Boost Carson's Morale; Get him working in Trump administration

I firmly believe that Dr. Ben Carson is likely depressed right now, and needs our support. Not because Trump won the presidency, I'm sure he's very happy about that, but because of all the forces that rose against it.
Carson embodied what most Holla Forumsacks would define as key values to our cause: (rather staunch) Loyalty, Honor, Honesty, Integrity, Intelligence, Competence, Compassion (To a point), Resolve, and Passion (despite being asleep all the time).

He has defended Trump publicly in front of media outlets even LIBERALS would admit are left-wing propaganda outlets, and at Trump's most harried times, too. (Remember the sex tapes? He was the only one outright explicitly defending Trump, saying the tapes were bullshit and an unimportant distraction).
Despite being one of the most intelligent blacks in the world, and coming from one of the poorest and hopeless backgrounds in the world, he's been disrespected and treated like dirt more often than anyone else in the election cycle, barring Trump himself. People mock his intelligence, his knowledge constantly. Remember MSNBC's "Maybe you should leave this to the experts?" comments? Liberals laughing at him, calling him a fool constantly in every internet forum from youtube comment sections to leddit?
The other *republican* nominees wouldn't even shake his goddamn hand for god's sake, and he was never asked any questions at all in the debate. He's been the only fucking nominee who actually followed through on his promise to endorse Trump if he won the nomination.
He's effectively been shafted from the start, but he stood by Trump no matter what.
The reason I think he's demoralized is because he might've developed something of an inferiority complex in the last few months. Just think of it: He was confident enough to run for President not more than a year ago, but to have his intelligence and all your accomplishments demeaned by everyone, no matter their party…
He's been looked down upon by kike-controlled whites for the entire election cycle, I can imagine that can fuck with his head quite a bit and raise doubts in his own mind how

The reason I'm saying all this is because Carson can be a boon to President Trump, we need people like him to fix the education system and serve as an inspiration for the niggers. Right now, all their role models are kike-controlled niggers and vapid celebrities. If we could get Carson in some role, we could use him as a tool to get niggers to WANT TO GO BACK TO AFRICA ON THEIR OWN AND FIX THEIR COUNTRY.
I firmly believe that getting Carson in is an important step into doing that, as he's shown great characteristics that very few public figures, even white ones, lack heavily. We won't be able to get them out easily just through force, much as we like to meme, because the liberals will protect them as best they can, as well as the jews. We need to change them from within, start getting to work so that its not only an assault on kikes from the front, but from within as well.
We can turn the golem against its master, maybe give it true sentience and a conscience as well. There's a reason American niggers have higher IQ's than African niggers. This doesn't excuse their filthy acts by any stretch of the imagination: many deserve to hang.
However, we can eventually change them to be a force for good in the world, I firmly believe it. Carson is proof of that, and while some excuses about it can be made(20% European and all that), the fact is, it *is* possible for a change to be made that can benefit the world.

Send some support and re-moralizing messages to Carson, he shouldn't be stepping out of the arena just when the
getting's good. Help him who helped us, anons.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off you godless nigger lover we don't need affirmative action hires.

Here's my thing:

Hello Dr. Ben Carson,

I've been following your path through the republican nomination cycle and beyond, to the general election cycle, and I have to say: I'm honestly incredulous at what you've done. As a college student, I have to say that its been eye-opening to watch everything you've done and all that you've attempted to do for now President-elect Donald Trump. Before I was going to vote for him, I was going to vote for you. But I have to say, the traits and character you displayed during this election cycle is full of merit and honor. I highly respect you for standing by Trump, showcasing incredible loyalty and honor towards those who show you respect. It was amazing to watch. I was well-aware of the media's lies, so it was doubly impressive to see you stand up at MSNBC of all media outlets, and defend Trump publicly.
Dr. Carson, I understand you might be feeling a bit… under the weather, recently. Besides Trump, you were the most attacked and disrespected candidate for the nomination, and you didn't have the same support network as Trump so it wasn't even close to fair. I'm sorry for that; you didn't deserve it. You should not have any misgivings in your abilities, you believed you could make it to the presidency, and while that wasn't entirely a success, it seems like you aided a friend who did stay the path.
Dr. Carson, I don't believe you should bow out now, I believe you should have a place in the Trump administration, as an inspiration to blacks everywhere to show what a young black man is capable of, no matter his background. You were easily the most respect-worthy and honest candidate on that republican stage, bar none. I believe you can really change things, but I don>>8268001
't think that's done by taking a lesser role away from it. I understand why you might not be willing to go there, but I implore you, as a young college student, to stay the path and change things! You were right when you said Trump needs to surround himself with honorable, competent people, but you're wrong if you don't think you shouldn't be one of them.
I believe you can do it Dr. Carson, if Trump can win the presidency, you can alter the course of the youth towards greatness, or perhaps the medical field, or whatever it is you choose to strive towards, but I firmly believe the answer lies in sticking close to Trump. I don't believe your ride is over, Dr. Carson.

