MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Giuliani the Marxist
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We should be supporting shady Zoroastrian groups. Yazd too I guess.
fuck off, we should stop supporting weird minority groups in the middle east.
especially fucking marxists. Maxism is killing us in the west, we need to end marxism, not spread it.
Because Marxism in American made us strong and we shouldn't share it, eh Chaim?
Since when do we not want horrible things to happen to Iran?
spreading marxism to more countries, means you're making marxism stronger you fucking retard. meaning it'll get harder for US to defend OURSELVES from marxist influence. fucking retard.
Next you're going to be criticizing him for his involvement in the greatest jewish accomplishment of the 21st century
It should be very strong in places that are not America, it makes it easier to assert control over others.
According to who, shill? CNN?
kill yourself.
did everyone forget Reagan and the Mujahideen in afghanistan?
What is killing the west is USA. That subhuman cultureless country. Fuck them.
yes, and now it wants to spread Marxism.
this has to stop
So this is a pretty obvious attempt to preemptively shill as hard as possible against Giuliani now so that when Trump appoints him you have ammo shill against Trump with. Didn't see all this anti-Giuliani rhetoric all campaign, now there are multiple threads on how he is enemy number 1.
Classic JIDF in action.
what a delusional cuck you are.
I bet you were one of the people shitting up the board yesterday about how le drumpf transition team is full of lobbyists
go fuck yourself
you have to go back, make Holla Forums great again.
persian defence forces pls
oh hi, jidf.
Reported for kike shills.
I can change my IP too you know
now you are part of the problem. banning opinions, even if it is bs is a slippery slope
His career was about being a mayor and crime fighter. Why the fuck would he be sec. of state?
kek, kys mohammed
If you subvert the enemies of Israel you are.
kek, try harder CTR
We must not allow Marxism to have a foothold anywhere in this world- even in the lands of our enemies, for though it may weaken our enemies, it strengthens Marxism's hold humanity as a whole.
my dubs confirm this fact.
This was my first thought.
Giuliani was an attorney, then a prosecutor, then a mayor. It can be argued that he did a decent job at all of them and can be considered a success in those positions. But how does that in any way translate to the skillset needed for a Secretary of State? it doesn't
I would argue that these skills are just a glimpse of what a Sec of State would need and outside of being hard-nosed and tough, I just don't know if Giuliani is packing the gear.
dubs confirmed, we have been tasked to purge the plague of marxism from all corners of the earth
Forcing communism on a country sounds like a good way to destroy it. Cheaper than bombing it. It collapses all on its own in a couple generations.
(((Josh Rogin))) at WaPo.
We will find you and kill you, kike. You better be afraid.
okay sven put your wooden shoes away, it's time to face Mecca
but tell me how trump will change it all
The USS Liberty was staged by Kikes with the US (McCain Sr.) being complicit you stupid Jew.
Reported for kike.
The Neo-Cons are Marxist!
True, though having a theocracy works almost as well as it did on Iran.
Daily reminder the Americans, British, and Canadians were all aware Trotsky was living in New York as a wealthy, well off kike on welfare, and knew he had connections to the Bolsheviks in Russia. The best part is that they allowed him safe passage knowing full well what would happen next.
Protip; he became head of the Red Army.
off yourself, coward
The Difference between Stalinism and Trotskyism is that the later believed in spreading global communist revolution.
Have you ever noticed that the Neo-cons have been destroying nations like Syria,and Libya?
Gaddafi was a nationalist.
Qaddafi was pretty cool because he let his own people vote themselves OUT of communism, which has never been done before in history.
And also yes, Stalin was more concerned with Empire building while Trotsky was a full on (((Zealot))) trying to bring a global revolution.
Interesting to see the differences between Goys leading communism and Jews leading communism.
Embarrassing, also props to that one guy that's already lost money betting on him while shilling him on 8ch.
he is clearly pushing for it, in his interview with Hannity it was quite obvious looking at how hard he tried to shill himself as SoS capable.
There is a somewhat informative documentary floating around on jewtube regarding the "NewYork Intellectuals" if you can stand listening to kikes reminiscing for an hour that is.
When will the warmongers stop
I'm assuming you mean the embedded video?
Trump needs to make the person with the best record and trust as the AG who will rape Shillary's and her goons. Start by throwing Stonetear the furfaggot and Lowtax into prison for the next ten thousand years.
Lenin and Trotsky were part of B'nai B'rith, the organization that started ADL and backed by Wall Street kikes.
The Germans had hardly anything to do with it since the main lender to them was the Rothschild bank in Frankfurt.
And they started their journey from Switzerland->Germany->Sweden->Finland along with 10000 other jews infiltrated into Russia.
You're simplifying too much.
He sure as shit missed his Tower 7 meetings on 9/11, fucking cohencidence surely. Fuck jewliani this faggot is complicit with 3,000+ lost souls. None jewish either, since they were all "goyim" what difference does it make?
no one died in WTC7, everyone was evacuated
not tower 7 lad. The other 2 towers the planes hit and people jumped to their deaths to avoid being burned alive. No shit no one died in tower 7.
Yeah that's the one, apologies for no link, I was out at the time.
Fuck off concern shill.
The last 16-24 years it has only been pay to play. Money bundlers gettiing rewarded with posts they have absolutely no experience in to get a $100K PLUS job a year with title and privelage.
Rudy is competent, doesn't have skeletons in his closet at this point and can into PR and manage.
Do you want some Political Science major for YALE who was brainwashed 30 years ago to run the show with the neocons?
The swamp must be drained faggot.