The Alt-Left

Premptive creation of the Alt-Left is a brilliant idea. Learn from the 8 years of Bush presidency fallout. If you don't do it right (or at all), then some jew will and without your input. But if you do it right, then some jew will coopt it and be forced to keep some of your input.

In previous conversations about this, I've seen many assert that the Alt-Left should be SJW-ism on steroids. That is foolish and doomed to fail. And you won't lure the Jew you need to sell it in today's geopolitical market because the right is so hot right now.
Wrong. If such a proposal were to become popular, and that's a big if, it would be a golem that will likely bite you in the ass when whites are a minority in a few years. The Protocols have taken a heavy blow, and the Alt-Left is your opportunity to make sure certain heads of that hydra stay dead for a long time. By popularizing a controlled opposition that values individual freedom you can ensure that nobody touches firearms or freedom of speech in your lifetimes, as both major political parties would then be heading down a similar path.

Whatever becomes of the Alt-Left, I beg you Holla Forums, please make sure an emphasis on first and second amendment rights is forcefully injected into the party.

Other urls found in this thread:

Excellent psy op idea. Do to them what they did to the republicans. Make them work for us.

Other thoughts on this matter:

I suggest creating individual, doomed-to-fail parties for each problem demographic: latino party, girl party (←this!), etc.

The Libertarian party is the perfect platform to hijack. It's liberal as hell and it has the edge needed to attract the demographics the Alt-Left needs to walk on its own; particularly whites, males, jews (sad but currently true), military, strength, Holla Forumsacks, tits, and fire.

Snowflakes have been curbstomped this election. Most people are tired of it. Treat them as such.

I might make this thread on half/pol/ a few times. The alt-left they want to create is scary.

The Bush Administration in 2005 was the only time in the history of the US that guns have been confiscated from the public.

Besides, there's already an "Alt-Left". They call themselves "Progressive Populists" and were responsible for the highly successful Dennis Kucinich campaign.

Alt-left must be antisemitic

There's going to be multiple attempts at reframing the democratic party over the coming years. I don't know what it's name will be so for now "Alt-Left" will suffice.

stopped reading there. closest to alt-right party, is libertarian

Disagree. Whatever libertarian used to be, it's literally the "freedom for eternal cummies" party now. Polar opposite of Alt-Right hierarchy and non-degeneracy.

Good job. Also pit them against each other every xty days.

I wish. But how?

By talking about it you are making it happen.

Make them always against the most powerful groups?

Why would we want to give commies any ideas? Let them rot in their irrelevance.

Considering that a muslim is being strongly considered for head of the DNC, I'd say there's not much to do but get out of the way.

Alt-left should be a containment strategy. Typical d&c plus a constant drip of redpill. The ones that react poorly will become /fringe/ modulating red/black meme casting should keep that /fringe/ sect temptingly outside the Overton window. This will keep the golem in check.

Be aware that google has analyzed these techniques, and we must stay ahead of the AI training.


The 10 Words

"Destroy all Caucasian DNA from the face of the earth"

SJWism already IS the alt-left. What you're talking about is cuckservatism, which is also already a thing.
This smells like a leftist saying "we have no meme power plz make my special snowflake group for me Holla Forums pleeeease"

you know what, i think ill take one for the team and be Holla Forums controlled opposition. ill become a big leftist e celeb but purposely lead them to ruin. what do you goyim think?

Whatever becomes of the democratic party, please make sure an emphasis on first and second amendment rights is forcefully injected into the party.

I think it's going to happen and get pushed by msm whether you and I want it to or not.


The key to this is definitely not one "alt-left" but a million alt left organizations for every identity descriptor and snowflake group. Hammer hard on images of blacks/muslims and gays coming together and see what happens when they try.

it's a great idea, the democratic party is in a total power vacuum, we might as well control BOTH parties and then marginalize and turn minorities against each other.

you know, do what the jews do.

The Dems already have that. You're barking up the wrong boogieman.

What's going to happen? Like I said, the alt-left is SJWism and antifa commies. Are you saying Bill Maher-types should be rebranded as a cool edgy leftist club?

Make sure to associate the alt-left with veganism and using weed, that way we will make sure our creation is to weak and lazy to fight us.

How else are they going to unite and sell by 2024?

Not sure if bait. I'd imagine millenial left-leaning voters do not like being mocked for wanting revolution after they voluntarily gave away their weapons.

Just remind them that Heritage and Religion is a Social construct by the powers that govern us and do not want socialism to happen.

let's be clear, the only reason the left ever can exist is because they censor any other opinions. this illusion of multiculturalism, of peace living together, class bullshit, marx cuck.. is all a lie. you can see what happened when WHITES started to feel endangered, not even a minority yet, they voted for fucking Trump. All whites are racist, those that aren't are a loud minority that is made to be seen as a majority by the leftist media.

The libertarian party isn't popular because it doesn't have gibsmedats.

If you want to make a good left wing controlled ops for us, it needs to be like the libertarians in how useless and ineffective it is, but also leftist in that its for gibs. So it probably should be a left-libertarian party. Basically Bernie Sanders shit with an irrational fear of government power, so that they end up popular but paralyzed.


We don't need to do this slimy shit. We're going to play it straight. And we're going to win just through that.

Thank you. It doesn't need to be libertarian word for word. I could also see their stance on abortion in their preamble being a conflict.

Libertarians value privacy, which would be a good response to their anger over the FBI's behavior throughout the election.

And Trump's threat against libel would be a good opportunity for emphasis of freedom of speech.

OP is a retard

How many people from the "alt-right" or Holla Forums are ex-libshits, ex-cuckservatives or former ron paul libertarians who became far-right in response to the migrant crisis in Europe, SJWs, Black Lives Matter etc?

The more extreme the Left is, the more extreme the backlash as the Left purges those who aren't pure enough for the Current Year

We need to start it as a rebellion against shit-tier liberal parties like the Democrats or Labour in favour of old-school socialism and classical liberalism.

