Yes, this game is very interesting indeed.
I'm fairly certain that almost all of you are familiarized with this card game, and how it seems to uncannily predict quite a substantial amount of things. If these predictions were intentional, I assume we can extract a significant amount of knowledge from this game, which is why a thread dedicated to connecting the dots regarding it could be crucial to massive advancements. And if we find reason to these correlations being coincidental, at least we won't have to deal with it anymore.
For people who are unfamiliar, I recommend conducting personal background research into this game.
Pics related are some connections that I didn't find online. Attempt to manifest yours so we can proceed unveiling this frightening crystal ball of a card game.
List to most, if not all, cards:
Illuminati Card Game investigation thread
Other urls found in this thread:
These are more correlations I found from a conspiracy site.
This is for the "Praise Kek" crowd.
Are these real 1995 cards?
I probably should have played this, instead of getting into Magic, and now being sick of how pozzed it's become.
Honestly it seems like cards are being "added" to this game back in 1995. Makes me wonder if our magic is inserting our memes into it
High Quality thread. Glad you have us looking at cards from 1995 and not fighting Clinton/Pence trying to undermine Trump.
The creator of these cards is probably intertwined within elitist affairs, unraveling this game can be very advantageous.
From what I heard after September 11th the FBI raided their offices and the cards nearly put them out of business with legal fees.
The FBI would only raid their office unjustifiably if these cards hold some sort of value for them to conceal.
Hence, any secret surplanted within this game could provide assistance to us regarding the Shillary campaign to undermine trump.
Pure coincidence
is this game the synchronicity jackpot or what
Have a coldie and shitpost with us, mate.
The bottom right card there is altered, the original card had brown hair, and probably implied that it depicted Reagan.
Teflon Ron?
unmasked would seem to be a world leader revealing themselves as the one ruler. not anonymoose or some other activist group
Has anyone here played this game? Is it fun?
I'm pretty sure you're getting it confused, there are two cards with similar pictures.mthe Teflon coating has blonde hair and the card that did not depict teflon coating had brown hair.or at least I'm pretty sure that's how it was anyway
Where's the one that looks like it has spurdo in the background and user in the foreground?
Interesting times is the name of the card. The text goes on about something that even the masters no longer know what is going on causing them to argue in raised voices, slam doors and destory small nations.
I'll never view pizza the same again after the Podesta leaks.
Oh fuck.
I remember old thread when some user pointed them out, those cards are pretty accurate.
It's only uncanny if you're a dumb shit who wasted his life watching the electric Jew and playing videogames.
For anyone old enough, who remembers Steve Jackson games and what happened there, you're BONKERS.
Holy Hell it's actually real.
ur a fag
Is it a shop? If it is, it appears to have been referenced three years ago – well before the Podesta Emails.
I tried to find out. So here is a video about this card from 2009. Kek ist a fucking psyop, fuck!
/tg/ user here, I haven't played it but my understanding is that it's better than most of the absolute dreck that Steve Jackson Games put out over the years. It's a pretty bog standard take-that card game, but at least a well done one. It also dates back to 1982 for the original version, not 1995 like posted in the thread, although the cards posted in the thread are from the 1987 deluxe remake of the game or its expansions (release dates 1999, 2001, 2007, 2010).
I doubt it has any significance in any way, shape or form. Holla Forums didn't invent the conspiracy theory. And when you make a game and a total of 7 different expansions (3 for the original, 4 for the deluxe which contained all of the original expansions) you end up with hundreds of cards and if you go through you'll probably find a couple that look like real life events considering that the subject matter is actual political violence.
That's the shittiest analysis I've ever seen
It's not a shop, it's real. It's listed in my strategy guide, FYI there are 450+ cards.
Why the fuck nobody posted this??
We are hitler wizards
We're reincarnating nimwit. Now we just need Hitler's brain.
this is a reference to the natsoc deepstate becoming active again since all the way back to OP werwolf. paperclip brought them in after ww2 and they built an intel empire that permeates all our branches.
"The Frog God" is based on Lovecraftian god, Tsathoggua, in the Illuminatus! trilogy (which the cards are based on.) Just wait until you see the Fnords.
Yeah, we played the hell out of Illuminati:NWO in 93 and 94 – I've seen all these cards in person. I haven't noticed any inserted cards later.
Not quite. Steve Jackson Games got raided in the early 90s when they were making GURPS Cyberpunk, because the FBI thought a game about hacking and cracking was a manifesto. They eventually got their hard drives back but it took a long time.
It seems there was a tabletop simulator workshop mod for this card game. But the Jews with the copyright took it down. anybody have the files?
My buddy bought a bunch of packs recently, unopened from 95. They're all real.
Why in the fuck is every single screenshot of every card in such low resolution that the small print is blurry and hard to read. Get better pictures!
The teflon coating card is OBama.
nice thumbnails
It talks about reincarnation by "getting younger".
Some of us literally wuz Thule society members/Esoteric Hitlerists.
Videogames are good
I vaguely remember this. Not much info can be found through basic searches. Anyone know what the hell this was all about?
Thank you. I've been looking for these so I could make it for Tabletop simulator.
Here's some:
Kinda reminded of that religious or /fringe/ explaining how (((they))) are forced to work under God's law of "For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed", else this secret things wouldnt be allowed to happen or something like that if done in full secrecy. A kike way to bypass of find loopholes, thats for sure.
The creator of this was Robert Anton Wilson, he was a prominent Discordianist.
Discordianism is a religion whose central figure is Eris (aka Discordia) the Greek goddess of chaos. I highly recommend every user to read its holy book, the Principia Discordia. The Illuminatus books and games are based on its teachings.
Robert Anton Wilson's Prometheus Rising is also a great book. Read it.
Holla Forums is the spiritual reincarnation of the thule society and a reformation of the "black-clad legion"
BTW, the Principia Discordia is in the public domain, the full text, with an introduction by Robert Anton Wilson is here:
Highly recommend his essay "The Spaghetti Theory of Conspiracy"
This guy was obviously woke af