Look up European art on Google images. Half of the shit is fucking paintings of ugly niggers. How are they doing this? Its like some algorithm to eviscerate our history and culture

Other urls found in this thread:*2)


When Google isn't fucking with results, shit shows up based on relevance and popularity. They probably show up more since every Tumblrina and their mother-with-a-penis hold them up/link them and go LOOK, THERE WERE BLACK EUROPEANS. LOOK! Since this is something Google probably likes, I doubt they'd do anything to change it manually, like the way they de-listed 8ch.

I've seen quite a lot of these, but this is the first one that seems genuinely questionable to me.

Usually what happens is that a specific search parameter brings up results where that parameter is more likely to be used on the same page than not.

This one is clearly pinging for "European art", because the authors are clearly European, but why are they bringing up black portraits?

Is that joan or arc 1st row 3rd pic in the 1st image.

How did you get those widgets in the search?

You know those are algorithms at work and not cherry picked art, right?



lol, fucking africans can't even make their own shit.

So I just tried searching "classic European art" and I've only gotten 2 painting with blacks in them. One was a block specifically for "people of color in European art" so I don't think it matters. The other was a result from medievalpoc on Tumblr, which should tell you everything you need to know about why it's there. OP, did you try checking where the black paintings in your results are linked from? If they're from blogs and sites talking specifically about "black people" and "European art", and that page is popular, then that's probably why they're showing up the way they are for you.



Remember this?
I particularly like that they colorized Alexander Graham Bell in a way that makes him look like a mulatto.

It occurs to me that most African songs and stories and other "culture" discussed in "African studies" is probably completely made up by some crazy kike.

You're to blame OP for still using Jewgle. If people would stop enabling them by giving them clicks, we'd be rid of a cancer.

Aside from google, it's pozzed the fuck up photographers.

You're telling me the US isn't an African country? I mean, it still has a nigger in the white house for the next 2 months.

well it is google, from their veterans day google doodle you'd think the army was made of black bodies, wise latinas, and disabled trannies. The fact that they fuck around with images doesn't surprise me




Again, it's mostly search terms and they have a reason for showing up. I'm not saying Google fucking with things is new, but check what the pics are linked to. CAPSing the search terms. You can kind of see which ones were fucked around with, if any, and which were probably rocketed up into popularity because of clickbait.

I tried searching "Caucasian couple" and got nearly all white people; some pics had an Asian man or woman, and only one had a black chick and it was pic related. There were exactly 2 with black guys, one was a stock image and the other was a clickbait site jacking off about interracial couples. So yeah. Google fucking with shit, nothing new. But a lot of times they don't have to since people lapping this shit up bump up the results for them.

I understand, Its just a little blatant you know? Why don't they have click bait stuff for other races?

In the mean time, check out this new movie. White guys get cucked by stronk women to throw a party for rich black man at work

Because it's the whites who are privileged cishetscum shitlords, or whatever buzzwords they use this month, that need to be cleansed. The art's mostly there because the dindus want to feel validated. Europeans have left one of the largest, if not THE largest, footprint(s) in history and have a superior culture. They're "in charge" of the world, as many seats of power globally are in white countries.

So. If you were descended from hut-dwellers and regularly chimped everytime your gibs ran out, wouldn't YOU want to be thought of as royalty? Wouldn't it be the ultimate validation to this fantasy if, say, it turns out that some of the most powerful/influential places in the world (Europe) had black people all along? Honestly, if it were the Chinese who had the biggest thumbprint on the planet, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see their results being fucked with instead of whites. White people just happen to have better accomplishments in the long run and have pissed off the Jews the most. That leads into the "couples" results.

So, to answer the question on how they would manipulate results, not counting directly through Google themselves, it's most likely media/clickbait. Our old friends. More clicks = more results. Media sculpts minds, clickbait sculpts results based on popularity/views.

Thats pretty true. Its the whole equality of opportunity bullshit as well. We are all equal so we have to level the playing field in all areas of life, make blacks more dominant in society,have them socially dominating white men, have them as some of Europe's greatest political leaders.

My problem is it's heavily brainwashing our youth and making them feel weak and demoralized subconsciously. Take this movie they just made. Its made by 2 kikes (((every-time))) and has a black male dominating a white male, they even call him a pussy in the movie. They know exactly what they are doing when they show this to young white girls.

The cuck phenomenon has been discussed many times on here, as has this thread in general. We all know it. If you want to make a difference, spread awareness elsewhere, just don't spill spaghetti everywhere while you do it.

You are subhumans. Google doesn't discriminate against subhumans.

the second thing that i noted in this image set is the level of the jewish art
it is true they can simply not create works of beauty, looking at those things is like looking at a child emulating a masterpainter with finger paint
no noticeable skill or higher art forms even simple things like perspective are wrong

also the african art only shows one real african work so that is more fucked up then the european search result

No? Because they aren't filled with cucks who get off on fetishizing other races and destroying their own history to get a single iota of validation from some backwards dindu for a couple of seconds before they get robbed by them.

China is fast approaching 'top dog' status and they hate blacks with a passion, they've basically colonized Africa and they ship in chinks to work the actual important stuff and when the local government complains they build some roads (with chinese workers) to make them shut the fuck up.

