Trump won, and now my teenage daughter wishes she were white
Things that never happened . txt
Indians/Pakis have always wanted to be white
Why not just find a home in the ME than be a racial self-hatred cuck? Stupid bitch
Half our country, including our supposed "leadership" (not for long) openly and actively calls for white genocide.
More of the same ole emotional guilt trips from these people.
Sick of this emotional manipulation shit! No one forced you to move to place where you would be a minority you stupid muzzie cunt. You don't like it? Pack your shit, grab your daughter, and GTFO!
He's right though, non-white subhumans don't belong here
She raised her thirteen-year-old daughter overseas for half her life, and is somehow surprised that her daughter feels uprooted and alienated from America? I wonder who the mother blames…
That's normal. Every race is racist. Each race think the other race is filthy and needs genocide while they think their race is above all others.
Move back to dubai cunt.
Human beings are animals. There is no way to ever stop the species from affiliating with its specific breed.
Even if any of this was true, hey, just move to a country where the majority population looks like you do. Problem solved.
Also, the attempt to make the US look like shithole countries has failed and the deportations are about to begin. So while you're hoping you looked white, you better not be hoping you're legal.
oh, the syrian kid articles start now
They should move to a place in the world where the people look like them. Instead of whining about not feeling welcome in someone else's home.
The metrics used to determine the votes failed miserably. The left punishes decent and now our side has gone stealth. She has no clue if her baby daddy was the one who did it or her OBGYN. I think it's fair to say the consequences to the left for the shaming tactics are terrifying and permanent.
Holy shit that scene is amazing, it illustrates perfectly how Jews push their "diversity" and "equality" agendas.
Yeah, no fucking shit. Don't they get it yet? We don't want you here.
Poor pig, he didn't deserve that.
Where do they come up with these names?
They could just go back to a country that looks like they do and be treated like dirt instead of just imagining they are being treated poorly in the USA or Europe.
Any time a non-white says they no longer recognize America I feel as if I am a little closer to being home again.
This. We shouldnt be responsible for the lie that the "melting pot" referred to anything other than the mixing of white cultures.
This coon needs to go in the loo
Explicitly admitting the leftist understanding of the presidential race was exactly like a child's understanding of it.
It's willful ignorance and outright lies. They're taking a page from the jew's playbook and blaming whites, while ignoring the fact that the shitskin's only goal is invasion and replacement of white populations. They're yelling in pain as they strike you….
dont all nonwhites wish they were white?
sage for basically a continuation of the same post
They go find somebody with tuberculosis or bronchitis and listen for potential names every time they hack their lungs up.
The notion of the melting pot was created in 1909 by Israel Zangford. It was always a subversive jewish concept.
every attractive azn has had eyelid surgery
every attractive jew has had nose surgery
every attractive nog/sandnog has had skin and hair lightening
This is Toni Morrison-tier bullshit.
The earth is big for fucks sake. Why can't these fuckers go back to their fucking shitholes?
muh gibs
Seriously, how can we not afford to take in the boers and ship out the niggers? How is this some impossible feat?
Muhhh chilluuuns
Hilarious considering that the racist angle was a complete fabrication based on deliberate mischaracterization by the lugenpresse. Proof positive that we need political literacy tests to vote and to kneecap the msm.
Stopping your children from fapping by saying their palms will grow hair is child abuse.
Getting your child to be afraid because people disagree with them ideologically and telling your child she should be afraid of lynching etc is educating :^)
America was a sanctuary for whites to escape shitty European law and monarchy rule.
Even though the "melting pot" is just some propaganda by and English Jew, the fact is America has thrived by bringing various white from different parts of Europe together. You your anglos, your Germans, your Scandavians, your Scots-Irish/Irish, and eventually Poles and Italians too. Other than the greaseballs, all these groups have successfully integrated into a remarkably successful and effective nation.
Niggers, mudslimes and spics ruin that harmony.
Probably because you aren't American, cunt.
Its much more than gibs. Our countries are generally safe, clean, with many opportunites to get high paying jobs and good education, all around pleasant and great. Our countries are heaven compared to where these shitskins come from even without gibs, although gibs are just an amazing extra benefit .
If she was from Iraq or something she'd be "white" in America.
Thanks for the update user !
Why not? Italians are considered white in America.
parental failure
So, wait, the daughter wants to be white so she can be a more effective terrorist?
Well you've got to give it to them: They're getting smarter
Dastardly. We should keep an eye on that girl.
Or they know when they're the lesser. Good on her for finally acknowledging her own inferiority. Maybe we might replace her eggs or CRISPR her white.
Pfff, I thought she wanted to be white for the reason EVERYONE always wanted to be white. Pic related.
the fucking mental gymnastics the Jews have taught their little Communist golems is fucking amazing. i'll give them that much.
