4chan and The Right Stuff are spreading these posters around to bring attention to anti-white hate speech.

It is/will continue to get a lot of media attention.

The media will report that being against anti-white hate speech IS racist. This will trigger normies.

Spread these around alt-right sites and forums to draw attention to anti-white hate speech.

Other urls found in this thread:


Really? reddit?

It can't be too edgy if we want to make the mainstream media. Hence why dailystormer isn't linked.

This is a campaign for normies remember.

just remove the reddit link

Everything about this thread is gay.


Normies will be more likely to check out reddit.

This is a campaign for normies remember.

Get out TRS.
You are cancer.
You have been proven to be shilling on this boards.
You are not welcome.

bump. anything that fights white genocide is welcomed.

reddit does censorship to control what people see and to manipulate the narrative people there believe.

sage sage

we don't do anything but shitpost and purity spiral this is Holla Forums, real world action is too scary and normie

Fuck off.

Take the autism stick out of your ass, bro.

whot the hells wrong with them?

Missing a "references TRS in any way" square.

OPs image was a summer long TRS weries of episodes, and all were shit.

People's white sense of racial identity is evolving naturally because of blacks acting like animals. Pushing it with your cringe-factory(TRS) is the same reason your shitty forced memes don't work.

Ideas like these have to grow organically. When you force them(like the Jews do) it will just blow up in your face. Watching TRS is painful and makes me really dislike being associated with you guys through our shared enemies.

I know you're autistic, so you'll have to trust me on this one. The average person doesn't see some super moderate reddit page or AmRen article and think "wow this is great", they think it's boring and move on. If that's you're goal, mission accomplished, if not, you want something edgy and mysterious that will keep them interested - like the Daily Stormer.

They constantly shill for the jews and Israel.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

ive literally never noticed that

If you put up the exact same posters but without the URLs they might have more impact. It would seem less shill-y.

so whats wrong with them?I read 2-3 articles about history last week and they seem pretty informative backed with references.

I think TRS is fun but it seems like an in-joke type thing, it wouldn't really make sense for normies to be exposed to it.

Daily Stormer campaigns need different propaganda. Anglin has said this on many occasions. We need different levels of propaganda. Anglin has already said the "you are not alone" posters are great. So take it up with him.

I lead more than you know. TRS is not what we want leading our movement though.

I agree, but other than MAYBE TRS, none of those websites belong in any level of propaganda (unless you're recruiting jews and homosexuals), and at least one of them is run by a person who (along with his wife of questionable ethnic origin) deserves a one way trip to the oven.

Don't advertise any websites. Just put up posters that promote things like being proud of one's white heritage or standing up against anti-white rhetoric. We need these things to motivate people, so that any college student who had just finished their pozzed progressive lecture will see these posters and have hope.

All you need to know about TRS / DS is that they use clear-text and are not configured to use encryption. This is so that the profilers (MOSSAD/FBI/CIA/NSA) can read your plain-text information as it travels back and forth to their servers. They are controlled opposition meant to portray white nationalism in an ugly light. They are not our allies.

I think this guy is right.


How fucking new are you?

https certificates are controlled by jews though, using them doesn't help anything.

If you want to hide the fact you're accessing a site you need to use a proxy like tor.

that was a good answer
you can't do any good if you destroy your entire fucking career and reputation

Leave the URLs, but put them uncomfortably close to slightly less honest posters displaying the complete opposite message. Nobody will be able to criticize them without looking like a complete retard.

fuck there goes that idea

Some of their shows are, yes. But Fash the Nation approaches professional-tier production quality.

His "career" was already destroyed when he started talking about groids - unless you're referring to his work for his wife's buddies at the ADL? - he's just shilling for his jewish masters.

Go read some of the interviews he did after Hillary's "Alt-Right" speech, he was pushing the same angle… or maybe try naming the jew in the comments section at AmRen…

FTN is good. Those TDS guys are trash tho

Without the links those work wonderfully.

Mike Enoch is the best one on TDS. he always has something insightful to say I've found.



This. I especially liked when he explained how the 9/11 truth movement (which really only started in 2006/2007) was all about stopping Bush from getting re-elected in 2004. You can't find insight like that anywhere else.

Why don't you faggots stop trying to get us to promote your subreddit.

Open in MSPaint and delete them and just use the poster without the links then.

I agree, Mike can lead some interesting tangents and I really had my hopes up after getting a strong O&A vibe from the show.
The problem I have is that I do not like Spencer one bit and the TDS guys are very connected to him and have frequent get-togethers. I don't like the shady shit Spencer is involved in and the way he weasels around that shit when talking makes him imo about as trustworthy as a freemason telling me that his organization is just misunderstood and totally 100% on our side.


alt-right is pretty gay
trs is whatever
but at the end of the day we need to spread propaganda

Just be honest, about it, you stupid cunts. Show us some basic respect by not resorting to underhanded Jewish tactics. Say "hey, we made this thing, maybe you'd like to listen to it". Is that so hard?

>TRS spacing


At least they're outside rustling cucks.

Nigger, I'm not from TRS, I don't post on forums, I just think your autism over TRS SHILLING is goddamned retarded. What are they shilling? They pretty much push the same viewpoints that we do only not as hardcore.

bump for interest I support this

We need to storm the consciousness of America with the pro-white cause and narrative

The libshits hate this so much, it's great. It lets them know we're everywhere, even if they don't know it. Makes em paranoid

keep it up


So what they hiding from?

lmao moron his is redpilling people and letting them know that a big, growing pro-white cause is out there. kys

this* is


The mods can check the posting history of my IP, I'll bet it goes back further than yours.

Ignore all anti trollshits. You are seriously upset over flyers that could help to awaken tons of White college aged people? The fuck is wrong with you




We're swimming in a sea of butthurt morons, anons. Feels bad man .

Yeah, check those digits, 076aa7, you little bitch.

anyone else notice the reddit spacing is actually TRS spacing, with every single raid TRS does they have the same spacing

An ugly autist donates to nationalism, this is a cause for you to cry and rant… why?

I'm glad you're so easily identified tripsman.

Nothing wrong with the posters tbh, just your shite big kike tent.

I like TRS. I just want them to stop skulking around in the shadows like Jews, and come and talk to us.

Oh I just love that word
These people are so obsessed with the strength and growth of "the movement" they will sacrifice each and every principle they started with. If these guys had their way we would be letting in full on jewish communists with the argument "so what if you don't agree with him 100% or even 1% for that matter if we just grow THE MOVEMENT" I think there is some unspoken idea that once we are in power we can purge the undesirables but knowing these fuckers they will come up with some justification for pussying out".

They are a bizarre oxymoron, they want to start a movement of change yet defend to the death the status quo.

cool posts, why do they trigger you anonycuck?


There's no such thing as "reddit spacing". Only fucking retards post huge blocks of text without proper spacing between paragraphs.

LOL you think TRS is "Literally Stalin" dont you? So funny.

you're exaggerating. I've heard him name the jew on a number of occasions - its just that there are a lot of jewish contributors to AmRen

literally why

Nice Reddit spacing, bruh.

And Taylor is friends with and promotes people who are open about the JQ. Taylor is not perfect but his haters are 99% dogshit

"fashy" lolbertarianism?

A scentence is not a paragraph. How did you get through primary education?

I was directly quoting who was bitching about Holla Forums purity spiraling. I completely agree with you.
small blogpost, I met some TRS guys after a Trump rally, they asked my political views and I said gas the kikes race war now
The immediate response I got was "dude no purity spiraling," that was the first time I heard the term. TRS is cucked beyond belief

I never said reddit spacing. Also it is gaps between sentences, not paragraphs. It happens from the statistical majority of those shilling TRS in every single raid they do against Holla Forums

He names the jew all the time, when he's defending them and saying they're "h'White".

At least Stalin was a threat to the jews at the end.