Don't act like this isn't a problem, white people shouldn't be OK with indoctrinated loons scrambling through each scrap of text to desperately find the slightest bit of evidence that someone was black.


Pic related is the portrait of Juan Pareja, a slave, by Diego Velázquez, his master. He apparently painted him, a black man wearing black on a black background, because he was practicing painting in monochrome. This was because he was comissioned by Pope Innocent X for a portrait. As you can see, Innocent was a pink-faced man that wore pink in red-walled rooms.

Both these portraits are studied and praised due to Velázquez's mastery of these difficult palettes, and are great examples of well executed monochromatic compositions.

That painting, at least belongs there at least. That Janiqua of Arc looks contemporary and the other two I'm not sure.

Oh blyat, I'm dying here. Ukrainians confirmed for Slavic niggers.

The jews would have done to East Asia what they did to Europe/North America. It would be a very strange dimension.

At least I can safely say most of that shit was actually made by Ukranians. About 90% of "African Art" was made by Non-Africans. The only things they did was shitty beads and leather shields.


What do you all expect?

We've been over this. White people never google "white couple" because whiteness is the human default. The only people who google "white couple" are non-whites, and the algorithm gives them what they want to see. The fact that being white is the human default actually makes whites the least racist people you'll find, due to overwhelmingly not really thinking about race.

For minorities race is something that never, ever, ever goes away. Like the blackness of their skin will never wash off, it consumes them and colors every single thing they think and do. It's ALWAYS about race for them.

Having lived in Africa I think it's funny, because they do actually produce a lot of art – but it's ALL 100% for the sake of tourists. If you go out into the bush where there are no tourists, you won't find any cute soapstone animals or wood carvings or leather shields. You'll find shit, and garbage, and half-decayed human bodies. Without the motivation that whites, and other tourists, give to them the native Africans are content to live in complete squalor and produce nothing but suffering.

For blacks maybe. As butthurt as spics and chinks are at white people too, they do think they are the most beautiful and the default when one thinks of a human. Still, I would't trust any of them, their men want to fuck your women and their women want to cuck you and fuck up your legacy with shitty mistery meat kids. They want your nice eyes, white skin and fair hair for their kids, but they will just be getting a subpar racemixed faggot. They will adore it, because it's better that anything they could have produced with their own. But you'ññ know better, he's gonna look like a piece of shit and his mod is gonna inject him with her culture, so he'll never know where he belongs.

In conclusion, don't fall for the racemixing meme faggos.

Yeah I know, I live in Mexico. The natives here are always happy to whore out their culture to tourists and such, but their actual towns are shit and have no art because they don't care about it. They only care about their customs when they're trying to make money.

Reading comprehension: the post. If the Chinese had done what whites had done from the beginning, had a culture worth emulating, and have been brainwashed for as long as whites have then yes, I would say that they'd probably get targeted.

Irrelevant. It was a hypothetical situation, not as they are now. See

I didn't? Calm your shit, fuck.

Although it would have been hard to infiltrate a culture that looks so different from your own. Do you think the jews would have been okay to mix with Chinese as they did with Europeans to get their looks and further ease their infiltration to Asia?

A foreign muslim nigger in the white house.
Elected twice.

But if their candidate doesn't win muh racism and muh islamophobia.

That's actually interesting to wonder over. Some look Caucasian, others look a bit more Middle Eastern-y depending on the geographic flavor. I think in that case, assuming Jews decided to use that tactic in the scenario, they'd probably bank on people with features that mesh with or match their targets' just as they'd do with whites now. Though it's hard to say if they wouldn't just hijack all the media like they've done whites and just forgo the mixing altogether as their primary "thing" seems to be control. Make them feel guilty over being Asian, make them feel guilty over the Holocaust that totally happened in Beijing or something, Israel is China's greatest ally. Even without actual racemixing, they'd probably be blasted left and right by shit and most mix propaganda would be encouraging them to fuck nogs anyway.

Though, this is all just "shit to think about" and without roping an actual Jew and asking them we'll probably never know for sure.


If you're still using Jewgle then you probably shouldn't be here.

The (((bankers))) have a lot of power in China.

colonization was a mistake.

The non-european art looks like some of the art generated by artificial intelligence and computers.


It shows that europeans are the only ones with the right amount of pessimism.
That terrifies me.
Non-euros are now making our science.

first post worst post every time

shill post unworthy of heavenly trips

answered your own question OP. i think it's interesting because so many websites use Google as their in-site search. this isn't affecting just people using directly.

Those pics highlight why we are doomed.

Look at the lack of pessimism in the non-euro art.
These people are making "discoveries" in science.
You know what that means?
They'll fail to critically analyze it in their blind optimism.

No wonder the world is falling apart.

see my other post in another thread.

I'm beginning to see why the west did so well.
It's our pessimism and critical thinking.

Not even the jews have it.

generally, the less white the artist was, the less complexity the art has involved.

Top quality reply.


That too.
People think the east is waking up the west.
But boy are they in for a surprise.

Oh look, a kike.

