Is there ever going to be a incarnation of Beast Boy where it doesn't involve him always being on a team? Will there ever be a chance that he will soon stand out on his own. Like when he got the last remaining titans together to go save the captured ones, back in the old Teen Titans show.
Will he always just be that pet dog in the family?
David Campbell
Pretty much. He'll always be the funny guy surfer bro.
Adam Martinez
At best he gets a sub-series.
Ryder Fisher
No, because he's pretty much always been a team character
Christopher Fisher
He has the same problem as Starfire, Raven and Cyborg.
He is inherently a team character, and does not work solo.
Robert Miller
He tried to do solo thing, ended up being not so good.
Levi Williams
He has the kind of powers that need to be balanced out by a team role.
You can do a lot of cool stuff when you change into different animals, but it works better when you have people covering you, shooting energy blasts or lifting heavy objects, whatever.
Luke King
Robert Evans
Only if he gets power development, like that time he found out he could warp into aliums and there's no storage of crazy aliums with ridiculous abilities.
Christopher Butler
That was pretty rad. They should break open the limiter and let him turn into mythical shit like that "totally not a werewolf" transformation cause by unstable genetics.
Hunter Thomas
No, that's overpowered, you do that and in five minutes he transforms into a Kryptonian or Arceus. If good stories can be written of non-powered capes, then a B-lister like BB doesn't fucking need a power boost.
Bentley Green
So…can he turn into a Kryptonian? Because if he can, then that would grab Superman's attention
Alexander Lewis
Ayden Rivera
next you'll be implicating that Harley Quinn doesn't work solo
Juan King
What does it take to work solo?
Aaron Morales
any connection with Batman
Angel Brooks
But if you're connected you're not working solo. /autism But what is it about Batman that makes him able to work well solo?
Carson Gray
She doesn't, going solo morphed her into a totally different character. She was conceived as Jokers goofy battered housewife/sidekick who was bad but not his level of bad and retained sympathy.
One of her solo books had her bombing a fuckload of innocent children
Not saying all her solo stuff isn't good cause I haven't read them to make the judgement, just that she doesn't work solo cause her original personality was never supposed to be solo.
Gavin Gutierrez
you say that as if getting your own series is a good thing
Liam Lopez
this formula:
Batman = $$$$
Noah Phillips
I remember she had her own series in the early 2000's which was supposed to be good.
David Perry
I can see it being good. Especially if it was released before Harley got picked up by every hot topic wearing shit dick and they started dressing her like a stripper trailer park queen to appeal to normalfags
Thomas Richardson
Never have I heard an opinion that is so wrong before in my life, I don't think they are shills, I think they are normalfags with shit taste.
Nolan Brooks
The fuck, did DC see Beast on XMen and go shit we need one too
Camden Hall
No he's been around since the 60's I think with the Doom Patrol.
Jordan Howard
X-Men came after Doom Patrol, but Doom Patrol came right after Fantastic Four, so it's anyone's guess who copied what off who.
Henry Barnes
Starfire could solo. So could Cyborg and Raven.
Beast Boy wont. Also, he wouldnt if he could.
Colton Jackson
We already had that, it was called Ben Ten and got annoying fast.
Starfire solo would… actually possibly be pretty funny, but still would need a recurring cast to play off, so you might as well have the ensemble.
Cyborg solo would just turn into even more of an Iron Man knockoff than he's already been turned into.
Raven solo would just be sitting in the dark reading books all the goddamn time whenever she's not brutalising supervillains.
The thing about those core five Teen Titans is that they're a very good ensemble; they have distinctly contrasting abilities and powers, and similarly contrasting but complementing personalities, no one is redundant.
Batman's solo supporting cast is his rogues gallery.
Mason Flores
Well there was a Starfire solo series a few years ago. You might like it.
Parker Brooks
Substitute reading gun magazines and brutalizing gangsters. It could work.
Owen Campbell
Andrew Lewis
The only thing I can imagine doing with Harley at this point to advance her character would be to have her become Batman's sidekick. She'd try fighting crime as Harley Quinn, but would be incredibly dangerous, so Batman would start monitoring her trying to teach her how to not take shit too far. You'd be able to keep her around a heroic-ish character you could root for, while still getting the fun factor of a crazy bitch smashing people to death with a squeaky hammer.
Owen Martinez
Colton Smith
If he can turn into a extinct T-Rex he should be able to turn into a race that's on the verge of extinction. Or are they technically extinct because there's no viable krytontian male/females that aren't genetically related to one another?
Daniel Walker
There was a time in the comics where he turned into a dragon.