routinely visit, also make sure "globally allow scripts" is off.
And always wipe your browser cache with Ccleaner or Bleachbit.
How rich was my family when growing up? We made around $120.000 before tax, around 65.000$ a year after tax.
My mother is a paediatrician and my father a intestinal surgeon.
Would it be accurate to say I grew up in an upper-middle class environment?
I think he is trying to contrast ancient and modern paganism.
He's a racemixer, but he isn't that worthy of hate, in fact he's pretty good in most things. RIDF likes to protect him a lot, but the UIDF is much worse.
A couple decades ago, that would have been considered standard middle class. Now likely considered lucky as fuck if your parents still had that kind of income.
Will the Ice Age cover Australia? Australia is close to the bottom of Earth. New Zealand is even closer to the bottom of Earth.
Is there any place where I can find a collection of all the (15+?) beaver posts. Been looking for them for about a month now to no avail.
Thanks user. What's your opinion of Tails OS?
IIRC Stefan's mother was half-Jewish, so I'm not sure if Stefan would be considered Jewish. In any case his ideology is very rational and it's becoming more consistent in the last years, I don't think he's subverting the movement as some, including you, believe.
He looks like a Freemason, but I wouldn't rely on my own word in this, I barely have knowledge about them.r
am i banned?
If you are talking about Holla Forums then you just answered your question, idiot.
That's the point, moron.
Are there any groups like National Action in the U.S?
Anyone have any quotes from The Supposed Antichrist Donald J. Trump about how he will build a wall between the firmament and make Gabriel pay for it? They were quite humorous.
I never said he was subverting the movement. All I said was that he's a bit ignorant, willfully or not, when it comes to certain Holla Forums-related topics.
Who /aus/ here?
Just found this gem of an article and didn't want to shit up the catalog with it. If Dutton addressed non-white immigration, he'd be the perfect immigration minister - hates refugees, and blames muslims where blame is due.
The woman pictured is the first muzzie MP having a shit fit after Dutton says that too many muslim lebs were let into the country in the 70's and now we're paying the price for it.
These guys maybe
Does anybody have a screenshot of the view counter for the original posting of With Open Gates on jewtube?
I've been told it had millions of views before being taken down, but I want to see what the YT view counter says since that doesn't have an incentive to exaggerate or otherwise be inaccurate.
This woman is a total plant. She was arguing for muslim reeducation for kids before she got "elected"
She's everything that's wrong with the Labor party, don't be surprised to see all kinds of PC theatrics from this person.
I know for a fact it hit over 6 million (due to the threads here being made about it hitting the magic number) and I think it got taken down shortly after that.
I have no screenshots to prove it though.
As long as Labor plays the appeasement game, I'm happy - people (outside of melbourne) are sick of pandering to muzzies and Australia is starting to wake up and see whats at risk here, with ape-x and muslims causing more trouble than they're worth.
I found it interesting that a Lebanese-christian defended Dutton's speech in parliament.
Christian lebs hate the muzzies, they got taken over in the 60-70s because they were tolerant and let anyone in.
This may just be the mystery of the decade. Nobody seems to know this man's name. The mystery man.
If I wanted to read The Bible, which version would be most redpilled?
None. Christianity is a Jewish creation for cuckolds.
What's the deal with the "refugees" now, especially in Germany and Sweden? I haven't heard any updates in a while, just Trump stuff. Are they still raping and stealing? Is anyone doing anything?
Is there an archive of the 2 self improvement threads? I'm wondering if there's good stuff in there.
As old as possible. Everything after a certain point has been nosed. Maybe around 1920 or so.
If you want just the philosphy then Jefferson Bible.
Nice digits.
Sweden is the same old shit. They announced early in the year that they planned to deport 70,000 whose refugee claims didn't check out, but that never amounted to anything (apparently you need a large and competent police force or military to attempt deportations). The latest reports I can find are from June, saying they were going to try to kick out 1,500 kurds. At best they can cut off welfare to them and hope they'll self deport, but most of the failed-immigrants state they'll either move onto the next country to try their luck, go underground or just take up a new identity (easy to do when you happen to not have papers) if their welfare is cut.
The next elections are in 2018, so I really don't know what's going to happen in the next two years up until then. I'm quite surprised that Sweden was never hit with a Bataclan sized attack, but the government gives better treatment than the Swedish natives so there's probably not a whole lot of incentive to.
I can't say for Germany, but if Angela Merkel runs for Chancellor again, then she'll most likely lose the election.
Jerusalem Bible (1966) and/or Douay–Rheims Bible
You can also check out the Catena Aurea, a line-by-line commentary on the gospels by various Church Fathers (compiled by St. Thomas Aquinas)
Holla Forums out!
Of course
Serious question
What the fuck were dragons?
Like, was that all bullshit our ancestors made up, or were there legitimately some kind of giant reptillian thing living in Europe up until like the first few centuries AD?
Discussion of the presence of Nile crocodiles as an environmental evolutionary selective factor leading to niggers being unable to swim led to discussion of nigger's lack of agency in not having exterminated the creatures as Europeans did to most of our large predator species… And I had to admit: For an African nigger to kill a crocodile, with the technology they had, would have been a daunting task - but I still think Whites would have done it if in their shoes.
And that got me thinking about dragons because, well, if they were real in any regard, we basically DID do it when in the equivalent of their shoes, only our crocodiles apparently could breath fire and fly.
Remnant dinosaurs?
Total bullshit?
What do you think?
Has anyone else noticed the rise of "sissy hypnosis porn"? I've seen lots of people talking about it on Holla Forums even and stories of people being addicted to it
It seems like some kind of psy-op to sissify white males
I've heard of this too, I think this is true. Some of the stuff has been suspiciously high quality.
To add, there is also a strange fixation on attracting black men - never white man. It circulates around the idea of becoming a sissy to serve black men. I'm convinced it is a psy-op.
I think pornography itself is a psy-op, so it wouldn't surprise me.
Daily Reminder: Basically all porn is cuck porn.
How do most people use pornography?
They masturbate to it.
But your animal brain, the base physiological core of your consciousness, cannot effectively differentiate in this context between something that you are watching through a window and something you are watching through a screen.
So watching porn while fapping basically equates to you standing off to the side and beating off while watching through a window as another man has sex with a woman you wish you were having sex with.
You're cucking yourself.
Yeah it's really fucked up. It's always targetting white men as the sissies, It's really intense as well, more than anything else I've seen. It's like the end of the road in the escalation of watching porn as people will always want to get a stronger hit on their drug, this seems to hit the heaviest, it even suggests you should use poppers while watching it but fuck that. I'm trying to cure myself of that shit recently though after I looked myself in the mirror and blocked porn sites, suggest all others to do the same no matter what you're watching. This vile degeneracy is the hardest to break, don't end up here.
Pretty much. God how I wish I knew when I was a kid.
Yep. Now granted, this example may be due to where I'm going, but I've noticed in the last year or two on Empornium (big private porn torrent tracker) that sissy/cuck stuff is always very prevalent in the Top 10 active torrents in terms of downloads. Even on tube sites, I always see a lot of it on the home page (and no, it's not showing me stuff that is related to what I watch since I never watch sissy/cuck stuff).
Do keep in mind though that a lot of that stuff is produced by independents like girls using Clips4Sale - they take requests from people to make custom videos, so it seems like cucks are simply more willing to shell out $300 for a 10 minute sissy themed scene. As for the big studios like Evil Angel, that seems more nefarious.
Also this. I do think though that part of it is to attract more black guys (even though they're a way smaller market share) and other minorities to watch since they get off on the idea of cucking white men.
Just took a screen shot of the top ten active torrents on Empornium this week for reference.
Three are BM/WF (same video but different resolutions), one is tranny, and two are incest.
Dragon myths are pretty widespread. Personally, I think at least a part of it, and a big part, was ancient people finding dinosaur fossils and assuming they were dragon skeletons.
Porn addictions always seem to trend towards cuckoldry and sissification.
So niggers are watching other niggers fuck white women. How is this surprising?
Why would you think that the people torrenting those scenes are mostly black?
pic related and now I'm a tranny. Not sure if chicken or egg came first but tread carefully.
unless you want to tranny in which case just do it already you coward
pornhub posted up some stats a while back that "red" states were the ones searching for IR pron. Lefty faggot media claimed that racist rednecks actually love niggers.
Someone here pointed out those were the same states that have massive populations of niggers.
No. never going to let Jewish porn make me chop my own dick off you pathetic shite.
How does one deal with their libido in a constructive way that doesn't involve sinking into porn for hours on end? Likewise, how does one pursue women in an age where dating is done mainly online?
you know it's the porn that made you like that btw.
addendum to previous post: when online dating is often ineffective?
nope it's split open and inverted
I don't especially care one way or another. Irrespective of origin it's just how I am right now. Might as well make the best of it.
inb4 conversion therapy / kys
Checkin for pasta for the sad broken creature that you are.
You're sick.
You need help. Instead of cutting off your dick or sewing your cunt shut, why don't you try, I don't know, taking some of the appropriate hormonal augmentation as per what you ARE, as opposed to what you FEEL LIKE as a direct result of your PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER.
Why is that trans people are so keen on altering their bodies instead of altering their minds?
Is it that you're afraid you won't be 'you' anymore once the problem is fixed, once your sickness is cured?
You don't have to be afraid.
Your whole argument falls apart from there - its not about changing your bodies to suit your mind, you should try changing your mind to suit your body.
We have technology.
You don't have to be sick anymore user.
We can help you, without any surgery at all.
You are sick.
You FEEL like something that you are NOT, and will NEVER be, BECAUSE YOU ARE SICK.
Instead of STAYING SICK and surgically/hormonally altering yourself to FEED INTO YOUR SICKNESS, you should get WELL, by taking hormonal augmentation that will OVERCOME YOUR SICKNESS and let you FEEL like what you ARE.
Face it OP…
You're just upset that people don't support you mutilating yourself for the sake of your psychological disorder, and instead urge you to take medication that will FIX THE PROBLEM.
(Its because you don't want to admit you have a problem. Like a fucking addict.)
In what states it's legal to carry a concealed push dagger in the street? I know it's not on Kike York
You stand out more by actually talking to women IRL. They think "wow this guy has balls, no one even maintains eye contact with me anymore".
I have had so much success just striking up random conversations with girls. Even if they're wearing earbuds. Go for it.
This is one of the most asked questions by far for years and years and the answer has always been simple. Find a hobby to take your mind off it and sink your manly passions into. You'll forget quickly once you pick up a hobby you really enjoy, what exactly that is for you I cannot say but you are sure to find one. The other outlet is to channel your urges constructively as nature intended and to seek out a girlfriend or wife which you can sink all your manly passions into. Asking a girl out isn't hard once you get used to rejection. Remember that the worst thing she can say is no so go up to a hundred different women and ask them out first. Make sure you actually take a look at yourself and focus on personal improvement before whining all women suck especially after they helped propel Trump to victory. There's no excuse now. Fuhrer be with you, friend.
Suppose I try it for a couple years and it doesn't work. I'd be left with:
all of which are permanent and cost tens of thousands to (partially) reverse. I'd risk becoming even more of a monster, and going back to wanting to scream every time I see myself in the mirror.
Thank you nonetheless for your support and well-wishes.
Any is fine. They all paint the right picture:
Satan is extremely reasonable to the White Mind, while Yahweh is an egotistic maniac.
Satan didn't have anything to do with that. He merely questioned the Jewish Yahweh.
go away Chaim
I asked this a couple threads back but no one bit, so I'll ask again because I'm still curious.
What was Hitler's plan for the Russians if he had defeated the Red Army?
I was treated to an explanation of what Hitler would have done with a conquered Russia in a class about Western Civilizations that basically amounted to "Hitler wanted to make all the slavs slaves to the Aryan machine and preform forced agriculture for their entire lives." That struck me as a lampshade-tier myth, there's no way that was true.
I would have looked up a discussion about this all online, but it's fucking impossible to find a reality-based discussion of Hitler's Germany almost anywhere but Holla Forums in the current year.
Any amateur historians willing to provide some insight?
Probably the same as France:
Use a translation that was completed before the creation of the Scofield Reference Bible in 1907.
The Scofield notes, which were funded by Zionists, have poisoned the past century of biblical analysis and interpretation. For that reason, even a modern edition of the KJV can fuck with you by providing a "Judeo-Christian" interpretation of notes.
The KJV, by the way, was completed in the 17th century under the order of King James I in the early 17th century. It's what was used by most Enlightenment, Renaissance, and Romance-era thinkers, so it's probably the best one I could recommend as it's had the greatest impact on high Western culture while still being readable.