That will make it appealing to leftists and hopefully create a split

That is why I fear the alt-left 4/pol/ is pushing, satan. It's a big fucking golem in the works. They want the alt-left to be a some kind of white destroying, commie-blend because they know it will be laughed at for a few years. Just like the "alt-right" was laughed at.


This plan could backfire, HARD…

Following the Bernie betrayal coupled with the longstanding failures of communism, it's abundantly clear that the Left needs a fresh injection of anti-establishment ideas and who better to give them those ideas than us?

I agree. But at least you'd be able to defend yourself.

Realistically, the Old Left (communism) is dead and isn't coming back, while the New Left (SJWism) is almost dead and also isn't coming back.

Now there are only populists, and "civic populists". And the civic populists are the Trump administration.

The Trump administration is the alt-left. We're the alt-right and want to tell the Trump administration that if they care about populism they'll advance our priorities.

In the wake of Trump's white house victory, it's now abundantly clear that our democratic leaders are no longer capable of leading us. They preach to us about democracy and equality while they conspire among themselves on matters of policy. There is no open discourse; there is no respect for the citizenry; and they have denied us every legal avenue to mend the problem. Gerrymandering, lobbying, and simple corruption hold back every advancement. The great progressive successes that we see trumpeted in the media receive such great acclaim to disguise the fact that there is no progress.

We elected Barrack Obama, the first black president, and what has it accomplished? Blacks are still second class citizens. The wealthy still abuse the impoverished. Worst of all, our foreign policy remains obscured by white house pageantry. Were we living in a true democracy, would our foreign policy not be publicly discussed in detail? How may the citizenry pass judgement on candidates when those very candidates deny them the information necessary to make that judgement? They insist upon perpetuating ignorance to such a degree that they have transformed our college campuses into day cares, where they learn dogma instead of rhetoric. How shall these weak-willed perpetual victims defend civil liberties? We have cultivated a generation of sheep who will do nothing more than "BAH" angrily at the wolves who threaten us.

What we now need is an alternative: an alternative to the Left we have shoved down our throats by false-friends in the media who, like La Malinche before them, speak flowery words on behalf of those who would do us harm. Our new vision for the Left won't arise over night, but we can make it happen. Just as the underground railroad carried slaves to freedom in the North, so too shall our underground memeroad carry us to freedom.

[spoiler]Couple points: libs love feeling superior to others so try to work that into any Alt-Left material you create. Their former idols within the political establishment may now be safely castigated on the grounds that their recent loss is demonstrative of moral failings. This isn't a hard sell, as libs are already predisposed to think ill of others and it provides the opportunity to assert how "things would be different" were they in charge. Attacking Obama may illicit some negative feedback right now, but given the facts on the ground regarding the black community it's not difficult to paint him in a dim light. His legacy is that he's failed to accomplish anything worthwhile, which can easily be transmuted into anger against the system (especially for those black Americans who thought things would change under his presidency).

Whatever angle you take (we should be taking many), be sure to emphasize the anti-establishment bent. The very first task is to set them against their masters. Every ounce of fear, disappointment, and anger needs to be directed to the top of the DNC. After all, aren't they the ones who ensured that Trump would win by putting that haggard harpy in the ring? Don't forget to play up such abuses. For all the Left likes to squawk about bullying, they're quick to justify it's use against those no longer in their circle. A final point: employ purple prose. It inspires a great deal of feels, and libs eat it up.[/spoiler]

We literally only manifested as a group of people because of their blatant disregard for the truth they could never quite manage to kill. Now we're gaining traction. It's destiny.

Don't fuck with meme magik son. I watched that spell misfire on 4chan when they pretended that bronies were a thing.

you're actually right

We've been over this. We're not alt-right. We're right.

The "alt" right were the neocon faggots that took over the republican party.
We are as you say The Right period don't let the jews label or ultimately control you.

I fucking love it


That's giving them the platform for a movement.

These people are the Path-Alt, the Pathologically Altruistic

If you're going to attempt to clumsily engage in psy-ops, at least utilize good rhetoric.
Alt Left just helps them create a movement to oppose us, Path Alt does what the Alt Right was supposed to be - a fringe group presented as deserving ridicule and without clear definition in terms of participation.

It's healthy to have a little ecosystem going. Harder to kill the hydra. At least they're uncucked on fags and ethnics unlike the_donald on reddit

Saging because Op doesn't want to force it.

I agree. But, you know, it's complicated, pic related. It's a funny game we have to play.

It's going to be an interesting ride. I don't want to tamper too much, just protect 1st and 2nd amendments. And probably as a result promote these values worldwide, which would probably attract alphabet agency support due to it's impact on comoetitive markets.


The Left, as a broad spectrum, is notorious for allowing itself to be torn apart by sectarian conflict. Meming an alt-left into existence would contribute to that conflict. The party elites would despise them for not towing the proper party line, as would the commies over on Holla Forums. The goal with the Alt-Left should be to subtly convince liberals to espouse our own views; they've already demonstrated that they're capable of performing the necessary mental gymnastics.

No liberal should accept refugees, because it harms instead of helps. To truly help those refugees would be to help them live in their home country. To force them to move thousands of miles away, to live in a city surrounded by strangers with wholly foreign philosophies is an abuse. It victimizes the refugee a second time, and does so all the more despicably as it is done in the name of the refugees own good. It would instead be better to move to the Sudan in order to directly help these people.

Globalism is similarly, another evil of prevailing capitalist society. These people are having their heritage stripped away in exchange for a McFuckburger. These people are exploited to work in sweatshops to produce products they have no use for. The best way to help them would therefore be to adopt something akin to the Federation's prime direction. Had the Spanish adopted that view, the Aztecs would still be here, and unless we adopt such views now the Rohingya among others will be lost to time.

