Can we have a /why we fight/ thread? I am going through some rough shit in my personal life right now and could use some motivation
Can we have a /why we fight/ thread...
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I'm not a brit either but this one is pretty good.
For your race, you will fight and survive to see your children live in a better world.
Only we can change it, brother.
Just in time brah.
Remember, we do not do this for us but for future generations.
Thanks, brothers. I have been starting to doubt my allegiance to society recently. I see how everyone i used to respect is falling to degeneracy, and i feel betrayed. Old friends i have had since childhood have abandoned the promises we made and have started to deviate from the path of virtue. It hurts to see them do that.
But this reminds me that they can still be saved. I am fighting first and foremost for that salvation.
Degeneracy is the norm nowadays. The school system, current culture, the messages coming from the television all want you to live and act this way. It takes effort to leave that system behind - a hard thing to do in a society that is starting to become increasingly hedonistic.
Don't worry about your friends too much - lead by example and if they're ready to join you on this journey, they'll come find you. Sometimes you have to travel this road alone.
Things don't really stabilize until people marry and have kids or their early to mid 30s in my experience. Sometimes they only need to a reminder of things they might have forgotten. It sucks when they look you in the face and say they no longer care, but it's better than wondering and trying to preserve something that is already dead. You can always find new friends. People change and that is a bitter pill to swallow when you're young, but you can always move forward.
I am 18. There is currently only one other person i know who does not get shitfaced every weekend and fuck the closest person they can find, and that is one of my best friends.
I will never follow the path they take, but it is increasingly difficult to voice my discontentedness when everyone continues to denounce me for it.
Even more difficult to accept is the fact that there are no longer any decent women who avoid this environment. There seems to no longer exist anything resembling an innocent and virtuous girl in my pozzed shithole of a country, only degenerate whores. How can i raise decent, intelligent,virtuous and strong white children when their mother would be a debased slut?
I know, i felt shame for making the thread, but thought people would appreciate it.
You know that this is only the beginning. You will have to endure 8 years of Trump and then a true White Naitonalist will get elected. It's going to be great watching you screech and flail around.
We fight for the preservation of Western Civilization. For it's culture, religion and most importantly the people that make it up.
The West is on the onset of a great demographic decline that has been orchestrated by globalist Jews and their lackeys. More people are waking up to this fact with every present day and they realize that if something is not done, the West will relive the fall of Rome.
The globalists want the complete destruction of all borders, both physical and psychology. To fulfill the glorious Marxist slogan of “ A One World People”, a place where everyone is exactly the same no matter where you turn.
This is why we fight, to prevent this from happening
tfw you'll never get a girl that cute
let alone any girl at all
A good mother is worth more than a pretty cunt.
I was degenerate as shit until my early twenties - I got tired of that lifestyle and started looking for something more meaningful. I'm in my later 20s now and have a baby on the way with my loving wife. There's always hope, just stay the path.
Sage for my blogpost.
You're young. Find a group that holds the same values as you do. When I was your age I was straight edge and so were most of my friends. None of us drank, did drugs, or fucked outside of a committed relationship. We always had shows to go to if we wanted to go out. They weren't necessarily sXe, but you were there with a dozen or so people who were. It helped that the hardcore metal scene and SXe subculture were particularly strong in my area. I've heard leftist faggotry has long since infiltrated the punk/hardcore scene, so I'm using this as an example.
The first thing that comes to mind is the church. I don't know if you're religious, but try finding a congregation and youth group that fits you if you are. If you aren't you can still volunteer or work at church based programs or camps that hold similar values. Find one that isn't cucked about everyone is equal and all that shit. You'll be doing something positive for yourself and our community as well as finding people you connect with.
The important thing is to find a group of friends who hold your values and activities that fit with it. You're still young and people can change still realizing how fucked they were. I would necessarily cut off all contact, but you need to find your own place.
They are childhood friends. I cannot abandon them. I just hope they see the error in their ways. I have made them change their mind about nationalism and recently also about Trump, but this is a topic which i think they are not so easily swayed. They are tasting what they have never had before - social status. It is a shame drinking and fucking is status where i live, but thats the way it is. Hedonism becomes an addiction, and removing an addiction is difficult, and is impossible for me to help them with.
The problem with my country (Norway) is that there does not exist any churches which still hold on to their values. Catholicism is fucked. Protestantism is fucked. Alt. christianity is fucked. Nordic religions are fucked.
We are quickly becoming Sweden, but this time it is the fault of the brainwashed people and not the corrupt politicians.
At best, you can just show them by example how good it can be to live the higher life. Chasing women and drinking to oblivion empties a man's soul, and when they're ready to put that behind them, they'll come around. It may take years, but if they're genuinely good people they'll feel the need to become something more sooner or later.
I do happen to live in Sweden, and my social circle is almost non-existent. I'm ok with this but I can understand if you feel like you have to try to save your friends.
I don't have a whole lot of advice because I'm a Burger, but look at outdoor groups. Plenty are full of leftists, hippies/hipsters/etc who wear patagucci and are pozzed, but there are also men who hunt, fish, etc. You have a beautiful country to explore and White men crave the wild. The backcountry is the only place I truly feel at home.
