It's just a flu, bro
It's just a flu, bro
>>827470431There are no 7/11's in Texas Fake news
>>827470539You are a Faggot but its probably still fake news.
>>827470431>(((Lungs should be all black)))
>>827470539>>827470774>fake newslol it's just a prank bro
>>827470994lol don't taze me bro
>>827470963lol..USA 1.5 have been infected.. 90k deadAustralia 7k infected.. 90 dead... Australia is 15th population of USA... so if Australia was USA in population it would have 1.2k dead..
>>827471145Yeah the Republican government absolutely fucked the American people. They only care about making themselves rich. Get em out.
>>827470774That's right OP picture is fake newsInterestingly, in the rest of the world there actually is a virus causing scars like in OP's picture.But not to worry, in America there's also a virus going around but it's just a flu and anything more is fake news
>>827470431That’s popcorn lung from vaping with shitty homemade juice. Dude got what’s coming to him.
>>827471145yeah but australia is more isolated & when you go to 711 you dont have pajeets kids coughing all over you......
>>827470431>pneumoniawhat a rare disease
>>827471499Australia has a huge number of Asian immigrants.
Official Dr. Jew chiming in. It appears this only affects white males from the ages of 11 to 120 years old.
>>827471145A huge percentage of the dead are 70+ with other conditions. COPD or whatever. A ton of them are in nursing homes, where nobody lives more than 6 months anyways. The point of this post is to make young & healthy people panic. It's bullshit.
>>827471743>healthy people never get sick and die from diseasek
>>827471879>Rare occurrences = panic worthy
>>827470774€fag here, we have a virus here in witch 1 in 5 develops severe pneumonia like symptoms, witch sometimes are deadly.Elderly are more susceptible for a bad outcome, however there's a randomisation to the severity the outcome that is not yet fully understood. A fair bit of healthy, sporty, (non smoking) ppl in their 30's also die, while others don't even exhibit symptoms.You guy's in America seem to also have a virus.. Luckily Fox News says that thing what you have is nothing more like a bad flu !Fuck America you're lucky as shit, being diabetic & overweight is a risk factor for our virus.. Also not everyone has easy acces to healthcare and social benefits in USA, so if you guys had our virus, your politicians would have no choice but to minimise the severity and get ppl back to work ASAP
fuck off kike
>>827471879>let's just be afraid of fucking everything because a few people diedk
>>827472132Define "fair bit"? In reality, basically nobody in their 30s dies of Covid. Jesus. Get a fucking hold of yourself.
>>827471238Yeah I fucking love immigrants
>>827470849In an x-ray? Yeah faggot
>>827472743plenty of cases €
>>827470431Oh wow I too believe tweets without sources at face value we so woke
>>827473470Yeah! how else will we get our fruits and veggies into our stores? We know white people won't do it.
>>827470431In just 3 days you say......hmmmmmmmmm
>>827470963Hurry start stocking up on toilet paper!!!
>>827471145New York alone has been reporting all deaths at home as covid deaths without testing. Not all of the reported covid deaths in US are actual covid deaths, they're just over estimating because it's a waste of time and resources to test corpses. You're gunna have to try harder.
>>827470431that patient's life is over. IF the patient recovers, he won't ever be able to engage in strenuous physical activity ever again. whilst the talking heads that 'eased the restrictions' are perfectly safe in quarantine (gov abbott/lt gov Patrick/trump et al)
>>827474020go run around in a closed space with your buddies, sans mask! why are you on Holla Forums protestard! go go go! stop WHINING and go
>>827470431There's no fucking way all of that damage happened in 3 days. Not even an idiot would believe that. But please feed into it more. I'm getting paid almost as much as if I would have gone to work and I get to sit around all day and fuck so the longer you guys cry the longer I get to live the high life.
>>827474326Can you repeat that in English please
>>827474186That's not all of New York. I live in St Lawrence county, which had the highest growth rate in the state for a while there. Only 2 COVID deaths.
