Now they're using JS to almost literally look over over your shoulder.
include those pesky javascri[pt coin miners too like monero crap
I see no problem with a cryptocurrency miner. It will help kill the ad industry.
"Click to disable miner" on the page would always be a nice touch tho
I tend to agree.
I agree
Good idea.
With this we can finally get rid of ads and adblockers.
The fucking BlockAdBlocker uses inline as well.
No they won't. That's like cutting taxes for the rich to stop them from removing jobs. They will just miners AND continue showing ads. It's more profitable.
seems fair enough
Your analogy is almost as bad as your conclusion
t. Holla Forumsyp
It's just exactly what is happening. E.g piratebay added a miner and continued to show ads without even disclosing their use of the former.
That means always
miners are horrible
they use 100% cpu, steal your electricity, make your room warmer, make your browser slow
are you seriously expecting piracy and warez sites to act ethically?
100% of one core.
You pay electricity to access the content. Disabling the miner is stealing.
This is a good thing in the winter.
You sound very impatient.
I bet you block ads too.
7/10. Not bad.
Anybody who steals my cycles gets the bullet!
What makes you think I've ever posted on Holla Forums? Are you a Holla Forums idpol moron?
They don't have to, and most don't, for obvious reasons. Stop spreading lies.
you're gonna have to cancel your internet service for that m8
You're just executing code that you didn't ask for but yeah there's no problem
Nice proof.
The only way to kill the ad/datamining industry is to disable JS or use Tor.
It's simply unethical just has adding ads.
Ok look you are executing code (probably non-free one btw) that you didn't ask for on a publicly accessible website who doesn't ask you if you want to datamine coins for them.
It's still not ethical.
The web didn't need advertisement in the first place to exist.
Sure. Everyone can use everything for free, server hosts don't need money, huge websites providing free services can exist solely on donations etc etc
Get lost, you fucking
Who said websites needed to be ran like a business and had to make a profit?
i recommend No-Script Suite Lite,
you can enable javascripts website-by-website basis
Nice interpretation
holy shit calm the fuck down Stefan Molyneux
NoScript for Firefox 57 is complete shit, it made me switch to uMatrix.
People are willing to invest their time in things for free, but when it comes to investing money, it's something else. Nobody wants to run websites at a loss, and depending on how big your website is, said loss may be huge, every single month. And that's just the hosting.
The best idea would be offering Premium subscription services for coin mining hours. Want that Brazzers membership? Click here and keep this page open for six hours. Congratulations, you can now watch your meme porn. Wanna play your shitty WoW? Enable the miner for four hours for two hours of subscription fucking Blizzard jews.
While nobody wants to run at a loss, some people find the value of having a website is worth more than what they have to pay to have it hosted.
For example, I have a site related to one of my obscure hobbies. On the site are some resources that some people in the community use. I find value in having a platform where I can put my content and being to share it with other people.
There's literally nothing wrong with ads you subhuman retards. It's just a picture on the side of the page.
A bitcoin miner on the other hand will eat up your CPU and cripple your computer, and each website that has one makes it worse and worse.
I could consider running a service for maybe $20 a month, but any non obscure website costs way more than that. $100-$200 month is a very possible cost for a sub-Holla Forums website, and even if you could pay for it with most jobs, it's a considerable expense.
You should disable JavaScript and only enable it when appropriate.
In 09 i used userfly.js also made a live screencast of a client machine Nowadays a javascript keylogger is sufficient enough. No one needs a livefeed from how i scroll around when browsing a site.
coinhive, when it started to interfere with my vidya watching, i had to shutitdown.jpg
You're absolutely right. In the same way that there's nothing wrong with having an account on a website, it's not the adverts in themselves that are the problem, and it's disingenuous when content blockers call themselves "adblockers", because it opens themselves up to the fabricated ethical dilemma that lobbyists fabricated that you're stealing money. It also implies that adverts on the Internet only exist in one form and not in sponsorship or procured, first-party adverts, and they're tricking people into thinking that normal people don't reserve the right to control the very code that's executed on THEIR OWN computers. The debate is just absolutely disgusting, because it's people on two sides arguing over their outlook on a premise that is inherently wrong.
Except for the fact that, right now, they are only used in exploits on websites you already pay for. Imagine paying for access to Showtime and then having to mine Monero while watching HD video because their tech team is too stupid to vet the JS of their thousands of analytics providers. Even excepting exploits, the websites already adopting this just stick it in the background and don't even mention it.
And forcing browsers to mine will fucking destroy phones. I know this isn't a problem for Holla Forums, but I'm saying that it's not feasible for funding a normalfag website.
If you want to embed CoinHive in your website to take the place of ads, it should:
There is potential, especially given how pernicious advertising can be for user privacy, but I don't trust the average website to use it in a more responsible manner than how they're using ads now.
t. mirai author
Oy, there's nothing bad about javascript goy, what are you a nazi?
Here let me sell you some VPN
Oh airgap, you mean something like google voice command that is constantly listenning? If a high pitched noise arrives, then it noises the answer back?
Like silverpush, just coincidence that every android has a "ant" app installed ,probably same ant as in the snowden papers.
Can't find it now. it is on another machine, but when searching for chrome permission speech permission israeli or something like that, there should be script that abuses the mic permissions in chrome. Just imagine, even the chrome browser is a fuckinhg listening device. I was able to use it and i'm slow.
Good reason to not have android or iphone.
But throttling the execution would work. Simply use 20% of your available resources.
Stop going to shitty websites.
Wow, you're really an embarrassment
You're retarded.
A good citizen ignores whatever the jews do. Don't be an embarassment, goyim. If you don't let us do whatever we want, you are a shameful loser.
You should dns-block the domains of these tracking sites as well.
Brave anons, we need an alternative for cuckpages which remove functionality without scripts.
a campaign, perhaps? anything.
How about ENABLE javascript when appropriate? uMatrix FTW.
does not display noscript tag
I don't think neocities will ever make a comeback outside of hobbyists who like the web 1.0 aesthetic. Even then, some neocities sites still use javascript.
I have no problem with a crypto miner if it effects other people. I'd block that shit in an instance the second it touches my computer though.