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LGBT reality thread
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Fuck yes I love fag hate threads. Fuck fags, all of them. I hope they all die painfully in a fucking fire.
inb4 repost/double posting
yay it's this thread again
because you asked, here's my blog
what's wrong with this?
polite sage for not especially productive thread
what's the catch?
counter bump.
since when did Holla Forums get so many mentally ill faggots? also if you align yourself with half the shit parroted here; you'd be against something as harmful as the gay lifestyle. enjoy your impotency, freak.
Quick summary before I put the time into watching this?
Whatever maybe our religious views,we can all agree homosexual scums and trans people need to be gassed and given a brutal painful death.
I am.
43% of trannies agree
T. Gondii and behavior modifying parasites are probably the most mind blowing things I've ever heard of
You're just a failed man that couldn't get a woman so you decided to become one yourself. Except you're not a woman. You're a mentally ill faggot in a dress making a mockery of woman . Enjoy your inevitable suicide when your looks wear off in 10 years and you can't get off on autogynophillia anymore, and you are permanently sterile from HRT.
This is a part of a larger symptom as well.
When women no longer hold any maternal, feminine qualities that makes them unique, and they are only defined by their looks, behavior and wet hole, suddenly it makes sense for every beta who doesn't feel adequate as a male to just give up their role entirely and seriously declare themselves as a woman.
What's wrong is you're fucking up your natural hormones
He's also a victim of modern society, allowing and encouraging his illness. Possibly stemming from experience at a young vulnerable age. I despise the times we live in for destroying people in this way.
Little kids don't usually try to get women unless it's for milk or candy.
Thank God you're out of the gene pool.
it's not about
but rather lessening the endless, screaming pain in my soul that I've had as long as I can remember. I'm a broken person, I'll grant you that; I'm just doing the best I can not to kill myself. inb4 kys faggot. I'm pretty sure suicide is a greater affront to God than being a poofter
I can always marry and impregnate a trans guy :^)
Cutting off your dick doesn't mean you can have babies you know
So seminating someone who cut their dick off doesn't mean you impregnate them
death is an important part of the natural order that God designed
cutting off your penis and pretending to be something you are not was never part of His plan
in conclusion, kill yourself
Transfaggots usually have really low self esteem and have to constantly affirm they're doing the right thing, so they must convince themselves that they have always been that way, and will cling to anything no matter how little. "I painted my nails once when I was 7, so clearly I am a girl in a man's body".
If this is more serious however and the kid was actually having thoughts of being a tranny, then you just have to wonder of the parental and societal influence to be concerned with those thoughts at such a young age.
Not that I wouldn't expect it to be true but any better sauce on the 3rd pic?
I'm just saying the first part of that sentence was retarded. He failed as a man even before women came into play. I would blame the parents and/or whatever he was exposed to.
A trans man is someone assigned female at birth who identifies as a man. Usually they still have the female plumbing, si
nce phalloplasty tearing some skin off your arm or inner thigh and rolling it up into a fake benis is expensive and not that good
Acts 8:36
as opposed to
Mathew 12:31
(where "blasphemy of the Spirit," more commonly translated "sins against the Holy Spirit," includes despair)
Come on dude, have delusions all you want but don't use the left's terminology
You're a guy if you're born a guy and a girl if you're born a girl
normally I'd agree with you, but "assigned male/female at birth" is pretty unambiguous and relatively apolitical. It means when you were born a doctor glanced at your junk and said "yep, that's a boy/girl." No genetic testing or karyotyping or anything else involved.
you'll never be a woman no matter how hard you try, your chest will always be wide, your hands will always be freakish compared to your arms, your arms will always be freakishly skinny, you'll always have a man face and nothing you do will change any of that
wow holy shit I never noticed all that before! brb killing myself
Hey Commonspic, quick being so fucking butthurt you defeatist kike.
Homosexuality is about implicit white identity.
what the fuck did I just read?
1st vid source please.
Steven Rapeyverse, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love to Fuse
it's in the file information, if you save it.
Why do all these gay dudes get off on giving AIDS to other guys?
Is this a twisted version of the male impulse to lead and to dominate? Do these (evil) men have a hole in their heart from not being a father and wooing women and working for respect from society?
what's wrong with this?
There are literally millions more things to be concerned with right now. The U.S. is 45% shitskin but lets obsess over the 2% of whites who like buttsex. Go the fuck back to /r/commonfilth. Do you really think Trump would have won without Milo, Theil and being open to gays? Go ahead and give that Rick Santorum shit another go. Try it.
Looks like you're an autogyrophilliac.
^ How is your problem different from any other "coming of age" problem? Just live a righteous life dude
>Not wanting to be apart of the "IS tank family"
Eh, I dunno. I'm a redpilled homoanon. The problem isn't homosexuality, it's extreme leftism, the regressive left / SJW bullshit. One can be an upstanding and honorable member of society as a fag and not be a civilization-destroyer. For that you need to be a leftist freak.
Fag spotted. Gtfo.
you and your kind are not accepted, faggot.
Redpill on faggots in this thread:
Go take a look.
Hey faggot reporting in here. I know I'm of those who need to be gassed, but I wanted to say as a homosexual man living in America anyone fighting to destroy the "Gay Rights" movement is a wonderful person in my book. The LGBT, pride parades, marriage and adoption rights, etc. it's all a fucking cancer that damages society massively considering the fact and helps no one. It's supposed to be for my benefit and therefor I can assure you the whole thing is nothing but a problem for anyone and everyone.
I don't want aids, I don't want to burden some child with my Idiosyncrasies, I don't want to "come out" (because there's little to no reason for the majority of people to know anything about my sex life), and I don't want to be lumped in with SJWs as well as other degenerate perverts with no sense of common decency.
on this issue and others I just want society to leave me alone and for that to happen someone needs to get leftists and SJWs who believe they're working on my behalf to leave society alone
This is the fate of all degenerates.
Really they would come to this fate soon enough, we merely speed them on their way.
It is always helpful to set others on their path.
Hel's hall awaits, where all things are forgot.
Kill yourself already.
Don't fight the gays in public right now. They are kind of on our side because of the Pule Nightclub Psyop. We can use them to D&C the left.
Since it wasn't posted yet. Here is the Russian TV film Sodom on the LGBT
Gtfo, faggot.
Romans 1:18-32 (KJV)
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of god into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
26' For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
>God gives them over to homosexuality. They BURN in lust.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
>let that sink in. they make up some sick shit. just read some of the posts in this thread from the homo pics 8ch. net/pol/res/8195856.html
31 without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who, knowing the judgement of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in the that do them.
Exactly. You're mentally ill and you decided mutilating yourself would fix it somehow.
That's all you'll ever be able to say. Your life has become an existence of wanting nothing more than to make yourself feel better. You can't nurture a family, you're likely too troubled of an individual to contribute to society in any meaningful way. Your life is simply self-pity.
The webm starts at around 14:46.
Oh look - there's a bunch of Christianity happening here. Can't get enough of Jesus Kike. We should be more like Him in His glory. Pic related.
I have a normal man's face, voice, body structure and hobbies. I believe in nationalism and the JQ. I pursue what I want and take responsibility for my actions. I fully acknowledge that my degeneracy, like everyone else's, is very likely a product of Jews. I just like guys instead of girls and can't help it. I want to have intercourse with dingdongs instead of cooters with another consenting adult in the privacy of my own home. I have no desire to force acceptance onto the rest of you or to corrupt children into behaving like me for the sake of validation. In fact, I really dislike children and have no desire to be near them. I have no STDs because I'm not a poz-chasing slut from the 1980s and I know what monogamy and condoms are. Frankly, with all that being said, at the end of the day I honestly think there are much worse things out there that I coulda been.