>>827474186There are also the deaths from Covid where no one finds the body, or have yet to be found
>>827474326>Doesn't believe one case>That person must be out there protesting Are you faggets color blind or something? Did you know that other things exist besides the left and right sides of the room? Not everything is black and white you clown
>>827470431The libcucks love finding the most extreme cases to scare everyone
>>827472743enough healthy, no smoking ppl in their 30's and even 20's have died here in Europe mate, from Corona. Most heal OK and without problems but a lot of em needed extended medical care and expensive ventilator machines !No big deal if there's free healthcare, but stupidly enough, that's not the case on the richest nation on many could be left with crushing debt... No Bueno mate !
yawn I had it.. lasted like 3 days.. it was NOTHING
>>827474544You're right I should have clarified. I didn't mean to imply all of New York.
>>827474666Sorry can you try again in coherent English this time?
>>827470963It's not just one dude, that is what happens to everyone who is experiencing symptoms, it infects the lungs, making it difficult to get oxygen as it's flooded, as well as causing your lungs to leak blood, further filling them.
>>827474666Didn't look ESL to me. Retard couldn't understand him because he used "sans". Idiots.
>>827470431>american>healthypick one1,600,000 people recovered98% of all current cases are mild.2% death rate for 20 year olds
>>827470431if he's 24 and went from not having it to on his deathbed in three days "otherwise healthy" means nothing there's something extraordinary about him
>>827470431Very much doubt that this 20 something was not smoker. Probably a vape fag
>>827470963Everybody in America seems to think it's only one in a million who get severe lung complications from corona..I wonder if the trump administration is downplaying the risk for the economy and because there's no healthcare for everybody also ppl loosing their jobs get no pay over there!!! Or at least it's not straight forward and a lof of red tape before they get social benefits
>>827475581How many 18-40 get severe lung complications then?
lol the obvious scare-tactic construction of that. HE ONLY WENT OUTSIDE ONCE AND IT GOT HIM!!11next you're gonna tell us it makes our penis shrink, whatever it takes for attention>>827471238yes, after weeks of spam I think we understand the narrative you're being paid to post, stupid faggot. get a real job you dumb tranny bitch.
>>827470431You're a chinese faggot, mate
>>827475581Everyone that freaked out during this virus should have stayed inside. As for the rest of the world, we want to move on
>>827470431>lungs should be all blackpretty sure thats for cancer screening.
>>827475385>>827475492Don't worry, in America it's no worse then the flu. Trump, Fox News and Elon "needs to have his factories running" Musk said so.You're lucky though, outside of America it's more random, even healthy non smoking ppl in 30's and 20's need (in America very costly) extensive medical care. Some that healthy & age even die still
>>827470431Flu gives you pneumonia.
>>827471145We got a ton of fatties. me included.
>>827470431u can post as many aniime pic u want, but i still dont care for the democrats
>>827471743proof? everything is speculation at this point
>>827474613It's not even real, the incubation period is of 14 days.
>>827474186Yeah because tens of thousands of people dying at home is totally normal. Retard.
>>827475676I don't know the exact numbers, but it's not basically nothing, like what a lot of Americans on 4chan seem to think. There's a percentage of healthy young ppl dieing from it, waay higher then the flu !+ you guys are screwed if even if you go t hospital and survive because then you get a bill for the expensive ventilator bed timeAlso news outlets over there seem to be arguing over what the facts are, go figure... :s
>>827476610The WHO on febuary was saying this, you can google it. That's why so many countries didn't do shit until late march.
>>827470963HOLY SHIT better buy 1 googolplex rolls of toiletpaper b4 it is gone
>yes, the virus targets old and fat people, oh yeah and people in poor health and um.... humans....>did we mention it's a virus?
It shoots up yur lungs man, i've had it
>>827476909>Nooooo not the people who are literally most likely to die from any disease
>>827476918How much do you weigh, any why should we believe you ?
>>827474613>>827474613as someone from outside of the US, we see democrats and republicans fighting over what the facts !.That's because there's no healthcare and unemployment benefits for everyone America so a total lockdown is al lot more trouble then !!!It's best then to minimise the severity and get everybody the WANT to get going again.. Go figureHealthy 20-30 year olds can die, waaay more then the flu.. It's like that in the rest of the world it's gonna be no different in the US !
