When transphobes say “there’s only two genders! Boy or girl” when talking specifically about trans men and women. Or when a question ask “what’s your gender identity” and has trans as an option. The way I always say it is “trans” is just a state of being and not a gender. For example, a trans woman's gender is female, not transgender female. It’s really just a pet peeve of mine, and I wanna know what some of y'all thoughtAnd for those that have an issue, transwomen are real women. Genitals or chromosomes do not prove if you're a man or woman. Its time to move on from that simplistic high school teaching.You don't have to like it but I don't see why it's so hard for some of you to accept us for who we are~
When transphobes say “there’s only two genders! Boy or girl” when talking specifically about trans men and women...
I’m sorry for your mental illness, but there are others who may believe this retarded shit you’re spewing.Please just stop.
>>827411665>being an actual man or an actual woman are not signs of being an actual man or an actual womanTrannies are this retarded.
Trannies are gay and mentally fucked up
>>827411665/b/ is basically Holla Forums lite, idk why you thought you'd get anything but toxicity hereunless of course this is bait, in which case troll harder
OP proves why the Trans community having 50% suicides is not high enough.
>>827411665But if gender isn't sex, then shouldn't you call yourself transsexual and not transgender?
This is the most retarded shit I have ever heard. Tran people are not people. Being trans is and always will be a mental illness. And chromosomes and if you have genitals is the basis on how you classed gender. Your just simply wrong.
>>827411665i hard agree, transphobes should go fuck themselves
>>827411665>transphobes>trans men and women>trans woman's gender is female>transwomen are real women>trans is just a state of being and not a gender
>>827412186Your a retarded transphobe and fuck you
OP, I just checked 4chan on a whim I haven't been an active user in years but I was compelled and I feel like it was to tell you that what you are saying is completely valid and you are right, but 4chan is going to be a toxic place for you. The community mentality here will be unfair to you. You can find a healthy community elsewhere.
>>827412385Its true, why do you quote it
>>827411665Cons: The only difference is whether you were born with a dick. End of discussion. Also cons: Men and women are mentally different and need to be treated differently.Transgenderism: A rare trait where your mental gender doesn't line up with your physical one.Cons: IMPOSSIBLE!
>>827412060your lying, give evidence behind your claims retard
>>827411665there are only 2 genders a male has a penis and a female has a vagina anyone that disagrees have a mental disorder its a shame mental facilities have been closed the brain is very fragile
>>827412727thinking differently isnt a mental illness
>>827412822facts do not equal delusions
Tranny faggots should all an-hero
>>827412897jews are human. get off 4chan for a while
>>827412929gender is a social construct, not a fact
>>827411665stay strong
forcing others to participate in your fetish has set civil rights back 60 years
>>827411665>genitals or chromosomes do not prove if you're a man or a womankek. and you follow that up with calling basic science "simplistic"??lol you're fucked in the head. have fun making these threads trying to persuade anyone otherwise. you're only proving what a retard you are.don't be so certain everyone on the planet is as eager to avoid reality as you are.
>>827413052evidence behind claims, retardonaut
>>827412998this is the most retarded thing i've heard today is this what they are teaching in school nowadays?
>>827413242why do you think its retarded, it's a fact that it's constructed socially and can, or rather, SHOULD be changed
>>827413307males have penises and females have vaginas that's science 101 you dumb fuck
>>827411665hate speech is free speech.
>>827413379that's science, not the social connotation of gender
>>827411665Nice bait SJeW
>>827411665If not bait, just live your life and don't be an attention whore and no one will care how you dress or what cosmetic surgery you get done.I work with a dude, she's cool and doesn't make a deal when someone says thanks man or similar. It's hard not to see a man dressed as a woman though.My thoughts
>>827413445so if you are dumb enough to think there are more than 2 genders how many genders are there?
>>827412990truly based
>>827413575as many as you can think of, hell i'd even take attack helicopter as a gender if you actually believe in it enough, mostly if it has a social connotation behind it. In the end though the main thing that matters is male or female, the rest is pretty useless but i accept it.
