Fake victim of the Sandy Hook hoax shooting demands President Elect Trump denounce the Bill the water filter salesman:
Fake victim of the Sandy Hook hoax shooting demands President Elect Trump denounce the Bill the water filter salesman:
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The Sandy Hook incident was one that came up around a time when I wasn't feeling like browsing Holla Forums at the time, can someone redpill me on it?
These chillun's are toys for paedos and Moloch now.
>"Hey I know, let's kvetch about the same old shit, surely it will have an effect this time!"
Damn, that shit was 4 years ago. Seems like yesterday.
That's definitely the same person. :^)
top kek these cretins will never stop committing slow suicide
They are probing Trump to find out if he's going to expose the crisis actor hoaxes once he gets in
Maybe someone can dumb their Sandy Hook folder for you. I'm not sure if I completely believe that it was a hoax, but I do know there are an absolute shit ton of strange things going on with the story.
My jew-o-meter is off the charts here.
Do you think a 100lb spaghetti armed autist could manage to score headshots on multiple moving targets? Especially considering how intense that situation would be, when other solo shooters have had rediculously low kill counts in much more people dense areas.
(AR-15 rfiles are about 7-12lb loaded depending on how tacticool they are)
I don't have the docs on me, but that should be a decent primer
Weren't all of his victims herded into a bathroom?
She is a tool of the establishemnt left
Alex Jones is Trump tier savior … the man is a propaganda genuis .. I remember we were calling Stephen Miller a Goebbels heir … they have nothing on Mr. Jones.
Jones is an innately talented dramatic, comedic genius. The concept of 'right wing talk radio' is being reformed and re-defined around him and his network. His association with Cumia, Molyneux, Stone and others extends the tentacles of influence into fractal realms expanding into the millions… and he deserves and has earned every bit.
Alex Jones is the biggest player after our chan and KEK movement. He is next to us in influence and power and righteousness.
Legit though, check out his live shows or his clips. This guy is a serious ally and serious player. If they go after him .. it's proof they're scared and pushback we NEED to fight against so he can continue his path of righteous influence
Official timeline also states something like from the time he smashed through the front window to his final shot (his suiciding shot) was all within 4 minutes and the shootings happened in multiple rooms. Literally must have been teleporting with anime powers to pull it off
DYOR, there's so much
Doesn't matter, the kill count is too high for the Official timeline, even with generous allowances. Reminds me of the extra shooter calls in columbine.
Yeah, these large high-kill shootings all have the same types of inconsistencies. Shifting and varying timelines, reports of multiple (Extra "non-existant") shooters, inconsistent narritaves that are easiest to spot in the early reporting phases, even when the first offical statements are used.
Man, sounds like the democratic election.
His story isn't consistent at all.
This. beat me to posting, thx user
This is the one clip that pushed my disbelief levels to maximum.
This guy is the worst actor ever
Remember watching this a few years ago.
Sandy Hook is old news but still noteworthy.
Wow. Fuck any iteration of current year.
http:// mileswmathis.com/sh.pdf
http:// mileswmathis.com/sh3.pdf
I'm sure others will explain it better than I but I'll give you some points.
I'm sure there's more.
never saw that one, holy shit mang.
uses the hoax to push gun control
It seems like they really do follow a literal playbook. Good thing it's finally being cracked open as we speak. Some ugly stuff though…
President Alex Jones 2024!
What would happen if trump were to bring out evidence that sandy hook was a hoax?
lol using the same fucking picture and trying to edit it.
I wonder if we looked back to other incidents vaguely tied to the democrats, we would find these strange circumstances again.
I almost don't want to know. Almost.
obama seen with girl that is supposed to be dead, after sandy hook.
I think people would panic and possibly spark some civil unrest, that the MSM was lying to them about such a thing.
It would open their eyes and ultimately be worth it.
I'd vote for that, but only because of how asspained it would make the kikes.
I don't think that'll ever happen. The knee-jerk reaction nearly everyone in the US would have would be too much to get under control.
