How do we put in place our own controlled-opposition?
We should ensure that the democratic party has nothing but White Nationalist candidates from now on and no matter which party people vote for, it's always a vote for White Nationalism.
How do we put in place our own controlled-opposition?
We should ensure that the democratic party has nothing but White Nationalist candidates from now on and no matter which party people vote for, it's always a vote for White Nationalism.
Holla Forums already has its own controlled opposition. It's called Holla Forums
we could infiltrate the democrat party, like the neocons did the republican party
just repeat their bullshit, but when in power make pro-white legislation
1) Become crypto-goyim
2) Run for political office
3) …
4) w h i t e e t h n o s t a t e
1) Become crypto-goyim
2) Get job at MSM
3) …
4) w h i t e a i r w a v e s
aka exactly what the kikes did
This. We should celebrate the dedicated "shills" going against Christianity, we will have an awakening in Europe, a resurgence of faith and virtue. It's all thanks to the publicity given.
I've thought about this too, but you'd have to be some kind of mix of crazy, maschistic and balls out cunning. I really do hand it to the O'keefe operatives getting the info they did.
It's called (((TRS)))
CIA has their on control since 2014 it's been called Anonymous
Jews have their control It's called ISIL
The Police have theirs it's called BLM
Holla Forums has it's, it's called Mods
It's called entryism. You let the faggots create the opposition, and then you sneak in and take it over. Communists are really good at this.
It takes self-control and patience more than anything, and it's also tough because I don't want to argue with people I agree with or accidentally bluepill normies. It's a careful balance.
This is stupid. You need control over mass media to do that.
What would work - is if you helped organize blacks or mexicans (IE a BLM type group), to commit an atrocious crime - such as attack white people randomly – and then film the entire thing.
Yea, some white guys or girls are gonna get beat up, but the reactions from the white people who watch it, are gonna be priceless.
whites need to feel like they are under attack.
mfw… forgot sage.
lmao, let's do it. Infiltrate all levels of the democratic party.
we literally got hillary clinton to go on national television and denounce a cartoon frog
how much more controlled can it get, exactly?
You don't seem to understand. They lost the culture war. They have hard work ahead of them, revitalizing their culture, finding new ideologies, or getting more extremist with their current views. I'm sure we're going to have genderqueer maoist suicide bombers in about 3 years… and I'm not too worried about them ever developing a culture that isn't garbage. As for ideology, that'd be funny. After all, communism was just a Rothschild-invented alternative to the capitalist system.
I'm not going to blow smoke up my ass, but I'll definitely think about some futurist idealistic garbage alternative to neoliberalism that has fundamental flaws that leftists will refuse to accept. Nothing will come of it, but even as a joke/meme, it could be funny.
No in this case you definitely don't need the mass media as all you have to do is pretend to oppose the other party while spewing all the bullshit that will make leftists vote for you.
commies can fuck off back to their containment board
i've never been banned on Holla Forums but I have been banned on Holla Forums
ive used more extreme language and views on Holla Forums than i ever have on Holla Forums
commie cucks can sit in their pseudo-liberal censored circlejerk where everyone agrees on everything
marxism is a mind virus and it invites stagnation
I'd especially never take advice from a russian jew who destroyed and murdered the last blood descendants of the roman empire for his german paymasters
kike didnt even believe his own bullshit, lenin got 50 million goldmarks from the german government to destroy russia and he did it
Our controlled opposition is the BDS Movement.
Try posting about any notable white nationalist or alt-right figures like Lauren Southern and you'll get a ban by some mod who, for whatever fucked up reason, wants to keep the board clean of discussion of those figures.
National socialism is not in power yet and Holla Forums has no full control over mass media. Can't set up controlled opposition without both.
Because your alt-kike poster childs are all controlled opposition. The aim is to use them for co-option of the more extreme views of white nationalism and sway them away from bashing kikes and faggots, instead blaming muslims and niggers for what kikes do. They try to shift energy and hatred from the puppeteer to the puppets.
what do faggots have to do with nationalism?
the rectum raiders are irrelevant when the problem is kikes and muslims and to a lesser extent niggers who are just adult children
wasnt there a famous german humanitarian in the 19th century who got into shit because he spent his life trying to improve the lot for africans in africa and came to the conclusion they've all got the minds and emotional control of 5 year olds
Become a democrat infiltrator and become a leader of the democractic party and expel all the libtards. This is what commies did in Australian Labor party in the old day.
New Democrats: Socialist anti Israel, anti Wall Street party (probably anti racist too, to appeal to them)
GOP: nationalist
No matter what it's national socialist.
found a commie
the GOP are conservative neo-liberals
most of them are fucking traitors as well as the entire Democrat party
I'm talking about post purge GOP, if it wasn't obvious.
oh ok then
sorry I'm tired only had about 6 hours sleep in about 72 hours
still dont believe the GOP's nationalist though, nowhere near full blown at all
You can't really.
