Le ironic 2nd Amendment threat recoils on fuckwit who promptly cites 1st Amendment.
What was the offending tweet?
Sorry, missed it in the screenshot, here's what he said it was.
I want this to be real but im having doubts
Glad he got slapped down for that shit.
Recruiting leftist terrorist, burning the flag and inciting riots.
Well, he is kinda pushing it, to be honest..
That wasn't the one that got it locked up, if this even happened at all. Probably said some serious shit not on Twitter.
This'll do it.
What a fucking retard
Any relation to that cocksucking SJW lawyer Gloria Allred?
Oh and before anyone gets the wrong idea, I am talking about how quick he got his phone/internet access back.
OP here, I'm probably a faggot - this seems too good to be true now that I think about it - maybe not.
Wasn't there some libturd with the same faggot rose tattoo on his hand who filmed himself stealing a Trump hate months ago? He was some Uni gaymetal radio DJ if I recall correctly.
Oh, NOW they care about "freeze peach" and the constitution? Fuck these hypocrites with a rake, I hope Trump has them all packed to the psych ward in Guantanamo
You'd think they'd be familiar with it, considering how many horseshit propaganda pieces the left put out regarding the legality of barring muslims from entering the country.
Best thing is they were all up in arms about us exercising free speech (ironically, without us making any death threats) but now that the shoe is on the other foot their cries are soothing to the ears.
I feel like I remember this too, but i couldn't help you find it.
Phsyc hospitals are bullshit. He should have been thrown in jail where he can exercise his rights to get fucked in the ass in the name of affirmative action.
I have been detained for involuntary psychiatric evaluation before and it isn't a one pop shop that takes an hour.
Not seeing any proof this shit actually happened.
So, related is the actual tweet that got him in shit.
no sympathy
it was good he was taken to a psych ward for indicating self-harm, as a "white"
This fucking idiot really didn't think this one through
This is what happens when you bring a collage campus leftist into the real world
The guy is a moron. The NYPD is exactly what those morons have been asking for, it's one of the most anti-gun government organizations in existence.
ids habbening!
this is why you need to hear both sides of the story. never believe anything said by just one person, one side of the story. this includes even your best friend. people lie and change stories.
Fucking normie media sites trying to feel important like they're affecting politics. Can't handle other groups (and by extension, people) being in the spotlight. Liberals are like children
Which is incidentally why if the original tweet is still up you should archive before that changes.
Naw, he'd scrubbed it already, I stole the cap from twatter.
That would do it.
it'll be even more cool. trumps 2nd amendment people just want a reason to purge you traitors.
How the fuck do you even achieve this level of mental gymnastics?
These next years are going to be fucking amazing
shitskins probably have an innate understanding somewhere inside them that they are what inspired the creation of the .44 mag
I love the moment when these kids realize their actions have consequences.
The denial and tantrums that follow.
The slow acceptance.
Guns already kills lots of white people. Niggers shoot white people all the time.
Holy shit what a retard. He shouldn't be visited by cops as it is free speech, but in no way should he be fucking teaching anyone. Fire his ass, but I know its hard to fire professors.
the leftist motto is "Mine for me; Yours for everyone but you". rationalize everything they do in this context and it all makes sense.
Read what he really said. He lied about what he said. He actually said he will get a gun and shoot white people.
I can't believe this, no wait, actually I can. These are the same people that want people thrown in jail for Holocaust denial and saying the word "nigger" because it incites hatred and violence
What's even more unbelievable is how they're now claiming the 10th amendment and state's rights for sanctuary cities. Once again, these are the same people that said the Constitution is outdated and needs to be abolished
I was detained for irl shitposting once; took me around six hours to get out.
How will it fucking be when he's in that white house?
Mass suicide, more riots (but police can actually do something about it) crying media, and salt more salt then you're wildest dreams could ever conjure up.
This faggot literally teaches a course at Rutgers called Politicizing Beyonce
And how is this tattooed 20 something year old a PROFESSOR AT A UNIVERSITY?!
it was just a prank bro
15k a semester so you can piss it away on Beyonce. I am sure glad liberals have created this student debt bubble thats going to pop soon and ruin everyones lives as they blame everyone else but themselves. When it comes to that I would guess RWDS will start.
Why are these nu-males so obsessed with the magical negro?
He was going to shoot up his gun free campus probably.
These fucking faggots want to arrest you, take away your guns, get you fired, have CPS take your kids, and have you labeled mentally unstable for the rest of your life if you do much as think anything they don't like. No sympathy for this faggot.
We need to make this happen to more people.
I have been submitting tips to the FBI and secret service for any threatening remarks made towards groups of people (Whitey) or the president elect (Trump).
If the roles were reversed they would be doing the same to us.
I think their idea was to give him a mental health record to prevent him from being able to legally buy funs. Jail would be a good wakeup call though
They memed this on themselves. Next, we'll meme Alex jones as the Comannder of Homeland Security, and he'll be fema camping these motherfuckers.
mental illness at its best.
Yeah, this is some bullshit most likely. Leftists have a serious case of "it was real in my mind" syndrome.
-nothing happens as a result-
"first amendment wtf im protected"
Better stock up on kidneys.
We should mass call the school and use our feels to say "he is unacceptable and should be fired for his inflammatory remarks, my children will no longer be thinking about going there blah blah blah"
this from tribe.net ?