There were some interesting things about Sandy Hook, but it was likely nothing more than proto-meme magic. The Dark Knight RIses had a so-called "strike map" that listed Sandy Hook.
As far as the shooting itself, it happened. There could have been conspiracy involved, but I doubt that there were crisis actors.
This one was already disproved. There are other photos/vids of these women and they only look alike from that angle.
No idea about 99% of the other stuff being posted in this thread, though.
+0.02, ctr, etc
releases of info on the internet before the event
immediate charity appeals by victims
everyone tied to local theatre, cable company, actors, etc
no tears - jolly families
why would you let a nigger hold onto your kids like that?
they're the cia's kids.
pedo shot>>8272136
i got banned bc of shit
Really? So why no crime scene photos? Why did laws have to be passed so nobody could see any evidence? Why were the bodies declared dead by police (when EMTs can't even do that) and supposedly snuck out in the middle of the night? Why the facebook page created before the supposed shooting? Why were all the parents of dead kids actors who had moved there within the year? Why the photoshopped pictures? Why the subsequent spike in crisis drills going live? Aside from what anderson pooper told you on tahlmudvision, do you have a single shred of proof to back that up?
Double dubs of truth
they are bad
You do have dubs. When Trump gets in there, maybe he'll uncover direct evidence of it. It would redpill everyone for all time. Right Wing Death Squads would form. The black sun would rise.
… maybe it will happen. I have my doubts (It just seems easier to fuck one kid's mind up than it does to fake all of this), but I hope you're right.
I'd say never, but we've already broken out of the global script, and so has Worst Korea come to think of it. I can see anything happening.
Never thought of that. Trump exposing this hoax would get even most libs behind him. They would know the true evil genius up against.
After all the shit going down with the revolution and the guillotines, I don't think we should be calling it "Worst Korea" anymore. Maybe "second-best Korea"?
(sage for offtopic)
He honestly reminds me of one of those fake talk radio shows on a GTA game.
Spicy. Imagine of Trump unveils all the false flags our govt has perpetrated over the past decade. Sandy hoax, Boston Bombing, 9/11, batman shooter, dorner, etc.
anderson stupor cooper was on a green screen claiming he was on the ground or some shit
so much so little time
let alone the fact the little fucker had a accuracy rate better than a navy seal.
That photo is so fake.
Kill yourself kike
Have a couple screencaps from that time.
I would webm but I am in a hurry
Yeah, no. Trump doesn't have to disavow everyone he's ever talked to that had a controversial opinion. Get bent, cunt.
This makes a lot of sense though these people are stupid for bringing it up like this since it will either be ignored or it will bring out all the people who called out this hoax. I also wonder if they are trying to bait Alex Jones into addressing it. If he doubles down, then the media will claim that Trump is associating with a Sandy Hooks denier. If he flip flops then it will make Alex look bad. The best thing for him to do is to ignore all of this or call out the media on their main goal:
Forcing Trump to abandon alternate media and push him back into the arms of the MSM. It is no coincidence all this occurred after Trump skipped out on the press and went to grab a steak. And when the media cried about it, people made fun of them. This is the media's revenge for this shit. Another reason why the msm must hang.
I see one car that's not facing the same way.
Brought to you by Snopes.
I personally think they staged this not only as an attack on the 2nd but as a way to make these kids disappear nice and neatly with no questions
The sandy hook thing always seemed bizarre to me. There was clearly a bunch of weird shit going on, but I could never understand why (((they))) would go to all that effort to fake a shooting instead of just picking an unstable kid on psych meds and giving him a little nudge to do an actual shooting. It's not like they value lives all that much.
The real redpill is that it happened because Lanza was a drugged out autist, and the jews took the opportunity to put their "everything is a hoax" disinformation into high-gear.
Now nobody even bothers investigating real false flags, everything just gets labeled as a hoax.
They are parked retarded too. Like half over the line and not in the space. You can tell they were driven in one by one and parked down the line from one side to the other.
the one thing that redpilled me was there was a facebook page for "in memory of massacre at sandy hook" or something like that, except it was created 2 or 3 days BEFORE the shooting happened.
