Here he goes again after saying minorities can't build western civilisation. Congressman Steve King being considered for for appointment to Secretary of Homeland Security says Greeks aren't white
At 5:38
Here he goes again after saying minorities can't build western civilisation. Congressman Steve King being considered for for appointment to Secretary of Homeland Security says Greeks aren't white
At 5:38
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Is it because they are orthodox? The nigger can marry his daughter just so long as the nigger is a proper Christian.
He's right unless he's talking about Ancient Greeks who were Nordic in every facet.
I always liked this guy ever since he asked the CNN panel who contributed more to civilization that white people but this is on another level. He actually called out the erasure of the Hellenes through arab occupation and miscegenation.
Fucking bump.
Actually they were not nordic,they lived in caves during that period.
MSNBC: "Can you help me understand what American values means? You tweeted not long ago 'Cultural suicide by demographic transformation must end.' [Pic of him together with Frauke Petry and Geert Wilders. Tweet where he wishes Petry successful election]
King: "Ok, look at Europe…
… Think of this: if we brought, let's just say, a billion people from the continent of India, Indians, into America - would that change America? Would we ever become that which we are and have been, the America that I love and continue to love, or would it transform us? If we did that with a billion Chinese, of course it would change us. So cultural transformation … we need people that buy into the American culture, the American civilization, the American dream. And eventually we need to get the assimilation …"
MSNBC: "Sir! …"
King: "…in place, so that we have cultural continuity on top of that."
MSNBC: "… Couldn't native Americans have said that? This is the country of immigrants!"
King: "Well, I['ll] just challenge you: name a country that's not a country of immigrants. Every nation on the world is a country of immigrants. And … these are our values that are here; it's a…"
MSNBC: "Greece is not a country …"
King: "…great gift to this country."
MSNBC: "Greece is not a country of immigrants!"
King: "Well, I was in Greece not that long ago and I asked why, when they were digging up the statues that had their hair painted blonde, why I don't see very many blonde Greeks. And the guide looked at me and said: that's what 400 years of Turkish occupation will do to you. I think they are a country of immigrants, maybe by conquest, maybe not by peaceful reasons."
He's not wrong when you consider turkroach invaders are considered Greeks…
If the native Americans could have passed a law which which would have guaranteed their peoples continued dominance over their land, wouldn't they have done so?
What year was the United States founded? Is a country more than just a specific piece of land? What dif the natives have to do with the creation of the United States?
No, it's a country of white settlers and white immigrants.
Stupid bitch.
Turkoarches need to be killed.
Oh man nigga that's some straight-outta-/gsg/ bants.
Wow. usually they'd just cut the feed
remove kebab
The only minus points seem to be his anti-abortion stance and once in a blue moon praise of lobbyists. This guy is like a younger version of Buchanan. Good times ahead.
That's King though. He says these things so nonchalantly and reasonable that it's not till the end of the sentence that these people register what he's said. More anons need to adapt this style irl tbh.
Where did everything go so right?
Damn, this guy is #woke
Straight up white nationalist tier.
For the record, I consider Greeks the borderline white. We need to whiten them up a bit but they are salvageable, unlike kikes or what have you.
He's Holla Forums
heleniggers btfo
Yeah, I don't have an issue with Greeks but him saying this is promising regardless. As well as him not openly opposing a muslim immigration.
Entire interview was worth listening to. He hid his power level until the last minute.
Finished the interview.
Yeah, so, the Jews got Muslims to invade and conquer Rome/Greece
Now they're working their way up.
Jews and Muslims are the same semites.
That's actually his entire point
Proud to live in his district here in Iowa.
Even prouder to be living in the country he would be protecting.
Even if it is a pointless department.
Lmao, I'm in that screencap.
lel he did a real life
I'm so fucking jealous of Iowa right now. Is the state just as based?
We need someone to do an
Since Trump is avoiding media exposure, they're probably ravenous for any information.
Video related
Good stuff, have an MP4
They're starting to catch on.
not linking because there's no content, just the headline and quote about the Greeks.
this is objectively false.
I guess that means you win the argument. Rats, foiled again!
He's right. Ancient Greeks are a long dead people. The 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey was the final blow to those people. Greece took in millions of Christians at the time was 1/4 of the Greek population from Anatolia that had been there since fucking Byzantinium.
Greeks are a people that have been getting diluted for millennia and today they're no longer recognisable.
Whats his stance on Israel?
Greeks don't have any Turk admixture though, as it was the Turks that took in Greek blood. It's actually the 10% semetic admixture(J1), 1% east african admixture, extraction of blonde women by turks, and byzantine brain drain that creates the modern Greek (i.e. a mixed bag). Get your shit straight, Steve!
No, you're just simply wrong. Ancient Greeks were never nordic. Modern Greeks don't even have large amounts of turkish DNA.
Here's another pro-white gem from Steve King.
I'm just glad you didn't use the word "objectively" again!
Do you think acting like an obnoxious twat makes you right?
nice non-argument, you triggered little faggot.
Do you feel in charge?
2016 is a good year
I'm half Greek and got my DNA tested. According to them I'm about 10% Middle Eastern/North African. You're telling me that kike taint and not turkroach taint?
Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
He needs his safe space god what a beta faggot you are.
Nope, ancient greeks were short.
Of course. The Original Greeks had Blond hair. Dannon yogurt. Truth of the DAN.
The biggest problem now would be the low IQ of 95 and the low population. The smarter Greeks need to immediately boost their population.
Looking good, Holla Forums!
The Spartans were legit cucks. Plutarch wrote about it. Spartans used to claim that there was no adultery in Sparta because it was legal and encouraged to let their wives get fucked by other men.