I never bring up my faggotry unless someone else brings it up first (which you guys like to do a lot). Really the only thing I want out of you people is to not be gassed for relatively minor degeneracy on the condition that I keep it quiet. The reason you notice a lot of fags on this board is because fags are (in extremely rare cases) capable of being decent human beings and the ones that are unanimously come here. So there's like 20 of us maybe.
that is how retarded you sound
pastebin. com/aiTLKLJc
scribd. com/document/263982922/Dangers-of-Homosexuality
dailykos. com/story/2011/4/26/970357/-
jesus-is-savior. com/Evils%20in%20America/Sodomy/homosexuality_and_psychiatry.htm
content.time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,948045,00.html
freerepublic. com/focus/f-news/1172711/posts
theroadtoemmaus. org/RdLb/22SxSo/PnSx/HSx/SocrdsHowAmerGay.htm
amazon. com/Homosexuality-American-Psychiatry-Politics-Diagnosis/dp/0691028370
en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Homosexuality_and_psychology#Mental_health_issues
rt. com/news/356848-study-sexual-orientation-fixed/
mpcdot. com/forums/topic/6651-the-institute-for-advanced-homophobia/
2blowhards. com/archives/2007/02/aids_and_immune.html
catholicculture. org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=2625
nytimes. com/1982/05/11/science/new-homosexual-disorder-worries-health-officials.html?pagewanted=2
online.liebertpub. com/doi/full/10.1089/lgbt.2014.0020#utm_source=PR&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=LGBT
theroadtoemmaus. org/RdLb/22SxSo/PnSx/HSx/hosx_lifspn.htm
healthland.time. com/2013/02/27/same-sex-couples-not-as-healthy-as-heterosexual-married-couples/
washingtontimes. com/news/2015/jan/8/gay-couples-children-oppose-same-sex-marriage-tell/
tradyouth. org/2015/09/the-majority-of-homosexuals-are-spreading-hiv-on-purpose-and-its-being-covered-up/
dailysignal. com/2012/06/11/new-research-on-children-of-same-sex-parents-suggests-differences-matter/
libertynewsnow. com/tag/serial-killers
adherents. com/misc/hsk.html#source
mercatornet. com/articles/view/the_no_difference_theory_is_dead
ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC4660555/
carm. org/statistics-homosexual-promiscuity
sciencenordic. com/lets-use-porn-change-sexual-behaviour
americanprogress. org/wp-content/uploads/issues/2009/07/pdf/lgbt_poverty.pdf
psychcentral. com/lib/higher-risk-of-mental-health-problems-for-homosexuals/
ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed/2589133
jid.oxfordjournals. org/content/143/2/188.short
tldm. org/News20/EveryoneShouldKnowTheseStatisticsOnHomosexuals.htm
Chakraborty, A. et al. Mental health of the non-heterosexual population of England. British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 198, February 2011, pp. 143-48.
King, M. et al. A systematic review of mental disorder, suicide, and deliberate self-harm in lesbian, gay and bisexual people. BMC Psychiatry, Vol. 18, August 2008, 8:70.
King, M. and Nazareth, I. The health of people classified as lesbian, gay and bisexual attending family practitioners in London: a controlled study. BMC Public Health, Vol. 6, May 2006, 6:127.
Homosexuality Deconstruction
Let us dissect the delusional phrase, “homosexuality is not a choice.”
First, we must establish some axioms and definitions.
– One is mentally ill if one is psychologically incapable of refraining from a biologically non-necessity activity or desire.
– Biologically necessary activities or desires are those without which a species cannot perpetuate itself through generations: e.g., procurement and consumption of resources, expurgation of waste, survival to sexual maturity, sexual reproduction, and education of the young.
– Desires are either biological or psychological in character; they are distinguished according to whether the desire leads toward a biologically necessary or biologically non-necessary activity.
– Desires are either innate or habitual. Habitual desires are acquired desires. Consider an example: A person who has never had alcohol cannot desire to drink alcohol for alcohol’s sake, but only for some other sake, e.g., acceptance in a peer group. Further, a person who has not acquired a refined taste for scotch through frequent consumption thereof cannot desire to drink Oban for Oban’s sake, but only for the sake of scotch in general, for curiosity, or for something else. Therefore, habitual desires are the result of certain activities. Innate desires, however, are not.
– Homosexual desires are by the former definitions not biological desires.
– The meaning of other terms are taken from their accepted use in ordinary discourse.
– One is a homosexual if and only if one either 1) engages in homosexual activity, 2) has homosexual desires, or 3) has homosexual desires and engages in homosexual activity.
With these laid down, what follows is all possible propositions.
If (1): One engages in homosexual activity either A) voluntarily or B) involuntarily,
(1.A): One chooses to be homosexual, and homosexuality is a choice.
(1.B): One is compelled to engage either i) psychologically or ii) physically, by another, and homosexuality is not a choice.
(1.B.i): One is mentally ill, by the definition of mental illness.
If (2): One desires homosexuality either A) innately or B) habitually,
(2.B): One has acquired homosexual desires through homosexual activity. If one acquires these involuntarily through involuntary engagement in homosexual activity, one is either coerced by another or one is mentally ill. Otherwise homosexuality is a choice.
(2.A): One is either i) able to refrain from satisfying these innate homosexual desires or ii) unable to refrain.
(2.A.i): One chooses to be homosexual, and homosexuality is a choice.
(2.A.ii): One is mentally ill, by the definition of mental illness.
If (3): One either chooses to be homosexual or homosexuality is a mental illness.
Therefore, homosexuals are mentally ill if and only if they do not choose to be homosexual and are not physically compelled by another to engage in homosexual activities. However, that is not the end of the discussion. Homosexuality, as a group of behaviors, is inherently self-destructive and causes self-harm. Homosexuality, as a group of behaviors, is statistically one of the most self-harmful. Willful pursuit or practice of a behavior–or group of behaviors–that is inherently self-harmful is mental illness. Thus, all homosexuals are, definitionally, mentally ill.
Liberals have this ridiculous notion that homosexuality is state of being, instead of a form of behavior that arises from a state of being.
is there hope for gays that want to change? I used to be actively gay, but started getting freaked out by the whole lifestyle when somebody I was sort of dating told me he had a train run on him because we weren't having enough sex. Later he thought I was still going to be interested in him at all and tried to refuse to gtfo my place because I wasn't doing it right then.
That made me really think about how many gay people I knew of that were all living lives like that, going to the bars every day they're open and fucking everyone they can. Another former friend showed me Grindr once, and it's ridiculous. Guys will open conversations with ass pics and ask you your size and position, without any pretense at all. I work near the LGBT neighborhood in my city and old men who I can tell are gay just from voice/mannerisms have a bad habit of rubbing my hands, open staring, and odd compliments. one regular customer called to complain about something once, and when he recognized my voice on the phone told me he couldn't wait to see my beautiful eyes next time he comes. I see people pull up in broad daylight in those leather strap contraptions. One otherwise ordinary-looking old man came with his wife one day, and every time I glanced at her she got stranger.
"She" had a choker on with a big plate proclaiming "WHORE." The regular man did all the talking, and was quiet and polite. No one seemed to think that was weird. I was homeless once, and other people I met were always getting taken in by one old man or another. Some were pimping themselves, some were pretending to and robbing the johns, a couple actually got kidnapped and held. A lot that I knew just put up with awkward situations until they scraped enough money for a room. The strangest cases. though, involved the older men just letting guys live there free, no obligations at all. I got the feeling that they wanted to have a families to provide for and sons to raise, but obviously that couldn't happen so this is what they did as a sort of substitute.
I don't want to end up old and confused because I made stupid decisions and fell into a dead end lifestyle. I haven't had sex since the first incident I mentioned because I'm just disgusted. Am I destined for the rope regardless? I've been playing with the idea of using LSD to retrain my mind to like women instead. I know normal conversion "therapy" is brainwashing but I feel like if I want to do this I won't have to go through all that to achieve it. Does anyone else have experience making the change?