Thank you,

On an unrelated note: look at these disgusting (and sad) libshit memes about Carson on (((Bing))) images

I think Ben Carson would make a great surgeon general.

Ben Carson may be the only positive black role model in existence. I've never been able to think of another one.

Tweet at him regarding his reasoning for not accepting a position.
If I remember correctly, he said he wanted to be one of the people outside of Washington that could lend aid. If you think he'd be better directly on Trump's team then share the sentiment with him.

Yes, which is why it is against White interests to have him in a publicly visible position. I don't hate the man himself, but as long as cuckservatives can say "But muh based Carson" they will kick and scream and resist the truth about niggers.

We have enough white kids who don't have many role models to look up to beyond the pozzed bullshit on TV, and I'm not really that interested in promoting black interests over our own.

Look, sleepy Negro used to much of his powers defending Trump from the people calling him racist.
His power is drained and now he must rest again for when Trump next needs him.

Apparently you fags don't realize that carsen is retired. He saw problems and was convinced to run. As President he would be responsible for spearheading a vision—like MAGA. He realized The Emperor is better suited to enact the vision of a stronger America. Now that The Emperor is in place, he has no wish to become a glorified bureaucrat. An administrator with thousands of employees, most AA sub-80 IQ imbeciles, he has to attempt to rally into a cohesive force for competence. Personally, I hope Trump retakes the Fed and sovereign coinage, then emplaces Carson in an African state as Prwesisdent so he can MAKE AFRICA LESS of a DISFUNCTIONAL SHITHOLE.


Ben Carson is a seriously dumb nigger who owes his entire career to affirmative action.
Here it is for anyone who has a twitter account. I have a dead one but I guess I can rev it up.

You're thinking too much in black and white, user, funnily enough. I hate to break this to you, but there's always gonna be some black person people will point to that will be the "end-al be-all" for their arguments against racism. A lot of libshits will likely say Obama. This is more about Carson deserving a spot because of his actions and character, rather than his race.

I wanted him in the cabinet due to the fact that Trump can use him as a standard against other blacks. I also believe he should have some sort of reward for his unwavering loyalty.

Thomas Sowell is usually the only other go-to black guy (but I think I read somewhere he's a halfblood). Black science guy hasn't done much to deserve appraise.


Fucking damn it.

Isn't he a dumb nigger who believes in creationism?

And let them point to that wherever it is the normalfag GOP hangs out. A Trump victory is time to push our advantage, not be magnanimous. People right now are receptive to messages about white interests and white identity and you want to waste that on boosting a nigger.

I only read 4 sentences before I had to stop. Yu managed to fit "I have to say" three times into that space.


What are you even saying user? At this point there's no reasoning with you, I can't even comprehend your posts anymore.

You know it user.
Thanks for the proofread

What is with the circlejerking over this nigger?

I'm sick of seeing this shit. A nigger is a nigger is a nigger, they're all the same and this Carson-is-a-good-boy meme needs to die.

link please?

Yes, he's a Seventh Day Adventist: church on the Jew Sabbath, believes Satan created the Big Bang theory, believes Joseph built the Great Pyramids to store grain, etc. When you see anyone refer to the "talented tenth," this is who they're talking about.