No it isn't. Adam Lanza wasn't even a real person.
proof of green screen?
There are old yearbook photos of him. Do you think the supposed "hoax" was planned a decade in advance and the whole town was in on it? That's the only way your narrative could work.
adam lanza was a real person actually
It's a video compression issue, but Jonestein claimed it was greenscreen and retards kept repeating it.
Why Anderson Cooper would pretend to be there instead of actually going isn't clear - like all the other Sandy Hook disinfo.
they used child abuse and MKULTRA type techniques to make him do the shooting
I always thought this was outlandish until I read this
(computer generated japanese school girl)
Between all the meds kids are on and the violent video games they have them playing (fuck off, Holla Forums), traditional trauma-based mind control wouldn't even be necessary. We're all victims of MKULTRA now to varying degrees.
Her eyes are like mine..
I don't know for a fact if it was a screen green or not but it is just one stinking point on a rotted fish
most sandy hook conspiracy theories are garbage
Adam Lanza was reportedly sexually abused as a child. He ended up being a legitimate pedophile (with autism), and he has years worth of forum posts on one of those goth mid00s pro-Columbine sites where he posted about shootings, mass murderers, and promoted pedophilia. So he was probably sick, who knows? He did go to the Yale Child Study Center and got prescribed some drug in his young teens.
There's so much disinfo pushed on this topic, though, it's astounding. I'm sure this was a case where Lanza was egged on to do it by alphabet soup and maybe he actually ended up killing a kid or more, but the accomplice ran into the woods and was never reported on afterwards, and a bunch of actors were already there to blow the event up to be a huge thing.
This seems correct (forget vidya, SSRIs alone can really fuck people up)
Watch Trump nominate Jones to a cabinet position in response.
sounds like your perfect candidate to pin a staged massacre on
is this all you need to know to know thats its a false flag?
Yeah, that's for sure. I lost a friend after he started taking that shit. Fucking kid flipped out on me one day over absolutely nothing and tried to fight me. He apologized and cried like a baby afterwards and told me he forgot to take his medication. Too crazy for me. Sage because blog post.
Sandy Hoax is the psyop. It exists to discredit conspiracy theories. There is no reason to disbelieve that Lanza was the killer. It was cognitive infiltration psyop of 2013. Then flat earth came right on it's heels. Sandy Hoaxers are useful idiots. All the youtube accounts that promote it are the most clickbait crap in the world.
Who are the people promoting this plebitry? Are they the same people who sagespammed the Evalion thread? This site is going to shit.
Demonization of any white male who got put on drugs. Among other things.
I wanted to believe you post, but when you added this bullshit "Are they the same people who sagespammed the Evalion thread?" it makes me want to disregard everything else you said.
I guess the fact there was a second person found lurking in the woods, arrested then released doesn't mean anything then? and the fact that he matched the description given by the children and teachers at the school while adam lanza did not.
Fake person calling on fake person to disavow a fake person on fake news site run by CIA.
She's doxxed and under attack by the media. Who benefits from attacking her?
Are they even trying anymore?
The late Michael Collins Piper did a great show with Deanna Spingola about the "Hoaxer" psyop.
He actually ended up being fired from the American Free Press over his position, which more or less led to his passing.
Sure. No reasons except all the reasons. Active shooter drills. Pre-ordered porta-potties. Extra shooters. Children and entire families that never existed before nor after the hoax. TERRIBAD crisis actor victims' parents.
The Jewrat kikess and her heeb drones deserve Hell. She's an ugly jewess toe-jam eating psychopathic self-punching cam whore.
Because of assfaggots like you pretending you ever belonged here in the first place.
why don't you guys push sandy hook being a hoax again on twitter, but don't go at it for more than a week
but dont use pictures like the third one in or the first one in
instead use pics like and and the first one and the one where many of the sandy hook kids are seen at the superbowl's halftime show, don't think i got that one on my HD
Do these kikes really want to bring up sandy hook when the majority of the nation believes everything they say is made up bullshit/propaganda?