No idea what you're trying to say, but that's because I don't speak Hebrew, Menachem. My point is that faggots need to be shoved into the closet to behave themselves in the conscious awareness that they're abnormal and don't belong in the mainstream. Trannies are savagely dysfunctional and should be treated as such.
These are secular reasons to contain faggotry, and they stand on their own. Barfing up a bunch of hebe-worshipping Jew propaganda about how the Sky Sheeny has a Talmudic opinion about buttsex just makes you look ridiculous and Jewish
I don't have a problem with ex-gays. Get tested before getting involved in a hetero relationship. You don't want to fuck up a woman's life. You should probably move soon m8. Good luck.
Born this way scientifically BTFO
Living in Seattle, this makes me want to buy a shipping container full of rope, and a tanker full of gasoline.
Boy I can't wait to be a useless piece of shit all day and
You can cure yourself of your homosexual thoughts by going through what is called a "reboot," which means abstaining from pornography, masturbation, and sexual activity for a period of about six months. I am in dead earnest about this. Go to the website and you will find many accounts written by formerly homosexual men who have accomplished this. People have cured themselves of every paraphilia under the sun by rebooting. Do not take drugs; you are suffering because you have an addiction in the brain which is causing you to seek out stronger and stronger stimuli in order to experience pleasure; that will only make matters worse for you. I wish you the best of luck.
wew thats some med school shit
Any parasite that spreads through sexual contact wouldn't benefit by making its hosts' sexual preferences even more niche and unattainable than normal- if anything, it'd be responsible for bifags only. Also, 80% of France has toxoplasmosis, and despite memery to the contrary France isn't 80% gay. Muh behavior altering cat piss virus is a retarded theory and you know it.
a voice of reason arrives
faggots and fag-enablers are a big problem that are trying to squeeze their way in here. Stop them where you see them
That's not what the parasite is designed to do. It's adapted for cats and spreads to rodents to lower their inhibitions, making them easier prey for their host. When it infects humans, it has a similar affect in lowering the hosts' inhibitions, particularly toward cats (combined with a reduced self-preservation instinct, which one may never even notice). I think it can lead to fuckery in some newborns, too, just because it is a brain parasite capable of so much rewiring, but it's certainly not the actual cause of homosexuality or looking to reproduce itself via humans; we're dead-end hosts to them. Just unfortunate carriers.
As a straight guy, I respect your honesty. I don't particularly have a problem with homosexuals, but gay culture is fucking disgusting. Were you to be in a monogamous relationship, and keep your sexual appetites within your own home like normal folks, I too don't understand the problem. Unfortunately the lgbt community has fucked it up so hard that most people can't actually conceive of homosexuals acting like that - I have a cousin who is, what I would consider, a respectable homosexual, so I can understand where you're coming from.
We really just hold a national gay-day parade and firebomb every city center. That would get rid of all the degenerates, and their supporters.
A good documentary to show people who are on the fence about faggots is the "chem-sex" documentary, FUCKING DISGUSTING
why so buttmad, christcuck? doesn't your imaginary friend tell you to be nice to others?
Posts like this is why faggots need to burn. They are not 'allies.'
There's so much false flagging going on this board now from /christian/ and r/commonfilth that I really can't tell if these "le implicit homonationalism is gr8" posts are just ironic shitposting or not. In any case here is Himmlers thoughts on the matter, this will also probably confound some christcucks here because he was a bagan.
Also, reminder that their is no such thing as a good or "based":
muh based gays tho, muh mainstream and accepting altright tho.
Yeah, fuck gays.
Why don't we start with the fact that faggots are utterly disgusting.
And no witty reply from mr.faggotstein from this argument B^)
I kekked
Did a bad job removing that swastika from OP image. This isn't perfect but it's improved and you can't tell there used to be something there that got erased.
Forbidden Russian documentary movie Sodom, about LGBT population
Reminder that anyone who supports faggotry or is a sodomite themselves is not one of us. We are not just liberals who like White people. This may be an unpopular opinion here, but I would prefer living near a Christian non-white than a hedonistic sodomite. If you are a normal healthy person, you should feel disgust when you see a faggot.
m8 those caps are tame far as bugchasers go.
There is absolutely no reason we can't do both or should compromise with one or the other for any reason. Not sure why this is so hard to understand for some people. I don't want to live around savage niggers just because they maybe aren't fags. Pic related are an Christian cannibal militia in afreaka.
I think you meant to post this on TRS instead
Wrong website brah. Holla Forums isn't for you, try reddit instead.
What about gays that voted for trump?
How are they any less degenerate than faggots who didn't vote Trump? Mental illness is mental illness, even if it happens to be right sometimes. If you do things that are against your existence, survival as an individual or race, then you are not mentally healthy, period.
They can sit in the front of the oven
What about straight people that decide they don't want kids or infertile people?
There are a few gays that don't want to be grouped with these aids bug chasing druggies just like legal immigrants and black people dont want to be grouped with illegals and niggers.
civic what? duty? to what?
Oh I see what you are. Get out, reddit shitter. I'm filtering you, don't bother replying.
i dont use that crap.
Civic as in civic nationalism instead of ethnonationalism. No, there is no demarcation line between niggers/blacks and fags/gays just as America would benefit from the removal of legal and illegal immigrants alike. Legal Bhutanese immigrants to New England are not a boon simply because they went through the process, sorry.
Passable gays like Thiel are the exception to the rule simply because he has enormous influence and doesn't use it to spread poz. It takes an extraordinary resume to gain that status, and most of you don't make it.
You know I'm glad Trump won and all but this influx of civic nationalist cucks that his win brought here is starting to annoy the fuck out of me.
there's no fucking difference between a "nigger" and a "black person", you obvious fucking Redditor.
There was Pim Fortuyn too but the left killed him because he didn't tote the line.
The ones that don't push it on people are hidden among the sea of normie fags.
Making you an exception that proves the rule. Sorry, fix yourself, faggotry has no place here.
Malachi 4:1
I really like the bit about trampling the ashes of the wicked. Maybe the Holohoax really DID happen, and it was God's justice against the backstabbers.
How does one do that exactly? Just go out and fuck some random white woman and have kids?
Are there any studies on a couples with a ladies' man who gets a bunch of girls on the side, and a bisexual cuckquean woman that's fine with it?
Look at trump's campaign, the alt-right, the "OMG MUSLIMS KILL DA GAY".
The place has been consistently filled with talking corpses in the past 6 months, and the majority of retards here happily embraced these degenerate fucks because they "agreed in politics", a.k.a. they have a nazi cum fetish.
You reap what you sow.
Just shame them into submission or leaving. Cucks from reddit are normalfags - afraid of being singled out and made fun of. They'll either adapt or leave if this behavior is not encouraged. Meanwhile, have this fag statistics pic.
Chastity and total abstinence until your brain fixes itself
Preferably one with good morals, but otherwise reproduction with european women is the name of the game, yeah.
Makes sense. Still, I get the feeling that gays, blacks, and other degenerates became useful idiots for Trump to help him win.
I don't think brains just fix themselves like that.
I'm a working poor stiff. I can't be having kids, unless you want them on welfare?
The fifth pic in your OP is fucking wrong. Never has homosexuality been accepted. This is just weak cuckish-PC-behaviour again. Like saying you're not against immigrants, just that they cost financially…or you don't like the niggers who do crime but no problem with the others.
If i see someone say this my first thought is that you don't understand a damn thing about the problems, but pretends to do. NEVER was gays ever accepted. People back in the day used to care about people around them, they used to know eachother and if someone was homosexual they would get beaten until they were set straight once every friday, twice on a saturday if they tried anything.
While we are paying for ever nigger baby to be on welfare, I would counsel you to take advantage while you can. Also better yourself, being poor is no reason to be a disgusting faggot and not reproduce. You have learned nothing being here.