If you're looking to see notes to help with context and understanding, try to get a pre-1907 copy. While this may sound difficult, it's a lot easier than one would think in the era of online auctions (especially for a book as commonly printed as the Bible). I use a Student's KJV Bible printed in 1902, in excellent shape, that I managed to get for only twenty bucks.
(nice trips)
the prose is lovely but it's an absolute clusterfuck of a translation. More suited to english majors than students of theology, imo
I personally use the 1611 Pure Cambridge Edition.
some of you guys are alright, don't eat pizza tomorrow
How can I make people respect me?
Since High School, then the army, then my current wage slave job and now in this school while i'm learning a trade, people somehow knew that i'm now worth of respect.
I don't dress like a faggot, I'm 6,0 ft dyel (altough going to the gym since last month), been raised by a single mother in a third world hellhole
Help me
I eat pizza everyday though.
I mean actual pizza with olives and mushrooms and anchovies sometimes on it not pedoshit
also >reddit spacing
you don't deserve respect. sort your life out and then you will.
I need to do an internship abroad in January, I've recieved positive answers from labs in Ottawa, Stuttgart and Sheffield (very close to Rotherham). Honestly it's kind of a pick your poison type of deal but what would be the least pozzed location to work ? All 3 internships have interesting subjects so it comes down to the location. I'm from Paris by the way so I am kinda used to cultural enrichment.
I lost my screencap of headpats explained. Can someone explain to me how headpats are good and if a woman turns hostile to it, they're terrible?
I know exactly which one because I was one of the posters but it seems I didn't save it. You mostly answered it yourself though: it's basically a simple test of whether or not they are broken.
People can sense weakness, it doesn't matter how tall you are they'll fuck with you anyway because they know you wont do anything.
Keep going to the gym and take up kickboxing and ju jitsu, dont do nin jitsu or some other BS edgelord discipline. Walk upright and dont hunch and stare at the ground. Once you start feeling confident people will start to respect you more.
Respect is earned, not given user.
Its because you didn't have a father. I too did not have a father after 5-6 years old, before my dad left he told me the chances were much higher and it would be much harder for me to not grow up to be a faggot, not having a father around. He was definitely correct, I'm thankful he memed that realization into my mind. After he left my mother tried to remove any sort of manliness/alpha aspect of my personality. First gently then aggressively. I had to emotionally wall off and defend myself from her. My father prepared me for war.
I didn't become an alpha until I was twenty eight.
My right of passage was as follows.
Why do you idiots think that Sandy Hook was a hoax?
Stormderps gonna stromderp
nofap isn't the answer. nofap is for autistic niggers. you need to get out of the fucking house.
god she's so fucking ugly. she's also a fed plant.
she pushes flat earth bullshit and says trump fucks his daughters. she also has a long line of actress credits, which should be an obvious red flag
why was this guy banned? that's such a fucking pussy copout. i don't like jews but i would rather debate them and btfo them that way than ban them and crawl into my safespace.
i remember when Holla Forums and TRS were best friends. too bad you fell for the goon D+C
he's a drug-addicted racemixer who's most likely part-nigger
Meditation/Brahmacharya if you are open to it. The problem with nofap is that most guys can't keep it up for long and start to go mental. That's when you could use Brahmacharya to reroute the energy into Ojas.
Has worked for me and I'm not very /fringe/ myself.
Read more here:
yeah sure you do, faggot
paganism is fucking gay as shit
both of you need to leave and stay leave
You know that once you reach 30 your precious hormone injections wont be able to prevent you're maleness any more? What will you do then? Kill yourself?
I really don't understand the sentiment of "I don't like the pilot, so let's crash the plane". You know what Republicans were thinking this time eight years ago? "I'm really disappointed, but I hope he proves me wrong". He didn't, but that's besides the point. Why can't Democrats be that mature? Are they really so self-absorbed that being right is more important to them than the success of their own country? If so, why should we listen to what they have to say if we already know that it comes so purely from ego and self-interest?
Is this really how Democrats are going to react every time they lose an election from now on?
I'm taking BUAD right now, but I'm not doing great. I'm thinking of changing to associate of arts and using that to go to uni for poli sci with a minor in English. 1-10 how bad of an idea is this?
Does anyone have the infograph of all the original commies with proof of their jewishness? thanks in advance. have a Rare Trump.
Did the jews in the camps actually have the number tattoos put on them? Or did they just do that to themselves afterwards for sympathy points?
this one?
Just what was on the side, this is even better. thanks.
My commie friend wants to know why I only refer to it as "Jewish Communism", this will help!
Have another Trump
Where do you guys go for neutral, objective news?
I thought it would get better after the election but it just got worse. At least before the shilling was unified and you could easily read between the lines. Nowadays it's complete chaos. Every smallest activity related to Trump immediately attracts a dozen news media corps all trying to twist it in their own insane direction. I can't even tell what's what.
Pls no bully, but I use the Daily Mail for a basic, semi-central view. They were anti-Trump, so you gotta learn to read around the biases, but to their credit they actually report on crimes/events that other media let slide. Their writing isn't exceptionally well done, and you gotta avoid the 'Femail' articles like the plague, but they don't usually hesitate to call a muslim perpetrator a muslim perpetrator. They write articles about the dangers of immigration from shit-tier countries, changing demographics, biases against straight white men and so on, so it's not too bad of a place to start, but do take it with a pinch of salt.
Back in my pre-redpill days I remember so many cases of them printing something that was wrong one way or another. It seemed like they occasionally just made up a silly story, either out of nothing or by exaggerating and embellishing a much less interesting event.
How do you deal with that?
Follow business news, it's much harder for them to fake it, and if something happens, the markets will usually tell you somethings up. At that point, I use the jew media, the Russian media, and the alt-kike media. From there I have a general idea of what is happening.
Is there any proof that Weev is an informant or Jewish shill? I haven't seen it yet so please share if you have it.
Because shitposting belongs on Holla Forums not Holla Forums
Two major, one minor.
First, Weev is a goon. Goons are known to work closely with alphabets.
Second, the circumstances regarding Weev leaving prison are dubious and his sudden transformation into a hitlerian mid-prison sentance screams informant.
Third, minor, the Daily Stormer, which he programmed, has a lot of obvious holes, I believe it was something to do with http, which let people who want to know you're on that site know you're on that site.
John J. Studzinski
Why do people from Poland leave their country to work in other countries like the UK and EU zone ones?
Is their country poor on its own? Disenchantment? A tradition?
Used to be because better wages. Plus they tend to go where there's already an expat community, so they probably think "great! don't even have to assimilate to a foreign culture!".
I doubt they do it much now, the mudslimes probably outcompete them.
Why do people from Poland insist on working in other countries like UK and EU zones?
Is their country poor on its own? A tradition? Disenchantment?
The third one seems most major to me. Thanks
Why don't gommies just start a factory and pay all employees in equity only? The workers can then wait for the dividend to roll in or just sell their stake if money is tight. That way they own the means of production to the exact extent of their contribution. Collective bargaining is also easier, because all the workers of a company are in a de facto union if they only bother to drag their ass to the shareholder meeting, and all that counterproductive bullshit of traditional unions is avoided because the workers actually care about the company now that they are part owners.
Hell you can just campaign in an existing company and convince the workers to buy stock with their paycheck. Don't need to wait for the management to offer stock options.
Oh that's right, because poorfags are poor because they're retarded, not because the capitalist is oppressing them,
Fourth, his fucking name is Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer.
Does anyone have an archive link to the thread about "Election memes. Show what we were up against and how we won the election". It was a thread full of all the best pre-election memes over the months. I mean to download everything but i came back here too late.
What is TRS? Is it the right stuff? The website or the radio guys? Does that include Morakkiu? Are they spreading kosher redpills here, is that the reason why? Are they the same guys who make those smug cartoon things?
Please explain this sudden "fake news" buzz phrase suddenly popping up. The jewgle results don't tell the whole story.
They have a website and podcasts
Yes. He does The Merchant Minute.
Reason why what?
They name the Jew nonstop.
You mean counter signal memes for fashy goys? (bad MS paint) If so, yes.
He loaned money at 0% interest to his campaign. The hats and other merch repay those loans.
Sorry, I didn't complete my statement, is that the reason why they are cited as being shills? I've seen a bunch of screenshots of them all the time, I'm not in on the context of the farce between this board and their 'group' or whatever. I've seen screenshots of them admitting to raiding for the goal of subversion, kind of like a betrayal that PJW and Cernokike just pulled.
You mean these?
I'm half certain the people posing as TRS are the actual shills, and TRS is fine, but I'll hold my judgement until someone from TRS completely disavows shilling, because there are quite a few people posting about "raiding" Holla Forums on their forum.
What is a "proposition nation"?
Partially false. White genes are recessive the kids will carry that with them.
Still immoral because without fathers there is no culture, but if enough White men kept impregnating all the females over and over each generation that population would become White.
Some of many, yes. I never got the concept of shilling, don't you have self-respect? What is so bad about traditionalist NatSoc ethnocentric heterosexual monogamy being the pillar of a community? Pretty sad shit, the CTR memes are actually true and applicable to some people, that's just depressing.
A nation that was founded upon a moral proposition instead of an ethnic basis. So if you believe the US consists of the Constitution moreso than it's culturally English or genetic White identity then you believe in a proposition nation. This is the foundation of cuckservatism.
Happy Vengeance, Baal
What is the difference between Fascism and National Socialism?
National socialism was based around the nation's people building the culture, and thus was ethnocentric. Fascism was based on the nation's culture made by the people, thus was ethnocentric so long as it stayed whatever the ethnicity was.
Technically, white nationalists are fascist because they promote a sort of pan-european collective, and some say "pan european collective" whilst maintaining original borders. the difference is that fascism is to national socialism is what an orange is to orange juice. One has a hard exterior, the other is concentrated and ever sweeter.
Totally unbiased and neutral standpoint, right? Plus hypocritical claims as "r-rewriting history" when the (((translations))) and (((revisions))) of Mein Kampf replaced "Providence" with "Our Lord God" and included other totally original (((inclusions))). And don't get me started on the fact that Christians relate GOTT MIT UNS (or any mention of "god") = must be talking about YHVH! Wotan? Who?
Read this if you really want to know about the Reich "Positive-Christianity".
Nowadays the silly stories have been replaced by 'Hilarious thing on Reddit' articles which are about as entertaining as a kick in the nuts. They're still MSM so they're biased against Trump, Russia and Syria but they redeem themselves slightly by exposing fake 'refugees' and how animalistic the immigrants to the west are.
Between here and the DM, you can get a pretty good picture of what's going on in the world.
Why do journalists use the same few cliché phrases? It seems like they all just copy and paste each others' ideas whether it's a blogger or a newspaper reporter and it doesn't matter how they identify themselves politically.
I've seen the phrase "mea culpa" in almost 10 different articles since the election. There are several more that appear over and over.
My theory is these people aren't all that smart and care more about presenting the appearance of being a "journalist" than actually writing well.
Is the Malik Obama Twitter account real or I'm just being rused? I can't fully trust the verified account status because literally everyone especially jews can get it.
Fascism is basically the corporate state. NatSoc is a weltanschauung with race at the centre.
Not a question, but I thought this might amuse. I went on Holla Forums for the first time since the exodus and managed to accidentally trigger a mod so badly, he couldn't type a complete sentence.
Okay, maybe one question. Is there some sort of bad blood between 8/b/ and 8/pol/?
It would be the firs that I heard of it. I'm not much of a crossposter though.
Me either. I was kind of surprised to get the ban, to be honest. It's not a long one by any means, but it's a little puzzling.
Bullshit faggot. They don't name Jews at all. Your leader tries to dance around it.
TRShill spotted.
Anyone have any good graphics about leafs being shitposters?
leaf here, any of these work?
Why do LGBT people and Trans specifically make everything about being trans? What's the fetish for representation and projecting their mental illness onto everything they like and make?
This is the non-webm youtube channel.
This goy makes some nice OC.
Most of them were outcasts growing up. Few friends, often bullied, etc. so they never developed basic social skills. They tend to be underachievers too, with no accomplishments to display. While most in this position just quietly move about their life, many hear about LGBTQXYZ crap and think "THAT must be why I'm different from the other kids, because deep down I've always been [place garbage here]."
Now they have an uncommon lifestyle, mix that with a yearning for recognition and a lack of any real accomplishments and you have someone who's entire psyche is centered around their fetish.
A week later and you're still seeing it.
Nice ID btw
Identity has been progressively atomised, the first seeds of this are in the suffragette movement where women jews behind it all, of course decided that votes were for individuals and stopped identifying with their family. Apart from the divisive effects this had on family structure, it got the ball rolling on identity as a cultural tool. From there, other things were "deconstructed" in the West like nation, religion, race, etc. under the guise of being "things that divide us" when in reality they're the only things that unite us, hence the conspicuous and progressive degeneration of society. All the things that you used to be able to count on your neighbour sharing with you are gone. This is why the Harvard study (plus others) found that diversity lowers social cohesion.
