Republican lawmakers move to restrain President-elect Trump on Russia


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Reminder to vote these cucks out in their primaries if possible, burgers.

This. We must seek to motivate people to vote during the primaries. All the neocohens need to go. If you know any good candidates in your, encourage them to run.

Trump should dissolve Congress.

Well at least Corker won't be SoS.

He won't, he's too old. If he were twenty, or even ten years younger, he could become the Dictator America needs. But he can'y.

drain the fucking swamp. hang these traitors.

This is why we need the Trump American Party. We need an alternative to punish these fucks in the future. No more Washington D.C. for you faggots.


Even if he vetoed the bill, if they passed it unanimously, his veto would be overridden. You need a 2/3 majority to override a veto and if it's unanimous vote in both house and senate, they can pass it. Trump as much as I want him to succeed, will have a hard battle ahead of him with these traitors. They will negate or at least try to negate anything they don't agree with.

These fucking clowns will never learn until they are getting dragged to the noose stand won't they?
I mean really, how many of you would have believed it if someone told you 3 years ago that Clinton would not only lose her entire career and influence, but also end up rotting in jail and dying very shortly after for her crimes, and all this by the hand of the guy from The Apprentice?

Trump is a big guy

Executive branch has more say over military matters than Congress. If Congress funds jihadists and Trump along with Putin just bombs the fuck out of those jihadists then Assad will still win.

american lawmaker said this

Congress has gotten into the habit of allocating money for things without actually delineating exactly where the money is spent. Congress could decide to fund jihadis and Trump doesn't have to actually spend the money. They'll come to that realization real quick and they'll be back to earmarking within a few months.

That fucking quad. He really is touched by kek.

Anyway I'm not surprised about this. They're trying to go business as usual and work around him, same with the tripe in the media. They're trying to marginalize him and anything he can do out of either hating him (democrats) or fear he might go overboard (republicans) and the usual corporate backed kike shit sockpuppeting their bought and paid for sock puppets.

They're going for death by 1000 nags. Best thing Holla Forums can do is light a fire under their collective asses, everyone hates the do nothing congress so maybe it's high time to knock some deadwood off. Oh and counter the media bullshit, critique of every little thing he does but you can damn well bet they won't say a thing about his successes.

It can't be! Checked!

They're gonna shit their pants when Trump asks them if they feel in charge.

I would have told you that we're fucked, we're fucked, the jews win wahhh blackpill. Now though? Now I'm thinking we've turned the tables just in the nick of time to save this broken country.

Trump also singlehandedly ended the Bush dynasty.

Bombing and fighting together with Russia is one thing, Trump trying to reestablish a relationship with Russia, for trade and economy is another. House just set sanctions, so if he wants to set up trade with Russia again, he is going to have to fight Congress. As it is, military alliances with Russia are precariously close to being shut down before Trump even gets into office. It doesn't prevent him from, as the Commander in Chief, helping on a small scale going around Congress. Although, anything large scale and they can shut down his funding for the operating the military, and a military needs a lot of money to operate. This is what I meant by a hard battle ahead of him. I hope he is victorious and puts these assholes in their place, but in reality, Congress can do a lot of damage if they don't like a president and his policies. Unfortunately, he can't fire Congress, that is our job.

Dude, the WP is garbage for anything relating to Trump.


Guys, guys, its great that you're trying to keep us entertained and shit, but you're done.
Go home.


Okay so that's the part where Trump says the words "Go" and we begin the recalling. That's if he doesn't have them all killed out right. Also;

If they piss us off any further than they already have I'm betting on massive recalls and or hangings.

Trump has the power of the pulpit. That's more powerful than the power of the purse. Most americans LOATHE Congress whereas they're willing to listen to the commander-in-chief.

Our President-Elect is a highly persuasive, high charismatic billionaire who's a household name and has decades of experience dealing with politicians and businessmen alike on a global scale.

Let that sink in for a moment and then realize that these fucking cucks are powerless against him.

Honestly, all Trump needs to do is order the military not to fuck things up in Syria and just sorta stand by. Russia and Syria ARE more than capable of dealing with the problem, they don't actually need US military support they just need us to stop fucking shit up and stay out of their way. And Trump isn't going to need congress one bit for that.

I honestly think the American people consider congress to be a den of international puppets who want to see us in body bags. If they haven't lost their minds, they'd stay in file.

It's highly likely Lewandowski is going to get the top RNC spot which means he's going to control RNC re-election monies and infrastructure. That does not bode well for the anti-Trumpers.

Absolutely true, the truth and gospel of God Emperor and Kek have already been spread across the web. If they try any kikery this time they will be facing the ovens and ropes.


Oh, I 100% agree with you. Which is why I stated that the "firing" of Congress is up to us. The Constitution was set up the way it was for a reason. Congress are our representatives. If they fail to represent we, the people, have the right to replace them. We need to actually stand up and be willing to do the work to get them out and not roll over and take it like we have been doing for years, up until the [current year] that is where our work to make our voice heard actually worked. By ballot or by bullet is a saying for a reason.

Well Hitler you're very correct, but you're forgetting that it is impossible to stump the Trump. Something these vain politicians are going to learn the hard way when they're handed all of those recall votes from their constituents.

We need Paul Ryan out of there. He is the chief cuck.

That's Barron's job.

Barron is confirmed for dictator of America in the future, as well as king of Holla Forums.

Kek. This is why the (((military-industrial complex))) pays them the big bucks!



He can if he gets military support. Just kill them. Problem solved.


Could Barron take over his father's legacy? The kid is only 10 years old, he has at least 25 years before he is eligible for president (under current law).
Wouldn't Eric or Donald Jr. be up for the throne?

Christ, (((they're))) pushing that one hard.

(absolutely checked)

He can just veto their shit and that's that.



These losers were too pussy to stop obama and they think they can successfully go after Trump?!


Trump is basically going to control all the Federal branches of government that can investigate Treason… Let's see how much pressure they're willing to put on him/test him with.

Check'd and kek'd.

No worries. Trump will just move us out of the way, thus not interfering, and let Russia handle it.

Neo-Cohen: hey there's some Russian assassins threatening me

0% Lindsey Graham. Nobody gives a fuck about what he thinks or says. Trump will set the platform once he is in office.

They wouldn't be a threat if you just played nicely and made friends with them! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

The least this congress deserves is chimp outs at their door.

That works too.

All I can think of is this image except instead of Putin it's Trump.

The problem is the US and friends aren't trying to support Russia or the Syrian government. They want Assad gone and one less ally for Russia.

He says, without a hint of irony or self-awareness.

Nice get. Let's make it happen.

Isn't this great? Trump's not even in office yet and the GOPe is already trying to undermine him.

Remember when they said he wouldn't run? That he would lose the nomination to one of the cucks? That he had no chance against Hillary? That he would never become the president of the United States of America?

Am I really supposed to believe this guy or any of the other cucks, left, right or center?

No lol, we'll wait and see till he's in office.

Because they're postmodern imbeciles. The whole argument is arranged in such a way that the emails and leaks are invalid and contaminated because the evidence ==might have/was proven to== been purloined & released by Russia, or on behalf of Russia. Which is a bullshit genetic argument.
If Putin said clouds were water vapor and the sun was hot; the asshole politicians in Washington would take a second, by pure reflex, to consider if they could score cold war patriot points & argue against it just by claiming it was spoken by Putin's lips.
I have absolutely no illusions about Putin and the theories surrounding his reign as the executive leader of Russia but at least he gives a slight fuck about rooting out incompetence and evil.