>>827470431>otherwise healthyOtherwise from what? Did the nigga smoke?>restrictions 'eased'>went to 7/11Aren't they supposed to be open anyway because "muh essential service">lungs should be all black btwThen wtf is the white shit? What am I looking at?Nigga didn't say anything of value in this whole ass tweet
>>827476124It is no worse than the flu. The flu kills shitloads of people, it especially likes to kill old people and people with lung problems. Sounds familiar enough to me. Nobody's got it in my community, however, a lot of people did get an especially nasty flu in late December and early January. The roads around the Wuhan virological laboratory have been closed since August. I'm starting to think this disease already passed through California in 2019. I mean it's called Covid-19 cause it started in 2019, everyone talks about February being the critical period but given how shit testing still is it wouldn't shock me if they had been mistaking this disease for the flu for way longer than we thought. This idea has spread through the community itself, nearly everyone here believes they've already had and are now immune to the virus. >Oh no his republican community will spread the herp derpNope, everyone's waiting on Newsome to stop being a piece of shit. Nothing but viruspanic homos if you go down into the valley anyway. Like fucking call me when the steakhouse opens cause beyond that I don't care because I work for myself at something that people never stop needing. I get gobs of money doing something people actually need, all you leftyfags in the valley do is shuffle papers for a static wage. It wouldn't matter if a bunch of wagefags died, I'm sure they'll gestate more from the body snatcher pods you creatures come from in the first place.
>>827478315Fixed image
>>827474186Bro, nah. Comparing total death levels still shows a large increase from previous years. Since the only major difference is the pandemic, it's reasonable to attribute some of those to untested virus deaths. It's not 100% certain, but it's reasonable.
>>827474616We're the richest because we're not socialist like you. Stay in your pathetic little country, at least until the muslims throw you from a rooftop for being a faggot.
>>827478315>>827478315watching a top gear so I keep it breefit is more deadly then the flu, healthy young adults can also die, that doesn't happen with the fluyour problem in America is that your news agenesis are fighting over what exactly the facts are.. go figure The facts in America are the same as outside america; it's more deadly then the flu !
FAKE NEWS. Tesla already reopening and daring faggot-newsome to arrest people. Hope they move to Texas and fuck off mexifornia
>>827478871Top Gear fired its best 3 men, who came to America to make some real money.
>>827478672a communist nation is about to surpass you though !every first world country has healthcare and their economies are fine. I's retarded not to have healthcareEnjoy the risk of getting a big ass corona bill. Ventilator beds are expensive !
Europe? We're being lectured by europoors now?
>>827470431Impossible that it has infected the lungs so badly in just 3 days. its fake
>>827478989Fuck Elon Musk and his bullshit megalomania. He can sell off everything he owns but expects everyone to still buy his garbage.
>>827479230Then move to Europe. I'll help you pack.I'm sure your Lesbian Dance Theory degree will take you far over there.
>>827479052watching a old special with the 3 guys from before New top gear sucks. Only Chris Harris in it is good now Matt Leblanc left
>>827479341I sell houses to people escaping SoCal. I tell them: LEAVE your cali politics behind. Don't infect the rest of the country.
>>827479355I am in europe idiot Go back to work and risk a big medical bill. Somebody needs to pay for that big army that protects all of us
>>827479553Trump will exit NATO. What Putin does with your collective anuses will no longer be our bloody business.
>>827478672"we're" the richest?are you a billionaire?millionaire?cos, if you're not, in america you aint shit pal.keep going the way your going and the muslims won't even throw you from a rooftop because they will pity you
It's a hoax. All those news stories about Korea and Germany closing shit down again because of spikes in cases are all lies. Everyone is lying all the time about everything that contradicts me.
>>827479475Holy shit, that bitch is an unrepentant murderer.
>>827479724Self-made millionaire (RE investing). Thanks for asking. Only free countries give the opportunity to get rich. Europe is going down the communist rat hole. Good luck to them.
>>827479970Yep. And I'll bet she had thousands of fellow sociopaths support her.