>>827411665the problem is that we've got all of human history where we've been using gendered language to refer to the dangly bits and lack thereof, rather than the mind that happens to lie behind them. A trans woman is a mind that feels more comfortable in the traditional role of a man, but some people will still be interested in the flesh that bears it.The truth is that it is the intention of the language used, rather than the specific words used, that must be considered.Dickheads have managed to make "jap" and "paki" bad words, even though they're just foreshortenings of nationalities. We must learn to tell dickheads to fuck off, so we can use language descriptively and rationally, rather than making language a sea of eggshells to tiptoe upon.Trans folks are just folks. If they want to present themselves as a chick, fine by me. Language is a human tool, and we can change it. But if my dumb buddy that's very straight thinks she's hot, I'm still going to politely let him know she's got more bean and frank than his dumb ass.
>>8274135751 - human
So when you order a t-shirt on-line there's only two options. Men's and women's. Ever order a transgender t-shirt?
>>827413769that's not the social connotation of gender, you can wear "manly stuff" and be a girl, but it doesn't out the idea as much
>>827411665Shut up, freak
>>827411901these are both truths to those that speak them.if a dude wants to get bolt ons and a slightly more literal axe wound, that's his business. if he wants to go by she, that's fine too.it literally hurts me in no way to respect thisif someone wants me to call them xir horsekin because they're a multilateral quadrenary gender, I'm going to respectfully, but forcefully, ask them to stop blowing me and leave.
>>827411665>Genitals or chromosomes do not prove if you're a man or woman.they do
>>827413980on a sexual level, yes, not on a mental and social level
>>827411665I don't understand, if a retard says he's Batman that doesn't mean he is.
>>827414024you are wrong
>>827411665I'll be sold on the idea when it's possible to change every sex chromosome in the body, the skeletal structure, hormones, & reproductivityBut for now, I'll spit on those abominations for ruining their bodies
how does the very thing that makes you either gender, not make you that gender? I'm genuinely confused
>>827414106yes it does, just batman on a whole new realm
>>827411665>I don't see why it's so hard for some of you to accept us for who we areYou don't even accept you for who you are. But that doesn't even always have to do with your gender identity. Sometimes that's just the way you manifest it.
>>827412482Yeah you're a redditor. Bye.
>>827411665>transphobes>phobesas in phobia? a phobia is a fear. no one is scared of crossdressing faggots. we just dont like them.
>>827411665My brother's kid is trans. Teenager. He likes to draw dragons. If I go to a family event I'll get a dragon drawing given to me by the end of the night.I don't know why people need to expend energy hating something that doesn't affect them at all.Can't you all just be cool? Guess not.
>>827414374phobia is only used as a term because it makes the most sense, its not the literal definition of the word
>>827412990Joggers aren't though.
There's only two genders, boy or girl. Fuck outta here, attention-seeking psycho.
>>827411665Nothing you say or do will make me ever believe that you're are anything but a man.
>>827411665XX or XY, can't hide from your chromosomes...l2bio
>>827414402I have no problem with whatever he/she/it decides to do. Just don't require me to actively participate in the delusion by calling them their make believe gender.
>>827412118Not all transgender people are transsexual
>>827414806what if undiscernable from woman to trick you
I know someone who hated his arm..literally tried to have it amputated several times, tried stabbing it, cutting it...basically he wanted to mutilate it so that a hospital had to take it off because he was convinced it wasn't his arm and didn't belong on his body...how is this any different?
>>827414909because that's schizophrenia, not dysphoria.
>>827414402I honestly don't give a shit, I just rather not have it stuffed down my throat, and having people tell me it matters when it obviously doesn't.
>>827414374But you talk about going into the bathroom, and it's a fear of something that rarely happens, so it's a irrational to be concerned at a level of of being concerned about pedophiles in your churches. It's an "Irrational fear," witch is the word usually phobia means, but I'm aware that 'phobia' is also a hardwired thing but lets not get to semantic about.
>>827414893Just most of them.
>>827413575It depends on the culture. India has 3 recognized genders. Many native American cultures had only 2, but recognized trans individuals. It's literally a sociocultural identity. Mental gender and biologicsl sex are two different things.