By "semetic" I meant all semites in general, not just the most present in the west (hebrews), which the term commonly refers to. You probably got the intermixture from christian ME migrants into Greece. So you're probably not a violent savage like muslim middle-easterners, but you probably have a bit of the ugliness. Sorry man.
Does this mean the greeks were the only successful black civilisation?
The problem with that youtube show or whatever it is is the characters all sound like faggy lispy vocal fry millennials with no bass in their voices.
Speaking of which, what in the world happened to the rufosity of Thracians? Because you'd think the Bulgarians would have some red hair, but they don't at all.
Greeks were never nordic as a whole. Historically, the Greek islands and region was comprised of many different ethnic groups including some populations with blond hair, but the majority were dark haired and oilve skinned similar to most Southern Europeans. This keeps in line with our knowledge of European migratory history, where Europe was settled at different times by three distinct groups - the Western Hunter-gatherers in NW Europe (light skinned with light hair and eye features), Neolithic farmers in Southern Europe (darker, ligh-tan skin with a chance of light eyes) and the Yamnaya culture who came from the Caucasus (light skinned with dark eyes and hair). Southern Europe, and thus Greece, was settled primarily by Neolithic farmers who naturally had darker skin and other features than their much more northern counterparts.
Wow, he handled her like a complete professional. Very well done.
Based. I hope we're seeing the beginning of a new era in which politicians don't take shit from asshole journalists.
i think that's part of the joke, man. did you hear their interview on… (what was it?) Rebel Yell? TRS? idk, they were on one of them. bretty gud
also, you know anything about cutting clips with avidemux. I couldn't get this clip any shorter for some reason. I just wanted the "based" part, but idk it didn't work
Sardinians (pics related) are the purest example of Neolithic farmers alive today as shown by the chart in
Back in 2013 when Steve King was trying to get DREAMers deported this happened
Give some context to that blanket statement of them being cucks. Spartans prized their blood and strength above all else, so if they thought one of their mates was even more a man than themselves, they'd let them impregnate their wife so as to strengthen their race.
Greeks not white confirmed
Greeks not white confirmed.
Greeks not white confirmedd
breaking down d&c shill confirmed.
So are Southern Europeans/Mediterraneans in general not white? All this time I thought they were.
But then you come off as approving of that sort of noncery.
Final solution to the GQ soon
They are. This is bullshit d&c being pedalled.
I don't necessarily approve or disapprove. I see their logic of why they did it. That's all.
Not white nor non-white, but white ethnic.
Greeks not white confirmedd.
I use blender which is admittedly more than a little weird. not sure I'd recommend it..
That was awesome
No, no. That's what approval is. Calling something logical is approval.
"white ethnic" was just a made up distinction in the United States to give extra "authority" to Anglos. Eastern Europeans were also considered "white ethnic" even though many are blond and blue eyed.
Kebab steve kebab
What kind of word sorcery are you peddling =^)?
You can understand a viewpoint and still think it's not the best solution/right way to go about things.
Actually just checked. I'm 70% southern European, 15% northwestern european, 5% middle eastern (not ten). One parent is Greek, one is German. German family even has a city named after them in Germany, yet only 5% of my DNA is specifically German.
Only ugly thing about me is the obesity. Working on that.
…And a person can also approve of things in degrees, like something would be a first choice, then something less positive would be a second choice, etc.
So, at what point would your tolerance end? Sexual license is destroying society, so I'd for one like to see less "understanding" in this area.
nice. thanks. I might just be doing something wrong. someone here recommended avidemux, but I see there are a number of other ones that ppl recommend, so I might have to try that out.
here's another one i made today.
America is now a German country. I love dicking Anglo women with my big Aryan cock all day.
I bet Franklin regrets calling us Aryans niggers now.
its a meme that some people have unironically fallen for
It's well recognized that there are subgroups of white but mediterreans are still part of "white"
these are the overall subgroups
you realize the angles and the saxons were germanic tribes, and that english is a germanic language, right?
Franklin called Germans swarthy. Lmao.
I was making fun of Franklin because he called Swedes niggers and said that the English are the only true white people on earth.
I'll ever understand Euros. To me, white is white… at least with NW Euros anyway
fug… the beginning of this one isn't quite right as well. fuck fucking avidemux
THIS is how you subtly distribute redpills among the mainstream press and the American public. You shut down the traps the media sets for you and throw their rhetoric back in their faces with cold hard facts.
I can't think of a better candidate for Secretary of Homeland Security.
did he? lol. see
We're not Spartans. It's irrelevant, really. But as far as what my personal standard on what I would tolerate or not would be: if it hurts the race, NO; if it doesn't, it's your business.
Try sharing the same continent for years and having bantz so powerful they start wars.
We hate each other tremendously and we're fiercely loyal to close kin. I can at least respect that in a Spaniard or a French.
To me, the Americans are the weird ones. I don't quite understand how you can look at a German, look at a French, and just say "you're both white! You have to accept the same cultural norms and the same laws!"
T. Benjamin Franklin
Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and shitpost with the founding fathers.
again, I'll never understand Euros
libertarian amerifat detected
Our national character is that we're eternal rebels, that's just who we are.
Swedes do look Mongoloid. I get where he's coming from.
It's a charity, if you were of decent genetic stock and accepted superior Anglo-Saxon culture, you were allowed to live in our great nation. Euros were straight up begging to be let in.
wouldn't it be great. I would have long conversations with Jefferson whilst we drank freshly still whiskey and banged his sheboon slaves.
also, we have no problem with norms, just a problem with The State or other "Authority" telling us what they should be. Freedom of Association is one of the founding principles of the American Way.
also, I'm not a kike libertarian; I'm a civic republican, fgt
Again, I don't get Americans.