Sounds good to me!
Looks like some people are going to get the Nuremburg treatment ;^)
Sauces please? Holy crap. Thats good stuff.
That single instagram picture is the only proof, nobody's been able to come up with video or anything else.
This can't be serious…
this pic may be useful to sway normies to believe that crisis actors exist in the first place
Suuuure pal. You bought into flat earth and no forests as well?
The must be hundreds if not thousands of crisis actors. Tell me, how come not one of them has blown the whistle on the operation?
Both are bullshit, but the flat-Earth is more logical tbh.
This fucker knows something. Also creepy how he has the little kids.
The British Broadcasting Corporation World Service evidently thought it was worthy of mention >=^{D
do you think Holla Forums just hates "Jews" because they're edgy?
did you think the censored outrage on twitter over #spiritcooking wasn't based completely based on reality?
blackmail and death threats, thats why
and when they do blow the whistle, they make sure nobody believes them and/or that the media coverage is cut off almost immediately
think like a conspirator, and conspiracy will be easier to see when you assume that conspirators will act without any scruples
Every time they sick one of these crazy-eyed cunts on Trump it doesn't end well for them.
Its probably bullshit put out to discredit true information about sandhook. It looks incredible and its the kind of stuff that gets virally shared only to turn out to be a lie and then "everything else is discredited".
do you wanna know how and why WTC was a hoax too?
i mean a false flag
shut up lady
and fuck you nbc for printing this trash. Can't wait until the MSM is cast aside in the ash heap.
That's the purpose of all the Sandy Hook "information" for the "truth movement" as a whole.
Actually, if you're saying Sandy Hook was a hoax, why not go all the way and accept Simon Shack's position that there were no planes on 9/11 and that nobody died?
They don't have to. Plenty of individuals, kikes, subversives, ultra progressives, cultists who would want to be part of a "hyper realism" scenario in order to expedite legislature etc.
Here I will give you a hint.
It involves this (((goy))).
To be fair, 9/11 was a Hoax. The planes didn't take down the towers. The physics is impossible.
You're literally the only person here trying to push the Sandy Hoax wasn't a hoax angle, and your kike mental gymnstics of projecting flat-earth garbage won't work on me, faggot.
Next you're going to remind us all how Kubrik faked the moon landing, and JFK is actually retired on a beach with Michael Jackson working on the next Beatles album.
IF A THEN B! Come on, guys! It's 2016!
Finally some Anons are coming around to the fact that
But there were planes, so they didn't need any crisis actors.
For the last fucking time, Jones is kosher. I don't understand the love for this fat fuck.
you mean it was a hoax and not a false flag?
If the jews killed people on 9/11, why wouldn't they kill the kids at Sandy Hook too?
Come on Moshie, you know that we know.
Cut the shit. Save yourself the effort.
Did you just imply that the Saudis are jews?
Let's go find out, fellas!
Of course they are, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab was a cryptojew, and once the Ottomons were out of the way, T.E. Lawrence scoped them out and installed them for the Rothschilds. Mossad worked in conjunction with the Sauds, and certain alphabet agencies here.
Apparently US air traffic control is so piss poor the People's Liberation Army could invade the US via commercial airliners and no one would be the wiser.
Speaking of Jonestein and Trump, notice how he left all the old anti-Trump videos on his and Paul Jewseph Watson's channels? The Duke interview proved his fine with pulling content. I've also heard that he was giving himself plausible deniability and acting like he still wasn't completely sure about Trump on election night.
The second it becomes profitable (or his handler's tell him to), he's going to turn on Trump.
I'm not sure what happened. I know there were Jews on the roof of the Tattoo parlor, and that the cops unloaded on the nightclub and that no hostages were killed until the police attempted to enter. I think it was a hostage situation, and the police mowed down a hundred civilians by mistake. I think they were covering it up.
That is way too many shots INTO the nightclub where there were supposedly still survivors. Vidrelated is at 5:10AM or whenever they went to breach the club.