Why the fuck is artwork from a fucking magic the gathering playing card coming up when you search European Art? What's the logic, what's it searching and finding to make that the third result?

They need to find pictures of niggers and no one in europe was painting pictures of niggers because niggers weren't in europe and google is fucking desperate.

common core logic of 1 = 16

Got any stories?

At least they could've shown portrait of Pushkin's grand-grandpa.

thos pics are from a very popular tumblr blog

What in the fuck is this common core bullshit?

Like syntax in computing.
Depends on the language.

Though that said, I think it's to destroy our structure of mathematics as a form of subversion.

Well there are several nonwhite couples in that screenshot you posted of the search "couple" though. Like 1st row, 3rd image. The dude is like a Turk, Armenian or Albanian mongrel creature.

3rd row, 3rd image. Dude is a Jew clearly.

I'm sorry but how in the fuck has the answer to that ever been 1 and not 16? It is 16. 16 is the correct answer, and always has been.

20/5 = 4.
4(2*2) = 4(4) = 16


I fucking swear on me mum, these foreskin nibblers are going to pay the price of their evil deeds in full and with interests.

I'm waiting for "epic trolled!!" any second now, tell me you know fucking maths.

I figured out the reasoning is that the 5 and 4 are multiplied to 20, so its 20/20 = 1.
But that is not how you do math. That is fucking WRONG.

In this case, the Common Core way is actually the mathematically correct way. Though I have seen many cases where Common Core has come up with some retarded bullshit that gives wrong answers in math.


I hope you're fucking joking. Because I am 100% right here. If you Americans have been doing 20/5(2*2) as 20/20 before, then your education system has been broken and retarded for long before the introduction of Common Core, because that is wrong. That is the wrong way to do that.

Yeah not how it works. You're supposed to do the 20/5 first then multiply that result with the (2*2).

Much fucking better.

slit your wrists, kike.

what kind of rule is that?

Doesn't look like it worked because it still has the fantasy picture of some stronk negress womyn with an unrealistically big broadsword and a giant tower shield.

Not even American but nice try, fag. I can see your nose from here.

I think they honestly can't see that they are doing wrong.
Aside from the elite jews who exploit that ignorance. Such as soros. And Israel's government.

You thought they just treated white people like cattle.. it's actually worse, they even treat their own like cattle.

what order of operations do you follow? we follow PEDMAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction

Still see a turd there. The old "algorithm" argument is beginning to wear thin.

I don't think google would recognize that.

That's if those operators actually work btw.

Same, though "BIMDAS" here.

I can see why there would be use of different mathematical languages, but why would you force a new one to be used nationally as a standard?
There is no argument other than subversion.

user.. what does that tell you about common core?
Common core being "right" is nothing but a meme.

There is a specific order you do equations in. For example multiplication and dividing is done first before plus and minus if both exist. Division outside the brackets is done first before multiplication of outside values and the value inside brackets.

Nice try kike. Won't let you subvert mathematics.

See the division? The division comes first before the multiplication of the outside value to the value inside the brackets. The only scenario where the 5 would be multiplied with the 4 inside the brackets is if it was written (5(2*2))

Well the way that gets the number 1 as answer is simply incorrect. In math, there is correct and there is incorrect.

He follows left to right niggermaths he learned from a youth center.

How old are you?

Wow, its almost like you're fucking retarded and not listening. When have I ever said Common Core is the right way or a good system? It needs to be purged and so do the kike who designed it. Maybe pay more attention to what I am talking about.

The issue here is that the answer 16 that is gotten through the "common core method" is not actually gotten through Common Core method, but actual, properly done math. That is the right answer. 1 is an incorrect answer.


Kill yourself, seriously. I am an electrical engineer, I think I know my math better than you fucking retard. The method I explained is the only correct way of solving this math equation. Sometimes Holla Forums just behaves like a retarded child honestly. Yes, we need to get rid of Common Core because it is mostly propaganda and insanity. But that doesn't change the fact that IN THIS CASE, IT GOT THE RIGHT ANSWER AND YOUR OLD METHOD DIDN'T.

We are only talking specifically about this equation.

Reported for being kike shills

butthurt "youth" detected

You can't be this asshurt for not knowing how to do maths. The best you can do with your pity electrical engineer job is dropping a toaster into a bath tub as soon as possible.

I'm just shocked that you think your subversive shilling attempt will work.

I am right here and I proved it. By the way, type the equation into any calculator, whether hand held or online, and it will give you the 16 as answer.

I hope if you guys are not trying to subvert, that you are children, because if you are adults and you are incapable of solving such a simple math problem correctly, you have big problems to worry about. You'd basically be mentally retarded.*2)

leave nigger


Is this you? Is it you over there? The inventor of Common Core is browsing Holla Forums?

nigga im just fucking with you
take it easy

This can't be real.
If you do 20/5 first in 20/5(2*2) you end up with 4/(2*2)
Learn action priority, nigger!

Actually having to use the internet, getting the common core (((answer))) and claiming others are subverting. Tell me how much money you put into common core.

I disagree. BIMDAS
First you do the brackets. (2 * 2) = 4
Then you do the multiplication. 5 (4) = 20
Then you do the division. 20/20 = 1

Why is that incorrect?