Aren't ethnic Greeks (that is pure Greek heritage) white though? I know a lot of them got mixed with roach DNA after they were conquered but not all of them were. Even then there are some white Turks but they are rare.
When you live with niggers for 400 fucking years the distinctions between white people become almost unnoticeable.
I think he may be a troll; it wasn't two minutes ago but he was writing about shagging blacks.
Aristotle and Plato were white, let's just leave it at that.
i sure don't like the way that sounds, buddy!
I can't wait for the modern Greek to go extinct; they're lazy and have thrown their religion to the wayside. All the tough ones moved to Russia or died defending Hellas in World War 2.
fuck I'm Greek oh well
how is it so hard to understand, retard?
No, raping them. You have to make sure they know who's boss.
nah, they're the same species, just an inferior subspecies. also, no procreation; just raep
so much this. also, most whites are mixed. most people who identify as german or swedish are usually like 50% anglo or other mix, so there really are few distinctions like that. US distinctions are more regional and cultural.
That article has some pretty dire warnings:
Thank God for the chance to set shit right with a Trumpenfuhrer in the white house.
No, the days of whites ruling over coloureds in white homelands like U.S.A. is over. That's why we're making sure the Dixie flag comes down everywhere, excepting for history museums. White supremacy at home only causes trouble.
Didn't mean to bump.
that's because you're a dipshit. the word "civic" in civic republican doesn't function the same way it does in the term "civic nationalism." Of course, you'd know that if you ever read a fucking book, you dumb nigger.
greeks not white confirmed
I'm absolutely going to read all of this now.
yeah… no its not. Where are you living?
so you're a jew? how about you GTFO back to Israel? thanks.
white supremacy in the US is the only thing that keeps the country running. if not for white supremacy, this country would just be a bunch of sheboons twerking on top of the ashes of what used to be a great civilization
Fucking amazing.
in after butthurt greeks
English is the bastard offspring of germanic and latin.
I hope you're being serious, honestly I do. Our Founders were Republicans, not libertarians. Libertarianism is post-War kike propaganda.
Quentin Skinner does an absolutely amazing lecture on the first part of that article (comparing and contrasting different understandings of freedom/liberty) in vid related. Its very good, and I agree with him (and Foucault and Nietzsche) that the best way to understand these concepts is geneologically.
I also recommend his lecture on the geneology of the state. very good as well
Those trips confirm more than based congressman.
Fuck, it was a good run for Hellas; maybe based Assad will let us help rebuild Syria after Trump and Putin help him stop the invaders.
no it means ancient greeks were white and modern greeks are turkish rape babies
Turks are far more Greek than the other way around. The Turks were a central Asian ethnic group who converted to Islam and conquered Anatolia. There is very little genetic evidence of central Asian DNA in Greeks.
Wasnt Alexander the great greek?
Actually, looking at the linked pieces, people like Macedonians and Spartans were white conquerors from the north who brought their language with them and ancient Athenians were the original inhabitants; they were basically modern day lazy black haired Greeks.
tfw blonde haired greeks live in the mountains
tfw mountains are a natural barrier to rape
tfw they will move to Russia to escape the coming Greek-o-caust
This is surreal, who'd think in the current year you'd have people in power saying things like this on TV.
fucking hell Holla Forums some of you need to apply 9mm
That's like saying Leonidas wasn't Greek because he was a Spartan.
Real Macedonians are Greek. The people that call themselves Macedonian now just adopted the title.
t. real Greek Macedonian.
Technically Makedonian (Greeks didn't think they were, and science shows Makedonian's had lots of foreign DNA), but considered himself Greek and conquered the Persians in the name of Greece.
The Dorian Greeks were noted by many ancients to be from the north, while the Doric Greeks were most likely native.
Dorian Greeks always allied with other Dorian's, however, as Corinth and Sparta were close allies.
Having taught at a school that was almost entirely full of Greeks I can tell you they're a mixed bag. You won't find many with light hair but some either have tan or brown skin while others can be pale white.
Southern Europeans in general are pretty swarthy and I can see why Anglos where so kc tier when it came to whiteness.
False, they were blonde Greeks.
I'll gladly sacrifice any last vestiges of european I may or may not have on the altar of hate if it helps the Trumpenfuhrer and his followers even slightly assblast these lying kikes in the media.
Looking forward to more and more people feeling free enough to talk about objective reality more and more.
my niece is half greek and she has blond hair, blue eyes and really pale skin, she can barely even tan in the summer.
Why is it that you Hellenics always unnecessarily type with Cap locks on? I mean, you are not as bad as the Persians who never capitalize the first letters in their sentences, ramble on in without punctuation, and generally type as if they are talking, but still.
memes when?
That's the leader of the Golden Dawn though.
Do these people not realise that using the cultural and demographic replacement of the American Indians as an example just further provides support for anti-immigration policies?
There were some tribes that tried and build a nation like the Cherokee but previous conflicts with them made early America quite cautious of them and Andrew Jackson said fuck you go to Oklahoma. Tbh they were always opposing burgers for many wars such as the war of 1812 and the American Revolution. So a nation of a people that had repeated conflict with in the past century or so would make some sense to be wary of them.
Some are white, most aren't. You can tell by the eye test right away which ones are and aren't. Same for Portugal and Spain. Italy is the opposite, most are white and some aren't, you can tell right away which ones aren't.
Homeland Security going full 1488?
Yes, please.
Being in Greece at one point I concur. It's a gypsy nation.
Southern Italy is also the same. Imagine 5 tall blonde/brown guys going into a supermarket. We could see each other in a thick crowd, 50 meters away like beacons.