I would love to see a single video of a nigger "protestor" being attacked. The truth is I've never seen this, and I can verify by not having any such video saved. I have seen nigger thugs being BTFO in retaliation. That's just not the same.
America was a sanctuary for North West European whites to escape shitty South European law and monarchy rule.
I feel so sorry for brown girl. Where should I donate, rabbi?
Says the Jew. There is really no other indication human beings are animals other than our consciousness appears to be constrained to an animalistic vessel. The fact of reality is that the human brain is the most complex thing the universe has created: orders of magnitude more complex than our nearest "evolutionary ancestor".
See the "anthropic principle".
If a brown spic like George Zimmerman can pass for white, there's no way some sandnigger can't. The only races that cannot pass for white by looks are dark curryniggers, all gooks, all islandniggers, and niggers.
Zimmerman only passed for white after a lot of photoshop being done by journalists.
This article is 100% fake, it touches literally every talking point being pushed by the media. You can tell they collaborate and base their articles off the same (((orders))) because every article has the exact same wording.
All of these are in every article recently, they are likely just copy pasting a template given by their (((bosses))).
humans are animals. stop being a cuck and admit it.
we're not gods or superman. we are categorically animals.
all this brain power and yet we're so goddamn stupid in 2016. such a waste.
When the media, politicians, and academia brainwash you so thoroughly that you even blame white conservatives for your brainwashing.
Quote: "They understood that one candidate called Mexicans rapists and vowed to ban Muslims."
What needs to be understand is her parents are abusive liers. Trump never said this….
Quote: "As a third-generation Pakistani-American Muslim, she struggles to find her place in our predominantly white town. Having lived for six years in Egypt and Dubai, her international upbringing makes her interesting but sets her apart from her classmates. All she wants is to feel American."
Well maybe not being part of foreign and hostile religion of conquest might be a start. Maybe instead of being so "international" you acted "white" might actually get along as least as well as East Asians but the author is clearly a sub 90 IQ shitskin I don't think that is possible.
Quote: He won because he tapped into a fear among white Americans, especially among the struggling working class, that the country is slipping out of their fingers and into the hands of the other: the minorities, the gays, the immigrants, the Jews, the Muslims.
Oh the horror. people don't actually being replaced and having their homeland invaded. Such intolerance….
Quote:"It is an America in which she wishes to be white in order to belong. It's an America I don't recognize"
If didn't he recognize America as white and European then he are clearly an idiot and needs to learn from his daughter who clearly much more rational than he is.
He is an example why we when need to end all non-European immigration into the United States. We have clearly reached the point where immigrants think they simply act exactly the same as what ever shit country they from and "be American" cause magic dirt or something.
To the author of the whiny entitled shit piece of writing, Deport yourself and get a vasectomy.
America was supposed to be a sanctuary.
But when rich whites planned it out, they invented "whiteness" to prevent Irish servants from marrying Indians and blacks.
Then the rich whites invited Jews to join them.
So, pretty much doomed from the start.
"whiteness" is not an "invention", you fucking retard.
Next time, replace 'Quote:' with a '>' newfag
No shit. Women live in their own fucked up movie playing in their head.
"Navin, make a wish."
"I wish I was a cracka."
It is when you introduce non-whites to an otherwise white society. Otherwise there would be no use for the word.
That's sad, she should be proud of who she is, maybe if her bitch of a mother and the media didn't terrorize her with falsities of who Trump is she wouldn't feel this way. Her mother has raised her to be a victim without self respect.
Success breeds jealousy.
I don't believe the story either. Is her mom a coal burner? I couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing.
Just cannot get my head around this stupidity.
When I was their I age I wished to be a cyborg ninja that piloted a mecha. Even as a bullshit story the mom couldn't make it more grand because she and her family are born losers.
Liking those Jesus triples.
Women are seriously fucked in the head. between the two genders, women really believe in the "life is a movie and I'm the main character". This type of thinking worries me shitless. In the upcoming generations, where this mentality and prevalent and normal, more women are slowly gaining political power and soon they will hold many public offices. One of these fucked-up retards will eventually be in a powerful position of making decisions representing a big population. This is all too eerie of a cultural marxist subversion method of damaging our ancestors values and the square family to create a "victim" group and an "oppressive", thus creating a thought police.
Nice newfag greentext.
You just got baited, dummy.
Fortunatly they are much clumsier and brazen, it creates a introductionary material for subversion that normies can understand. Then they can understand the jewish propaganda as what it is
Pretty much all asians understand white is right.
Cool story bitch.
Also, "Just sit back and be disenfranchised whitey, resisting is wascist."
Woah, the hard life of the globalist elite, almost brings a tear to my eye.