This is the school I'm moving to next summer. What are my options, Holla Forums?
This is the school I'm moving to next summer. What are my options, Holla Forums?
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Should've studied more and got into a better school, OP
1. Go into trades
2. Keep your head down and only make connections with people who aren't faggots
Pick another school.
Why are they hiding their (((noses)))?
It's going to be my senior year in high school and its the only high school in the area.
Be prepared to laugh a lot, at people.
Then do it.
stop bitching and put up with it like the rest of us did
high schools are pulling this marxist protest shit now? what changed since 2012 when i graduated? politics wasnt ever brought up at all while i was in high school.
Start a European American club.
I didn't become completely obsessed with the gym until I was in college. Had I done so in high school, probably would have had a much easier time. If you make yourself big enough (in my case by shotgunning gear, I had shit genetics) every motherfucker will leave you alone. The "football team" can't pick on you when you are bigger than the largest motherfucker on "the football team." You have plenty of time. Get to it.
I know it's trivial, but I expect that it made a real impact– how in the fuck is it cool to be a democrat anymore? Isn't that why they lost, because they're such losers? I would've thought in many high schools that sitting in for a BLM protest was like sitting with the people who played sonic… but I also went to a high school back when calling someone a commie was still insulting.
I wouldn't be too concerned, these people might be in for a big slice of humble pie come the prosecution of the Clinton crime family.
==PROTIP:== Don't waste your time and money on (((college))). Your degree, no matter what it's for, will get you a nice job at Mcdonalds or Starbucks.
I don't see any feral niggers so stop being a complete fucking pussy.
If you really can't deal with the programming get your GED and enroll in HVAC at your local community college.
High School is life on easy mode though, fresh young pussy everywhere, free gym and free intramural sports.
convert to islam, call yourself a transnigger and go full rodger dodger on them
It is america. So it is just a high school.
you mean like Harvard????
Start lifting and do MMA.
Study chemistry and electrical engineering then make some really great bombs. Kill everyone user, do it, do itt now.
See #2.
I have a friend about three years younger than I am who I constantly redpill on multiple subjects, and he told me about two weeks ago at his high school that there was a school-wide discussion on genders and the whole spectrum nonsense. I shit you not. High schools are typically "taught" the same kind of bullshit in about a 2-4 year gap from when Universities push the same things because it creates an increasingly unstable mind which prepares students for further cultural marxism fuckery. I graduated about a year and a half ago, and I was just getting hit on the way out with sort of that stuff, and my school was a small town, rural-suburban school. Most of my early redpills were in fact interactions with the types of people that eventually held jobs at the school as well as the bused in city students.
I do however have faith in some of my old teachers, as they didn't even do these discussions on bullying (personally I am all for bullying in school because it separates the weak from the strong, Sam Hyde style).
Permabulk and lift like a madman at the same time. You can take a break from bulking from spring break onward. Also take up some practice with a knoife (which you will CC at all times) and everything will be fine.
Kill yourself or leave this site forever, you dirty refugee you.
Don't go to college you fucking moron…
I already knew you can't get even more muscle with permabulking. I recommended it only for the added benefit of looking even bigger.
OP is a faggot anyways and posted once and left, so none of my help matters if I don't have more info on what he actually needed help on.
In an age where bit players think they know what it means to be a hero.