It is fascinating, though not really surprising, that all of these issues feed into each other.
So to summarise, people are finding fewer and fewer things to identify themselves with that are concrete and exist in the real world. The alternative that is presented to them is what's peddled by the jew, which only takes due to the oversocialisation and low self esteem that mentioned.
National Socialism is part of Fascism [for being interested on the "fascio" centric view], but there are more fascism formats than NatSoc.
National Socialism is spirit; Fascism: bones and flesh.
I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to guns but am hoping to make a purchase of some kind of Ar-15. I was hoping for something reliable that would work well for a noob but still had the capacity for customization down the road. I would rather have a weapon that can be upgraded as I gain more experience vrs buying a shit tier weapon and then going out and buying a higher class of weapon after I have gained some experience/preferences. Let me know if that is not the best route to take. Open to any advice. ty in advance to any anons that can help me out.
in one of his live streams he makes a reference to some kind of plaza or public square, saying something along the lines of "this is where i spend most of my free time". his recordings were still on periscope as of about 2 weeks ago, if they are still up you should be able to find the reference. i think it was in his last live stream where he went out looking for the protests but couldnt find any so just fucked off back home. pretty sure there was a train connection in said plaza also. his periscope name was Henry Pollack. oh snap, didnt think about it but he has a twitter under the same name. you could easily contact him through that. if Henry Pollack doesnt return anything in a google/twitter search, try search "People OnLine News".
I've had people recommend getting a shotgun or handgun as a starter weapon, just so you can get a feel for shooting. But I don't (yet) own guns myself, so that's what I've been told. /k/ would be a good place to get some advice.
Get a Remington 870 shotgun as a beginner. For a rifle get a G3 or HK91 type. You want a good raifu, one that really packs a punch and has good reliability. The AR15 is shit, bit its really, really popular because the US Military has used it for 50 years, because they are stupid. They can spend billions for a single copy of an airplane but can't spend a similar amount to upgrade the Infantry. It really makes you think, to coin a meme.
I'm not quite sure what you tell you guys. You have to be more specific if you want details.
PNG is a bit like Africa, judging from what I have heard of that continent, except that the Natives aren't niggers. The Papuans are cousins of the Aussie Aboriginals. That means that they're like the niggers except that they're even dumber and more violent. Most White Americans don't seem to realise this, but the North American niggers are the smartest niggers on the Earth. They are geniuses compared to their cousins in Africa. And believe it or not, the niggers in Africa are geniuses compared to the blacks in New Guinea.
During the great WWII, the Aussie army sent soldiers into remote parts of the country where no white man had set foot. Some of those soldiers encountered natives who were literally still using stone tools. In New Guinea, the stone age literally only ended in the late 1940s and early 50s. When I was a kid, I actually knew a Highlander who had grown up in the stone ages and lived to see the late 20th century, powered flight, computers, modern medicine, the internet, the automobile, and so forth. God he was stupid. The guy literally believed in sorcery and thought that white people were witches/warlocks. He thought that all of our modern technologies were the result of white magic.
I cannot impress on you how stupid the natives are. The homicide detectives on the Port Moresby police force literally chalk up crimes to "sorcery" whenever they get stuck on a problem. And whenever they do, the journalists at the Post Courier in Port Moresby, print articles that describe the crime and then state that the crime was committed by a sorcerer. The natives accept these explanations as fact.
My old man went up to New Guinea back in the 1970s with noble intentions. He fully believed in this "one race the human race" liberalism shit and has decided to dedicate his life to helping the natives enter the modern world. Just a few years later, according to his mates, he was suffering from the bigotry of low expectations. The natives have a way of rapidly wearing you down.
I used to know a guy who worked for a Belgian palm-oil firm near a place called Kimbe in New Britain. The firm used to pick out optimistic Europeans who had fully bought into this multiculturalism and noble-savage garbage and wanted to live in harmony with nature. These guys would literally only last a few days in New Britain before freaking out and going back to Europe. He told me that he and his mates used to have wagers on how long they would last. The average was less than a week. PNG can have that effect on people.
Cargo cults are real. They're hilarious. I once tried to explain to a PNG national that the aircraft he and his natives was worshipping were man made objects with human pilots. He was blown away by the concept of a human made flying machine and didn't believe me. He thought I was trying to trick him. The natives have passed down knowledge of the war and remember when cargo aircraft used to land and give them lots of free shit. He thought I was trying to trick him out of lots of freebie gibsmedats. Although I tried, to the best of my abilities, to persuade him otherwise, I could not make him believe me.
Witch burnings are also probably real. I've never actually witnessed a witch burning myself but I heard a lot of stories. Normally these stories involve very vivid descriptions of torture. Everyone I know who has spent time in the Highlands tells me that the stories are real.
The way that Papuan's treat their dogs is appalling. Our ancestors called these arseholes "savages" for a reason and that reason had nothing to do with their skin colour. These savages beat their dogs at the slightest excuse and with such violence that they occasionally break bones. Even seen someone really beat a dog before? I have. Seeing the way the natives treat their animals has always infuriated me. Most of the whites in PNG are red-pilled on ethnic differences in criminal behaviour and, in the part of PNG where I grew up at least, it is common for whites to buy dogs from the natives and raise them themselves. Partly, this is motivated by a sense of charity and partly it is motivated by self-interest.
At first, the dogs are surprised to being treat well. Then they make an important connection. They come to associate violence with blacks and good things, like not being beaten, and getting fed regularly, with whites. Soon thereafter they come to despise black people and to love white people. These dogs are literally trained by their life experience to hate blacks and love whites. Naturally, the whites use them as guard dogs. A bit of encouragement and these dogs learn to attack blacks on sight and greet whites with kindness. Larger animals, like Alsatians, that can do intruders some real damage, are a real prize. My first dog was like this. We called him "Boka", which is the Tok Pisin for "Blacky".
I've plenty more stories. I'll type a few more in later.
No, this is not true. The smartest, on average (!), are Latin American ones, something any traveller or expat can confirm. Much more well-behaved, too. Has to do with the fact that the most muscular ones went to the US, while the more limber, more "brainy" ones perhaps, went to the cheaper Latin markets. The Peruvian writer Mariategui also wrote about the phenomenon.
To be fair, sorcery does exist.
In the NGO world there's even a saying about that. "You come as an idealist, become a realist, and leave a racist."
Please tell us everything about PNG.
ty for the info user. i will most def look into it.
ty for the reply. i already have a decent pistol. dont get to shoot it as much as I'd like, been thinking of building a range in my basement for it. would only be about 20 to 25 feet though, which isnt great but is still ok i guess for a bit of pistol target shooting. think i will grab a shotgun though, i have asked this question 2 other times and every reply but one has suggested grabbing a shotgun before going after a rifle.
yes user, your experiences are super interesting. if you have the time we would love to read more of them.
Anyone have that Alex Jewnes pic shilling for 'Survival Shield' or whatever it's called? Wanted it for some OC.
Holla Forums literally believes in white magic though
Why did you live there?
I love reading stories like this, they remind me of the stories some South Africans have posted here.
Any worthy pdfs that show the errors the Axis made that costed them WW2?
Can I get a phone number online that will allow me to unlock a twitter account so I don't have to give a real one?
Get a burner phone
I'm aware of that option and have been meaning to buy a couple of them anyway … but there's no online option? Talkatone? Anyone had success with something like that?
Good stories user
Anybody got documentaries or films that are interesting, about Australian history?
I just watched this all of the way through and it was both entertaining and somewhat educational. I know nothing much about Australia, as a Burger, so I'm counting on some cunts to set me straight
Also just in general, if anybody has a link to youtube or torrent for some specific historical documentary they really like, plz gibs
White magic. How does it work?
With all these moloch black magic satanists killing babies for their blood, it makes me wonder. How can we use white magic to combat their black magic?
It's cargo cult thing. The MSM decides to give you something, for their greater purposed, and you ascribe it to your magick. Simple as that
purpose of course, but I don't back down from the idea that mememagick is a shill scheme
A Jewish fantasy of redefining words to pretend that groups aren't biological but an act of choice and will. That is, it's trying to rewrite the truth of a nation being blood (a collection of similar organisms banding together for their common benefit) to a lie of it being based on some common ideal (the common acceptance of some "proposition"). For example, pretending that being American means believing "all men are created equal" in the most Jewish sense of that phrase.
This is observably flawed in many respects. First and foremost is that it is evolutionarily stupid, and no sane person is going to follow it because of that. Would you abandon the concept of family in favor of some vague collection of individuals who all believe the same thing? You go extinct.
The other problems as well, such as the fact that no one will actually state which particular proposition people are assenting to. That no government on Earth bases citizenship on a proposition; does one stop being American the minute they change believes? Does an African from the deepest corners of the Congo become an American as soon as he believes "the American proposition"? This also relies on the fallacy that there can ever be unanimous agreement amongst any sufficiently large group ever. It doesn't happen.
There are many other problems but that should give you a good idea.
There are no such thing as "white genes." Having a gene or collection of genes doesn't make you white or even partially white. Biological groups are based on genetic clusters and frequencies. Evolution is literally defined as the changing of genetic frequencies within a group. Ergo, whatever genes the children receive from their white parent will not make them white or even "whiter." They will have observably nonwhite genetic frequencies and thus will be nonwhite. The only difference is that because of their white heritage they will be smarter and more dangerous nonwhites.
Not only would this take so much sustained effort over many generations which is, in practice, impossible but it is also entirely pointless. Why waste the effort to turn brownies into whites when you have perfectly good whites? This stupid idea only ever pops up because guys want to get their dicks wet then post-hoc justify it on a race realist basis.
Does anybody have the videos from the 2006 American Free Press/Barnes Review "Free Speech Conference" or the 2010 American Free Press conference w/ Texe Marrs? I can share some rare revisionist DVDs in return.
Is there a Jewish connection to Parkinson's disease?
White magic works the exact same way as black magic. It tips the odds of probability in your favor. Black magic is done to specific entities such as Moloch. This entity might grant you more immediate, or repeatable success.
Magic doesn't need to utilize entities and simple magic can be done by complete novices to help tip odds in your favor. If you're an absolute beginner I'd recommend you check out sigil magic by Frater U.D, and the works of Franz Bardon (starting with Initiation Into Hermetics). If you want something more exciting but still very novice look into servitors.
Those should be more than enough to convince you it works or it doesn't. While these are very simple they can still be highly valuable to someone using them a correct way.
I have had very many incidents in my life of very great luck.. Is there ways of attuning to this without knowing?
Premonitions? "Feeling" something before it happens? Is that a thing with "White magic"?
Short answer is that white magic is about influencing the material world using immaterial truth, as opposed to black magic which uses material truth. Those who practice black magic deny the existence of the immaterial, and so devote themselves solely to material goals like longevity, power, and pleasure. These people refuse to acknowledge anything they can’t perceive, mainly so they don’t have to deal with the inevitability of their own demises. They don’t care about the consequences of their actions, because they consider the future to be some fanciful, theoretical phenomenon, which therefore doesn’t really exist. Those who practice white magic acknowledge that the material world is not the end-all be-all. They recognize that no matter how rich, powerful, intelligent you may be, you will eventually die and your body will turn to dust and the universe will go on without you as if nothing changed. The only permanent, universal truth is that which is immaterial. Things like morality, God, and memes cannot be killed, cannot be bought, cannot be controlled. These things exist independent of the material world, and so cannot be affected by it. However, these things can affect the material world by way of sentient beings like humans, who have the ability to perceive immaterial truth. Humans have the ability to shape the world in the image of the immaterial, and so make it into material truth.
If you want to know more, go read about Plato’s Theory of Forms.
What's Holla Forums's opinion on distilled water?
Either you dissolve something in it or it will dissolve shit inside of you.
this is on the front page of reddit
If we're going to talk front page of reddit, they were sucking LBJ's cock earlier. I thought that was funny
The free ones don't do the job 80+% of the time (100% in my experience), but there are paid ones (there's this Android app called Burner) that do the job right. I stole my confirmation number from an SMS confirmation that was luckily never used, and from then on I never had to deal with any problems regarding banning or anything similar.
Your Twitter name and other data (not necessarily including tweets) should be something realistic in the first weeks of your use of Twitter. For this, you can get help from, a site that generates fake user data to facilitate account creation. This includes a temporary email, which won't be a problem when it gets deleted because apparently Twitter doesn't care whether or not you "activate" your account via email. You'll be able to do almost literally anything you could do with an email-confirmed account.