I've heard shooting clubs are big in Europe. Even if the people there aren't full 14/88, I'd guess they're not complete faggots because they at least like guns. It might take some effort and the people might not be perfect, but you can find people who you will actually want to spend time with. You don't have to abandon your friends, but they don't have to be your only group of friends.
Fug, whats the song from the second webm?
It sounds like its from a movie I heard when I was young.
Honestly? My waifu.
When people say "For your Race" it can be easy to forget you own importance in that goal. You yourself carry invaluable knowledge and experiences that should remain in the world. We've seen the Hands of Kek, the ascension of Emperors, death blows dealt to evil Empires and the defeats of our oldest Enemy. You must be the one who preserves this knowledge for to manifest the power it was derived from better, and to strike fear in the hearts of those who cannot understand.
I never drank alcohol in college. I couldn't stand the fucking utter carelessness and submissiveness to group degeneracy, the desperation to not be alienated from the shittiest most reckless fucking idiots. But I have started drinking later in life. Alcohol enacts a price. You feel blue for a couple days afterwards. It's not healthy. But, moderate consumption is not the end of the world. I recommend resolving not to drink in college, but otherwise trying your best to engage with other people in productive ways (debate teams, athletics etc.). Leave them to their fucking weekend bullshit. After college is over, take a minute alone to have a beer. Then later two. Get shitfaced off of liquor with a couple friends in the privacy of your home. It's fine, don't stress about it. But you're absolutely right not to sink to the utterly degenerate level of college fucks.
That Lion webm was the first webm I had seen on Holla Forums when I came here in early 2015. It was a turning point from a bluepilled normie to what I am today.
That webm changed my life.
for my son.
Heil victory user. Glad to see so many anons putting their money where their mouth is.
I have no son, not even a woman I want to make a family with. But I, too, want to fight for my future children so that they may grow up safe and sound. Our children are our future, let none of you forget that.
read my words carefully.
now read yours.
we're saying the same thing.
the exact same thing.
There is less than .5% of genetic difference between a chiuaua and german shepherd, yet they are different dog races, with different intelligence, different physical traits and different aggression.
Today, media narrative is that IQ depends on culture and upbringing, not the race. Experts however, carried out studies for over 40 years on rich, poor, twins, siblings, this ethnicity, that ethnicity, and they always got consistent results with small margins of error.
Studies show that west Africans always run faster than other ethnicities, with the same training. Studies show that Nordics and Slavs can always lift more weight than others, with the same training. During entire European early and medieval history, only Ashkenazi Jews were allowed to be bankers and essentially do all white colar work. Trough out entire Europe, only Jews were allowed such jobs. For 2000 years. Today, Ashkenazi Jews score highest on the IQ tests. In Israel, Ashkenazi Jews are 3 times more likely to finish universities or be celebrities than non-Ashkenazi Jews. And they all have the same culture and upbringing in Israel. And yet only Ashkenazi ones are prime ministers.
Whether leftist media narrative likes it or not, race matters. Ethnicity matters. James Watson, Nobel laurate and discoverer of DNA said so himself. Intellect is genetic.
If we want to preserve our civilization and our culture, we must also preserve our race.
Women, as much as they are motivational (at times), they are not the reason. This feminine-centric worldview is itself a degenerated view of ones place in time.
We fight for our children OP… as a thousand ancestors have fought for you.
We fight for our brothers who labor and toil along side us, in the trenches of the daily minutia… who are also struggling and fighting for their descedents.
Cumulatively these descendents will shape and determine the direction of our civilization… so it is quite literally all on the line every generation.
We do not fight for fleeting glory, or fame, or fortune, or women… You will be forgotten in specific name within 200 years, but take heart… as your struggle is the same as thousands of nameless ancestors that are responsible for every breath you take.
This is why we meme.
We fight to
the inherent greatness
In our
a sad quote if you need one
I think this is a common feel. My sons and daughters yet to come. The preservation of their right to be proud of who they are and to have a future. To protect their innocence. With all the love I have for the children I wish to have I am filled with an equal amount of anger and hatred for those who would take this away from them. I have found a nice balance between the two in recent times.
We fight to make the USA (and the world) right. We fight to expose all the corruption in America that has been bringing it and us to our knees. We fight to have true freedom. We fight for Justice, and in doing so, we are doing God's work.
Anyone know what the music is that starts at ~2:00 in the lion?
We fight because if we stop fighting now, all the fighting we've already done will have been meaningless.
For those who fought for us in the past, no better way to honor them than to continue off from where they were picking up the torch. Alas I have a feeling in the end when all is fire and reds are burning I myself will burn up too.
Thanks, user.
Good luck to you, OP.
Guess I'll just write my reasons out of boredom:
Why fight for an ethnic white state?
Because simply put, and easily proven, white people are genetically, physically, intellectually and aesthetically the best, most beautiful, and in every regard superior to all others.
Is there a God in the universe? Is immortality something we can have? Is universe something we can explore? Is there any meaning or purpose to anything?