It's very easy to fake that picture and slap on the headline, and also easy for a moron in the news room to get the wrong victim from google images. You've got to apply a bit of thinking before believing things blindly.
Larry is a kike you can pay off with a few hundred million. The salary for a crisis actor isn't going to be substantial. Sorry but I find the story completely ridiculous. At least one of them would get fed up with the plan and spill the beans.
He got paid off for billions when he cashed in on his insurance once for each tower.
I'm old enough to remember watching the Feds burn whole families alive at the Branch Davidian ranch in Waco, TX. If the Police did it they wouldn't be able to hide shit if the Feds couldn't hide Waco.
so do you think all the evidence is fake?
What evidence? I haven't seen any.
Also here, you can watch the Jews on the roof unload into the street and hit the backside of the dunkin donuts. The side of the building opposite of Pulse nightclub.
I learned a lot from his shows. Too bad he didn't live to see Brexit and Trump victories.
Appeal to the herd
Epic projection bro
Start arguing anytime.
the mother looks like shes trying to hold in a fart, such a fake smile. robbie parker was a disaster too
Too late I already called you faggots out on your >>>/x/ projections. Try to keep up here, Shlomo.
Sand Hook was a hoax. I don't know enough about Pulse because it made me happy thinking 50 faggots got shot to death by some mudslimes that then also got shot to death.
Now tell us all how Kubrik faked the moon landings because you have a Masters in forensic filmography, how JFK wasn't actually assassinated and he and Michael Jackson are working on a new Beatles album… we're holding our breaths in suspense here, Rabbi!
Now riddle me this, since I am not a man of great letters or law..
IF the government of the United States of America WERE to employ such unscrupulous methods of propaganda on its own citizens, would the provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act legally sanction and fund such a venture?
armchair psychologists just started calling Parker's reaction as %100 PROOF CRISIS ACTORS BUSTED for clickbait youtube views, then it became a major cognitive infiltration operation, armed with only Dallas Goldbug tier proof.
Because he says some true things, which is better than no true things, but not as good as being absolutely truthful.
Ed Chiarini, who started the whole "everything was faked with actors" thing, contends that JFK didn't really die.
If you believe Sandy Hook was a hoax, vid related should be right up your alley.
We would all be much better off if he didn't exist.
We Need To Talk about Sandy Hook is a documentary you should watch if you want the red pill on it
How do you figure? He shifts the overton window to our side.
Lanza may have been controlled somehow but I think kids died. What is with the absurd baiting? You're the one advancing the crazy theory that requires an entire town's silence/complicity.
Prove Sandy Hook existed before the hoax.
Just a (((coincidence)))
Not really, he's a gatekeeper who misdirects people.
There's some truth to the overton window argent in general, but people take it way too far.
Over half of those things are believed by most people who agree with you about Sandy Hook being a hoax.
this. the jews ITT are just wasting everyone's time.
p.s. pulse nightclub used crisis actors too, like the fat nigger that got show in her belly but only needed a band aid and didnt want to show the exit wound and seemed totally fine
It's hard for me to are one way or the other about Pulse because of the niggers and faggots being the "victims".
*care one way or the other
I know, it doesn't make a lot of sense. Especially because the 'shooter' was a faggot muslim, but there were definitely a lot of red flags about it, in the end it was another obama attempt to end the second amendment plus some bonus kikery
Let's talk about Sandy Hook and the money
didn't they demolish the school soon after with minimal investigation a la 9/11
uh huh
I wonder if any of those people still live there..
Then you must be a slanty eyed chink.
Keep in check zipper head and you can stay.
well too bad i can't find the superbowl pic on my hardrive with some of the sandy hook kids in it
though i guess i wouldn't be too surprised if first pic related was right though, but i really doubt that lanza actually killed anybody; the mishap was just taken advantage of on the fly, and they were probably ordered to give it gigantic media coverage while simultaneously planting false evidence to make conspiracy theorists look bad and etc
but there were still devil worshipers and/or their servants involved itjust like pulse and 9/11, and thats what matters; they can be exposed by other means
also ill post these to trigger your employer, remember when Holla Forums found some creepy daycare that was suspected to be getting used for pedo stuff and some guy tried going there? id imagine they all left by now and its abandoned, and getting reused maybe 20 years lateror maybe now
maybe Holla Forums should just re-push #spiritcooking instead, though on other websites
They are going to demolish pulse nightclub too.