Part of what is necessary to create controlled opposition is money to help promote an individual or group so that they can be perceived as popular.
A minor example being using some money to fund a high quality youtuber, with proper entertaining graphics, music, special effects, and make up, who supports 90% of what group you're wanting to influence does. Then nudge them on having the other 10% be about what you want and have them drop bits about it throughout their work to help influence the fans of the youtuber.
When you control the purse strings it's a bit easier to make people want to appeal to you so they can get your money, so they'll adapt their thinking to match what they think will appeal to you. Thing is they may not consciously be doing this adapting, more likely it'd be unconsciously done.
So if you wanted to create a more general trend you would basically just want to ensure people, that are in places where they can influence others, understood that they'd have a financial incentive to appeal to your particular politics. We're nearing that point now naturally though, as more people are likely recognizing that after Trump won that there is an entire demographic that had been largely ignored. After Adult Swim took off on the Cartoon Network due to Family Guy reruns, it became clear the 18-24 men demographic was a fantastic market to appeal to, which led to a slew of shows soon after being produced to appeal to that group. I think this is also why MDE got as show, people are noticing there is a particular political demographic that hasn't been appealed to which they could make money off of. May sound bad that people are profiting off it, but the effect of creating larger waves in the cultural world seems like a net positive to me.
A start would be to force the Democratic party and other parties to obey their diversity qouta rules. Blacks and spics will rek the party for a while, then you can get a competent white nationalist into key positions
Well there's a start already happening. This election showed white people still can win elections, and ignoring or them, and uplifting minorities above white people + using anti-white rhetoric just gets whites to vote their identity more.
The DNC is probably going to elect a black Muslim, Keith Ellison, as it's head. We should totally support the screeching bitch Pocahontas, Elizabeth Warren and other minorities or women to run against the GOP, and hopefully against Trump. Once the Dems start trying to go after white voters again, we're in trouble. Also encourage as much SJW/BLM violence, rioting, and protesting as possible. 95% of America sees them as scum anyway, and if a Mexican with ties to ISIS ofc ever tried to assassinate Trump, and CNN tries to defend it, we basically win, because it proes Trump right, and public opinion skyrockets so we can really begin deportations en masse, etc.
She works for the very definition of (((controlled opposition))), that's why.
Like that new age faggot always shilling veganism in his videos.
It's been staring you in the face this entire time.
The patriarchy is the most susceptible meme the left clings to.
Is the patriarchy… white? Yes.
Is the patriarchy… old? Yes.
Is the patriarchy… male? Yes.
Is the patriarchy……….. Jewish?
They'll mostly resist openly. Some might lean in and whisper "Yes but don't tell anyone I said it." But they'll be forced to either black out that characteristic and invalidate the entire meme itself or be find themselves susceptible to your redpilling.
Plant the meme and tend to it. It will grow and do the work for you.
Doesn't work the same way. The Left is corruption. The Left is what is easy and what feels good, it appeals to the baseness and laziness in men. The Left can insert themselves into our groups and corrupt us, as a mote of rot can be inserted into an apple to corrupt the rest of the flesh, but we cannot do the opposite and spread purity. Purity is achieved by the wholesale destruction of anything that shows signs of rot.
Shouldn't we focus on the fact that our own movement is getting diluted to the point of what we really achieve is going to stop illegal immigrants and feminists?
This might the be only good idea to come out of this thread.
Lefty/pol/ aside. SJWs are by far the best controlled opposition we could hope for - fanatical, intellectually tenth-rate, ineffectual when it comes to practical action and despised by even liberal whites. The goal of a controlled opposition is not to provide an opposition close to your own views, but one with views so ludicrously purist and extreme they never actually get anywhere.
Also "Anarchists" are pretty much just edgy fucks who like to smash shit but can still out-compete commies on the 'radical brah' status-signalling.
this happens every day and white people still haven't woke up.
Pretty sure a lot of us just don't like Christcucks. No idea why you feel the need to bring your Jewish religion into every thread.
If only there were footage of such things
So that means we can't discuss them? I have posted threads CRITICAL of them but it seems someone wants to prevent discussion period, supporting them or against.
So that means we can't discuss them? I have posted threads CRITICAL of them but it seems someone wants to prevent discussion period, supporting them or against.
Guys I have an idea. Why don't we give the leftist their own "KeK" a "Meme magic" but an extremely water down and/or left wing extremist version. Our memes managed to move the entire republican party to the right. If we give them proper tools and ideas, we can have them move their party left, making us seem less extreme to normies. Pic related is their weak-ass memes