>>827478817But if it's just a flu, how can you still be brave Patriot warriors for the billionaires?
>>827478254>What am I looking at?Flooded lungs. Just regular pneumonia.
>>827479661he won't lol. He might make a little noise like that whenever he needs to get the attention away from whatever he is in the news for that he doesn't likenow get back to work user, that army is expensive and I still plan to enjoy it's protection for the time being
>>827480069He outsmarted Hillary, which is all that matters.
>>827480080yes on fox news that's just pneumonia
I must say, I find it very amusing to watch all these dumb yanks shout hoax, lies and conspiracy as the plane is quite literally flying into the side of a fucking mountain.You sad cunts are so messed up that you can't even grasp reality anymore.You got the donald getting run out of his own front garden by 2 women yesterday, and you still think he's making the right moves?Blame China for not telling you what was coming, then turn around and insist on opening back up while your own top scientists the rest of the world are literally screaming at you to stop before it's too late.Fuck me running, you're dumb.
>>827480207*out cheated
>>827480180"For the time being." Spoken like a true europoor. Your muslim masters await your tongue bath.
>>827480207He outshouted Hillary. He made shit up so much that people started to believe it.
>>827479859>spikes in casesReopening makes spikes in cases. They are all retarded if they thought reopening would keep the numbers lowering.
>>827480306Stay at home indefinitely. See if we care. Some people are going to die, it happens all the time. Every day.
>>827480317That's a dumb image. As much as I agree that YouTube shouldn't be banning things, they are a private business and can do whatever they want with content posted to their servers.
>>827470963Added to the ban archive.
>>827480265I don't have Fox news in my country. I'm not retarded or American.
>>827480325It's over.
>>827480317>>827480317>muslim masters ahahahah you've been watching a lot of american news you idiot
>>827470431OH WELL I'LL BE DAMMED IT'S BLACK LUNGBut seriously you sure the fucker hasn't caught TB lmao
>>827480265then shut the fuck up and go back to work
>>827480459Then they can't receive protections of acting as a "public square" Can't have it both ways.
>>827480458yeah, you're right. better get back to it cos those mass shooting numbers are low, gotta make the quota
>>827480633What protections do they receive? I've not heard of this.
>>827480502retarded or american.i don't think those 2 things are mutually exclusive
>>827470431Oh shit its the plague bro, to bad 80% of deaths are infirm boomers. Go back to r/faggatos, this shit is liberal larping.
Watch this before it's
>>827480666Backs have been killing each other at the same rates as before. Funny, criminals don't follow the regulations and orders. Enjoy your stay at home. I hope you never come out again.
>>827470431yeah that's bullshit."dude was fine, stepped outside of his house, and 15 minutes he later had Stage 4 cancer"
>>827471743Nigger, 30 year olds have died of it. Where the fuck has your jiggaboon ass been?
>>827480717Ever seen YouTube sued for a users content? Me either. I've seen plenty of illegal content on YouTube over the years.
>>827481033Your moronic anecdotal evidence doesn't trump statistics.
>>827472743wrong faggot
>>827481140Like what? How is that YouTube being given protections?
>>827479984>self made millionaire>browsing Holla ForumsFucking kek
>>827481033People with aids?
>>827470431>lungs were all blackSounds like he went to 7/11 for cigs
>>827470539You are a lying sack of shit there are at least two new ones in Houston
>>827480768That preacher at the end just got god to cure covid for America. He also had a good hype man
>>827481279They host blatantly illegal content. So on one hand they curtail users content which has opinions they don't agree with, and on the other hand they enjoy the protection from litigation when they host illegal content because "public square"
>>827481290from the basement of the house he bought his mother with his millions
>>827481033Basically none, moron. 30 year olds have also died of brain hemorrhages and strep throat. Jesus. You're letting the media's terror porn get to you.
>>827470431It’s not a flu.
>>827481258OK my dude. Keep holed up in mom's basement. Then the big bad outside can't get you.
>>827481541That's ridiculous hyperbole. They don't blatantly host illegal content, there's simply content that hasn't been taken down yet that you claim to have seen.
>>827479984should i be buying calls or puts?