You're the retard.

The left to right method is for niggers. You can't use pic related in certain situations.. it would get confusing logically.

Which is why this is subversion user.
To cripple our system of mathematical interpretation.

Parasites gonna parasite, even on their own.

That's what I'm thinking..
And that's what terrifies me.

2 + 2 = 5 now.

those guys are just spanish

Guys, we need to trace the source of common core.
This can only be subversion. It's probably promoted as "logical innovation" but it's impractical and will destroy our mathematical interpretation between new and older generations.

we already did that
its basically the united nation and bill gates if I remembr correctly, newfriend


Wow, you're absolutely fucking retarded. When you do 20/5 first, the "/" doesn't fucking stay there you retard, how on earth do you think the 4 would be divided by what is inside the brackets. Jesus christ I can not believe I have to teach ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TO Holla Forums

Again, its not the Common Core method. Its the correct mathematical method. Common Core didnt fucking invent this. This is the right method of solving that equation, and you have revelead yourself to be utterly retarded.

You can disagree but that makes you retarded too, because 1 is the incorrect answer and 16 is the correct one.

You do the division then, and THEN the final multiplication.

Jesus christ man, I am using BIMDAS, you just don't seem to understand how the BIMDAS order works. Go back to school.

No, this is the right answer you MOROOOOOOON. Common Core didn't fucking invent this method I am trying to teach you subhuman idiots, this is the real, correct mathematical way. Yes, Common Core exists to subvert and destroy education system from the inside, that is true. But THIS SPECIFIC CASE, in that screenshot, the 16 is the right answer and whatever the fuck the old system they were using to count in that old school, was WRONG.

I cannot fucking believe this, I can not believe that I actually have to teach basic elementary school maths to Holla Forums.

Is this just American education in general? Is this why USA has some of the shittiest education in the world outside of private schools? The average Holla Forumsack who I expect to be at least somewhat smart is incapable of solving a very simple equation.

I think there's a soros connection or a jewish connection.
This shit coincided with the immigration crises and I'm beginning to see why.
To dis-empower white westerners. They can't succeed if they can't use the required mathematical language.

Please actually commit suicide. You've been fucking brainwashed and you don't even know it. Tell us your age, skin colour, street name and if you voted Obama second or first term and then fucking kill yourself, you straight up fucking nigger.

I posted the face of the inventor of Common Core earlier in this thread, image search that and you will find his name. Has quite a schnozz.

From google a shit to common core.

You're all niggers.

It's interesting that the Russian art looks a lot like the European art from OP but with hints of the Asian art, too.


Btw, had to change tor 3 times since I started to question common core.. I think this is big guys.

Fuck off, this is a bigger issue and it might explain the google "glitch"

get out.


Stop. Just stop it. You have embarrassed yourself enough.
The division is done before the multiplication because it is on the left, before the multiplication and there are no parenthesis around to determine that the multiplication should be done first.

The only case in which the multiplication would be done first is if it was written like this:
20/(5(2*2)) = 20/(5*4) = 1

However since the equation is
20/5(2*2) then you first do the multiplication inside the parenthesis like this
still following me? Good, now pay attention real hard. I know this is really difficult to you, but please try your best.
20/5 first, because multiplication and division are at the same importance of order in BIDMAS, but in this equation division is on the left, before the multiplication.
So it becomes 4(4) = 16.

Are you still following me? I hope so. Its not hard. It is not complicated. But apparently to a good part of American Holla Forums math that the average European kid of age 9 perfectly understands is REALLY FUCKING HARD.

division and multiplication are done in left to right order
so 20/5(2*2) = 20/5*4 = 4*4 = 16
did you graduate grade school?

Neck yourself you stupid nigger. you are reading the equation like: (20/5)*(2*2)
The equation is actually: 20/(5*(2*2))
The lack of a symbol means the action is multiplication.
This guy's>>8265708 pic is the proper way to actually write it.

So left to right niggermaths confirmed? Absolutely embarrassing to be honest. Still haven't told me what year you learned common core in.

Is right. The answer is 16.

Stop being retarded.
Try letting any computer/calculator do the math on 20/5(2*2). The answer will always be 16 because (2*2) lays outside of 20/4.
20/(5(2*2)) = 1 is correct

You really should consider going back to elementary school because you lack some seriously necessary, basic math skills that people need in their everyday life. How have you made it this far while being such a fucking dumbfuck cunt?

Just make a fucking common core thread you autists, as this one has been reported.

Fuck up.

You literally think 2+2=5.
What you're experiencing right now is cognitive dissonance to that.

That's how fucked this is.

ALL multiplication is done before the division.

Jesus fucking christ this is honest to god subversion. And parents are taught "it's the future"

We live in 1984.

Nope. I am right, you are wrong. I already explained it perfectly.

Its called doing it the right way my Jewish friend. There is no Common Core in my country Finland. By the way, we have the best maths and sciences education system out of all the countries in the world according to all the annual statistics.

Wow, someone on Holla Forums who understands basic mathematics. I thought I was having a nightmare. These people are making me doubt the victory of nationalism now. How can we ever win if our movement consists of adults who are dumber than the average 7 year old Finnish kid.