Surely there must be some public records.. something of substance. Possibly even death certificates? Autopsy reports? Real estate deeds?
Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree.
keep movin those goalposts pedowood tavistock sandy hook aurora 9/11
might as well summon all the shills.
(alex jones very well may be bill hicks, I think jones' stated age is much lower than you'd expect)
You fucking said it.
What the fuck man!?
Now the shill bots are going to come.
theyre already here, the more the merrier lmao
When they demolish that government building the San Bernardino shooting supposedly took place in, I'll really believe.
Apparently there were some laws passed just before/after Sandy Hook that made inquiries like that impossible.
"respect muh dead children"
What law? Just how impossible on a scale of 1 to 10?
pretty sure adam lanza died right before sandy hook occurred on the death certificate, satan. check out the links to miles mathis' blog that I posted early in the thread.
I'm only an advocate
Minor exemption, as per the FOIA
Somewhere between 9 and 10 right now, someone already tried legally, though I think this was about the sworn statements from the police officers on scene rather than the muh children.
You can tell the Pulse shooting was real because if the Obama administration was going to make such a fake mass shooting, a Muslim would never be the culprit.
The point of these is to get law abiding white people to agree with their own disarmament. Not to wake them up to the Muslim menace.
I'm not convinced carter was jfk.
lennon mentioned tavistock in an interview with (((playboy))) right before he 'died'
I agree that it makes no sense, unless theyre further dimensions of chess being played here that we aren't seeing. I'm not convinced it was 100% real though
*yawn* that's interesting but really has nothing to do with the case at hand.
As of last week the city was going to buy it for some large amount over what it was appraised at, and turn it into a memorial. City council still had to approve but as you can imagine, nobody is going to oppose this waste
Nothing but shitposting from you the entire thread.
The jury will be the judge of that.
This Juror casts his vote: useless shitposter
There were no planes and nobody died on 9/11
Movie special effects presented to the world by the news media as 'terrorism'
That is a low effort argument and shallow understanding of what is going on in the country. Did you miss the election cycle? Did you miss the paid protesters in the streets right now?
The Jews are trying to DIVIDE THE NATION.
People on the right will believe it was real(the right are the only people who question the validity of these events) if a "Muslim did it" and attack Islam which polarizes the left against the right.
Simultaneously, the left starts filibustering the legislative branch about taking away guns with Communist Cummings at the helm which pisses the right off at the left.
Just because you don't understand their goals, don't write it off as a "real thing".
Use your brain. It was a near perfect psy-op.
Not to mention it happened right at the peak of the primaries so Clinton could demonize the right with #NotAllMuslims while simultaneously stroking her base with gun grabbing.
looks like the cops weren't expecting a camera to be on them in this clip
Second shooter at Pulse.
Next you'll be saying you believe in WMDs, Russian Hackers & the Holohoax.
I wonder how much Sandy Hook has to do with the Podesta/Clinton/Obama/Bilderbeg/Rothschild/Bush/JP Morgan/Epstein pedophile ring.
seems like ritual child abuse is involved
those dubs
Wanted to believe you until you namedropped that kikess.
There is a church which Adam attended as a child just a few blocks from Sandy Hook, the priest there was convicted of multiple counts of molestation, and the hypothesis is that Adam was sexually abused as well, fucking with his brain enough to turn him into a Monarch asset or at least make him suggestible. The fact that all of the "victims families" "purchased" houses for pennies on the dollar and the fact that the school was completely bulldozed and surveillance camera footage removed and demolished is too much to ignore. The two conspiracy theories are either full blown hoax, or merely a false flag in which kids were actually killed by monarch progamming Lanza as a sacrifice to moloch and to push gun control.
He pisses off Turkroaches
Nobody can hate filterman.