Don't jump straight into debating with leftists, because you'll be an easy target to being banned as a new user. Start gaining a few followers by posting in rightwing/pro-White/etc related tags and search terms, especially the trending ones (you can change your trending preferences to whatever country or town you wish, or even worldwide) and debate exclusively there. Posting in multiple tags and search terms simultaneously will help you gain followers (which may not mean shit to you, but it's a Twitter status symbol). As you gain more followers (60-90 would be a good starting number), you can be more of a "free spirit" if you handle it and post in multiple leftist tags too. Because Twitter is a somewhat fast-paced debate ground, have an assortment of links, pics and whatever else you feel like being in need of at the ready. I get some of my redpill content from this little cloud I made myself here
There's the somewhat rare but existing possibility that people you disagree with or people you had a heated discussion with will follow you or like/retweet you. Regarding 'hostile' people who retweet you, there's not a big deal if the one who retweets you has 300 or less followers and you can ignore it most of the time, but if somebody 'hostile' either a) retweets your triggering tweets en masse, b) has a lot of followers and retweets even one tweet, or, worst of all, c) follows you, they should get blocked immediately on notice.
Blocking somebody under these circumstances is purely done for your own account's safety.
Same goes for people who 'list' you (there's going to be a notification for that), 99% of those people should be blocked immediately.
Don't get too wound up in discussion with one person if you see lack of will to have a balanced conversation, there's always hundreds of other potential redpill targets.
Lastly, for bonus status points: your Twitter popularity should be inversely related to the people you follow as your account grows in size. This is a tactic many Twitter-famous people (e.g. Trump) use. You probably won't need to follow that many people anyway, as there's a certain level of uniformity of ideas/content between accounts that share our viewpoints.
t. Twitter user who has spent a 6-month total on this service and has a following of 100 accounts I don't bother acquiring popularity as much as debating and posting meaningful original content
Search for more.
Didn't use it much, but it seems very good. The only downside is that the internet is slow as fuck.
Someone on that site probably got AIDS to prove they were a #goodally
I was unaware of that. I stand corrected. I don't know much about Latin American and the blacks in that region. I always assumed that the American blacks (av. IQ 85) were at the top of the pyramid.
Do you have any stories about the blacks in Latin America?
There are a lot of European and US firms that like to take advantage of the cheap and un-unionised native labour in PNG. Most don't advertise the fact though, for fear of bad publicity. When I last checked, the min wage in PNG was about 70 AUS cents a day. Most of the blacks are glad to get it.
If you want to start a plantation in PNG, you have to send whites to run the companies because the natives aren't intelligent enough to do so themselves. Despite what they tell the public, most of the firms that are active in the country are aware of this fact from hard-earned experience and exclusively hire whites for their top jobs. Because most whites don't want to work in these countries, the companies offer them very generous salaries to tempt them to leave the west. My old man took a job in PNG shortly after graduating from University because he was tempted by the money. Naturally, my immediate family moved up there at the same time as well.
Hang out on Holla Forums for a while. I've noticed at least one other PNG ex-pat posting on the board and more than a few white South Africans. I can recall coming across a Rhodesian on the board, a bit of a while ago. Most whites who have spent time in the black countries have at least a few stories to share. I expect that most of my stories are similar to those told by whites who have lived in Africa.
I'm still not sure what to tell you guys. I've a lot of stories but I'm not sure which ones you will find interesting. Normally, in my personal life, I don't tell stories about PNG because most of the stories I have about that country upset people.
I'm planning to go to the Mount Hagen show, either next year or the year after. The Mount Hagen Show is a kind of annual festival in the Highlands where the blacks put on their grass skirts, dance around a fire like a bunch of retards and throw spears at each for a couple of days. When I go up I'll take some photos and share them with the board when I get back. It'll be hilarious.
Meant to reference:
I've been asked to join the Lions Club multiple times by a family friend. They seem to do good work, they need the persons, and I am honestly having a hard time finding fault with the organization besides a freemason founder and having a women in charge of international with a name from the ((Levant)).
In fact I'm finding its doings to be incredibly mundane. Suspiciously so. No international controversy, no mass money transfers to Israel, only a footnote on its wiki about 'conspiracy theories'.
Anybody have any dirt on them? Are they truly a clean organization? Should I join and possibly reform it into something a bit more nationalist?
Nothing specifically, it's just that they seem much more mellow and easy-going than the US ones. In general, blacks are more concentrated towards the Caribe, due to the slave trade. Chile, Peru, Bolivia, "Southern Cone" in general - very few. Colombia, Northern Brazil = lots of them. Of course there are problems with poverty and violence (espeically Brazil), but it seems much more a class instead of a race thing.
I actually like South America. The miscgenenation has been going on for such a long time that the nations somewhat adapted and created new forms of national consciousness that in a limited ways transcend the older race-based caste systems (which still exist, of course). It's quite fascinating, actually. I can definitely see some form of LatAm NS rising in the future, one not based on race, but on the ruthless aplication of eugenics.
Forget it. Old-style masonry is much too mumbo-jumbo for modern tastes, so they created all the clean- and businesslike looking front organizations like the LC or the Rotarians. They screen you and once they see potential you will be invited to the more private meetings.
Blacks in the Carribean also have quite a bit of white admixture (at least in the English-speaking part) because they used work the plantations with enslaved Irish and the women were bred with Blacks (which pissed off the traders bringing in African slaves to no end).
I gotta do an essay for my modern philosophy course about Nozick versus Rawls (tl;dr Liberalism vs Libertarianism), and I we (it's a group thing) had to pick a "case study". Anyone have any ideas? I thought Occupy Wall Street would be a relevant one. Does anyone have links to good articles relevant to this topic that aren't too out there in terms of their views (for normies), and that aren't too difficult or long of a reading (my group partners aren't the sharpest tools in the shed).
No doubt about it. Another facet of the Anglo-vs.Latin-Blacks is that many US nigs seem to hate their own women, which is leading to quite an active sex tourism from US blacks to Brasil and Colombia, where the women are much more feminine. At least that's what I hear over at TRP/RoK.
Leftist scum but gotta admit she's pretty hot
What the… are you for real? I'd rather hump a hacksaw than touch that ugly dyke.
I believe they are more serious business than you may see at the surface (said surface being hardly even visible, tbh).
I know some members of the Lions in my town, whose regional website (which was not even on a domain of theirs) mentions little to no description about them (displaying an extensive list of events, as a compensation probably). For comparison, I also visited the website of the Masonic Lodge of my town, which is a lot more detailed and descriptive in many ways.
They keep their involvement secret and their regional congregation building is located on a street which I have passed dozens of times through but couldn't spot it if I didn't pay close attention. So there is some level of secrecy to it, but from my meager research I could not identify anything shady either.
The thing I know for sure is that their members get a tax exempt status, both because there's a document publicly available on a page of theirs mentioning it and also because I know a high-profile hotel manager who pays a LOT less taxes than he should, according to his earnings. Coincidentally or not, the same hotel's owner has hosted Lions meetings a handful of times in his event halls.
The rest I'm suspicious of are dangerously wandering into speculation territory, so I'll stop here and will let you make of it what you wish. My advice is that, if you join, you probably can't influence its structure in a meaningful way except if you're a wealthy high-profile person who can manage two separate lives.
Is there any archive on thread about jewish influence in science? (one month old, with pyramide pic)
https: //
I waited too long and now is 404.
How do you archive websites?
What is the best place to discuss Atlanteans, Hyperborians, and other prehistory civilizations? It seems like threads only show up very rarely around here.
I posted this in the wrong thread just now (kinda degenerate, kinda drunk) :(
Holla Forums I'm fucking sad, fat, and infinitely redpilled. What the fuck do I do?
I'm 32. I have no children because I can't lose weight and obesity is the single worst trait a man can have in the current year. I make about 100k a year, and no women give a single fuck outside of how they can use me.
Darkest place after Thanksgiving…
My little brother is 29, with three kickass kids that I get to visit occasionally and play with (the redpilled uncle). His wife I get to tease but ultimately always praise for having blonde white children.
I love my family but ultimately fucking hate myself for not being able to grow it. The last date I was on was with a blonde swedish hambeast. Should I just impregnate her and teach our children Evola and Alfred Rosenburg?
Again… 150% redpilled and MORE INTELLIGENT THAN YOU'LL EVER BE
Haven't been on Holla Forums in a while.
I heard from the (((media))) that Trump is considering Mitt Romney for Secretary of State.
Is this just gaslighting bullshit from the media, or is this a possible outcome?
you can start with not being a degenerate and losing weight
you can lose weight; try harder and get a better diet with no fast food or sweets in it; even birthday cake and ice cream should be gone completely, and stop having snacks entirely
you could also try a ketogenic diet, which you can google
furthermore, you should also fast; alot
fasting increases your testosterone levels drastically, at least if you do it for more than one meal, especially if one of those are dinner
and by fasting; consider it to mean not eating, just to make sure you lose even more weight
lift weights, stop touching yourself, stop overeating, stop looking at porn, stop cursingdon't ask why but it helps, stop drinking alcohol entirely, stop getting high on memes(and other drugs), and start going to a Catholic Church
what does all that intelligence mean if you're just another fat godless masturbating meme-spouting degenerate?
after you straighten yourself out and lose enough weight, then you can go looking for a woman; make sure shes 25 at the oldest, since if you wait too long to marry and impregnate her(32+), the chances are notably high that your kid is gonna have some sort of mental or physical disorder, and you might want more than one kid
take special care to make sure you don't get a gold-digger or a cheater, or both
and dont try to weasel your way around fasting with soft drinks or fruit juice: during then, drink water only, and if you go to Church whatever they give you doesn't count against fasting
My thought exactly. I can explain in perfect detail the most complex concepts anyone on Holla Forums has (and i have been for years) but I want to put a gun in my mouth atm fam :*(
oh and i almost forgot this one
stop staying up late if you do that; if you want 10 hours of sleep a day just go to bed earlier; but don't sleep until noon
and no more Holla Forums-tier acronym-speak either; thats cancer
Nah I'm basically zombie mode. I wake up at 6am and work 10+ hours a day. It's super fucking hard to even think about a gym after work.
I dunno fam.
Do I just keep on working my shit off and ignore any kind of family? Feels bad man…
The only acronym I used was "atm"
Is that now /int/?
…another reason for /rope/ I guess?
Maybe workaholic is the problem? Anyway if you are close to the work then you can walk to work and home. Other solution is to change your job so you have some free time.
I have heard before that pic related is disinfo and actually trying half the shit in here will get you killed.
Any truth to that?
What, specifically, is BS in here?
probably /his/
*tips fedora*
None of his picks are legit until we hear it from the man himself
Is it normal for the people with disabilities to have admiration for Hitler?
Well it's been around since the 70's the the author even aplogized for making it so if there was some bad doing then I'm sure it would surfaced by now.
Plus I own the book, most of it is how to fight, make traps, and use old guns, like 20% is drug making or something that could risk your well being. If you get hurt then it's most likely due to your own fuck ups
I was down to 220 witb Keto. It's a yoyo I did with no broader or larger goals.
Here is a better question…
Which Jew does Holla Forums want a fatass from /k/ to take out? My default is Soros… but he's pretty fucking old as is…
You could make your own thread here and I'm sure it would get attention.
the bananadine entry is bullshit but you already knew that, the recipes for explosives are total bullshit and WILL get you maimed/killed, some of the other stuff like dart gun schematics have been tested and dont work for shit, and then there's computer and surveillance information that's from 50 years ago and is no longer relevant in the slightest.
just check what you read with another source first and make sure that you're not being a dumbass. the book was written by teenage trolls and has purposefully wrong entries so that they could laugh at idiots hurting themselves, the bananadine being the most obvious example of that. so just realize that before you go in: anything more complicated than thermite is probably not going to work out. i havent actually read it in years though. be safe user
That's seriously in the anarchist's cookbook?
I havn't read the book at all to be honest. One of my friends was really into it a while back, before I heard about any disinfo. Why I bring it up now is there's a schizo I know who talks on and on about it as if it's some sort of super secret shit the government doesn't want people to know about. Is it worth bringing the disinfo within to his attention?
Did something happen at NSA? someone posted a strange link on half chan:
The link ends in "FREEASSANGE" and looks like a login session.
I'd rather not post it here.
Can anyone classify me racially? (nordid, etc)
Also rate me on a scale of 1 to 10
You're quite obviously irish, probably with a touch of english too.
Now don't put your face on an imageboard ever again. That's among the lowest tiers of faggotry. And if that's not you and you're somehow "trolling," I don't see how that's funny.
Someone shop Assange into this picture, it's almost complete
Bump for this post.
