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Create your ideal system of government, Holla Forums.
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Go the fuck back to 4chan
sage is not a downvote, if you don't like it just hide the thread faggot.
No thank you, satan.
Wanna join me?
It's not about board quality, it's about not being an autismal sperg at the sight of things you don't like and allowing others to have fun.
you killed a perfectly good thread for this bullshit
take a moment to think about what you've done
If the thread was at the bottom it wasn't perfectly good, and if you feel like it you can make another one.
Swerve, peasant.
I don't think you belong here.
Stupid and faggy site is still stupid and faggy. If you select the most right-wing position available for every item, you still just end up barely out to the third ring somewhere between "right" and "statism", but make a couple minor adjustments and all of a sudden you're a left-leaning collectivist.
GTFO with this stupid shit.
And you people wonder how it is that your cover is so easily blown.
Feminist? Reddit? TRS/Renegade shill?
All of the above?
Whatever, you telegraph your otherness while using ad hominem in place of actual argument.
Just go. Reddit misses you.
It's even color-coded to make it attractive to little kids.
"Wanna" - enough said.
"join me" - here the child expresses his feeling of having created something by clicking a few icons.
His craving for power is satisfied by the jazzy, colorful site which –unlike his parents– gives him the power to "create" something, a place to live where parents are not in charge.
This power-and-freedom-from-parents craving is the basis of so many television series.
"The Tribe" - a bunch of teenagers lacking the skills to survive in the wild, in the forest, on tundra or in the mountains, makes a home in the post-apocalyptic cityscape, how do they feed themselves?
Simple: they live in a derelict shopping mall which, of course, is still full of canned food, clothes, toiletries and everything "the tribe" - i.e the teenagers, need to survive.
Everything which adults provided them before the apocalypse, is still supplied by adults, in the form of looted stock from the shops, but they can feel independent, no adult in sight. Much like being left home alone for a weekend, or the way in which teenage girls refer to their father's house as "my house", his car as "my car" - a false feeling of independence, a vicarious ownership, a display of imagined independence and ability-to-provide.
Teenage viewers are attracted to the show as it forms the basis for their own independence fantasy. They imagine living in the mall, their local mall, with their classmates.
No parents but everything provided.
The girls imagine access to all those clothes and shoes, the boys - fantasize about captive girls, dependent on them for protection.
The basis of the beta teen boy's sexual fantasy is "selection by default".
Finding a wounded girl and saving her.
Finding a girl being attacked and saving her.
Finding an unconscious girl and taking care of her until she wakes up.
In every case, the boy makes himself a target of her affection, BY DEFAULT, not as a result of his own wealth, charisma, skills, experience or good looks, because he has none of those things, the men 25+ do.
Since the teenager lacks the means to attract a girl by his own merit, he is drawn to fantasies involving DEFAULT selection. There is no other man around, because they are stranded, in a shopping mall, in a disabled ship, shipwrecked on an island, holed up underground in a bunker waiting for the fallout to subside.
Yes boys, I know your thoughts.
polite sage
This site is utter crap. I mean just look at this.
Answered pretty truthfully my nigga
shit does that mean i'm a lolberg?
should I visit a doctor?
I missed a few settings, I can't really tell if its better. I don't get it, my political spectrum aligns with lolbertarians but I can't stand libertarians at all.
this isn't cuckchan newfags.
survey threads are cancer. Lurk 2 years
You have to go back.
Fuck it they're fun once in a while, I'm pretty sure 99% of the replies are mostly ironically anyway. yeah, yeah, shitpost is shitpost
Get thee hence.
Satan's own thread. I better comply!
Being a faggot is fun only if you're into sucking dick.
Everyone here is a newfag.
Im not using a flag, fagm
Holla Forums nativist
Bump for quality content
if you want to make a "sick burn" you might as well start by not typing in a wall of text, it just shows that you take the internet seriously.
how about you start off by killing yourself.
No shit.
I find this chart is off.
Am I really a libertarian?
post the sliders, as well. hard to understand just with this small image
No, you would know or do you let an internet quiz tell you how to live?
I lack in the sphere of politics. The more I read the more I realize I don't know much. Can you guys take a look and tell me which category I fall into. This sums up my politics at this time.
Only point of contention would be sliding back central banks.
States = trustee style townships
small government
pro white
Fed = national defense
pro white
large in dealing with threats to the comfy pro white states
media- educational
Hollywood and jews? gone
Churches and secret societies taxed on a yuge scale
>>>/news/ more your speed?
National Socialism seems like shit.
No private media, no science, no guns.
Lots and lots of tax.
The state is strong as hell though, why not go for an expansionist policy?
It's not shit, the test is shit. Politics are too nebulous to be pinned down into a graph. This should be obvious to you.
Yeah, you don't know shit. You're rational enough to admit you don't know much yet you're willing to talk on political matters you clearly no nothing about? Kill yourself
not an argument.
Still not an argument. Try again.
I'm not arguing with you when you don't even know what you're arguing against when you say NS is shit. I'm just insulting you.
How about you post your politics or explain why NatSoc is so great when the state controls everything.
The point isn't even whether it is great or not, it's that you don't even know what is it, dumbass. You're "arguing" against something which you clearly do not understand, that is the mark of a stupid person.
How about you go back.
Can't defend your own politics. Just using insults cause I triggered you. I asked you a question but you refuse to engage. You are acting like a libtard. Go back to your safespace.
What part of THAT'S NOT THE POINT did you not understand, son? Understand what NS is and why you're against it before you spout off bullshit that isn't NS.
Your ignorance or rather the fact that you seem to revel in your ignorance triggers me.
Now who's the triggered one again?
Not far off user
According to the chart, it is very clear what it is. If you disagree with it please clarify what parts, are NatSoc politics.
You are triggered because you conditioned to react to NatSoc is shit but can't tell me why it isn't. I don't see how that is different from lefties, who refuse to engage and discuss their politics and why they are better.
What are your politics? Do you even want to discuss this or do you want to remain in your safe space where no one challenges your ideas?
Please include the sliders, they help alot in understanding this chart.
options are a bit shitty skews results quite a bit.
Blow your brains out my man
what the fuck is wrong with you? Just tell him what your political stance is or stop being such a goddamn bitch.
had to look up georgism..
Oh look another cuckchan faggot who's shit at reading where i said that my politics are NOT THE POINT. As if knowing my beliefs are going to somehow magically make him understand what NatSoc is, kek
Okay I getcha, you have no idea what NatSoc is so you're just deflecting to avoid looking like a retard.
it didn't work.
Nice projection. It didn't work :^)