What if she is one-which I doubt very much. Wasn't she telling the truth in her videos? It seems just like the sort of false consensus JIDF would want to drive against someone whose influence they fear. That said I don't know why she would do an interview with D&C Shinead.
I'd vote for him just for that
Because these people make lots of money and drive new cars.
All new cars have a permanently on internet & cell connection. Also the throttle, brakes, steering, and transmission are all handled electronically now (as in NO mechanical connection between driver and road).
They simply dont want to swerve off the road and crash into a concrete wall at 120 mph, without trying to stop, for no reason at all.
There would be 1/10 of the people on Holla Forums right now if it werent for Alex's redpills
Oh good, the d&c shills are here to discredit us and poison the well with delusion and lies.
Sage for shill thread.
Lots of shills in this thread trying to dilute the truth by posting fake conspiracies and bullshit.
Daily reminder that Gene Rosen is on film rehearsing his lines.
There are also heavy memetic "coincidences" in Sandy Hook that seem to involve the Dark Knight Rises movie.
Inspector Gordon is literally even seen in the movie pointing at Sandy Hook on a map and saying to "bring it down".
Don't forget that the Aurora shooting happened during a showing of that movie as well. I believe that was as fake as Sandy Hook (check out interviews with EMS and witnesses)
Pic related - The Dark Knight Rises prop map designed by Scott Getzinger who coincidentally died in a car crash just before the film was released.
2nd Pic is a still from the Dark Knight Rises.
A few videos of his wife confronting the Sandy Hook school board about their corruption can be found on Youtube too.
It's a shame all the real research Holla Forums did into this is mostly lost now.
il try to post osme of the stuff i have tommorow,
not much but it might help a bit.
it's not right for our hard work to just vanish.
Thanks user. I've got a few more images.
Another interesting thing about Sandy Hook. Most of the "live" footage shown by the media was actually footage filmed the day before of a staged drill at another nearby school - St Rose of Lima.
There's quite a few Youtube videos using google maps and the footage to prove it wasn't of Sandy hook at all.
Everything comes back to Nolan
he is the meme master
That's a big conspiracy
Didn't they perform at the superbowl though? Every one of them was id'd as looking a hell of a lot like every SH kid that supposedly died.
For you.
I did a lot of research into the use of the prop map back in 2012.
Interestingly the zone they ended up naming Sandy Hook was actually listed by different names previously.
There's evidence that they were using the original batman lore map right up until the third movie too.
It's never been explained why they made this change between the 2nd and 3rd film.
Oops, here's the original map they used up until the third film as evidenced by the screenshot previous post.
It was first called Tri-corner yards, then South Hinkly, then Sandy Hook.
We presidential water filters and penis pills now
you're blind if you think that's the same woman
again…you have to be blind as fuck to think that that's the same woman.
It makes a lot more sense when you start factoring in that a lot of these fuckers believe in some sort of moloch magic bullshit, and they think that leaving clues/symbols around like this is what gives their magic power.
sandy hook is the only one i'm mostly sure is a false flag
Sandy Hook is one of the most poorly executed psyops in history. It's really a litmus test for anyone to call themselves red pilled. A major fuck up and a huge display of incompetence on part of the planners and actors. The share arrogance of the operation, flashing their secret club signs and lingo. They are like edgy 14 year olds in a spoopyoccult.png tree house club. Low effort, not impressed. Fucking childish. Satan is dissapoint.
You think the Mockingbird media faked one shooting and then stopped?
Trump must repeal all muh gun control laws, including NFA, for maximum triggering.
Here's a radical idea. Check the Wikipedia dumps for anything concerning Sandy Hook.
160,000 emails can't be without something…
Do you think this, and the Boston Marathon bombing is the reason why there hasn't been another large psyop for so long?
It's like they realized if they keep fucking up so bad they will actually get caught.
Remember when thousands of photo's of the crowd at the Boston bombing got posted on Reddit? All the spooks with earpieces? All the inconsistencies with backpacks?