Of course they can fix themselves. The brain is plastic and moldable. That's why I'm doing nofap-no pornography and no masturbation. I've been developing strange fetishes, so I'm going cold turkey.
It's also why the process goes straight-homo-tranny-suicide, a process of chasing the high.
Stop the hormones and start lifting. Also remember to NOfap.
Things will turn around. Try not think of your past.
Your post reminds me of that Jack Donovan post where he says, "Basically I fuck men as if they were women".
Okay lets say a gay does all this to stop being gay, now they have to deal with women that live in the year 2016 going on 2017.
I have seen the horror stories about them on here and how they can destroy your life.
Even then they can turn on you at the drop of a hat.
Don't cuck and make them submit to your will. They're creatures of emotion, they'll come around.
That's how trump got 53% of the white woman vote.
Remove the incentive. Prenup. Find someone without kids who already leans right or is traditional with a good family. Hating Jews is not what we are about, at least that's not all we're about. We hate jews partially because they separate us from our women, yet you choose to separate yourself. It's not an easy path to walk, but nothing worth doing is easy.
If you can't give up your faggotry then you should leave.
Nah, Trump's friend with jeffrey epstein and another republican faggot who dies of aids, this isn's 4th dimensional chess, all politicians pander to faggots because they are the west's pagan deity, really, I'm in several normie fb groups and they all say the same, "I voted for trump because he supports faggotry" or, "I voted for hillary because trump is going to holocaust the gays", there's nothing else to it.
This part confuses me the most, how can any person even do so much mental gymnastics to possibly think that having sex with other men is somehow "manly". Also
I want TRS to leave already.
I don't get it, what's so bad about being gay? It's not hurting anyone else.
Some guys are just soft in their personalities. Most don't change or have to fake it extremely hard to get by.
If you have to get one of those she was never the right woman to begin with.
We have a big picture to worry about faggot, getting rid of degeneracy is part of it.
Have you even looked at any of the pictures in this thread you gigantic retard?
Replace gay with black and we got a post arguing for race-mixing.
Fuck off. Or start behaving like a man and be straight.
I looked at every single one.
All I see are neghole pozzers, SJWs, and blatant, flamboyant faggots.
Not every homo is like this.
Fake it till you make it.
It's worth the effort-nevercuck on anything is the best mindset. Makes you tough.
We deal with majorities, not exceptions to the majority.
No, it says love thy neighbor. I feel bad that I must hang the faggot, he could have been a good man but chose evil. Now he must hang.
And my neighbor is not a bunch of niggers, so they can go too.
Also ernst rohm wasn't killed because he was gay, he was killed because he tried to overthrow hilter.
Got too power hungry.
they convince themselves that playing hockey, growing a beard and getting fit makes up for getting thousands of cocks in every orifice, sorry, for raping dudes in every orifice, real manly :D , greekz and romanz did it too!
Gonna disagree with you there because I don't really see how the act of sodomy can be a deity. I think it has more to do with people being afraid of calling out minorities for ever doing anything wrong for fear of losing their jobs so they have to always put others on a pedestal. You see people spewing "hurr durr we need to protect muh poor fags" but also "we need to protect muh blacks and muh hard-working legal beaners" before ever talking about straight white male interests, at least that's how normies do politics.
I agree with that.
Hypothetical scenario: the majority is removed from the face of the Earth, and all that's left are those who have a shred of tact.
Do they get the gas?
There he is, THE Detroit Republican
The only one
It took too long to post that webm in the thread wew
fucking love that song
If 99.95% of gays would just stop being promiscuous their problems would be cut in half.
Ideally all faggotry would be removed. How it needs to be removed is up to the faggot, whether they want to voluntarily or involuntarily change. Realistically, you start with the most obvious elements and work from there, going by priority.
Simply put, if kid diddling is reduced by 100%, then purging faggotry would realistically take a backburner priority to some other issue.
Homosexuality is a manifestation of unregulated male hypersexuality. What about that lends itself to being prudish in the majority of cases? It doesn't.
Truth is I don't think I've ever seen a fit faggot who is natty either. Their lifestyle is too degenerate to actually stay in naturally good physical health. Thats why the only "manly" appearing fags like Jacky Donovan are just roided out manlets who would cramp to death trying to do any type of real physical labor.
It is? didn't see it that way.
why not?
That's been the case since looooong before tranny-ing.
It certainly plays a role, but the "silent majority" thing is a meme, most people genuinely whorship faggots.
Niggers, beaners,child killer harpies and the entire proggressive pantheon have a special place in their hearts too, but it is the sexual deviant the one that takes precedence over everything, faggotry is perceived as the ultimate pursuit of freedom, the ultimate rebellion, and the supreme human right, big talk for a country that can't shut the fuck up about "muh freedumbs" that was founded by rebels if you think about it.
I know I can't blame everything on the common man, as jews and faggots have infiltrated and created the conditions that allow the peddling of their filth, but really, if everyone was just afraid to speak out society would be worlds different, the disdain of all things marxist would be an open secret, not a punishable offense.
Ahh, so you've just always been a subhuman failure. I think more here need to realize that dysgenics is extremely real and that not everyone is cut out for existence. I know some Christians will disagree but the truth is not having any type of eugenic system = having a dysgenic system. In the old days deformed babies were left in the woods for good reason.
I support this idea tbh
Toxoplasmosis could be spread by sexual transmision but it doesnt work the same as AIDS or other STD.
What has been research and made clear is that a % of those affected are more prone to seek danger (ie. love parachuting or go to war etc).
I know and understand the hate towards TRS forums and such in fact I think they are somewhat controled opposition like alex jones and milo but there was this Darwin's digest podcast that had lot of info on Faggotry
https ://radio.therightstuff. biz/2016/10/03/the-darwin-digest-episode-31-homosexuality/
I dont remember everything they say there but one important fact that they found is a Gene disposition that is correlated with homosexuality
that gene mutation benefits reproduction in women by making them more attracted to males and statistically demostrated by having more babies.
and men are affected negatively by also being attracted to males making them faggots.
They said it was repeated thru europe and found a correlation between those with the mutation and gay people.
TL;DR faggotry is more likely to be a natural mutation of the DNA.
but there are a lot of mutations that are not completely beneficial to civilization.
Also would like to add that physiognomy plays a part in this too, there's a reason fags tend to have highly similar facial characteristics.
im shitposting lad dont take it too seriously
A simple solution:
- Take up Buddhism
- Believe in reincarnation
- Pray to Buddha that you can come back as a girl
- Kill yourself
Good luck.
Fuck off back to SRS
TRS seems to really be going down the PR cuck goobergate route with the whole fag issue
Want to be my friend?
That's the foot in the door. The whole alt-right/TRS shit was gay cancer.
I honestly don't mind you but you can't justify it as normal or whatever. That's the problem here. You have to accept that you're a victim.
I'm hwite and pretty intelligent, only practically useless from depression
I thought in Buddhism you reincarnate into a lower form if you do bad things (like suicide, presumably), so it'd really be:
tbh it sounds like I'd have a better shot trying to end the cycle of rebirth
Nah, there are genetic conditions that can nurture faggotry, like hereditary mental illness, but it comes mainly from sexual abuse or brain damage.
Look at chris-chan, look at all the tumblr freaks and the cali-sanfran species, all of them have either a mental disorder or were abused at some point in their lives, this is the true source of fagotry, a mental shock derived from already existing conditions or from traumatic experiences, some virus that makes you look for risk is the least of the suspects when it comes to the source of this shit, as it is exclusively sexual and not "thrill-seeking"
This kinda confirms TRS is misinfo, making you believe fags are a natural consequence of toxoplasmosis justifies their existence and therefore our tolerance towards them, "poor lads, they catched the gay for playing too much with the cat, nothing we can do but get bent and accept their existence!"
