NYC AT&T Long Lines building is an NSA hub
NSA building hiding in plain sight
forgot source
Well, in at least in this case, the NSA is doing its job which is spying on foreign nations and decryption of their communications. I wonder what juicy information Switzerland, Russia, and the Chinese have.
whatever it is, it's above your paygrade FBI user
You know the saying right?
Keep your enemies close and your (((friends))) closer.
I'm more interested to find out that its fully self-sufficient. I used to live right near it, and thought this place was the strangest thing, but never really cared to look into it all that much. There are a few buildings almost identical to this scattered around the city.
Apparently, it has its own water and gas supply, power generation, and can withstand fallout for up to two weeks. Interesting. Here's a map for those interested, it's right in the thick of lower Manhattan, but difficult to get to. If this was considered a major fallout bunker for top officials in NYC, then there must be a tunnel to it from city hall.
Why do I get the feeling a lot of Mormons are in that building?
Journalists should be purged. What a useless bunch of people.
no windows on this building - you just know this is jew vampire pedo central!
Feds love to hire Mormons. They're patriotic and loyal to authority. They don't ask too many questions.
My fucking sides, someone here had childhood dreams of being a novelist.
He means that as a modern fortress it is built to withstand atomic weaponry rather than traditional medieval siege war machines. Learn to context.
Sam was so fucking brutal in that interview that (((Joe))) is still trying to get his show canceled.
Holy shit, it looks like the Ministry of Love for real.
On a side note,
I once entered a building that required security clearance when I was younger, it was with my dad who had clearance. I remember seeing that some of the floors on the elevator weren't present.
And that certain floors required you to insert a key into the actual button or slide a key card to gain access. It was some Metal Gear level type shit.
Is he going to succeed ?
It was brought down to it's knees by twin tower debris.
Nukes would stuff that bitch
There have always been elevators like this. Even those old open-air factory elevators would need a key to get to the office level.
Here's the kicker, when you are running a hub like that, you don't need windows because you need climate control. It also helps keep people out of places they shouldn't be.
It's a common security countermeasure, it allows you to keep unwanted people out of places they shouldn't go, and keep tabs on anyone who goes there.
Keeps people from using the "Oh I was on the wrong floor and got lost excuse." It also helps with automation and security, if nobody is in there is no need for AC or the lights to be on when the security system kicks in after the last person leaves.
Maybe, he's pushing really strong and has gotten involved with a man who left [as] over Sam's show.
Is he really that butthurt ?
He's stuck in an office building full of queers and post-menopausal women. What do you think?
Someone draw a swastika on it.
What's gonna happen to him after Trump makes the New York Times lose all it's credibility?
Dude, it's almost 2017. Who cares?
He works for buzzfeed not the nyt.
He's a faggot.
Yeah but when the NYT dies his pipe dream will be literally unrecheable.
There's probably other big newspaper or news site he could join.
There are Long Lines buildings all over the USA. Most are just buildings hidden in the woods on the top of mountains.
They are super hardened bunkers with massive generators,batteries and multiple floors underground. The Long Lines system is how long distance telephone worked. Microwave P2P across the whole USA. Each one would have tons of cables running in and out. They had to be tied directly in to the local CO. They where hardened against nukes because the government systems also depended on these networks.
Some more info
99% of the buildings are abandoned and and will stay that way because they are a total HAZMAT disaster.
Dude, did you not see the fucking interview?
Sam absolutely assblasted him.
Blockhead Joe will never escape Buzzfeed and the rest of the popcorn journalism trope.
Yeah I've seen it but if I would have been in this guy's position I wouldn't be butthurt, I'd just let it slide because it doesn't really matter.
you didbnd bost de best parte
You mean, asbestos?
Keep laughing, you're closer to the truth than you realize
Jew Yorkers are pretty much cucked in multiple ways.
No I think I prefer what this guy said
It's just a Blockhead trying too sound deep n shiet.
How could anyone walk past that and not instantly know it's a fucking fortress for some shit. That ain't hiding that's fucking jumping up and down and screaming bloody murder.
It looks like a spore in starcraft, with pores to suck in shit. Like a sporecrawler in the middle of a citydwellers.
asbestos, PCBs, lead,mercury.