That explains everything.

You can't possibly be fucking serious. You are the one thinking 2+2=5. You are the one trying to come up with an explanation for your INCORRECT way of solving a math equation. You fucking retard, get your head out of your ASS.

No, it fucking isn't. If there is multiplication and division, the one on the left is ALWAYS done FIRST. This is some really basic math shit get your shit together nigger.

Shills are still fucking here, fucking hell.



In (((new maths))) you can stop doing a step and do another step as long as it's on the left. :)

Damnit and I just finished making my own image to explain the difference, oh well.

The answer is 1 because the fraction is 20/20.

5 (2*2) is not in simplest terms. You reduce it and evaluate it until it is a single number: 20


"New maths"
Which doesn't take into account the operational issues this has in a society that has taught the "old maths"

Confirmed subversion.

You perfectly explained that you have 0 knowledge about math. You probably think 0/0=1

I honest to god hope you people are subversive shills and not actual Holla Forums regulars and nationalists.

The answer is 16. Anyone who thinks its not 16 is brainwashed and extremely stupid. Do you understand? You are a stupid person. An idiot. A moron. A fucking RETARD. That is who you are.

This person is right
I can not believe we have to explain this to you guys.
20/5(2*2) is NOT the same as 20/(5(2*2))
This is how math works. All math. This is the ONLY correct way to do this. The only one. There is no alternative way you fucking mouth breathers.

You guys are the ones who have been fooled by false math. I am right, you are wrong. I already explained why, and you STILL cling to your indoctrinated, brainwashed false math.

Then it's not fucking bimdas you retard.

Bimdas orders the operators.
What common core does is order it by order in the "sentence" so to speak.

You can't simply do that with maths. It's not fucking english grammar which can be used flexibly.

m8 I knew the education system was bad there but even our methed up tradies can follow fucking BIMDAS.

I explained it perfectly. You just lack the required 80 IQ to understand it.


stop wasting digits
/ is the same action as that line in the image

It goes left to right.


That is not BIMDAS.
That is an abomination mixed with common core.

You didn't order the calculation by operator.

I want to hit you. Because it's people like you which will destroy the world.


You sound like a fucking child right now. You can't follow basic logic, basic steps which are an easy guide to do maths without inserting some bullshit that involves stopping one step, doing another one and then going back because of fucking sides.

What a strange (((coincidence)))

These people are what America is. IDIOTS. Has your country ever understood how math works? It is no wonder you needed the Germans to handle your space rocket project because Americans were too unintelligent to get anything to outer space. I guess that is the result of race mixing even between different white races, unintelligent mongrels.

Do you fucking retards not understand that whatever the fuck you call your system, BIMDAS, I dont give a fuck what you call it, is INCORRECT if it does not follow the correct mathematical method.

YOU ARE THE ONE DOING THAT HOLY FUCKING SHIT. The method I explained IS the only correct one, I explained very clearly why that is. Listen you stupid cunt. There are no alternative answers in mathematics. If you are getting many different kinds of answers for the same equation, you are solving it incorrectly.

Am I dreaming? Is this a nightmare I am seeing right now? Or is majority of Holla Forums really completely incapable of basic mathematics?

No, YOU can't follow basic logic or the correct mathematical method. I got the correct answer, you didn't.

That might honestly explain this. The moment someone mentioned Common Core, all these, very likely shills appeared to derail everything with subversive, false math.


20/5(2*2) IS SOMEHOW INTERPRETED AS 20/5 * (2*2)

Non anglo/slav Europe is lost..

You derailed it with your clearly subverted Finlandish math.

Of course it is. You do the parenthesis first, so the (2*2) becomes 4. Then you work left to right since multiplication and division are in the same category.


user please fucking tell me what is happening, how is such a huge majority of the posters in this thread incapable of understanding ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MATH. Is this what Common Core did to them? They can't think for themselves anymore?


EXACTLY. Multiplication and division are in the same ORDER OF IMPORTANCE. I have said this many times already but these idiots don't understand it. It has always been this way in math, it is the only correct way.

If an equation has both multiplication and divison, and neither is inside brackets to determine the order, then the one on the left side is always done first.

The internet said it was 16 so it must be, there is no subversion at all in that case.

Mods are massive faggots, bunch of kikes giving themselves pseudo-natsoc names and being jews.

It's like this.
Older generations learn english.
While the new kids learn greek.

That is the problem.
Imagine what that does to societies.

No, you don't follow logic because I perfectly explained to you HOW it is correctly solved, I showed it to you and you still deny the logic and the correct way of solving mathematical equations. THAT, is why you are wrong and I am right.
But hey sure go ahead, just fucking IGNORE the fact that I extensively proved you wrong.

We have never done it this way in my country

We have always used brackets to properly separate this.
The (20/5)(2*2) is how we would always write it.

It's not a fucking slide thread.
The political implications are incredibly serious.

This could destroy financial systems, health systems, scientific innovation, trades, etc.
This could do more damage than hundreds of nukes.

That's interesting. So what would the equation come out to using the math you were taught?

You are such a colossal fucking kike for not understanding that ALL math has left to right order in which you solve them.
Math follows two orders:
There is no fucking math that does not have left to right order. Kill yourself Jew.