I have trouble falling asleep at night, I can only fall asleep when I'm really tired. I've been taking vitamin d which helps produce melatonin which puts you to sleep, I've been getting tired around a certain time, but I sort of screwed up my sleep pattern, been falling asleep around 1-2 am. I need a foolproof way of getting to sleep.
There's no easy answer. I know that a lot of sources say to take vitamin D before bed, but there's actually conflicting evidence on that. Consider that it's "the sunshine vitamin".
If you want a suppliment that (in my honest opinion, I've been taking it for a year) actually works to help sleep (and I've tried a lot of things, melatonin for example that I didn't think really worked). Try ZMA. I hate to recommend a specific brand but Optimum Nutrition ZMA is what I use and it's inexpensive. Take 2-3 of the capsules an hour before bed. It has specific forms of Magnesium (most Americans are deficient in this, and it's essential), Zinc (good for men in particular) and B6
In the end sleep comes down to a steadfast focus on routine, sticking to a schedule, making sure to be active during the day, getting sunlight at the right times. If you get on a good schedule you can't fuck it up by sleeping in on a weekend.
Successful people aren't successful due to intelligence, they're successful due to discipline and impulse control.
No easy answer
Hungary, Iceland, I would say Ukraine but I don't know how heated things are there.
Here's one for you.
Would this nazi-obsessed assborgor have murdered jo cox if the mass media had not been pushing the "brexit is racist" line?
The commie is dead. Who cares.
It's just a thing I'm wondering about… almost made a new thread to talk about it but realized people would whine.
I'm just baffled by how incredibly useful he has been to the left - for what possible reason did he do what he did.
Currently taking vitamin d because winters approaching and sunlight isn't strong enough to get vitamin d, come summer I'm off the supplements, but I digress.
I'd say I'm malnourished I don't eat healthy. I've recently stopped feeling sorry for myself and want to become a better person, get healthy, get a job, and learn to socialize with normalfags and women. I literally can't hold a conversation with them because I don't share the same interests. I don't sperg out when I talk to them, I do make them laugh and if politics are brought up I can go on and on, but no one wants to listen to that. But I wish to become a conversational wizard, are there any books on the art of wordsmithing, talking to people? I realize this is a bit autistic, but I honestly I can't talk to them. Sorry, I got a bit off topic here replying to your post, your advice is very helpful and I'm very thankful for it.
Am I still acceptable?
You die first for trying to bend the envelope.
I have the same problems so I can't help much. I know from my own experiences that it's hard to get out of the hole if you're surrounded by dysfunctional family and friends/acquaintances.
As for getting a job, it's much easier to get one going to a temp agency than it is to scour classified ads and whatnot. And a job from a temp agency has much more potential to be good than going to some retail store and applying (and retail stores are always hiring but it's designed to be a shit job that goes nowhere and is difficult for people lacking "people skills"). Note that not all temp agencies are created equal, some focus more on plain shit temp labor, where it will always be temp, some have more jobs that can convert to regular employment (where you get hired full-time). It's certainly something to look in to. Most even minor cities have more than one agency.
I don't know what to say about learning to talk to people other than try to bring yourself up and not associate with people that bring you down.
If your jewishness is very small then there's nothing to worry about. Simply don't have kids and you will be fine.
It seems like you are on the right path. Whatever you focus on is what you will get. Personally I am going the other direction. Done with wasting time socializing and dating has gotten old. People suck up way too much time and I've got better things to do.
One thing I will tell you, have some hobby or interest you can always fall back on.
Once you attain your current goals, you may wish to go back to your first love, whatever it may be.
Right on. Everyone needs to take notes on the words you just posted. No matter what your goal is, this is the way to get it done. Cut out anything that doesn't get you to your goal. Avoid traps, especially traps that result in an 18 year commitment (kids)
Just to add, about getting a job. I stuggled for awhile when I moved to my current location. Not a lot of jobs to be had except for working a cash register which does not appeal to me at all. I went to one temp agency (which is basically for mexicans) and got a seasonal job doing really boring repetitive labor, ten hour shifts. They ripped me off many hours but it was a paycheck. Then that was useful for establishing recent prior work history and I went to another temp agency that placed me in a warehouse job that was really pretty decent and full time. After three months I was hired with enthusiasm. Full time, benefits, quite a bit above minimum wage. The first agency was shit but it helped me with the second one which placed me at a really good and fair employer.
When you get your foot in the door anywhere, know that the most important thing is reliability. You must be there early every single day, and if you are going to be even a minute late, you call them and let them know. I watched a lot of other temps mess that up, it's almost the only thing that matters. Even shitty lazy workers will be kept around if they show up reliably.
I want to see you guys succeed before I die thank you very much.
Maybe he should learn what a semite actually is, Jewish converts as goys.
I guess I dodged a huge bullet for not being circumcised, I don't even think my father knows he has Jewish blood.
A lot of people are unaware of having tiny Jewish blood in their veins. Anyway you might want to check your genetic for disorders because many Jewish people have genetic disorders and may have passed down to your DNA. I hope you dodge another bullet.
What is the thing that destroy the window?
can't say for certain, but it's probably a modified break in rake
forgive my faggotry
Are the dutch actually white?
Thank you m8.
Is Soros dead or alive?
Yeah I can't seem to find any jobs, I really shouldn't be choosy but I don't want to work minimum wage I've wasted years not working and I need to make up some of that time with a decent $15-$20 hour job, thing is I'm unqualified with a lot of these jobs and I don't have highschool. It's really discouraging because I want to get a career eventually, but have no idea.
But the temp agency sounds like a great stepping stone, I hadn't thought to look into one, just hope I can find something that I'll enjoy. Thanks a lot.
I also need to find a new hobby I'm literally going crazy sitting in front of my computer. I understand your point on people, I hate them too but would still like to meet a girl. But my priority is unfucking my shit up, need a job, get healthy and fit. Thanks.
Why is it commonplace that younger people tend to be liberal and older conservative?
Is it possible to start a nation on old oil rig or shallowest watery land?
Sealand did it and you can too.
joes cock deserved it
Are Maine and Vermont liberals different from the rest?
Nice, I shall find the shallowest land around the Australia to create a bigger island.
Nah I rather to start a nation on artificial island than to join Sealand.
After hearing the music I was excited.
I thought of pic 1
Then I saw pic 2 and laughed
Then I was sad.
It's possible to do it in International waters I think.
Artificial islands would be feasable, but it would have to be made way above sea level to be accessible in the future. And would also take a lot of money.
I say, oil rig first, to get the money to make an artificial island.
purely hypothetically, taking out his son would be more painful for him and send a message to other globalists. Posted without prejudice, for entertainment purposes only
All work and no play makes jack a dull boy, can I get some recommendations for non pozed entertainment?
I don't know about the people involved making these being non pozed (doubt it) but the first season of true detective was good. Of course they fucked it up horribly the second season by putting it in Commiefornia and injecting a strong womyn and a faggot into the cast. Also just watched that Come hell or High Water movie and it was pretty decent. Dudes are robbing a bank and a guy there goes "But your not even Mexican." Kek
Learn a craft. Wood working and building models are good places to start. Very cheap to get into and improves your dexterity. Also at the end of each project you're left with something to show for it. If you need some extra money to get into it, start by selling your tv.
check out this guy's videos.
He's a bit of a "RANDOM LIFEHACKZ XD" faggot but there's some high quality content in here.
other good videos by this guy are a homemade foundry:
and how to make a cheap, easy to handle material that turns into rubber 10 minutes after you make it silicone caulk, water, and cornstarch
I think it is more expensive than artificial island because I need the private military contractors to take care of them so there is no way for me to take them unless the oil rigs are cheap on the sales.
Is ASMR degenerate?
everything r-18 you stupid fuck. learn to listen to the healing and non-degenerate ones.
Possible? Yes.
Feasible? No not really.
The main thing is cost its simply too expensive to do unless you're an oil sheik with more money than you know what to do with. Not to mention the long term durability of such an island is questionable and you would really only be able to do it on the continental shelf where there is land near the surface already so you couldn't go out into international water anyways in most cases.
A better idea would be buying an island or even just a large chunk of land far away from populated areas.
Anyone have that German guide teaching rapefugees how to fuck German girls?
Not a question but check out this video about how the Chinese worship white people.
Where the fuck do I go to pirate normie shit anymore? It seems like it's impossible to find ebooks and shit, or maybe it's just so simple that it's obvious to anyone who isn't out of touch. I'm out of touch though. I'm going to have to retire from the internet before long; this is how old people feel.
Just be sure to put some quality content and effort into the OP. Threads do best when the OP starts anons with good points to start exploring the topic.
The proxybay or dark-net demonoid demonhkzoijsvvui.onion
I intend to e-mail Jordan Peterson (the professor who berated six gorillion genders as being pants-on-head retarded) about authoritarianism (because he is against authoritarians, kind of a lolbertarian who wants freedom for everybody; basically civi nationalism) and how I think it is moronic to ignore the subversion process and give freedoms to your enemies/outsiders.
I'm in Canada, and his e-mail is registered with the (((university))) he works at, is it a good idea or should I expect the weasels at the university to forward it to the police as hate speech? I think I can redpill him with race stats, Jewish influence, proof of hyper-egalitarianism leaking its way into modern culture via Overton window, etc.
The bombmaking stuff is designed to get you killed.
You want a good bomb, or traps, or stuff like sprouting your own grains for homemade flour, you watch this hour long vid by an actual expert that knew George Lincoln Rockwell personally.
Anons, what is the best ancestral DNA service to use? By 'best' I mean one that
A) doesn't try to tell every european they have jew genes
B) can trace my dad's line, not just my mom's. Is there ANY service that can do this even though I'm female (pls no bully)?
Pic related is what I got from the Nat Geo service.
At the time I didn't realize I'd only be getting matrilineal line. Is there any option for me to uncover the other half of my DNA? My dad is deceased.
I had a board here when it was still .co and the busiest board was something called /22/. Lurked a bit after the first exodus; loved the Nasheed webMs… but honestly thought this place would be as dead as 7chan by now. Plus, I'm loyal to a fault… but finally had enough of watching the motherland turn into Holla Forums and here I am again.
What's with the default filenames though?
Shit is annoying. I save a lot of pics and when I eventually move them from drive to drive, the original date saved can get fucked. With the standard imageboard filenames, I could still look at 124xxxxx and know that's roughly '08-'09. This ee68vskkehz726…. shit though, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it.
Why does Holla Forums hate libertarians (lolbergs) ?
Holla Forums recently changed from the unix timecode filenames to hashes. No idea why, honestly and I haven't seen a single user that liked the change.
For books there's (the site name seems to change from time to time and the site is often slow if not down completely but it seems to stay with some variation of "libgen")
Tons of books there, a lot of them russian but also tons of books in other languages.
A lot of Holla Forumsacks used to be libertarians themselves before they made the transition to NatSoc or Fascism or Monarchism or whatever else. They usually see it as an infeasible model for governing a nation and only a stepping stone in ideologies for those that haven't had certain realisations yet.
Why is it unfeasible?
Because due to the adherence to keep the government as small as possible (instead of trying to keep it as clean as possible) and the wish to keep everything as laissez-faire as possible it has no defense mechanisms against (marxist) subversions. Also in most cases, though not all, it lacks a racial component.
At least that's my understanding of why Holla Forumsacks usually dislike it
People (especially the lowest common denominator, to which journalists try to appeal to) don't know that many words, so journalists use a mix of substitute words (either by forcing new meanings upon them or using already existing ones) so they can appeal more easily. And why wouldn't they, news sites are basically for-profit businesses.
Some individuals are usually assmad and blow off steam after getting BTFO on here, but other than that 8/b/ doesn't care much.
Yes, if you're productive and agree to be sterilized (people with non-congenital disabilities e.g. war veterans are not in this category though).
Because it's everything natsoc isn't.
Thanks for sharing this user. Please post more when you have a moment.
because young people understand jackshit about the economy
libertarianism is what led to today's cultural marxist PC culture
Man, I'm such a newfag.
What's with anons posting a one pixel image after posting another image?
What's with ID 000000? Pops up more often than by chance. It isn't like Heaven.
I'm stumped.
It's just lurk moar :^)
To get around not being able to post duplicate images
ID for TOR users
I've tried jewgling this but it being jewgle I didn't really find much, but can someone please show me instances of massive voter fraud? (illegals, dead people, bussing around). Articles and the such are best, trying to red-pill a friend slowly. Thanks!
At the inception of Rome, the coin was 95% silver.
At its end, the coin was 5% silver and the Roman hierarchy wouldnt accept their own coin as payments.
IE: It was the invasion, but not of barbarians, it was an invasion of jews around 45bc
protip: Its always the jews
Bumping this question for common interest.
Talking about overcoming your fears.
Does he have any brothers?
If you verified sources on this stuff and then found some more, it might make a great thread.