We can even get them to target the holocaust by pointing out that, for all the wealth and bluster about "Never Again" it has happened again. Rwanda happened. Darfur happened. Tibet happened. The Rohingya happened. And it's happening right this very moment. These hypocrites care nothing for the people; they are charlatans of the worst order. They take away the people's wealth in the name of preventing atrocity only to sit idle while atrocity occurs. This clear demonstration of ill-will may only be interpreted in one way, and it may only be dealt with in one way.

No, the alt-right is paleoconservatism containing ideals of nationalism, civic duty and limited government interference trade as well as a balance between state and federal governmentsas it stands, the Federal Government has way more power than the state governments.

Make the alt-left logo look more like one dude fucking another dude in the ass.

But that's what the Alt-Right stands for?

Also free college, banning loans all together and taking down the federal reserve (taking back the means of production of money :^)) is a must

Banksters is their preferred buzzword. It would be very easy to point their aggressions at media and the fed.

Then both major parties would be locked onto the same targets.

I have a supplemental idea:

Inject gun rights into it sure, but give them a weapon to divide themselves from the SJWs of the current left. Tell them to refer to SJWs and Feminists as the CTRL-Left. Maybe even make the SJWs take up the name as an ironic badge of honor for virtue signalling in their echo chambers.

Get it? Make them call out the censorious, anti-liberty leftists, and peg them as controlling. SJW never had enough negativity as a label, but CTRL-Left might accomplish that. A sort of association with totalitarianism and authoritarianism.

This is how we marginalize our ultimate enemies. We mould the left into a pro-liberty force, and make them expunge the worst elements.

Just point to Israel.
They are acting exactly like they'd expect Nazis to act.

Awesome. I'll be incorporating this into future dialogues. And it's factual - vocal, mentally ill snowflakes are one major reason why the left is so divided.

Palestine has been a liberal soft spot for a while yes.

just re-label libertarianism

take off the focus on open borders, though


1st amendment emphasized: they acquire a morally and constitutionally inalienable right to voice their opinion

2nd amendment emphasized: they acquire weapons, which makes it 20x harder to face them when the time comes

Great job OP, totally not setting up an even stronger enemy or anything.

That's what the Alt-Right is +sodomy

Yeah that sounds about right.


Your death, however it may happen, is ultimately your fault. Arm yourself, faggot.

What would happen if Holla Forums became democratic-libertarians?

Holla Forums will never become ANYTHING for the simple reason that communism has splintered and secularized itslef into so many subtypes, that they would never even be able to agree on anything. much less form an effective movement.
although i guess we are the exception to that rule. i mean what actually binds us together? jew-hate? anime?


but then we'd face competition from that party as well thus making our political camp compete earnestly with them instead of us being the saviour for people who are disillusioned with either dominant political party and/or SJWism

Seems like something a commie fuck would totally do

Yes, this strategy was implemented on lebbit's /r/conspiracy with reasonable success

I agree, we need the SJW's and assorted mud people to be non-stop railing at the DNC, establishment democrats, and white women.

Go back to cuckchan, the "alt-right" is a fucking meme. I'm sick of hearing about the "alt-right"; it's a watered down, pro-fag/pro-nigger, reactionary-centric version of "nationalism", if you can even call it that. The Jews have a stranglehold on popular candidates - the only way the true people will ever take back power is by revolting.

Also, if you think you can outjew a Jew, then good luck with that.

Holy shit that's a good idea

just make the alt-left be regularaka non-sjw leftism with free stuff so liberal millennials get all over it

to be more accurate, by non-sjw leftism think back to the early 1800s and what leftism might've been like back then, aside from, where applicable, sympathy for black slaves


How is this alt-left in any way different to the regular left?

Libertarianism has never appealed to liberals, though.

They have fag marriage and weed, but they also like guns and gold. Liberals already have fag marriage and weed without having to accept anything else.

There's also the emotionless autism of libertarians that triggers the fuck out of a genuine leftist, who is all emotion.

Many lefties are just remembering why you might want guns to defend against your own government, and why free speech is a great idea when you are not the one deciding what can be said. This can be exploited.

This is good. The left is already prone to division into small irrelevant groups, give them an hand in the form of two different flags to rally under.

I lol'd. Because it's true.

This user gets it.

That is the best scenario for two main reasons:

-If we can mould the left into a force that fights for liberty again, rather than authoritarianism and cronyism, then it means that we will see our ideological and political enemies fighting for OUR goals in DIFFERENT ways. In other words, we will control the game by shaping the teams so that they accomplish end goals which benefit us no matter who wins.

-Parties and ideologies in earnest competition keep each other in check politically. That means corruption has a harder time surviving, and it keeps radicalism at bay because one party has to answer to another, rather than itself (an echo chamber). Democrats became a hive of corruption because the last two elections gave them a political and ideological monopoly, and created an environment conducive to echo chambers.

You've addressed none of my points.

I think you have the political power aspect wrong. They should have political power so that they can invade and consume the Democratic Party, while their ideological is completely opposed to progressivism and social justice. Then that ideological and political movement can die a painful death.

I think we should look to biology for this one. As an example, take malaria. This is a terrible disease, which is hard to kill off at the source, and the vector is a swarm of a certain species of mosquito. The way it is being attacked now is to breed a special type of mosquito which is incapable of transmitting malaria, but outcompetes the plague-mosquito in the wild. Thus the malaria die through displacement from a specially crafted bug.

Getting some ideas from that? We need a specially engineered 'bug' (meme or memeplex) which spreads better than social justice and has the target aim of making social justice whither in popularity and die. A thorough rebuke of the ideology, which keeps it from spreading. Thus we need to encourage the spread of this "alt-left" or whatever its name ends up being.

I already made the point on this thread, but I proposed "ctrl-left" as a meme against social justice

This could help towards that end of wiping out social justice once and for all. Just like the malaria mosquito.

