How does Holla Forums stay free?
Botnet Removal General
Who are you trying to defend yourself from?
The gubberments?
I wonder who could be behind this post.
He asked for tips to stay free on the internet. It depends on who your trying to stop violating your freedoms.
Don't use any non-free software.
Don't use the default linux kernel use linux libre and remove all possible blobs.
Use old hardware or the talos2.
For networking:
Then use Tor.
from the jews. and from CIA, FBI, NSA.
Libreboot or Talos2.
OpenVPN hosted on VPS, always on. I use Linode for my VPS, but there are tons of cheap VPS' available.
Non-Systemd Linux distro.
Alternatives for: E-Mail
Anything Google
And anything else you use that's non-free.
Hmm, I might try that when pfSense stops supporting i386.
¿por qué no los tres?
How can you trust their hardware?
Does it matter if the only thing your using it for is hosting a VPN?
that sounds pretty cool but why wouldn't they have a gigabit lan port. they try to sell you a gigabit switch, but the port on the router is only 100mbit. that's fine for most people but 100mbit+ internet exists now, and wireless n is 150 in ideal conditions. and what's with the usb -> serial cable? is the serial port on the router or do they expect you to have one. the router specs say it has a usb port.
How does Power9 compare to x86-64 based CPUs? I could see myself running a system like this if they actual perform decently.
Given the price, it should probably do at least as well as Broadwell or Ryzen. Though I wouldn't really buy a $5000 workstation for normal computer usage. If actual work is on par on both architectures, then I'd say go for it.
I think your protection also depends on what you are doing. I'd imagine you want to hide terrorism plans differently than cheese pizza, or torrented movies
Check the hardware too.
it's IBM processor so it should be comparable to a business(c) workstation although there's already power10 but only few mega companies can afford them like google
Do you need libreboot for pre-me/pre-psp, pre-uefi hardware?
What's the point of that?
What are they?
good luck with TLS """"security""""
IPSec or bust.
Tell us about how TLS is insecure or bust.
Stop using a computer. It's the only way.
for u
Enjoy your NSA.
It depends on what you want to do. If it has SSE/AVX optimizations, check that it also has Altivec.
My parents
dont want to be swatted for reading risky pdfs.
Do you honestly believe that buying an old Intel chip with Libreboot and IME disabled is going to stop the NSA from spying on you? It's not. If you want the NSA to stop spying on you, you must not have any computer at all. If you really insist on having a computer, that's your choice, but don't complain that the NSA are spying on you. That is the reality.
Actually I don't buy Intel anymore. I'm now entirely into alternate architectures, like ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, m68k, FPGA, microcontrollers, and so forth. But what does NSA know about what I'm doing on my computers? They don't, unless I sent it over the net in plain text. Otherwise they only have encrypted packets to store into their huge data centers (exception is these MITM like cloudflare, and of course companies like google/facebook and possibly various SSL CA's). But they don't know wtf I'm typing when ssh'd into a machine somewhere or when using self-signed certs. This traffic just gets stored in their database and forgotten amidst billions of other people. And it will never get looked at by anyone, because I'm just not that interesting. It would be a complete waste of time and incredibly boring for someone to sift through my data. Plus I hardly ever buy anything except food (and only occasionaly computer/electronics gear) so even marketers lose with me. I'm effectively a time sink.
So anyway, NSA isn't the issue. What I don't want is any hackers to be coming onto my systems and fucking shit up. This happened early on in my first Linux adventures, back in the mid 90's. I then learned to become paranoid, to use simple and security-minded OS and software, to not run any external services, to firewall everything, and so on. Every single step I take gives me the advantage and makes it much harder for attackers. When they find everything here is uncooperative or outright hostile, they give up and find easier target, which the Internet is full of.
Excuse me, but are you aware that all the internet traffic is being monitored and stored? Where were you when snowden happened?
careful user, dont get mad at those rping faggots
The way you put it, you make yourself sounds like a rape victim. For the record--and this obviously doesn't conflict with your main point about staying away from the herd--you still need proprietary software to boot with some of those architectures, including the most popular one, ARM.
My main PC is unusable without botnet because of the nvidia gpu + haswell cpu + non-libreboot motherboard + a bunch of other stuff, but I have a living room PC in which the only non free piece of software is the BIOS.
One day I'll be free bros.
Chosen ciphertext attacks, weak keys, compromised keys or software and algorithm attacks, what was safe yesterday is not safe tomorrow. Your opinion on grass lanws was perfectly fine 10 years ago and today it's outlawed and you can go to jail for it, would you still try to discuss them? What happens when spooks/gubmint activists finally decrypt your data and find out you said something wrong y today's standards, then decide to put you in jail for show?
He actually believes it, absolute madman
what is remote traffic fingerprinting
What about political shills who try to stuff their valuable opinions into your head? Vote red party, vote blue party, we're totally different, etc? Don't underestimate social engineering and mass mind control.
I am 100% sure you won't be targeted by skids who do common stuff like wifi sniffing for educational purposes, but did you suddenly forget that NSA, FBI and other secret services around the globe routinely hire real hackers with 0-day exploits to break into people's computers?
Some yeah, but if you choose carefully, you can avoid it.
Yeah encryption gets weaker over time. That's not a valid reason to not use it. In fact, it should make you more diligent and choose your algos and keys very carefully. In the 90's people were already using 2048 bit keys for PGP/GnuPG.
How are they going to put you in jail when what you did was legal when you did it? Like if they could do that, there would already be right now a bunch of people in jail because they bough full auto machine guns back when it was legal to do so in the USA. Ain't happening, unless you go through a secret kangaroo court for "terrorism", in which case all bets are off and they'll convict you no matter if you actualy broke a law or not.
remote traffic fingerprinting - good luck with that fam. You can tell it's ssh traffic, and get an idea of how much is flowing, that's it.
And yeah cianiggers are hacking everyone. So what? They don't even make their own exploits, they're bought from real hackers. So it goes back to just securing your shit the best you can.
Good luck
you can still use FX-8370e overclock to 5Ghz with Legacy BIOS gigabit board
im not neet so i dont
the spronglers
i only install apps from reliable sources like Google and Microsoft
you can still get rid of me, the most intrusive piece, and use nouveau
the jews
Basically that processor is almost exclusively used for mainframes and such. It kicks ass.
It feels like you're just a rich kid that got owned by some computer builders in their moms basement.
Nobody realistically would need to compute something and if you did, you can just drive over to your local supercomputer and talk to the admin...
Does GPU Passthrough work on that hardware? If so I would switch in a heartbeat.
CIA here nerd.
Don't give a fuck about you
Does anybody know about how do VIA mobos work with deblobbed linux?
What do we now, since we now know that Spectre affects POWER9 machines like the Talos II?
This year I have:
switched from arch(systemd) to void(runit)
switched from firefox to chromium
how am I doing? what else should I debotnet?
at least i'm not using sjwfox anymore
It's like switching from Microsoft to Apple
Why 8370e over the 8370, and what AM3+ gigabyte board has the best core/libreboot support?
While Mozilla is indeed an SJW organization, Firefox is a much more configurable browser than Chrome is and it's the best we have at the moment.
That might have been arguable about a year ago, but they're making their browser shittier at an impressive rate. They WANT to be Chrome.
You can still configure Firefox because it's open source. You simply do not want to configure it.
I don't trust Intel, so I solder my own CPUs.
Free is subjective
Freedom is always subject to the individual. My right to swing my fists stop at the end of your nose.