>>827415019i agree with this, but its no skin off your humongous penis to not comply with something simple they ask and pretend
>>827414995not without other symptoms it isn't...compulsively thinking your body is wrong is still compulsively thinking your body is wrong regardless of how the DSM wants to define it...and in all cases it is a mental disorder. That doesn't mean that society shouldn't be supportive, because it's not like being trans is hurting anyone except for the bitches who were born men and then decide to compete against women in sports...but that's an extreme edge case.
>>827411665Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and should be treated with medication and counseling/therapy, not mutilation and hormones to try and reinforce delusions. Its crazy to me that those are two most prominent "treatment" options when you go to a doctor. Don't fall for that shit it's predatory as fuck, of course you'd take a risky and expensive surgery if you had the mental illness, you'd do anything to be the other gender, people kill themselves because they can't be. Its crazy their allowed to make those decisions for themselves.
>>827411665 i agree sorry for your illness I hope you get better
>>827415159I just rather them not ask me at all.
>>827415201in the end, its the choice of the individual what they wish to do with their bodies, so yeah, i agree
>>827415031Sorry I don't want a man in a dress to molest my daughter cuz he "feels like a woman"
>>827412278Get in the oven, kike.PS Heidi.
>>827415266dysphoria cannot be treated really, the best way to fix it is to change the construct of gender to help em' then to let em' fall by trying so hard
>>827413052Nice projection.
>>827414215what do you do about natural XY females?
>>827415357The best way to treat gender dysphoria is deathhopefully these fags get reborn as what they want
>>827412998Your not funny, but depressing, I was thinking about my gender identity, but I don't know this upsets me, help me:(
>>827415468>"overly aggressive meme opinion to get (you)s because it's the only human interaction I have"
>>827411665>Genitals or chromosomes do not prove if you're a man or woman.Future generations will look back at this mindset and conclude that society normalized mental illness before finally coming to their senses (which we collectively will, hopefully soon)
>>827415299oy vey, i may be jewman but i aint none kike
I'm not going to bust my own balls learn this retarded shit. Add to the statistics and kill yourself.
>>827412897Too bad the ovens have been off for a few years.
>>827415552future generations will bolt vaginas directly to their heads because human modification is cheap and easy and they won't care what the "only things I'm comfortable with should exist" fuckers of yesteryear thought on the matter
>>827415552that'll never happen, a liberal future is ahead and im proud
>>827412420You're not funny:(I can see why tans-phobia is prevalent mow:(Lighten up or go hang yourself I hate you you me feel bad and I'm an SJW cuck because destiny and he convinced me that there's nothing wrong with exploring my sexual identity but you make me feel bad more then these transphobes:(
Alright everybody let's change the topic, let's post pictures of boobs.
>>827411665Lost. Best YLYL ever
>>827415756funny :)
>>827415776nice tits
>>827415785This isn't a joke thread, you're hurting my feelings :(
Trans people are either depressed that they are losers and change their gender to escape who they are or else they are children and get convinced to change because children
>>827411665So science is wrong because you are mentally ill. Got it.
>>827416001dysphoria is a real illness, but alas, an illness. Not convinced by bullshit, dysphoria exists though and is prevalent.
>>827414340I wanna be trans and 4chan is great to explore the identity because the only thing worst then trans-phobia is preachiness I immedietely lose all sympathy for women being raped when they complain titys on the screen.
>>827411665>When transphobes say “there’s only two genders! Boy or girl” when talking specifically about trans men and women. Or when a question ask “what’s your gender identity” and has trans as an option.Can you please try using semantically complete sentences? The above makes no sense.
>>827416011Read up in thread, already debunked this looser :D
>>827416087 Sure, heres one: you are retarded.
>>827414659And women, kike dankula is a big SJW cry baby I fucking those women get raped and stoned and have acid on their fucking face for whining about men existing.
>>827411665What rights don't trans people have?
>>827416206>you are retardedThis insult comes from someone who can't write a meaningful, complex sentence."Projection" is a word that comes to mind.
>>827416285many, why dont you give rights trans people do have before strawmanning
>>827415295K, but I just don't men raping women in the gaming culture, just because it's "male shame".