I dont know the answers to any of these questions, at least not to the point where I can prove them, hell I dont even know how to go about answering any of them. But here is one thing I absolutely do know. I know that the most practical way to go about answering them would be with the help of an ethnically pure white state. Before white medicine, there was less then a few million Africans alive. Before white agriculture and mechanical revolution, there was less than billion humans alive. White man put himself in space with his technology, every month is white history month…
Simply put, I may not know the answers to the every mystery of the universe, but that is what makes living so interesting, exploration, creativity, finding a way to solve any problem. And the most practical way to live, the most certain way to explore and create, the best thing I could do, is to find my place and help the all white ethnic state.
And just to add to this, a few more things that would simply be impossible without an ethnic white state:
Rome, classical music, space exploration, advanced technology, high quality of life and living standards.. if there is any meaning to life, only way to discover it would be to create an all powerful ethnic white state.
There hasn't been a 'Worlds' Strongest Man' contest in which a Negroid has won, ever. This isn't even a talking point. All the nig-nogs seek to win is "Worlds' fastest runner from Lions'".
Left unotuched, the Sub-Saharan (no indo-euro DNA ad-mixture) African; has not yet invented the wheel, nor created a 2-story structure or had the aspiration to create a sail to start trade.
This recent imports into Europe as literally dumber than a Gorilla.
The good times are coming, user. You arrived here, and at an early age, already understand the truth and the path of light.
Take pride in your people and friends, as much as they can be faggots at times; do not abandon them, wait, and forgive. Simultaneously, take pride in yourself for continually struggling to better yourself in honor of your ancestors and to create a future for white children.
I know. Even tho it is very unpopular topic, I believe it for a fact that white people simply evolved differently. Before first world war, non-white autonomy did not exist. The whole world was conquered and subjected by whites. White empires ruled Earth.
I might not have figured out the science behind it yet, but I dont need to right now. I guess whites simply had to deal with Ice Age, they simply HAD to develop better tools, better shelters, better clothing, cooperation instead of aggression, etc etc.
Damn that was motivating.
Last pic Hitler looks really fucking healthy, I don't know how to describe it.
Same here, I'd always been a shitposter on /n/ and /new/ with an /r9k/-tier mindset I'd found /new/ when /r9k/ got shoah'd and we all fucked off to 4chon and never really took all the stuff posted here seriously until I saw that. Then I had this realization
and then I had another one
find a local church and find out if they hold any meetings, usually it's like 80% women looking for decent men
You all love KEK. & I agree too.
But you all don't know the Sun like I do…
Praise ATEN
About 'finding', I really doubt it is even possible to find a group of people, an organization, or a place to belong to. Simply seek out quality individuals, and convert them yourself.
In this climate, it is extremely unpopular and completely against the narrative to even discuss things itt. But Brexit, Trump, Le Pen, Wildeers, that Austrian guy etc etc are a clear sign that there are folks out there looking for.. something more, something else.
The way I see it is, simply seek out quality individuals, and convert them yourself. If you think reward would be worth the effort, go for it. As long as you arent LARPing sperg, as long as you are clean and polite enough, as long as you target your audience appropriately, I dont think you'd be alone or sad for long.
In order to "seek out individuals and 'convert them'", you need to take the first step. You'd be surprised at how many disenfranchised Whites (and all whites) there are that would accept your viewpoints, but feel exactly the same way that you do, and are thus cast into the shadows.
This is THE point of political correctness.
You can abandon all of your childhood friends.
Well yeah, it's what I do when I meet people. I have already worked out my soft, small, easy to dismiss/disengage redpills I like to casually drop around new people. I see how they react, how they respond to it. I dont go around holding mein kampf and saying 'hi do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Adolf Hitler'.
It's just that the expected and popular thing, the narrative, the mainstream is to be against white nationalism.
Agreed. Its the obvious answer.
3 for 5…
Bringing new meaning to the meme… Dark Sun…
Esoteric on a whole new level…
nice maplestory gondola
I want mankind's brightest race in charge, unsubverted. I want to see mankind - mankind's greatest race - thrive and prosper, as Germany under the NSDAP so horrifically threatened the world by. I want to see mankind spread among the stars. I want to see humanity immortalized in space and in virtual reality.
That's long enough to trigger a Ice Age. We have 9 years to prepare for the new freezing era.
Because we were bequeathed a civilizational legacy that goes back thousands of years, filled with pride, advancement, and accomplishments, and now some emotionally weak teenagers who can't handle reality want to overturn it because of emotional tantrums.
That's pretty much it.
anyone have the version with music?
Not your Holla Forumslog faggot.
Kill yourself.
This thread makes me realize how tired I am looking at ugly niggers pushed into view everywhere. The contrast of the photos of Whites vs the niggers is so stark, the White photos so pleasing and refreshing have led me commit to a regular no nigger detox regime I'm now coming up with.
Does it ascend to a golden age or do we have to go through the bronze and silver again before we get to the golden age.
My understanding is that we get a sort of messiah, king, emperor,… who shocks us into the golden age but it takes 300 years for his tought to be accepted and udnerstood fully by the whole while there are of course elemtes who are in front or at the back of the flow.
Return of spirit of the Bronze Age –revolt of vitalism, destruction of the cities in fire!