I don't know how the whole "memeplex" would look like, but this election gave us an opportunity to infiltrate and subvert the Democrats towards our ends. We must not waste it.


Some SJWs are lost causes forever and nothing can be done, but we don't need to worry about them, we need to worry about normies and how to best get THEIR attention. Our message is tough love. Brutal, but ultimately useful, and 100% accurate. Anyone capable of thinking will come to our side with enough evidence. It's not their fault they have been denied of any for so long.

Your thinking here is logical and ethical, buy has no emotional draw. Politics is all about emotion, and persuasion happens because of it.

The reason we won this round is because of emotion, it is because people experienced the horrors of Islam on our own soil and watched the bombings in Europe. It is because people were being bullied left and right over their political opinions by progressives and the media. It is because they saw Hillary lie about her health.

Taken from only a factual angle these wouldn't have worked in our favor. Emotions are what gave us the edge.

That is why we have to weaken our opposition. They are VERY good at using emotional persuasion. It is why Hillary COULD have won if not for such a valiant fight on our parts.

Taking out feminism and SocJus is the key to disarming our enemies.

I agree with this guy. This is too risky.

Lefties (recent sjw grads) I know are currently posting on fb about tor and websec.

Too late. You're going to have an effective Alt-Left being memed into existence, for the sole purpose of taking over the DNC and installing Jim Webb as its leader, and democratic candidate for the next election. Expect dank Jim Webb memes. You're going to need the Alt-Left if you want to defeat globalism.

Not if we nip it in the budd dwyer

Yeah, the goal is to push for polarization. What we see in American politics is that during Democratic control of government the country becomes polarized and during Republican administrations the country unites against the Republican and depolarizes.

In the past this phenomena was largely media driven and is wholly beneficial to the Left with only right-leaning people disenfranchised with the Left by the time election year rolls around but a much broader coalition coming together to hate the White People's Party once every 16 years. The phenomena gives the Left an absolute mandate to use its' political victories how it sees fit while the Right walks on egg shells hoping to navigate a phenomena which will hopefully not see them vilified in future history books.

In general SJW politics don't work electorally. Bill Clinton was right and Hillary's campaign was wrong. The DNC is wrong, and their billionaire donors are eventually going to come to their senses, retreat and promote more sensible policies temporarily so they can boil the frog more slowly which will absolutely, unequivocally work and eventually kill us and our posterity. While Africa's negro population balloons into the billions and hundreds of millions of them begin pouring out of it in the near future the majority of the white population will be pacified with sensible center-leftism when none of the people behind the Left's message are at all sensible or centrist in the least.

We need to keep the Left as it is constituted now on the same course of politics that terrifies normal people. There is no deception here. It is combating deception by giving Leftists and outlet for their true feelings and disallowing the Jews to wallpaper over their PR problems and wait for demographic shifts to be more complete before the next revolutionary push is initiated by them.

All in all I think OP is nothing but a psyop which is trying to get us to expend our finite time and energy in making a more palatable Left-Wing movement which will actually appeal to normalfags while leaving the real power in politics in charge behind the scenes, and hampering our nascent movement's ability to eventually strike them down.

If your overarching goal is to protect muh freedoms you are already a Leftist yourself. You aren't going to get rid of Leftism permanently by talking at people and the goal isn't simply winning temporal political battles. It's winning and making the loser illegal.

We don't want to drive White millennials into yet another fruitless universalist abstraction. We already (unfortunately) have libertarianism. We need something that will only draw in the most cucked Whites that would be a liability, so it has to invalidate White interests at least implicitly. High-minded whites with a penchant for abstract principles can be useful, so no point in boiling them off in yet another false opposition. Libertarianism and doctrinaire socialism are already false opposition movements which work against us. We don't need to fluff either one.

It would be one which derives its' radical energy from us, as opposed to Soros astroturfers so pulling the plug or changing course is no longer a unilateral decision by Jewish oligarchs once it becomes a liability (soon). It is injecting chaos and uncertainty into the system. Agree and amplify.

It's the same idea as the fake Brady Campaign posters which the Left furiously masturbated over but normalfags reeled back in horror over. Or the draft our daughters campaign. Except we are actually going to get authentic seeming Leftists to promote these kinds of ideas (which they actually support in private) themselves instead of being obvious trolls.

You're just a Leftist. "Our" goal is not "liberty". Earnest competition provides no check politically. Democracy is a horrific system which produces nothing but stultification and misery. The Left has been "corrupt" for hundreds of years as that is its' basis. You are bluepilled all to fuck.

you don't belong here

This reminds me of the leftists chanting "Lock Him Up" at the Hillary Rallies.

They have ZERO creativity. I think this feeds into why they are such parasites. They are incapable of creating anything of beauty or worth.

What does that mean?
Straight White Males on the left who also happen to not be allies of faggots like typical numale leftists?
The fuck are you talking about, son.
What would an "alt left" even be? What's alternative to the already (((alternative))) lifestyle heavy left while still being on the left side of politics?
My head
It's full of fuck.

Consider the core element of this and how it could be spun to include things like individualism and gun rights.

Underrated post.

And so it comes to pass that Holla Forums becomes the jew.

This doesn't seem like a particularly good idea. SJW's bring the reality of white hate to the eyes of normal people.
Without them it's a slow cook, they heat the water faster and make people uncomfortable enough to start waking up.

The key to all this is that SJWs aren't an aberration of leftism; they're a logical conclusion of it.

Therefore, any controlled-opposition alt-left needs to assume a different trajectory. Having the alt-left carry on about the 1st and 2nd Amendments as a reaction to SJWs would in fact be a good start.

Already underway.


You say this after acknowledging the problem:

In other words, pushing for continued polarization only works while the left is in power.

My way, we take the Democrats' loss and use it to our advantage to change them into a force which works for us.

