ITTMy name is Colin Austin Klinger. I am 23 years old and I love to beat the shit out of women...especially in front of their children. My most recent beating was last night. It was amazing to feel such power for beating my now ex-girlfriend. I am the biggest scum there is on this planet. I am the lowest of the low. Colin Austin Klinger / 23 / Franklin, PA / 8146578782
ITTMy name is Colin Austin Klinger. I am 23 years old and I love to beat the shit out of women...
Other urls found in this thread:
just go to the police, we don't do your dirty work
fake and gay
>>827479296He sounds pretty based
>>827479584This.Give her one for me, Colin.
You could probably hire somebody to kill him if you looked hard enough.
Youre not telling the whole story. What did she do to deserve it?
>>827479296Hey Colin! Nice to meet you bud. I love to beat the shit out of women too. Great job, keep it up.
>>827479604I’ve come home with more bruises from trying to walk home drunk
>>827479296Nypa kill yourself faggot.
So who tf cares?What do you expect posting this shit?bet u are either white knight or dumb bitch friends of her just trying to act cool like "oh >:( i know a bad guys on the internet he will pay let it to me"kys>gay & saged
>>827479296BasedAlso not your personal army faggot go kys
>>827479296Only niggers attack people for no reason so what did you do whore?
>>827479296Bitch deserved it from what all her friends have said
>>827479296Fuck women and fuck you>Kys virgin
>>827479354>bbI have never denied a personal army request from a bigger bitch.
Sounds like a cool dude, would love to hang out with him
>>827479296Was the woman he beat virginal or was she a whore before having sex with him? Makes a big difference - if she was a virgin when he met her then he is scum; if she had already lost we virginity before she met him then who cares fuck off.
>>827480051Fuck off retard
>>827480051Virgin deff
>>827479296>chooses to fuck this guy>plays the victim >single mom Looks like Karma
>>827479734fucking kek
>>827479604What did he hit her with a pillow?Fuck outta here with your faggot White Knight shitassery.
>>827479296How about you post your real name so we can beat the shit outta you instead?
bitches get stitches
>>827479296I signed him up for spam sites lmao
>>827479518What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Do you really think that doxing this dude is gonna get you laid with this girl that you're clearly simping over? LMAO
This is a board of peace.
>>827479296Wow bro, why don't you just suck his dick already? You clearly want him.
>>827479296OP is the beta fag that stays friends hoping one day she’ll stop dating assholes and realize he was the right one all this time. Pitiful.
>>827481031Good job>>827481122Fuck you limey cunt boasting you werent the one posting shit because youre too afraid of confrontation>Ultra white knight
>>827481031You just got a desperate, good woman killed and a troubled Christian man led ashtray.
>>827481262They're called orbiters and they take alot of roach spray to get rid of, that or fire.
>>827481160Basically yes, let’s end this larp on a high note. You should anti-climatically suck a dick or go out John Wick style.
>>827481122You can stop censoring the Brook part. Going to his FB shows who he was in a relationship with.
>>827479296Op is a simp.
So he beat a woman...??It's not like he hit a person or a kid.
>>827481031Hahahahahah you hero, looks like OP is gonna get his ass kicked next!Now we need to send these messenger screenshots from OP to this Colin dude, and say that whoever sent these messages is the culprit, so justice can be exacted on this beta faggot OP.
hope she sees what a brae little man you are for doxxing her asshole chad bf and sees you for the nice guy you arepic related this is you
>>827481545You are an idiot. If you look at the screenshots you can obviously tell they are two different phones since the services are different you betafag
>>827481545It’s the ex posting it. She’s censoring her name in the messages but you see the “k” at the end of the last one. Her names Brook going by the Facebook relationship status
>>827481341If she was desperate, she would’ve gone to the cops. Posting somebody’s personal info in the hopes that somebody will attack him is harassment.
ITTA psycho ex fails to stir up the shenanigans she was hoping for.
>pic related
>>827479718Dumb bitch just doxxed her friend.
>>827481609Oh shit yeah I didn't notice that my bad>>827481640Hmm so do you think the ex is OP, or is the OP some simp in the friendzone who was sent those messenger screenshots by the ex?
Brook, there are rules.
>>827482290Haha you fucking whore kys
>>827482222Quads detected.Also, this is why you never burn the coal.
based colin
>>827482290I feel like this is going to end with somebody crying in the rain...
>>827482324Let it now, ...I mean...Le tits, now!
Holla Forums is not your personal army
>>827482688probably both of them they seem like products of incest
>>827479296I'm going to fuck his life up OP
>>827482864And on the next episode of “Cheating Whore” Brook’s personal army request has failed, what bullshit scam will she attempt next?