Great, good for you. That doesn't change the fact that
20/5(2*2) is EXACTLY the same equation as (20/5)(2*2)
It is NOT 20/(5(2*2))

It really should not be such a problem to understand the equation if it doesn't have unnecessary parenthesis there to make it simpler for you to understand. Its still a very simple equation.


Guys we need a fucking purge.

16, you dumbass. 16 would come out. It is the exact same as 20/5(2*2) it just has extra parenthesis around 20/5

This is not a slide attempt, we've known Google has been doing this FOR YEARS.
Let the newfriends mind explode while we shitpost about order of operations.

Yeah no shit, old information. We've known this for forever. I posted an image of him earlier, he has the jewiest nose I have ever seen.

That's a NEW innovation user.
They probably teach that now.
But that never used to occur. It was always a hierarchy of operators.

Thank fuck Trump is gonna do away with Common Core.

NO IT ISN'T. Math has always been like that, ALWAYS.
You stupid fuck, do you not understand? Math follows BOTH hierarchy of operators AND left to right. Not one or the other. If you only follow one of the two orders you WILL get the incorrect answer.

I can not fucking believe you have been taught so wrong. What is wrong with your countrys education system.

We still do hierarchy of operators. The thing is that multiplication and division are considered to be on the same level, but they both always come before subtraction and addition, which are also on the same level. When you have multiple operations of the same level, you work left to right.

I have been taught that 20/5(2*2) = 1
we would always longform that as


There it is again. The d&c shill.
You know we use it as our filter?

Europe isn't a monolith try French art, or Dutch art, or German art. European art as a search term has been affected by the popularity of a very shitty tumblr that every liberal retard cites as evidence Europe has always been multicultural and by a black supremacist historical revisionist site that is batshit crazy. Kill those site and you might fix the search results but, remember google is your enemy no matter what.

That's not how I was taught then.

Ok user. But guess what?
You have been taught WRONG. Because 1 is not the answer. That is a failure.

20/5(2*2) is NOT


It is
—- * (2*2)

You were taught wrong. Look it up instead of arguing against fucking engineers about how math works. Please nigger, if we didn't know then all the shit we design wouldn't work at all.

Can we get some Greek equations or some shit in here to see how they solved it?

Even if common core is removed then idiots still won't disappear. Won't help for Finland but American education can improve with Trump.


Shut the fuck up we are talking about math now.

I literally did that degree.
It's changed within 2-4 years. You haven't realized it. You've taught yourself through checking the answers.

Finland has the worlds best sciences education already, we don't need your help. Definitely not the help of a fucking mouth breather who can't solve a simple division and multiplication equation.

Pic related, its you.

Nope, it has not changed, ever. The answer to that equation has been 16 ever since fucking Aristoteles. Because that is the correct way of calculating it. The only way.

YOU have taught yourself by checking the answers. I can not fucking believe a RETARD like you is saying that to me. Seriously, you are so unintelligent, shut the fuck up. You don't understand basic maths that have existed for thousands of years, and you run your mouth about mathematics.

You belong in a fucking concentration camp.


Ok, we're divided on interpretation. That's all that matters.
Because we know who caused this.

Let's dig into that


Parenthesis, exponents, multiplication and division, addition and subtraction

My nig-nog. The division line divides the equation. It splits the whole thing. It isn't just a mathematical action. It also formulates the equation.

Then there is no point with calling it "PEMDAS"
The acronym implies a strict hierarchy where multiplication is used before division. Same with add/subtract.


Now dig into why.

Side note, infix really is cancer

What said, division line is what splits the whole thing.

time (the 1920s). He points out that there was disagreement as to
whether multiplication should have precedence over division, or
whether they should be treated equally. The general rule was that
parentheses should be used to clarify one's meaning - which is still
a very good rule. I have not yet found any twentieth-century
declarations that resolved these issues, so I do not know how they
were resolved. You can see this in "Earliest Uses of Symbols of
Operation" at:


operations" and the "PEMDAS/BEDMAS" mnemonics, was formalized only in
this century, or at least in the late 1800s, with the growth of the
textbook industry. I think it has been more important to text authors
than to mathematicians, who have just informally agreed without
needing to state anything officially.

from students and teachers confused by texts that either teach or
imply that implicit multiplication (2x) takes precedence over
explicit multiplication and division (2*x, 2/x) in expressions
such as a/2b, which they would take as a/(2b), contrary to the
generally accepted rules. The idea of adding new rules like this
implies that the conventions are not yet completely stable; the
situation is not all that different from the 1600s.

categories: the natural rules (such as precedence of exponential over
multiplicative over additive operations, and the meaning of
parentheses), and the artificial rules (left-to-right evaluation,
equal precedence for multiplication and division, and so on). The
former were present from the beginning of the notation, and probably
existed already, though in a somewhat different form, in the geometric
and verbal modes of expression that preceded algebraic symbolism. The
latter, not having any absolute reason for their acceptance, have had
to be gradually agreed upon through usage, and continue to evolve.