It's okay we are all autistic here

First link of a simple search:


Never underestimate the power of antisemitism.

Yep, and Trump talked with Netanyahu and he didn't go full 14/88, so he's jew-controlled too, right?
Your tactics won't work here, schlomo.

I forgot, you were full 14/88 since you were out of the womb, right? His past doesn't define his present, rather it emphasizes that he took the right path even further. Just because a majority of Holla Forumsacks believed the holohoax was a thing as kids doesn't mean that they're jew-loving faggots when they're here.

What the fuck is this shit? Supporting a nigger? Are you retarded?

Ben Carson whipped his own mother with his belt because she dropped his crack pipe.

For that matter:

He's a fucking nigger. Just because you're all about the BBC doesn't mean everybody else is. I guess Martin Luther King was a real hero, too, right? And Mandela's sitting up in Heaven rocking out with Jesus.

Yeah, and now he's a Trump supporting right-wing black brain surgeon.

Way to out yourself as a shill, filtered.

Fuck off with this lying nigger. What the hell.

Thanks, somehow I assumed it was hearsay or simply not trustworthy source wise.

Go away, commonfilth

Yeah, that's why he left a fucking sponge in someone's brain. Get out nigger.

It's not just a TV show.



I use to keep an archive of shit like this. I never should've stopped.

Shove your broken link meme up your ass. If you don't like the source, find a better one. All I did was pick the first link I saw off the list. Call the mods, I don't give a fuck.

He should ask Obama to run for president of Kenya and be his V.P. I want to bet on how long before the country goes berserk on them.

Are you even an user? How did you get here?
Get out, cuck trash.

Ben Carson is going to start a black nationalist movement with a pro Western and white view. He will seek to colonize the black mind and restart the Liberia project. In less than 50 years nearly the entirety of African blooded Americans have now moved back to Africa and are colonizing it. They will be key in bringing the native Africans to heel and allowing us to get our European blooded brothers back with their kind.

there was an attempt at a campaign


Michael jordan and Mr T come to mind.

Trump should appoint him king of the niggers.
Niggers will have to shape up or get hammered.

the less blacks and minorites trump has around him the better. I dont think you understand this whole nationalism thing

He posted on Facebook that he wants to stay out of Washington.

Yes goyim, ignore all of Carson's positive traits. skin color > Honor, that's why he should surround himself with white people like many U.S. senators and congressman! They're certainly trustworthy, after all, their skin as white as snow!

There's a reason he ran for president earlier, I'm sure its more related to how he's feeling about the practical ordeal of the election rather than him actually not wanting to be involved in the political sphere, it just doesn't add up otherwise.

Retardation and philosemitism?


kys, filtered

And so the subvertion begins, every associated with Trump MUST be one of us?

You fucking retards, buying shit bait like this.

We need to weed out Trump's Jewish son-in-law. Some are saying he's the Anti-Christ.


dubs confirm

I think we should respect Ben's decision, but I hope he changes his mind. I was planning on voting for him before Trump showed up. His knowledge extends beyond the medical field, and I think he would be beneficial to Trump's administration

Yeah, good traits like being an inept doctor, drug use, history of niggerdly violence, and blaming White people for keep da blac man down yo. Fuck off.

Then just send him an encouraging message, no need to mention working within the administration. A morale boost is helpful regardless of politics, and there's few at the moment who deserve it as much as he does.

When we get this much shilling against an idea it's usually a good indicator that it's a good idea.

He didn't want to be president, other people wanted him to be.

Isn't he the only/first person who managed to successfully (meaning they survived) separate siamese twins who were joined by their heads?

Brain surgery isn't something you can fake if you're just a diversity hire.

That logic is retarded, that means google=nigger is good idea since so many anons are against it.

It actually worked outside of Holla Forums, it just wasn't good to actually use here, but it was fine to push using it on other places, here.

Its retarded

You lack reading comprehension. Filtered.

He is wearing an Ankh. He is an Egyptian mythologist and probably in some occult order.

Anyone noticing the shifty stuff going on with Trump's Jewish son-in-law? We need to focus on booting him from the White House.