There's nothing wrong with Spencer, cuck, so he's soft on social issues but a lot of good people are, too.

I wasn't implying you were a proponent of that kind of thinking, sorry if I came across that way. I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on the people that actually think like that.
Have a nice night man.

he removed people in power which included Jews, he was a complete commie though, faggot, only Trotskyites (literally a Jewish commie bloc) think Stalin was fucking antisemitic.

"Outside of the Safe Space in the student services building. @ISUPD "

Iowa State University attacked by goys from The Right Stuff


but oy vey oy vey why would TRS, a known Jewish led controlled opposition group, attack anti whites? I'm stumped!!

I don't care if TRS are shills or not

I just want these memes and rhetoric to spread throughout this time of ethnic political turmoil

I'm sarcastically mocking anti TRS shills lol, I know TRS is based




JIDF please go

the goal of JIDF is to make us all (((paranoid))) of each other. They'd rather Holla Forums spend entire threads talking about who's a shill and who's not– posting online conversations that don't matter.

God forbid the goyim organize and rebuild the MΓ€nnerbund. Obsessing over who is a shill is like the hermeneutics of gay suspicion, which makes males afraid of male only spaces and bonding.

lmfao yea Spencer is totally an evil double agent trying to hijack White nationalism, not just a slightly annoying guy who is actually trying to save our people. Cool story bro


I don't like a lot of what Richard Spencer has to say but I don't see him as the enemy. I shit on him when he says things I disagree with, and support him when he delivers the right rhetoric

They seem to have veered away from lolbergtardianism quite a bit.

Spencer has a lot, and I mean a LOT, of utterly retarded viewpoints, but he is white and isn't a globalist, so he can be spared the ovens.

coming here to shill my MDE psyops poster.
Get fucked TRShills.

same. Spencer annoys me but ultimately he's a White guy who gives a shit about our race. Hatinh him is downright retarded, unless you're an SJW

Spencer is an egoist foremost, but that's got jack shit to do with TRS.


kek, commencing dump.


Need i go on?


Spencer imo is doing good shit, he's further to the right than most of White America. Also wtf do you mean needs more merchants

This is good. Anti-white rhetoric is too far along for academics not to lash out and cry racist at even the most innocuous propaganda for our side. Makes me wish I was in a college town.



done, fucking gas yourself TRS.

can we please ban these spamhappy faggots

fuck off you psychos

Is that a hotline miami symbol? That's pretty neat

Yeah, and 75% of Holla Forums is trannies because of some strawpoll and all sorts of bullshit I've seen argued from cherrpicked, out of context screenshots and other bullshit over the years.

they're almost 1488 and have shat on remaining libertarians. I know I've became more radicalized since just one year ago



Putting the Spencer argument aside for a moment.
This right here is exactly what I am talking about. Anyone ANYONE with absolutely any viewpoints are just fine as long as they are white. Never mind if they are amoral hedonists that waste away in a haze of drugs and anal sex, or promote feminism and other social ills, as long as they are white it's all right.

If we are really going to change something about our world we need to be FOR SOMETHING with an actual set of ideals rather than simply NOT wanting whites to be genocided.

give zero fucks

What is this supposed to prove? That they think we're autists? Protip: we are. Fuckers here counter-signalled David Duke when he stood up for Andrew Jackson's statue whining BUT HE CIA SHILL! Too many retards here are obsessed with MUH SEEKRIT CLUB mentality that hasn't been relevant since pre-2010 4chan.


Pro-white sites should always be advertised on flyers and posters. The more eyes on our message, the better.

I've seen this tactic before, >>>/polmeta/12189 keep shilling though.

MDE is fifty blessings in my mind they have very similar motifs.

Strawpolls are incredibly easy to botspam, if you'd been around for more than ten minutes you'd know we use poal.me around these parts, nice >reddit spacing as well, faglover.

>reddit spacing

Duke is a CIA shill and known conman, ebin >reddit spacing there, fellow Holla Forumsster
are you a goon or did you just fall for their shitty memes?

no idiot Spencer is literally just a mild liberal, he has even said that he wishes gay people weren't gay, which is not liberal, asshole

he is further to the right most Trump voters, wake up, you're demonizing a pretty cool guy in Spencer

I mean, they have to be woke on the JQ, but otherwise, yeah, I don't really give a fuck if someone smokes pot or even gets buggered at this point in the battle. When we have the ethnostate, then we can purge undesirables.


He fought for the Andrew Jackson statue, what have you done other than save a bunch of out of context screenshots?

The idea that Spencer and TRS believe that everything is fine as long as it's just White people is made up bullshit, it's an argument that an SJW would cook up, honestly, because it's D&Cing us.

Stop believing it, without evidence. Fuckign annoying.

Prove I'm from reddit with hard evidence.

Always go after a traitor before an enemy, shit's like rule 1 of "how to run a successful ethnostate"

The NSA also had Clinton's emails. They're still a bunch of fucking kikes though. KKK has been co-opted controlled op kikery since the late 70s.

I'm talking about my view personally: so long as someone is white and woke to the JQ and isn't fighting against us, then I don't give a fuck what stupid other beliefs they entertain or what activities they get up to so long as it isn't pedophilia.

>reddit spacing

point is you have these D&C annoying faggots shitting up everything with their lies about TRS

poal.me is pretty fucking new, for years all we had was strawpoll. You sound like a newfag, were you even on 4chan before the Exodus and if so what boards did you frequent?



"The gays love me" - Richard Spencer

People have been using "reddit spacing" on the chans since fucking jewt created 4chan. Prove me wrong!

No, I left 4chan for 4chon in 2011 when j00t deleted /r9k/ and /new/

my 0.02

Keep up the theme in these posters of absolutely NO references to other races or anything that can be reasonably be interpreted as actual hate by borderline-receptive normies.

The whole episode in Toronto the other day was perfect. The poster didn't actually have anything hateful on it, so the argument on social media always ends up being

"Wait, what's hateful about this?"
"How is this racist?"

It makes whites confront exactly what the Left and non-whites consider racist, and they start to see the term in a new light.

These posters are great.

Consider the following. This thread was supposed to be an operation to spread propaganda posters at college campuses to wake up our people to anti-white propaganda. Now it's about who is a shill. This is how the JIDF posters fuck with Holla Forums

Back on subject: this is some of what has been accomplished so far:


$84 million spent on diversity sensitivity courses after the butthurt. These anti-white programs bring blue pilled goys to our side

God damn I'm too tired to post properly. The second fucking time someone has misunderstood me as arguing the exact opposite of what I intended.

Pig disgusting!

he wishes gays weren't gay, faggot, that's not a progay attitude it's just a tolerant attitude. May not be radical enough, but you morons have no evidence that he's gay, only that he's kind of liberal. Jackasses

They have, to break paragraphs or large chunks of greentext. Neither of which you're doing.
Pic related is how to do it proper.

4chon had higher posting quality than 4chan ever did, only matched by 8ch pre-exodus. Please off yourself for falling for learningchode's psyops.

Is that you, mannchild?

Watch it now, Dicky might get mad and not let you suck his phalanx

Because back when this site was first flooded with redditors, they all said "MUH SEKRIT CLUB xDDD". It's an identifier. Even if you aren't from reddit (which you are) it's part of their "culture".

>just a tolerant attitude

Just go to sleep then, rest is vital in keeping your mind sharp and your wits about you.
why, user?

[evidence of phalanx being gay not detected]

MUH SEEKRIT CLUB has been a meme for fucking ever, from rule 1 and 2.

No, TRS is more rightwing than Spencer, faggot, I'm TRS. We know that Spencer isn't progay he's just more like a tolerant rightwinger from the 1950s who doesn't want to bother gays, just leave em alone.