Your way, we only get a cycle of polarization and depolarization. You can bet that they will eventually realize that obvious SJW fuckery is what cost them the election. Once they figure that out, and model themselves as "new!" and "friendlier!" our momentum will cease.

But if we can turn them against each other, fracture their ideology and turn it against the parts we are actually fighting, we stand a much better chance of victory.

I sort of answered your concerns above, but I would like to add: How long do you think the left's extremely polarizing politics and unpopular authoritarianism will last before they figure out a better package for it? Before people get USED to it?

That's why I want to end the SJWs for good. Then coopt the left so that its goals don't stand so much at odds with our own.

They are currently demoralized though temporarily, which makes them receptive. Currently the younger generation of the opponent is looking toward Bernie Sanders thinking maybe he could have won. The media is trying to pave over this with America is racist, the subversion needs to start from there. We would need to define what we want, and what we can realistically get from that starting point and work out from there. I think it will be necessary to finish the job of cucking Sanders out of his own supporters, he is too complicit to be of further use.

If you need help understanding the process of subversion, the soviets have some excellent literature on it.

Pretty much this and anti Islam.

Reported for Jewry and degeneracy.

This is dangerous because they already practice such heavy mental gymnastics that it might not be doomed to fail. You are giving too much benefit of the doubt to the idea that these people will use logic.

I started working on an "alt-left" in my own country (NATO member) about two weeks before Donald Trump got the GOP nomination and I was absolutely sure he would be the president.

Trump, Scott Adams, and me share a similar skillset. I recognized Trump as did Adams.

My plan to create what you call "alt-left" (what I call something different) is on schedule and there have been several major milestones on this road, which have gotten national level press coverage. I am not forcing events. I am "conjuring" them into organic existence by directing the events surrounding the creation of the new movement. Creating symbols, reshaping narratives, creating social cues and triggers. A seeming hodgepodge of events - all of which will be later connected in the minds of people to form their next shared hallucination. I have done nation-level cultural re-engineering before. Successfully. More than once.

I expect an "alt-left" political party to form within two years. Most of our ideology can be copied to the US with minor alterations. Three years from now Democrats will be looking for new rhetoric to guide them. They will look within the NATO empire. Our ideology will be so visible that they can't possibly miss noticing it as we're going to fulfill a dream that a lot of them have had for decades. You will remember this post when that happens.

I'm doing this for social balance. We need a new left to balance out the negative tendencies of the new right. We need to keep peace within the empire and the herd harmonious until they learn to wake up themselves.

I'm only posting this to tell you that you are not alone, but also to tell you to not rely on others to do these things for you. Learn everything Scott Adams can teach you. Stop relying on natural-born wizards to guide society for you and learn the skillset and the philosophy yourself so we can all communicate on a level that is more conducive to solving both local and global problems for the common good of mankind.

Look into metamodernism. It's really important to understand this concept and to start noticing instances of it in your life. This will keep you sane on your journey into darkness as you learn the skillset. It's like a vaccination before going into a place full of disease.

Memes, just like the occult, feng shui, tarot readings, crystals, whatever-the-fuck are all ways of talking about human psychology. Some of these maps of the mind are more accurate than others. Meme magic is a better map of the mind than whatever Hillary's grassroots movement was using, so Trump won. However, it's still a simplification. Nothing beats the scientific method.

You probably lack the historical perspective here, but if you look at ruling classes vs working classes through history, then what sets them apart is the quality of the theory of mind both cultures are working with and teaching their offspring. The rulers figured out how to rule and then taught these skills to their offspring, who then became good at ruling. The lower classes were denied this knowledge - they were kept stupid and thus easily controlled by people with a fairly basic understanding of human psychology.

The number one thing you can do to become free is to develop an accurate and scientific theory of mind - a general theory of how people work in response to inner and outer cues. How habits form. How people make decisions. Once you have this knowledge and are able to teach it to your offspring, you will have kindled another light in the eternal darkness.

The ability you have to access accurate information about how human psychology works is unprecedented in history. Not even the ruling classes had this level of knowledge and their family traditions are weak maps of the mind compared to what you can get just by reading books for a week.

To put this into historical perspective… Through history working classes have had access to mental weapons equivalent to dull forks to fight against exploitation. Ruling classes, depending on the amount of time spent on education, had access to mental weapons equivalent to sharp swords and muskets.

Today, thanks to advancements in technology and science, literally anyone, who knows to seek this information, can spend a month reading books and suddenly they have mental weapons equivalent to a fucking hydrogen bomb. You can reshape cultures with this knowledge. You can redirect the flow of the world. There'll be a period when you'll use this knowledge to get laid, but once you understand how universal these ideas are and how powerful they are and how all people are subject to these ideas… well… it is a humbling experience. If it doesn't destroy your ego, then you don't understand it yet.

Use this power. It is available to you. Take it. Memes are just where the rabbithole begins. Go in, go deep. It's a totally different world on the other side.

love it


Genuinely interesting post.

Isn't the term SJW the same thing

It's probably a psy-op.

Extremism is what we need to break the status quo. Extremism on the right in the 1930s was driven by communist and anarchist revolutionaries which led to the rise of Fascism and Nationalist Socialism.

SJWs of the 2010s is what helped create a resurgent Far/Populist-Right in Europe and America from Brexit, to Trump, to the "alt-right" etc. Only a small proportion of Holla Forums, TRS, etc. actually traced their roots to the "Old" Far-Right in the 2000s such as the NSM, Stormfront or even Paleoconservatism (which is usually explicitly pro-white)

Pfft, /n/ was fashy years before "SJW" was even a term.

There will be an alternative left pushed over the coming years whether you want it to be or not. Do not think they are a dead party. In 2008 the republican party was "dead" and look at it today.

I suspect the alt-left, whatever form it takes, may seek to establish themselves as alternative by embracing certain things the current ctrl-left does not. Particularly first and second amendment rights, as it is the lack of these values that currently makes the left a subject of constant ridicule.