Nice argument
Blocked :^)

Make a separate thread for it?

TBH America should take part of Africa, then put high functioning black men like Carson in charge of it, and then tell black people that they can choose to be free from whitey's oppression if they move there.

That will solve racism.

Why he isn't appointed to remove the Obamacare plan and do a better one? Its his field after all.

Thanks OP, just sent him a heartfelt message asking him to accept a post in the Trump Administration if offered one.

Thank you user, I'm sure he'll appreciate it!
Have a thumbs up

Same. Trump was always my second pick, but Dr. Ben was always my first choice from the start.

That dude reminds me of Patrice O'Neal.

Dear God, putting Carson in government would be affirmative action. It's a progressive idea. This is the kind of stuff which got us into trouble in the first place.

Liberia v2?

Worst part about Liberia is that it actually worked for a long time.
It went to shit in the 80's like most of Africa.

Yeah, but a competent US government should keep tabs on it and make sure it doesn't go to shit again.

This. But he believes "God's ways are higher than our ways" (his quote regarding the topic). The number of connections and relationships that have come out of him throwing his hat into the ring have proven invaluable. Not the least beneficiary of which is President-elect Donald Trump.

FTFY user, and yes that is correct he was not only the first to succeed at it, but he basically invented an entire new methodology for this brain surgery specialization during the many days of research prior to, and 18-hours straight surgical procedure leading two separate world-class neurosurgical teams in the theater during the operations.


Is this Common Filth's face reveal?

Just have the United States take control of Africa by proxy and let all the American Blacks run it. If they can.

that is actually pretty impressive


The book "Gifted Hands" touches on some of the yuge effort that went into it's successful outcome. Prior to that surgery, one or both had always died after/during the procedure. Just imagine being the parents of those infants. Today, Dr. Carson's ground-breaking approach is used successfully worldwide.

Allen West.

like us

Louis Farrakhan.

There are plenty of laudable niggers.

"You gonna walk with your enemy before you learn to walk with one another?
How sick can you be?"

I think user here has the right idea. Sleepy doctor is invaluable as an asset, if nothing else. The skepticism here is pretty much inevitable and expected, but Carson's position can be advantageous if made use of well. Affirmative action hires don't create an entirely new surgery method of separating siamese twins with both of them surviving.

Go away faggot

nah, he's a nigger

Always the first post. Always.

I don't care how much of a cuck you are for niggers. Leave and go back to cuckchan.

It's deserved. It's enough that he's a fucking nigger with a history of niggering, he's also anti-white. This meme needs to die.

I wish /leftyfreech/ would stop trying to use the lingo to push their bullshit. Go away.


You aren't being paid anymore, CTR

Kill yourself.

The election is over my man, you just sound like a retarded tryhard faggot trying to fit in

Go back to cuckchan

I've been noticing ever since Trump won the tactics have switched, and now you're trying to create a false consensus of race-neutralism on this board.

Carson's a good guy, but he's a nigger and should be nowhere near our government.

CTR is still being funded. Look at their twitter. They even opened up a new anti-Trump website. It fucking amazes me that people are this stupid.

That's a ridiculous claim user. Do you actually believe a Raycis would support Donald Trump?

A nerd virgin on a twitter account is proof of funding?

It amazes me that you think an election pac is still relevant after an election. The whole point of "correcting the record" was to do it while the race was still on. No user, you're the stupid one, lets just go back to calling each other JIDF like the good old days okay.

You've never been to r/The_Donald, have you?
They're mostly leftists who support him because they're upset Bernie was denied.

first post every time

Carson has specifically blamed white racism for da black man being unable to make it in the world. Fuck him, fuck OP, fuck all these shills running to push him as a Holla Forums meme.


I'll bite, what's wrong with his post?

he's a renassaisance (forgive my fucking spelling) man then.

I support Dr. Ben Carson for similar reasons that I support Donald Trump: the things he stands for.

I also applaud Sleepy Negro for the fortitude and loyalty he's shown to the Trump team during the Primaries, Election, and Transition. His would be nearly an inestimable addition to the Trump Administration (and the nation) if he were to take on, say, the Secretary of Education.

