A poll of Republicans has found that The Daily Stormer is far and above the news source they trust most
Well if the poll is conducted BY THE DAILY STORMER, then obviously the people who actually go on there would already find them more trustworthy.
That's like shopping at a particular store, then taking a poll at the checkout that asks where you prefer to shop.
Sage because anglin is an albino nigger.
Ooga booga, where all da white womenz at?
Wasn't this site calling for its users to form IRL groups and meetings of its users and specified of them to be young (gullible)?, us fellow nazis amirite?
"Our studies find that you should trust us."
ITT: people who think Anglin was being serious
I did talk to weev, though, and he said that they are seriously pivoting towards LARPing as Reshpectable Conshervatives. They wanted to ditch the faggy term "Alt-Right" for "New Right", but the #1 Jewgle search for that right now is a subleddit run by /r/the_shabbosgoyim. So, they decided to run full-bore with the narrative that "Look at me, I'm the GOP now".
Are you Vox Day? Because that's something Vox Day would say.
Being a neo-nazi or even an 'ironic' neo-nazi makes you illiterate. Read the comments on that site. Those people can barely write.
CNN pollsters found CNN rated top tier broadcasting among CNN audiences, reports CNN.
Can you tell them to do something about their commenters? I mean what is it about the internet right-wing that makes people be so completely uninsightful, only want to communicate through memes, and just in general be fucking stupid? Radix, the Alternative-Right blog, TRS, DailyStormer all have the same type of retarded commenta that don't contribute anything and sometimes aren't even on topic. I fucking hate this shit.
Doesn't even matter. They're all the same shit anyway. Counter-Currents and TOO have actually good intelligent comments though.
LOL a poll on daily stormer that's supposedly going to be attracting the average Republican when the only people who browse the daily stormer are people in the fringe right wing.
the ego on this unimportant faggot holy shit
You lads need to have a giggle ever once in a while jesus christ.
also, observe my numbers
Hey kid, wanna blow up a building?
I love their current banner.
m8, that's internet comments in general, not just their sphere.