I should probably put an example here of PN
(* (/ 20 5) (* 2 2))

We explained in extremel detail what the correct order of importance is in mathematics. It is this

Multiplication AND division are in the same class of importance. ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. Always in the history of fucking mathematics as a whole.
And so are addition and subtraction in the same importance with each other.

You are a fucking retard who didnt pay attention in school, because you absofuckinglutely were taught this, you just don't remember it.

There is no such thing as interpretation in mathematics. There is only one correct way to solve math. Alternative methods only lead to false answers.

No it doesn't. You just don't understand. The 5 would also have to be inside parenthesis like this 20/(5(2*2)) in order for this to mean that the 20 is divided by the entire rest of the equation.

user pretty sure you're just not a very smart person and you ASSUMED the acronym implies multiplication is prioritized before division. It has never been that way in math, ever. If it was, people would have gotten all answers wrong for thousands of years. Your teacher most certainly explained that some of them are equally important and in those cases the one on the left side is solved first.

You seem to enjoy doing it.

Only if it's written like in your picture, over and under, which implies all the operations above and below are to be done first. If you type it out in a single line, no.

We already proved you we were right and you were wrong, yet you continue. Why? Why not stop embarrassing yourself and admit you were wrong?

"Our method" is not our interpretation, it is THE one and only way to solve math. There is no other way to get right answers.

What are you, a fucking janitor?

It was never clarified for me. And the acronym never implied the "and"s. I don't remember "and"s being in the acronym.

I did pay attention. And it wasn't clarified.
I can see why it needed to be, but frankly the "helpful acronym" is not helpful at all.

Exactly. Because the equation was written on a computer into one single line, in the form of
20/5(2*2) then it does not mean the (2*2) is under the division line. In order for that to be the case it HAS to be written like this 20/(5(2*2))

But there is.
Otherwise different computer languages wouldn't be possible.

You must have skipped whatever class gives you basic reading comprehension because my post was the same shit you just said. It's multiplication AND division, not THEN division.

I'm sorry, did you go to school before the 1800's?
It absolutely has been this way for a long time and if your teacher did not teach you that multiplication and division are equally important and addition and subtraction equally important, then your teacher needs to be fired, right now.

You clearly understand nothing about computer languages. The math in all of them works the exact same way as math on paper. You just type it in in a different form so that MATLAB or whatever you are using understands the equation.


There is user. But that's not important.
What's important is the standardization.

Clearly "BIMDAS" or "PEMDAS" didn't do enough.

BIMDAS implies a strict order of operations.
But that is clearly not the case.

It wasn't meant for you obviously as you can see if you pay more attention. My message links your post because I said "We explained in extremel detail what the correct order of importance is in mathematics. It is this

Then the rest after it is not directed at you but ">>8266103"

Your post was only linked because you explained it correctly; I was citing your post.

To stifle international discussion? Or perhaps, to make Finbros sperg out.

oh, my bad

Nope. There is not. There is only one correct way to do math. Seriously you fucking colossal Jew, stop arguing about this already. You have been proven wrong by many people, on so many accounts in this thread already.

There is nothing wrong with the PEMDAS rule either, it explains the correct order of solving equations, you just didn't understand it. Ok. The fault is within you, not the system. Don't blame others for you having sub 70 IQ.

I disagree user.
You could write a language that uses strict order.
Or one with the "and"s
Or one with common core.

This needs to be clarified immediately, because many anons thought otherwise.
I think the university answers at my uni to check with were off.

It does not imply that multiplication is always done before division. The memory rule is always written in ways like "P E MD AS" or "P-E-MD-AS" not straight up as "PEMDAS"

It doesn't need "ands" because multiplication and division are both multiplicative operations, just like addition and subtraction are both additive operations.



I think we're seeing country divides at work.. dear god.
I remember on paper doing it in strict order of operatives.
It should be BIMA or BIDS

Not BIMDAS. Sure, there are missing operatives, but at least it clarifies the "and" issue.
Btw, I think our calculators come from overseas now. I think it's changed since here.

Apparently it does for simpletons like "37f169" who can not graduate from elementary school. The teachers are getting worried because this 36 year old autistic man 37f169 is scaring all the 8 year old kids in class.

2+(-2) = 2-2
Every subtraction can also be written as a multiplication. This is useful sometimes but the answer is the same either way.

They're like mirrors of each other, same as addition and subtraction. To divide you can also multiply the number by an integer that's less than 1. For example, 10/2=5 could also be written as 10*.5=5 or 10(1/2)=5.

I can see why.
Because 4 / 2 can also be written 4 x 0.5
But the add subtract?

Nigger every calculator ever made has given and will give you 16 as the answer to that equation. No it has not fucking changed.

I know.
It means the acronym is not good enough. Because people like me (I also do law) look at the implications.
And the implication was no "and".
My brain does not think like yours apparently. We interpret logic differently.

You can add a negative number and get the same result as subtracting it. 5-3=2 or 5+(-3)=2.

That's not what integer means at all, god damn it.

Look you retards, the way to correctly apply PEMDAS is to actually put every individual component in parenthesis, unless otherwise noted.