Yes, the alt-right is forced by msm. But that doesn't make it any less real. You are stuck with it for now. Just like you are going to be stuck with whatever makeover the democratic party receives in the future.

Psy-Op was not my intention. Just tossing an idea out there to the right men for the discussion. This brainstorm can be had on any other site. But if it is a bad idea, then it is a bad idea.

this discussion can't be had on any other site*

Another thought:

In 8 years the republican party went from neocohen collapse →libertarian→alt-right

jew establishment warmongers→no roads→nationalist

If libertarian was the laughable segway for republicans, would some kind of anarchy (ancap?) be the laughable segway for democrats?

A rotten corpse being puppetted by Trump, only because running as a third party is impossible so he has to weekend at bernie's it?

Pretty much. I suspect the powers at be are going to make Trump a Reagan-like figure for republican NPCs to rally around for decades. I suspect these control methods are cyclical (predictable) more than spontaneous. Maybe an user old enough to remember the political climate before/after Reagan can verify?

No, it doesn't. Again this is entirely media driven. The Left pushes polarization themselves when they are in power because it is beneficial to them to polarize their out-of-power political enemies.

The goal is to use our new media to push polarization while they are out of power rather than the country demanding "unity" under Democrats after 4 or 8 years.

Which you haven't put forward a single idea as to how this is supposed to happen. Talking muh guns at Leftists is a fucking stupid idea which can't possibly succeed, and even if it could would be undesirable because you only win politically by Othering opponents. Which means increasing acrimony and accentuating differences. We do not have a 99% control of media like the Left has had for decades up until now so as to catapult bullshit minutia to the forefront of politics while ignoring that both parties agree on all existential issues which are wholly destructive to Americans.

Political ideas are heritable and SJWs have been around for hundreds of years also. Yearnings for nation wrecking, radical leveling, and family destroying aren't new. I'm sure you are some gamergater faggot that thinks everything under the sun is new though.

Ending SJWs means ending politics.

Yeah, it was. But SJWs still existed but hadn't been labeled. /n/ and /new/ were high time preference and understood the way things were going to go in the future if the current trajectory wasn't altered. Normalfags who actually have numbers, capital et cetera need to be advertised to in order to realize the problem and SJWs egging on nigger rapist and murderers in explicit terms are needed in order to create the content of that advertising.
It's clear that newfags actually bluepill Holla Forums though as even on 8/pol/ you can see this narrative that it is 'hard right' but it is significantly to the Left of /n/ and /new/. People here that actually view themselves as on the "Far Right" are basically just libertarians. /n/ and /new/ had a significant libertarian cohort but they knew that they were proud cucks and faggots shilling for their market-based communism. The cucks here are completely not self-aware that they are on the Left and their whole problem with "Leftists" is that they are gauche and unappealing and that it is the "rights" job to make Leftist ideology more appealing to the masses.

Reagan himself was a cuck. He was a single issue President who broke the media culture of Soviet jock riding. He didn't effect any lasting transformation of society and his success is predicated a lot on good timing.

What Trump could potentially do would literally alter the election map going forward. If we don't work hard over the next 4 years, he's out. If we don't work hard over the next 4 years after that then he's just going to be another Bush which will go down in history as a Top 10 Worst Presidents listicle entry in the popular subconscious.

Is that an actual screenshot of the huffington post? It doesn't really matter either way, the fact it's believable says it all I give them a year more tops

Trips confirm special snowflake parties.

Remember that kikes are disproportionate represented in the 1%

The Middle East question. Most lefties support Palestine and openly denounce zionism and are labeled antisemites for that, EXPLOIT IT

Ridicule and peer pressure seems to work well in liberal-majority comment sections.

The ideas I put forward were to:
-Split the left against SJWs using the CTRL-Left meme
-Make the popular (non-SJW left) left fight for us without them knowing it. In other words, infiltrate them and make them useful to us.

If you only polarize, you're going to get massive bloodshed eventually. We already see it happening this year. We also see how the media didn't stop one bit in ginning up racial hatred and animosity after Trump won the election, so we still have a massive loudspeaker acting against us.

When the bloodbath comes, they will be the ones to try and win the propaganda war for the left. Without totally dismantling that media, we could lose that war. You can bet that under such circumstances sites like this will be under legislative attack, and that the left's social media platforms will be under even heavier scrutiny to prevent dissenting voices from exposing them. We already saw some of that after the election when they cracked down against alt-right twitter users.

TLDR version is that polarization leads to all-out war, and we are not yet strong enough for a direct war yet. In the mean time, subversion of our enemy is definitely a war we can win.

I made a thread featuring these images on half/pol/ and it seemed to go well.
Plenty of weaponized memes in there with the intention of ridiculing democratic voters.

Cap this for posterity, and put me into the screenshot.
Seriously, though–this is a great idea.

You're a coward. Your argument is that we can't do anything too damaging to the Left because they'll crush us in retaliation. Which is complete bullshit. We are currently losing this war and we are losing it precisely because the "Right" works feverishly to maintain the status quo of multi-generational attrition. Which is your goal as well.

We are getting massive bloodshed right now, but it is only us dying. We are being ethnically cleansed. There are parts of this country where you won't meet anyone who isn't at least one degree of separation from an assault, rape, robbery, maiming or murder.

And they have never had less credibility for exactly this reason. Basically you are observing your enemies making mistakes and are trying to gin up support from Holla Forums to go and stop them from making mistakes.

SJWs don't fucking matter. They are propped up. A puppet. A bunch of mentally ill people who can't handle normal levels of stress in daily life can't possibly have any political relevance. SJWs exist as a phenomena to the extent that they are fostered and coddled. Your grand plan to get libertarians to make fun of SJWs accomplishes fucking nothing.