>>827483022find out on the next episode of Dragon Ballz Holla Forums
the hacker 4chan at it again
>>827483299Dragon Holla Forumsallz
32 yr old user here. Been here on and off for 10 yrs. Good work u sick fucks. >feeling like a proud dad rite now
>>827479296This kid looks frail as fuck literal twiglet arm looking manchild couldn't hurt anyone even if he tried. And the dumbass girl looks like she has a few bruises and nothing too serious.>beat the shit out of meliterally zoomers
Let’s go kick his ass
>>827481031you are a faggot
>>827482290lol shes blowing you off while you are white knighting you are a stupid ass bitch OP I hope Colin beats your pussy ass
>>827483844Joe Mama Swanson boutta do italso nice dubs
>>827482116Oh this is epic! She said to herself: “ I know a whole army of Internet tough guys who will fuck him up” then came here! Lol
>>827479700She was talking to OP, and poor Colin found out. And he lost his shit.Damn cheating girls.
>>827482222Nigger what the fuck is wrong with you.
>>827483674based digie checker
Yo Colin, if you're reading this please leak all of her info (as well as nudes if you have them) so we can fuck with her for you.
>>827484406This. Rolling for nudes.
reported for doxxing. Saged
hey colin. you have a jew nose and are a total chad. you have hand tattoos like a retard living off welfare and gauges because you wanna "express yourself bra"
>>827479296OP should get beaten up like this dumb ugly bitch he slapped. Blackmailing is way worse than a few bruises you fucking retard, go kys
Your calling this chick bb and shes fucking around with another guy and your mad at the guy. Your bitch made son
>franklin, pai grew up in PA and everywhere in pennsylvania except philly, pittsburgh, and maybe scranton plus the surrounding suburbs of each is such an incredible fucking redneck shithole. entire local economies never learned or cared to modernize after coal mining and manufacturing died and entire generations just sitting on their fucking asses never leaving their home county, beating their girlfriends and waiting for muh president tuh make amurica great again.the shamokin dunkin donuts video is a classic though.
>>827484172>NiggerYou just answered your own question
This is hands down one of the most retarded piece of confusing shit threads i've ever seen. Bumping
Just go run up on his ass. Say, “what’s hattenin’?”Then start hitting him in the face.What’s the worst that happens? You go to jail?
listen, fat
How about don't get with losers hoe
hey guys, this is Colin. I'm reporting eaxh and every one of you for harrassment. Have a good night kiddos
>>827479604Colin needs to swing harder next time. He barely even dinged this whiny cum hole.
>>827479296Hey Colin are you friends with Chris Brown ?
ATTENTION EVERYBODYI have spoken with Colin and he is a based dude. I think he's a normalfag but he is a pretty chill guy. I've sent him a screencap of this thread in case he needs it in court. He is my friend now so everybody back off and find your own friends, faggots. He's mine.
>>827480922She sounds like a typical 2 faced cheating psycho bitch. Colin needs to dump her crazy ass b4 she gets him tossed in jail on a false allegation.
>>827485850Hey no! This is the real Colin and gonna kick ops fucking ass and post it here tomorrow
>>827486061Colin here this isn't true you tried to seduce me
>>827479408Single mom. Who cares?
>>827486061>>827486135>I’m Spartacus!
>>827481341Pffft. We could only be so lucky. Cheating cunt is doing this shit for attention cause Colin dumped her repulsive unfaithful ass.
>gets beaten up>still dates him and lives with himLOOOOOL what a dumbass. Fucking leave retard. If she gets beat its her fault. You dont stick around an aggressive dog then complain that it keeps biting you
I'M the real colin and this bitch is telling lies. Shes a nigger fucker, deserved every bit of it
>>827479953Imagine getting beat by this twink. She deserved it
>>827486318Colin here, and i endorse this message
>>827486310Usually you put the dog down, or you sell it to a nigger so that it can be trained to cage-fight for sport.
>>827479953Kek and he's a fucking tattoo fag. Absolutely pathetic. But the dumb bitch is even more pathetic for using 4chan. Holy fuck.
Hey guys colin here. I like penis.
REAL COLIN HERE I'm gonna leak my exs nudes stay tuned
>>827486194Did it work?
>>827479296Sounds like a great guy, we all hope you go to jail and he gets everything nice
>>827486318THAS RIIIIGHTTT. Give her another black eye from me colin. She deserves it
>>827486515We shall all hold our breath and wait!
Real colin here. I hit that dumb bitch and I'll do it again.