Am i being rused or what?
notice how he makes enphasis on being white, as if being a braindamaged fuckup is ok if you are from the master race.
Isn't it? I don't see people here bitching about so called White Trash.
you missed the point
What they say in the podcast is that is a predisposition of genes and that only explains the male homosexuals
there is nothing truly researched about toxoplasmosis or that you can get "the fag virus" and they say about it
yea I agree but for chris-chan was his autism with the internet abuse making him a lolcow
I guess you can say that people with mental Illnes can be pushed towards all this faggotry (not only homosexuality but all this disorders that are just fucking stupid)
and this is why homosexuality and such needs to not be normalized in the media
it's like how a car can have an awesome engine with lots of horsepower but the rest of the drivetrain is shit so it can barely make it 'round the track
We are bitching about you and your buttbuddies existence and all of you have confessed to be white, so yeah, we talk about white trash.
We dont call shitty white people white trash because most of us are white. I think its already kind of assumed when we're talking about degenerates that have to go we mean the whites weighing the rest of us down.
It's not just the media
I don't hate you enough to inflict my company on you
I've always viewed homosexuality as an adaptation to deal with various social problems when mates are in short supply in a tribe. A means to promote physical bonds between tribal members and deal with various frustrations that can occur when a tribe has more men than women. Lesbianism would likely exist in order to promote mating behavior with multiple women by a single man in shorter periods of time.
Not that any of this justifies the cancerous levels of faggotry we're dealing with these days.
Reminds me how the first person who started the whole trans-bullshit thing was a jewish doctor in the german Weimar republic
the famous circle of people burning books in nazi germany, are actually burning his books explaining how to make the transitions and other shit
watch for several minutes, a bunch of them confess to rape kids, some simply because they are psychopatic mentally damaged filth, but many others because they got raped when young, "I just wanted to get back at someone" is a common phrase throughout the entire thing.
I just don't know man, I've seen too many families that were full of faggots and kids as young as 4 saying they are "trans" to think genetics don't play a role, not to mention the facial characteristics fags seem to share. Just because people are subhumans doesn't mean anyone should feel sorry for them and that they deserve free shit either, Hitler realized this. I don't feel sorry for autists or cripples for any other reason than that they werent put down at birth and have to suffer being failures because they weren't. That's why being mentally ill or schizophrenic is also recognized as a badge of honor in the dumblr crowd. We worship literal retards (special olympics) and people still think we aren't a dysgenic society.
Are you autistic? Srs question
why does Holla Forums always have to be right
50 years of self enforced indoctrination do that, As I said, genetics can play a role, but it is not a genetic problem.
See this, the moms are not giving permision, they are encouraging this shit, if a kid grows up sorrounded by faggots and faggot enablers, it leads to them being the same.
holy fuck those are fucking degenerate people
still doesnt disprove what I said
It could be a gene predisposition that makes them homosexual (in a neutral enviroment) or just make them easy to go towards those tendencies (when they are pushed by fag enablers, child traumas etc)
but yeah I guess a victim of rape in childhood is going to have such hard develpment that is going to end up gay no matter what.
From personal experience all the lesbians seems to be just opportunist (they encounter douchebags or betas) or just bad hormonal levels (fucking dyke looking ugly as shit women with broad shoulders or some other thing)
For men what I said before is what makes them tbh. But I consider shitty hormonal levels to be something genetic even if today could be something in the food or water because we are reaching castration-like hormonal levels
holy shit that is a fucking lot
well the point is that, homosexuality can be influenced upon people, and is not something that comes from a single cause (or that some can gay because reason A and others because of B)
still faggotry even if it occurs by natural gene disposition it brings nothing to the civilization even makes it worse.
anecdotally, my mom ate a lot of canned food (which is coated with BPA) when she was pragnent with me and now I'm a monster
Kinda off topic, but I want talk about this.
Why am I seen as a degenerate for liking 2D anime women? Anime girls are hyper-feminized depictions of real women, so shouldn't me liking them make me hyper-hetero in a way? Don't get me wrong, I like real women too, and they are superior to 2D simply by virtue of being real. So why is it so wrong for me to have a waifu whom I engage in romantic fantasies with?
its about self control. lotta autists lose control, let that shit take over their lives. keep it on a leash and you're fine. its like all behavior; you fail to keep it in check, you shouldn't wonder why it makes you a slave.
wew lad now I understand your posts
well I think you should try not being a flaming faggot at least and not poz eveyone like most trannies do.
at least you removed yourself from the genepool by transitioning
Because it's fucking delusional. You have much more in common with furries who roleplay their disgusting fetishes than a traditional family man with a wife and daughter.
Be the change you want to see in society. Do you really want to watch and encourage a generation of kids growing up with single moms to "reject 3D" and masturbate to their monitors?
You must have missed the part where I explicitly wrote that real women are superior to 2D women simply for being real.
I understand why dedicating yourself to a fictional character to the exclusion of real women is degenerate, but I don't understand why simply being attracted to 2D is degenerate, or even the occasional escapist fantasy for that matter.
I agree with this.
this reminds me of the wikihow of stop being addicted to anime
user, the connotation of that word is that you lack the control that would say you need to have. There is a difference between say, watching anime and enjoying it, and having a waifu, someone who is supposed to be a proxy for a wife.
You explicitely stated having a "waifu" and "engaging in romantic fantasies with". That's not casual, son.
Sage because you should just ask this in the QTDDTOT thread instead of clogging up this one with off-topic.
Anime waifus will mess you up as real women can never be that perfect. You'll wind up not chasing real women and having no children.
Yeah, I get that. I don't really mean waifu in the literal sense. When I say waifu, I just use the word in a flippant way to describe female characters that I really like.
For instance, I have jokingly referred to Murdoch-Chan as my waifu in the past.
This is presuming you're a 7/10 or higher trans. If not then that's got about 5-10 attached negative points with it. I'm going to also go ahead and point out the type of people in your position are usually raging liberals obsessed with identity politics. Not saying you're one of them just saying you will be lumped in with them by default by everyone that knows better.
I don't have anything against trans people. Do whatever the hell you want but you asked what the problem is. We don't even have a solid amount of data to show what this kind of thing does to someones body long term. I have a feeling you're going to have a lot of medical issues when you turn 40+.
This is also the golden rule for anything degenerate. As much as some of Holla Forums would beg to differ, anything that is degenerate isn't harmful until you act on it, express it openly, and promote it. I mean, look at this thread itself, because while it is definitely harder for gays to be gay, yet not act on it, all the negative effects come from them having gay sex, expressing that they are gay, and promoting being gay.
I wonder what the stats are on guys that have had under 5 or even just one.
not very substantial. keep in mind that the whole game behind homosexuality is unrestrained male sexuality, and men like to fuck a lot more than woman do.
visit their dens yourself, you'd be surprised.
So you want a swamp instead of a civilized majorly White population.
Get the fuck out.
Their normalization is destroying the institution of marriage, they're destroying families, they're spreading degeneracy, hedonism and disease. That harmless 2% "who like buttsex" are responsible for more than half the child rape cases, and almost all faggots because of abuse as children, which means they're spreading it. Fags need to be killed or cured.
Except you can, you're just too pathetic, helpless and self indulgent to stop. You are not welcome here, and would be forced to live out your disgustingness in shame and secrecy in any sane society.
Lurk 2 years, reddit.
Eww no thanks. I mean any straight night club will be the same but that's if you're talking about night clubs.
No, they'll go into a brand Trump Oven. Fastest incineration in the world, the best ovens ever. All Clinton fags would have to pay for it, but Trump fags will be given free use of the Trump Oven. Free lifetime use.
Or they'll get a mercy shot after being pushed into a bog.
Straight people are already doing this long before gay marriage was twinkle in some homos eye.
There are more than enough bullets for both fags and shitskins, and less enemies to worry about afterwards.