Reminder that this faggot TEACHES A COURSE AT A UNIVERSITY
Not the people holding them, oh no. Those evil guns fire of their own accord.
What in the everloving fuck did he teach at a respectable college like Rutgers? Holy shit killing him would be a divine mercy on his wretched soul. Honestly, show some sympathy. This is what leftism does to people.
Oh, man, I was too tired to find it on wayback, good job user.
Here's the archive of that archive:
What a fucking faggot.
It likley is Trump's "fault" in a sense. With his impending Presidency, police now have the courage to go after people they've always wanted to.
Kevin Allred
252 Franklin St. Apt. 2L
New York
[email protected]/* */
Is that why more whites get sent to the nuthouse than anyone else?
Is that why psych hospitals are near-exclusively staffed by shitskins and ex-cons who fucking rape white girls all night when they're in drug-induced comas?
top fucking kek.
These laws are a byproduct of Reagen ending state hospitals and making the police fucking social workers with over-the-top liability laws and cucking for kike psychiatry. I am fucking glad these kikes are finally getting a taste of their own (((medicine)))
In fact, fucking Hillary wanted to advance these laws and integrate them into Obamacare, Trump wants to repeal Obamacare which will likely make these laws harder to exploit.
leftism is a mental illness.
Let's see what Rutgers does now.
Anyone mail them screens to shoot down his pathetic denials?
If These grubs have not been turned into pig shit by now I will fucking hunt them down and leave their disembodied remains at the local pig farm.
Isn't burning the American flag considered treason? Burning a national flag here in my country will get you on jail asap.
Flag desecration is protected by the 1st amendment.
If this ever makes you feel bad remember that you will never be as cucked as Denmark:
Yes. It's filled with jew docs, shitskin cleaners and dumb but pretty whores in nurse clothing paid to look at faceberg all day. I jewed the system by using it to move out of mom's place and since I got that sweet autismbux every month and had no expenses at all I had thousands in the bank by the time they forced me out. Turns out I'm just an eccentric genius. So free rent, free food, free smokes free power for my laptop full of flash games and videos, and since I was a total shitlord, but a polite and calm shitlord I got away with a lot of shit. Like pointing out to a nurse that my friend the bored and based white psych doc is technically God here and she is but an insect bound to his will, and that means I can say what I want as long as it's the truth. Even if it's how her ovaries have obviously expired.
This is canada by the way.
Wear a blazer, white dress shirt, and calmly smile and ask them to define sanity. And play semantics. You'll be trapped in there, so why not have fun and be well behaved and stab them right in the heart with logic and wit?
there was no immediate threat. police shouldn't have been called. university campuses are fucking bitch faggot bullshit
where are those from and how come you dwell in that filth?
I've heard that name before (he's an anti-White)
This actually sounds like a lot of fun.
Anyone else think he looks like Sam Hyde just from the twitter picture?
Trump is not even in control of the government yet.
How can anyone say being gay is not a mental illness? It seems, to me, that these are people that are extremely sexually aroused by extreme depravity, and homosexuality is a form of extreme depravity. It can not be a coincidence that gay people are into so much sick and disgusting things. They're just unhinged freaks who've completely lost their humanity. It's disgusting.
More like HIV positive.
You're not a faggot OP. We all leap before looking from time to time, if that's the case here.
You dumb nigger. You didn't even read the thread and then bumped if for the wrong reason. I'd be positive you were a shill if it wasn't for the retard influx from cuckchan and plebbit.
The reason wny OP isn't a faggot and the commie got a visit is the tweet in
Kill yourself nigger.
fml tbqh fam
I actually would like to see more discussion on this. The identity politic frames our brains to assume these people are merely homosexual, but they may really be taboo-junkies of varying degrees. The existence of the bisexuality identity lends some credence to this.
Truly horrifying, but what does it have to do with the OP?
This shit started in the 90s with humanities departments applying critical theory to pop culture instead of literature. It took off like wildfire because unlike literary critique, which requires reading, talking to your classes about what you watched on TV last night is ridiculously easy.
Not for the time being he's not:
phillyvoice. com/report-rutgers-professor-who-underwent-psych-evaluation-for-tweets-placed-on-leave/
These people make me wish public shaming was still a thing.
The student debt bubble is less severe than the housing bubble, and almost completely on the shoulders of the government, rather than private banks. When it pops, a lot of professors are going to lose their jobs, especially at for profit universities (University of Phoenix, DeVry, etc…), but other than a tax hike, it's not going to affect most people. You're not going to get RWDS from that.
t. econfag
This fucking guy teaches a class on Beyonce… i shit you not.
wait, arent gun deaths already highest among whites?
Or alternatively it's the liberal version of "Thanks Obama"
Likely one of the tribe, but only elevated on his personal and professional merits.
Hahaha these are great, he even edited the dates to fit. Maybe Dylann will join Twitter too to offer his take on the 2nd Amendment
Sorry, I don't have much time here…
But I just saw this. Please enjoy.
Kevin and friends will search the whole Facebook now. He is paranoid and blames his ex for what is happening to him. Suddenly he has purpose in life and stops being a whiny cocksucker for a moment.
She was cuter as a blonde.
Would still milk those jugs tho.