Holla Forums BTFO



Literally wh
OH you mean CODY CIGAR. He's friggin hilarious what are you talking about?

It made me laugh just reading it.

We never thought it was a comedy kiddo.
He's the hero Holla Forums deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight

To >>>Holla Forums you go.
Next time I see you trespassing on our property, I will shoot you on sight.

made me laugh

I lost it at the final line.

Sam Hyde is a comedic genius.

what's a Sallie?

All Sam

Sam pls, you are embarrassing yourself again.

Sam won't even have youtube as a venue in the future.

>>>Holla Forums

This is genuinely a cringe quote


Daily reminder.

i still don't understand the hatred for sam
is it just leftypol sperging out or some sort of meme?

He's just a piece of shit and a nasty person. He has also scammed a lot of people so that probably has a lot to do with the hate he gets.

It's the same people who keep making those "Drumpf BTFO" threads. They're largely apolitical and just want to be le ebin master baiters. Most of them don't even know who Sam Hyde is beyond some vague association with Holla Forums. I've made MDE threads in the past with a picture of Charls in the OP and these people never show up in them because they have no idea who Charls is or what MDE is.

At least that's what I'd like to believe. It would really pathetic if they really were leftyspergs, bronies, or timcucks and they really do get sent into a fit of rage over a person who's been mostly inactive for over six months.

Go back to Holla Forums and take Sam and all the other cocksuckers with you, fag.

cant believe this faggot ruined mde just for some Holla Forums brownie points

Because he isn't a scamming piece of shit. Can't speak for the others but don't give a shit about MDE, my beef is with Scambo Hyde.

how exactly did he "scam" his audience?

He literally scammed them on two separate occasions. How new are you? He scammed bronies with a fake dating someone and if you are one of those people that say "huuuuur they are bronies so they deserve it duuuuuur" he also scammed his fans and refused to deliver t-shirts that rightfully belonged to them. He is also an abusive asshole and he has made jokes and laughed about what he did on more than one occasion. He is a garbage human being.


I see nothing wrong with this. Flurries, brownies, and all assorted sexual deviants deserve whatever they get. In most cases more.

He cancelled the project before it reached it's goal and Kickstarter doesn't even take money from backers unless a project meets it's goal.

Yeah, that was pretty bad, but I think that has more to do with incompetence than any sort of malice. He claims he can only afford to ship a few at a time, which may be true because, from what I've read, people are, after all these months/years, just now getting them. The fact that the shirts exist at all lends credence to what he says.

You sound like a fag. Are you that tranny he banged? Did you two have a bad breakup or something?

Nigger I want my fucking book

I got my book ages ago and it was signed by everyone. Probably the best book purchase I ever did.

First edition or second?

I see nothing wrong with this. Anyone giving this moron money deserves to be scammed.

First, didn't even know they did a second run.


Fuck, well hopefully they tour live and I can get them to sign it then

sams hair isn't blonde tho

That's not even close to what he looks like too, it's just him trying to push a meme.

Oh. I ordered the second run. It did say a couple of months, but it's getting into "any day now" territory now.


Leftists are asshurt spammers, nothing new.


I prefer "sucking Putin's dick" and "two scoops" type of jokes personally tbh fam


gand eggspegd drupkuqs 2 hab anee sins ub hyoomur

i laughed tbh


Of course it's you Sam, enough with the futile damage control.

Why is Sam such a dicksucker bros?

Justin Roiland?

All the e-celeb figures in the alt-right are fruity in some way. Milo is a straight up homo, Richard Spencer is a homo apologist, Gavin Mcinnes sucked face with Milo and stuck something up his ass on air, and our Sammy boy is a classic self-hating closet case.

Salty liberals getting mad about Sam, like usual

I'm not 100% convinced

No point in trying to argue with these retards. They will keep on spamming that picture no matter what

I giggled

Earlobe definitely vindicates Sam. It's even a different shape. Shame he's probably gonna commit soduko any day now. Sam looks like shit.

Me too. Where do I fing this hilarious stuff?!?!?!?

It's cause the hat is pulling up on his ears and there is some hair obscuring things.

As for the glasses, well Sam is proven to own a million pairs and Im sure he has a few that he only wears in private.

Does it even matter if he sucks dick though, all the evidence adds up to him being a scumbag degenerate in his private life anyway.

What a piece of shit tbh

Tallyho, Sam! How-do-you-do?


I don't see the problem.

That's not how that works.
Pull the top of your ear, it doesn't make your earlobs stretch like that because your ear isn't anchored to your head by your earlobe.
Harder to disprove a lie than it is to prove a truth, jew.

i have no idea if people in this thread are being ironic or not
would somebody really care this much about an internet comedian

Sam is different. He's the sole voice of an entire generation.

Same reason you care about your celebrities.


people made a subreddit solely for harassing sam and spamming everyone who tweeted about him on twitter with an image saying that sam fucked a tranny

He has less subscribers than people who review fast food, why bother?

You never heard of black humor "Humour noir" before?
Well fuckā€¦

shiiiiiiet nigga he swim

School shootings are a natural byproduct of forcing every kid to go to a place they do not want to be in through force of truancy laws. I felt like a cornered animal in high school, I was so close to killing the administration and all of the chads and stacies who ignored me. One of these days I'll show those cunts

Trips that could have been quints confirm

No one will have youtube as a venue in the future.

Because meanie reddinazifedoradrumpfplomupmfweenies found him humorous at one point, so now we all have to suffer.


Are you a NEET?

he's a kike who went against the tribe in defense of the white man and has been banished for his act of treason.

you don't think this is funny? it gave me a good chuckle.
nice trips btw

you're either a roastie or a white knight. either way you need to leave

can I come with you?
