Alright there seems to be a recent rise in socdem visitors thinking we can vote labour into office and the capitalists...

alright there seems to be a recent rise in socdem visitors thinking we can vote labour into office and the capitalists will just give up their power and socialism will magically come about. this thread is dedicated to materials that suggest a revolution is the only way we can bring socialism to the world.
i'll start

We don`t want socialism, we want Keynesian economics, large social mobility with strong meritocratic structures and light social engineering to optimize the happiness and conditions of life for all citizens.

tldr we're a bunch of morons who thought B████ ██████ was a god-sent angel and we can just be nice to each other and the world will be a better place.
fucking kill yourself

Go to liberalpol

You're actually the worst poster on this board

Which is not possible in long-term because of the contradictions of capitalism. Dwindling profit rates, etc.

I'd rather have them here, considering they are still opposition to the mainstream because almost all SocDem/Labor parties nowadays are just liberals and not even SocDem anymore. What is considered "SocDem" on leftypol is literally "Socialist" in nowadays politics

Yeah no, B████ was not going to solve anything long as the unions were in decline and their direction was build on national instead of international basis like modern economy is these days.

Does fact that we are actually improving the conditions of working class hurt your feelings that much? Why don`t you instead of staying in your ideological pothole until the glorious revolution.

Unions and basic income will keep the system running, at least until capitalism hits the boom but until then we could at least provide the proletariat with comfortable life instead of staying in moral absolutes and wait for socialism to come naturally.

*Why don`t you instead of staying in your ideological pothole until the glorious revolution actually help the proletariat via unions and political actions in parties that have change of influencing policy decisions?

wow good job
also you've done absolutely nothing for the working class, you understand that, right? putting on a flag on an image board isn't helping the working class

go shill somewhere else

the thing is social democracy helps weaken the capitalists, but at the same time makes society incredibly vulnerable to fascism. not to mention the bourgeoisie will constantly fight to push the conditions of the working class down, as what is happening in scandinavia.
that literally never fucking happened. everytime some socdem reform comes about was just a way to buy off the working class and preventing them from having a revolution. social democrats are capitalists and should be treated as such.

I`m not american.

You "socialists" sure as hell did not provide workers with 8 hour days, nor their holidays nor any raises in their wages. At least we who give our time and effort into unions provide workers with something else than pile of corpses,brutality and endless cycle of terror.

Lack of social security and stability makes society vulnerable to fascism. There is a reason why North Korea turned into Fascist dictatorship instead of Sweden for example.

all me

what a fucking retard. all past workers movements were led by true actual revolutionary socialists and actually accomplished things until the socdems come in and were willing to be bought by the bourgeoisie
is venezuela a social democracy?

Oh so you're actually a literal fucking retard, my mistake.

Except they litterally fucking did you retard. Those moments were lead by actual socialist, not "l-let's just vote and hope they agree!" socdems.

Yeah, you provided us with such wanders as Finnish civil war that improved conditions of the working man so much for the following decade.

It`s not like prominent pro-union people we killed by the white terror that followed.

Venezuela is lead by incompetent populists, not socdems.

Sorry, but none of you communists or ideologial socialists build the unions, we the social democrats were the only ones behind that development. We are behind the building of universal healthcare and free education in nordic countries too, not you ideological fatalists.

what a fucking moron
they have free healthcare, free education, keynesian economics, strong meritocratic structures and light social engineering, and they still have private ownership. how the fuck are they not socdem?

Except that, once again, the movements that provided workers with 8 hours days, holidays, and raises, WERE lead by actual socialists. Try again.

which is being slowly taken away by the capitalists ever since the 70s

Yeah, sorry about that. We were busy destroying wage-labor while you chumps where co-operating with the plutocracy to kill proles in the war and violently suppress worker's revolutions.

Just leave the board

You contribute absolutely nothing and every time you post more than three times in a row you end up making shit up to justify your shitty positions

They also have nationalization of industry, that tends to be a thing that Marxists are keen on.

your mother must not be very proud
and you pussied out the moment a controlled opposition orange quasi-fascist showed some sign of victory.


I want this as t-shirt, rate


Sometimes it is necessary to negotiate, as you can`t just demand everything in exchange for nothing, comrade.

Negotiation implies both parties are on equal footing to be fair. This is not the case between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat under capitalism.

I wonder if Japanese soldiers felt this way when those madmen in high command were refusing to surrender?

It's not fatalist to say the capitalist class have more power than the workers under capitalism, because it's exactly how they set it up to work.
How the fuck do you expect to get any real change through "negotiation" when one side has inifinitely more leverage than the other?

With the threat of strikes, naturally. It`s lot more effective tool than gun that also is going to kill lot of innocent people in the progress.

As long as they are not too cucked I have no problem with SocDems since they are still opposition to the neoliberal mainstream. I can still disagree with them but that's fine as long as they are free of IdPol and don't want to gas me like Holla Forums

Why you all so afraid about bringing the left together? (I know you gonna answer with 2 greentexts "SocDems" "left")

Meanwhile the Alt-Right is creating an army while the left is split into one hundred Trotskyst sects that all hate each other. Good job edgelords

Considering the Dem Party just rallied 13 million or so social democrats. And considering this board pretending he was a slick entryist and promoted his campaign, this board brought it on itself tbqh.

Socdems are much more tolerable than liberals/third-wave feminists/tankies/stalinists/M-Ls though

left-socdems are flirting with post-keynesianism right now

left-socdems (and socialists, really the entire left) are crazily meritocratic, it would do itself some good to drop it's obsession with college degrees and learn a bit from populist liberals about the dangers of meritocracy.

fucking kill yourself

right so you mean this entire board circa mid-2015 to now?

I'm not of fan of socdems, but that's kind of like saying lowercase l libertarianism is horrible because of capital "L" Libertarian Parties.

Are you arguing against socdems or neolibs