>>827470431post pic of this "otherwise healthy" American
ok yanks, here's the harsh reality that none of you here seem to grasp.1. this shit is real.2. your dumb shit president and his band of cronies have made a fucking shite of handling this crisis at every turn right from the beginning. 3. you're still making all the wrong moves.4. as a result of your dumb shittery you're still going to be dealing with this long after europe and most other countries have managed to get some kind of handle on things.5. your economy is going to suffer even more as a result of this.6. fuck off.i don't give a fiddlers fuck what ye do, none of the rest of the world can't fix stupid, as you lot so clearly demonstrate on a pretty fucking regular basis.
>>8274704313 days is not long enough to develop symptoms, cancerous OP.
>>827482320Funny. Sweden among several others hardly did shit and their curves aren't significantly different than other places' infection rates.
>>827482320there is no "getting a handle" on it unless you live on an irrelevant island like Iceland. Sweden had the right idea, a year from now everybody is going to have the same number of infected people. Also in America, Boomers are the cause of most of our problems and are preventing us from fixing our economy. Them dying before the election will help us.
>>827482320Look at the brighter side tho: natural selection.
>>827480310please be joking
>>827470849Lungs blacked raw, for when your lungs aren't satisfied with your racist white oxygen.
>>827479475But they don't.
>>827482481because part of their "lets not do anything" approach involves not testing.
>>827480357The gov't is monetizing Wuhan virus diagnoses, so Surprise! they jumped up.
>>827482262That's how we say "fat" in the South."She's healthy".
>>827482645Deaths have barely gone up.
>>827482645The vast majority of places were only testing people with symptoms, because of a lack of availability of tests in the first place.Italy reported tests giving false results, yet the numbers were believed.Some tests from China bought by some EU countries were tainted with the virus, or at least somehow otherwise compromised.So what's your point? You can't say they didn't do what a lot of other places weren't doing either as if it somehow makes any sort of a difference.
I remember when people on 4chan were only ironically acting stupid.
>>827482320I'm going to borrow the term fiddler's fuck.. don't worry, I'll credit the Irishman on 4chan that one time
>>827483495stop appropriating my culture yank
>>827483348I wish we could go back to 2006.
>>827480768What, exactly, is that piece of journalistic feces supposed to prove?I want my fucking 13 minutes back you dick.
>>827470431my buddies father recently passed away, he was in his eighty's and struggling with cancer. Everyone from the hospital to the funeral home was trying to get him to sign it over as a covid death though.Theirs an incentive somewhere along the line for people to claim a death as being the result of covid, I think alot of the death toll claim for this country arent acurate.
>>827475827>next you're gonna tell us it makes our penis shrink, whatever it takes for attentionRemember they were saying “oh ya it totally could spread to your testicles causing them to become inflammed bro I promise and it feeds on your testosterone which is why it’s worse for men”? I remember.But seeing as literally every death everywhere is being chalked up to covid, it’s likely they are doing the same with syphillis and shit like that.
>>827483964so, by that logic, if he'd been shot in the was still the cancer that killed him?
>>827471145most of those deaths are old people. the same ones who usually die from influenza and other viruses. hospitals get kickbacks for labeling shit covid. >drug addict mom>has covid>a-symptomatic>has a baby prematurely because drug addict>baby dies>baby covid negative>mom has covidbaby death certificate states covid killed it. scenarios like this are common. the numbers are inflated.
>>827484158no. its a gunshot retard. BUT, if someone has covid, and NO SYMPTOMS, but they die from say a heart attack; it still gets labeled covid, because there are monetary incentives to slap that lable on everything
>hurr fatality rate is the only threat associated with virusesYeah, I guess you'd enjoy not getting treatment for your ailments because the hospital is already spending all their resources treating coronavirus patients.
>>827484235To what end? The insurance companies have been fucking the American healthcare system for decades.So some rich asshole is going to get richer on the backs of the lower/middle class. Welcome to the United States of America.How about the no-bid contract for Apache helicopter oilpans? $40k apiece, and there was something like a 40-year stockpile. Yet the contract continued no-bid. Your supposed Covid19 conspiracy is the same thing, just more grifters.