Your meme is just Liberal bullshit which will be a magnet for anti-SJW cucks who will all come from groups who are already not in the current Leftist coalition. Furthermore Liberals as a group are never under any circumstances ever willing to take on the hard Left and willing to fight the Right given any pretext at all to the point that you get bullshit like gamergate's #IstandwithBahar and them determining SJWs are on the Far Right and gamergate's targets should be all right-wingers in general. Liberals who kvetch about too much "control" always align interest with the far Left against the Right. It's never happened any other way and it never will because Liberalism's first principles are fucked and ultimately these first principles are the same one's held by SJWs.

Polarization is what drives people towards or away from something. If you don't have any polarity you can never draw anyone in and appeal to them. Fundamentally what you are preaching is capitulation to the Left. The Left will retain polarity rather we create polarization or not. So it will be the case in a depolarized society that anyone interested in any kind of activism or change will simply wind up on the Left as that is the only available outlet. Those with a radical bent who just can't abide the Left will be told to fuck off by cuckservatives and other cowards who don't want to create polarization.

Just fucking admit that you are a libertarian and you just want to push libertarianism. Because that is all this is. You are going to split the Left off into libertarians (not going to happen) that will oppose SJWs by vigorously defending their freedoms. "Tee hee controlling people is bad which is why we must make fun of SJWs who we will ensure have unlimited time horizons for which to politic against muh freedom which can only ever possibly lead to less freedom over time." Fucking genius plan you got there.

I love these fucking balls with faces.

Ok since was bought a few months ago, I went ahead and purchased instead (pic related).

My goal is to make it a one-stop hub for the alt-left, which gives a basic explanation of the alt-left, and links to the various popular alt-left sites (like etc)

Any further ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

I'll remove the sloppy landing page and put actual content tomorrow.


we need to post lefty shit onto controlled subreddits

everyone needs to get a hold of left wing sounding subreddits - we can shotgun approach into getting one to go popular

anyone know css?

Shit. I thought this was a good idea until I considered this.
Perhaps it would be much safer to simply subvert their messages, preemptively.

Holla Forums here, anyone further left than liberals actually already wants everyone to have a gun. How else are we going to kill the capitalists? Hugs? Come on guys.

No it'll be fun with some resistance.

Shouldn't you be at a gay pride parade or something?

I'm actually against those, they're stupid and a waste of time, it does nothing but make gays look like a bunch of idiots.
Just stop confusing us with liberals, we just want to relocate all power to local communities, and implement workplace democracy to achieve complete autonomy. This requires guns though.

Well that's cool. If you're a pro-gun commie, then we're gonna have a lot of fun when the day comes.

And yeah gay pride is stupid. But so is your idea of a flat hierarchy. It betrays the laws of nature and exists nowhere in the animal kingdom, nor any surviving human civilization.

The idea is that the spirit of human civilization is about overcoming the petty restrictions of nature, I hear enough about nature from primitivists who insist we halt/regress civilization because it's natural. Anyways that's all I wanted, to just stop in and say we're not liberals. Have a good one nazis.

I don't see the value in giving the left something that could easily be subverted to help them.

I would think it'd be better to just promote tactics for talking to leftists that turn them against other leftists. Which we have in the form of alt right, which are making fun of leftist cucks and throwing out hatefacts at them without caring if they get upset.

You're being disingenuous. I said that we are not strong enough YET for a direct confrontation.

Trump's victory was a beach-head. It was the crack in the left's fortress we needed to open up a large hole, and then an invasion.

What does the left have right now?
-Public Education (Indoctrination) on our dime
-University control (further indoctrination with the aim to infiltrate media, government, science, and everything else)
-The Media (sure they lost credibility, but give it a month or two and America will forget about it)
-Social Media (they own facebook, instagram, twitter, google, and just about the entire popular internet as a result. This website is delisted.)

We have:
-The government
-A burgeoning alternative media
-A fringe social media presence which we can "game" to create trends which serve our cause
-Probably the support of the military if push comes to shove
-Hidden/off the grid militias

This is a guerrilla war. We are small right now, waking up the majority to the existential threat that the left poses. We have been VERY successful on this front, but it isn't complete. We can't rely on total political victory for the foreseeable future yet, and we haven't taken control of education and academia.

Hence why it is in our best interests to cripple our opposition now, politically, by splitting it against the people who WANT to destroy us. By subverting our opposition we can control the political leg of this battle and ensure that even if we are "defeated" politically (which WILL happen sooner or later, history shows), we can remain unobstructed in our goal of preserving the white race.

If the left is separated from the ctrl-left, it will once again defend free speech, free association, and fight authoritarianism. We can then use them to fight for us when our universities try to silence the burgeoning nationalist movement. We can use them to defend us when people try to silence our speech, our media, and our presence online.

They are a puppet controlled by people who want to eradicate us and replace us with a subservient consumer class. They are what makes the left unprincipled and capable of fighting against free speech.

If the left were to eradicate this cancer, then they would be duty-bound to protect our speech, protect our websites from censorship, protect our right to assemble in universities. Do you see what I'm getting at here?


Or rather, who cares if liberals and cucks use this meme if it furthers our goal of gaining control of the situation?

You can't really be this disingenuous can you? I hold out hope that since CTR is no longer being paid, that you are simply too angry to understand the strategy I am laying out here.

It is not capitulation to your enemy if you are able to make them act in your interest while they think they are acting according to their own principles. That is called controlling your enemy, your opposition. It is how the Democrats captured the Republicans for so long and gave us the Bush dynasty.

We must seize this opportunity to subvert them, and use the time it buys us for growing our movement. We will NOT win the war presently. We will win it if we work very hard over the next four to eight years laying the groundwork, taking academia back, and so on.

Then by the time the Democrats start to see our coming momentum (and decide to go back to being unprincipled) it will be too late for them to oppose us, because we will have made whole new generations of Americans who are onto them, and we will control the media and internet.