Will a genuine Trump hat fit on a size ~8 1/4 head?
nope :(
the hats adjust to a really big size so yeah
The hats are fucking huge, man.
Are any of you going to go to Trump's inauguration?
I think I might have a way to get tickets and definitely want to go, not just to see history being made, but to also see the faggot protesters and maybe get the chance to defend myself physically
Do we have a list of people with sources on that coincidentally died around Hillary?
gonna make a shameless request. Anyone have the video or link of the fat sjw college girl berating the two conservative guys? Yeah i know it sounds almost to common to find the right vid, but they are inside in the video, and she has this face of extreme joyful glee
Why are gays so afraid of people with CMV?
Not nearly specific enough in the current year
they are inside, its filmed from a low angle like they are sitting at a table. she is fat, she has dark hair but is white. she can barely formulate her sentences because of how giddy and gleeful she is
Not true, porn directors utilize different camera angles. Saying it's like looking through a window is totally inaccurate. Plus 50 percent of porn is just a girl with a webcam sticking a piece of rubber in her vag. Looking through the window at a girl masturbating is natural imo.
Those who stare into windows masturbating to people (aka "peeping toms") very often escalate to committing sexual assaults aka sexual predators.
It's not merely voyeurism like watching a solo clip. It's a horribly unhealthy behavior you sperg.
Predominately Brunn / minor Keltic Nordid, I guess. Been awhile so don't take my word for it.
Any screencaps on what to do if life feels empty?
Why is Trump against Oreos?
Work out or find a hobby. I make effects for my guitar when I'm bored.
They're another tentacle of the Jews
Does trickle down economics works? Was Regan's economy any good? Will Trumps be the same? Why did Trump offer tax breaks to carrier or what did he offer for them to keep the jobs in the US? I don't know what to believe. Who are better at the economy, republicans or democrats? All I see is anti Trump bullshit but I dont know what is truth and what is lies anymore. I don't think trickle down economics works and is a meme.
For what purpose?
How do you get any current flow?
What's the difference between Orthodox Jews and Non-Orthodox Jews?
What are Ashkenazi Jews?
Is there a difference between Judaism and Zionism? Thanks.
They're called coupling capacitors, they keep the DC from the battery flowing through the transistor while allowing guitar signal (AC) to pass through.
Is there some sort of running timeline of Holla Forums-related events somewhere?
Does anyone have a good book recommendation on the US - Israel - Saudi Arabia triangle?
At the risk of inviting shills, would anyone like to recommend a specific VPN?
does anybody have a picture of Americaball wearing the MAGA hat? of great thanks.
Is Anne of Green Gables quality shit, particularly for young girls, or some sort of subtle proto-female-empowerment trash?
(can't embed right now)
The series is shit - end result is WWI fapping + adoption of the child of a man she almost cucked off with - but the first entry seems like quality female media.
Is it still possible for king nigger to appoint merrick garland?
Some time ago someone from Templi Unam posted the unabridged edition of TUA by Serrano to a filehosting site.
Could some user upload it again to somewhere and link it?
I already own the book, I'd just want it as PDF to re-read it on a tablet.
During the debates, how come Hillary, who has more experience as a politician didn't use her connections to get proper debate information?
Why didn't she bring out the complicated mumble jumble and talk about ISIS in bullshit detail to make Trump look out of his depth?
Also, why didn't she lie about helping the working class? I mean, she lied about pretty much everything else.
She used her connections to the MSM, like that was any help. Trumped.
She mentioned what she'd do against ISIS in Mosul. Why tell the enemy what the intentions and directions? Trumped
Like Hillary knows about working class. Maybe the ones run by globalists. Again, Trumped.
Not really a difficult set of questions there.
Not the exact plan. But stuff like "we have to distinguish the moderate head-choppers!"
and ground reports of casualties from syria and so on. Just to look good.
But none of that happened. It ended up as "muh website". I guess the Hubris was just that astronomical.
Takes your emails and sells it forward to advertising companies. This nigga is a fucking genius money maker alright.
Say I need to print a poster or a flyer. How do I do so anonymously?
After this bro, take a coffee break and read a book or magazine. You've been on Holla Forums too long.
Your mistake was watching some dumb live-action adaptation. Of course that's feminist. The books themselves are gold. Personal taste aside, if you dislike the contents of Anne of Green Gables, I think what you dislike is White culture.
L. M. Montgomery's works are completely out of sync with liberalism and feminism. Examples: In the first book there's actually a Jewish door-to-door merchant who sells Anne faulty hair dye. Near the conclusion Anne chooses to postpone her higher education to help out Marilla. In Anne of the Island, the third book in the series, see the reasons Anne gives for choosing Gilbert Blythe over Roy Gardner; Montgomery is clear that betas finish last
The best adaptation is the World Masterpiece Theatre anime Akage no Anne:
For some reason, all of World Masterpiece Theatre's entries are inspired by writers of European descent, as if they were the creators of virtually every classic children's book ever written. Perhaps if they had been more honest they would have called it White Masterpiece Theatre''
Which spots in Trump's cabinet have been absolutely, 100% confirmed to be taken as of now?
I'm just reiterating this request. Anybody have good historical documentaries, especially ones that have a lot of acting footage in period garb and behavior? I really liked this one which is frankly just elementary-tier history for Australians, but I wasn't familiar with that. I should probably try to find out who made this one and look for others but cmon pol, give me some good documentaries on topics I might not know a lot about as a burger.
Doesn't have to be about Australia but other colonies or even completely different topics, as long as the documentary has a lot of period acting or whatever would be great
VP - Mike Pence
Sec. of Treasury - Steven Mnuchin
Attorney General - Jeff Sessions
Sec. of Commerce - Wilbur Ross
Sec. of Health and Human Services - Tom Price
Sec. of Transportation - Elaine Chao
Sec. of Education - Betsy DeVos
White House Chief of Staff - Reince Priebus
Ambassador to the UN - Nikki Haley
Does anyone have some charts or articles regarding somali migration to the US? Trying to make a point about the latest chimpout and I THINK I read a source earlier this year stating there has been a lot more somali influx during the Obongo years than before.
Thanks. Do you have a source for these?
I reccomend Jas. Townsend and Son's youtube channel, It's an 18th century cooking show focused on the Revolutionary war with period Everything. Have a sample:
Simple soldier cooking without utensils
/fit/fags who actually lift and have lifted for a good deal, where did you start from? Only workout regime I've acquainted myself with is Stronglifts, I wonder what else there is besides the /fit/ memes though (and explain why it's better if you wish).
7min workout is the best newbie friendly starter gig. Hell there's phone apps for it.
I don't, I got them off google. For some reason, Bush seems to have let in a tonne of Somalis.
How can I get across the idea that journalists are sometimes not neutral and instead "feed" the person to commit news or fish for a quote?
Tumblr Aside, How does Holla Forums actually feel about Women's rites?
Have you tried it yourself though?
Lurk more. For the time being, go to
Treating women like sand niggers do is disgusting and barbaric.
Entertaining Feminism was a fucking mistake. It was shit in the 1700s. It's shit now. Nothing changed in the interim.
TBH, suffrage should have stayed limited from the beginning, Citizens who sacrifice for the safety of the body politic only.
Muslim Gumball machine infograph please.
How can I into impulse control so I can stop being a degenerate scratch ticket addict? I tell myself I could win this time but it never happens.
That should be incredibly easy after this past election cycle. Just find videos of otherwise "trustworthy" and "reliable" media personalities crying because (((their))) puppet didn't win off of the vagina vote.
You can probably find better examples than Raddatz, but it puts the nail in the coffin she started building in the debate she moderated with (((Cooper))).
I have a theory that Europeans cannot build and populate lasting civilizations at tropical latitudes.
Consider day trading. It's like gambling, but socially acceptable and you're less likely to lose everything.
Interesting. Heard of it but never gave it a solid look. Will start my research. Any particular direction I should look in? Websites? Forums?
How do I competently argue back with people who constantly resort to using the worst possible scenario to everything I oppose? Every argument I get into is usually like this:
those are just a few examples of the shit i have to deal with. So far the only thing I respond back with is the fact that those scenarios are so rare that it doesn't make up for the overall abuse of whatever I'm opposing. The thing is, that doesn't really work. People just shake their heads and mutter shit like "wow its 2016 omg". Is there a more effective strategy here or should I stop wasting my time?
Just say that and watch them rage.
It's actually an effective way to argue a point. If you're principled, it's easy to argue your point to the extreme. Otherwise, you need to be more nuanced.
If you oppose abortion on the principle that all (human) life is sacred, then all life includes the lives of sick and disabled babies. If you're more nuanced, you can address why you're opposed to abortion and the circumstances that make the pieces fit.
I oppose abortion because I believe that (past a set point) it is murder. I believe that, since the medical definition of death is the cessation of the heart beating, then the definition of life is the beginning of the heart beating. This gives the expecting mother about a week to abort their baby without it fitting my definition of murder. I also believe that parents should not have children that they are incapable of raising, particularly disabled children. I would make an exception for them. They can counter with sick, disabled (curable or not), rape conception or whatever else, but it's your place to have your opinion on those circumstances.
I would encourage you to stop opposing the number one threat to the (((tobacco lobby))), and accept marijuana's existence as a useful drug for pain relief and an appetite stimulant and as the shitty recreational drug of choice for bernouts and friends. Smoking is shit-Hittle and Donald told me so. Alcohol is shit-Donald told me so. But, arbitrarily criminalizing marijuana overloads our criminal justice system, puts otherwise harmless individuals who have perpetrated victimless crimes in jail on the taxpayer's dime, and is an overall waste of time and energy. Plus, it gives a pretty good kickback too in tax revenue.
This is another example of knowing why you oppose something as opposed to parroting shit.
Fuck welfare queens and single mothers. Welfare faggots are functionally wards of the state and should have restrictions placed on their lifestyles and the decisions that they can make, chief of which is reproducing.
Look up Iron Ann's stances on single mothers, the absolute monsters responsible for raising degenerates, failures, and future single mothers to perpetuate the cycle.
OFC is an entirely valid response if they're an annoying fucking faggot and you just want to troll. I would suggest not communicating with "Current Year" parrots unless you need to practice for real debates and think you need a semi functional brain instead of a mirror or you're such a low self esteem faggot that you need to win arguments against people who are functionally retarded.
dont become a manwhore and ruin them for other men.
Also, how do I date anons? I'm a reasonably qt virgin in STEM, and the few anons I know are not suitable.
Wear one of these and wait for beefcake to bite. I recommend Camo for best results.
anybody have that picture of Hitler's unaccepted art vs art by accepted artists at the Vienna fine arts school?
What does Holla Forums think about the Transcendentalist movement of the 1830s?
It seems like the kind of thing a 1960s hippie would be into. Unless I'm just completely misunderstanding it.
Will the Ice Age come to Australia?
Why did Stef allow this teacher who is an obvious pedo onto his show?
Impressive numbers, both ID and post-number.
Are MAGA caps just generic baseball hats? I'm rural Canadian, so I bought one off Amazon and it came from China.
The brim feels gently padded, and there is a red string going along the border of the brim/front. Is this normal?
Schiele had his vision, even if it doesn't jive with me all that much, and he never surpassed Klimt who was his mater either. The others are absolute shit, though Hitler's destiny and best use wasn't painting landscapes.
kill yourself
What are some things that Hitler did wrong and should have done different?
Yeah, but I mean like things that affected his war-effort, things like the "le man who invades Russia in winter xD" but real things, not memes.
He should not have believed that britain wanted peace, that his generals actually listened to him and carried out his orders and putting to much trust in Göring.
I don't think one can deny that conquering Russia would mean absolute victory.
The problem is Blitzkrieg is far from optimal when trying to conquer the logistical nightmare that is Russia. Sure, the army made it to Stalingrad with haste. But when they got there they were too torn up from the journey to capture the city as easily as they should have.
They would probably be better off with a slow advance:
They should have occupied the land easily taken through Blitzkrieg and fortified. They could then establish airstrips and exponentially increase their effectiveness. This would be done in tandem with small squads penetrating deep into Russian territory to blow up railroads and the like. Stalingrad was very well defended with AA emplacements, so the initial assault would invariably have to be a ground one. But this time the effort could be focused on doing as much damage to their air defenses as possible, with a concerted effort in maintaining a path for escape. The bulk of the force would be outside the city, while a smaller (but still large) force would actually enter.
A few AA guns isn't necessarily a death sentence to a skilled pilot, and now hey can start dropping bombs.
There is a major drawback to this in that it would be slower (meaning a more powerful response from the enemy is to be expected) and all the territory you take up until the final victory essentially becomes a liability. Now resources must be dedicated to the occupation of shit holes with only temporary utility.