Americans being a racial recipe of eleven herbs and spices calling Greeks non-white as if whiteness is the same everywhere and it is something they can represent.
His dad was Macedonian (Mostly Greek but Greeks in the Peloponnese and Attic Greeks were pretty quick to label 'X is not Greek' if they didn't agree with you) and his mother an Epriot (Greek) so yes he was Greek.
Macedonian :^)
Never trust a Greek.
Romans 10:12
There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek.
Oh Schlomo…
Greeks and romans are the same thing.
I am French and i have Roman foot.
Your thesis is incorrect. Neolithic farmers were actually the first ones from outside of Europe to carry genes for light skin into Europe. The second wave of people to bring in genes for light skin were Indo Europeans (Yamnaya). I find it hard to believe Yamnaya were dark eyed and dark haired considering the populations with Yamnya admixture are also the blondest. Also, Western Hunter gatherers were all over Europe, not just the NW. Most Western Hunter Gatherers did not develop light skin yet so you are wrong there too pal. They had blue eyes but hair and skin remained dark, which is actually commonly known.
After the Neolithic wave, ancient Greek migration history is characterized by repeated invasion from the north/northeast, who, big surprise, were Indo Europeans.
Always knew I was Mediterranean but I thought it was spanish not greek
Ancestors must've been raped
The Roman would disagree with that.
The Roman had a cultural story that they were the descendants of Troy and the Greeks all teamed up together to take them out, so they got their revenge.
Why do you think they literally had Greek slaves and called them as such?
who celtic foot masterrace here?
I'm Germanic-Celtic mix, so I have equal lengths on big toe and middle toe.
I agree with everything he said.
Luca Brasi meets Sal Tessio?
You don't like me so I must be a Jew.
You have to understand this, European nationalists identify as their nationality which also means their unique racial stock.
That means we'd fucking die before seeing the French being replaced by the English, the Germans by the Serbs, etc. Niggers belong either in Africa or hanging by a noose.
If anyone's going to Make Greece Great Again and cure the Greek bloodline it will be Greek National Socialists
Anyone not supporting National Socialists of other nations is a retard or a jewish shill
It's so weird how they're supposed to be considered white at all. Sicilians are nordic supermen compared to the average greek
Missed a good opportunity there to just say "and what effect did mass immigration have on Native American culture and communities again?" or whatever.
You are seriously worse than niggers.
Nordics are the niggers of Europe and have the mental capacity of an arab. Always were, always will be.
Greeks are only brown due to the turkish rapegenes and the medeterranian weather
celto-germanic masterrace here
He is most likely a kike puppet who wants to turn southern Europeans against western ones once the pendulum swings again.
"..during the Classical period of Greek history (650—150 BC), 27% of the Greek population had been predominantly Nordic in type. He observed that prior to the Classical period, the Nordic element had been larger, and that after it, the element in question had declined. also noted that the immigrant Indo-Europeans, were of Nordic subrace."
"..the aristocracies of Hellas were a product of closely interbreeding, Eupatrid clans. These clans were mostly Nordic in type, being largely descended from the Indo-European invaders. The demos, or common people however, as well as most slaves, were of Mediterranean, Pelasgian descent."
Greeks were white
"white" is a term invented by Jews to divide and conquer. There is no such thing. The right term is "caucasian" and isn't based on colors.
If you use "white" do describe a race you're a kike puppet.
No, you're a shitskin. And you shouldn't have children
I've always wondered how shitskins had entered the modern day Greek gene pool.
They invaded and raped like they're doing today.
Your post is divorced from facts.
remove shawarma?
This is false, though. White Americans are overwhelmingly 100% European.
Nah. Fuck off you egalitarian-lite kike.
The facts are that nordics ran in the forests butt-naked until the dark ages. And there is no notable inventor or ruler of nordic subrace.
If you want to know what a real Aryan looks like look at Goebbels.
False again.
I fucking love Joseph but i wouldnt call him the most aryan looking person. I hope you get raped by viking death squads.
No argument I guess, snownigger?
Good thing is that nordics will go extinct in the next decade and we will forget about the subhumans forever.
i don't wanna break it to you but if you consider Greeks not white…
That's how all of them looked. Dark hair, huge nose.
The secret of the Jews is that they stole the Aryan phenotype through careful mixing and made it their own.
Now they possess both that and the neanderthal genes, which makes them superhuman.
All while they made white chase the "nordic" red herring.
Nordics are literal subhumans - if you don't believe me, just look how happy the Swedes are walking to the slaughter, they don't even try to resist.
You know shitposting aside i am curious, how would you explain your post genetically. I desire to know more.
Because Sweden is the only country in Europe that's fucking its shit up. They have been tricked and poisoned by the Jew just like the rest of Europe.
fucking kill yourself for that d&c, kike.
I know your shitposting late into the night.
But i just want to say that Aryan people are scientifically blue eyed, blonde haired, and have small straight noses.
wasn't he 170 ?
becouse there were no permanent big cities. Inventions were also agricultural or anonymous smiths. You know, something they had use of?
Just fucking
they were no good to begin with, living in the north for 200 years with no wars will fuck with your head
Just take a sample of greatest people in their field through the history and will start seeing a pattern of features. It's the mix of high percentage of neanderthal DNA and the DNA of the first civilizations.
Now the Jewishness is decided by mother, both genetically and by upbringing, since the mother plays the decisive role in it.
The Jews slipped their women to the beds of greatest people for centuries.
Ashkenazi Jews now posses the greatest percentage of neanderthal and proto-indo-european DNA. Google it, there are many studies about it.
Does anybody actually believe this? Lol.
Examples and mythological passages are in the article.