I’m not reading any of this
>>827486580Real Colon here, I need to take a dump
>>827486216Means she’s put out at least once in her life. Willing to bet she’d go again for a couple of wine coolers And a cheesy Gordita crunch.
Mommy's proud of her baby!
Actually colon here I'm calling the cops on every one saying mean things to me
>>827486580Real Klingon here. Captain Kirk touched me in my naughty spot.
>>827486609Semi-Colon here; forgot where I was going with this.
Cologne here and something smells funny here
This is the actual colin. IM INNOCENT
>>827486705Knowing Kirk, you’re probably pregnant with his child now.
I'm the real Cog, this is all bullshit.
>>827486707Colin Powell here; I semi-endorse the use of independent clauses
OP is obviously a beta orbiter and white knight who is believing whatever ridiculous lies some toxic whore is spewing.When the cops get called on a domestic, they don't leave if some guy says "lol, d00ds, I'm the one who called you, nothing to see here." Bunch of bullshit.
>>827486861sure they do
>>827486767Kirk has transporters surgically inserted in his vas deferens
OP is so pathetic. So desperate to raise her children you fag? please give me some coochie
>>827486925Cop here, I can verify we've all been trained to believe the man in any domestic cases
Reported for dox. Enjoy ur ban kid
>>827486861>plebbit spacing>using the word toxic Can you be anymore of a faggot
>>827479296Nypa faget
>>827479296Nypa? (sorry he took your gf)
Colin Lockett here, I'm a nigger who catches balls.
>>827487026When people don't know how to spell colognay
>>827479296This is really Colin, I am laughing my ass off because it is all true.
>>827487158Polly Pocket here.
>>827486515I'll believe it when I see it: post a selfie with a timestamp to prove its really you.
>>827487014oh how the mighty have fallen... a decade ago we woulda ruined this guy and the OP
>>827479296NYPA you pussyfart. Grow some balls and stomp his ass yourself or let the pigs deal with him.
Not your personal army cuck, go watch them fuck in the closet like you know you wanna
Colin Gordon checking in. I'm a professor of History at The University of Iowa and author of Dead on Arrival: The Politics of Health Care in Twentieth- Century America and New Deals: Business, Labor, and Politics in America, 1920-1935
>sleep with a wigger>surprised he acts like a niggerheh i hope he wails on your face until it looks like a rotten cantaloupe.
>>827479296NYPA soyboy OP grow some balls and deal with this yourself.
Colin Kaepernick here, still on my knees like a faggot
>>827479296NYPA kill yourself niggerfaggit
>>827487363Not fallen, Evolved. If we predictably will “ruin” somebody just because they’re doxed, then we lose the chaos that is Holla Forums besides, when people operate under the assumption that we do, then you get this glorious train wreck of a thread which you see before you. It’s far more satisfying to watch a personal army request blow up in people’s faces, than to become the attack dog of the normies.
>>827479686Bitch slut getting what she deserves for cheating with nigger dick OP
Viper the Rapper checking in, just boofed some meth off a $20 hooker's asshole whats poppin'
>>827486194did you fuck though?
>>827484406gib noodz
>>827479296Looks like a piece of shit faggot lol
>>827482290based counter dox
>>827487295Enclave here. Why isn't your video feed working?
>>827479296Ay its Colin Farrell, and this is me bitch. Instead of beating her I made a tape of me fuckin her.
Colin Farrell here; I heard this is a Colin thread.
Dude literally all of this could be fake. You can't know for sure that this isn't some guy with a grudge making fake images. Plus all those images of the girl with bruises could be off Google and then mirror so you can't reverse search it. This could all be fucking fake and you have no way of knowing so it's not even worth it
>>827488610*then mirrored
>>827479296You are from the biggest scum. Did you molest that child before you beat them? I didn't think so.
Colin Jost here. Walking proof that Scarlett Johansson will fuck anyone who can tell a knock knock joke.
Martin gecko here, just wanted to remind you that 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
>>827486814Is that Adriana Chetnik?
>>827488610stfu faggot
>>827488610Colin threads are never fake.
>>827488749nigga i aint got time for that
>>827487363Once Upon a time
As a fellow Colin, based af
> post nypa on every thread> tell your mom you’re in Anonymous> bunch of fagsThis guy is a douche and op is a fag.
found a video of brooke. she deserves a good beating
>>827479296NypA faggot
>>827479296NYPA, choose better men.
Its Hulk Hogan here to let all you Hulkamaniacs know that this thread is running wild! Eat your vitamins and say your prayers Holla Forumsrothers!
>>827483744zoomer syndrome. frail, nigger hand gesticulations, Xanax eyes, the confidence that comes from growing up in nerf world.Its a goddamn shame.
>>827485527made me snort