Ben Carson has matured into an impeccable, honorable, gentleman. His credentials medically also eminently qualify him as a highly legitimate Surgeon General candidate.

There's plainly a historical litany that supports this position. Regardless, to suggest that Dr. Carson is currently inciting racist hatred in blacks is far-fetched in the extreme.

The only other living ones I can think of are Sheriff David Clarke and Thomas Sowell, although Clarke appears to have quite a bit of white admixture.


None of that changes that he is still a nigger, and has no place in the government of a western country due to that fact.

That's a gross exaggeration. Holla Forums even endorsed Carson as its most popular candidate before Trump declared that he's running.

Jesus fucking Christ! No wonder why he's so sleepy.

Shame on you anons. Look at all the dumb niggers out there. They loot and riot and generally never go further than the county prison.

You guys think Ben Carson is the same as them? Tell me more, you fucking idiots. Ben Carson is probably the finest living example of a decent black man. In fact, that statement would be an oxymoron, if it were not for the doctor.

Trust me, fellas, I hate nigger worship on the media just as the rest of us do, but Dr. Carson has, in fact, been instrumental in Trump's election. I know several people who warmed up to Trump once Carson endorsed him.


Double post, but I can't ignore those wonderful sevens.

That reddit board was OK until it became loaded with faggots. "I'm gay, and me and my boyfriend voted for Trump, give me up votes" attention whoring and identity politics everywhere.

Look who it is! You're denying reality if you think Carson played no part in Trump's victory, even if it was only in the capacity of a token black republican.

I'll post a message tomorrow morning, not sure it will do much good though.

Kek send him the energy to continue with his crusade. He was an honest fighter and a really good man during this crusade. To me he is a true western man and American.

Are you really trying to pull such obvious bullshit? We did no such thing. There was no point voting until Trump announced his run.

Yep. They also lost their entire anti-Muslim stance, its mostly been "I am Muslim and voted Trump and they called me racist, but Dems are the real racists!". That, and the kikes have subverted them so that every anti-Israel opinion is considered to be a democrat.


The alt-right were always just footsoldiers for us, user. They're essentially just our ideologies, trickled down. They're excellent pinkpillers though.

Trump thought he was just a sleepy nigger.
Trump lowered his guard, when he least expected.
Sleepy nigger woke and took the dominant handshake from trump

Or he's just a "we wuz kangz" dude and thinks he's a "true" Jew.

You posted this here why? It's not my fault Obama proved shitskins are subhuman. He can be Secretary of Shitskin Resettlement.

Mentally unstable Ben "stab mom with a knife" Carson is not wanted. Left a sponge in a little girl's brain.

Shills want to foist the magic negro on Trump for affirmative action - and it would turn everything into a race issue. At some point Carson would get offended about niggers getting the shaft by Trump, and then go ape shit.

Around blacks, never relax.

It's ironic that a thread about an actual Black Neuroscience Man is full of impotent wiggers chimping out.

Could you be anymore obvious, Jerome?

shitskin detected

why are you shilling for a nigger on /pol?
Its like you think they are people. You will never convince them because its not in their interest. They got free land outside of Africa because whites and Jews brought them here. They have access to free education welfare healthcare. They get hired by white people and its harder to fire them. They get to sleep with white whores. Whey would they want to go back? Why would Sleepy Negroe want that? There is only one way to send them back and that is with force. First affirmative action has to end and freedom of association neeeds to be restored. Second the military and the police force needs to be resegregated and they have to be kept out of hollywood. Then some states need to attempt to bring back jim crow. BLM thugs will be freaking out at this point and will further escalate the situation. And then we can start talking about sending them back. Basically we need to slowly undo everything the Jews and cucks did while letting them cry about it.

for your girlfriend?

Nogs should get their own country. Put Ben Carson as king of niggerstan and allow him to genocide the chimps until only the human-like nogs remain.

There, you just fixed a whole race.


fuck off were full niggers



He's a good nigger but he's still not one of us and should not run the country