So annoying



Made a better poster than the ones the faggot OP has made, and I'll explain why:

Linking to Holla Forums, sending normalfags to our precious boards? If spergs didn't REEEEEE before, they would at that. We don't want people here.


It's the codeword like "pool party", *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

Whats the next step of your master plan?

informationally better, aesthetically way way shittier, too complicated for a basic poster man, honestly. keep'n it reel

Sinead please stop

He's perfectly fine with them, might as well be.

>reddit spacing
you didn't have to tell me. getting caught was clearly part of your plan.

how subversive.

I don't get this attitude. At all. Not everything we put out there has to be hardcore 1488. Some people will respond to that, sure. But others will be turned off by it instantly, and these people require a softer approach. BOTH approaches can be helpful in redpilling normies.

Far more important is people getting off their arse and promoting our message.

What's the difference between a Holla Forums user and a JIDF operative calling everyone in the movement a shill? The end result is the same "Don't trust anybody goy!"

You sure do have a lot of screenshots of TRS's forum for being so opposed to them, almost like you were a member there who got kicked out and now has some butthurt vengeance quest against them. You're practically calling for a personal army from Holla Forums to fight your TRS enemies.

I don't advocate rule 1 and 2, that fucking horse got out of the bar a long time ago, we've been featured in various articles, the secret is out… and yet, people don't flood here like the spergs feared, wonder why?

The best thing is seeing educated nogs react by calling the universities institutionally racist for allowing the posters to exist. There's nothing the schools can do except pay for (white male) cops to patrol more often and dump more money into anti-white training, neither of which will help anyone but us.

If pro-White outlets are being attacked and labeled as Zionist shills, does it really matter if the attacks are coming from Holla Forums or JIDF? The net effect is the same at suppressing pro-white messages

understand this: we hate you because you're forum users and PRfags. Keep making the same mistakes goodgoygate did

We shouldn't trust faggots that use forums and compromise OPSEC.

You're here, your point is null and void.

Yeah no


What is Holla Forums?

Don't care for namefag shit of any kind, my man. I'm just a guy tired of the shilling like most people here.


TRS is saving White America, cuck, I'm proud to stand tall with them. kys

pro-fag is never pro-white
(((civic nationalism))) is never pro-white
14/88 or bust you fucking pinko-commie faggot.


I want the people playing both sides to know that their effort has 0 effect on my opinion of either site. I occasionally listen to their podcasts and see nothing wrong with them. My opinions are exclusively formed from first hand information, and so your agenda pushing is pointless. That will be all.

You argue like a kike, no logic, no evidence, just implications and twisting of words.

dumbass TRS is ethnoracial national JQ wise, we just don't cry about moderates like Johnson and Spencer not being fully right on some social issues.

They're being polite and they're probably kind of gunshy about linking themselves to Holla Forums because of persistent autismal astroturfing D&C. I think it would absolutely be productive to put out flyers with 4/pol/, 8/pol/, or both cited.


Quit being a turd. You don't have a patent on


This guy's going to have viable offspring. Yep, totally saving h'uite america by sticking their dicks in eachother assholes and "donating to nationalism"
top kek, enjoy your poz-swap pool parties and niggers in your """saved""" white america.

A miserable pile of secrets. You didn't answer my questions as to why you obsessively take or collect TRS screenshots.

I'm kinda starting to feel sorry for that guy, what if he lurks?

It's not full 1488 and nowhere on the site will you see the phrase Gas the Kikes.

Because normal people respond well to that.

TRS needs to leave.

reported and filtered.

lmao Sam Hyde has admitted that he Jewish. How do you think he got a show renewed on television? Fuck off zog shill.


Then why are you here, trs fag?

Sure thing Chaim! You've convinced us, you can take your e-vendetta to some other board and enlighten them with your own intelligence.

That should be easy to prove then.

Yeah, you're a fucking outlander, you're not from the chans that's for fucking sure.

TRS putting posters on a college campus in Michigan cost the university $84,000,000 in new diversity programs. IRL shitlording

Such a jewish method of shilling.

You won't find a word criticizing the jews, you will however find articles in defense of the jews and Israel.

It's a shame posts like this - posts that demonstrate the REAL, TANGIBLE RESULTS of this campaign - are getting buried in the noise.

You really want to go down this route, trsfag?

I recognize the shilling, it's leftypol derailing. If the mods don't ban the shills, I'm done with this board.

He said it in one of his jewtube videos. Why would you trust anyone who exposes their identity in the first place? Spencer, Greg Johnson, Millenial Woes, Kevin Macdonald, Sam Hyde, they are all FBI.

Yeah, I do. How do you not know a widely used chan reference like "a miserable pile of secrets" that was fucking everywhere not more than a few years ago?

Fill in the blanks: Fuck __ _!

>there's evidence all over >>>/polmeta/12189
>reddit spacing

Which makes you a bunch of pinko-commie fags. Also you use forums and suck ducks at your little (((pool parties)))

Good, maybe all the bullying will motivate him to work hard and get rich so he can afford gene therapy.

I dislike Sam and the short blonde member of MDE, I do enjoy their nationalistic take on absurdist humor. Samael Hydeberg is also likely pro fun control, you can like content someone produces without agreeing with their beliefs.
If TRShills would be able to shut the fuck up and stop getting so damn defensive and just focus on the content(like posters, etc) they'd be a lot more accepted around here

Why don't you take your >reddit spacing and shove it up your ass you fucking homofaggot

TRS might as well be /pinkopol/

Might just put a few of those around my campus, user.


was a Holla Forumseddit meme.
>reddit spacing

Random screenshots complaining about autists like you is proof of what exactly? If you haven't noticed, we all hate you here, too.

You can't even place basic memes. But, no, you're totally an oldfag. Where do you stick it? And what is it that gets stuck there traditionally?


Get over yourself, already. You're a turd.

You had to go look it up, typical move of an interloper. What's closed and why is it closed?

Are you just /int*/ trying to take advantage of yet another fracture point in Holla Forums's consensus?
yes, you are. and if you're not you play right into their hands.
those "random screenshots" prove TRS is a hive of faggotry. you like butt dildos.

So you hate TRS, David Duke, Sam Hyde: whom do you approve? What publications and websites other than Holla Forums do you recommend for the white nationalist looking to expand his horizons?

So, you don't know FUCK YEAH, SEAKING!

You don't know to stick a sharpie in the pooper.

And you don't know that the pool is closed due to AIDS.

So from where do you really hail?

Up your ass

Richard Spencer's Phalanx

Could you be any more jewish?

Dunno where you get the idea of him being anti gun from

Nothing. Everything's Jews. Everything's shills. Everything's a hidden conspiracy trying to break into Fort Virgin.

You're proving nothing other than you're a manipulator, just like a kike.

I was sort of against the anti-TRS rhetoric but seeing all this butthurt with foreign lingo makes it worth it.

Yeah, begone n'wah, you've exposed yourself for all to see.

You done reading off KnowYourMeme? Can we get back on topic about you taking the phalanx?

Could you be any more of a turd?

You're Rainman, you're not smart. Go take your Lithium, freak.

Fuck you mean I had to look it up? I've beaten every Castlevania game numerous times, I pretty much exclusively play SotN and the Berserk MF game.

I already said I approve of 99% of the content Samael Hydeberg puts out I just dislike him as a person.
TRS is a bunch of fucking forum-user fagets, and Duke is decent but he's a known CIA nigger and conman.
Internet wise, none. I exclusively browse imageboards. There's numerous decent skinhead-zines and punk-bands floating around. Try networking with nationalists IRL and avoid poz-swap pool parties.

kek, you're such an oldfag. oh man I am in the presence of the real chanterculture, watch out everyone.
>reddit spacing

you retards just don't get it do you, you're like the right-wing version of the DNC. Every time you come here we explain to you exactly what we don't like about TRS and what you'd have to do to fit in here.