Do you GET IT now? Stop being angry and bloodthirsty and appraise the situation with a level head.

Feminism is at the root of the social justice movement (well, cultural marxism is, but feminism is the vector).

If you make the alt-left identify with feminism then it wont be able to denounce social justice warriors and all that bullshit.

It's better to make it link to pages and resources about classical liberalism, the intellectual basis of our bill of rights, egalitarianism and so on. In other words the "soul" of liberalism which only last century became a rotting corpse thanks to marxism.

In other words REMIND leftists what sane, respectable liberalism looks like and then try to persuade them into taking it for themselves.

They will then start to denounce social justice all on their own.

The alt-left should be advertised as neo-Christian, and side with the Pope. Creationism and equality speech will make absolute sure their rhetoric will be countered by more rational individuals, even if they happen to be leaning towards the left; the goal is to eventually get to the point where commies have to accept Creationism and fundamental Christian doctrine, and view evolution as a "white, fascist" "ideology". Science denial of such a magnitude will ruin any chance of their message being taken seriously, aside from the faggot Pope or creationists themselves.

This will also push many to embrace religion, furthering the damage done to the Marxist agenda. Ultimately, force the faggots to admit religion's morals are the basis for their cause.

That will never happen. Religion requires not engaging in hedonistic orgies 24/7 so the left will always reject it.

The alt-left should be NatSoc tarted up to appeal to kids and liberals. This way when the next generation of students graduate they're already pretty much on page with us. And let's be honest here, neo-liberalism (read, globalised capitalism) is the ultimate nation-destroying kikery going.

stop posting on my meme /lefty/ board you pale niggers

The way I see it is that Bernie Sanders is the Alt-Left. The media said that when Trump talked about international finance and corporations he really meant Jews and used that as a basis to paint him and his supporters as anti-semites. Under the logic of the media the Alt-Left is also anti-semitic, probably even more so than Trump since they are basically Occupy Wall Street. In fact if the Alt-Right is supposed to be anti-semitic using this logic the Bernie alt-left are turbo-nazis

You all need to read this

The article itself isn't that important except the few parts of ideology it touches on. This is what they alt-left should be. We should be pushing it. You all have to realise the potential of this. I don't want to spell it out too clearly. but if done right Holla Forums could be at the heart of the new right AND new left.


This got me thinking of one of the very first websites I remember, since taken down. I'm not sure how long it has been down or even how serious it was (I always thought it had to be a joke because it seemed too absurd but I was a little kid so couldnt tell really)

"The Libertarian National Socialist Green Party is in part based upon the work of the Libertarian Party from whom we gain appreciation for the individual spirit and independence from a morally-judgmental, active government. From the Green party we inherit extreme concepts of practical ecological value. Our emphasis upon self-reliance, diligence, and individual labor without interruption from the herd or the whining of the weak comes from the National Socialist regime of Germany, who despite dubious victories maintained the most powerful empire on earth."
Al Kirsch, 14 January 2002

Your idea is very good and the green party + libertarian combo could work if it was heavy on the environmentalism. Pic related was on their splash page.

Yeah it would make sense to chuck some green stuff in there too. We want to cast the net wide. Maximum leftbait. Essentially, stepping up to the plate where leftypol hasn't. Lure them in with solid lefty talk (anti-capitalist, enirnomentalist, pro-palestine maybe even) but make clear from the start that SJW is not leftism, it is porky pulling strings ans seeking to divide the nations working class so (((they))) can continue to sell it out and to exploit third worlderers. All the while being drip-fed national socialism. Course some of it would have to be changed. outright racism would scare the target audience off, as would praising Hitler. Even overt nationalist chauvinism would scare em away, so it all has to be done in the language of Social Nationalism, National Solidarity. Essentially yeah, what you describe here but with links to NatSoc toned down or spoken of only esoterically.

How about ignoring race and focusing on the divide in the lgbt community? White homosexual males are already leaning right for the most part, and they're being ousted from their own community.

That was half assed. I should elaborate.

It's probably too soon to get them to handle race. They'll be looking to unify and preaching equality, the usual shit. However we can get them to the point where they become frustrated and tired of this impossible goal years down the road.

Between Trump, DNC courting muslims, and T+every other letter in the alphabet, the LGBT community is currently divided. Homo males, particularly whites, are currently leaning right. However that's not where they belong and they'll probably go back to voting democrat as soon as their candidate dangles a dick in front of them. While race is currently too sore a subject, it would be currently acceptable for the ctrl-right to set themselves apart from your typical dem by being mad at 31 genders, feminism, transexuals, etc.. That could be one way they differentiate, and more importantly it would attract stronger males.

I think the key is to target (and give voice) to lefties with some testosterone. So perhaps masculine homos, proud black males, etc. Keep the microphone away from women and fems who would quickly sell out any progress made for feelings.

This is the first brilliant thing i've seen in this thread.

We will do 3 things.
>I Further radicalize the dying sjw movement with sock puppet accounts
>II Use the altLeft to divide SJW's from moderate liberals
>III Use:

invent an internet religion involving sex magic? Leftys would be unknowingly charging our sigils if we were to control the movement.

Bump for the Alt-Left already starting. Imagine if Holla Forums made a podcast; it would probably be something like Chapo Trap House, which I can best describe as TRS for leftists.
Articles from (((The New Yorker))) and (((Paste)))

It's called islamocommunism, or something. Just look at this guy. mobile.twitter. com/aaolomi

He's he epitome of alt left. UCLA islamic and gender studies, claims afghani royal blueblood, and talks about killing whitey and can still lecture in fucking classes. Why do we allow?

Further inspection, muslim voodoo guy… racist muslim afghani blueblood vooodooman trying to tell everyone to kill whitey and fight trump, from inside of college. Is this not degenerate enough for alt left?

Great news, pic related. And only certain demographics, the unwanted ones, will refuse.