Can someone tell me why Trump is considering neocon John Bolton to be secretary of state and James Woolsey as a Senior Advisor on National Security? The fugg. I THOUGHT WE WERE GONNA DRAIN THE SWAMP.
Can someone tell me why Trump is considering neocon John Bolton to be secretary of state and James Woolsey as a Senior...
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why dont you call him?
4d chess
Did you read about it on Jeff Bezo's blog?
wat. No I saw Rand Paul talk about it in one video and his ol pops in another.
I mean I don't claim to know if they are right, just weighing things out.
There is no evidence that he is considering Bolton that's all coming from anonymous sources cited by the lugenpresse. Same people also said Gingrich would be VP.
Ah okay, thank you. I need to be more on top of it but my time is limited so it's mostly headlines that stick out.
Who? God-Emperor? Do you have his number?
What would I say?
"Hi, yes, this is the Holla Forums."
Trump will test the waters and often go with an extreme choice and then quickly switch depending on how its received OR use it as framing for the start of a negotiation as the dilbert man described and we have already seen play out a few times
Sure, 917.756.8000
That is true, now that I think about it. Literally 4d chess.
Shhheeeeiiit. Does that one work? I know it's the one he gave out but is it legit or is he trolling us?
Stop bumping your shit thread for fuck's sake.
I'm just having conversation, you can breeze by if you don't like it.
Can someone tell me who is making all these concern-kike threads?
who else?
concern trolling
You're out of a job, CTR
Fuck off.
Trump cant ignore long time politicians.
He needs to select experienced people of the establishment, so that he can actually do his work.
Sad but true, he need the people he wants to get rid off. He has no experience, if he only chooses outsiders his administration will have many problems.
Holla Forums pls go