You can still exchange gay photoshops of eachother getting railed by Milo and Spencer in your faggy little forum but if you wanna talk about the big boy stuff here like the Pizza Pedo Ring, Meme Magic, or how a man is supposed to live his life, leave your sparkly pink Uggs at the door, faggot.

No one goes to the TRS forums and shills for us, it's just you trying convince us to come to your cum scented clubhouse. You're like a retarded tsundere. Quite frankly, it's pathetic.

Sam is basically irony incarnate so take everything he says with a mountain of salt

Yeah, you're coming across like more and more of a shill, you know nothing about our culture or history, you're an interloper promoting conflict between the various factions in the overall movement.

TRS is invading us, oh gosh no, what will they do to us? Will they post our memes at us on our own board?

Wake up. Not everybody's out to get you. You're just not that important.

>he says while posting with the >spacing and cadence of a redditor

TRS isn't a "faction" they're an invasive bunch that refuses to assimilate, is incredibly easy to spot, shits all over our core ideals and principles for the sake of PRfaggotry

No you'll just keep using >reddit spacing and making the same exact mistakes gamergate made. Never change, faglovers.



please stop faggot


Mannchild confirmed.

And we bow to your autism.

This is great, but "push back" is 2 words.

also that now-deleted section was there to MAKE FUN OF degenerates, it was sick humor and a lot of us wanted it gone

The hate between TRS and Holla Forums isn't because of D&C shills, it's because of a fundamental nonunderstanding of imageboard culture by TRS users. We hate you guys because you're fag loving, nigger loving, civic nationalist chest beating retards. The basis of your ideology is fundamentally different from ours and just because along the way we came to similar conclusions doesn't make you our brothers.

Thank you for annoying me this much though, usually I just browse so writing this helped me put together in my mind what exactly it is I hate about you guys so much. Long story short, we aren't gonna do what you tell us, and no matter how much you cry and complain and call us autistic meanyheads you won't change our minds.


Schizophrenia has nothing to do with kike psychoanalysis, it's a structural problem with the that is observable on brain scans.

no it's because of mentally ill antisocial trolls from 8ch who hate anyone with an ounce of positivity

Only post that's worthy of any attention, everyone arguing in this thread is a fucking faggot

kek'd but you're still a faggot

While you're down on the floor there don't forget to give Ol' Dicky a bj

it's like 3 or 4 renegade tier faggots, I just want them banned or discredited


It's because retards like you come here, fling some shit, defend faggots and lolbergtarians then go and cry to your faggy friends in a TRS discord about you so totally got one over on the big meany heads at Holla Forums

Keep thinking I come from TRS: I don't, I just don't like interminable internecine battles over fucking nothing. TRS isn't gaia, calm the fuck down.

nice "heh pill" you've got there.
more like screencaps of TRS "joking" about sodomy, and mounting an organized campaign in an attempt to be accepted on a site they refuse to even remotely assimilate to.

Yes, forums might as well be one person. You've all got to cuck for your faggot mods or face the bancock because those fags wouldn't be able to lift a hammer :^)

You're right on that one. Maybe you aren't a double-digit IQ fucktard but you still defend a shit-tier faglover forum and use >reddit spacing
stay cucked, crypto-commie.

They might as well be.

[citation for anyone on this thread defending fags and libertarian not found]
You are good at lying, though, gotta give some cr-reddit

Are you sure Trump isn't a Jew shill? Or ya saving that line of argument for a different thread?

the forums suck but they're still better than anything you could do, faggot, you're a divisive antisocial cuck

Isn't that 1st image fake?


Why? You already have TRS, besides we're user here and we like it that way, that is unless you plan on making this a tripfag haven.

Yeah and? We;ve been joking about faggotry forever, hence our whole calling everyone and everything -fags. Remember it's not gay if balls don't touch!

All your screenshots show is them saying don't even mention Holla Forums because sperglords, such as yourself, have a conniption fit over it because you apparently lurk their forums taking screenshots then come over here to try and start shit.


Ouch. Looks like I hit a nerve. Why does it hurt your feelings so much that we don't like you?

If you just blended in to the board culture here you'd be able to contribute and discuss without our immune system kicking up so hard. Instead I guess you're fishing for a little dopamine rush when you get a (you)

For all we know every one of his screenshots is faked, it's not like it's difficult to do.

They know right they're the only people wised on the JQ who use the term Alt-Right

I am proud to be part of TRS, it's an amazing community with some great goys. Eat shit.


You went from arguing like a Jew to arguing like a feminist. Please, lay the psychobabbly on me, Dr. Shekelwitz!

Have some shit OC to match yours.

Yeah, he has no sauce and it's 2016. desperate shill I think.

Other post that's worthy of attention in this thread

that's not defending faggotry, lmao

Yeah, not caring isn't really a defense. And, anyway, it's not like there really are any real faggot Jew-wise white nationalists, so it's totally a moot point.

>that subtle 50b logo

Are you really saying a faggot is okay if he's hip to the kikes and their schemes?

This right idea but it needs to be phrased better and more aesthetic.

it's two words

Could have fooled me

spencer isn't a fag

good post


The reason we hate you is because you talk and talk and whine and whine and for all the time you took to complain and type you said absolutely nothing worth reading.

The only ones kiking around here are you, since apparently you and your buddies can't decide whether Jews are actually even your enemy or not.

Maybe if TRS practiced a little better mental hygiene like us you wouldn't be swarming with kikes and kike sympathizers.

Might as well be.
also nice point about the >reddit spacing

>Probably the source of this surge of >reddit spacing

Isn't this the third thread about your faggy little fliers?

The guy sperging out in the thread is mannchild by the way


You're making shit up


Are we making it up that you guys are shilling here all the damn time? This is the third thread I've seen in the past couple days. Fuck off retard

Indeed, Reddit is better than 4chan. People get scared of even 4chan. I don't know about that subreddit though. People get really scared from holocaust denial.

A lot of TRS fans post on 8/pol/ idiot, you have to be a troll. Reported for faggotry.

too complicated, just keep it to race

and don't make it a question, make it a statement

A parting gift to you and your faggot friend who are about to hit the (45) mark. Practice this image and you will begin to see how your homo loving fag friends have been polluting your mind. We'll be here when you come around.

Hey guys I listen to TRS podcasts and lurk here. I also think that all faggots must burn. How is this possible?

my gift to you, faggot

I'm surprised you didn't jump straight to the accusations of being Iron March really. Is the TRShill bogslime evolving? Honestly your guys' shilling in the past couple days has been so ridiculous I've been able to wake up a bunch of people to your problem. Thanks fag, you're just validating my concerns that you are subversive trash. I'll be laughing when your site goes down, daily stormer is a way better site really

There's an old meme similar to this. It's like
Only 1/4 gets you in trouble.

Internalized faggotry?

You're just as shitty as ironmarch

Then leave :^)

>when there's irrifutable proof in this very thread, as well as >>>/polmeta/12189 and >>>/trs/
Is outright blatant denial of evidence some kind of new shilling tactic? I hope you're at least getting paid, if it's made up then prove it. you can't

I am an MDE fan and don't just wolf down their cocks like it's hot gommiebread and I'm a starving Venezuelan, you fuckers get so goddamn defensive whenever you're called on very simple shit it's almost like you're hiding something behind that invite-only paywall circlejerk you've got going on. it's almost like all the evidence that place is a shithole is 100% spot on

Fucking figures, that's why I keep hitting on retard-tier perma'd IPs.

We've seen these TRShill poster threads for the past two months. If they really wanted anons to go out and do it themselves, they'd upload the posters without Dickie Spencer's sign off. Until that day, they can drown in the bog tbh.

Ah, found it.

I'll never stop laughing how blatantly these bog slimes shill here while also calling us paranoid and irrelevant. Seems like an awful lot of projection going on

And the circular firing squad continues…
Great job, idiots.