>>827481290/b/ is one of the last free places on the web. There are more millionaires here than you know.
>>827484712Holy shit, are you fucking dumb.This isn't 2007 and even if it was that would still be a stunningly stupid statement.
>>827482185Seattle had very little price drop. Philly and Dallas bit it pretty big time. NONE of these places dipped like stocks.
>>827483964$13k per corpse from the feds if it's covid. Confirmed.
>>827484983Cool. Hurry up and die then.
>>827484818Millionaires are free thinkers. So is Holla Forums. Make the connection yet, or do you enjoy feeling sorry for yourself?
>>827471266if covid causes cystic fibrosis in the lungs after 3 days no one would recover. get fucked.
>>827476002>I should be free to endanger police officers, paramedics, doctors, ups drivers, and any other essential workers>I also should be free to help crate a work environment where my co-workers have to either risk their lives or lose their jobs to people like meJust stop, asshole.
COV Total deaths: 44,016 (May 2, of Deaths>1 : 4/44,016. 0.0000908761-4 : 2/44,016. 0.0000454385-14 : 4/44,016. 0.0000908760-14. : 10/44,016. 0.000227190115-24 : 48/44,016. 0.00109051250-24. : 58/44,016. 0.0013177027 25-34 : 317/44,016. 0.007201926635-44 : 796/44,016. 0.01808433345-54 : 2,262/44,016. 0.051390403555-64 : 5,422/44,016. 0.123182479165-74 : 9,359/44,016. 0.212627226575-84 : 12,026/44,016. 0.273218829585+ : 13,776/44,016. 0.3129770992Condensed Age Group with ComorbidityComorbid Covid deaths/Total Covid DeathsPercent Comorbidity0-24 : 51/58. 0.879310344825-34 : 284/317. 0.895899053635-44 : 721/796. 0.905778894545-54 : 1,974/2,262. 0.872679045155-64 : 4,765/5,422. 0.878827001165-74 : 8,162/9,359. 0.872101720375-84 : 10,396/12,026. 0.864460335985+ : 11,678/13,776. 0.8477061556Total : 38,033/44,016. 0.8640721556
>>827472132>"Witch sometime are deadly."They certainly are.
>>827485209Millionaires are opportunists.Holla Forums is a racist echochamber. They are not mutually exclusive realms, but are certainly not the given that you're insinuating.A better question is what does that have to do with you posting photoshopped MLS photos?
>>827471644>huge numberAll of Australia has the same population as California.
>>827485422Roughly 80% of deaths have been attributed to those 65 and older. For all age groups, roughly 87% have serious comorbid complications. Flu deaths are also dramatically down this year.
>>827472232>old people aren't humanEven those who survive are at risk of neural damage.The 'Rona is literally making exposed Americans even dumber.
>>827474186If you're not from New York, don't pretend to know what's happening here. Feel free to report on Iowa or Kansas or whatever shit scented flyover state you're from.
>>827485336False equivalency much?Scarring != cystic fibrosis
>>8274705397-Eleven was founded in Dallas retard
>>827471238funny how all the repub run states have the lowest infection rates and death rates then and the dem run states are all 10 times worse
>>827485556If you believe negative stereotypes about rich people, you're dooming yourself to a life of poverty. Break out.Read these books:Think and Grow RichRich Dad Poor DadThe Richest Man in Babylon
>>827474616>so many could be left with crushing debt...oh your left with much more cool stuff after being on a ventilator dude
>>827485613not to mention that we have no idea what the potential long terms effects might be yet either.
>>827485610>>827485422How emotionaly damaged do you have to be to become a an apologist for the worst crisis of our lifetimes?>>827485038>$13k per corpse from the fedsfake news
>>827485422Of those who were not recognized as comorbid, given the significant correlation with other factors, it is reasonable to speculate that individuals who died of Covid19 without a comorbid condition likely suffered from an unrecognized condition.
>>827478419that's a creative way of coming out of a closet
>>827485569Relatively huge.