AT&T uses shell companies and other tricks to move the liability off themselves. The shell companies went under and the buildings just got abandoned in place.
oh. i thought it was an air intake for the subway
Sorry for derailing a bit but seriously what the fuck? NY has infrastructure for underground construction already in place, they could use the metro to shuttle things in and out without fucking anyone knowing about it.
This building screams disposable target to me.
Data is like a waifu for them, they dont need much else, no sun and aestethics. A platonic everlasting love for your data, your raw essence. Not like a hipster dressing in colourful warning colours, just a big block of fuck you, i want your data. True strength comes from within.
If I were trying to make something that could withstand all forms of attack and hide in plain sight I would not make it a big block of fuck you. I would put it one level under the metro and have a run of the mill office building on top with a basement full of concrete.
The only reason for something being so bluntly fortified is that you want people looking there and not somewhere else, it's fucking got to be a disposable target that is hard just so other agencies/actors will waste resources/weapons on it.
Unless ofc you dont see that scenario happen in any way or shape. So there is gotta be a reason why they put it there? I dont think any "overt" weapon will target that, and it is probably much cheaper to build it the middle of the city dwellers and also remind them that they are a bunch of fucking bots that speak slang. And i would remind them.
Fair point, it's always good to show force. Still it boggles my mind, it's the Titanic begging for an iceberg.
And i love to dig into those city dwellers mind, there is nothing there, no instincts no reaction, just looking at their goy phones doing their city dweller shit, and they woud love to touch the surface of another human or a tree or a dog that doesnt shit in their small apartments instead of hitting the reply button of their new iphones. I would remind them, forever and a day.
I assume it is a cost factor, it is much easier to build a fortress above surface, and from that you can also assume that it isnt top notch secret. I still would remind the city dwellers.
The system was never meant to be hidden.
Long Lines pre-dates the internet and even the NSA. These big buildings are relics of the old Bell system.
The building is OP was built to hold NYC's ESS switches. Before IP and fiber optics you needed a copper pair of wires going to every house, apartment, and office in the city. A million pairs of wires had to go somewhere.
Autists love trains and railways because they follow logical patterns and then deliver people.
The only reason i can think of that makes the NSA put their rigid dick here is … that they want them to know, or some other shit that gives them an advantage, but i dont see any satellite and other shit that makes that valuable. Or for that man of the middle trick, to have shorter latencies. OR they asked their suporeme cuck "hey we autists need to intercept at a short distance and those new yorker idiots are perfect bots but we have to make it cheap." "Make it a blunt granite dick, (drops pen at the map)" or some other reason it has to be there.
Na it is a blunt rigid dick nex to the stock market and the stock market friends love to sit next to their little machines to have little latency.
Well played.
And they probably also love their dominant fbi waifus, that train with guns and they ride them like the data highway.
But then again if i m really "crazy smart" without wearing silly hair colours, then i would use that massive manipulation machine to influence the stock market because it is highly voiatile and doesnt rely on real ground to the feet indicators, i would use that as a amplification loop, to make shekels from influencing public opinion to influence shekel market in real time. And then it would bring back shekels to my retarded economy of retarded city dwellers that are even too stupid to walk straight wihout their goyphone telling them and their highly intelligent autists that keep that together.
I didn't know mulatto neo was a nazi too
Stay bluepilled, quantum-cuck.
And once my retarded goyim that are too stupid to walk straight, i would attract other highly intelligent spergs to manage that mess. And their goyphones will even tell them when to breed and with whom. My favourite idiots are the libtards since they are the vector of my deceiving shit since their iq is just sufficant enough to make the more retarded goyim sit on the assfucking carousel.
And the assfucking carousel is the high art since the speakers have to advertise it through elaborate pschology, the managers are socioligists ,the technichians are the hardwaredeveloping firends and making it turn are the softwarefriends. And every anal lubing and dildocreating profession to the last detail is the art, every single layer of latex, the size of the dildo and the radius of the carousel and its audience has to be thought of, and the location of the mass sodomy aswell. And i could write a pavlov symphony in your heads that would make mozart give me the cup of hemlock and shakespeere wouldnt ask that stupid question.
Speaking of autism, why are you having a conversation with yourself?
Because i like to do that.
This isn't a great place for your schizophrenic blogpost.
kill yourself
But it is, you fucking retard.
You first.
Go be a schizo somewhere else you dumb cunt.
I always sense that feminine vibe once a fucking cunt writes that, and i love that. It is like you can envision your distorted picture and has never been fixed, like that little girl that moot wants to be and you have been from the start you fucking cunt.