So remember: don't post anywhere but 8/pol/, definitely don't spread pro-white propaganda because that makes you a fag-lover, and generally just circlejerk and try to break up any attempt at organization between whites. That's how we'll win our white ethnostate!

too wordy and ugly looking


Fucking this. pic related.
Also, oldschool AWM posters are a million times better than all this pseudo-ironpill shit.
We could and should organize a "night of the long inkjets" to put legitimate Holla Forums propaganda up in cities nationwide.

We aren't against propaganda, we're against your specific brand of namefagging, forum-using and adoption of controlled-op monicker
If you really wanted to redpill the normalfags you'd drop that very identifying monicker and just spread your ideas. But no, you need folks to "donate to white nationalism" while PRfagging out the ass so >>>muh normies don't hate on your alt-kike leaders.
We also hate forum-users in general, especially those who adopt a very easy to spot common core inspired style of formatting.
Ever wonder why these idiots double-space everything? That's what they got taught in school and can't parse through traditional formatting to save their life. Read a book you double-digit IQ sporting mongs.

I'm namefagging? That's funny because I see Anonymous right were a name should be. No tripcode either. And no identity made up of obsessively collected screenshots either, you're getting dangerously close to avatarfagging.

You know the "throw them in the bog" comic is talking about the hypocrisy you display?


Wow now you're really fucking stretching there, Mr. Outlander.

why did you tag me?

You might as well be, you're massively easy to spot.

See, you're doing it right now. I bet you think spacing like that makes your posts "easier to read"
fucking mongoloid.

Jesus Christ! We should all have folders full of shit that can be easily turned into posters. Also, color printers are a thing and should be fucking ubiquitous in 2016.


hot subversion coming at you.

Yeah, they are, because they're not a big messy mass of text like your shit with no spacing.


ebin. fucking ebin. The only reason you think they're easy to read when you space like a fucking retard is because you got learned that in kikeschool.
Read a book for once in your life, Hitler didn't need >reddit spacing and neither do you.

Jesus Christ the cultism vibe from you guys is so sad. You are lower down the bell curve, you can leave now.

Always remember, if an anti TRS shill posts a controversial screenshot and it lacks up and downvotes, you can be sure that these up and downvotes go directly against the narrative the shill wants to sell you.

Always look for up and downvotes on a plebbit like namefagging site, especially if this aspect is used to deride the users from there.

If you deride users from there on the basis of being on a namefag forum with plebbit up and downvotes, and then cut out the up and downvotes, chances are you are an actual shill.

No one but you is saying this.

It isn't just your >spacing, it's your entire fucking cadence. Do you see other anons using cruise control for cool? Do you see anyone else vehemently defending the use of forums, communities that are known to house undesirables, and "civic nationalism" ?

Damn there must have been a group huddle to decide this narrative to explain the shilling. I can only imagine what their board must look like right now. It's probably a treasure trove of shilling in this direction.



Lmao damn you sure showed him that you're not a shill by sperging out like that

Wow, how could I ever be wrong working with you, my greatest ally!


Yeah that's kinda the point why many here don't like you faggots, among other things of course.

I don't have a loli smug enough for this so have a mildly amused Saiyan

Thanks for saving that, I forgot to do so.

It's so much better written.

Do you see other anons saying shit like 'ebin! fukken sav'd'
are you even fucking trying, TRS?

Yes, all the time, in red text even.

I listen it FTN, TDS and Intersectional AltRight and have never heard them promote anything other than white nationalism. They are also the ones that I first heard "fags in the bog" line from, never read it here until we started getting banned people from their forums crying at us.

Also, the new stubless filter is a delight.

Based codemonkey.

More of this psychobabble deconstruction of posting styles. Which tribe is that loves reading non-existent implications into constructions of sentences?

You TRShills either can't understand or choose not to. That's why your dishonesty will never have purchase here.

These are way off center.

we need to fucking ban these anti TRS JIDF freaks, they are mentally ill and/or Zionist

Sure thing, Morty! .01 shekels have been deposited into your JIDF cantina fund.

Oh that's a feature? I wasn't sure if it was a bug or not. It's nice, but you have to be careful about filtering cause you can't get them back.

Mannchild I'm so sorry you're so tone deaf that you conflate reading the room as psychobabble. Weren't you banned from TRS anyway?



Holy shit you Holla Forumssters are pathetic.
You guys are worse than liberals to the movement, all you do is alienate potential allies.
There are hundreds of people who support the alt-right who just happen to be gay but you guys push them away with your rhetoric.


So, more bullshit? Because you can "read the room" without have any visual cues, any ability to judge the tone people are posting in, without anything at all other than your projections and C&D agenda?



Tippest of top lels

all marks of the polmeta psychos who think TRS is the new ISIS and they are the Kurds, or something

pretty crazy

Yeah, it's a feature, but it's not done yet, I think.


The Holla Forums options are changing, too.
Some new, weird things, like "tempestous" threads and whatnot.
Whatever they may be.

There was a button to unhide posts but that's gone right now, It seems, or I'm too blind to see it.

It will be back though, I guess.

Not see any namefags in this thread, but keep up with your crying wolf.

Allies don't sneak around looking to infiltrate each other's communities. All you had to do was approach us honestlly, but you decided to behave like Jews.

At this rate we are going to have to have a second polmeta thread

Statistically unlikely it's hundreds. Maybe a couple dozens at most.


Statistically it would be TRS' user base (~50?) * 1

This is a publicly accessible image board with 99% of the posters as Anonymous. If infiltration is your worry, this is a poor venue to conduct your business.

Yeah, the Ashes and Echoes guy is really the standard off which we want to base posting quality.
Are these podcasts? Because your fucking leaders don't represent your userbase. Your website is your users and from what I have seen it's full of shills and faglovers.
Is this your narrative now? Everyone shitting on you is b&? Fucking kike-tier argument.

I did what I could, lad. I don't have illustrator right now.
Have the sunwheel vector, maybe you can fix it.

It's not jewish, it's retard-tier.


Way to out yourself, sodomite. At least you tried to blend in.

100x this.

It's fucking hundreds, look at all the faglovers that enjoy Milo and go to his speeches etc. Useful idiots are useful.

I'm going to need some empirical evidence for that claim, your word is not good enough.

Not an excuse.

And yet there's large amounts of evidence that your little cabal is attempting to infiltrate. Look at this thread for instance.
Also see cap re: reddit spacing

Your faggot friend here seems pretty eager in making this place another namefag "pool party"

These fuckers don't even understand what we're calling namefagging.
They think just because user is in namefield they can't be easily picked out by their behavior and tactics alone.

This used to be a mole thread, I wish I had archived it.


But yeah, TRS isn't impervious to subversion, either.
The faggots on /polmeta/ are testament to that.
They went into the (semiprivate) discord server of TRS to bait stuff, etc.

The problem of moles is so prevalent that, if I am not mistaken, plans have been made to introduce a sort of new invite purgatory forum.
Where people need a certain amount of upboats to access the actual forums.

The idea behind it is that that way the mods would know who upvotes the moles.

I don't think that has been implemented yet, though. I haven't been on TRS in two months.

I bet your citation for that is a screenshot.

A screenshot that has been proven correct by the actions of pro-TRS faglovers on here.

Milo isn't a white nationalist by any stretch of the imagination.

He's far from the only one who does it.

Yes, I only listen to a few of their podcasts.

This is my website and unfortunately it's becoming ever more autistic and starting to fall behind because it's too busy D&Cing itself to focus on shit that matters.

Wow, shitty strawman you have there!

You can't be infiltrated if you have no gates or walls or any means of keeping outsiders on the outside. To infiltrate, there must be some sort of barrier to subvert, there is none here. Any asshole, such as yourself, can claim to be an oldfag and post retarded bullshit about "acceptable posting styles" and "reddit spacing" complaints which didn't crop up until this year when we were innundated with every shill from here to Tel Aviv.

