Some weeks ago, there was a thread about German Nationalists and it came up that there was a term floating around they were using. Burgervolk or something, I can't remember and I can't seem to dig anything up on it. I should've saved it then but it slipped my mind. Would anybody remember/know what I'm going on about?
Some weeks ago...
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh nevermind, I'm an idiot. The term is Reichsbürger. Silly me.
Do you mean "Reichsbürger"?
God dammit
Soon to be Scheichsbürger
Sorry m8. I think this is the article I gleaned it from:
Has meme potential, but shit thread is shit so best let it go.
bump because german nationalism is important and is constantly against subversion attempts
You lucky fuck.
But are we the Reichsburgers? That's the question to ask.
she's a redhead with big breasts too, it is pretty rad
isn't reichsburger an inherently civic nationalist term
I'm sure you have the pics to back that up with.
i don't because I dont take lewd pics of my gf
i do not expect you to believe me, but things are always better in your imagination anyway
In my lewd imagination the drapes match the carpet, is it the same in real life ?
Sort of like Reichsnegers?
You mean Scheißbürger?
Red headed spic male, it does for me.
Why did you tell me you were a male ?
Can we cut to the chase and make it a qt thread?
To ruin your boner Kraut, why else? Btw I can bench 315 lbs, so I'm also a beefcake.
I think you'd fit in on TRS more than you'd fit in here
looked it up and found this
looks like even more clay than the original Kraut Empire.
No homo brah, I'm just teasing you, you sensitive faggot.
What is this style of dress called?
pics or it doesn't exist
Dirndl/ Trachtenkleid also give good results, although not all of them are Dirndls
From kikepedia
you would always be a manlet faggot in spirit bro
kek I'm a king of the manlets, 5'10", ayyy lmao
Wait they support The Weimar Constitution, was there anything good about that? Did The Third Reich have/plan to have a constitution?
The third reich's constitution still used the weimar constitution, everything Hitler did was legal, it was not some huge usurping of power from the old order of things, but Hitler's rise to power was much akin to Donald Trump's
Pics. Nao.
Im French not German.
All Hitler did was invoke the Weimar Constitution's emergency powers after the Reichstag fire, then passed the Enabling Act which allowed him to make laws without regard to the constitution.
Naturally when the Yanks wrote the postwar constitution, they stripped out those emergency powers, so in the event of a red uprising the government would just have to lay down and die. However the American constitution still has similar emergency provisions.
You're not ruining anything on my end actually. Thanks for the visual!
I want to a drink from her tits!