Do you think he owns you anything, faggot?
Captcha: pedjbo.
ITT: Holla Forums shitposts about fictional problems instead of arguing about how to fix the real ones
I think we all know (((who))) is to blame
the breakdown of marriage is not just about gay marriage, its about the acceptance of deviant behavior. we've slowly slid down a slippery slope where we've glorified hedonism and self-serving individualism. we've forsaken higher values and long-term benefit for short-term relief and the values of 'do as thou will'.
gay marriage was merely a political ploy anyway; the stats show that gays don't want to get married.
Goon shilling and a poor understanding of degeneracy/jung. The waifu phenomenon is the discovery of anima, the female divine, which as Jung described, is unique to each indvidual and the ideal all men strive for. It is very clearly not a perversion of the anima.
Anime is a very unpozzed entertainment medium safe from the kikes and filled with natural, traditional concepts, values and figures. Getting obsessed with it is degenerate. Disavowing real women for "2D" is obviously a perversion, and fapping, especially to porn, should be discouraged but imo it's better to fap to abstract figurations of sexuality than real women, especially non-solo 3D.
Then do it like Russia: homosexuality itself is legal but no LGBT movement pandering bullshit like "gay marriage".
Gays aren't the problem, SJWs are.
Kikes were doing it, and promoting your pathetic faggotry was an essential part of their MO since at least the Weimar. Traitors hang first, so fuck your heart out now pedo scum.
Psychology is a jewish trick, I can't believe Holla Forums still falls for that
Psychology is literally the study of the mind, something the ancient Greeks were doing already.
How the fuck are Jews related?
No, psychoanalysis is a jewish trick. Analytical psychology is not. Kill yourself.
Jews tried to sell it as science, which is not, and as an excuse to indulge in degeneracy
Years ago I had all the infographics to make it easier to understand, and how it is part of doublethink and ideological subversion, but sadly I lost it.
Study biology, neurology, history, philosophy and literature. This is a hundred times better than (((psychology)))
The popular modern psychology is kikery, absolutely disconnected from actually trying to understand how we think.
correct, its all about power. back in the past, there was no patience for this kind of behavior, therefore it was not considered a problem.
you're mistaken friend. psychiatry is the jewish trick.
Broken clock analogy
How is studying the mind not relevant?
The mind is complex, is hard to come an high percentage of truth and if you want to raise this percentage you must study it from many angles
They're associated. The only difference is the way they subvert you
This. Especially now people are so desperate to appease SJWs they hope they can have a gay friend or relative to hide behind and say "see I'm not homophobic."
The only valid psychological model is B.F. Skinner's behaviorist model.
Everything else plays into chemical imbalance kikery which is entirely a scam to sell you bluepills
Is it such a ludicrous idea to consider that a chemical imbalance might influence our behavior?
Anyway, I don't want to derail this thread any longer, if you guys want we can discuss it in another thread
Chemical imbalance is a scam, but not entirely untruthful. The idea that your brain is run by certain chemicals and those chemicals can make you behave differently, but the suggestion of correcting those imbalance with more chemicals rather than targeting the source of the emotion in the real world is definitely a sham.
HIV Among Gay and Bisexual Men
Everyone who is not an exclusive heterosexual makes up about 2.1-2.7% of the population. With about 1% being homosexual. So the number of dudes that fuck dudes would be around 1.3% at most. So if they account for 56% of new infections they are 43 times more likely to be infected.
The total number of these dude-fuckers shall we call them who are infected each year is 28,200. Given that sexual activity occurs between 15 and 45 that means that in that time 846,000 of the sexually active dude fuckers will be infected. Their total population is about 4.095 million at the most. Of which 55% will be within that 15-45 age group. So about 2.25 million of them are sexually active in a given 30 year period of which 846,000 will be infected. So about 37.5% of their sexually active population will be infected in their lifetimes. Now before you say “but that is just niggers and spics”, look at the data, even when only accounting for whites the rate of infection is still 31%. Which is admittedly better than 37% but still not great.
Homosexual Men Have 50 Times Higher Rate of AIDS
One in Five Gay, Bisexual Men in U.S. Cities Has HIV
Report Finds Black Gay Males in US Worst Hit By HIV-AIDS
STD Facts - Syphilis & MSM
Viral Hepatitis Populations - Men Who Have Sex with Men
“Didn't your study reveal that 40 percent of the homosexual men claimed to have had more than 500 partners?
The other thread is here, and your newfag kind already got BTFO:
Lurk 2 years faggot
There was once a woman who did this to me. After years of struggling with depression, she made me feel bulletproof. She soothed the rage in my soul, while making me more determined than ever. For the first time in my life, I felt real happiness. She truly felt like the piece in my life that had been missing all along.
God, how I miss her. Looking back on my time with her, it feels less like my past and more like a dream. She was my white cat.
Several enlightened leaders and philosophers in Europe were homosexual or bisexual; the recent invention of Judeo-Christian "family values" have simply stigmatized our modern perception of homosexuality and the importance of non-sexual male bonding, denigrating European high culture by calling those with artistic and philosophical interests non-masculine compared to those who partake in degeneracy (alcohol, tobacco, etc consumption; sleeping around) and who worship uncultured oafs and negros (athletes) as the pinnacles of masculinity and not the intelligent thinkers.
The mental disorder that is homosexuality does not in any way ALSO cause gross degeneracy and stupidity you see in homosexual populations; the Jews and Negros simply try to sap away at European/White superiority by stigmatizing and decrying some of the greatest intellectual pursuits of our race.
pic related is a great collection of essays on the topic. Most of the statistics you see today are perfectly valid and telling though. i.e. same-sex couples are vastly inferior at raising children, compared to normal couples, and should absolutely be considered last for adoption, if at all.
family values > individual values.
this is not to say that non-sexual male bonding is unimportant, just that above all things except God, the values of the tightly-knit family unit reign supreme.
did you see the fucking requirements? Straight out of a horror show
I believe one of the reasons there was such an obvious influence of gay men and women in European politics and philosophy even up until the 18th century, was due to their inability to create functioning families, and the fact that they naturally existed on the outside of society, granting them perhaps a greater perspective. Look at Frederick the Great, for example, the very plainly gay ruler of Prussia during the nation's peak. He was a lawmaker who firmly believed in family values and the importance of patriarchy; he advocated the right of the first-born son to inherit property so as to keep estates from being split up and depleted, keeping great families strong over generations. He absolutely stood for strong family values and enlightenment ideals, it's the entire reason he fell for Voltaire romantically.
Homosexuality will most likely never "spread" because it's a disorder that remains consistently infrequent. It's not a threat to traditional families so long as the law remains structured towards traditional families. Denouncing the words and deeds of gay men, or outright executing them as was done before, is simply cutting off a portion of society that is potentially able to function normally in individual roles, and make great contributions to law, philosophy, art etc. There used to be some dignity in homosexuality, among other things, that I think we ought to bring back, if for no other reason than to remedy the degeneracy that perverts that portion of society now.
look into sexual transmutation when you can, it touches on what you're explaining.
everyone, but especially men, have potent sex drives that give us the energy to do what we were originally built to do: create children. however, you don't have to put energy directly into making families, you can use that same energy towards creation of other things, such as art, music, advances in science, etc.
the most important ingredient, however, is control. without control, the energy runs rampant and brings only the most selfish and unfulfilling of desires to the forefront.
Poor pupper never had a chance…
re: sexual transmutation, I certainly agree, and I agree with the theory of prenatal hormones as the cause of homosexuality, and the "homosexuality as hyper-masculinity" perspective. I think that for a number of homosexual men, the often irrational, emotional, sometimes vapid nature of women bores them. I can see what you mean by calling it indulgence, as a normal relationship without that reciprocated male mind isn't enough to satisfy.