Plus, many, if not all, are ex TRS, banned on the grounds of faggotry.
Like MrAwesome and Natt, for example.
Or awyattmann, etc.

Sure the anti TRS shills will claim they don't know these people, but that falls apart the moment one looks at threads like:
Where they talk to one another cordially.
Naming one another, etc.

Open the link and do text searches on:
And you will see how "honest" our "true and honest defenders of Holla Forums against the menace of TRS" are.


Just anons sick of your shit.


Oh look, you made a post and screenshot it and are reposting it as proof that there is some consensus on posting style on the chans which has never been the case.

Wow. You're a Jew and a Nigger.

Is he my friend, or is he just you changing IPs to "prove" something?

Into the filter you go, dummy. They seem like allies.

What has been stolen? Are you the board owner? If so, you'd ban us, so what have you had stolen? What exclusive claim do you have to this space? You had no borders, no border walls, you were just a bunch of primitive nomadic savages wander about your undeveloped image board. So what if superior forces are able to colonize it? MUH NOBLE POSTING SAVAGES! YOU NO POST IN SACRED POSTING STYLE, GREAT SPIRIT VERY ANGRY!


Ha! Now that's a reach. Nice try TRSfag

He's TRS-approved though.
And that makes doing it okay.?
It isn't. If you wanted to make it yours you could at least try to assimilate.
Understand there's nothing to divide, you're civic nationalist faglovers that use a forum that insults users for going on "purity spirals" and we're ideologically obsessed with anonymity and purity.
>names fallacy like a fucking redditor without refuting the central point
This is by-definition what leftards define as a spook, read a fucking book nigger, also nice >reddit spacing

There's no consensus on exact posting style, some users break after postrefs, some break after paragraphs, some type like fucking grandpas like me. Nobody except retards and redditors breaks before a postref and double-spaces everything like a low-IQ ape that just graduated from kikeschool

Le dangerous faggot xD

I have unrestricted access to a printer at my university.

Show me what you got.

Or y'know, maybe it's the forced IDs that allow you to "pick us out"? Nah, that couldn't be!

Our consensus and memetic constructs are what keeps idiots like yourself out, when you come here acting like a fool be prepared to be treated like one.

Fucking idiot, how do you think you got "picked out" in the first place? Because you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

take the ones op posted and replace the bottom with either 8ch pol or something like cf's bandcamp/youtube link then take a photo and post it for trs if you wanna have a few laughs

Don't replace with 8/pol/
replace with a black sun or the >>>/bmw/ logo

I filtered because he's retarded, not cause he disagrees.

Fuck off back to TRS, you are not welcome here because none of you are willing to adapt to the culture.

The mods are welcome to check my posting history out, it's pretty fucking consistent.

I started listening to them when FTN had their podcast addressing the Milo problem and disassociating with him. I've not heard them talk about Milo positively in the short time I've been listening. In fact, whenever he has been brought up it's usually with a chorus of "ughs".

But hey, what's a little lie to a Jew like you?

And by assimilate you of course mean I should defer to your retarded proclamations. You could try dying in a fire.

Wew lads, bearing false witness Where's your evidence that 1) I go to TRS's forums, 2) I'm a civic nationalist and 3) I'm a fag-lover.

Well, no, I'm not going to refute your strawman point, because it's not the point I was arguing, it's deflection you threw up because you're a shitty D&C kike.

I've seen it done since 2007. But it's cool to make shit up, it's not like people have old posts laying around in their folders or anything.

You're the real retard here, ignoring me won't make your bog any less subversive or invasive.
Go find you dad's shotgun and practice fellatio on it.

It's probably just an endless loop of the same shit over and over again.
/polmeta/ faggots are energy vampires.

Casting them aside is the sensible action. There is no arguing with them.
They are outed time and time again and they don't acknowlegde that.

Therefore not acknowleding them is a sensible choice.
It just eats into the postcount and achieves nothing.
Arguing with them is like whipping a masochist.

This is what sperglords actually believe.

Because my first post I called out the D&C shilling you're doing and you've followed my ID since then.

I hope unhide comes back and it gets fixed. It actually crashes my browser sometimes.

Maybe you should fuck off then

You can't fool me, TRS shills here because they are trying to lure us to their "pool parties" so that they can pozz our tight neg boy holes.

Relax, I'm sure your shilling for trs goes back some time now, no need to brag.

Subhumans have no culture to adapt to.

good stuff

People who post on /polmeta/ are objectively shit and always have been.

What lie? Your leaders mean jack shit here faggot. Milo is approved by a large percentage of your forum prove he's not, you can't or won't And there are numerous photos of him with known TRS folks like Spencer and "alt-right" faggots.
No, I mean you should lurk for more than five minutes and not post like you came here to prove a point. You're also formatting like an obvious outsider, because if you think anyone here breaks after every post like a fucking highschooler that just got out of english 101 and hasn't read a book since sixth grade you're beyond stupid.
You vehemently defend TRS in the exact same manner admitted TRS users do, you format like you use forums or reddit and you listen to their pofcasts, probably donate to them too.
I don't have any except your behavior, TRS is full of civicucks and you behave like them.
Same evidence as above, you defend a site that enables fags so you're at least a by-proxy fag enabler.
Again, pulling the same shit in a more wordy way.
Nothing to divide, we have vastly different ideologies that are incompatible.
To break large chunks of greentext or paragraphs and occasionally to break up "omnislash" style postquoting
Show me some that prove me wrong then.


I've seen this before. Not sure if it's regional or something, but it's weird to the rest of us.

You're trying, I'll you that but you're still shit

Lmao when he was going "peace brothers" every post, what a fucking faggot psycho

Fuck off.
We wouldn't want you swastikaboos there anyway, you're all fucking embarrassments.

only degenerate gays get AIDS

He's probably the manbaby there that couldn't decide whether "peace and love bro" or lashing out like a child would work better to make us give shekels to the Jew Crew

Yeah, it should be the rule. I actually hope they aren't a shill and might learn a bit from being excommunicated. People are allowed to be stupid sometimes.

LMAO i thought you weren't all fags? Two of you have come out in this thread alone

Fag enablers and fags must go.

Well, as I'm not on their forums and I have no desire to join, I can't prove it. But I'm sure you have enough obsessively collected screenshots you can cobble together to prove what you're saying. Log into your TRS account and make the post to screenshot now!

Spencer has only appeared as a guest on their podcasts, he does his own stupid waste of time NPI bullshit because he's hot on MUH RESPECTUHBILITY! Spencer is a fucking retard who has god awful ideas like pan-europeanism and using fucking theodor herzl as a model.

I started posting here September '14, started posting on 4chan around May of 07.

Oh, how convenient! I suppose we should all defer to you, then, thou oldfag.

Kill yourself.


then why are you so invested in defending them and discounting obvious and irrefutable proof they are invasive and degenerate?

I am glad you think so, opinions on his fag-enabling?
Outright lie, everything about how you post tells me you came here less than a year ago. I won't even say how long I have been on here, but I will say my journey started on 4-ch.

Color printers track you. Little yellow dots. So you'll have to be careful who's printer you use.

Why do you TRS faggots insist that we have to deal with your bullshit and forumfaggotry? Why can't we just exist on separate fucking sites without your influence? Just fuck off and leave. We make memes. Fucking memes, you are free to take them and use them. But don't fucking shill here, don't fucking post here, and don't expect anyone to take kindly to it when you DO.

Well, considering they've pretty much just copied our views except on 9/11 and they don't go all out on the Hitler love that we do, why wouldn't I defend them from sperglord who seems bound and determined to keep 8/pol/ as a little isolate island unto itself and not interacting with other groups who share our goals.

So you admit to making shit up?