We are presented with two options:
1. The racial composition of Greece has changed after 2500 years of documented invasion, settlement and rape by various roach peoples.
2. The Greeks havent changed genetically and were simply massive cucks who literally worshipped superior nordic phenotypes in all their mythology, and kings and royal families lied about their phenotypes in all greek literature.
I'm more inclinced to believe the former.
I have no patience for pussy Greeks and other southern Europeans who come on here and try to "WE WUZ DA REAL WHITE PEOPLE".
I would never try to claim that snooki and pauly D built the Roman empire simply because I'm half Italian.
Maybe you blind faggots are too autistic to notice that demographics change.
America was 90% white 50 years ago, but gais greece is completely the same as it was 2500 years ago!
Most great people were manlets. Most niggers are above average height. You are brainwashed by the Jews, next thing you will accept is that a bigger dick makes a greater race.
Charlemagne is just proving my point. He looked Jewy as fuck.
manlet detected
It was required by the SS to be at least 6 feet tall, at least at the start of the war, later on they took in everyone.
I gave facts at my first post from which you gave your nothing responses. I'm on the side of facts and have presented them already.
They were, but they sure as shit aren't now.
Amerikikes are trying to D&C Europeans. Kikes have stolen white genes so they can appear like them (with some minor remaining perks), see pretty much every top US politician, and now they will push for muh nordicism (while excluding themselves of course) to further make goyim fight each other so they can rule across the ocean.
Americans - the most jewified nation in history
Height decides as much as the length of a dick. It's an irrelevant cosmetic feature.
Maybe if Hitler decided to take 5 feet manlets into the SS they wouldn't be so easy for the Russians to shoot and wouldn't actually win.
Red hair has a geographical boundary at which the recessive gene (MC1R) that causes red hair does not get expressed. I want to say it is 48°
What is Israel?
Oops it's actually ~45° pic related
Holy Shit, I fucking love this guy!! He's 100% right, that was perfect! Only thing I wish he had done is to mention Israel and their immigration policy. He is completely right about Greece. There are no "real Greeks" left in Greece as we think of the ancient Greeks.
you can read the descriptions of the Spartans as being almost all blonde and blue-eyed. This guy is amazing, he needs a high position in the administration. He's my new favorite politican.
Israel is jewish not jewified mate.
Women pick men that are taller than them. They don't pick men based on their dick size. Do I have to mention taller = longer bones and muscles = more strength?
Depends on how tall, after 6'3" it's too tall and your center of balance is kinda funky.
there were no height requirements for the SS, people often get this wrong. I knew an SS colonel who was in his 90s and was maybe 5 foot 2. The height requirement was for Hitler's personal bodyguards, who later became SS Adolf Hitler and were sent to the front.
They actually do. That's how the Jews are pushing racemixing and degeneracy and it's working.
Although it's all irrelevant, and women shouldn't be give a right to pick anything.
i disagree
they can still go by the garden and pick some strawberries to make marmelade
They do now.
If you ever visited Greece, you would notice that the region of ancient Sparta still has a lot of blonde, Aryan looking people and that not all Greeks look the same. Same goes for any other south European country.
I concur. Britain is a close contender as well.
Macedonian to be specific. That said, all truly pivotal historical figures have had red hair as ref hair is indicative of reptilian admixture.
I have visited , and basically the only darkies i saw was in the main city ( Athens ). The more i went to the countryside or the islands the whiter things where , there was nothing dark in sight except on Mykonos.
I'm sure most are dead now, but there used to be fairly large continents of former SS in parts of Arizona. They were very wary, but if you had a "way in" via a close a friend or GF, you got hear some amazing fucking stories.
Keep in mind, this was before cameraphones and kikebook and the rest, and every year they'd dress in replicas of the uniforms and have a big get together during a weekend in Oktoberfest.
The local press left them alone and never ran the "muh hate" articles, never mentioned it all, the restaurant they'd use (which was owned by son of German immigrants) were cool with it, it was fun as hell.
And girls would dress in 1930s German type clothes (not "traditional" German outfits just 1930s types of clothes) and do their hair in 1930s styles. Those were fun times. Could never have it these days, both because almost all those guys are dead and these days, one fucking goybook picture would land it on front page of fucking CNN.
It's a blog with an interesting racial classification and proof that the actual We was kingz an' shiet is not only bullcrap but the egyptians were fucking nordic-like.
Here, this guy/s present/s us their racial classification. It's in english, don't worry:
He even states the citizens and civilizators of Ancient Greece were the same natural Aryans Hitler seeked to protect. The article is in Spanish, but here it is:
The same applies to the Ancient Romans, again, in Spanish:
Here, EuropaSoberana destroys the We was kingz nigger movement completely, sadly, it's in Spanish:
Well, its unfortunately true. Greeks used to be white which is why they built a wonderful civilization long time ago, but now Greece is populated by half turk mongrels.
I've been to Greece. You are either full of shit user or you know nothing of history. If you know how the Turks operated (harems, Janneseries) are we really going to pretend that from fall of Constantinople after battle of Kosovo polje there were no changes in how the Greek population looked due to the Turks? Nigger, please, I know you are used to dealing with retards here who have never read a book before. I'm not one of them.
To quote Ernst Zündel "there are no Spartans left in Sparta, there are no Germans left in Germany."
You can honestly– with a straight face– assuming you have any knowledge of Classical Greek Literature and archaeology, claim that the Turks did not drastically, drastically change how the average Greek looks today?
Again, nigger, please…
By Nordic he probably means Aryan, because that is correct. All European tribes except Celts and Finns are Aryan, and Celts and Finns are very closely related to Aryans too anyway.
If that you, Al Sharpton? "We wuz doing math and astrology while them greek homos wuz living in caves."