Still I'd ask, why is this such a bad thing when it affects such a small portion of our society? Most people would never dream of criticizing great writers and thinkers just for not settling down and finding a wife and having kids. I think it's been sensationalized, I think there are those who would call it a sin simply for the sake of having some moral upperhand on some people, who in reality have not necessarily committed any crime.
What do you think could be done about homosexuality that would help bring us closer to rebuilding traditional, European culture and society? If the real aim is to curb open sexuality and the degeneracy of sexual "looseness", then go after that in one motion, as it pertains to straight people, who vastly outnumber gays, too.
Jesus Christ spoiler that shit user
WTF, I hate white people now!
I'm alarmed as the next guy when it comes to this poz-chasing, tranny true degeneracy, but why has Holla Forums been so hard on average faggots over the past year?
My best friend is the only Holla Forumsack I know in life, and he's gay. It's just so jarring knowing that many on Holla Forums would really prefer to banish him just because he's a man who likes cocks. I mean, I remember hearing about this ancient, Greek band of homosexual warrior brothers who fought Alexander the Great valiantly, and were the focal point of the battle.
I just don't get it. It's like there's been an inflow of rightist Christians who bring in their moralisms, or we're under a psy-op that's trying to weaken us memetically by conflating our memes with moralist platitudes.
The word degeneracy has really lost its meaning when going to the pub after work or watching pornography makes you unworthy in the eyes of your race.
Fucking hell, your ancestors love you more than this.
wtf I love faggots now
I mean, the very way that this post is written reeks of shill.
oh ok, I guess it's alright to be a fag then
A lot of these issues get cleared up when you remove kike influences from information, education and media. Sexual promiscuity and general impropriety being put on a pedastal as a good thing. Fags who take 80 pozzed nigger dicks are "brave" and "inspirational" whilst those who stay monogamous and seek out long lasting emotional bonds are "boring" and "the uncle tom of fags".
I mean I see it as a similar issue to modern western women. The media has warped society into thinking degenerate practices are inspirational.
Greek fags were raping boys long before Jews ever got involved, non-degenerate faggotry has never ever existed
The real redpill on faggotry
The real redpill on faggotry
The real redpill on faggotry
The real redpill on faggotry
The relationship between a man and his younger apprentice was common and consensual and in some cases lasted well into adulthood.
If we want to get into the age thing girls were being married off at young ages too
wtf i hate straight people now
>non-degenerate faggotry has never ever existed
I guess Frederick the Great just never existed….
The age of consent was 12 for centuries in Europe and America.
You don't understand the concept of human willpower, the mind is all you retarded fuck.
Will your mind into stability and you'll stop wanting to be a grill I had tranny-disease as well and got it from getting diddled as a kid, then I researched Skinner and kybalion and brainwashed myself into being a functional straight man
Exactly so starting to get ornery about the age of sexual partners in ancient Greece is retarded
Just kill yourself you degenerate cunt
Most people throughout history have married in their late teens.
Paedophilia and child rape have not always been an integral part of heterosexual culture like with homosexuality.
Unlike homosexuality, heterosexuality isn't spread by molestation.
What was good about him again?
What a based immigration loving fag
Not so much, but the kikes threw scientific method out of the window for sake of convenience
Behaviorist model accounts for serotonin and seeks to influence that by modifying human behavior organically. Basically this guy is right, chemicals are at play but human willpower and soul is more powerful, lrn2overman kikes.
and the richest one
Christcuck missed the point what
was saying for his fables. Use the gays to push out agenda and then cast them aside. Filtered for Christcuckery
My eyes are opened. This place is infiltrated.
It's been fucked since hiroshima nagasaki put flares on cuckchan or whatever that entire thing was about.
Excellent reading comprehension. I was going against the claims that Greek homosexuality was just going around and raping kids
Like said, the age of consent used to be around 12 in Europe
Is cuckoldry an integral part of heterosexual culture too?
Or perhaps it's the fact that all facets of life are kiked to support destructive garbage.
Never thought I would actually see people defending molesting little boys on Holla Forums of all places. Even ordinary people are disgusted with that.
By saying it's consensual. It's still pedoshit.
Romeo and Juliet was depicted as a "normal" relationship for 1500s. He was 15, she was 13.
jebus an moohamid r fagz u fgt
Oh ok so you are actually retarded thanks for the heads up
plus: Age of Consent is a jewish trick.
Marriage should be approved by the father and anything less than that should be gallows material.
it was a picture of faggot shit, doesn't matter if it's Jesus or dicky spencer. It's still faggot shit. and yes I know Jesus wasn't actually a poofter
They ''would've"' been married at around 17 and 15 respectively if they didn't an hero.
No, you just said it was consensual. Which makes child prostitution fine according to you.
No, that's why straight writers haven't glorified cuck relationships.
On the other hand, every fag writer throughout history has written about how much they love young boys
lel sure bro, sure.
Sure….Jesus wasn't a fag. Wonder what the real purpose of those 12 apostles. Perhaps Judas pozzed Jesus' neghole.
Yeah man you really showed everyone who's boss by sharing your insight with those images, totallystraight not gay 100% hetero and based, post your dragon dildo collection while you are at it, you subhuman waste of space.
Who was Mary Magdalene?
Ok fag.
Compare that to every homosexual writer ever who has idealised and lusted after young boys
Degenerate tranny
I am waiting for that Holla Forumsermin with the tranny socks to show up and do exactly what you said.
Then why were they able to produce viable offspring?
ebin memes there friendo.
And those authors that glorify pedophilia aren't kikes?
Share to list any examples at all or just gonna keep repeating this without anything to back it up?
Seems as good a thread as any to ask this. What's the best way to get testosterone increases?
Which one is it Chaim?
Nah, I just fucking hate religion threads. They never go anywhere on this board. Wasteful. Unproductive. We can talk shit about fags without it devolving into autistic religious debate.
kill yourself and live stream it
welcome to Holla Forums
Why is nobody mentioning the recent digging thread full of horrible homo redpill? That was some dark, ugly and insane fucking shit. Have a link
and an image.
What's with the theocratic bullshit?
So you are one of those 14th century theocratic fascists larping about how good the medieval ages were. Fuck off.
The mere concepts of "pedophilia" and "adolescence" are 200+ years old.
We know you are an anal blasted faggot alright, no sane human would devolve into diaper age anger displays simply because "religion is just not my cup of coffe"
faggots have been diddling kids since at least 1600 B.C.
ITT: Holla Forums has a meltdown because a few guys like having sex with other men.
Even if they are black.
What's with Holla Forums always getting triggered over white guys having sex with black guys or arab guys?
inb4 "Muh superior white race"
Holla Forums is amusing with their obsession with nationalism, culture, homophobia, traditions, oppression against women, hatred against non whites.
inb4 "Muh Jews! George Soros is behind everything"!
What are you even saying?
So basically acting like someone who is a straight male but takes dick. You're admitting that homosexuality is a problem.
Dude, every single one of these threads go absolutely nowhere except into autism.
tell me where you live so I can kill you.
Talk about being lower than the lowest low.
I hope milo dies.
Plato wrote about it 2400 years ago. Unless you want to split hairs about the difference between pedophillia and pederasty in which case you're just being a kike.
Mei is best girleven though she's a chink
Because all fags are degenerate filth.
its always been this way. You were just too blind to see it. There is no "average" fag.
and the bullshit about the greeks being queers is vastly overstated by our controlled system of education
Pederasty only talks about boys. Did Plato write about girls?
This entire thread was meant to redpill all the newcomers about why it is not okay to be gay.
you sperged all over it, like the autist you are
I don't even play the game I just like the image
This isn't Holla Forums contain your autism
Speaking of which whatever happened to that parade he was supposed to do through a moslem neighborhood in Sweden? I was hoping to see the nigger loving kike get ackbar'd
lgmt movement is fucking shit. Recently realised that the media will boast about the big pride parades, but they never show it on the ground. Hmmm wonder why
How does one cure yourself of the gay that DOESN'T involve death?