Gonna need some strong evidence for that charge against them. You proclaiming does not make it so.

We had a fucking stickied thread for years listing all the various logical fallacies, and you committed the fallacy of the strawman, you totally ignored the point I was making and gave me a reply with some made up point you ass-pulled then got butthurt that I didn't refute your bogus point.

Or tl;dr you argue like a kike.

Looking at the filename on that gif shows how long I've been here. Just like the file name of pic related, 1416327274609

I would assume everyone has a fucking printer.

How accurate is the dot printing? Is it to the model of the printer? Or the serial # of the printer itself?

I was thinking about going to a Kinkos and paying with cash but I'm curious if they'll be able to timestamp the print based on the hidden dots/pattern. (Not that it really matters since hate speech laws don't exist in the US, but still)


What the actual hell are you even talking about? Votes? Plebbit like sites? What?

Yeah, you really should defer to me, faggot. Or better yet, just kill yourself.

this is why we hate you, you stupid faggotlover

Yes, we, as in Holla Forums, though that may have been on 4/pol/ before we moved over here, it was quite some time ago.

Just a reminder that the kiddie that is about to hit (70) was himself permabanned from TRS kek

I believe it typically encodes the serial # of the printer. It's something to be aware of, everyone should use their best judgement.

That was retarded.

You. You need to stop shilling TRS. It's clear from every fucking thread that until one of the fucking heads over there decides he'd like to make it clear that you're not supposed to shill here and WE FUCKING SEE IT, I'm sure everyone would be willing to forgive in forget. Your shittery here isn't fucking helping, let me tell you right now.

I mean look at this. Do you really think the average lurker here will want to go to TRS now because of this?

You're clearly not one of us. Even if I grant you that you've been here that long (I don't), you clearly learned nothing since you still stick out so much. That makes you even worse than a newfag really, at least a newfag can become a good poster while you for all your time spent still suck cock at it

>wear "bucket" hat and nonfunctional glasses if you genuinely need glasses just get a throw-away pair and pop your perscs. in

What is wrong with keeping 8ch away from idiots like yourself? Double-digit IQ in here tonight.
You admit to behaving like a fagloving outsider?
Do mountains of evidence on >>>/polmeta/ and screencaps of """jokes""" about being fags count? you like butt dildos.
So? Doesn't give you an excuse to cry [FALLACY] like a redditor fresh off the short bus.
heh, posting quality is a spook, just get rid of your mods and traditions
fuck off /int*/ sympathizer.

I would tell you to lurk moar, but we both know your ego is to large to let you do that for any extended period of time so that you can actually figure out how this site works, and how anons communicate.

Yeah, your obvious and irrefutable proof, about as solid as "HIS HANDS WERE LIKE AN OCTOPUS!"

Are you missing a few wires up top lad? The only thing that can prove your merit here is a well written post that others accept. There is no other form of validation on an Indonesian Cat-Skinning Whiteboard

>forgive and forget
god I'm tired.

Look TRS shitter, just ask your overlords to make a compromise so we don't have to keep having these awful fucking threads.

>I-I never wanted to hang out with you guys anyway!


We had the same type of unix timestamp filenames here until relatively recently.

How the fuck is this still going on, how many faggots are here with over 30 posts?
How hard is it, no kikes, no faggots, no niggers, just white men and women practicing ethnocentric heterosexual monogamy, anything else is acidic to the fabric of society, sometimes it will act fast, sometimes slow. Moral relativists and hyper-egalitarians are degenerates and must be physically removed.
No fucking TRS or e-celeb bullshit, fuck off with promoting your shit, nobody cares. The minute you go mainstream, you start spreading kosher redpills and deviate from the message.
"oh, but gays are based now, they are cool."
"oh, but based black men are okay now. Did I do good, Tyrone?"
sage this irrelevant shit, holy fuck

Why the fuck won't the mods ban these fucking threads and posters?

That's not irrefutable proof, it's contextless screenshots from who knows where and who knows what provenance and who knows if you didn't shoop them up yourself.

goodnight, lads.



Ah, so we can never become mainstream because then we become kosher, so we must remain in obscurity, that way our message will remains pure but wholly ineffective because it stays right here and the white race dies because they never get redpilled, because to redpill normalfag whites would sully us, damage our integrity, we would be no better than Jews. MUH Holla Forums PRINCIPLES!

That has nothing to do with what we were talking about, you are responding to the wrong user. We have ID's you know.

Then no one in this thread belongs on Holla Forums.


You losers are never going to get anywhere if you continue to remain so isolationist.

If this movement is gonna go mainstream we need to be more inclusive.

Fuck pol. fuck ironmarch. fuck commonfilth (isn't he a non-white anyway)

Why did you not answer my inquiries?

It's valid criticisms.

The cutoff was shortly after 1472… If it starts with 1472, it's almost certainly from cuckchan.
Be Alert!

You're so new I'm pretty sure I'm regressing in age.

Yes, it does matter, because ANYONE CAN MAKE FAKE POSTS! ANYONE CAN POST SOMETHING TAKE A SCREENSHOT AND GO "AH HAH! SEE THIS PROVES MY ACCUSATION!" Your "evidence" is MSNBC tier, Ratchel Maddow would be so proud!

Reported, enjoy your ban. You are the enemy.

For somebody who claims to hate us so much, you sure seem upset that we don't like you.

Unequivocally this.

Have I been trying to get people to go to TRS forums? I don't see where I have. Point out where I say "HEY GUISE, YOU SHOULD ALL SIGN UP FOR THEIR FORUMS"

You just admitted to being an e-celeb? Who is 'we', you pathetic shill? Yes, e-celebs are degenerate faggots. Take what they say with a grain of salt, or a kilogram, given their history. Have you ever noticed that whenever some Jewtube shill makes it big, they use this "wowee ald-rode xDDDDD" nonsense to get big with subs or e-beg a little, then start to deviate to appeal to more and more normies? If you truly see the moral degradation and what to do something about it, you will arrive at the conclusion I have set forth. If you can't handle it, stop fooling around and spreading kosher redpills like some faggot. You want to say nigger and act like you're edgy, be my guest, but don't shill your faggotry for everybody to see.

Then why defend it like it's your birth mother? Only people I see "driving a wedge between people" are you faggots. Whoever the fuck was emailed by the owner of >>>/trs/ sure as shit didn't publicly state that they were against shilling here.
What's your fucking deal?

You realize the Pinochet meme started before they fully digested the redpill right? Hitler was still too much for them. And that was like 2 years ago. It still triggers lefties so who the fuck cares.

And they are right this obsession with reddit spacing is pure autism. It really says a lot about you that you care about that. Its fine being only on Holla Forums. Holla Forums is great. But you will never be any use in meatspace with that attitude.


Just printing the model would be of no value. At minimum it is the serial but most likely it is all the info the printer receives. The point here is to track people after after all. I'd expect time and date and document name to go in there as well.

The more data the better.

You shouldn't care unless you are outside the US. Only LEA can do anything with that data. Be safe Canucks.


Just admit you don't want white nationalism to go mainstream because then you won't be a contrarian edgelord anymore and will have to find some new thing to show you're above the "sheeple".

Oh, no, white nationalism can go mainstream.
Just not 8/pol/.

Fuck off trs shill.


You've been trying to get us to stop attacking the TRS forums so you can move onto phase 2 of shilling and get your ideas accepted here and our userbase to go to your cum scented clubhouse.

Sorry, our userbase is better because we're better. We won't settle for second best and unfortunately for you, you're on the shittier site's team. Maybe if you encouraged a degeneracy free environment your site's userbase would improve and expand.

He might not a known at that point either. The conicidence detector did not exist then and "Culture of Critique" by Kevin MacDonald was not as readily available


Fuck off already, you jew lovers are not welcome here.

read my post, you moron. I'm against TRS shills.