>>827485834>it is reasonable to speculate that individuals who died of Covid19 without a comorbid condition likely suffered from an unrecognized condition.>it is reasonable>viruses don't kill people
>>827485676This. Better genes, better attitude, cleaner lifestyle.
>>827485760i know a millionaire, he's an utterly annoying cunt too
>>827482262co-morbidity enablers
>>827470431there’s a lot of fat on that persons body. probably had underlying medical conditions. I don’t servive on mnt dew and frozen pizza so I don’t give a fuck. die motherfuckers die! lol # fucktheworld
>>827485924Then go make your $1M and be a better person.
>>827474544>St Lawrence countylol your fukken shit town has 100k people in it. there are neighborhoods in manhattan with more people. sheeeeit nigger, there are probably buildings in manhattan with more people in themfuck outta here
>>827485924Hey BRAH.
>>827470431I'm in one of the worst hit areas in the US. Have had to keep going to work this entire time. Still don't know a single person that has had it.
>>827485760What? What was negative? Go back to spouting your pseudointellectual tripe and stealing stock photos. Way to pick the first 3 books in the Get Rich Quick section at Barnes & Noble, too.:rolleye:
>>827486115Then go die in Jew York. Good riddance.
>>827485921Right, because them po' people aren't actually people, are they? It's so easy.
>>827486127Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.
>>827470431clearly a fake story made to perpetuate fear in the obese masses watching TV 24hrs a day in AMURICA
>>827473911>>827482581Oh you two most be one of (((them)))
>>827480768This is pretty well known by now. Almost common knowledge even.
>>827486115And they're dying because of it.
>>827470539I have gotten countless slushies in Texas. Great way to beat the heat.
>>827470431Probably just a pot smoker
>>827486346Cancer deaths are also down 40% from this time last year.
I've been working from home since mid March. Almost exactly two entire months now.But no, it's just a flu, right? God damn you people are fucking delusional. I'm never disappointed when it comes to people believing dipshit conspiracy crap on the internet. You people will believe anything, fuck I bet you all blame 5g. Goddamn.
>>8274861270.43 percent of the entire US population has tested positive. 0.43 percent, but its probably a conspiracy because you dont personally know anyone with it? Dumbass.
>>827486562Ergo Covid cures cancer?
Go ahead, go on out there Holla Forumstards. Go have fun without your facemasks and go pretend like nothing is going on.41 days is the average time from exposure to death in an ICU with nobody by your side except for a nurse in a full body suit.Go ahead and get out there! World will be better without you in it anyway because you're the same morons that drive drunk thinking "you're fine to drive", the same morons who say, "Uh officer, but she looked 18!", the same morons who say, "Vaccines cause autism", the same morons who say, "It's just a few minutes in the car with the windows rolled up, the kid and the dog will be fine!".Because you're right, this is all just one big conspiracy. One big illuminati sponsored thing to keep you and your precious bullshit at home for 6 weeks. Please, go out there, go lick some door handles, go sneeze on each other. Do the world a favor now so the rest of us can have a decent Christmas with you fucking retards alive, fucking it up for the rest of us.
>>827478672actually it's because slavery and because it was the only industrial nation that didn't have it's factories wiped out in WWII. Sorry to burst your bubble.
>>827471145>only 90k deadliterally not significant
>>827486708Explain Sweden.
>>827479661>He actually thinks Europe likes being under the thumb of americaIf russia was as powerful as the US they would be allied with russia. It just happens that the US has control over a large portion of the globe and they like having access to trade.
>>827482320Fake eurotrashGo pretend that you are able to suck your own mini cock
Ameripoos on suicide watch after having their 1st world status revoked
>>827470431Dipshit probably didn't wash his hands after he got home and ate those Cheez-Its he bought. Or possibly some boomertastic man decided that coughing into open air was a good idea around other poeple.
>>827482262That guy is her lover? Man, I hope for his sake that he loves to be touched gently by other men's penis'
>>827485638Your bum ass state isn't some well kept secret, Number 1. Calm that sore ass down, you ain't special.
>>827484712Nice larp.
