I want to cum first before i lock myself in chastity. Somone else here said no. So i leave it up to luck...

I want to cum first before i lock myself in chastity. Somone else here said no. So i leave it up to luck. Dubs decides if i cum before or after i lock myself in chastity.

Attached: 20200512_211040.jpg (2592x1458, 979.79K)


>>827484652cum and eat it

>>827484898Oh so close. And im glad because im not a fan of the taste.

>>827484898This but while in chastity.


Attached: 20200318.jpg (719x474, 129.25K)

>>827485046What does that even imply?

>>827484652Eat black

>>827485200I dont know what that means so next dubs decide.

>>827485273Sage then, fuckin degenerate