Except that i never claimed that. Yes, Turks did pretty much rape ancient Greeks out of existence, but there are still pockets of them, and "Greeks are not white" is not an argument unless you only consider Nordics white, which is pretty much retarded.
This is false.
I'd wager there is more Slav admixture than Turk admixture in modern Greeks.
That really doesn't excuse it lol, that's incredibly cucky.
Thats because you're a dumbfuck burger. There are different races and tribes of whites. Americans are such mongrels that they no longer remember their tribes and cultures, vast majority of Americans don't even know the history of their own ancestors even a couple hundred year backwards.
Incorrect, USA was begging for Europeans to come in in fact. So much so that America was giving away ridiculous amounts of land for FREE to European settlers in return for coming to America. A lot of Europeans who were not land owners took the chance and left their homeland in exchange for lots of free land and thus a good income.
Egyptian. But that's the most common.
Surprisingly accurate to my leg. Themoreyouknow.jpg saved
i guess that explains why my greek m8 is always really good at sniffing out bargains
feels good being a brown greek t b h
This pretty much, i don't know how i missed it the whole thread. Besides look at it from this angle.
There is hwhite yes there is color of skin, yes it says a lot but it goes deeper than that , there are subcategories of white as there are subcategories of niggers ( look differences between abbos and african niggers for example ). Ethnonationalism must be encouraged. Goes without saying that negroes should be exterminated and kikes should be ovened. Also for anyone that will go >this is D&C :
What is the percentage of artwork which depicts once-living Romans and Greeks with light features? If you can't tell me, this is cherry picking. Can't northern europeans be happy with their accomplishments? Why try to steal from the past?
Shouldn't the title be Greek tour guide says Greek's aren't White?
Hair dyes were popular in ancient Rome, and historians have found more than 100 different recipes that the Romans used for bleaching or dying hair. Early Romans preferred dark hair, and at one time, blond hair was the mark of a prostitute. Light hair became fashionable after Greek culture reached Italy and the Roman legionnaires began bringing back fair-haired slaves from Gaul. Women, and some men, applied bleaching agents to their hair and then exposed it to the sun to achieve a golden or red color. Wealthier people could afford to sprinkle actual gold dust on their hair to create a blond look, as did the ancient Phoenicians. Another way to achieve a lighter shade was to cover the hair with flower pollen and the crushed petals of yellow-colored flowers. When harsh bleaching agents caused hair loss, Roman women resorted to wigs made from the hair of blond slaves.
In ancient Rome, blond hair was initially considered to be a symbol of a prostitute, and these women were required to bleach their hair blond or wear blond wigs. After slave girls were acquired from Scandinavia and Germany, noblewomen began to wear more wigs made from their hair, and the stigma attached to blond hair diminished. Women also began dying their hair lighter shades using infusions made from saffron flowers. Unfortunately, some dyes and bleaches caused such severe damage to the hair that people resorted to wearing wigs. People also wore false hairpieces to augment their own hair or create special effects.
Victoria Sherrow. Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006.
tldr we wuz romenz an grekz
That's the joke though.
yes, absolutely. We should embrace our caucasian brothers and sisters from Arabia, North Africa, and the middle east, right? :^)
Iberian here, we were never white. We are Iberian/Celtic/Mediterranean stock.
By the way, I don't understand why a European would identify himself as a colonial Anglo racial category. Only WASPs are white.
Oh boy this thread why dont we talk about the ukraine war or the
F35 since this is now designated shitposting
Mediterranian Europeans are white.
White refers to the indigenous peoples of Europe and is a distinct racial group from other caucasians.
This is retarded and complete nonsense.
Why do non-Anglos so badly want Anglos to consider them white, again?
What are you talking about? I am anglo and I know the idea that "only WASPs are white" is a retarded meme.
In your opinion, you are believable. But all of your hopping around doesn't obviate your obvious avoidance of my question, user.
Well your question is retarded because non-anglo whites generally don't give a shit what anglos consider them.
In your opinion, it isn't a good question, user. But asking why non-Anglos care if Anglos don't consider them white gets to the centre of the issue. The non-Anglos apparently want to glom onto Anglos, so don't want to be differentiated from them. You'd acknowledge that if you actually cared about Anglos, but your anti-Anglo stance doesn't allow it.
Why can't non-Anglos be their own kind? You're nothing more than a miserable globalist, user.
Except they don't. Your question is shit because it's based on a false assumption
Nigger, I'm a fucking anglo. My god, you're an autistic motherfucker.
recognising that whites exist has nothing to do with globalism, you idiot. The whole does not negate its components. If you didn't have aspergers you'd realise this.
Nordicism and Afrocentrism are two sides of the same retarded coin. I bet there are people ITT who actually believe Nordicist theories while at the same time mocking Afrocentrist ones.
He's right though. The Greeks during the early bronze age were literally nigger tier until they started spreading to the Aegean Islands and came into contact with the Minoans (Cretans who were not Greek in the sense that they didn't speak the language). Their repeated contact with the Minoans eventually culminated into the development of the Mycenaean civilization, which mirrored a lot of aspects of life from the Minoans.
Then everything died around the known civilized world because people got pissed and invaded and Greece became nigger tier again, replacing their once wealthy little kingdoms with even smaller and more irrelevant chiefdoms. Eventually though everything settled down and started up again and the Archaic period saw the rise of city states, which was soon followed by the Classical era and then the Hellenistic period. After then being owned by the Romans after 3 successive wars, the Greeks,specifically the Peloponnese, became nigger tier again after being used as an inbetween dumping ground of the east and west for the future Roman Empire. Then it became decent after the splitting and destruction of the Romans and with the development of the Byzantine empire over the next thousand years. Of course Turks had to ruin it and make it nigger tier again and about 600 years later I'm still waiting for Greece to become good again.
to be fair, they only escaped Turk rule about a century ago, and have since been fucked over by WWII and then Jewish debt-slavery.