>>827486943You mean a society with their shit together where people took safety precautions into their own hands and acted responsibly? They still banned mass gatherings, they still closed schools and went to distance learning, they still gave the public directions on safe social distancing and safety procedures. The thing is that in Sweden they actually take the threat seriously and don't bitch and cry about their freedoms being taken away from wearing a mask, they just fucking do it because it's the right thing to do. They also have a national healthcare system, meaning no one is afraid of getting treatment immediately due to the cost. They still have significant case numbers even then.
>>827482320Why don't you stop eating bat soup, if you're that smart?
>>827483348You can thank Oprah's black ass for that.
>>827470431Just mucus, what your lung look like with a cold...
>>827471145Learn population density... (why new York is 1/3 of our deaths)
>>827478989Jesus with you guys. Anybody read actual news anymore? Fuck. Newsome intervened between Alameda County and Musk. Musk wasn't going anywhere anyway, certainly not Texas where he's still not allowed to sell the cars he makes there because of their dealership law. Yes Texans can drive to Colorado to buy them but, dealers? really?
>>827471879Like 20, and most had cancer or aids and shit
>>827481792what he's referring to are called "safe harbor provisions" they apply to most of the internet. essentially you comply with law enforcement officials and as long as you have plausible deniability your basically safe. he is incorrect in his application of the idea. while you are correct about youtube's right to enforce their terms of service, there are real ethical issues with these entities controlling information. especially when they're such blatant propaganda machines. social media is THE way people share information, and facebook, youtube, instagram et al. get to control it.
>>827487636I agree with all of that, but do you have an answer?
>>827482262Wait the diabetic or the aids fag?
>>827479475a.) you haven't sold a house in months because you clearly have fucking issues.b.) if they're selling their houses in SoCal to move to your shithole, then they're buying the top tier homes where you would make the most commission. What asshat would insult those clients?c.) You're a pisspoor larper see a and b
>>827487422That's what I was going to sayThe dispersion and low ratio of white to dark in OP's photo is much more indicative of a cold than Covid or Covid-related pneumonia
>>827470431Fraudulent and homosexualFucking kys faggot Russian dnc operative fuck
>>827487331alright you boomer brit
>>827479970>>827480067You kids know that was fake, right? You do, don't you? Don't you?
>>827487284(live action)
>>827487341Do you eat pangolin steak? You make us sick.
>>827480207Really? Not how that happened, but okay dick sucker.
>>827484412I had corona in March. Two days of a light fever. Yeah, I should stay at home for 3 months because reasons!
>>827485373Hospital workers are the ones that get infected first. Is their fucking job. Are you retarded?
Suddenly everyone's a doctor because they're scared of an x-ray image so they have to make up stories about why it's fake. Sorry going to 7-Eleven make kill you. Sorry that's not convenient. Sorry it's the truth
>>827485834High blood pressure most likely. It doesn't show symptoms most of the time.
>>827488185Anecdotal evidence is the best evidence, especially with an illness that displays such a wide range of severity for again, reasons. You're dangerously stupid. Against my first impulse I'm glad you came through with minimal issue. You should use your experience to educate on the dangers of the range of severity of the disease rather than whatever you're spouting here, you goddamned fantastic retard.
>>827487809Maybe it's a mild case of covid. Not everyone that gets pnumonia from corona dies.
>>827488678I know I can't infect anyone two months later. You are the one that is dangerously stupid.
>>827480317Not naming this muhvictimhood.jpeg
>>827470431>3 days later>2 week incubationSo he got infected while quarantined at home... Weird, it's almost as though it doesn't work
>>827488746No UWhat the fuck are you on about? No one said you can still infect people, but you *can* be a beacon of reason and compassion. I saw a Nova episode about some surgeon who got struck my lightning and immediately knew how to play the piano; too bad your "light fever" didn't awaken any talents in you, or at least cleared your abject retardism a hair. Keep spouting the troof.
>>827489034>get quarantined with nurse>get corona two weeks laterYeah mate, it's fucking genius.
>>827489126I can't infect anyone and I have to stay at home or the police will beat my ass.What's the thing you can't understand? I'm perfectly fine and I can't go anywhere because they don't want to test people.