Nah, you're just a faggot cocksucker making excuses for Milo lovers of TRS.

>Guys, white nationalism won't go mainstream unless we get these weird anonymous hermit Holla Forums people to join us.
>Great idea. Once we have these anonymous anime and Hitler fans on our side, our alt-right pool parties will surely become mainstream
Faggots who embrace the ALT-Right name have no right to be kvetching about not being mainstream

But, user, our mainstream and tolerant (((alt-right))) accepts all. :) Based gays, am I right? Buy my book.

You do know that not all of us on Holla Forums have social problems, that many of us go out to other sites and even in real life to spread the message and memes?

Do you think Pepe got declared a hate symbol because you posted him on 8/pol/? Do you really think Trump became president because you got dubs enough times? No, it's because those of us who aren't asocial freaks actually pounded the pavement.

He's almost got

I wonder how many members of the (((alt-right))) have kissed Milo to prove to the leftists that they are "down with faggotry".

Much like informing people of the current year, informing people of the number of posts they make in a thread is not an argument.


You're treading into dangerous waters besmirching kek's name faggot.

First you accuse us of doing nothing but posting on our site, then you claim we have immense influence. You argue like a jew. It is plain for everyone here to see that TRS has a serious envy problem when it comes to Holla Forums.

Are we sure he's actually from TRS and not just a jew shit disturber? I remember Awyattweeb getting shoahed from the caps earlier.

In what way is it not an argument? You can't just state its lack of merit without explaining why, THAT is the non-argument. The current year is retarded because you can use it whenever the present is. For example, faggotry is okay because it is the current year. Well, I could easily say faggotry is NOT okay because it is the current year. It's shit because it literally is nonsense. Shilling 80 times in a row is a different story, it shows your intent. At least you were overt about it and didn't hide behind proxies. The point is that it shows you have a specific narrative you are willing to push, 80 times over. Acceptable ranges are between 5-15, maybe 20 on a post this big. Post, and leave. Why are you so hell-bent on making TRS acceptable, or whatever the hell your goal is.

At this point, what's the difference?

Maybe Glenn Beck's failing site envies this place, I don't think anybody else does.

Fair enough.

Yeah's he's for sure TRS. We can tell by the way he argues, the words he chooses, and the fact that he's (78) deep, not counting his sockpuppet buddies

Maybe you're the disturbers since you're not offering any real evidence or arguments, just implying implications based on weak screenshots and then crying about phantom fags.

Pick one.

If we're useless faggots who do nothing in meatspace, and we circlejerk and have no reach, and are useless and whatever the fuck else you assert, why won't you just leave us alone? Like it's your personal mission to shitpost here or something.

There's puppet and puppetmaster but I've only seen this level on autism when TRS is bought up so most likely some misguided faggot who thinks letting Tyrone fuck his male life partner is accepting.

Kill niggers and gays, all TRS closet homos will die if I get dubs.

No my semen scented friend, I am afraid you are the one out of place. Everyone in this thread is reacting to you like a white blood cell. We have quantified why we're attacking back, but at this point our immune response will just be to keep you calling you a BBC loving fag enabler.

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Are you going to cry now?

Well? Why won't you? You clearly think we're useless. Why are you spending your no doubt precious time trying to shitpost here when you could be "taking action" in normieverse?

You replied to the wrong post you stupid faggot. Further evidence you don't belong here.

Shoo shoo semen goblin


Because your asspain is just so exquisite.

shoo shoo semen goblin

Sorry, I'm not one of the phantom fags you believe is trying to infiltrate your asshole.

Yup, it's envy alright.

shoo shoo semen goblin

I can post images too, TRS.




Yes, Renegade Broadcasting is this retarded.

shoo shoo semen goblin

forgot to sage

TRS is JIDF Posing as white nationalist to subvert from within
Everyone already knows about anti-white rhetoric.
(((OP))) is one of the 2/3 of users who just got here this month

>it's impossible to shill for TRS silly goy-err guys
Good job proving yourself wrong in only (1) post.

I didn't invite you m8


It's not inviting people to the forum but spreading the (((alt-right))) to other places. Co-option.








The 2nd poster freaked me out on a gut level. I'm sure it would scare non-whites. Needs a better website than .biz though.

sorry faggots, had to bring out the sage squad



why not just keep organized in daily stormer?

too many websites man



Spreading white-nationalism and the JQ is co-option? Please explain.

Also, those echoes you are using were created by TRS.


Damn manchild, you still at it?

If you need me to explain how alt-right isn't co-option then I can't exactly help you. Accepting black people to further white nationalism is just a dumb move.Your lack of self awareness is amazing.

This is really the mental gymnastics you're going with to justify your shilling?



I haven't heard blacks on any TRS podcasts.

You're talking about the alt-lite at best.




Please stop Sinead.

Sinead is one of your crowd. E-celebs like that cunt come from you faggots who insist on using forums. Did she tell you to shill here? Is that why you're here?

This is not a safe space, faggot.

Thanks user.

Not another dime for these scumbags

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

You have the audacity to accuse anyone else of mental gymnastics when you post retarded shit like this?









Death to fags

You sound like a bitch, kek. This isn't trs

If your problem with TRS was really "they're fag-enablers", you wouldn't be posting here on a site with one of the top ten boards called /cuteboys/, subtitled boipussy. By posting on 8ch, you're enabling the faggotry of /cuteboys/ and all the rest of the degeneracy by giving the site enough user traffic and ad views to justify keeping it afloat.

That's quite the reach, my faggot friend. If you're anti-gay why are you in the alt-right/trs. Lord knows what goes on at those "pool parties"

You could have provided flyers that didn't shill for alt-right/reddit bullshit. Shit thread, OP.


Reported for not getting dubs.

Hi Ironmarch. How's that salami slice taste fam?
But seriously you fags ruin everything you touch and you'll keep trying to be biggest nigger in all of this until all that's left is spooks spics and shlomos.

Let's stay in our containment board
Let's never leave our containment board
That will surely save the white race!

hi coonman

Kill yourself you fucking D+C goon


If you are in the US no one is probably looking. Only the government can do anything with that data. Not saying not to maximize opsec if you want to.

Not going back to TRS until they kick out all the homosexuals.

Kek, the mere mention of another shitlord group causes them to go into a frenzy.

TRShills spam all night to prove they aren't shills lmao


Fuck off back to your TRS honeypot with your literal kike site owner

It's like these anti-TRS people actually attempted to be more annoying and full of shit than the Judische lugenpresse. "They suck dick at the irl meetups!" "They love Milo!" "They organize shilling operations here!" Same tired screencaps, over and over again, same curious attempts to label anything that gets any momentum as "fags" or "funded by Jews," with the sum effect being more noxious and counter-productive than a thousand ADL's and SPLC's. Makes you really wonder about the motives of these people…

They actually do, there are screencaps of from their site, their skype conversations, and their discord conversations. Those images are in this thread. This thread itself is a great example of it, one person said that they didn't like that there was a dozen links on the poster and that it linked to TRS. Then all of a sudden mountains of shills came by promoting faggotry, that Holla Forums needs to be inclusive, and claiming Holla Forums never accomplishes anything. Including of course the one autist that reached almost 90 posts of nonstop shilling.
Most of the screencaps in this thread were from blatant shills and fag lovers that posted in this thread
You mean not wanting the culture on the site subverted, like Germany doesn't want their culture subverted by a bunch of shitskin refugees that refuse to assimilate. If TRS actually lurked and didn't blatantly shill while acting like kikes there would be no issue. However they refuse to adapt, they refuse to let Holla Forums be it's own thing, and constantly try to subvert this site. They can't just leave thing be and constantly act as if Holla Forums is an enemy they need to subvert. Holla Forums is the brains of most operations, and is best as a thinktank. While TRS thinks flooding this space with a bunch of uncultured refugees is a good thing.