No, it's really not. You want to head to Holla Forums for that.
got to put the Muslim database somewhere
What the fuck are you even on about you mong?
I hope you got great estrogen receptors and a lot of estrogen to make your manboobs be usefull to my dick, you little girl. I remember that comments of that gracefull 50year old mulatto girl that got told exactly that. I assume your personality vectors are somehow congruent.
I want you to suck my dick.
I want to collect pretty females for my harambe first.
Dunno that kill yourself comes always off like tranny shit.
I'm sorry I ever got you started on your tangent.
No. It is a simple instruction. You clearly are a fucking schizoid and would be better off dead.
It is somehow interesting on how people use language and what people use certain language.
ANd now if you dived deep enough into their culture, i ve got bad news for you.
The thing is my little tranny friend, that you do not understand psychology and you are using the same language that vile trannies use. Like it is the same culture.
Doubly so, Mr. Schizoid, language such as "kill yourself" is used by non-transexuals.
And it was always the first line of the petri dish to use vile trannies since they are unstable but high on the mackiavellian scale, like a male vector in a female petri dish just a bit distorted. Just like SA or the reddit crap, something postmodernistic that shapes the perception away from what they are.
And you dont get to fuck with me you fuckin cunt, because i will rip out your soul shit on it and whipe my ass afterwards.
OFc but you get a certain vibe, and that is tranny vibe.
Are you drunk or actually mentally unstable?
YOu use tranny language, are you projecting?
Are you a goon?
My guess is actually mentally unstable.
Maybe its the CIA testing their newest shitpost bot
Well let us assume that you came in here being really mentally unstable, that means you came here with kys, which is tranny language. And we all know you are really good at shaping reddit with your shit, so i assume that you are either a supressed male or a tranny but the way you did it, just like the rigid nsa dick tells me you arent questioning my mental stability but you are what i just described. A little goon.
A fucking tranny goon. Tell me more what your psychologist told you trying out to figure if you are acutally a tranny or just a beta male that wants to take the easy way. I assume he is having a hard time.
CIA pls its obviously malfunctioning. This is what happens when you make pajeets code AI
What an unbelievably ugly building.
Na he is a 4chan true believer tranny that is good at subverting reddit. ANd the CIA/intelfriends loves to recruit those fuck ups for bottom line work.
And why build a nuclear hardened facility above ground? 10 gorillion degrees from a nuke would melt it and blow it to smithereens
obvious bot is obvious
You are interesting to me. Like a well matched opponent.
It seems to be putting random chan buzzwords in semi believable sequences, while ignoring context.
I voke context because that is exactly why i know.
I never ignore context and i never forget, well that was buzzwordy. But once someone fucked with me, i will get a tribute or something that matches that. And as i said you dont get to fuck with me.
Want to let me in on what you're smoking lad?
Your souls, as i said? Hey i admire the nsa redpilledness to put a brick dick next to the stock market.
A million watts.
Meh, Manhattan is a shit. LA, London, Suez etc are much better choke points. The rest are satellite hops, so that tower would be a shit for it. The security is more suspect for a pressure positive/pressure negative building and may contain contaminants harmful to humanity. Pure speculation though, as I would choose building middle of nowhere MD or DE for a project of that scale and necessitating that security.
The USA is based on money and their industrial sector isnt exactly the greatest, and if i would be hitler i would put the jews into finance to make money for my nation since they are really good at that. And where do most jews and autists go? First go to the shekels latter go to making shekels except for fundamental research.
Nice try, relativity jew.
Bot confirmed
Build it better, alphabet, this one turned out wrong
this bot would be great on twitter
NSAbot, pls. Your masters are not "red pilled" they are "cucks" of the highest degree.
train it to spew sjw words instead and attach itself to sjw posts, see what happens
What the fuck is this Brazil looking ass Cyberpunk thing doing in New York?
You have the government filling your asshole with money, and this is the best bot you could write? This is just pathetic.
Well if you ask for a bot you should ask the fbi what they think of morally acceptable. But if you ask me they need to get tought a lesson, and not a useless one. Because they like the upside but do not like what follows.
I need a new buzzword to learn how about frogicide.
The analmouse faggots, and their little drama queens are just the same as the NSA, just like the alt right loves to bash on feminists.
Did you ever watch the tor cunts, nothing to do, going after eachother? Deleicous.