Even being a Turk is preferable to being a faggot
nice SPOILER, dickhead.
Seriously, though, these people are scum who must either change immediately or be killed brutally. I'm leaning more toward killing after seeing this. Animal abuse is just about as low as a person can go.
Homosexuality is the gateway drug to satanism. It's that simple.
this is old and not even the best you have
Faggots and other degens are a micro substrate of society as it's a mental illness. Jews elevate them because their whole existence is to undermine whites. Destroy family, health relationships, spread disease. Both will go on the day of the rope.
Did someone say purge the unclean?
What the fuck…what the actual fuck?!
Somebody's gotta stop these LGBT fucks.
Dear Tranny Faggots,
It's not your fault you are the way that you are. You don't deserve to have this lot in life, but it happened. You're mentally ill, and that's why you must be involuntarily interned in mental institutions. It's tragic really. You've done nothing wrong, but your brain is broken so you must be removed from society.
I'm not sure who the loser is in this situation.
You'll get a free icepick lobotomy, free electricity, and free sedatives. Even a free long-sleeve shirt.
Just to drop a few names. Some of the most important figures in western civilization are homosexual men. It's the degenerate gay culture, and not the faggots themselves that needs to be dealt with. Once it's de-normalized, and we lock them back in their closet, and they can become useful productive citizens of society again.
That being said. Trannies need to be purged. They literally have no redeeming qualities.
Literally We wuz kangz-tier nonsense just for fags. Also, "degenerate gay culture" is an oxymoron.
Are you implying that nigs had someone of even half the importance of Turing? Are you retarded?
im actually on mobile so checkm8 faggot :^)
There wasn't even an attempt.
Fucking ABC; I still can't believe they get Government funding. Cunts, all of them.
user, I'm sorry to hear your Grandma passed away.
I guess we will be hearing this damage control a lot until based Pence gets the camps up and running.
Why is Holla Forums holding a telegraph line across 4chan?
I don't know why they're even on here
Whats the joke? Murdoch chan is wife material.
But that's precisely why a woman is someone you'd fuck, have a family with, etc., and not, say, someone you'd start a business with. The relationships between men and women are those of almost polar opposites and wanting to substitute a woman for a man there (or a man for a woman) is irrational, insane, going against our human nature.
Read Evola.
These People are sick.
Trump supporting, milo loving
redditors and TRS "fashy goy" fags with Greek statue fetishes who think that we're just memeing about being natsoc.
Very sick.
Is this some kind of poor mans version of nobodytm?
The creator of these videos was part of the NobodyTM collective.
He is allowed to be more outward of his views since NobodyTM has disbanded.
All members of Holla Forums should watch this.
I'm talking to YOU, newfaggots.
I have been, multiple times (surprise surprise), and it's an enormous waste of time. Literally all you do is fill out goddamn coloring books and hear the same three lectures about CBT/DBT. Death camps would be better. (also, le electroshock didn't cured me of the tranny)
Best solution imo would be religious orders - you make a vow of chastity so no degeneracy, you're confined to a convent/monastery far from polite society, and you'd get to atone for your sins.
Only an idiot would throw out those who support our cause.
>what are subversives
Where is the subversion in this exact case?
People like (((Milo))) trying to win over gays by being 'accepting'. Fuck that, we have to stay true to our values or will become the new cuckservatives, giving ground to try and win over certain groups of people.
Read a book.
One of the tenets of the cause is to uphold values and achieve superiority within oneself.
Genital mutilation and poop dick is not part of this. I don't care if a tranny or a homo parrot "our" ideas.
These people bring nothing but decay.
Neither wanted nor needed.
You can't include people whose whole way of life goes against the cause. By that logic we'd include coalburners too
Get this through your thick skull or get the fuck out, faggot
Calm the fuck down, you SJW.
You think that shill tactic work against me?
Stop acting like an emotionally driven SJW if you don't want to be labelled as one.
You're clearly a reddit newfag. Go back, we can smell you from a while away.
How being you stop being a faggot instead so I don't have to throw you in the bog
I know a tranny who said they had sex with their uncle before transition and enjoyed it. Really makes you think.
watch the Chemsex documentary. It is about bug chasing faggots
Brutal and 100% accurate.
You are obviously the newfag here. I'm sick of how you niggers can't lurk. The quality of this board has taken a nosedive thanks to you. I hope you're happy.
You'd be remiss to not know that most pedo shit is man on boy.
Stormfags and SA goons are unable to read. More news at 11.
Leave the job of restoring the natural order of things to the real Holla Forums.
You want us to accept fags see here
Kill yourself now before the GRIDS gets you
We have IDs here, newfag
a christcuck being hypocritical like their jewish overlords, who would've guessed?
Fucking idiots.
wew lads, I think we broke him
Is the picture on the book an illustration of fags? This was just the fashion of the time.
Can someone tell me the name of the picture.
Thanks for demonstrating beyond any doubt that gays need to be kicked out.
Thank for keeping the thread on the front page though
You can filter the post but not the post count :^)
why is the shilling so bad lately?
Cuck-chan refugees
I'm not protestant
I found this on Tumblr.
Second one is the superior specimen.
No one gives a shit, you're still hanging.
So honest question, why is it so bad that I just want a stable, productive, monogamous home with another man? I believe in national socialism, hate the left and the jews, but just am only romantically attracted to men.
This board is riddled with Stormfags that aren't even liked back on the real Holla Forums.
Ignore them.
What the fuck are you talking about? The world of good Italian families would never have sanctioned a child like Romeo marrying an old hag like Juliet. Have a read, historyfag:
Glad to see you're really putting that history PhD. to work, Newt.
Because your pozzed ass is destroying the white race.
I guess some of the people on this board like their beer German, their suits Italian, and their faggots degenerate.
Also, around 15 percent of the posters here have never kissed anybody, boy or girl, and they're jealous of all the blowjobs you homos give each other.
He's not going to breed so he's not destroying anything. Race-mixing is a far greater threat but you're too blind to see it.
Did you get that number from your AIDS infested ass?
Nice jewish trick, chaim. Are you gonna say peoples that hate faggots have tiny penis next?
I personally don't give a shit if you're not a faggot, but then again I'm a traitor because I like some black folk.
Anyway from the top of my head in my more radical days:
New article exposing sodomites for what they really are:
inb4 this guy gets caught sucking dudes off in an airport bathroom
"Demons made me do it.
Gay demons."
It is a reference to a famous piece of British propaganda for the cape to canal railway.
It's only brutal if it's undeserving.
god help us
At this poin´t we just have to stop paying for their medication and wait for them to die.
Jesus titty christ.
I beseech any gay user to refrain from having sex until we sort this shit out proper. If there's a possibility that its a disease.
Well, listing it as sociopathic makes sense. Gays are weirdly predatory. To bad FUCKING EVERYTHING IS INSANE NOW
This isn't how Holla Forums works, retards.
Here's weev giving a little lecture on faggots creating new staph infections that harm everybody.
… well, maybe anderson is one. but i digress.
the nigs, the nogs, the "think they have a right to speak" –and– then choose to sound repulsive, will have all of them and theirs burned. i promise you, with each mlk speaker, with each muh-black-blackness elijah cummings sickness that uses sickness as it's soap box to pander muh-blackness, confessions continue to accrue. these repulsive frankensteins are still placing repulsiveness first – that they speak less lies than some other juden does not change the fact.
everything spoken about existed before the desert saga, exists outside the desert saga, will exist after the desert saga. the desert saga is not relevant. nig ebonics is not relevant. father anderson, while he has quite a few good moments, nevertheless relapses more than not the more he stays in the limelight, showing his lack of relevance.
newbians should learn. agreed. with absolution. let all see. and see plainly.