Trump A.G. Candidate Labled By SPLC as:


[ ] - Kansas’ Kris Kobach, immigration hardliner, could be Trump’s attorney general

[ ] - Hate Group Lawyer Drafted Arizona’s Anti-Immigrant Law

I think this guy sounds pretty based, but I am not very familiar with him. Maybe user could shed some light on his History or we could do some digging to verify if this guy would be a good pick. Additionally, he even kind of looks to be pretty white(could be wrong though).

His middle name is "William" so we don't get an AG with the initials K.K.K… so close

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This guy is going to trigger the fuck out of the MSM.

Looks alright.

If the SPLC or ADL flags you as a bad choice, that's quite the ringing endorsement.

I think the media is still not capable of understanding that their shit keeps backfiring. Trump sees these headlines and thinks "Well now I definitely will appoint him".

That upper body strength though

He looks fat to me tbh


You broke an link?
Welcome to 8/pol/ newfriend.




This guy looks like a model white citizen, but is he involved in the shenanigans behind the curtains?

i said fat not obese

Imagine in a year when Liberals are crying over some decision or action he has taken.

Or I could attach the right image.

The SPLC helped redpill me in my teens. Their overzealous branding of anyone pro-white or suspicious of the government as "hate groups" led me to investigate subjects I might not have, and to reconsider the overall narrative.
Thanks, Morris Dees!


He looks like something out of White Nationalist poster!

Let the shopping begin!!

Sunflowerfag here. We love Kobach. He gave us the strictest voter ID laws in the nation.

Godspeed, son of Kansas.

(chequed and kequed, weak caliber tho)

I've got a poolparty group full of Kansans, we'll start shooping soon.

If he's got the SPLC kikes nervous, that's good enough for me.

I hope Kobach takes over and his department officially labels the SPLC as the hate group it really is.

I like this guy.


This dude is a badass. He's got a bit of gyno but a lot of us do with all the fucking estrogens in the water. This guy is worth supporting and not nitpicking as if we were going to fuck him anyway. I don't care if you look like Chrispy Creme as long as you're right on all the issues.

Their kvetching now is a beautiful thing. Trump could appoint Hitler's ghost and they'd not be able to stop it as they've called everyone a racist/sexist/anti-semite for a year and it'd just sound the same.

Trump adviser is pushing a registry for Muslims


Kansas is so fucking based


I haven't paid attention but I automatically assume the about these nominees condemned by SPLC

This. Double.

Ted Nugent is breddy fuckin based

What were they expecting?

It's easy to be cool when you're a has been millionaire.

wow now this is what whites should aspire to.

Can't blowback the Kobach.

Get him on board!


Hold up, Stein???

Stein, Stone, Sten, Steen.

So he's part of some kike-run anti-Muslim group?

The memes, Jack.

Stein looks white, FAIR is more about keeping third worlders out, like VDARE but less explicit.

Its still just rumours, just like the Guiliani thing

Still i hope this is true