>>827416340I only state facts, and here's another: you're a egotistical asshole.
>>827411665bitch I'll respect trans women when they let me suck their cocks
>>827411665I support trans people, but posting this on this site is a waste of time. People here are very trollish and close minded, you can't change their perceptions of things easily.
>>827416443There's plenty who would, you just gotta reach out. ;)
>>827416346>strawmanningDid you just assume the straw-persons gender?Now answer the question, what rights don't they have?
>>827416413> you're a egotistical assholePerhaps I am.Whether I am an egotistical asshole or not, doesn't change the fact that the first paragraph of the OP is nonsensical. Not even getting into the substance of trans rights etc; as a piece of writing it makes no sense.
We or at least i am willing to accept you for who you are. But you have to admit that there are alot of bad actions being looked over for the sake of "trans rights" things like drugging children before they're at an age to comprehend their feelings and the world, ppl claiming trans identity just for the trendy/ippression/virtue points and the communities tendency to remove evertone's freedom of speach because they think they have the right to not be offended
>>827415132>India has 3 recognized gendersHistorically, the "3rd gender" was a way of referring to male gay people and male eunuchs. It was even effectively a slur to call someone it for most of history. The Indian "third gender" is basically the west's interpretation of calling someone a "fag".
>>827414402Show dragon please
>>827416485Ok. U cute? Omw
>>827416666quads for this... 6s too, makes sense to me
OP is literally a fag.
>>827415714>that'll never happen, a liberal future is ahead and im proudA sane future is ahead, where we treat people with mental illness and not play along and even contribute to it by letting them play out their insane fantasies through getting their dicks chopped off.
>>827415790Call me a pedo?Do you know I'm a pedophiles is that why you don't feel bad for me, if so then I hope those trans fags get in the fucking oven, this is why I praise my lord and savior Allah,ALLAH WILL TROLL US ALLMUHAMMAD WILL CUCK US ALL
>>827416746yes I'm a demon worshipper who needs trannie cocks rn
>>827416500I'll leave this argument unanswered then, it adds no substance, the thread gets into the rest. That is the point of threads.
>>827416636based pajeet
>>827414897What if they trick me? Then great for them I guess, they tricked me. At some point I'm going to find out and then what? I know that ends everything for me. Do you really want your life being about tricking people? I don't think that's healthy.
> so hard for some of you to accept us for who we are~So you can't accept your natural gender and demand I shall roleplay with you irl? Hypocrite faggot.
>>827416792Most likely, an authoritarian and scarcity driven future is just around the corner. A future where issues like identity politics will cease to take up much space in people’s minds. A lot of people are going to die in the next 10 years.
>>827417028its simple bro, let em with them delusions cuz they make nice porn.
>>827411665shut the fuck up you're mentally ill you're either dick or pussy which one fag
>>827417151Heidi makes better nazi porn then any other fag I know, when she call kyle a dirty Jew.
>>827417088i strongly doubt your doomer logic. If anything, things will continue liberal until a new liberal is invented. in the end the authoritarianism will not be old authoritarianism, but future-liberal authoritarianism
>>827417212depends, look earlier in thread
>>827417281LOL faggot!
>>827417405I strongly agree with absurdist philosophy and dadaism, so this is a good post. I give you the 4chan gold award for funny post.
Trans rights aren't a thing there's no such gender as 1=!=0=!=1
>>827417677hot and sexy post
ok I understand what you say , I respect what you think but shit, it´s so fucking hard to accept that in a biological way you are something? I am not asking you for identify yourself like a man or woman but , don´t make things only to feel comfortable with what you think , also use your head for something else and see what you are saying . Dude , it´s so fucking simple : You are a man , a woman or if you wanna accept like other sex : intersex . After you can say man , I identify my self like whatever , like a goat if you want to . If people do this , there would not be no problems with anyhing . This why I hate of all the LGBT , Man you don´t have to do unnecessary things , you are a human , not all the people cares your fucking tastes or if you consider yourself like whatever.Pitifully we need to thank all the people that makes you do all these things.
>>827417472Did I but hurt you?Guess that's the benefit of faggotry>:)