Look at when it kept responding to itself, like a less retarded guacman
You just should ask the tech ducks, because they are really educated on that shit. We wuz bots.
Agents in the AI department must be having a laugh at how retarded this bot turned out. Fooled some anons earlier though, they are getting better.
it would blend right in!
it just needs a different word list with commie babble
just like your mother
what is 2+5?
Your dick size multipled by two in inches.
Or your first prime number multiplied by the size of your dick by the factor 2 and a little cheating.
Pretty sure I read about this building being NSA/AT&T on Cryptome over a decade ago
Oh wait that doesnt make any sense. The NSA still has a brick dick building next to the jew market, and it still loves fbi cuties with big guns.
Link, so it isnt just convinience.
it has some sick roasts apparently
the responding to itself bug needs to be fixed, get on it pajeet!
At the moment this is all I can find. I remember there being something more
A fuck that shit, the indians will take a big part of your mediocre techtards. Free market n shit. You should intoduce more and more feminists that have no talent. But i tell you what the only reason i supported (by that i mean the cancer treatment) that shit was that it doesnt come to europe. If it would somehow plausible i would shame all that retards for going to the usa and all their credentials (meaning the intelligence) would be a shitstain other people spit at so they wont do it. But i dont give a fuck, but once in a while i will meet some fucking retard and i will just rip him into shreds just for the lulz.
That's what normal well-adjusted men do, not homosexual jews.
To me they are just jewing the stock market, there is no reason to put a building there other than jewng the stock market.
Back to the original topic… there's a long lines tower on top of the AT&T building in my city. It's directly across the street from the federal building. Wonder if that was by design.
AFAIK some of the transatlantic cables terminate in New York
Dunno, but i would estimate the maximum impact, and in the big picture that isnt what i want, i want the stock market since it gives me wealth and therefore bigger impact. And since i know how to influence the goyim i can influence the stock market and the information that flows directly through me with little delay.
But i m might be wrong. For me that is a perfect symphony of intelligence and it radiates exactly that.
That sounds fun to explore except the "total hazmat disaster" part
NSAT&T is not a cohesive group. Once I recall a building being demolished or some shit, and a major line was cut by accident. AT&T sent people to splice a new section in, and was immediately kicked off of the site when the suits showed up a few minutes later.
Don't want to post shit but i thought that building has been forever associated with the mysterious guys, as in gov agents doing underground stuff
Famous example of brutalist architecture, i remember reading in a blog about the architect literally saying he was asked to be secret in nature due to reasons, it was not his bizarre intention
Guys now that porchmonkey made it so when you filter a post it disappears instead of fixing the god damn filenames because porchmonkey is a useless cunt you can just act like the schizo NSAposter doesn't exist, it can be like the thread was never derailed in the first place
He should never have been hired.
New Yorker here,
The AT&T Long Lines Building has always been an interesting fixture, with its massive and imposing facade dominating Tribeca. Apparently the building has very few floors considering height, and each floor is extremely well reinforced, capable of holding weights much greater than the average floor of a skyscraper.
This building could even withstand a direct hit from a nuclear bomb and stay secure, albeit with some surface damage. It's allegedly used for housing expensive and sensitive communications equipment and despite its size, only has a handful of employees working in it at any given time.
This is all public information though and could very well be disinformation. Most likely, and especially given what we know about the government after this past election cycle, it is more than likely that the building serves a secret purpose. It is, naturally, impossible to gain entry into the building if you aren't an employee.
The one visible entrance is in the basement of the building near the side of it (you need to enter through a "courtyard" and down a few flights of steps) and is well guarded. I haven't been anywhere near inside of it, but I would imagine that there are several gates to go through before you can fully access the building so that if someone were to forcefully gain entry, they would be automatically locked out by the security system, as there are so few people working inside that it wouldn't be particularly difficult for an armed terrorist group to storm the entrance and fuck shit up inside.
If it's constantly running a skeleton crew of only a handful of people that only makes me more suspicious that it's a disposable target.
wonder if it will ever become a payday2 map
Isn't this the building that in Mr.Robot they're going to set on fire from the inside destroying all the paper records of debt that have been moved there for safekeeping after they bootyblasted E-Corp?
I ain't paying that SAM
I'm fucking not.
Gibs dorrent
what if they expect other agencies to think that, and thus search for the real placde, while the concrete structure is actually the real place?