What did he mean by this?
Hold on.
*crushes Hittite with chariot*
So essentially what you're saying,
*builds pyramids*
Basically what you're getting at,
*irrigates farmland*
What you mean to say is,
We were pharaohs and such?
I'm not paying money for a fucking hat. I had left over gift card balance. Why would I give $30 to a fucking billionaire whose already won the presidential election, when I can just use a free merchant service to get it?
Why no-one is talking about Michigan recount?
It's underway you know this shit is kinda serious
Shillary already conceded. (((They))) won't be able to overturn enough states. If (((they're))) honest we're going to get a list of dead people and illegals who voted a dozen times and Donald will take the popular vote as well. If (((they're))) dishonest, and (((they))) somehow overturn the electoral college, we DoTR that much faster. As with all things the Donald has done thus far, we're in a no lose scenario, it's just a matter of which kind of winning we get.
While we're at Spencer, Vox Day said he'd be on "Spencer's podcast" yesterday. What's he referring to?
The kike missed Pennsylvania, but winsconsin and Michigan are doing recounts. It's still not enoough for hillary to overturn the results, yes?
The kike cunt was dumb enough to miss the deadline to enact a recount on a couple states. It's already too much of a mess, but I guess we'll just wait and see.
I'm obsessed enough with this recount bullshit, so I went ahead and counted the states that approved the recount namely. Others states didn't bother to recount votes. I'm concerned over this shit due to Shillary's globalist faggotry
Trump's final tally was around 300~ (370 according to some sources) electoral votes already so this shouldn't have too much impact.
Though I'm not a burger so I'm unfamiliar when it comes to burginstan voting.
Also why the fuck Stein started a recount in fucking Nevada of all places? Shillary won the state already.
Proof of Jon Stewart Leibowitz being a CIA operative?
did anyone archive the student debt bubble thread. dammit i kept meaning to read it
Now that Trump is president,how will that affect me?
I'm a stocker at a shit store.
Will my taxes go down?
Will they have enough money to give me a raise since their taxes are being lowered?
How do I deal with my porn addiction Holla Forums?
Is CTR formatting real or is it just a way to discredit everything?
It seems to be a pretty solid D&C tactic considering morons keep bringing it up and derailing discussion
Get addicted to something else that isn't on a computer. Lifting/exercising, innawoods activities, working on cars, reading, etc. are all good activities to channel your energy into. Schedule a time and place to regularly do them and stick to it for at least 6 weeks. I say 6 weeks because that it the amount of time it takes to start rewiring your brain/body.
It remains to be seen. If he deports most of the illegals then a good chunk of the low skill workforce will be gone. This means employers will have to raise wages to attract Americans to jobs such as stocking shelves. Throw in his corporate tax cuts and we may see wages increase due to increased competition as companies move back home from overseas.
So my grandfather died, what are some ways of honouring him? He was a devout Christian who never had a penny because he spent all of his money building (more than 60) churches.
He also volunteered (as a foreign member) for Germany during WW2.
I don't even know how to follow in his steps, everyone I talked to said that he's the kind of man that no longer exist.
Besides prayer (as a Christian), what should I do?
The Eastern Orthodox Study Bible is pretty good, the EOB is better but only has the New Testament, you can also use the KJV, avoid the rest.
Is it degenerate to have sex before marriage?
Do you lads think Melania was a virgin before marrying Trump?
That would seem unlikely but what do I know?
I only first noticed that even mentioned yesterday. Before that it was "reddit formatting" which people were doing here forever without issue. Reddit formatting it caused by the narrow Quick Reply box. If you're not paying attention, single lines look like many lines and you might assume it's a paragraph and add a double line break for readability. Was never an issue until some months ago. I would assume that was also started by shills but it actually worked. I don't even know what CTR formatting is supposed to mean. The accusation comes from shills themselves most likely
This, and what is a good water filter?
There's a guy in /k/ claiming he's an Amerifat Ukrainian volunteer fighter. He's taking questions. Go shitpost about him being a Soros cocksucker.
What's the real deal on Cicada 3301?
I'd like a second opinion on this
Holla Forums, I'd like to ask you lads a favour, can you develop me a daily routine please?
The thing is, I get home from school at 5:00pm, tired as fuck, I get some sleep until 8pm and then I start browsing Holla Forums or do things on the internet (unless I have an exam), I fall asleep at around 12-2am and then I wake up at 6am.
At around what time could I do exercise, study more, how much time? What are some changes I need to do? How do I do them?
It works if you cut public spending too and keep some regulations so corporations don't become too powerful.
pentagon program
Does anyone have the image of Trump at the dinner with clinton, where there is a purple/blue effect over the image except for trump, and it's captioned "KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN"?
I lost it, but I love that image.
Similar to this one
they just copy-paste news articles
What are the Orthodox nationalists's goals?
Saw this in the velocious threads
>>>Holla Forums1113232
Skimmed and the sentiment seemed to be that they don't care even if they think white genocide is real.
Nice you faggots, that will definitely get the white working class on your side instead of choosing things like Brexit and Trump.
Visit his grave often and put some flowers there.
Have a family and tell your children about him.
Are you talking about sleeping with your future spouse or sleeping around in general?
Okay, I give up. I'll just have my brother take a DNA test for me.
Which service should I use? Which are the ones to avoid because they try to paint everyone as fucking jewish diaspora?
From what I've read so far, 23andme and ancestry are both shit. Accurate?
Is "kissing frogs" a euphemism?
It basically means don't sit on your laurels, always seek to better your situation, always look for new opportunities.
It come from the old addage/fairytale where a girl kissed a frog and he became a prince. I think the story is called the golden ball or something?
That's the one, thank you!
Why did the "vaccines don't cause autism YOU FUCKING IDIOTS REEEEEEEE" shit spring up all at once a couple years ago? Was it just a case of "we're talking about it because everyone else is talking about it" or was it coordinated? Did someone discover something the kikes didn't want getting spread around?
I'd bet its mostly because of morons. Also, partly coordinated media campaign against those who are exposing the poison that are vaccines.
I've got a couple other (related to each other) questions:
How do I know what is real? How can I be sure my perception of the objective Reality isn't being fucked with? (and I know that isn't subjective because repeating "traffic isn't real, Neo" enough times doesn't stop you from getting creamed.)
Is the question of "what is real?" irrelevant?
Is there an objective purpose to existence outside of "survive&reproduce" (both seem insignificant to me)? Is there anything to spirituality that can't be chalked up to hallucinations?
-t. an user who's searching for some meaning here.
One question, when talking about communism, who decides that I have more than I need?
Imagine I am a rich nerd that loves scifi and my dream is to build a spaceship, this scifi style spaceship would cost 10 trillion and I only have 500 billions.
How the hell do you decide for someone else (assuming you arent a magical being like god), that someone already have more than what they need?
are you talking about the idealistic "ebrybudy lubs ebrybudy" communism or the communism that actually exists?
The general answer is that:
a) money doesn't exist so the concept of being "rich" really only has meaning as far as the resources you own
b) private ownership of land is abolished so the raw materials under the ground aren't "yours"
c) private ownership of the means of production is banned so the machines required to build the space ship aren't "your's"
so the concept of being "rich" would only be relegated to owning a vast amount of what's called "personal property" in communist theory. This is shit like toothbrushes, a table you personally made on your own time, and other shit that would be retarded to collectivize ownership of.
This kind of property is of no interest to communists so you would be allowed as much of it as you like as long as you're contributing your fair share to the community when your services are required.
"your fair share" tends to be determined by a megalithic bureaucracy and not meeting your quota often would be harshly punished, including by the seizure of personal property. It also tends to strip everyone of virtually everything and make the population so wholly dependent on the state that they can't possibly become "rich" in any sense.
Ideally, though, it's supposed to be mob rule. nobody wants to piss off the mob so as long as the mob stays hostile towards hierarchy everyone's going to take steps to ensure one never forms while simultaneously keeping everyone doing just enough to avoid being called slackers.
Though I have heard of democratic systems proposed (one I hear often among non-anarchist commies is where a few people appointed by the community discuss a measure and are given free reign to change it during the meeting. The measure doesn't go through unless there's a consensus). But I don't see that, even hypothetically, as an efficient system to determine workload.
As far as your spaceship goes, you personally would never be able to build it on your own (even in a capitalist system unless you want to know every single bit of knowledge and acquire every single skill that goes into it). The difference between communism and capitalism is that in capitalism, you convince people to help build it with money and then you claim the space ship as your own; in communism you convince people to help build it so that a fucking spaceship exists and that a successful first ship might prompt the community to want to make more.
thx fam
Imagination creates reality; reality is servant to higher levels of being, a mere canvas for us to paint on and experience and even struggle against. The so-called reality we face today is that of the jewish collective consciousness; it is a sham to us who have seen better, who have felt better, who remember better… we have seen the splendour before, whether from sweet memories of our distant Heimat or from past lives of a better age, what we face today is the illusion that must be overcome and it must be overcome first in you before this canvas begins to reflect that overcoming. We can create pockets of reality with our own lives.
Survival and reproduction is not our keystone, in fact self-sacrifice for what is superior is the greatest way to live, and what is superior is seldom tangible especially in these days of ever-increasing delusion and degeneration, but within you it can be far more tangible than anything out there and this drives us to the forge of creation and destruction. Inspiration is a far greater child or a far greater parent than one made of flesh who can easily lose its way when not facing the inspiration and memories that made its continued existence worthwhile. And so we try to recreate the superior beyond to try and raise this world, but only when we cut through the delusion can we begin to paint the world in our colours; in these degenerate times we are either above it or against it, or both – the ones stuck in it (who go along with it) are the enslaved, sleeping amnesiacs who are good are reproducing (and even better at committing suicide) but create only mediocrity or worse, so it is no surprise that such things are celebrated today.
Climbing the mountain, reaching the unreachable, surpassing the gatekeepers, slaying the dragons… and then dancing at the top with our beloved who has awaited our return. That is reality and has little to do with your day to day life, but you can surely share it with others although they will likely not believe a word of it. They love those stories the most but refuse to live them because they don't see the dragons and are too afraid to reach for the horizon, thinking there is nothing beyond there because they cannot see it, so they remain trapped and manipulated.
You who questions, who breaks away from the herd, carve out your own struggle.
This is already the position of most anons here, so I don't see what the problem is
Can you explain?
Is it degenerate for a man to have anal sex with his wife?
By default, the word "degenerate" means "in decline, in a state of no progress or creation"
You cannot procreate via anal sex.
Therefore, yes, it is degenerate.
l was arguing with a few guys on another forum who believe in the whole NWO conspiracy theory, the Rothchilds, and all that other bullshit that Alex Jones and the like use as a cover up instead of saying they're Jews. l called them out on this, saying that the elite is almost completely comprised of Jews or have connections to lsrael, and that all Alex Jones does is shift blame away from Jews and Zionism (cited 9/11 as an example).
One of their responses was saying that l'm mistaken because all the Jews that l'm talking about are actually "Sabattean Frankest Jews and worship Satan, Baal, Lucifer, Sargon, Nephilim, etc..". He also said that Hitler and nazi elites were part of this group. After reading this l pretty much dismissed it as rubbish.
l guess my question is, what the fuck is all that shit? lt all sounds like garbage and a way to acknowledge that the real elite are born Jews but not real Jews.
Err, most anons believe just that, except they reject the claim that Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild agent as a postwar conspiracy theory. Jews are just a cult of Egyptian-Bablyonian-Carthaginian-Canaanite-Israel-Khazar baby killers (cult of Canaan, Synagogue of Satan, Moloch-worshiping, left-hand path, etc.) who invented a novel form of fractional reserve banking/fiat currency some few thousand years back and have used that form of magick to maintain their wealth/power over the course of millennia. The insane child abuse and child sacrifice is just a remnant of what was once normal human culture, it has persisted, much like circumcision, through the cyclical nature of child abuse, dissociation, reenacting one's abuse onto another as a form of abstract healing, etc. (see: psychohistory).
These people are either social evolutionary fossils, or literal archon/demon/alien entities.
Judaism utterly depends on its temple, which was destroyed in 70 AD and never rebuilt. (Meanwhile, the temple of Baal got destroyed last year and the "Jews" immediately built hundreds of temples to Baal all over the world.) The actual Jews back in the day either converted to "Pharisaic Jews" (Baal cultists), or converted to Christians and were subsequently hunted down and murdered by the Baal cultists.
To put it simply: There is no Jew.
I should clarify: there is indeed a single, hivemind-esque race actively trying to destroy Western Civilization, and I encourage you to continue naming them. It'd be more accurate to refer to them as "Pharisees" or "Canaanites", but those terms would have to be explained to people, while on the other hand everyone knows what race you mean when you say "Jew".