Therefore 2+2= X is actually (2)+(2)= (X)

So when you see:


What you should instantaneously do to prevent confusion is modify the equation to be:

(20) / (5) * (2*2)

Which reduces to

(20) / (5) * (4)

Now if you recall PEMDAS, it's not actually ranked steps 1-2-3-4-5-6

It's 1-2-3-3-4-4

It's Parenthesis, then Exponents, then Multiplication AND division, then Addition AND Subtraction. (P)(E)(MD)(AS)

In every "rank", you then proceed left to right.

Step 1 - Parenthesis

(2*2) reduced to (4)… Done

Step 2 - Exponents

None, and Done

Step 3 - Multiplication and Division

From left, to right.

(20) / (5) = (4)
(4) * (4) = (16)

Step 4 - Addition and Subtraction

None, and Done.

In order for 20/5*(2*2) to be correctly formatted to equal 1, it would have to be re-written (20) / ((5*(2*2)).

Using PEMDAS would then reduce to, (20) / (5*4).

And then (20) / (20), to equal (1)

Left to right rules DO apply, but only within their respective rankings of operations. With the added rule regarding overlapping parenthesis, where you work from the inner most set outward.

I think what may be confusing some people is they don't add parenthesis around every term, and therefore want to keep expanding the one set of parenthesis they see to make it bigger and bigger. They are seeing 20 / 5 * (2*2), then seeing 20 / 5 * (4) and saying, "Aha! 20/5(4) I must distribute the 5 to the term in parenthesis, because it's special!" And hence get 20/(20)=1 That's why it's a hell of a lot better to write (20) / (5) * (2*2), because once you see (20) / (5) * (4) every term becomes "equally special" because they all have parenthesis and people are more likely to correctly compute. The only people who screw up from here, are those that erroneously believe that multiplication comes before division because M comes before D in PEMDAS, forgetting that they are of equal rank in the order of operations.

user, the acronym itself doesn't blatantly tell you that multiplication and division are equal in the order of importance. I'm not saying that. I'm saying that when you are taught that acronym, the teacher is supposed to teach you that they are equally important. Its like a pretty huge deal for the entire six years of school everyone has? I honestly refuse to believe your teacher didn't teach you that.

At least you've come to your senses and now see that this is how math is solved. You were still being an arrogant asshole earlier, so certain that you were right, so fuck you one more time. You could have looked it up before arguing for a long ass time.

Your not making this any easier for me.
And it highlights an incredibly obvious issue.

Misinterpretation of commonly taught rules.
And how the work we do may distort the way we remember the rules.

I think constantly about the logic of words. The operatives become vague to me over time as I learned how to play with rhetoric.
I twist sentences for my degree user. It's no wonder I thought what I thought.

It seems obvious and easy to remember. But not when you twist the rules all the time.

Well sorry but I can not help but be pissed off because he wasted an hour of our time to explain some really basic shit to him. Very stubborn.

They probably did. But I think of logic differently now. I adapted the acronym to the way I think about the logic.
And it's like this:
Multiplication =/= division
Addition =/= subtraction
They are polar opposites. They are not the same.

Yet are taught that they are the same.
What needs to be clarified is the categories they're in.
Multiplication and division need a term to be grouped.
Addition and subtraction need a term to be grouped.
Then that term goes in the acronym. Not both MD or AS

That was not a waste at all. It clarified why common core was being taught and standardized.

Apologies jews on that one.
Doubt that's the reason why it was introduced though

>Not using superior RPN :^)
20 5 / 2 2 * *
Look ma, no brackets.

Are you implying that Common Core helped fix some inconsistencies and mistakes in the American education system? Because that's just not true.

Again, we don't have Common Core in European countries. Any of them. But we always followed the correct way of solving math. Don't need Common Core for that. Common Core didn't come up with PEMDAS.

The only things Common Core came up with is historical revisionism, anti-white propaganda and false math. This just happened to be a case where a math problem was solved correctly at some school and the teacher falsely attributed the method to Common Core.

These images are what Common Core really is.

I have never seen it done that way, still makes sense though.

Why does infix exist when RPN and PN are just so superior?

That said, what are the connections to force this now?
I like how there's no reason given. Just "because we said so"

They really do """lack""" self-awareness. Almost like they want to ignore the truth. :^)

That's where it might be good to dig.

I smell one of those seed acceleration program cons.

makes you think..

The argument is if 5(4) equals one number because there's no multiplication sign. "1ers" think that because if there's parenthesis you multiply them first, "16ers" think 5(4)=(5)*(4). Because of the way they're programed most calculators interpret it the way the "16ers" think, this doesn't mean they're right it just means it was easier to code.

Parenthesis and brackets were invented for a reason. The only failure here is a failure to properly communicate the problem. It's either 20/(5(2*2)) or (20/5)(2*2). We invented these fucking symbols specifically so we could write the problems without ambiguity.

Waſted trips!

So how do we solve the google problem? They have way too much power. It's sinister as hell.

That's… actually semi-decent point, but it still doesn't explain why the added qualifier actually makes the results LESS accurate.

Go back to cuckchan you double niggers.

because the proper syntax of 20 / 5 (2x2)

20 / (5(2 x 2)),

what you're answering is (20 / 5)(2 * 2), which is not what is written.