Low key? Newton, CT was the east coast HQ for the church of Satan. The only one outside of San Francisco I believe. It's been awhile but when that came up, it was an angle that really stunk to me.
Anyway, God Emperor doesn't answer dumb cunts with Medium blogs.
If she was real she would have looked into shit like the Facebook page begging for Shekels a day before. That shit was 100% and that's all you need, one solid piece of evidence to say, the events as present to us are not how they unfolded. Which includes, the possibility that nothing whatsoever happened there. One guy had some docs that said the school had been closed for 3 or 4 YEARS.
Oh vey, what does that sound like?
No, no, no. The NASA guy on Jewtube, the claimed former graphics guy for them (even though he also says he's Canadian) who paints now, that fucker started the flat earth shit up again many years before. He's in for a good 8,9,10 years now.
I think the good doc on this is the, 'no one died at Sandy Hook'. Jewoggle should point you to the pdf. Was a free book.
Normies don't care about evidence. You could have video of it being stagged like that fake car bomb recently and they would explain it away. You could have people admitting to having done it and they would ignore it.
There is a lot of video evidence that the Boston Bombing was faked too. You can see clips of the actors setting the scene and then realizing they are being filmed by someone in a nearby apartment.
Pic related shows fake wound.
That was the last time jonestein was actually based. After the pic dump filterwars was all over it, identified the saudi kid (the one michelle obama visited later) and even called the fbi out on false flagging during a press conference. I think somebody had a talk with him after that.
What's with the Stratfor mention on the facebook page? Anyone check those emails around that time?
Trips of truth, checked and blessed. Yes, I remember it was the same script as always.. Training exercise of the same scenario on the same day almost at same time and place. A major red flag to look for since it lends the operaters cover and plausible deniability. Almost every attack by IS and AQ have this in common. Only a handful of operatives need to be in the know. The rest of the actors and agents will follow script when the inevitable "coincidental event" takes place. Remember Carlos the Cowboy™, the Latin American Hero™ who saved the day? It all felt like a bad movie, with bad actors, bad script, bad props etc. Strait to DVD. 1/10 stars.
I don't deny there are real attacks committed by real terrorist and lone wolfs. These attacks are however investigated and handled in a very different way compared to the obvious hoaxes. There is no script, no fake crying, no emotional pleads to policy changes of various kinds. And CIA faggot Anderson Pooper™ isn't interviewing amateur actors in front of green screens either.
Was directed to this in the comments of a youtube hoax vid.
Included is screencaps and original sources.
The standard of evidence for normies are astronomical. A standard only applied on anything that challenge their conditioning.
The plebbit "skeptics" are the worst, a bunch of olympic gold medalists in mental gymnastics.
Search for autism and facial recognition. These shit tier conspiracy theories will make more sense.
tldr: autists can't into facial recognition.
If you look at the shit the hasbara trolls and the Breitbart tier kike controlled new right this makes perfect sense. It only works to exploit fracture points that they have created and are exploiting. Not ones that help us.
What the fuck is that photo supposed to prove? They're both the same woman? Why don't you try to explain next time?
And there's also the photo of Rosen with the "Everyone must check in" sign behind him. It's suspicious.
Except it's not true, he himself didn't say that but he and other hosts had guests on who said the official Sandy Hook story was full of holes but they also had guests who said the contrary. I remember there was a debate (hosted by Rob Dew I think) about Sandy Hook between two guys who had opposing views.
My friend was shot in the VT shooting. He survived. I know everyone calls that one fake too. I still believe Sandy Hook was a hoax.
Alex Jones is controlled op and a disinfo agent. You're not fitting in, redditors.
has anyone had any success with this so far?
261 results:
The Podesta Emails – 113
DNC Email Archive – 78
Global Intelligence Files – 59
Sony – 15
Plusd – 7
Carter Cables 2 – 4
Syria Files – 2
Sony Documents – 1
Clinton Emails – 1
go for it, dig
The person taking the screen cap is in a timezone that is an hour behind that of Orlando.
Sorry, two hours behind. If it took almost an hour for police to get there and tell people to keep away…