(polite sage for doublepost)
second generation russian burger here- this is a question for the Holla Forumsacks still in the homeland of europa:
I think america had a huge victory with trump and all- but tbh I think a lot of people on this board are still in the afterglow about it…I've been trying to pay close attention to the upcoming elections in western europe and how good the nationalist parties chances of uncorking the place are- but it seems like yesterday was a huuuuge setback.
Yeah- some random italian refferendum was passed that would't give (((emergency powers))) to the eufag prime minister there- but we lost austria real bad. I'm not trying to sound like a despair shill- so I am asking the european Holla Forumsacks to enlighten/motivate me: realistically, how much of a chink in the armor is this for the EU, globalists, and zionists? It really doesn't seem like that much of a victory I can savor- but maybe I'm just an uneducated burger. tell me how it is fam
Not really. The media was pushing it as the second coming of hitler (for the gazillionth time, but still) and he almost won. This wouldn't have been that close a few years back. We just need to keep on redpilling and it will be a consistent 60% win.
I don't think it is degenerate.
t. Watches hentai with his wife for almost a decade.
Would you - Holla Forums - say that the overall opinion on Trump has cooled, especially now in the transition period?
I've been here since the primaries, witnessed the birth of the God Emperor memes and so forth. Enjoyed the hell out of shitposting in the mile-a-minute election night threads as it actually fucking happened. But what now?
CTR shills parrot the defeatist cucks' narrative "buh buh buh both candidates were bad ameriga is kill buh buh buh", and demoralization has spiked noticeably. Recent events still aren't encouraging.
Personally, all I want from his guaranteed 4 years in office are the wall, mass deportations, and kebab ban. There are way too many people here thanks to the gradual cucking of both major parties, and amnesty for every fuckwit who manages to cross the border.
Shitskins should always be the first to get kicked out, and I want to see it happen.
What is the OP photo and why do I like to look at it?
yeah its easy to push someone as hitler in the media but that norbert guy had the added bonus of actually being Austrian
I think that had some effect if Austria produced another hitler it would be too hilarious
He just has to run again in 4(?) years. If the EU still exists, he'll nail her coffin.
Also we should help drive the "everything is hitler" meme - let the media be the boy that cries wolf.
Thank you!
What do you people think of the Wachowskis who created The Matrix, which is where the term "redpill" comes from?
They're a pair of jewish trannies and their movie was an analogy for leftist revolution in modern society, what else is there to say?
I feel like them becoming trannies was a psyop and of course their movie was as well. Probably close with the types like the google founders that are transhumanists. And I realize the difference between trannies and transhumanists, but I think they are transhumanists that see promoting transsexualism as appropriate to break down existing society in pursuit of their goals.
How did humans move those heavy stone blocks? They just got a bunch of slaves to drag them all up? Do we even have the knowledge of how that was pulled off?
Then why do we proudly use the term "redpill"?
I'm reminded of the phrase "woke". Usually for totally different beliefs, but the core message is the same.
Because it was a powerful message in a movie that everybody watched? At the age I was at when The Matrix came out, it made a distinct impression on me. Yeah they seem to have some occult and frankly strange beliefs but it was still a movie that influenced a lot of young minds. The "red pill" in the movie was a meme, used by people that are probably our enemies.
It is pretty ironic that we're using a term from a hollywood blockbuster directed by jewish incestuous tranny weaboos where a jesus-complex 1337 h4x0r takes drugs in order for a nigger to help him defend multcultural zion from a machine that caused muh climate change.
That said, it was good for the time.
I remember seeing a few times Holla Forumsacks saying that "teenage rebellion" was nothing but a jewish myth. can someone care to expand more on this?
Actually it was done by the U.N in a vain attempt to stop the machines since machines ran on solar power. in the end it fucked up the humans more than the machines.
Oh yeah. He still has to play buddhist kung-fu vidya like an autist so that scentient chatbot illuminati CIA MIB doesn't turn him to the dark side.
Yes but you will have to have free medical care available for 24/7. Private community should be membership based and no houses is to be owned but to be rented.
So you're saying that all sex that isn't explicitly for procreation is degenerate? That the only time a man should have sex with his wife is when they are actively trying to get pregnant?
I'd learn autism kung fu if I could just jack it into my brain tbh.
mix that with western martial arts and mastering medieval weaponry and I'll be the best knight who ever lived.
Does anyone have a screencap of Roger Stone's original tweet about Morrow and the Caligula's horse senator comparison ?
most of them are fetish videos at this point
sluts found an even easier way to make money than twitch
absolutely degenerate
What's with the "serveimage" filename I see in almost every thread?
idk user but i have the same question for
'clipboard image'
i want my pics to have a tidy comfy title like that
Got the answer in another thread. serveimage is the filename given to results of an ixquick or startpage image search. Pretty sure clipboard image is the default name for some method of takinga screenshot or just pasting an image from your clipboard.
Some people are this retarded, indeed.
Of course sex is to be had for pleasure. To assume otherwise would mean that you either:
1) Don't consume any food for pleasure and just eat based on nutritional fact-sheets, or
2) Are a hypocrite.
Pleasure is good.
Press Print Screen and Ctrl+V on the text field.
I think the movie made them trannies. They went too much on the rabbit hole.
Just trying to survive.
You sleep only 4 hours?
Mineral water.
No. You should fuck as many girls as you can before marriage.
If he deports illegals, your chances of getting killed in a shootout are reduced, other than that, in the next 2 years it won't affect you in any way if you are middle class, but if Trump plans succeed, you might be richer by 2020.
Cuck, you bought a counterfeit.
Even if you would buy a printer, it prints on it an invisible yellow shit that can identify you, so unless you buy an used one from craigslist anonymously.. If you want to print at shops, tell a hobo to print it for you.
there are tons free
what do you mean?
yes, they work
there is a trump curse list
it does not
pirate what exactly?
better call saul
he's alive, but even if he would die, they would say that he's alive
it's shit, outdated.
for every pick there were shills saying some dumb shit, anyone remembers the bullshit about Holla Forumsanon being a neo nazi from 1week ago?
CIA op to replace "conspiracy theory"
Communism ruined east europe, average salary is like 300 euro while you do the same work in uk for 1200euro
zerohedge, dredgereport, returnofkings
yes, they're still raping and stealing
do volunteer work/unpaid intership.
hitler's son
When you click on a youtube embed, does Google know that you came from Holla Forums or does it just say to them?
They know which thread you are coming from. They also get the information from the thumbnail, which is hosted by them.
Please explain.
Can any of you drop me some Pence memes?
Specifically the electric bill maymay
I think the story behind the matrix was already existent as a graphic novel or just plain novel and they did a film adaption. The producers didn't realize how powerful the "world is a lie" meme was at the time and they scrambled to make it kosher with the sequels (everyone in zion is black or mulatto). Having them turn tranny is a common way of discrediting people (see manning). They probably got poisoned with estrogen or something
I think the main takeaway is that the vagina was designed for having sex with, and an anus is not. You're getting shit all over your dick and that is dirty. You might as well be a sandnigger at that point.
bad advice, your marriage is more likely to fail in relation to how many premarital sex partners you have. There's been graphs about this posted frequently.
embed should be disabled on here. It's such bad opsec
not that user but he's referencing how their society has always been insular. They have kept their generational abuse alive by having separate communities from their host nations. This is why they got kicked out of so many countries over the millenia. It's also possible that their mtDNA or DNA is different and makes them susceptible to demon possession, if you're open to more fringe theories. A jew is only a "real" jew if their mother is a jew, which means there's something about their mtDNA which is unique.
Yeah that's actually the direction I wanted to go. In terms of answering the JQ nobody, it seems, talks about this.
Thanks, user.
I needed this, truly. Thank you.
ive never embedded anything before.
pls work
pls no bully
Damn, the feels. I completely understand the catharsis you gain from going towards the pain. I tend to do that myself. Cold showers everyday to get used to the cold, core workouts where you're just full of pain for minutes at a time, running to the point of exhaustion and injury, hikes in terrible weather and terrain, etc, although I'm not to your level yet (23 years old). Perhaps the most important thing that I've learned is that you gain so much more knowledge and understanding from experience then research. The sort of understanding that you can't fully describe to someone. The embrace of pain is one of those things. Thanks for the post user, best of luck in life.
What are some good documentaries besides TGSNT that I should watch now?
Cold war era documentary on China tickle your fancy?
Der Ewige Jude
I still don't understand how people can be this retarded when it comes to the topic of anal sex. You don't fuck a woman up the ass immediately after she eats Taco Bell, you autist. Generally when people engage in anal sex, the woman prepares by giving herself an enema first, thereby making sure her lower colon is free of feces.
I'm really blown away that some of you actually think that all anal sex involves getting shit on your penis. It's surreal.
Anyhow I'm going to continue to fuck my wife in the ass because I love her, and she loves it. Thanks for your time regardless.
top kek, analanon BTFO
Anyone have trouble connecting to RT news from the US? ATT provider does not connect to RT for 3-4 days now.
Absolutely. 23andme even has particular surveys asking about user's ashkenazi descent. It's insane how ashkenazi centered 23andme is.
I did it before FDA came in (December 2013) and fucked up everything, because I wanted to know about predicted ailments, which you cannot view now. So I wouldn't recommend doing it now. And yeah my Y-haplotype is R1b and my ancestors came from Doggerland. Big whoop-dee-doo, so is 13% of Turkroaches.
Anybody got some good red pills against the "Priest Barracks of Dachau Concentration Camp" and Maximilian Kolbe?
Fucking kek. BTFO
Here's an interesting article, explaining a scientific argument for abstinence, or at least holding off until you're both committed, in a psychological sense.
I wear prescription Ray Ban glasses, the basic Wayfarer style frames. I picked them before the advent of "problem glasses" because they function as good looking glasses but also function as good looking sunglasses if you have the lenses that change under sunlight.
Kind of at a loss for what kind of frames I should switch to when the time comes, if I should even bother. I'm concerned about being mistaken for some type of signalling leftist numale…
Where can I get a printed copy of the Stalag version of Mein Kampf? I don't want to go through 800 pages of text on a computer screen.
What is the deal with National Socialist Germany playing a part in the creation of Israel? How much involvement did they have? What was the purpose?
If one effectively decided to go innawoods. And had a pet they very much cared about, but no family they could trust. How would one deal with a pet they have had for a decade? Can't bring pet with them
Never soon enough.
Because Germans wanted somewhere for the Jews to go. The oven technology wasn't fast enough to cook them all so they needed a place for them to go. Unfortunately the tribal nature of Jews required their cooperation for it to work, and killing all the good German men so that you can drain Europe of its resources was a more attractive choice for the Jews.
Judaism greatest weapon, what's good is bad and bad is good.
A decade? If it's a dog I'd look online for local rescues to take the dog. If it's a purebred I would widen the net to breed-specific rescues because they tend to take very good care of their foster animals.
If it's a cat, I would have it put to sleep. The process of being in a shelter cage (or even a "foster home" at a rescue) would be terribly stressful and I'd rather not put a cat through that especially an old one (I had to do it once and I regret it).
Is Judaism is a religion? Is being jewish a race or a religion? I know they're sub-human parasitic scat-obsessed scum, but what the fuck does being jewish mean?
Why even purposefully kill a cat anyways? Just let it live in the wild and be done with it. It'll be more than capable to survive on its own.
Judaism is a religion that focuses on empowering the in group and keeping the secrets and influence within their secret clubs. Their values have no consequences for evils perpetuated against the goyim, so they skim off the top or perform acts of violence at every opportunity of they can get away without consequences.
You could say that followers of their many seeded ideologies are also of their beliefs, but only as disposable servants meant to enrich their hedonistic lifestyles.
Basically they spread their ideology just like Christians or Islam, but instead of a heavenly deity they worship Jewish thought.
I know how to make things that go boom and trying to create any bomb depicted in the book is a surefire way to get yourself killed.
That's not true at all, especially for an old cat who would be vulnerable to the elements, disease, and younger stray cats fighting him.. ]
If this cat had been living its whole life wild, fine. But user's cat was cared for and is accustomed to that lifestyle.
Did someone make a new QTDDTOT thread a while ago? I swear I saw one earlier about two days ago.
Yeah, here
What ethnicity do you think my grandpa is? Do you think he could have native blood?
why are some people with disabilities communities allowed to be xenophobic?
Why are there so many spam bots that pol has 300 more users than normal
How do I improve my memory into photographic?
Why are there three threads?
Why are there two ads below the thread?
Needless worries. When NK, US, RU and EU drop atomic bombs on each other, a nuclear winter lasting 50 years will follow. Then the tropics will be the only habitable areas.
Coincidentally, a nuclear war is also an effective solution to global warming.