There are Aryans in Syria. Study the demographic history of aryan race.
Norman-Celtic master race here
Can a more based man be found on earth?
Ancient Greeks weren't Nords, but they were white.
Modern Greeks are pretty much white niggers.
Better version
You fucking retard, if Greeks became Turks then who did overthrow the Turks in the revolt of 1821, which mind you was not the firrst in 400 years of occupation?
You fucktard, have you ever been to Turkey?
they had no features of the nordics
sorry but no
WE WUZ ROME for nordicism
well he [b]is[/b] solely responsible for bringing jews into europe
His father sounds pretty jewy
On the other hand that was quite standard in those times.
I find it hard to believe KdG was jewish, mostly on account of statistics (there being literally no jews in that part of the world at the time) and the fact that he was a big fan of Rome.
Actually Anglos didn't even consider Swedes to be white (some serious meme magic at play there lad).
To the English of a couple centuries ago it was pretty much just Britain, Denmark, Holland, France and Prussia that were 'white'.
Trips confirm
This. Feels too alien.
Meme it.
the half greek,half turk mongrels that plague greece today
pic related
This nordicist faggot / turkroach disinfo meme again.
Yes there are mongrels in the Greek population but you can spot them a mile away and they have last names that end in -Gloucester or some variation thereof. They are hated by Greek nationalists and even awake normies. You need to understand the history and that subversion is relatively new there and concentrated in the cities, where human trash collects. "Greeks" with year round dark skin or visibly shitskin tier features are also considered second class citizens though as an outsider one would never perceive it.
Miscegenation with turkroaches was relatively rare. Rape often resulted in suicide and if a group of women was exposed (men in combat away from their village or dead) there were frequent pre-emotive suicides to avoid the shame of mongrelization and years of slavery to turkroach subhumans. one of the incidents became famous because of the way it happened.
en.m.wikipedia. org/wiki/Dance_of_Zalongo
I'm sure another user will dump some anthropometric and mtdna evidence disproving the nordicuck claims.
What you also need to understand is that as a result of the massive per capita casualties in the various wars, a lot of the best and brightest were killed and coupled with the low euro birth rate and high incidence of illegal or morally disgusting migration after the fall of the ultra-nationalist junta in the 70s and eurocuck treaties like Dublin 2 you do tend to see more disgusting muds and mystery meat mongrels in tv and media (which is of course fully kike-controlled since the 70s as well.
Demographic ebb and flow is fascinating in Greece, as is the political history since the 1800s, all true white nationalists owe it to themselves to read up some non-poz history. Look for translated books by Constantine Plevris a nearly goebbels-tier based motherfucker.
Pic related, averaged faces of verified Greek athletes and averaged Greek statues, the proportions are strikingly similar. Lots more examples and skull measurements corroborate this.
That being said, I appreciate the fuckers willingness to make shitlord-tier comments even if he's misinformed. Good times ahead, lads except if you're a welfare nigger or shitskin
nice try but those are fucking pakkies at a communist party pro migrants rally. dotr when?
-glou not fucking Gloucester
Also, pics related, athlete banned from the britbong olympics for anti-nigger tweets. Totally not white, goys.
is the guy in your pic supposed to be one the "first class white greek citizens"?
you guys have to do sth about your shitskin population asap if you want to be considered white again
I woke up with a smile today, knowing that the USA has officially recognized the Greek nation as black (as in Africans). Greece should form a union with Turkey (I'm sure Erdogan is willing to grant them the status of an autonomous province) and start pursuing the oriental lifestyle of their forebears again instead of failing to integrate into Western culture.
dam she is hot resembles the white woman I had a kid with just more athletic obviously yet not as athletic as me .I love seeing whites stand proud as they should fk jew propaganda you are the master race or kikes wouldn't assault you on all fronts they are scared of us for good reason we are the best life offers they are butt hurt like a clinton when they see that strong muscle tone and beautiful blue and green eyes with blonde hair they despise it because they know they are ugly little trolls compared to awesome WHITES!!!!!!!!! tear up buttercup I am drinking!!!
Pic is dark due to averaging. Here's a similar exercise. Really depends on exposure/color balance of source images used. Features and proportions are what matter.
Also bonus keks at France's expense.
A Freudian slip, I guess.
This is a group of Greek youths from Western Europe. As you can clearly see, their behavior and looks are no different than in migrants from Turkey, Africa or the Middle East. Greeks are as "white" as coptic christians from Egypt and have nothing in common with European culture.
We ain't france care not their shitskin demographics.Niggers are cattle.
wasn't she the one banned from the olympics becuase of muh racis comments on kikebook?
you are a bit slow user
hey , i just remember reading an article or something about it back when and i just remembered that she was blonde even though her hair is probably a dye job . Still a pretty shitty thing to do to an athlete
they were white and know they either fight back with golden dawn against muds or forever loose any semblance of white let their women be raped by shit skins and fade into nothing but mud hut building roaches.It is on them submit to jew race mixing subjugation or fight !!
I say FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow she's hot
Still white enough to be fucking saved.
yup and they are bucking rapefugees
not all whites look like snowniggers dumbasses, Mediterraneans are just a subgroup of the White Race same as Slavs or Nordics or Anglo-Saxons etc. and believe it or not 90% of Greece and Italy don't look like some cherry picked picture of some gypsy.
Seriously, Ottoman laws meant interfaith marriage was illegal and illegitmate kids were quite literally thrown to the wolves because of the shame
the group that actually raped loads of their DNA into the Greeks are the Italians
pic related, my mother's side is literally from fucking CONSTANTINOPLE and I don't have a fucking drop of turk
that was then this is now and no greek,italian or any other remotely white race wants to be invaded and raped by muds because a fucking jew ordained it for their religion you stupid twat FUCK YOU LET EM FIGHT THE WHITE SIDE WILL ALWAYS WIN IN A FIGHT.
ok cuck
all this shit accros europe is pretty simple to correct Give the jew a ticket to Israel or firing squad their choice no more subversion for their hook nosed rat agenda either leave or you will be killed The WHITE man you trying to subvert gave you a nice country in a sand dune next to a pond to live in go there and stop fucking with whites or be killed end of story
It's just shitposting, user. Don't let it get under your skin so much. I'm sure you've even turned your nose up at Americans for being mongrels despite 95% of white Americans having no negro or American Indian admixture in them.
Schlomo you know full well that this is precisely the type of degeneracy that your kind has foisted on all European people. By your logic Swedes are not white because you flooded them with racial trash.
Pic related, fag. The Saint George roll mark is on every Hellenic rifle to remind the fighting men that the serpent (you) must be destroyed whatever the cost, and when the time comes, you will be.
When the time comes for your kind to pay for your crimes (when, not if) no amount of ping pong pizza or jizz shooters will arrest the course of justice.
if you are beyond hope as you see your country turn to absolute shit the more nigger it becomes move out quick response long run if you don't get rid of the jews nothing will change or ever get better
whats your mean man
I just gave you the blueprint redpill get rid of jews in your life gov and religion will be the only way you see prosperity in this life time and teach your kids how disgusting jews are and you may have a chance.Educated White Man.
Someone's got to keep the people safe when the brown tide washes up on shore.
yo michael is that u
No,fair skin matters too.Way too many modern greeks have black hair and dark skin,not african or arab tier dark but still dark.It needs to be fixed somehow
melilin affects ur brain performance
;)~ jews down WHITES UP life gets good end of story all races though whites are the best because we are still fighing those subversive (((rats)))
you along with a jew would be nowhere without white mans power.
Are you high?
why are you stupid and a jew?
Are you high?
No I just disrespect any and all jewish power and see it as the cancer it is you disgusting POS praise the White Mans power as he don't need subversion to point scientific fact or use a fellow white man to come up with his theories like a rat jew (((einstein))) or whatever that retarded kikes name was …just another idiot jew taking credit for white mens ingenuity.
all praise me, the white man
not so much as fuck the jew then yea WHITE POWER!! you live in it even jews all white you are nothing but a parasite whites don't need.
In regards to the ancient Greeks being Aryan, how many of you have a "Greek toe", also known as Morton's toe. I have Morton's toe, but all my ancestry is from Northern/Western Europe (and less than 3% slav) according to my DNA test, and what is known of my family history.
If you are wondering why it is called a Greek toe, go look at all those ancient statues they made. They all have Morton's toe, so does the statue of liberty.
Closer to Roman and Egyptian.
I have "greek toe". There used to be a version of that image going around here that had it listed as "Jewish", kek.
I know I'm not Jewish, but I do have significant Serbian ancestry
better without you always have been always will be you disgusting ugly mudslime looking jew.You know we are the best and you infiltrate us with you scabby pussies and little dicks. WE SAY NO MORE RAT BREED !!!!! FUCK OFF back to a sand dune with yer allah niggers you come from
Does seem kind of weird mine is exactly the same as the Greek one but the majority of my family is German/Dutch with a little British thrown in. I got brownish with almost transparent blonde mixed hair, blue eyes, skin like a ghost and hairy like a beast.
you disgusting asiantic shit stains adopt jew bull shit because you were a bunch of disgusting mongrels then infiltrated because all whites where train to hate darkies ohh you think your so slick yet the mask it peeled of rats.Don't want to breed with you so you media push a nigger and a white.Don't want your bank shit so you push regulations we allowed you in to the white mans world not your world you shit stain little imps ugly as fuck your women make me puke yet you think you special.NO you ain't shit but a parasite that needs to be purged from existence.
I suggest you take a breath. Noone even knows what you are on about. Relax. Think your post through. Let your anger fuel a constructive post instead of a REEEEEEEEE i talk about things.
pretty obvious actually you shit stain rat now fuck off.
yeah you are just shitposting
ok then wipe it off your face
What exactly does nation of immigrants/nation of non-immigrants mean here anyway?
The Hellenes were an Indo-European people who migrated into Greece 5000 years ago- are they indigenous and we Americans are not simply because 5000 years is longer than 400 years?
In the end being recently or anciently settled is irrelevant- we are not under any mandate to accept foreigners into our country just because it is new. We accept who we want for the reasons we deem important.
The fact that Trump is appointing all these unashamed nationalists to positions makes me hopeful that he'll actually go all the way and deportthemall/endbirthrightcitizenship/make90%ofimmigrationEuropean
Since otherwise he'd probably have his cabinet up his ass about betraying the base
Sometimes I forget what dumbfucks most of you are, but your autism has no effect on the real world thankfully
Wow really revs up those braincells
Genocide has rarely accompanied conquest and spoiler: just like in india if you invade a darker skinned region with lighter skinned people who are less numerous, the lighter skinned people will be subsumed into the darker skinned majority
British and Irish Americans together number about 100 million, twice the figure of German Americans
This is ignoring the fact that most of the autists who circlejerk about being German are probably part British
But your post is an example of the cancer plaguing 8/pol/ since white Americans form a single people unto themselves and attempts to divide it can only be considered jewy